50 most recent events occurring on or after 2011-08-03 13:28:37.
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14:27 | Basic ods document generation working Closed-Leaf check-in: 9339ec910b user: mrwellan tags: spreadsheet (unpublished) | |
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23:22 | Added starting point for making very basic ods spreadsheet files check-in: aaf681ab22 user: matt tags: trunk | |
10:05 | • Changes to wiki page Releases artifact: f102c52389 user: matt | |
10:04 | • Changes to wiki page Releases artifact: 5085ceaa3a user: matt | |
09:07 | • Edit [02ff025715]: Cancel tag "v1.23". artifact: 383701498f user: mrwellan | |
09:05 | • Edit [69bcb818b8]: Add tag "v1.23". artifact: 5797ab587f user: mrwellan | |
09:05 | Fixed left-right scrollbar action check-in: 69bcb818b8 user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.23 | |
01:02 | • Edit [02ff025715]: Add tag "v1.23". artifact: 0f38dc11a4 user: mrwellan | |
01:01 | Added scroll mechanism for dashboard check-in: 02ff025715 user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |
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23:16 | Added a valuator to dashboard for scrolling but don't see how to use it :( check-in: af7195daa4 user: matt tags: trunk | |
22:49 | Completed loading arbitrary test data check-in: 9bc4b32214 user: matt tags: trunk | |
22:34 | Partial implementation of loading arbitrary test data check-in: dd5766961c user: matt tags: trunk | |
17:11 | completed rollup and updated remove-runs to preserve test runs where there are still references in the db check-in: 94a65715c9 user: matt tags: trunk | |
17:10 | Polished the rollup and remove code a bit Closed-Leaf check-in: be2cae83a5 user: matt tags: rollup (unpublished) | |
16:22 | Reworked remove runs to only delete directories no longer referenced in the database check-in: 2961a06589 user: matt tags: rollup (unpublished) | |
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20:12 | Added rollup. check-in: bf70f7cd40 user: matt tags: rollup (unpublished) | |
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21:07 | Merged accidental change of version in wrong branch to trunk check-in: b82c04e7f3 user: matt tags: trunk | |
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11:33 | Bumped version to 1.22. Closed-Leaf check-in: a1198a099f user: mrwellan tags: v1.22, waiver-propagation | |
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23:00 | • Edit [b2e635cc07]: Add tag "v1.22". artifact: f6fb437b38 user: matt | |
22:59 | Merged WAIVER propagation into trunk and bumped version check-in: 39d81114d3 user: matt tags: trunk | |
22:52 | • Closed ticket [ec82b4896d]: WAIVER support plus 2 other changes artifact: 94bf257726 user: matt | |
22:51 | • Closed ticket [3adeeabb99]: waiton seems not to be properly respected in some itemized tests plus 3 other changes artifact: c1efc294fe user: matt | |
22:44 | Completed WAIVER propagation check-in: 018b99afd8 user: matt tags: waiver-propagation | |
00:22 | Implemented WAIVER propagation, but not debugged check-in: 3ee9f5dc73 user: matt tags: waiver-propagation | |
00:09 | Wrote routine to get previous tests in the current run suite check-in: 6054963abb user: matt tags: waiver-propagation | |
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08:38 | Partial implemenation of WAIVER propagation check-in: b94b060f8d user: matt tags: waiver-propagation | |
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16:08 | Added :units to display on dashboard check-in: b2e635cc07 user: mrwellan tags: trunk, v1.22 | |
13:37 | Cleaned up the test steps display a bit more check-in: 55d1298d58 user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |
12:50 | Merged rollup-runs branch into trunk check-in: ebea00e4bb user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |
12:33 | Tweaked test steps reporting in dashboard check-in: fcb61c8998 user: matt tags: trunk | |
07:27 | Removing junk file Closed-Leaf check-in: d14b97e156 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
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12:53 | Fixes to support full rollup of values check-in: d940f56993 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
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18:42 | Added reporting script. Made systems during config file loading switchable check-in: f31ee1bcb7 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
17:06 | Added ability to update the test meta data from the command line check-in: 8d90044094 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
01:50 | • Edit [d7ffcddcac]: Add tag "v1.20". artifact: b1453bacb8 user: matt | |
01:45 | Merged in rollup runs to trunk. Actual rollup of runs not completed yet check-in: d7ffcddcac user: matt tags: trunk, v1.20 | |
01:44 | Updated dashboard to show the test meta data check-in: 425cf09f05 user: matt tags: rollup-runs | |
00:53 | Added test_meta data populating check-in: 5cecd7e1d4 user: matt tags: rollup-runs | |
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21:57 | Rollup runs, clean up tests check-in: 3e4d4b9027 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
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23:24 | Minor refactoring of run code. check-in: f8f7968767 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
21:07 | • Edit [c6b6fec4f4]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 177db73a5d user: mrwellan | |
21:06 | • Edit [1d2b01ea26]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 563feb80c8 user: mrwellan | |
21:06 | • Edit [71c21902f8]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 29abfabb12 user: mrwellan | |
21:05 | • Edit [318b48cb2a]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 82605b0ffd user: mrwellan | |
14:45 | Rollup runs from past N days to new runname, started implementation check-in: 8757213827 user: mrwellan tags: rollup-runs | |
14:39 | • New ticket [39a33dfd22] Rollup runs into a new run. artifact: f865648f50 user: anonymous | |
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23:42 | Added debugging statements, regenerated docs check-in: 6b1fa57fcf user: matt tags: trunk | |
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11:04 | • Closed ticket [1975d44437]: Abort if runs dir is the same as tests dir plus 3 other changes artifact: b99b591b25 user: matt | |
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09:56 | Added support for using the shell when launching a command (vs. directly kicking off the process) check-in: dc5aae878a user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |
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13:28 | Couple more tweaks to html output of the items rollup check-in: b2ba4571a3 user: mrwellan tags: trunk | |