50 descendants of 5ff16368ff6cc59e
| ||
00:02 | Partial edits towards getting dashboard responding to db changes after moving to /tmp check-in: a861379b83 user: matt tags: v1.62-no-rpc | |
| ||
20:56 | Lock on homehost. Servers *always* started if not on homehost check-in: efae6c6bbf user: matt tags: v1.62-no-rpc | |
| ||
17:03 | Committing automated merge of v1.62-no-rpc/d06a3ab427 into check-in: 97105a40d0 user: matt tags: integ-home | |
| ||
20:46 | Try tmp db without rpc check-in: d06a3ab427 user: matt tags: v1.62-no-rpc | |
11:27 | start of /tmp db model Closed-Leaf check-in: eeaf9f94c3 user: mrwellan tags: tmp-db-model | |
| ||
16:27 | Beginnings of fix for testconfig disks issue Closed-Leaf check-in: 7e67a7638f user: mrwellan tags: testconfig-disks-fix | |
| ||
16:57 | moved rpc-transport updates into mainline v1.62 branch check-in: f736d3db6e user: bjbarcla tags: v1.62 | |
16:19 | caught up to v1.62 Closed-Leaf check-in: 4e3d7aed7d user: bjbarcla tags: rpc-transport | |
16:08 | Merged v1.62 into rpc-transport Closed-Leaf check-in: 534875ccf1 user: mrwellan tags: rpc-transport-merge-v1.62 | |
13:48 | Try using md5sum instead of sha1. Much faster but what is the collison risk? check-in: 3e767a9aad user: mrwellan tags: v1.62, v1.6208 | |
10:12 | Fixed remotediff example. Broken by unknown goof up. check-in: 9833288949 user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
10:59 | Added deploy makefile check-in: 9c2e96a8c8 user: jmoon18 tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
15:13 | Added example of nanomsg parallizaation check-in: f1f44b078f user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
13:32 | Added beginnings of a common context var for passing area specific values to calls check-in: 825534b56a user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
20:02 | Merged in 828d2 Closed-Leaf check-in: 2444b3e509 user: matt tags: v1.62-side | |
18:05 | Merged in ba3d matt-db-sync-2 check-in: 0b35c5d875 user: matt tags: v1.62-side | |
13:01 | Merged in v1.62 check-in: d42cd38243 user: matt tags: v1.62-side | |
11:14 | Bumped version check-in: 482fb399b7 user: matt tags: v1.62, v1.6208 | |
11:12 | Added iup color to rgb hex conversion function check-in: cc5e6b353d user: matt tags: v1.62 | |
11:06 | Added typed-records to common.scm. Minor typo fixes. Added shm and wal to files to check timestamps on for dashboard refresh check-in: 7b2f541448 user: matt tags: v1.62-side | |
| ||
23:47 | Set up cxt check-in: 581a0d357c user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
09:26 | Added cxt and global hash check-in: d256b07495 user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
23:26 | Added inter-test launch delay of 5 seconds. Override with setting: [setup]\nlaunch-delay D where D is delay in seconds. check-in: 39fc4b3bd9 user: matt tags: v1.62 | |
21:13 | Pulled fix for endless loop from e851. Minor clean up of redundant code for opening databases. check-in: fc06e165b8 user: matt tags: v1.62 | |
17:55 | Fixed minor issue in tests/fullrun for running in /tmp check-in: bddc8a7016 user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
23:24 | Support for using WAL mode in when in /tmp check-in: 4f995c77e3 user: matt tags: v1.62 | |
21:57 | Bumped version check-in: 6f592c6a40 user: matt tags: v1.62, v1.6207 | |
17:27 | Improved dashboard performance check-in: c8475ffa22 user: mrwellan tags: v1.62 | |
| ||
23:17 | Commented out line used for debugging check-in: d37abcb490 user: matt tags: v1.62-side | |
21:13 | Unset 'all for sync if set. Closed-Leaf check-in: 3b2f4ea917 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
17:18 | Watchdog enabled. Duplicate overlapping runs of sync-to prevented. check-in: 95a867e2e7 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
15:42 | Added the refactored watchdog back check-in: 828d218b23 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
13:56 | db cache can do a sync to megatest.db if it has write access. The db timestamps are used to minimize burden but this is still likely not a good idea and should be removed. check-in: 12001d6988 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
10:50 | Minor clean up of local access in rmt.scm check-in: f4f12cde04 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
10:42 | Part of the read-only fixes to local access in rmt.scm check-in: ba3d839090 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
10:21 | Refactoring commit 92a15e into matt-db-sync-2. Updated api list of read-only queries. check-in: 80c6955310 user: mrwellan tags: matt-db-sync-2, v1.62-side | |
09:55 | Bring in working parts of cached-db to v1.62 check-in: efa4004401 user: mrwellan tags: v1.62-side | |
| ||
11:29 | Added check for unrecognised parameters to dashboard and added MT_TESTSUITE_NAME var for all situations. Changed name from MT_TESTSUITENAME check-in: 008a2a445e user: matt tags: v1.62, v1.6206 | |
| ||
08:52 | Made use of cached db optional for list-runs. Merged in minor fix from v1.62 Closed-Leaf check-in: 482aa5f1dd user: mrwellan tags: cached-copy-srehman | |
| ||
23:52 | Converted -list-runs to use cached db check-in: cbeea6e758 user: matt tags: cached-copy-srehman | |
20:55 | Fixed bad call to rmt:get-runs-by-patt in megatest.scm check-in: 2e18664666 user: matt tags: v1.62 | |
17:55 | Merged in v1.62 and few minor fixes check-in: 41915f7997 user: mrwellan tags: cached-copy-srehman | |
15:21 | Run tab resize fixed check-in: 5ff16368ff user: ritikaag tags: v1.62 | |