
History Of Ticket a9acdc76d492270033533cc74db54e3e6c9b74c8

Artifacts Associated With Ticket a9acdc76d492270033533cc74db54e3e6c9b74c8

  1. Ticket change [79d8e8d53f] (rid 5424) by matt on 2013-10-20 11:17:29:

    1. comment initialized to:
       cat NBFAKE-2013WW42.7_08\:42\:51 
      Warning (#<thread: monitor job>): in thread: bad argument type - not a pointer: #f
              Call history:
              db.scm:277: k537          
              db.scm:277: g541          
              tests.scm:729: sqlite3#execute          <--
      Error: uncaught exception: #<condition: (exn type)>
              Call history:
              launch.scm:358: thread-join!            <--
    2. foundin initialized to: "v1.5513"
    3. severity initialized to: "Important"
    4. status initialized to: "Open"
    5. title initialized to: "monitor job breakage when overloaded"
    6. type initialized to: "Incident"