;; Copyright 2016 Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')
(declare (unit vg))
(module vg
(import scheme
canvas-draw iup
;; vg_records.scm
;; Created by records.sh. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Edit records.sh instead
;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg lib comps
;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(use simple-exceptions)
(define vg:lib-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:lib." 'assert))
(define (pmake-vg:lib . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 2)(apply vector 'vg:lib params)))) v))
(define (make-vg:lib #!key
(comps #f)
(vector 'vg:lib comps))
(define (vg:lib-comps vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:lib)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:lib-exn 'vg:lib-comps 'xpr))))
(define (vg:lib-comps-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:lib)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:lib-exn 'comps))))
;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg comp objs name file
(use simple-exceptions)
(define vg:comp-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:comp." 'assert))
(define (pmake-vg:comp . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 4)(apply vector 'vg:comp params)))) v))
(define (make-vg:comp #!key
(objs #f)
(name #f)
(file #f)
(vector 'vg:comp objs name file))
(define (vg:comp-objs vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'vg:comp-objs 'xpr))))
(define (vg:comp-name vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'vg:comp-name 'xpr))))
(define (vg:comp-file vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'vg:comp-file 'xpr))))
(define (vg:comp-objs-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'objs))))
(define (vg:comp-name-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'name))))
(define (vg:comp-file-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'file))))
;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg obj type pts fill-color text line-color call-back angle font attrib extents proc
(use simple-exceptions)
(define vg:obj-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:obj." 'assert))
(define (pmake-vg:obj . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 12)(apply vector 'vg:obj params)))) v))
(define (make-vg:obj #!key
(type #f)
(pts #f)
(fill-color #f)
(text #f)
(line-color #f)
(call-back #f)
(angle #f)
(font #f)
(attrib #f)
(extents #f)
(proc #f)
(vector 'vg:obj type pts fill-color text line-color call-back angle font attrib extents proc))
(define (vg:obj-type vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-type 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-pts vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-pts 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-fill-color vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-fill-color 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-text vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 4)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-text 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-line-color vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 5)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-line-color 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-call-back vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 6)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-call-back 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-angle vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 7)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-angle 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-font vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 8)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-font 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-attrib vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 9)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-attrib 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-extents vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 10)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-extents 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-proc vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 11)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-proc 'xpr))))
(define (vg:obj-type-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'type))))
(define (vg:obj-pts-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'pts))))
(define (vg:obj-fill-color-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'fill-color))))
(define (vg:obj-text-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 4 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'text))))
(define (vg:obj-line-color-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 5 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'line-color))))
(define (vg:obj-call-back-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 6 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'call-back))))
(define (vg:obj-angle-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 7 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'angle))))
