50 descendants of 5a564436634284a8
| ||
18:10 | Merged kind-db-access back to development check-in: 11aea778da user: matt tags: dev | |
15:46 | Fixed bigrun to better exercise itemmatch, fixed itemmatch Closed-Leaf check-in: 66f93ef491 user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
14:29 | Number of bug fixes to tree selectors, run summary etc. check-in: 20cf1d8e3f user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
| ||
17:19 | Gui clean ups for Run Summary check-in: a8d45ad7dd user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
16:25 | Runs summary working nicely check-in: c76a0c089e user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
10:10 | Runs tree for run summary in place check-in: 255dbe1f68 user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
| ||
23:45 | Beginnings of run summary view in place check-in: bc7b3cac87 user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
02:59 | Removed unnecessary updates to gui on summary page to minimize flicker check-in: 3b514befe4 user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
02:40 | Update on db change working nicely. Added screen shot of summary tab check-in: de73d1abe8 user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
| ||
21:24 | Partial fix of balanced db access with new tabs check-in: a68eb8288b user: matt tags: dev, kind-db-access | |
17:26 | Dashboard tabs only update if active to save cycles check-in: c59a49651e user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
17:22 | Dashboard tabs only update if active to save cycles check-in: f84e5af141 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
11:57 | Fixed timestamp on run registration. check-in: 8f0c8da91f user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
| ||
16:28 | Improved info page layout check-in: 0d67b603e1 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
11:00 | Improved info page layout check-in: c9f0aef620 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
00:35 | Oops, dropped new file check-in: 79e9017edb user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
00:31 | Added summary tab, functional but not polished check-in: 285cbc7663 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
| ||
17:17 | Refactored dashboard interface to add a general info view check-in: 488a7a26c7 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
14:09 | tweaks to bigrun test check-in: 567e18494f user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
| ||
01:05 | Merged v1.55 changes into development check-in: e179e9c7b6 user: matt tags: dev | |
01:00 | Updated globs with link and run areas check-in: 507b2772b8 user: matt tags: dev | |
| ||
13:06 | re-Fixed crash from empty items list check-in: 031fcf1466 user: mrwellan tags: v1.55, v1.5506 | |
12:53 | re-Fixed crash from empty items list check-in: 7ba7704d24 user: mrwellan tags: v1.55, v1.5506 | |
11:11 | Fixed missing newtal var and added correct test for having items and some tweaks to tests check-in: 0df6a67888 user: mrwellan tags: v1.55, v1.5506 | |
02:06 | Added test for empty items list check-in: 5a2ec99f3b user: matt tags: dev | |
| ||
13:57 | Merged development into v1.55 in prep for an interim release check-in: 4756799da4 user: mrwellan tags: v1.55, v1.5505 | |
13:17 | Changed launchwait to default to "no". Short running tests will fail to launch otherwise. Minor other refactoring and added test mintest check-in: b824e9ca7a user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
09:56 | Cleaned up runs:process-expanded-tests check-in: 19cefc8181 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
09:46 | Cleaned up runs:expand-items check-in: d3dab825b6 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
01:18 | Refactored nested cond in run queue processing into proc runs:process-expanded-tests check-in: 0f3b47c2b4 user: matt tags: dev | |
01:03 | Refactored nested cond in run:tests to a proc runs:expand-items check-in: 6f312dd5f5 user: matt tags: dev | |
00:53 | Refactored nested cond in run:tests to a proc runs:expand-items check-in: a3eca73bd8 user: matt tags: dev | |
| ||
21:15 | Corrected order of adding items when doing expand check-in: c0ed667b5b user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
18:11 | Fixed issue with launch loop failing to exit. check-in: 813f2d347a user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
17:51 | Misc refactoring of run launch loop(s). No bugs fixed check-in: d7de3a3cba user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
13:46 | Single + dependent test now working again. Full run end not correct check-in: bcbc8e6d99 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
01:16 | Blocked test launching fixed. Problems remain check-in: 08d644b7d1 user: mrwellan tags: dev | |
| ||
00:52 | Re-arranged shrink can-run-more-tests to mostly run locally with a couple calls to cdb:runremote. This did not fix the stuck start on single dependent test check-in: 2a574677b3 user: matt tags: dev | |
| ||
21:55 | Merged runcontrol into develoment. Last (I hope) step check-in: af74fe9e05 user: matt tags: dev | |
21:13 | Bringing runcontrol up to development. Step three NOTE: This node was not used to bring runcontrol to development closing this leaf but revisit it sometime ... Closed-Leaf check-in: 08a90a4da6 user: matt tags: runcontol | |
20:56 | Bringing runcontrol up to development. Step two. check-in: a8a772c74e user: matt tags: runcontol | |
19:45 | Bringing runcontrol back on to development, step one Closed-Leaf check-in: 7b55df5b3d user: matt tags: runcontrol | |
| ||
16:53 | merged from v1.54 and development and added loop for processing 100 at a time check-in: b6a0d64bc4 user: mrwellan tags: runcontrol | |
13:41 | Merged development into runcontrol check-in: 6e5ba415c5 user: mrwellan tags: runcontrol | |
| ||
22:12 | Merging dev into runcontrol check-in: 7d7f76d4b1 user: matt tags: runcontrol | |
09:44 | Refactoring, little bit of run control work check-in: 7cbeb443c9 user: mrwellan tags: runcontrol | |
| ||
19:47 | Merged dev into runcontrol check-in: df98c96bb1 user: matt tags: runcontrol | |
11:10 | Improved scaling and mapping for displaying tests on canvas check-in: e26711edf5 user: mrwellan tags: runcontrol | |
01:25 | Draw test/task boxes in rows to keep compact interface check-in: df77e9f1bd user: matt tags: runcontrol | |
00:59 | Display of tests on canvas partially implemented check-in: efa1af53d5 user: matt tags: runcontrol | |
| ||
01:24 | Target selector done check-in: 5a56443663 user: matt tags: runcontrol | |