
View Ticket
15:42 Ticket [f4e387e432] Update test info in megatest output status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: a08698e361 user: tyardeni
15:42 New ticket [f4e387e432]. artifact: 231fd40137 user: tyardeni

Ticket Hash: f4e387e4324006d7a775a51f1f04be94c54f765f
Title: Update test info in megatest output
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2015-12-03 15:42:56
Version Found In:
Requesting a changed to how megatest outputs tests to run
User Comments:
tyardeni added on 2015-12-03 22:42:56:

Currently megatest outputs similar to the following when showing which tests to run:

INFO: (0) all tests:         WSP_setup WSP_tests WSP_validation abstractCheck antennaRatios_chk anticopyright check_cellDB dashboard disk_vs_db drc envsetup get_oalibs getdata gold hsd_tests layer_xor oalib_propbag_diff packet_checker pcellrun pycell_xor pycell_xor_setup pycellrun relqa_checks streamInOutXor tech_check tech_file_tests viaCheck viaDrc
INFO: (0) test names:        envsetup getdata layer_xor pycell_xor pycell_xor_setup
INFO: (0) required tests:    envsetup layer_xor

Requesting a change as follows:

INFO: (0) available tests: <available tests>
INFO: (0) requested testpatt: <testpatt exactly as requested>
INFO: (0) expanded testpatt: <testpatt with wildcards expanded>
INFO: (0) tests to run: <testpatt AND'd with available tests>
INFO: (0) additional tests: <tests added via waiton>