(define (vg:obj-font-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 8 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'font))))
(define (vg:obj-attrib-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 9 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'attrib))))
(define (vg:obj-extents-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 10 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'extents))))
(define (vg:obj-proc-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 11 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'proc))))
;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg inst libname compname theta xoff yoff scalex scaley mirrx mirry call-back cache
(use simple-exceptions)
(define vg:inst-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:inst." 'assert))
(define (pmake-vg:inst . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 12)(apply vector 'vg:inst params)))) v))
(define (make-vg:inst #!key
(libname #f)
(compname #f)
(theta #f)
(xoff #f)
(yoff #f)
(scalex #f)
(scaley #f)
(mirrx #f)
(mirry #f)
(call-back #f)
(cache #f)
(vector 'vg:inst libname compname theta xoff yoff scalex scaley mirrx mirry call-back cache))
(define (vg:inst-libname vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-libname 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-compname vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-compname 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-theta vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-theta 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-xoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 4)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-xoff 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-yoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 5)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-yoff 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-scalex vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 6)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-scalex 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-scaley vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 7)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-scaley 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-mirrx vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 8)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-mirrx 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-mirry vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 9)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-mirry 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-call-back vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 10)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-call-back 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-cache vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 11)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-cache 'xpr))))
(define (vg:inst-libname-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'libname))))
(define (vg:inst-compname-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'compname))))
(define (vg:inst-theta-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'theta))))
(define (vg:inst-xoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 4 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'xoff))))
(define (vg:inst-yoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 5 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'yoff))))
(define (vg:inst-scalex-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 6 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'scalex))))
(define (vg:inst-scaley-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 7 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'scaley))))
(define (vg:inst-mirrx-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 8 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'mirrx))))
(define (vg:inst-mirry-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 9 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'mirry))))
(define (vg:inst-call-back-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 10 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'call-back))))
(define (vg:inst-cache-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 11 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'cache))))
;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg drawing libs insts scalex scaley xoff yoff cnv cache
(use simple-exceptions)
(define vg:drawing-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:drawing." 'assert))
(define (pmake-vg:drawing . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 9)(apply vector 'vg:drawing params)))) v))
(define (make-vg:drawing #!key
(libs #f)
(insts #f)
(scalex #f)
(scaley #f)
(xoff #f)
(yoff #f)
(cnv #f)
(cache #f)
(vector 'vg:drawing libs insts scalex scaley xoff yoff cnv cache))
