Artifacts Associated With Ticket 342528a4416ed2f2
Ticket change [8f13d31a2d] (rid 27362) by mmgraham on 2024-03-25 11:51:19:
- comment initialized to:
Requesting some new dumpmodes for megatest -show-runconfig Current default runconfig dump mode: megatest -show-runconfig -target 1222/all/all [<target>] SKIP_RELEASE <kit>_mock [default] TESTPATT setup,build,productize,kitqa_nongating KITDS_ROOT <path> KITCHECK_ROOT <path> KITBUILD_WASH_GROUPS <group1> <group2> KITBUILD_TESTBUILD 1 KITBUILD_MAILTO CLEANUP_ARGS -remove-keep 1 -target %/%/% -runname % -actions print,remove-runs -age 1h csh/bash -> dump out variables, and combine (bash example, note the quoting on the variables with spaces - not sure if that is actually required and can be dropped if not needed) megatest -show-runconfig -target <target> TESTPATT=setup,build,productize,kitqa_nongating KITDS_ROOT=<path> KITCHECK_ROOT=<path> KITBUILD_WASH_GROUPS "<group1> <group2>" KITBUILD_TESTBUILD=1 CLEANUP_ARGS="-remove-keep 1 -target %/%/% -runname % -actions print,remove-runs -age 1h" Also requesting for "-dumpmode ini" (default) to normalize the results and change the current default output to a dumpmode called "debug": megatest -show-runconfig -target 1222/all/all [<target>] TESTPATT setup,build,productize,kitqa_nongating KITDS_ROOT <path> KITCHECK_ROOT <path> KITBUILD_WASH_GROUPS <group1> <group2> KITBUILD_TESTBUILD 1 KITBUILD_MAILTO CLEANUP_ARGS -remove-keep 1 -target %/%/% -runname % -actions print,remove-runs -age 1h SKIP_RELEASE <kit>_mock
- foundin initialized to: "1.80/29"
- login: "mmgraham"
- severity initialized to: "Important"
- status initialized to: "Open"
- title initialized to: " megatest show-runconfig dumpmode update request"
- type initialized to: "Feature_Request"
- comment initialized to: