
Changes On Branch 171838c893cd9d46

Changes In Branch v1.60 Through [171838c893] Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from e89be5432c to 171838c893

Better err msg check-in: 738756b239 user: mrwellan tags: v1.60
Added layer of exception handling inside db:with-db check-in: 171838c893 user: mrwellan tags: v1.60
full fs access support and megatest.db turned off by default check-in: 84336a6b8f user: matt tags: v1.60
Removing zmq from chicken build script check-in: 91fd288f45 user: matt tags: v1.55
Merged in v1.55 changes check-in: f870afe4d0 user: mrwellan tags: v1.60
Unset TARGET* vars before starting the real work in nbfake check-in: e89be5432c user: mrwellan tags: v1.55
Added bit more to datashare check-in: 8e9852ca99 user: matt tags: v1.55

Modified Makefile from [660e49132a] to [64fd867d54].    [diff]

Modified NOTES from [f5959ca38f] to [8d1d854887].    [diff]

Modified TODO from [61ddd55e7d] to [249cc9a526].    [diff]

Added api.scm version [a688529701].

Modified client.scm from [2d4047b824] to [406d30b1f6].    [diff]

Modified common.scm from [b4d7faf92c] to [aa6e9ff977].    [diff]

Modified common_records.scm from [61ac915575] to [08c9f6257d].    [diff]

Modified configf.scm from [35104b9121] to [3684e66c72].    [diff]

Modified dashboard-tests.scm from [a4ddccb773] to [224dddeb50].    [diff]

Modified dashboard.scm from [0b0b326b4f] to [6d6a8350b9].    [diff]

Deleted datashare-testing/.datashare.config version [1d9aef34b1].

Added datashare-testing/.sd.config version [3db28d187c].

Modified datashare.scm from [c941a31a14] to [2abd8aec1c].    [diff]

Modified db.scm from [eb228185ab] to [5465f7a4df].    [diff]

Modified db_records.scm from [02b88af351] to [858bdddce0].    [diff]

Added dbwars/NOTES version [8f8ee6c6d0].

Added dbwars/sql-de-lite-test.scm version [004f7cb8d7].

Added dbwars/sqlite3-test.scm version [338a298923].

Added dbwars/test-common.scm version [02dcd9f2da].

Modified dcommon.scm from [a40d1c9411] to [e887ed7ced].    [diff]

Modified docs/html/megatest.html from [637f8cb216] to [d407d07366].    [diff]

Modified docs/html/monitor-state-diagram.png from [14f1bb59f3] to [83e4cb1ce3].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/Makefile from [c10ea440f6] to [038153bc89].    [diff]

Added docs/manual/ version [23d472e170].

Modified docs/manual/howto.txt from [ad8e0484e1] to [b28c4b0da6].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/megatest_manual.html from [25f641c57e] to [191f1255c5].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/megatest_manual.txt from [20ce759875] to [38919c0414].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/reference.txt from [6d8b51499a] to [eff8aa5426].    [diff]

Added docs/manual/ version [5b6f6b599f].

Added docs/manual/server.pdf version [710fc5512e].

Added docs/manual/server.png version [a508d3edd1].

Modified docs/plan.txt from [a80831142b] to [0ead7d4df0].    [diff]

Added docs/results.pdf version [8c482a4606].

Modified ezsteps.scm from [5bdb7484d4] to [18ab86f9c8].    [diff]

Modified filedb.scm from [d77bc6ba17] to [91e90bcdc7].    [diff]

Deleted fs-transport.scm version [8a07492e90].

Modified http-transport.scm from [b92335f5bd] to [d5c0bd2a5f].    [diff]

Modified launch.scm from [69229ba1dd] to [e538ecba1a].    [diff]

Modified lock-queue.scm from [0b444a0bb7] to [fb7e24faf1].    [diff]

Modified megatest-version.scm from [724ccf372e] to [9b8927108a].    [diff]

Modified megatest.scm from [54431b021e] to [16af3583d8].    [diff]

Modified mt.scm from [bbcabbe252] to [15956fcc00].    [diff]

Modified newdashboard.scm from [9e84c96b6c] to [24924c0cda].    [diff]

Added oldsrc/fs-transport.scm version [d187681c70].

Added oldsrc/zmq-transport.scm version [1f9025d277].

