Changes In Branch v1.6584-nanomsg Through [c8d4b40864] Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 58eed43d63 to c8d4b40864
| ||
20:41 | Various fixes in config handling check-in: 2749ac0d13 user: matt tags: v1.6584-nanomsg | |
18:25 | Simplerun now passes check-in: c8d4b40864 user: matt tags: v1.6584-nanomsg | |
| ||
19:11 | wip check-in: b2c735197b user: matt tags: v1.6584-nanomsg | |
| ||
06:26 | try nanomsg check-in: 14a50c3c87 user: matt tags: v1.6584-nanomsg | |
| ||
23:58 | all effed Leaf check-in: 58eed43d63 user: matt tags: v1.6584-tcp6 | |
22:07 | Got all PASS on current tests check-in: f1e43b7b99 user: matt tags: v1.6584-tcp6 | |
Modified Makefile from [a65e4bd9c5] to [89e357068d].
︙ | ︙ | |||
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | debugprint.scm mtver.scm csv-xml.scm servermod.scm \ hostinfo.scm adjutant.scm processmod.scm testsmod.scm \ itemsmod.scm keysmod.scm mtmod.scm rmtmod.scm \ tasksmod.scm pgdb.scm launchmod.scm runsmod.scm \ portloggermod.scm archivemod.scm ezstepsmod.scm \ subrunmod.scm bigmod.scm testsmod.scm | > > > | > | | > > > | > > > | | > < > | 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 | debugprint.scm mtver.scm csv-xml.scm servermod.scm \ hostinfo.scm adjutant.scm processmod.scm testsmod.scm \ itemsmod.scm keysmod.scm mtmod.scm rmtmod.scm \ tasksmod.scm pgdb.scm launchmod.scm runsmod.scm \ portloggermod.scm archivemod.scm ezstepsmod.scm \ subrunmod.scm bigmod.scm testsmod.scm # GUISRCF = GUIMODFILES = tree.scm dashboard-tests.scm vgmod.scm \ dashboard-context-menu.scm dcommon.scm # dashboard-guimonitor.scm mofiles/dashboard-context-menu.o : mofiles/dcommon.o mofiles/dashboard-tests.o : mofiles/dcommon.o # mofiles/dcommon.o mofiles/tree.o : mofiles/gutils.o OFILES = $(SRCFILES:%.scm=%.o) # GOFILES = $(GUISRCF:%.scm=%.o) MOFILES = $(addprefix mofiles/,$(MSRCFILES:%.scm=%.o)) GMOFILES = $(addprefix mofiles/,$(GUIMODFILES:%.scm=%.o)) # compiled import files MOIMPFILES = $(MSRCFILES:%.scm=%.import.o) GMOIMPFILES = $(GUIMODFILES:%.scm=%.import.o) %.import.o : %.import.scm csc $(CSCOPTS) -unit $*.import -c $*.import.scm -o $*.import.o mofiles/%.o : %.scm @mkdir -p mofiles csc $(CSCOPTS) -M -J -c $< -o mofiles/$*.o # module dependencies mofiles/apimod.o : mofiles/commonmod.o mofiles/apimod.o : mofiles/servermod.o mofiles/apimod.o : mofiles/tasksmod.o mofiles/archivemod.o : mofiles/launchmod.o mofiles/archivemod.o : mofiles/servermod.o mofiles/bigmod.o : mofiles/configfmod.o mofiles/bigmod.o : mofiles/dbmod.o mofiles/bigmod.o : mofiles/rmtmod.o # mofiles/clientmod.o : mofiles/servermod.oibpq-dev mofiles/commonmod.o : megatest-fossil-hash.scm mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/configfmod.o mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/debugprint.o mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/hostinfo.o mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/keysmod.o mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/mtargs.o mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/mtver.o mofiles/commonmod.o : mofiles/processmod.o mofiles/configfmod.o : mofiles/keysmod.o mofiles/dbimod.o : mofiles/autoload.o mofiles/dbmod.o : mofiles/commonmod.o mofiles/dbmod.o : mofiles/csv-xml.o mofiles/dbmod.o : mofiles/keysmod.o mofiles/dbmod.o : mofiles/mtmod.o mofiles/ezstepsmod.o : mofiles/rmtmod.o mofiles/ezstepsmod.o : mofiles/subrunmod.o mofiles/itemsmod.o : mofiles/commonmod.o mofiles/keysmod.o : mofiles/debugprint.o mofiles/launchmod.o : mofiles/bigmod.o mofiles/launchmod.o : mofiles/ezstepsmod.o mofiles/launchmod.o : mofiles/rmtmod.o mofiles/servermod.o mofiles/mtmod.o : mofiles/debugprint.o mofiles/portloggermod.o : mofiles/tasksmod.o mofiles/rmtmod.o : mofiles/apimod.o |
︙ | ︙ | |||
