Artifacts Associated With Ticket f6c53395bec733d9
Ticket change [0b404be01f] (rid 3267) by mrwellan on 2013-01-29 14:05:42:
- comment initialized to:
o Tests for a passing item allow next item-based stage to run even if other items in the first also fail waiton -> test dependency waiton-items? -> test items dependency
- foundin initialized to: "v1.52"
- private_contact initialized to: "51b3d260907bb8f06ab41239d1ff1354a12d969d"
- severity initialized to: "Important"
- status initialized to: "Open"
- title initialized to: "Start dependent items when parent items PASS"
- type initialized to: "Feature_Request"
- comment initialized to:
Ticket change [df259f8997] (rid 3277) by mrwellan on 2013-01-29 14:06:25:
- Appended to comment:
<hr /><i>mrwellan added on 2013-01-29 21:06:25 UTC:</i><br /> * A == A * %/A/% depends-on <testpatt>/<itempatt> Allow test script logic to determine what future tests need to be run. (Push vs Pull paradigm) o Waiton/execution ordering needs discussion
- priority changed to: "Immediate"
- resolution changed to: "Open"
- Appended to comment:
Ticket change [e6760a6a4c] (rid 3278) by mrwellan on 2013-01-29 14:09:42:
- Appended to comment:
<hr /><i>mrwellan added on 2013-01-29 21:09:42 UTC:</i><br /> [ ] Itemized test cascading [ ] Option A - passing matched test/item must match between dependent tests [ ] Looks only at the itemized status [ ] mapping function prim/ntap70 => sch/ntap70: NO. Executive decision! [ ] Option B - All must pass before launching downstream tests [ ] Run groups
- Appended to comment:
Ticket change [16c889dc2d] (rid 4538) by mrwellan on 2013-07-11 17:11:23:
- Appended to comment:
<hr /><i>mrwellan added on 2013-07-11 23:11:23 UTC:</i><br /> Implemented in v1.55 series
- resolution changed to: "Fixed"
- status changed to: "Closed"
- Appended to comment: