Artifacts Associated With Ticket b1c37f9e55e5a6b0
Ticket change [0ace36a3aa] (rid 27834) by matt on 2024-10-11 19:51:23:
- foundin initialized to: "v1.81"
- icomment:
Look at mtflows/fossil_rebase for example. The waitons table is constructed correctly both with fully and minimally complete dependencies and yet all the items start. [waitons] t1/a setup t1/b t1/a t1/c t1/b etc.
- login: "matt"
- mimetype: "text/plain"
- private_contact initialized to: "51b3d260907bb8f06ab41239d1ff1354a12d969d"
- severity initialized to: "Important"
- status initialized to: "Open"
- title initialized to:
The waitons table in testconfig is not working correctly. Items start before upstream items are competed.
- type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
Ticket change [be15ca8e2d] (rid 27835) by matt on 2024-10-12 02:51:23:
- icomment:
Putting the waitons table in megatest.config also doesn't seem to work. Possibly due to waitons only applying to the test, not the item. Do items level waitons work correctly?
- login: "matt"
- mimetype: "text/x-markdown"
- priority changed to: "Immediate"
- resolution changed to: "Open"
- icomment: