

50 most recent events occurring on or after 2020-09-30 10:21:20.

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14:26 Edit [ace09d605e]: Add propagating "closed". Add propagating "hidden". artifact: 83ee705b15 user: matt
21:25 Edit [cd0bb84cf2]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3b2460f988 user: matt
20:29 Edit [856bbfa186]: Move to branch v1.70-defunct-try. artifact: 6af684ce40 user: matt
20:28 Edit [402c5765ec]: Move to branch v1.70-defunct-try. artifact: 1842ca283a user: matt
20:25 Edit [53cfda8951]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 8a45151ee4 user: matt
16:40 Edit [e9fdc7f33a]: Add tag "v1.6575". artifact: cfd357ce6c user: mmgraham
Changed version to 1.6575 - do not use - use v1.6569 instead Leaf check-in: e9fdc7f33a user: mmgraham tags: v1.6575, v1.65-cleanup-x
16:28 Edit [53cfda8951]: Move to branch v1.70. artifact: d15fe28d44 user: matt
19:56 Edit [0cbf1a0b26]: Move to branch v1.65. artifact: 292bbab491 user: matt
19:52 Edit [cf0e836a8d]: Move to branch v1.65. artifact: af6d235325 user: matt
19:51 Edit [cf0e836a8d]: Move to branch v1.67. artifact: 98d66abf74 user: matt
19:49 Edit [cf0e836a8d]: Move to branch v1.66. artifact: caeea3073d user: matt
19:48 Edit [0cbf1a0b26]: Move to branch v1.65-defunct. Add propagating "closed". artifact: 2b4ca8cb2d user: matt
13:11 Edit [f81a147c94]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 4aabae15b8 user: matt
13:09 Edit [3213d340ac]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: efbf05f2c7 user: matt
13:09 Edit [46d8ccee29]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3fa4d0f578 user: matt
13:08 Edit [0f33ea4295]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 07d58b7d92 user: matt
13:05 Edit [d1548b7a57]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 8ffcbaa2d9 user: matt
13:04 Edit [b0705815be]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 1a8256cbf8 user: matt
13:03 Edit [c9ef4a34bf]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3d70cbad02 user: matt
13:02 Edit [568abab962]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: cb2fddc798 user: matt
13:01 Edit [1cf9221da5]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 7259a8d8d8 user: matt
09:27 Edit [79674abc64]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: bfafed02af user: matt
19:33 Edit [5c50817156]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 8806befcd2 user: matt
19:28 Edit [56b3986bbb]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 88f83bdd4f user: matt
19:24 Edit [5c063e3452]: Add tag "v1.6565a". artifact: dea74b6ae2 user: mmgraham
16:50 Edit [9306ad82ee]: Move to branch v1.65-cleanup. artifact: 21615f6dbf user: matt
16:49 Edit [9306ad82ee]: Move to branch v1.65. artifact: 0256895814 user: matt
16:30 Edit [9306ad82ee]: Move to branch v1.6565-good. artifact: 1f098b4f28 user: matt
16:17 Edit [9306ad82ee]: Edit check-in comment. Add tag "v1.6565-good". artifact: b16ed9ac2b user: matt
15:56 Edit [7e26fb2f0c]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 8c856a0383 user: matt
12:14 Edit [9306ad82ee]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 52d7a78c08 user: matt
12:13 Edit [8280550d67]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 70c04a8d1d user: matt
11:15 Edit [64d8372f85]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: faa1770220 user: matt
11:14 Edit [6e90915f98]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3bd08228d4 user: matt
11:13 Edit [68201e04df]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: d66dac9e33 user: matt
11:12 Edit [0f33ea4295]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3b3bc5c002 user: matt
11:11 Edit [ba70452f7f]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: f34205eef4 user: matt
11:10 Edit [f525182460]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 672930bebb user: matt
11:08 Edit [cd1100885b]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 8a9d71769f user: matt
11:07 Edit [890b2e71ae]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 3d9619c7aa user: matt
11:05 Edit [51b810393e]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 9541bc8645 user: matt
11:03 Edit [1251244af0]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: c3c4dc4ec4 user: matt
11:01 Edit [0d4dd9a19f]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 2642078f96 user: matt
10:59 Edit [0cbf1a0b26]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 679370a051 user: matt
10:58 Edit [0c2987faad]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: c6b73aab7e user: matt
10:57 Edit [070ebd2d0d]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 6ae1a71bc1 user: matt
10:23 Edit [2415e799b1]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 263195c4c2 user: matt
10:22 Edit [7951d54072]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: dcefacab14 user: matt
10:21 Edit [5b4d215117]: Edit check-in comment. artifact: 71e9d138aa user: matt
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