Parents and children of check-in [f22d7f8cb6]
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00:14 | Gate when first detect that all job slots are in use. No point in looping until slots are availble. ==7.1/1.6/WARN/1201/mars== check-in: cd1100885b user: matt tags: v1.65-cleanup | |
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09:22 | Added waits to steps, get rid of defunct server stuff (let them die natural deaths) ==7.34/1.5/WARN/1202== check-in: f22d7f8cb6 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-cleanup | |
06:30 | force server exit only if [setup] runtime is set ==3.7/1.0/PASS/mars== check-in: 7951d54072 user: matt tags: v1.65-cleanup | |