50 events occurring on or before 2022-08-01 21:56:32.
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21:56 | Added bunch of asserts to rmt.scm to catch any calls where run-id should be specified but it is not. check-in: 6f9cc73a2e user: matt tags: v1.70 | |
14:48 | Added some dependencies and a hack to get a clean from clean build check-in: e4e809c99c user: matt tags: v1.70 | |
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12:10 | added support for -since switch for pgdb sync check-in: acfe1f99e8 user: pjhatwal tags: v1.70 | |
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19:17 | • New ticket [cb58710522] Add filter to dashboard command line. artifact: b6daa6191d user: matt | |
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10:19 | corrected typo check-in: c88e33816f user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
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09:44 | • Ticket [028d5ebf87] Too many open files status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: c5e8ab1703 user: matt ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
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10:31 | updated mt-old-to-new.sh to fix the wrap arround check-in: 3d09b9433e user: pjhatwal tags: v1.70 | |
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16:21 | • New ticket [940b26d681] override logpro output dir in testconfig. artifact: b71af3df27 user: tyardeni | |
14:55 | • New ticket [2c61853004] incorrect behavior with rerun-all. artifact: 33e252b672 user: matt | |
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21:49 | bit more done on ck5 check-in: 04ee759e4a user: matt tags: v1.70-ck5 | |
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12:52 | Compiles check-in: 786ae4bacc user: matt tags: v1.70-ck5 | |
11:34 | Migrate to ck5 (again) check-in: da6fbf9f56 user: matt tags: v1.70-ck5 | |
09:06 | • Edit [e9b009e0a2]: Move to branch v1.65-cleanup-tweak. Add propagating "hidden". artifact: a493fde7c3 user: matt | |
09:00 | • Edit [2a0b8b4e1e]: Move to branch v1.70-nohome-01. Add propagating "hidden". Mark "Closed". artifact: 8a2e4b3c18 user: matt | |
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15:52 | • New ticket [0ff1cbfa82] "dead mans switch" enhancement. artifact: a49510f006 user: tyardeni | |
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15:35 | • New ticket [5b2cffd17c] Variables in one target with no value produce "<var>=" in another target's test's env. artifact: 1a848292e5 user: mmgraham | |
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11:02 | • Reply: Testing Megatest artifact: 96672dfdae user: jmoon18 | |
10:55 | • Reply: Testing Megatest artifact: acfd806399 user: jmoon18 | |
09:45 | • New ticket [a5ae5422ab] trailing space in config section prevents recognition and is hard to detect. artifact: 1f953f64cc user: matt | |
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19:26 | • Edit [ba39e7edd8]: Add tag "v1.7004". artifact: 4156b6dbc1 user: mmgraham | |
19:25 | Changed megatest version to v1.7004 check-in: ba39e7edd8 user: mmgraham tags: v1.70, v1.7004 | |
17:44 | Got pgdb sync working by querying for test related data in the correct dbs, passing the test ids, test_step ids and test_data ids as pairs with the run-id, and adding run-id to a few test data query functions. check-in: 6fb02466de user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
17:40 | • Edit [be8e6a1b38]: Add tag "v1.7003". artifact: 60fb7de35a user: mmgraham | |
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23:36 | Changed .db directories to .megatest check-in: be8e6a1b38 user: mmgraham tags: v1.70, v1.7003 | |
20:05 | Added /utils/mt-new-to-old.sh and mt-old-to-new.sh for converting megatest.db to/from main.db, 1.db etc check-in: a0a226d3f4 user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
10:49 | Fixed db:multi-db-sync when /tmp dbs do not exist check-in: 6ddbf1276a user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
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17:25 | • Edit [20a2d7904d]: Cancel tag "v1.7002". artifact: 4ea19283d0 user: mmgraham | |
17:21 | • Edit [27718f7cf5]: Add tag "v1.7002". artifact: fe639b3f14 user: mmgraham | |
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20:09 | Turn off runremote reset of 180 sec check-in: 27718f7cf5 user: matt tags: v1.70, v1.7002 | |
18:36 | Guarded against \*runremote*\ being \#f check-in: 9b7a0e6fb7 user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
11:50 | • New ticket [f794f48802] crash. artifact: ea2611c8a7 user: matt | |
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19:49 | • Edit [20a2d7904d]: Add tag "v1.7002". artifact: ef47b69d06 user: mmgraham | |
18:41 | merged changes from 024073632a and 9a5898a74e. Fixes for db locking, syncing and dashboard startup check-in: 20a2d7904d user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
08:30 | Added with-lock options for both simple and no-sync locking systems. Leaf check-in: 024073632a user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
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20:25 | Fixed (kind-of) not working no-sync db based lock check-in: 79a7f8d883 user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
18:02 | Added double locking for opening db's check-in: 7b9e186d63 user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
12:29 | quiet down the is-trigger-dropped messages check-in: 8a05ecdb52 user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
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18:08 | Fixed -import-megatest.db and -sync-to-megatest.db, fixed dashboard startup with no db Leaf check-in: 9a5898a74e user: mmgraham tags: 1.70-fixed-sync | |
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21:14 | speculative fix check-in: 2f1850785d user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
20:24 | • New ticket [9243f53c6d] access to remote-conndat needs to be protected against not-yet-set remote.. artifact: db5d9d4b7e user: matt | |
06:08 | Add forced reconnect to allow old servers to gracefully die check-in: f1ba33210e user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
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06:01 | Stop touching log after 600 seconds, clobber *runremote* on client side insteade of setting the remote in the record check-in: a732b9439d user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
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23:05 | Changed dbfile:cautious-open-database to use most of the code from db:lock-create-open check-in: 58512a448e user: mmgraham tags: v1.70 | |
20:10 | Disable handle-exceptions in api and rmt, minor cleanup in dbfile.scm check-in: 633906ee94 user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
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09:23 | Fixed few things. check-in: 3f484757d1 user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
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21:36 | Bunch of little fixes check-in: 9a621a8bdc user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
20:25 | • Edit [ed0f0698ab]: Move to branch v1.70-refactor-procedures. artifact: a084d53045 user: matt | |
20:23 | Move bunch of functions from db.scm to dbfile.scm check-in: ed0f0698ab user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
19:21 | Commented out some not-used fuctions, removed the server start every 120 seconds and added dbfile handle count check-in: b1db729de1 user: matt tags: v1.70 | |