(define (vg:drawing-libs vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-libs 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-insts vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-insts 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-scalex vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-scalex 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-scaley vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 4)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-scaley 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-xoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 5)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-xoff 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-yoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 6)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-yoff 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-cnv vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 7)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-cnv 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-cache vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 8)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-cache 'xpr))))
(define (vg:drawing-libs-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'libs))))
(define (vg:drawing-insts-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'insts))))
(define (vg:drawing-scalex-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'scalex))))
(define (vg:drawing-scaley-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 4 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'scaley))))
(define (vg:drawing-xoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 5 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'xoff))))
(define (vg:drawing-yoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 6 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'yoff))))
(define (vg:drawing-cnv-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 7 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'cnv))))
(define (vg:drawing-cache-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 8 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'cache))))
;; end vg_records
;; ;; structs
;; ;;
;; (defstruct vg:lib comps)
;; (defstruct vg:comp objs name file)
;; ;; extents caches extents calculated on draw
;; ;; proc is called on draw and takes the obj itself as a parameter
;; ;; attrib is an alist of parameters
;; (defstruct vg:obj type pts fill-color text line-color call-back angle font attrib extents proc)
;; (defstruct vg:inst libname compname theta xoff yoff scalex scaley mirrx mirry call-back cache)
;; (defstruct vg:drawing libs insts scalex scaley xoff yoff cnv cache) ;; libs: hash of name->lib, insts: hash of instname->inst
;; inits
(define (vg:comp-new)
(make-vg:comp objs: '() name: #f file: #f))
(define (vg:lib-new)
(make-vg:lib comps: (make-hash-table)))
(define (vg:drawing-new)
(make-vg:drawing scalex: 1
scaley: 1
xoff: 0
yoff: 0
libs: (make-hash-table)
insts: (make-hash-table)
cache: '()))
;; scaling and offsets
(define (vg:scale-offset val s o)
(+ o (* val s)))
;; (* (+ o val) s))
;; apply scale and offset to a list of x y values
(define (vg:scale-offset-xy lstxy sx sy ox oy)
(if (> (length lstxy) 1) ;; have at least one xy pair
(let loop ((x (car lstxy))
(y (cadr lstxy))
(tal (cddr lstxy))
(res '()))
(let ((newres (cons (vg:scale-offset y sy oy)
(cons (vg:scale-offset x sx ox)
(if (> (length tal) 1)
(loop (car tal)(cadr tal)(cddr tal) newres)
(reverse newres))))
;; apply drawing offset and scaling to the points in lstxy
(define (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing lstxy)
(vg:drawing-scalex drawing)
(vg:drawing-scaley drawing)
(vg:drawing-xoff drawing)
(vg:drawing-yoff drawing)))
;; apply instance offset and scaling to the points in lstxy
(define (vg:inst-apply-scale inst lstxy)
(vg:inst-scalex inst)
(vg:inst-scaley inst)
(vg:inst-xoff inst)
(vg:inst-yoff inst)))
;; apply both drawing and instance scaling to a list of xy points
(define (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst lstxy)
(vg:inst-apply-scale inst lstxy)))
;; objects
;; (vg:inst-apply-scale
;; inst
;; (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing lstxy)))
;; make a rectangle obj
(define (vg:make-rect-obj x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)(text #f)(font #f)(extents #f))
(make-vg:obj type: 'r pts: (list x1 y1 x2 y2) text: text font: font line-color: line-color fill-color: fill-color extents: extents))
;; make a rectangle obj
(define (vg:make-line-obj x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)(text #f)(font #f)(extents #f))
(make-vg:obj type: 'l pts: (list x1 y1 x2 y2) text: text font: font line-color: line-color extents: extents))
;; make a text obj
(define (vg:make-text-obj x1 y1 text #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)
(angle #f)(scale-with-zoom #f)(font #f)
(font-size #f))
(make-vg:obj type: 't pts: (list x1 y1) text: text
line-color: line-color fill-color: fill-color
angle: angle font: font extents: #f
attributes: (vg:make-attrib 'font-size font-size)))
;; proc takes startnum and endnum and yields scalef, per-grad and unitname
(define (vg:make-xaxis-obj x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)(text #f)(font #f)(proc #f))
(make-vg:obj type: 'x pts: (list x1 y1 x2 y2) text: text font: font line-color: line-color fill-color: fill-color extents: #f proc: proc))
;; obj modifiers and queries
;; get extents, use knowledge of type ...
(define (vg:obj-get-extents drawing obj)
