
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 4f03f24004766b55ea6022f21eed3719d14dd42e
Title: New -list-runs mode (eg -dumpmode shell)
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2022-02-09 14:55:12
Version Found In:
Requesting a new -dumpmode option for -list-runs, -dumpmode shell

Purpose is to provide parseable output to include in shell scripts.

User Comments:
tyardeni added on 2022-02-03 16:40:53:
Suggested command-line:

megatest -list-runs 2022.02.03.0931 -target foo/bar -dumpmode shell -fields target,runname,test_name,item_path,test [-status ABORT]

-testpatt/-state/-status filters operate on tests

Suggested available fields (starred are default):
target        (Run)  *
runname       (Run)  *
test_name     (Test) *
item_path     (Test) *
state         (Test) *
status        (Test) *
rundir        (Test)
runtime       (Test)
step_name     (Step)
step_status   (Step)

Sample output:

% megatest -list-runs 2022.02.03.0931 -target foo/bar -dumpmode shell -fields target,runname,test_name,state,status,item_path
foo/bar 2022.02.03.0931 testA COMPLETED PASS
foo/bar 2022.02.03.0931 testB COMPLETED PASS
foo/bar 2022.02.03.0931 testB COMPLETED PASS item1
foo/bar 2022.02.03.0931 testB COMPLETED PASS item2

Alternate sample output:

Sample output:

% megatest -list-runs 2022.02.03.0931 -target foo/bar -dumpmode shell -fields target,runname,test_name,state,status,item_path

tyardeni added on 2022-02-04 15:00:00:

Actually both output formats above would be useful in different scenarios.

Maybe a -dumpmode inline (1st) and -dumpmode encoded ?

tyardeni added on 2022-02-09 21:55:12:

runtime (in seconds) for a run/step would also be a useful optional field