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 | # BASH_MACHTYPE=$(shell bash -c "echo \$$MACHTYPE") # ARCHSTR=$(BASH_MACHTYPE)_$(shell lsb_release -sr) ARCHSTR=$(shell if [[ -e /usr/bin/sw_vers ]]; then /usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion; else lsb_release -sr; fi) # ARCHSTR=$(shell bash -c "echo \$$MACHTYPE") PNGFILES = $(shell cd docs/manual;ls *png) | | | > > > > | | | 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 | # BASH_MACHTYPE=$(shell bash -c "echo \$$MACHTYPE") # ARCHSTR=$(BASH_MACHTYPE)_$(shell lsb_release -sr) ARCHSTR=$(shell if [[ -e /usr/bin/sw_vers ]]; then /usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion; else lsb_release -sr; fi) # ARCHSTR=$(shell bash -c "echo \$$MACHTYPE") PNGFILES = $(shell cd docs/manual;ls *png) mtest: megatest.scm $(MOFILES) megatest-fossil-hash.scm csc $(CSCOPTS) $(MOFILES) megatest.scm -o mtest # $(MOIMPFILES) removed showmtesthash: @echo $(MTESTHASH) dboard : dashboard.scm $(MOFILES) $(GMOFILES) megatest-fossil-hash.scm csc -k $(CSCOPTS) $(MOFILES) $(GMOFILES) dashboard.scm -o dboard # $(GMOIMPFILES) $(MOIMPFILES) mtut: $(OFILES) $(MOFILES) megatest-fossil-hash.scm mtut.scm csc $(CSCOPTS) $(OFILES) $(MOFILES) mtut.scm -o mtut # include TCMTOBJS = \ |
︙ | ︙ | |||
329 330 331 332 333 334 335 | install : $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR) $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR)/mtest $(PREFIX)/bin/megatest \ $(HELPERS) $(PREFIX)/bin/nbfake \ $(PREFIX)/bin/serialize-env \ $(PREFIX)/bin/nbfind $(PREFIX)/bin/mtrunner $(PREFIX)/bin/mt_xterm \ $(PREFIX)/share/docs/megatest_manual.html $(PREFIX)/bin/remrun \ $(PREFIX)/share/db/mt-pg.sql \ | | > > | 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 | install : $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR) $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR)/mtest $(PREFIX)/bin/megatest \ $(HELPERS) $(PREFIX)/bin/nbfake \ $(PREFIX)/bin/serialize-env \ $(PREFIX)/bin/nbfind $(PREFIX)/bin/mtrunner $(PREFIX)/bin/mt_xterm \ $(PREFIX)/share/docs/megatest_manual.html $(PREFIX)/bin/remrun \ $(PREFIX)/share/db/mt-pg.sql \ $(PREFIX)/share/js/jquery-3.1.0.slim.min.js \ $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR)/dboard $(PREFIX)/bin/dashboard \ $(PREFIX)/bin/serialize-env $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR) : mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR) mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin/.$(ARCHSTR)/lib test: tests/tests.scm cd tests;csi -I .. -b -n tests.scm |
︙ | ︙ | |||
407 408 409 410 411 412 413 | if csi -ne '(import mysql-client)';then \ echo "(import mysql-client)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'mysql #t)" >> altdb.scm; \ fi if csi -ne '(import postgresql)';then \ echo "(import postgresql)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'postgresql #t)" >> altdb.scm;\ fi | | | | 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 | if csi -ne '(import mysql-client)';then \ echo "(import mysql-client)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'mysql #t)" >> altdb.scm; \ fi if csi -ne '(import postgresql)';then \ echo "(import postgresql)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'postgresql #t)" >> altdb.scm;\ fi portlogger-example : portlogger-example.scm api.o archive.o common.o configf.o dashboard-tests.o dashboard-context-menu.o db.o dcommon.o ezsteps.o genexample.o http-transport.o items.o keys.o launch.o lock-queue.o margs.o mt.o ods.o portlogger.o process.o rmt.o runconfig.o runs.o sdb.o server.o synchash.o tasks.o tdb.o tests.o csc $(CSCOPTS) portlogger-example.scm api.o archive.o common.o configf.o dashboard-tests.o dashboard-context-menu.o db.o dcommon.o ezsteps.o filedb.o genexample.o http-transport.o items.o keys.o launch.o lock-queue.o margs.o mt.o ods.o portlogger.o process.o rmt.o runconfig.o runs.o sdb.o server.o synchash.o tasks.o tdb.o tests.o buildmanual: cd docs/manual && make targets: @grep : Makefile | perl -ne '/^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+):/ && print "$$1\n"' |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified apimod.scm from [f4ca251106] to [d5b17eca2f].
︙ | ︙ | |||
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses tasksmod)) (declare (uses servermod)) (module apimod | < > > > > > > > | 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses tasksmod)) (declare (uses servermod)) (module apimod ( api:run-server-process api:start-server api:dispatch-cmd api:execute-requests api:process-request ) (import scheme chicken.base chicken.process-context.posix chicken.string chicken.time chicken.condition |
︙ | ︙ | |||
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 | get-run-info get-run-status get-run-state get-run-stats get-run-times get-targets get-target | < | 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 | get-run-info get-run-status get-run-state get-run-stats get-run-times get-targets get-target get-tests-tags get-test-times get-tests-for-run get-tests-for-run-state-status get-test-id get-tests-for-runs-mindata get-tests-for-run-mindata |
︙ | ︙ | |||
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 | ((get-keys-write) (db:get-keys dbstruct)) ;; force a dummy "write" query to force server; for debug in -repl ;; SERVERS ;; ((start-server) (apply server:kind-run params)) ((kill-server) (set! *server-run* #f)) ((get-server) (api:start-server dbstruct params)) ((register-server) (apply db:register-server dbstruct params) );; dbstruct host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath) ;; TESTS ;;((test-set-state-status-by-id) (apply mt:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct params)) ;;BB - commented out above because it was calling below, eventually, incorrectly (dbstruct passed to mt:test-set-state-status-by-id, which previosly did more, but now only passes thru to db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items. ((test-set-state-status-by-id) | > > | 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 | ((get-keys-write) (db:get-keys dbstruct)) ;; force a dummy "write" query to force server; for debug in -repl ;; SERVERS ;; ((start-server) (apply server:kind-run params)) ((kill-server) (set! *server-run* #f)) ((get-server) (api:start-server dbstruct params)) ((register-server) (apply db:register-server dbstruct params) );; dbstruct host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath) ((deregister-server) (apply db:deregister-server dbstruct params) );; dbstruct host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath) ((get-count-servers) (apply db:get-count-servers dbstruct params)) ;; TESTS ;;((test-set-state-status-by-id) (apply mt:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct params)) ;;BB - commented out above because it was calling below, eventually, incorrectly (dbstruct passed to mt:test-set-state-status-by-id, which previosly did more, but now only passes thru to db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items. ((test-set-state-status-by-id) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 | ((set-state-status-and-roll-up-items) (apply db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items dbstruct params)) ((set-state-status-and-roll-up-run) (apply db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-run dbstruct params)) ((top-test-set-per-pf-counts) (apply db:top-test-set-per-pf-counts dbstruct params)) ((test-set-archive-block-id) (apply db:test-set-archive-block-id dbstruct params)) ;; RUNS ((register-run) (apply db:register-run dbstruct params)) ((set-tests-state-status) (apply db:set-tests-state-status dbstruct params)) ((delete-run) (apply db:delete-run dbstruct params)) ((lock/unlock-run) (apply db:lock/unlock-run dbstruct params)) ((update-run-event_time) (apply db:update-run-event_time dbstruct params)) ((update-run-stats) (apply db:update-run-stats dbstruct params)) ((set-var) (apply db:set-var dbstruct params)) ((inc-var) (apply db:inc-var dbstruct params)) | > | 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 | ((set-state-status-and-roll-up-items) (apply db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items dbstruct params)) ((set-state-status-and-roll-up-run) (apply db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-run dbstruct params)) ((top-test-set-per-pf-counts) (apply db:top-test-set-per-pf-counts dbstruct params)) ((test-set-archive-block-id) (apply db:test-set-archive-block-id dbstruct params)) ;; RUNS ((register-run) (apply db:register-run dbstruct params)) ((insert-run) (apply db:insert-run dbstruct params)) ((set-tests-state-status) (apply db:set-tests-state-status dbstruct params)) ((delete-run) (apply db:delete-run dbstruct params)) ((lock/unlock-run) (apply db:lock/unlock-run dbstruct params)) ((update-run-event_time) (apply db:update-run-event_time dbstruct params)) ((update-run-stats) (apply db:update-run-stats dbstruct params)) ((set-var) (apply db:set-var dbstruct params)) ((inc-var) (apply db:inc-var dbstruct params)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
354 355 356 357 358 359 360 | ;; MISC ((get-latest-host-load) (apply db:get-latest-host-load dbstruct params)) ((have-incompletes?) (apply db:have-incompletes? dbstruct params)) ((login) (apply db:login dbstruct params)) ((general-call) (let ((stmtname (car params)) (run-id (cadr params)) (realparams (cddr params))) | | | 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 | ;; MISC ((get-latest-host-load) (apply db:get-latest-host-load dbstruct params)) ((have-incompletes?) (apply db:have-incompletes? dbstruct params)) ((login) (apply db:login dbstruct params)) ((general-call) (let ((stmtname (car params)) (run-id (cadr params)) (realparams (cddr params))) (db:general-call dbstruct stmtname run-id realparams))) ((sdb-qry) (apply sdb:qry params)) ((ping) (current-process-id)) ((get-changed-record-ids) (apply db:get-changed-record-ids dbstruct params)) ((get-run-record-ids) (apply db:get-run-record-ids dbstruct params)) ;; TESTMETA ((testmeta-get-record) (apply db:testmeta-get-record dbstruct params)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 | ;; NB// Runs on the server as part of the server loop ;; (define (api:process-request dbstruct indat) ;; the $ is the request vars proc (let* ((cmd-in (alist-ref 'cmd indat)) ;; ($ 'cmd)) (cmd (if (string? cmd-in)(string->symbol cmd-in) cmd-in)) (params (alist-ref 'params indat)) (key (alist-ref 'key indat)) ;; TODO - add this back ) | > | | | 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 | ;; NB// Runs on the server as part of the server loop ;; (define (api:process-request dbstruct indat) ;; the $ is the request vars proc (let* ((cmd-in (alist-ref 'cmd indat)) ;; ($ 'cmd)) (cmd (if (string? cmd-in)(string->symbol cmd-in) cmd-in)) (params (alist-ref 'params indat)) (key (alist-ref 'key indat)) ;; TODO - add this back (doprint (apply common:low-noise-print 10 params)) ) (if doprint (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "cmd: " cmd " with params: " params ", key: " key)) (case cmd-in ((ping) #t) ;; ((quit) (exit)) (else (if (equal? key *my-signature*) ;; TODO - get real key involved (begin (set! *api-process-request-count* (+ *api-process-request-count* 1)) (let* ((res (api:execute-requests dbstruct cmd params))) (if doprint (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "res:" res)) #;(if (not success) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: success flag is #f for " cmd " with params " params)) (if (> *api-process-request-count* *max-api-process-requests*) (set! *max-api-process-requests* *api-process-request-count*)) (set! *api-process-request-count* (- *api-process-request-count* 1)) #;(sexpr->string res) res)) (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Server refused to process request. Sever id mismatch. recived " key " expected: " *my-signature* ".\nOther arguments recived: cmd=" cmd " params = " params) (conc "Server refused to process request server signature mismatch: " key ", " *my-signature*))))))) ) |
Modified archivemod.scm from [fd3e9e2a92] to [9241640f45].
︙ | ︙ | |||
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses launchmod)) (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses servermod)) (module archivemod | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses launchmod)) (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses servermod)) (module archivemod ( archive:get-archive-disks archive:get-archive archive:allocate-new-archive-block archive:run-bup archive:megatest-db archive:restore-db archive:ls->list time-string->seconds seconds->std-time-str archive:get-timestamp-dir archive:bup-restore common:get-youngest-test archive:bup-get-data ) (import scheme (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.file.posix |
︙ | ︙ | |||
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 | (linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))) (archiver (let ((s (configf:lookup *configdat* "archive" "archiver"))) (if s (string->symbol s) 'bup))) (archiver-cmd (case archiver ((tar) "tar cfj ARCHIVE_NAME.tar.bz2 ") ((7z) " 7z u -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on ARCHIVE_NAME.7z ") (else #f))) | | | 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 | (linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))) (archiver (let ((s (configf:lookup *configdat* "archive" "archiver"))) (if s (string->symbol s) 'bup))) (archiver-cmd (case archiver ((tar) "tar cfj ARCHIVE_NAME.tar.bz2 ") ((7z) " 7z u -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on ARCHIVE_NAME.7z ") (else #f))) (src-archive-linktree (rmt:get-var run-id "src-archive-linktree")) (print-prefix "Running: ") ;; change to #f to turn off printing (preclean-spec (configf:get-section *configdat* "archive-preclean"))) (if (or (not src-archive-linktree) (not (equal? src-archive-linktree linktree))) (rmt:set-var "src-archive-linktree" linktree)) ;; (tests:match patt testname itempath) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
479 480 481 482 483 484 485 | ;'dejunk ;'adj-testids 'old2new ) (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "dropping triggers to update linktree") (rmt:drop-all-triggers) (let* ((linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))) | | | 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 | ;'dejunk ;'adj-testids 'old2new ) (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "dropping triggers to update linktree") (rmt:drop-all-triggers) (let* ((linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))) (src-archive-linktree (rmt:get-var #f "src-archive-linktree"))) (if (not (equal? src-archive-linktree linktree)) (rmt:update-tesdata-on-repilcate-db src-archive-linktree linktree)) (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "creating triggers after updating linktree") (rmt:create-all-triggers) )) (define (archive:ls->list bup-exe archive-dir internal-path) |
︙ | ︙ |
Added attic/filedb.scm version [f18fb77b48].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 | ;; Copyright 2006-2011, Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This file is part of Megatest. ;; ;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;; (require-extension synch sqlite3 posix srfi-13 srfi-1 utils regex) (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex srfi-69 srfi-13 posix-extras) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (unit filedb)) (include "fdb_records.scm") ;; (include "settings.scm") (define (filedb:open-db dbpath) (let* ((fdb (make-filedb:fdb)) (dbexists (common:file-exists? dbpath)) (db (sqlite3:open-database dbpath))) (filedb:fdb-set-db! fdb db) (filedb:fdb-set-dbpath! fdb dbpath) (filedb:fdb-set-pathcache! fdb (make-hash-table)) (filedb:fdb-set-idcache! fdb (make-hash-table)) (filedb:fdb-set-partcache! fdb (make-hash-table)) (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (make-busy-timeout 136000)) (if (not dbexists) (begin (sqlite3:execute db "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;") (sqlite3:execute db "CREATE TABLE names (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,name TEST);") ;; for future use - change path in paths table to path_id (sqlite3:execute db "CREATE INDEX name_index ON names (name);") ;; NB// We store a useful subset of file attributes but do not attempt to store all (sqlite3:execute db "CREATE TABLE paths (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, path TEXT, parent_id INTEGER, mode INTEGER DEFAULT -1, uid INTEGER DEFAULT -1, gid INTEGER DEFAULT -1, size INTEGER DEFAULT -1, mtime INTEGER DEFAULT -1);") (sqlite3:execute db "CREATE INDEX path_index ON paths (path,parent_id);") (sqlite3:execute db "CREATE TABLE bases (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,base TEXT, updated TIMESTAMP);"))) ;; close the sqlite3 db and open it as needed (filedb:finalize-db! fdb) (filedb:fdb-set-db! fdb #f) fdb)) (define (filedb:reopen-db fdb) (let ((db (sqlite3:open-database (filedb:fdb-get-dbpath fdb)))) (filedb:fdb-set-db! fdb db) (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (make-busy-timeout 136000)))) (define (filedb:finalize-db! fdb) (sqlite3:finalize! (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb))) (define (filedb:get-current-time-string) (string-chomp (time->string (seconds->local-time (current-seconds))))) (define (filedb:get-base-id db path) (let ((stmt (sqlite3:prepare db "SELECT id FROM bases WHERE base=?;")) (id-num #f)) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (num) (set! id-num num)) stmt path) (sqlite3:finalize! stmt) id-num)) (define (filedb:get-path-id db path parent) (let ((stmt (sqlite3:prepare db "SELECT id FROM paths WHERE path=? AND parent_id=?;")) (id-num #f)) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (num) (set! id-num num)) stmt path parent) (sqlite3:finalize! stmt) id-num)) (define (filedb:add-base db path) (let ((existing (filedb:get-base-id db path))) (if existing #f (begin (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO bases (base,updated) VALUES (?,?);" path (filedb:get-current-time-string)))))) ;; index value field notes ;; 0 inode number st_ino ;; 1 mode st_mode bitfield combining file permissions and file type ;; 2 number of hard links st_nlink ;; 3 UID of owner st_uid as with file-owner ;; 4 GID of owner st_gid ;; 5 size st_size as with file-size ;; 6 access time st_atime as with file-access-time ;; 7 change time st_ctime as with file-change-time ;; 8 modification time st_mtime as with file-modification-time ;; 9 parent device ID st_dev ID of device on which this file resides ;; 10 device ID st_rdev device ID for special files (i.e. the raw major/minor number) ;; 11 block size st_blksize ;; 12 number of blocks allocated st_blocks (define (filedb:add-path-stat db path parent statinfo) (let ((stmt (sqlite3:prepare db "INSERT INTO paths (path,parent_id,mode,uid,gid,size,mtime) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"))) (sqlite3:execute stmt path parent (vector-ref statinfo 1) ;; mode (vector-ref statinfo 3) ;; uid (vector-ref statinfo 4) ;; gid (vector-ref statinfo 5) ;; size (vector-ref statinfo 8) ;; mtime ) (sqlite3:finalize! stmt))) ;; (filedb:get-current-time-string)))) (define (filedb:add-path db path parent) (let ((stmt (sqlite3:prepare db "INSERT INTO paths (path,parent_id) VALUES (?,?);"))) (sqlite3:execute stmt path parent) (sqlite3:finalize! stmt))) (define (filedb:register-path fdb path #!key (save-stat #f)) (let* ((db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb)) (pathcache (filedb:fdb-get-pathcache fdb)) (stat (if save-stat (file-stat path #t))) (id (hash-table-ref/default pathcache path #f))) (if (not db)(filedb:reopen-db fdb)) (if id id (let ((plist (string-split path "/"))) (let loop ((head (car plist)) (tail (cdr plist)) (parent 0)) (let ((id (filedb:get-path-id db head parent)) (done (null? tail))) (if id ;; we'll have a id if the path is already registered (if done (begin (hash-table-set! pathcache path id) id) ;; return the last path id for a result (loop (car tail)(cdr tail) id)) (begin ;; add the path and then repeat the loop with the same data (if save-stat (filedb:add-path-stat db head parent stat) (filedb:add-path db head parent)) (loop head tail parent))))))))) (define (filedb:update-recursively fdb path #!key (save-stat #f)) (let ((p (open-input-pipe (string-append "find -L " path)))) ;; (resolve-pathname path)))) ;; (string-append "find " path)))) (print "processed 0 files...") (let loop ((l (read-line p)) (lc 0)) ;; line count (if (eof-object? l) (begin (print " " lc " files") (close-input-port p)) (begin (filedb:register-path fdb l save-stat: save-stat) ;; (get-real-path l)) ;; don't like losing the original path info (if (= (modulo lc 100) 0) (print " " lc " files")) (loop (read-line p)(+ lc 1))))))) (define (filedb:update fdb path #!key (save-stat #f)) ;; first get the realpath and add it to the bases table (let ((real-path path) ;; (filedb:get-real-path path)) (db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb))) (filedb:add-base db real-path) (filedb:update-recursively fdb path save-stat: save-stat))) ;; not used and broken ;; (define (filedb:get-real-path path) (let* ((p (open-input-pipe (string-append real-path " " (regexp-escape path)))) (pth (read-line p))) (if (eof-object? pth) path (begin (close-input-port p) pth)))) (define (filedb:drop-base fdb path) (print "Sorry, I don't do anything yet")) (define (filedb:find-all fdb pattern action) (let* ((db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb)) (stmt (sqlite3:prepare db "SELECT id FROM paths WHERE path like ?;")) (result '())) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (num) (action num) (set! result (cons num result))) stmt pattern) (sqlite3:finalize! stmt) result)) (define (filedb:get-path-record fdb id) (let* ((db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb)) (partcache (filedb:fdb-get-partcache fdb)) (dat (hash-table-ref/default partcache id #f))) (if dat dat (let ((stmt (sqlite3:prepare db "SELECT path,parent_id FROM paths WHERE id=?;")) (result #f)) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (path parent_id)(set! result (list path parent_id))) stmt id) (hash-table-set! partcache id result) (sqlite3:finalize! stmt) result)))) (define (filedb:get-children fdb parent-id) (let* ((db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb)) (res '())) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id path parent-id) (set! res (cons (vector id path parent-id) res))) db "SELECT id,path,parent_id FROM paths WHERE parent_id=?;" parent-id) res)) ;; retrieve all that have children and those without ;; children that match patt (define (filedb:get-children-patt fdb parent-id search-patt) (let* ((db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb)) (res '())) ;; first get the children that have no children (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id path parent-id) (set! res (cons (vector id path parent-id) res))) db "SELECT id,path,parent_id FROM paths WHERE parent_id=? AND (id IN (SELECT parent_id FROM paths) OR path LIKE ?);" parent-id search-patt) res)) (define (filedb:get-path fdb id) (let* ((db (filedb:fdb-get-db fdb)) (idcache (filedb:fdb-get-idcache fdb)) (path (hash-table-ref/default idcache id #f))) (if (not db)(filedb:reopen-db fdb)) (if path path (let loop ((curr-id id) (path "")) (let ((path-record (filedb:get-path-record fdb curr-id))) (if (not path-record) #f ;; this id has no path (let* ((parent-id (list-ref path-record 1)) (pname (list-ref path-record 0)) (newpath (string-append "/" pname path))) (if (= parent-id 0) ;; fields 0=path, 1=parent. root parent=0 (begin (hash-table-set! idcache id newpath) newpath) (loop parent-id newpath))))))))) (define (filedb:search db pattern) (let ((action (lambda (id)(print (filedb:get-path db id))))) (filedb:find-all db pattern action))) |
Added attic/monitor.scm version [28d2068289].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | ;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This file is part of Megatest. ;; ;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime') (use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking) (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (unit runs)) (declare (uses db)) (declare (uses common)) (declare (uses items)) (declare (uses runconfig)) ;; (include "common_records.scm") (include "key_records.scm") (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") |
Added attic/vg.scm version [b7512fe253].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 | ;; ;; Copyright 2016 Matthew Welland. ;; ;; This file is part of Megatest. ;; ;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime') (use typed-records srfi-1) (declare (unit vg)) (use canvas-draw iup) (import canvas-draw-iup) (include "vg_records.scm") ;;====================================================================== ;; IDEA ;; ;; make it possible to instantiate a vg drawing inside a vg drawing ;; ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; structs ;; ;; ;; (defstruct vg:lib comps) ;; (defstruct vg:comp objs name file) ;; ;; extents caches extents calculated on draw ;; ;; proc is called on draw and takes the obj itself as a parameter ;; ;; attrib is an alist of parameters ;; (defstruct vg:obj type pts fill-color text line-color call-back angle font attrib extents proc) ;; (defstruct vg:inst libname compname theta xoff yoff scalex scaley mirrx mirry call-back cache) ;; (defstruct vg:drawing libs insts scalex scaley xoff yoff cnv cache) ;; ;; libs: hash of name->lib, insts: hash of instname->inst ;; inits ;; (define (vg:comp-new) (make-vg:comp objs: '() name: #f file: #f)) (define (vg:lib-new) (make-vg:lib comps: (make-hash-table))) (define (vg:drawing-new) (make-vg:drawing scalex: 1 scaley: 1 xoff: 0 yoff: 0 libs: (make-hash-table) insts: (make-hash-table) cache: '())) ;;====================================================================== ;; scaling and offsets ;;====================================================================== (define-inline (vg:scale-offset val s o) (+ o (* val s))) ;; (* (+ o val) s)) ;; apply scale and offset to a list of x y values ;; (define (vg:scale-offset-xy lstxy sx sy ox oy) (if (> (length lstxy) 1) ;; have at least one xy pair (let loop ((x (car lstxy)) (y (cadr lstxy)) (tal (cddr lstxy)) (res '())) (let ((newres (cons (vg:scale-offset y sy oy) (cons (vg:scale-offset x sx ox) res)))) (if (> (length tal) 1) (loop (car tal)(cadr tal)(cddr tal) newres) (reverse newres)))) '())) ;; apply drawing offset and scaling to the points in lstxy ;; (define (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing lstxy) (vg:scale-offset-xy lstxy (vg:drawing-scalex drawing) (vg:drawing-scaley drawing) (vg:drawing-xoff drawing) (vg:drawing-yoff drawing))) ;; apply instance offset and scaling to the points in lstxy ;; (define (vg:inst-apply-scale inst lstxy) (vg:scale-offset-xy lstxy (vg:inst-scalex inst) (vg:inst-scaley inst) (vg:inst-xoff inst) (vg:inst-yoff inst))) ;; apply both drawing and instance scaling to a list of xy points ;; (define (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst lstxy) (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:inst-apply-scale inst lstxy))) ;;====================================================================== ;; objects ;;====================================================================== ;; (vg:inst-apply-scale ;; inst ;; (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing lstxy))) ;; make a rectangle obj ;; (define (vg:make-rect-obj x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)(text #f)(font #f)(extents #f)) (make-vg:obj