
History Of Ticket 1da838824cabdf53bd4d5446f793d5c134a625ba

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 1da838824cabdf53bd4d5446f793d5c134a625ba

  1. Ticket change [82fabf9aed] (rid 3316) by mrwellan on 2013-02-05 22:40:52:

    1. comment initialized to:
      chlr12725> cat p1271_9_r1.10_mockTBR_autobuilder.log
      Error: (create-symbol-link) cannot create symbolic link - File exists
              Call history:
              launch.scm:432: conc      
              launch.scm:435: db:test-set-rundir!       
              db.scm:611: sqlite3#execute       
              launch.scm:438: file-exists?      
              launch.scm:443: directory-exists?         
              launch.scm:453: hash-table-ref/default    
              launch.scm:454: db:get-test-info          
              db.scm:579: sqlite3#for-each-row          
              launch.scm:456: hash-table-set!   
              launch.scm:457: db:test-set-rundir!       
              db.scm:611: sqlite3#execute       
              launch.scm:459: directory-exists?         
              launch.scm:462: create-directory          
              launch.scm:463: hash-table-set!   
              launch.scm:473: file-exists?      
              launch.scm:474: create-symbolic-link            <--
      INFO: test names (envsetup checkbindings contextfiles_check kitpathtext_check oalib_attachment oalibdef_check skilllibqa views_check)
    2. foundin initialized to: "v1.44"
    3. private_contact initialized to: "51b3d260907bb8f06ab41239d1ff1354a12d969d"
    4. severity initialized to: "Severe"
    5. status initialized to: "Open"
    6. title initialized to: "Problem removing dirs when .nfs files remain"
    7. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [ad17333d8a] (rid 3741) by mrwellan on 2013-04-12 17:22:55:

    1. Appended to comment:
      <hr /><i>mrwellan added on 2013-04-12 23:22:55 UTC:</i><br />
      Additional checks and a handle exceptions wrapper added.
    2. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    3. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
    4. status changed to: "Closed"