50 most recent events occurring on or after 2018-03-14 16:32:56.
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14:34 | Fixed mtutil script trigger to accurately get the new run name and target from the script output check-in: 7011408fb5 user: jmoon18 tags: v1.65 | |
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14:53 | in script triggers targets need to be returned as list check-in: ee1d5c9fac user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
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17:39 | Fixed typo in warning for pktsdirs not being setup check-in: a3760325d1 user: jmoon18 tags: v1.65 | |
17:30 | • New ticket [d9c4f6e711] broken wildcard target value binding when value uses [system #{getenv .... artifact: cbd77f0db0 user: bjbarcla | |
12:39 | ! var support check-in: 0323ded23f user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
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16:38 | change method of launching logpro with explicit sh -c "logpro ..." to avoid unfortunate $SHELL interactions; add support for env var $LOGPRO_EXE to override logpro in $PATH if necessary to aid future debug check-in: 5cda9f7346 user: bjbarcla tags: v1.65 | |
16:01 | updated call to execute listner script to process run as system call was bloacking the rest of the process check-in: aa94695956 user: pjhatwal tags: v1.65 | |
15:41 | bump max homehost load from 1.2 to 2.0 to keep server from squeching requests too early check-in: 03d9a6fefa user: bjbarcla tags: v1.65 | |
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12:15 | updates to listers to send notifications,set custom timeouts, kill server functionality check-in: abf642e1fb user: pjhatwal tags: v1.65 | |
12:13 | fixed generate-html get records check-in: 0c15178d6d user: pjhatwal tags: v1.65 | |
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23:27 | Missing comment check-in: 708a0404a7 user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
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00:14 | Switch to margs module/egg Leaf check-in: 6929385e83 user: matt tags: v1.65-margs | |
00:14 | Fixed makefile check-in: e174a07c36 user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
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14:50 | Bumped version to v1.6439 Leaf check-in: 309a1b9c27 user: mrwellan tags: v1.64, v1.6439 | |
14:49 | Added -modepatt as synomym to --modepatt check-in: d4a7194a9b user: mrwellan tags: v1.64 | |
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23:50 | Added some old stuff for running testqa check-in: 978de66607 user: matt tags: v1.64 | |
00:21 | No idea what this was. Commiting just in case it is interesting ... Leaf check-in: 33160354bc user: matt tags: dunno | |
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00:15 | Moving src/mt*scm to modules in opensrc. Leaf check-in: 64c9c79a95 user: matt tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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18:46 | • Changes to wiki page reference artifact: eb75f0706c user: bjbarcla | |
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23:19 | • Edit [56e69f81e0]: Move to branch v1.65-modularization. artifact: 685c803eae user: matt | |
23:17 | • Edit [087b1eac2a]: Move to branch v1.65. Edit check-in comment. Add tag "VERIFIED-PASS". artifact: 877bbc4bbc user: matt | |
23:07 | Cherrypicked 8f16c license notice cleanups check-in: 754913fd32 user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
22:53 | Merged v1.65 7a74 into v1.66 check-in: 0251c2384e user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
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01:05 | Bumped version check-in: 1519ed155c user: matt tags: v1.65-modularization | |
01:02 | Fixed remaining fallout from the refactor check-in: 5fb5dbfbf7 user: matt tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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22:31 | Factored out bunch of stuff to mtconfigf and mtcommon in src. check-in: 3200899a59 user: matt tags: v1.65-modularization | |
03:01 | Merged in change from v1.64 check-in: 8e8dd3185e user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
03:00 | Recreating branch v1.65 with cleaned up license notices etc. check-in: 087b1eac2a user: matt tags: v1.65, VERIFIED-PASS | |
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11:11 | • Changes to wiki page plan artifact: 816f9379b9 user: mrwellan | |
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14:47 | Fixed few more missing license and copyright notices check-in: 39082cc602 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
13:54 | • Changes to wiki page reference artifact: f7af8e024a user: mrwellan | |
13:53 | • Changes to wiki page getting_started artifact: c16942073a user: mrwellan | |
13:52 | • Changes to wiki page howto artifact: 5c1b160e30 user: mrwellan | |
13:50 | • Changes to wiki page plan artifact: 8a7ff610ab user: mrwellan | |
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23:54 | Fixed a missed update for removal of globals initialized at runtime check-in: a001774542 user: matt tags: v1.65-modularization | |
11:36 | Updated couple license headers, removed some junk files check-in: 8f16c92785 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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16:43 | error check MTESTHASH check-in: cb3bbc9d2e user: bjbarcla tags: v1.64 | |
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09:48 | Correct a misconversion from common:file-exists? to file-exists? check-in: 8abfd37751 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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15:45 | Merged v1.65-moularization into v1.65 check-in: 992c83b80d user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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17:35 | Syncing up with v1.65 check-in: 00b438b957 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
17:27 | Fixed build issues check-in: eb1aa9c123 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
10:46 | Added missing copyright notices check-in: 7a74b8e952 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
| ||
17:04 | Fixed Makefile for dashboard build check-in: a32edcfb82 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
12:37 | Moved tests/fullrun to the megatest_qa repo. check-in: 2741d9eb4f user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
12:12 | Move jquery file into a wiki page. check-in: c661628acb user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
11:45 | • Changes to wiki page java-script-lib artifact: 516254fe4f user: mrwellan | |
11:39 | Merged in license cleanup from v1.65 check-in: c6224b1a91 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
11:32 | Removing some examples and tests because they are hard to make compatible with the GNU hosting requirements. check-in: 56e69f81e0 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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00:39 | removed configf.o from mtut linking. check-in: ac6f23131f user: matt tags: v1.65-modularization | |
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16:32 | More modularization with configf 98% done check-in: f5fba357bd user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-modularization | |