(let ((type (vg:obj-type obj)))
(case type
((l)(vg:rect-get-extents obj))
((r)(vg:rect-get-extents obj))
((t)(vg:draw-text drawing obj draw: #f))
(else #f))))
(define (vg:rect-get-extents obj)
(vg:obj-pts obj)) ;; extents are just the points for a rectangle
(define (vg:grow-rect borderx bordery x1 y1 x2 y2)
(- x1 borderx)
(- y1 bordery)
(+ x2 borderx)
(+ y2 bordery)))
(define (vg:make-attrib . attrib-list)
;; components
;; add obj to comp
(define (vg:add-objs-to-comp comp . objs)
(vg:comp-objs-set! comp (append (vg:comp-objs comp) objs)))
(define (vg:add-obj-to-comp comp obj)
(vg:comp-objs-set! comp (cons obj (vg:comp-objs comp))))
;; use the struct. leave this here to remind of this!
;; (define (vg:comp-get-objs comp)
;; (vg:comp-objs comp))
;; add comp to lib
(define (vg:add-comp-to-lib lib compname comp)
(hash-table-set! (vg:lib-comps lib) compname comp))
;; instanciate component in drawing
(define (vg:instantiate drawing libname compname instname xoff yoff #!key (theta 0)(scalex 1)(scaley 1)(mirrx #f)(mirry #f))
(let ((inst (make-vg:inst libname: libname compname: compname xoff: xoff yoff: yoff theta: theta scalex: scalex scaley: scaley mirrx: mirrx mirry: mirry)) )
(hash-table-set! (vg:drawing-insts drawing) instname inst)))
(define (vg:instance-move drawing instname newx newy)
(let ((inst (hash-table-ref (vg:drawing-insts drawing) instname)))
(vg:inst-xoff-set! inst newx)
(vg:inst-yoff-set! inst newy)))
;; get component from drawing (look in apropriate lib) given libname and compname
(define (vg:get-component drawing libname compname)
(let* ((lib (hash-table-ref (vg:drawing-libs drawing) libname))
(inst (hash-table-ref (vg:lib-comps lib) compname)))
(define (vg:get-extents-for-objs drawing objs)
(if (or (not objs)
(null? objs))
(let loop ((hed (car objs))
(tal (cdr objs))
(extents (vg:obj-get-extents drawing (car objs))))
(let ((newextents
(vg:obj-get-extents drawing hed))))
(if (null? tal)
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newextents))))))
;; (let ((extents #f))
;; (for-each
;; (lambda (obj)
;; (set! extents
;; (vg:get-extents-for-two-rects
;; extents
;; (vg:obj-get-extents drawing obj))))
;; objs)
;; extents))
;; given rectangles r1 and r2, return the box that bounds both
(define (vg:get-extents-for-two-rects r1 r2)
(if (not r1)
(if (not r2)
r1 ;; #f ;; no extents from #f #f
(list (min (car r1)(car r2)) ;; llx
(min (cadr r1)(cadr r2)) ;; lly
(max (caddr r1)(caddr r2)) ;; ulx
(max (cadddr r1)(cadddr r2)))))) ;; uly
(define (vg:components-get-extents drawing . comps)
(if (null? comps)
(let loop ((hed (car comps))
(tal (cdr comps))
(extents #f))
(let* ((objs (vg:comp-objs hed))
(newextents (if extents
(vg:get-extents-for-objs drawing objs))
(vg:get-extents-for-objs drawing objs))))
(if (null? tal)
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newextents))))))
;; libraries
;; register lib with drawing
(define (vg:add-lib drawing libname lib)
(hash-table-set! (vg:drawing-libs drawing) libname lib))
(define (vg:get-lib drawing libname)
(hash-table-ref/default (vg:drawing-libs drawing) libname #f))
(define (vg:get/create-lib drawing libname)
(let ((lib (vg:get-lib drawing libname)))
(if lib
(let ((newlib (vg:lib-new)))
(vg:add-lib drawing libname newlib)
;; map objects given offset, scale and mirror, resulting obj is displayed
;; dispatch the drawing of obj off to the correct drawing routine
(define (vg:map-obj drawing inst obj)
(case (vg:obj-type obj)
((l)(vg:map-line drawing inst obj))
((r)(vg:map-rect drawing inst obj))
((t)(vg:map-text drawing inst obj))
((x)(vg:map-xaxis drawing inst obj))
(else #f)))
;; given a drawing and a inst map a rectangle to it screen coordinates
(define (vg:map-rect drawing inst obj)
(let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 'r ;; is there a defstruct copy?
fill-color: (vg:obj-fill-color obj)
text: (vg:obj-text obj)
line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj)
font: (vg:obj-font obj)))
(pts (vg:obj-pts obj)))
(vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts))
(vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing) ))
;; given a drawing and a inst map a line to it screen coordinates
(define (vg:map-line drawing inst obj)
(let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 'l ;; is there a defstruct copy?
line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj)
font: (vg:obj-font obj)))
(pts (vg:obj-pts obj)))
(vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts))
(vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing) ))
;; given a drawing and a inst map a text to it screen coordinates
(define (vg:map-text drawing inst obj)
(let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 't
fill-color: (vg:obj-fill-color obj)
text: (vg:obj-text obj)
line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj)
font: (vg:obj-font obj)
angle: (vg:obj-angle obj)
attrib: (vg:obj-attrib obj)))
(pts (vg:obj-pts obj)))
(vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts))
(vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing)))
;; given a drawing and a inst map a line to it screen coordinates
(define (vg:map-xaxis drawing inst obj)
(let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 'x ;; is there a defstruct copy?
