WARNING: could not gracefully remove test cmp/ixmv0ab, tried to kill it to no avail. Forcing state to FAILEDKILL and continuing
INFO: (0) test: cmp itest-state: DELETED
Error: (vector-ref) bad argument type: #f
Call history:
db.scm:187: g1251
api.scm:358: current-milliseconds
api.scm:361: hash-table-ref/default
api.scm:360: hash-table-set!
api.scm:369: ->string
api.scm:369: conc
api.scm:369: common:telemetry-log
common.scm:3574: ##sys#get-keyword
api.scm:143: k15
api.scm:143: g19
rmt.scm:364: call-with-current-continuation
rmt.scm:364: with-exception-handler
rmt.scm:364: ##sys#call-with-values
rmt.scm:364: k718
rmt.scm:364: g722
rmt.scm:378: current-milliseconds <--
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