
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: e8f230f27414fdf47b3538b085617167d97e5bd6
Ticket: 9b82775b936561bcd14c12f6e4121c39469291df
config file relative path handling policy
User & Date: mrwellan on 2013-04-09 12:22:03

  1. comment changed to:
    1.	Config file includes are done relative to the location of the first config file
    If foo/bar.config contains:
    [include configs/nada.config] 
    and configs/nada.config contains:
    [include blah/fuz.config]
    Then fuz.config would need to be at foo/blah/fuz.config
    2.	Config file includes are done relative to the location of the currently being processed config
    In the example above fuz.config would be found at foo/configs/blah/fuz.config
    3.	Config file includes are required to be absolute e.g.
    #{getenv MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}/foo/configs/blah/fuz.config
    Which policy do you want going forward? I'll ensure we adhere to whatever we choose from here on out. My current test suite assumes policy #3 but I'm fine with supporting either #1 or #2.
  2. severity changed to: "Important"
  3. status changed to: "Open"
  4. title changed to: "config file relative path handling policy"
  5. type changed to: "Feature_Request"