line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj)
font: (vg:obj-font obj)))
(pts (vg:obj-pts obj)))
(vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts))
(vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing) ))
;; instances
(define (vg:instances-get-extents drawing . instance-names)
(let ((xtnt-lst (vg:draw drawing #f)))
(if (null? xtnt-lst)
(let loop ((extents (car xtnt-lst))
(tal (cdr xtnt-lst))
(llx #f)
(lly #f)
(ulx #f)
(uly #f))
(let ((nllx (if llx (min llx (list-ref extents 0))(list-ref extents 0)))
(nlly (if lly (min lly (list-ref extents 1))(list-ref extents 1)))
(nulx (if ulx (max ulx (list-ref extents 2))(list-ref extents 2)))
(nuly (if uly (max uly (list-ref extents 3))(list-ref extents 3))))
(if (null? tal)
(list llx lly ulx uly)
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) nllx nlly nulx nuly)))))))
(define (vg:lib-get-component lib instname)
(hash-table-ref/default (vg:lib-comps lib) instname #f))
;; color
(define (vg:rgb->number r g b #!key (a 0))
(arithmetic-shift a 24)
(arithmetic-shift r 16)
(arithmetic-shift g 8)
;; Obsolete function
(define (vg:generate-color)
(vg:rgb->number (random 255)
(random 255)
(random 255)))
;; Need to return a string of random iup-color for graph
(define (vg:generate-color-rgb)
(conc (number->string (random 255)) " "
(number->string (random 255)) " "
(number->string (random 255))))
(define (vg:iup-color->number iup-color)
(apply vg:rgb->number (map string->number (string-split iup-color))))
;; graphing
(define (vg:make-xaxis drawing component x1 y1 x2 y2 startnum endnum scaleproc)
(let ((obj (vg:make-xaxis-obj x1 y1 x2 y2)))
;; Unravel and draw the objects
;; with get-extents = #t return the extents
;; with draw = #f don't actually draw the object
(define (vg:draw-obj drawing obj #!key (draw #t))
;; (print "obj type: " (vg:obj-type obj))
(case (vg:obj-type obj)
((l)(vg:draw-line drawing obj draw: draw))
((r)(vg:draw-rect drawing obj draw: draw))
((t)(vg:draw-text drawing obj draw: draw))))
;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing
;; scale and offset
(define (vg:draw-rect drawing obj #!key (draw #t))
(let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing))
(pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj)))
(fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj))
(line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj))
(text (vg:obj-text obj))
(font (vg:obj-font obj))
(llx (car pts))
(lly (cadr pts))
(ulx (caddr pts))
(uly (cadddr pts))
(w (- ulx llx))
(h (- uly lly))
(text-xmax #f)
(text-ymax #f))
(if draw
(let ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv))
(prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv)))
(if fill-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv fill-color)
(canvas-box! cnv llx ulx lly uly))) ;; docs are all over the place on this one.;; w h)
(if line-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color)
(if fill-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)))
(canvas-rectangle! cnv llx ulx lly uly)
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)
(if text
(let* ((prev-font (canvas-font cnv))
(font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font)))))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font))
(canvas-text! cnv (+ 2 llx)(+ 2 lly) text)
(if (eq? draw 'get-extents)
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(set! text-xmax xmax)(set! text-ymax ymax)))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv prev-font))))))
;; (print "text-xmax: " text-xmax " text-ymax: " text-ymax)
(if (vg:obj-extents obj)
(vg:obj-extents obj)
(if (not text)
pts ;; no text
(if (and text-xmax text-ymax) ;; have text
(let ((xt (list llx lly
(max ulx (+ llx text-xmax))
(max uly (+ lly text-ymax)))))
(vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt)
(if cnv
(if (eq? draw 'get-extents)
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(let ((xt (list llx lly
(max ulx (+ llx xmax))
(max uly (+ lly ymax)))))
(vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt)
pts)))))) ;; return extents
;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing
;; scale and offset
(define (vg:draw-line drawing obj #!key (draw #t))
(let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing))
(pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj)))
;; (fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj))
(line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj))
(text (vg:obj-text obj))
(font (vg:obj-font obj))
(llx (car pts))
(lly (cadr pts))
(ulx (caddr pts))
(uly (cadddr pts))
(w (- ulx llx))
(h (- uly lly))
(text-xmax #f)
(text-ymax #f))
(if draw
(let ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv))
(prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv)))
;; (if fill-color
;; (begin
;; (canvas-foreground-set! cnv fill-color)
;; (canvas-box! cnv llx ulx lly uly))) ;; docs are all over the place on this one.;; w h)
(if line-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color))
;; (if fill-color
;; (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)))
(canvas-line! cnv llx lly ulx uly)
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)
