
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: b28aded905395b93e5101ef00d2c686763ab4f05
Ticket: 5a591737fb2cab841c8ae4587f55d868879db5cd
getenv USER broken, -waive, -rerun
User & Date: matt on 2013-03-05 13:38:00

  1. comment changed to:
    o	Error loading runconfigs that uses #{getenv USER} definition
    	Failing to locate targets defined in unloaded runconfigs
    o	–show-config => dumps (STDOUT) contents of megatest.config post-processing
    o	–show-runconfig [–target <target>] => same but for runconfigs
    o	–load <script> => scheme script (exits after execution)
    o	–target <target> :runname <runname> -testpatt <testpatt> -waive <comment> -state COMPLETED –status FAIL
    o	Reset FAIL -> NOT_STARTED
    o	–target <target> :runname <runname> -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a :state COMPLETED :status FAIL –testpatt %
    	make fail_reset/fail_rerun
  2. foundin changed to: "v1.52"
  3. severity changed to: "Important"
  4. status changed to: "Open"
  5. title changed to: "getenv USER broken, -waive, -rerun"
  6. type changed to: "Code_Defect"