50 descendants of 99e278145e3f48aa
| ||
22:44 | Improved syscheck check-in: 03755c29bf user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
16:03 | Added -syscheck, mostly working check-in: 55a9a872ee user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
10:33 | fixed compilation issue check-in: f02d97f292 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
10:02 | broken check-in: 4c2b15c948 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
17:14 | Fixed issues with localized eggs compilation check-in: 6fef3e6460 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
16:41 | Removed check-in: 03921a66f9 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
16:21 | Merged in v1.65 check-in: db55d34798 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
16:20 | oops, was working on newview branch. check-in: c9f20f12f3 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
06:37 | Change few imports check-in: 3d4fba2e82 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
06:24 | Changed requires to imports for stml check-in: 681523dd88 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
06:18 | Pulled external modules that are not offical eggs into Megatest to make building easier check-in: 23a58a862f user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
05:36 | Minor cleanup check-in: 156279118f user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
15:14 | merged branch check-in: 367ffc5bdf user: mmgraham tags: v1.65, v1.6545 | |
15:14 | Updated Version check-in: e1e57863ea user: jmoon18 tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
16:45 | Fixed the removal of test and run directories. Leaf check-in: e24a447e39 user: mmgraham tags: v1.65-martins-stuff | |
| ||
13:25 | Added full example testconfig with ezsteps, scripts section etc. check-in: 0193399945 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
05:43 | fixed get-tests-for-run-state-status check-in: 8b3c7571c1 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
21:21 | wip check-in: c3f58e0a36 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
13:00 | Sync'd with v1.65 check-in: 462317ce59 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65-newview | |
09:17 | Add fix to start server after 15 attempts check-in: 37d16ef457 user: jmoon18 tags: v1.65, v1.6543, v1.6544 | |
| ||
22:12 | wip check-in: 9d160839b2 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
21:47 | wip check-in: 879965196f user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
21:37 | wip check-in: 074a5dfda2 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
01:20 | merge-wip check-in: a6e3ff583a user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
01:19 | Pulled in some changes from v1.65 check-in: 6ba016ecfe user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
23:07 | Beginnings of update of runs tree check-in: d0c812fcf1 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
16:34 | Speculative fix for zero cpus problem. check-in: 9529e99c78 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
14:39 | Added [scripts] section to testconfig check-in: 164020026e user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
17:04 | Better checking on parsing of steps check-in: 79f23e4a0a user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
02:56 | updated TODO check-in: 51bf826840 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
22:08 | wip check-in: c9f5ad314e user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
17:40 | Save final test state and status in .final-status file in test directories. When considering marking a test DEAD, look at this file first to see if it actually passed, and if so, mark it PASSED. check-in: 7dbdcbf5a0 user: mmgraham tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
22:03 | wip check-in: cd0ae03e77 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
04:04 | wip check-in: 34c17b3528 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
| ||
22:58 | New dashboard view - the beginning check-in: 28423d4197 user: matt tags: v1.65-newview | |
20:48 | Replace install of loadrunner (useless) with mtrunner (useful). check-in: 4021551b19 user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
20:50 | Added better feedback when #{get ...} is misused. check-in: 99e278145e user: matt tags: v1.65 | |