type: 'r pts: (list x1 y1 x2 y2) text: text font: font line-color: line-color fill-color: fill-color extents: extents)) ;; make a rectangle obj ;; (define (vg:make-line-obj x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)(text #f)(font #f)(extents #f)) (make-vg:obj type: 'l pts: (list x1 y1 x2 y2) text: text font: font line-color: line-color extents: extents)) ;; make a text obj ;; (define (vg:make-text-obj x1 y1 text #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f) (angle #f)(scale-with-zoom #f)(font #f) (font-size #f)) (make-vg:obj type: 't pts: (list x1 y1) text: text line-color: line-color fill-color: fill-color angle: angle font: font extents: #f attributes: (vg:make-attrib 'font-size font-size))) ;; proc takes startnum and endnum and yields scalef, per-grad and unitname ;; (define (vg:make-xaxis-obj x1 y1 x2 y2 #!key (line-color #f)(fill-color #f)(text #f)(font #f)(proc #f)) (make-vg:obj type: 'x pts: (list x1 y1 x2 y2) text: text font: font line-color: line-color fill-color: fill-color extents: #f proc: proc)) ;;====================================================================== ;; obj modifiers and queries ;;====================================================================== ;; get extents, use knowledge of type ... ;; (define (vg:obj-get-extents drawing obj) (let ((type (vg:obj-type obj))) (case type ((l)(vg:rect-get-extents obj)) ((r)(vg:rect-get-extents obj)) ((t)(vg:draw-text drawing obj draw: #f)) (else #f)))) (define (vg:rect-get-extents obj) (vg:obj-pts obj)) ;; extents are just the points for a rectangle (define (vg:grow-rect borderx bordery x1 y1 x2 y2) (list (- x1 borderx) (- y1 bordery) (+ x2 borderx) (+ y2 bordery))) (define (vg:make-attrib . attrib-list) #f) ;;====================================================================== ;; components ;;====================================================================== ;; add obj to comp ;; (define (vg:add-objs-to-comp comp . objs) (vg:comp-objs-set! comp (append (vg:comp-objs comp) objs))) (define (vg:add-obj-to-comp comp obj) (vg:comp-objs-set! comp (cons obj (vg:comp-objs comp)))) ;; use the struct. leave this here to remind of this! ;; ;; (define (vg:comp-get-objs comp) ;; (vg:comp-objs comp)) ;; add comp to lib ;; (define (vg:add-comp-to-lib lib compname comp) (hash-table-set! (vg:lib-comps lib) compname comp)) ;; instanciate component in drawing ;; (define (vg:instantiate drawing libname compname instname xoff yoff #!key (theta 0)(scalex 1)(scaley 1)(mirrx #f)(mirry #f)) (let ((inst (make-vg:inst libname: libname compname: compname xoff: xoff yoff: yoff theta: theta scalex: scalex scaley: scaley mirrx: mirrx mirry: mirry)) ) (hash-table-set! (vg:drawing-insts drawing) instname inst))) (define (vg:instance-move drawing instname newx newy) (let ((inst (hash-table-ref (vg:drawing-insts drawing) instname))) (vg:inst-xoff-set! inst newx) (vg:inst-yoff-set! inst newy))) ;; get component from drawing (look in apropriate lib) given libname and compname (define (vg:get-component drawing libname compname) (let* ((lib (hash-table-ref (vg:drawing-libs drawing) libname)) (inst (hash-table-ref (vg:lib-comps lib) compname))) inst)) (define (vg:get-extents-for-objs drawing objs) (if (or (not objs) (null? objs)) #f (let loop ((hed (car objs)) (tal (cdr objs)) (extents (vg:obj-get-extents drawing (car objs)))) (let ((newextents (vg:get-extents-for-two-rects extents (vg:obj-get-extents drawing hed)))) (if (null? tal) extents (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newextents)))))) ;; (let ((extents #f)) ;; (for-each ;; (lambda (obj) ;; (set! extents ;; (vg:get-extents-for-two-rects ;; extents ;; (vg:obj-get-extents drawing obj)))) ;; objs) ;; extents)) ;; given rectangles r1 and r2, return the box that bounds both ;; (define (vg:get-extents-for-two-rects r1 r2) (if (not r1) r2 (if (not r2) r1 ;; #f ;; no extents from #f #f (list (min (car r1)(car r2)) ;; llx (min (cadr r1)(cadr r2)) ;; lly (max (caddr r1)(caddr r2)) ;; ulx (max (cadddr r1)(cadddr r2)))))) ;; uly (define (vg:components-get-extents drawing . comps) (if (null? comps) #f (let loop ((hed (car comps)) (tal (cdr comps)) (extents #f)) (let* ((objs (vg:comp-objs hed)) (newextents (if extents (vg:get-extents-for-two-rects extents (vg:get-extents-for-objs drawing objs)) (vg:get-extents-for-objs drawing objs)))) (if (null? tal) newextents (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newextents)))))) ;;====================================================================== ;; libraries ;;====================================================================== ;; register lib with drawing ;; (define (vg:add-lib drawing libname lib) (hash-table-set! (vg:drawing-libs drawing) libname lib)) (define (vg:get-lib drawing libname) (hash-table-ref/default (vg:drawing-libs drawing) libname #f)) (define (vg:get/create-lib drawing libname) (let ((lib (vg:get-lib drawing libname))) (if lib lib (let ((newlib (vg:lib-new))) (vg:add-lib drawing libname newlib) newlib)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; map objects given offset, scale and mirror, resulting obj is displayed ;;====================================================================== ;; dispatch