This Day In History For 2025-01-19
1 Year Ago (more context)
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22:10 | guarded against empty run name and no target selected in Run Control. check-in: 3947694200 user: mmgraham tags: v1.80-revolution | |
08:53 | fixed-fork check-in: 1e9f9c66b3 user: mrwellan tags: v1.80-revolution | |
08:51 | To deal with bash vs csh stupidity use current-directory instead of PWD since the logical path is lost in most cases causing issues in finding db files. check-in: f9d63f34c4 user: mrwellan tags: v1.80-revolution | |
2 Years Ago (more context)
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20:54 | Added mtserv check-in: cd59e5a125 user: matt tags: v1.80-reshape | |
19:52 | Refactor start check-in: f7272f26b7 user: matt tags: v1.80-reshape | |
12:48 | • Edit [c608ac13c7]: Add tag "v1.8006". artifact: 09a6e2971b user: mmgraham | |
12:48 | • Edit [302c2637e5]: Cancel tag "v1.8006". artifact: 89de4768b8 user: mmgraham | |
04:32 | Print info on closing connections always Leaf check-in: f5f9bc5c6c user: matt tags: v1.80-toomanyfiles | |
04:14 | Removed added attempt to save server info in runremote. check-in: b290688bbb user: matt tags: v1.80-toomanyfiles | |
03:46 | client setup was not updating runremote in some scenarios check-in: 3f4bf437c0 user: matt tags: v1.80-toomanyfiles | |
3 Years Ago (more context)
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18:58 | Rewire inputs and outputs to address tcp-server stuff. check-in: c6f20213d4 user: matt tags: v2.0001 | |
16:40 | Convert (print ...) to (debug:print ...) Leaf check-in: 57f679f8db user: matt tags: v2.0001-fix-prints | |
13:27 | Added inmem check-in: f1db41ee97 user: matt tags: v2.0001 | |
13:25 | Added very conservative (and slow) encode/decode serialization to be resiliant over transport problems. Fixed transport problem created by use of print. Leaf check-in: e4218567cc user: matt tags: v2.0001-inmem | |
4 Years Ago (more context)
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19:44 | fixes to pgdb check-in: 65c07546ab user: pjhatwal tags: v1.6569-refactor-server-key-chk | |
18:53 | fix to pgdb sync check-in: a4dbd963fb user: pjhatwal tags: v1.6569-refactor-server-key-chk | |
18:49 | fix to pgdb sync check-in: 6531c14950 user: pjhatwal tags: v1.6569-refactor-server-key-chk | |
12:14 | Commented out few telemetry calls check-in: f6629c6cb4 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-diet2 | |
12:00 | adde debug statement in pgdb sync oonly for top level test check-in: c5588eff69 user: pjhatwal tags: v1.6569-refactor-server-key-chk | |
11:58 | changed debug priorities check-in: dd4e2a6ea3 user: pjhatwal tags: v1.6569-refactor-server-key-chk | |
11:42 | changed debug priorities check-in: c755e8c4ec user: pjhatwal tags: v1.6569-refactor-server-key-chk | |
5 Years Ago (more context)
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23:00 | Ulex ping and goodbye working check-in: 7d309a338c user: matt tags: v1.70-captain-ulex, v1.70-defunct-try | |