
History Of Ticket d4e2e5ab3742c3ebbc096cdfb9a9fa2b7ffcd5cd

Artifacts Associated With Ticket d4e2e5ab3742c3ebbc096cdfb9a9fa2b7ffcd5cd

  1. Ticket change [6476d8b158] (rid 3822) by matt on 2013-04-24 17:21:05:

    1. comment initialized to:
      main test still says UNKNOWN
      If test is WARN, top-level should also be WARN
      ok. So SKIP is working as expected wrt item, but parent level test status is not correct (UNKNOWN)
      Ok. So the rollup is not correct
      Let me check that.
      For parent test, I think the conditions should be:
      All item PASS, parent PASS
      All item PASS or SKIP, parent PASS
      one item WARN, rest PASS/SKIP, parent WARN
      one item FAIL, parent FAIL
      one item WAIVED, no fail, parent WAIVED
      precedence is: FAIL, WARN, CHECK, PASS
            The following rules need to apply to megatest for status for
            parent tests with items
            1 FAIL item                                      parent test FAIL
            no FAIL, 1 CHECK                                 parent test CHECK
            no FAIL, no CHECK, 1 WAIVED                      parent test WAIVED
            no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, 1 WARN             parent test WARN
            no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, no WARN, 1 SKIP    parent test PASS
            all SKIP                                         parent test SKIP
            all PASS                                         parent test PASS
            Precedence order is:
            FAIL => CHECK => WAIVED => WARN => PASS => SKIP
            1 corner case:
            If all items SKIP, parent is SKIP. So if total number of ITEMS and
            total number if SKIP match, then parent is SKIP.
            SKIP is a lower priority than PASS as it reflects a preemptive cut
            of a PASS condition (nothing was actually checked/done) whereas PASS
            implies actual work to QA.
    2. foundin initialized to: "v1.54"
    3. severity initialized to: "Severe"
    4. status initialized to: "Open"
    5. title initialized to:
      STATE/STATUS logic needs correction. Some transitions are resulting in UNKNOWN
    6. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [db52f34580] (rid 3823) by matt on 2013-04-24 17:21:44:

    1. Appended to comment:
      <hr /><i>matt added on 2013-04-24 23:21:44 UTC:</i><br />
            The following rules need to apply to megatest for status for
            parent tests with items
            1 FAIL item                                      parent test FAIL
            no FAIL, 1 CHECK                                 parent test CHECK
            no FAIL, no CHECK, 1 WAIVED                      parent test WAIVED
            no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, 1 WARN             parent test WARN
            no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, no WARN, 1 SKIP    parent test PASS
            all SKIP                                         parent test SKIP
            all PASS                                         parent test PASS
            Precedence order is:
            FAIL => CHECK => WAIVED => WARN => PASS => SKIP
            1 corner case:
            If all items SKIP, parent is SKIP. So if total number of ITEMS and
            total number if SKIP match, then parent is SKIP.
            SKIP is a lower priority than PASS as it reflects a preemptive cut
            of a PASS condition (nothing was actually checked/done) whereas PASS
            implies actual work to QA.
    2. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    3. resolution changed to: "Open"