(if text
(let* ((prev-font (canvas-font cnv))
(font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font)))))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font))
(canvas-text! cnv (+ 2 llx)(+ 2 lly) text)
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(set! text-xmax xmax)(set! text-ymax ymax))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv prev-font))))))
;; (print "text-xmax: " text-xmax " text-ymax: " text-ymax)
(if (vg:obj-extents obj)
(vg:obj-extents obj)
(if (not text)
(if (and text-xmax text-ymax)
(let ((xt (list llx lly
(max ulx (+ llx text-xmax))
(max uly (+ lly text-ymax)))))
(vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt)
(if cnv
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(let ((xt (list llx lly
(max ulx (+ llx xmax))
(max uly (+ lly ymax)))))
(vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt)
pts)))))) ;; return extents
;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing
;; scale and offset
(define (vg:draw-xaxis drawing obj #!key (draw #t))
(let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing))
(pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj)))
;; (fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj))
(line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj))
(text (vg:obj-text obj))
(font (vg:obj-font obj))
(llx (car pts))
(lly (cadr pts))
(ulx (caddr pts))
(uly (cadddr pts))
(w (- ulx llx))
(h (- uly lly))
(text-xmax #f)
(text-ymax #f))
(if draw
(let ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv))
(prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv)))
;; (if fill-color
;; (begin
;; (canvas-foreground-set! cnv fill-color)
;; (canvas-box! cnv llx ulx lly uly))) ;; docs are all over the place on this one.;; w h)
(if line-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color)
#;(if fill-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)))
(canvas-line! cnv llx ulx lly uly)
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)
(if text
(let* ((prev-font (canvas-font cnv))
(font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font)))))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font))
(canvas-text! cnv (+ 2 llx)(+ 2 lly) text)
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(set! text-xmax xmax)(set! text-ymax ymax))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv prev-font))))))
;; (print "text-xmax: " text-xmax " text-ymax: " text-ymax)
(if (vg:obj-extents obj)
(vg:obj-extents obj)
(if (not text)
(if (and text-xmax text-ymax)
(let ((xt (list llx lly
(max ulx (+ llx text-xmax))
(max uly (+ lly text-ymax)))))
(vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt)
(if cnv
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(let ((xt (list llx lly
(max ulx (+ llx xmax))
(max uly (+ lly ymax)))))
(vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt)
pts)))))) ;; return extents
;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing
;; scale and offset
(define (vg:draw-text drawing obj #!key (draw #t))
(let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing))
(pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj)))
(text (vg:obj-text obj))
(font (vg:obj-font obj))
(fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj))
(line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj))
(llx (car pts))
(lly (cadr pts)))
(if draw
(let* ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv))
(prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv))
(prev-font (canvas-font cnv))
(font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font)))))
(if line-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color)
(if fill-color
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)))
(if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font))
(canvas-text! cnv llx lly text)
;; NOTE: we do not set the font back!!
(canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color)))
(if cnv
(if (eq? draw 'get-extents)
(let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text)))
(append pts (list (+ llx xmax)(+ lly ymax)))) ;; will be wrong if text is rotated?
(append pts pts))
(append pts pts))))
(define (vg:draw-inst drawing inst #!key (draw-mode #t)(prev-extents '()))
(let* ((libname (vg:inst-libname inst))
(compname (vg:inst-compname inst))
(comp (vg:get-component drawing libname compname))
(objs (vg:comp-objs comp)))
;; (print "comp: " comp)
(if (null? objs)
(let loop ((obj (car objs))
(tal (cdr objs))
(res prev-extents))
(let* ((obj-xfrmd (vg:map-obj drawing inst obj))
(newres (cons (vg:draw-obj drawing obj-xfrmd draw: draw-mode) res)))
(if (null? tal)
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres)))))))
(define (vg:draw drawing draw-mode . instnames)
(let* ((insts (vg:drawing-insts drawing))
(all-inst-names (hash-table-keys insts))
(master-list (if (null? instnames)
(if (null? master-list)
(let loop ((instname (car master-list))
(tal (cdr master-list))
(res '()))
(let* ((inst (hash-table-ref/default insts instname #f))
(newres (if inst
(vg:draw-inst drawing inst draw-mode: draw-mode prev-extents: res)
(if (null? tal)
(loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres)))))))