Changes In Branch 1.70-fixed-sync Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 2f1850785d to 9a5898a74e
| ||
12:29 | quiet down the is-trigger-dropped messages check-in: 8a05ecdb52 user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
| ||
18:08 | Fixed -import-megatest.db and -sync-to-megatest.db, fixed dashboard startup with no db Leaf check-in: 9a5898a74e user: mmgraham tags: 1.70-fixed-sync | |
| ||
21:14 | speculative fix check-in: 2f1850785d user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
06:08 | Add forced reconnect to allow old servers to gracefully die check-in: f1ba33210e user: matt tags: v1.70-refactor-procedures | |
Modified dashboard.scm from [e90491091e] to [22b0256617].
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | (import (prefix iup iup:)) (use canvas-draw) (import canvas-draw-iup) (use ducttape-lib) (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 typed-records sparse-vectors) ;; defstruct (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses margs)) (declare (uses keys)) (declare (uses items)) (declare (uses db)) (declare (uses configf)) (declare (uses process)) (declare (uses launch)) (declare (uses runs)) (declare (uses dashboard-tests)) (declare (uses dashboard-guimonitor)) (declare (uses tree)) (declare (uses dcommon)) (declare (uses dashboard-context-menu)) (declare (uses vg)) (declare (uses subrun)) ;; (declare (uses dashboard-main)) (declare (uses mt)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") (include "task_records.scm") (include "megatest-version.scm") (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") (include "vg_records.scm") (define help (conc "Megatest Dashboard, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright (C) Matt Welland 2012-2017 Usage: dashboard [options] | > > > > | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 | (import (prefix iup iup:)) (use canvas-draw) (import canvas-draw-iup) (use ducttape-lib) (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 typed-records sparse-vectors) ;; defstruct (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (import dbfile) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses margs)) (declare (uses keys)) (declare (uses items)) (declare (uses db)) (declare (uses configf)) (declare (uses process)) (declare (uses launch)) (declare (uses runs)) (declare (uses dashboard-tests)) (declare (uses dashboard-guimonitor)) (declare (uses tree)) (declare (uses dcommon)) (declare (uses dashboard-context-menu)) (declare (uses vg)) (declare (uses subrun)) ;; (declare (uses dashboard-main)) (declare (uses mt)) (declare (uses dbfile)) (include "common_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") (include "task_records.scm") (include "megatest-version.scm") (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") (include "vg_records.scm") (dbfile:db-init-proc db:initialize-main-db) (define help (conc "Megatest Dashboard, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright (C) Matt Welland 2012-2017 Usage: dashboard [options] |
Modified db.scm from [451105ba06] to [5bf0387307].
273 274 275 276 277 278 279 | (exn (io-error) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: i/o error with " fname ". Check permissions, disk space etc. and try again.")) (exn (corrupt) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: database " fname " is corrupt. Repair it to proceed.")) (exn (busy) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: database " fname " is locked. Try copying to another location, remove original and copy back.")) (exn (permission)(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: database " fname " has some permissions problem.")) (exn () (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Unknown error with database " fname " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))) ))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 | (exn (io-error) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: i/o error with " fname ". Check permissions, disk space etc. and try again.")) (exn (corrupt) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: database " fname " is corrupt. Repair it to proceed.")) (exn (busy) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: database " fname " is locked. Try copying to another location, remove original and copy back.")) (exn (permission)(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: database " fname " has some permissions problem.")) (exn () (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Unknown error with database " fname " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))) ))) (define (db:get-last-update-time db) (let ((last-update-time #f)) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (lup) (set! last-update-time lup)) |
681 682 683 684 685 686 687 | ((and changed *time-to-exit*) ;; last sync #t) (else #f)))) (if do-cp (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds)) (fname (pathname-file file)) | | | | 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 | ((and changed *time-to-exit*) ;; last sync #t) (else #f)))) (if do-cp (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds)) (fname (pathname-file file)) (run-id (if (string= fname "main") #f (string->number fname))) ) (debug:print-info 3 *default-log-port* "db:all-db-sync: fname: " fname", delta: " (- time1 time2) " seconds") (db:lock-and-delta-sync no-sync-db dbstruct fname run-id (db:get-keys dbstruct) db:initialize-main-db) (hash-table-set! sync-durations (conc fname".db") (- (current-milliseconds) start-time))) (debug:print-info 3 *default-log-port* "skipping sync. " file " is up to date") ))) dbfiles ) (if dbdat (dbfile:add-dbdat dbstruct #f dbdat))) |
707 708 709 710 711 712 713 | ;; 'old2new - sync megatest.db to /tmp/.../megatest.db and /tmp/.../megatest_ref.db ;; 'new2old - sync /tmp/.../megatest.db to megatest.db and /tmp/.../megatest_ref.db (and update data_synced) ;; 'closeall - close all opened dbs ;; 'schema - attempt to apply schema changes ;; run-ids: '(1 2 3 ...) or #f (for all) ;; (define (db:multi-db-sync dbstruct . options) | | > > > | > > | | | | | | > | < < < | | | | | | > | > > > > > | | > > > > > > | | | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | | 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 | ;; 'old2new - sync megatest.db to /tmp/.../megatest.db and /tmp/.../megatest_ref.db ;; 'new2old - sync /tmp/.../megatest.db to megatest.db and /tmp/.../megatest_ref.db (and update data_synced) ;; 'closeall - close all opened dbs ;; 'schema - attempt to apply schema changes ;; run-ids: '(1 2 3 ...) or #f (for all) ;; (define (db:multi-db-sync dbstruct . options) (let* ((dbdat (db:open-db dbstruct #f db:initialize-main-db)) (data-synced 0) ;; count of changed records (tmp-area (common:get-db-tmp-area)) (old2new (member 'old2new options)) (src-area (if old2new *toppath* tmp-area)) (dest-area (if old2new tmp-area *toppath*)) (dbfiles (glob (conc src-area"/.db/*.db"))) (keys (db:get-keys dbstruct)) (sync-durations (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (srcfile) (debug:print-info 3 *default-log-port* "file: " srcfile) (let* ((fname (conc (pathname-file srcfile) ".db")) (basename (pathname-file srcfile)) (run-id (if (string= basename "main") #f (string->number basename))) (destfile (conc dest-area "/.db/" fname)) (time1 (file-modification-time srcfile)) (time2 (if (file-exists? destfile) (file-modification-time destfile) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sync - I do not see file " destfile) 0))) (changed (> time1 time2)) (do-cp (cond ((not (file-exists? destfile)) ;; shouldn't happen, but this might recover (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "File " destfile " not found! Copying "srcfile" to "destfile) #t) (changed ;; (and changed ;; (> (- (current-seconds) time1) 3)) ;; if file is changed and three seconds have passed. #t) ((and changed *time-to-exit*) ;; last sync #t) (else #f)))) (if do-cp (let* ( (start-time (current-milliseconds)) (subdb (or (dbfile:get-subdb dbstruct run-id) (dbfile:init-subdb dbstruct run-id dbfile:db-init-proc))) (mtdb (dbr:subdb-mtdbdat subdb)) (tmpdb (dbfile:open-db dbstruct run-id dbfile:db-init-proc)) ) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "delta syncing file: " srcfile ", time diff: " (- time1 time2) " seconds") (if old2new (db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list dbstruct (db:get-keys dbstruct)) #f mtdb tmpdb) (db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list dbstruct (db:get-keys dbstruct)) #f tmpdb mtdb) ) (hash-table-set! sync-durations (conc srcfile ".db") (- (current-milliseconds) start-time))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "skipping delta sync. " srcfile " is up to date") ) ) ) dbfiles ) data-synced ) ) ;; Sync all changed db's ;; (define (db:tmp->megatest.db-sync dbstruct run-id last-update) (let* ((subdbs (hash-table-values (dbr:dbstruct-subdbs dbstruct))) (res '())) (for-each (lambda (subdb) (let* ((dbname (db:run-id->dbname run-id)) (mtdb (dbr:subdb-mtdb subdb)) (tmpdb (db:get-subdb dbstruct run-id)) (refndb (dbr:subdb-refndb subdb)) (newres (db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list dbstruct (db:get-keys dbstruct)) last-update tmpdb refndb mtdb))) ;; (stack-push! (dbr:subdb-dbstack subdb) tmpdb) (dbfile:add-dbdat dbstruct run-id tmpdb) (set! res (cons newres res)))) subdbs) res)) ;;;; run-ids |
Modified dbfile.scm from [6257400a66] to [ec5e9b082c].
392 393 394 395 396 397 398 | "ERROR: database " fname " has some permissions problem.")) (exn () (dbfile:print-and-exit "ERROR: Unknown error with database " fname " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))) ))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 | "ERROR: database " fname " has some permissions problem.")) (exn () (dbfile:print-and-exit "ERROR: Unknown error with database " fname " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))) ))) ;;====================================================================== ;; no-sync.db - small bits of data to be shared between servers ;;====================================================================== ;; if we are not a server create a db handle. this is not finalized ;; so watch for problems. I'm still not clear if it is needed to manually |
876 877 878 879 880 881 882 | slave-dbs))) (for-each (lambda (bad-dbdat) (dbfile:print-err "db:sync-tables called with todb not a read-only database " bad-dbdat)) readonly-slave-dbs) readonly-slave-dbs))) -6) (else | | | 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 | slave-dbs))) (for-each (lambda (bad-dbdat) (dbfile:print-err "db:sync-tables called with todb not a read-only database " bad-dbdat)) readonly-slave-dbs) readonly-slave-dbs))) -6) (else ;; (dbfile:print-err "db:sync-tables: args are good") (let ((stmts (make-hash-table)) ;; table-field => stmt (all-stmts '()) ;; ( ( stmt1 value1 ) ( stml2 value2 )) (numrecs (make-hash-table)) (start-time (current-milliseconds)) (tot-count 0)) (for-each ;; table |
992 993 994 995 996 997 998 | #f)) (is-trigger-dropped (if (member "last_update" field-names) (db:is-trigger-dropped db tablename) #f)) (stmth (sqlite3:prepare db full-ins)) (changed-rows 0)) ;; (db:delay-if-busy targdb) ;; NO WAITING | | | | 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 | #f)) (is-trigger-dropped (if (member "last_update" field-names) (db:is-trigger-dropped db tablename) #f)) (stmth (sqlite3:prepare db full-ins)) (changed-rows 0)) ;; (db:delay-if-busy targdb) ;; NO WAITING ;; (if (member "last_update" field-names) ;; (dbfile:print-err "is-trigger-dropped: " is-trigger-dropped)) (for-each (lambda (fromdat-lst) (sqlite3:with-transaction db (lambda () (for-each ;; |