Changes In Branch v1.64-areas-dashboard Through [1f5e744ec1] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 32584d6c1d to 1f5e744ec1
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16:10 | Merged 1f5e check-in: b289de052e user: mrwellan tags: areas-work-merge (unpublished) | |
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16:00 | cherrypicked from b95f7 check-in: 19d039fc17 user: pjhatwal tags: v1.64 | |
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17:10 | fixed issue where item gets stuck in keep_waiting status when prerequisite item failed check-in: 23745b4302 user: bjbarcla tags: v1.6431, v1.64-keep-running-fix | |
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11:08 | Merged in v1.64, for reference only. Do not merge to prod. Closed-Leaf check-in: 1b86fa4903 user: mrwellan tags: v1.63-configdbsync | |
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11:51 | Merged v1.64 changes into v1.65 check-in: 2120db9cff user: mrwellan tags: v1.65 | |
10:50 | Bringing in latest changes from v1.64 Closed-Leaf check-in: b1eee0709a user: mrwellan tags: v1.64-server-connection-tagging | |
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21:25 | All rmt: calls replaced with db: calls using the dbstructs from areas. check-in: f9b5189ffe user: matt tags: v1.64-areas-dashboard | |
11:47 | Merged v1.64 into areas-dashboard branch. check-in: 1f5e744ec1 user: matt tags: v1.64-areas-dashboard | |
11:42 | Cleaned up couple more named loop calls in runs.scm. Added post-run-hook. check-in: 32584d6c1d user: matt tags: v1.64 | |
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17:59 | Minor refactor of some runs.scm code? check-in: cc163f91ad user: mrwellan tags: v1.64 | |
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20:56 | Added usage to plot-code. Removed defunct switch -use-db-cache from dashboard. check-in: d654343818 user: matt tags: v1.64-areas-dashboard | |
Modified Makefile from [01ab7d1240] to [32f21cf39e]. [diff]
Modified common.scm from [071499421b] to [eee64ce859]. [diff]
Added dashboard-areas.scm version [ac01c869cc].
Modified dashboard.scm from [e6d80a8342] to [a760293256]. [diff]
Modified db.scm from [144a083df6] to [79424c46a4]. [diff]
Modified dcommon.scm from [4a0cb449c5] to [23b1ce87bd]. [diff]
Modified megatest.config from [cab7834174] to [a8d97f813e]. [diff]
Added mrmt.scm version [715ed41acd].
Modified mtut.scm from [1f120769b0] to [1a4e185888]. [diff]
Modified rmt.scm from [677a774188] to [8ae137f573]. [diff]
Modified utils/plot-code.scm from [2b66df6bfd] to [6d50d1bd96]. [diff]