
History Of Ticket 677155e2a6c3005e

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 677155e2a6c3005e

  1. Ticket change [0b99dd7103] (rid 19778) by matt on 2020-04-24 16:02:10:

    1. foundin initialized to: "v1.6543"
    2. icomment:
      INFO: (1) read-config - file not found waivers.config current path: blah/fossil/megatestqa/bler
      Error: (hash-table-ref/default) bad argument type - not a structure of the required type #f hash-table
      	Call history:
      	common.scm:1267: ##sys#get-keyword	  
      	common.scm:1267: call-with-current-continuation	  
      	common.scm:1267: with-exception-handler	  
      	common.scm:1267: ##sys#call-with-values	  
      	common.scm:1272: thunk	  
      	common.scm:1278: file-exists?	  
      	common.scm:1267: k2505	  
      	common.scm:1267: g2509	  
      	configf.scm:280: current-directory	  
      	configf.scm:280: debug:print-info	  
      	common_records.scm:235: debug:debug-mode	  
      	common_records.scm:236: port?	  
      	common_records.scm:236: with-output-to-port	  
      	launch.scm:680: g1540	  
      	launch.scm:695: configf:get-section	  
      	configf.scm:548: hash-table-ref/default	  	<--
    3. login: "matt"
    4. mimetype: "text/plain"
    5. private_contact initialized to: "03791b013156e7fe10bac3fa7e0c533916c8bdb3"
    6. severity initialized to: "Important"
    7. status initialized to: "Open"
    8. title initialized to:
      With no runconfig Megatest can crash - on no file need to return empty hash, not #f
    9. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"