Added portlogger.scm version [c19f5a6299].

Modified process.scm from [88799f98f8] to [781c177a90].    [diff]

Added rmt.scm version [a4cf4136f4].

Added rmtdb.scm version [afdb905959].

Modified runconfig.scm from [f1fb75b972] to [d97360c67a].    [diff]

Modified runs.scm from [75aee75df2] to [6ed325fc14].    [diff]

Modified sdb.scm from [3abf0b5c48] to [b5405355dd].    [diff]

Modified server.scm from [c908dcbcbb] to [f2b9d5f3d9].    [diff]

Modified synchash.scm from [68c033427e] to [9881f5a738].    [diff]

Modified tasks.scm from [d7fb3bbbc7] to [7c5174d4f3].    [diff]

Added tdb.scm version [575d5c7ba8].

Modified tests.scm from [cf71f12de1] to [2a580a2e0e].    [diff]

Modified tests/Makefile from [392c30bd69] to [502a984b43].    [diff]

Modified tests/fdktestqa/fdk.config from [0cdf621a94] to [bb2780b886].    [diff]

Modified tests/fdktestqa/testqa/Makefile from [6c9750395d] to [d3de829000].    [diff]

Modified tests/fdktestqa/testqa/configs/ from [568ec796ea] to [a1a8a77b6d].    [diff]

Modified tests/fdktestqa/testqa/configs/megatest.def.config from [614ea68417] to [1df0e5e24a].    [diff]

Modified tests/fdktestqa/testqa/megatest.config from [50948d2125] to [0bd41b6735].    [diff]

Modified tests/fdktestqa/testqa/tests/bigrun/ from [45d51b92e4] to [e700391a61].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/config/mt_include_1.config from [8efd108e44] to [f2402f5b23].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/megatest.config from [6d157bfc9e] to [79e8e68f6b].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/runconfigs.config from [cdf025da8a] to [30a30e595a].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/tests/exit_0/testconfig from [475b97c77b] to [5010ef5eb6].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/tests/priority_8/ from [0536bc3eb1] to [12267f0508].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/tests/runfirst/ from [2d77d9ebfd] to [f50c79a657].    [diff]

Modified tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/ from [38498b5b33] to [e891695e2f].    [diff]

Added tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/ version [786761600e].

Modified tests/fullrun/tests/test_mt_vars/testconfig from [a0c61adcaf] to [0d7c3216f9].    [diff]

Modified tests/mintest/megatest.config from [24752ab48d] to [158955d103].    [diff]

Added tests/ version [d9bb67915f].

Modified tests/simplerun/megatest.config from [4fdc96f0ee] to [4850198caf].    [diff]

Added tests/simplerun/tests/test2/ version [67f9a133dc].

Deleted tests/simplerun/tests/test2/ version [67f9a133dc].

Added tests/simplerun/tests/test2/ version [67f9a133dc].

Deleted tests/simplerun/tests/test2/ version [67f9a133dc].

Added tests/stats.txt version [2a209bca81].

Modified tests/tests.scm from [18c56c70d8] to [9d9074d93d].    [diff]

Added tests/unittests/basicserver.scm version [4e0a526d82].

Added tests/unittests/configfiles.scm version [b89134d61a].

Added tests/unittests/dbrdbstruct.scm version [174e159a1e].

Added tests/unittests/inmemdb.scm version [be345ba03b].

Added tests/unittests/misc.scm version [68603bcdd2].

Added tests/unittests/runs.scm version [61908ea980].

Added tests/unittests/server.scm version [fc736c5f6c].

Added tests/unittests/tests.scm version [da39a3ee5e].

Added tests/ version [b68f1ca512].

Modified tree.scm from [e7e38b65a4] to [02f8628298].    [diff]

Modified utils/Makefile.installall from [3d28c758b8] to [c3d10e5280].    [diff]

Deleted utils/Makefile_latest.installall version [a5be37ec2b].

Modified utils/mk_wrapper from [7459f2e147] to [8a8fb062fe].    [diff]

Modified utils/nbfake from [99a526d022] to [9de79bbac2].    [diff]

Deleted utils/nbload version [4b5138d43f].

Added utils/plot-code.scm version [de4d05b676].

Added widgets.scm version [3d56925ea9].

Deleted zmq-transport.scm version [dc7b4eceb5].