the drawing of obj off to the correct drawing routine ;; (define (vg:map-obj drawing inst obj) (case (vg:obj-type obj) ((l)(vg:map-line drawing inst obj)) ((r)(vg:map-rect drawing inst obj)) ((t)(vg:map-text drawing inst obj)) ((x)(vg:map-xaxis drawing inst obj)) (else #f))) ;; given a drawing and a inst map a rectangle to it screen coordinates ;; (define (vg:map-rect drawing inst obj) (let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 'r ;; is there a defstruct copy? fill-color: (vg:obj-fill-color obj) text: (vg:obj-text obj) line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj) font: (vg:obj-font obj))) (pts (vg:obj-pts obj))) (vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts)) (vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing) )) res)) ;; given a drawing and a inst map a line to it screen coordinates ;; (define (vg:map-line drawing inst obj) (let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 'l ;; is there a defstruct copy? line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj) font: (vg:obj-font obj))) (pts (vg:obj-pts obj))) (vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts)) (vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing) )) res)) ;; given a drawing and a inst map a text to it screen coordinates ;; (define (vg:map-text drawing inst obj) (let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 't fill-color: (vg:obj-fill-color obj) text: (vg:obj-text obj) line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj) font: (vg:obj-font obj) angle: (vg:obj-angle obj) attrib: (vg:obj-attrib obj))) (pts (vg:obj-pts obj))) (vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts)) (vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing))) res)) ;; given a drawing and a inst map a line to it screen coordinates ;; (define (vg:map-xaxis drawing inst obj) (let ((res (make-vg:obj type: 'x ;; is there a defstruct copy? line-color: (vg:obj-line-color obj) font: (vg:obj-font obj))) (pts (vg:obj-pts obj))) (vg:obj-pts-set! res (vg:drawing-inst-apply-scale-offset drawing inst pts)) (vg:drawing-cache-set! drawing (cons res (vg:drawing-cache drawing) )) res)) ;;====================================================================== ;; instances ;;====================================================================== (define (vg:instances-get-extents drawing . instance-names) (let ((xtnt-lst (vg:draw drawing #f))) (if (null? xtnt-lst) #f (let loop ((extents (car xtnt-lst)) (tal (cdr xtnt-lst)) (llx #f) (lly #f) (ulx #f) (uly #f)) (let ((nllx (if llx (min llx (list-ref extents 0))(list-ref extents 0))) (nlly (if lly (min lly (list-ref extents 1))(list-ref extents 1))) (nulx (if ulx (max ulx (list-ref extents 2))(list-ref extents 2))) (nuly (if uly (max uly (list-ref extents 3))(list-ref extents 3)))) (if (null? tal) (list llx lly ulx uly) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) nllx nlly nulx nuly))))))) (define (vg:lib-get-component lib instname) (hash-table-ref/default (vg:lib-comps lib) instname #f)) ;;====================================================================== ;; color ;;====================================================================== (define (vg:rgb->number r g b #!key (a 0)) (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift a 24) (arithmetic-shift r 16) (arithmetic-shift g 8) b)) ;; Obsolete function ;; (define (vg:generate-color) (vg:rgb->number (pseudo-random-integer 255) (pseudo-random-integer 255) (pseudo-random-integer 255))) ;; Need to return a string of random iup-color for graph ;; (define (vg:generate-color-rgb) (conc (number->string (pseudo-random-integer 255)) " " (number->string (pseudo-random-integer 255)) " " (number->string (pseudo-random-integer 255)))) (define (vg:iup-color->number iup-color) (apply vg:rgb->number (map string->number (string-split iup-color)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; graphing ;;====================================================================== (define (vg:make-xaxis drawing component x1 y1 x2 y2 startnum endnum scaleproc) (let ((obj (vg:make-xaxis-obj x1 y1 x2 y2))) #f)) ;;====================================================================== ;; Unravel and draw the objects ;;====================================================================== ;; with get-extents = #t return the extents ;; with draw = #f don't actually draw the object ;; (define (vg:draw-obj drawing obj #!key (draw #t)) ;; (print "obj type: " (vg:obj-type obj)) (case (vg:obj-type obj) ((l)(vg:draw-line drawing obj draw: draw)) ((r)(vg:draw-rect drawing obj draw: draw)) ((t)(vg:draw-text drawing obj draw: draw)))) ;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing ;; scale and offset ;; (define (vg:draw-rect drawing obj #!key (draw #t)) (let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing)) (pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj))) (fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj)) (line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj)) (text (vg:obj-text obj)) (font (vg:obj-font obj)) (llx (car pts)) (lly (cadr pts)) (ulx (caddr pts)) (uly (cadddr pts)) (w (- ulx llx)) (h (- uly lly)) (text-xmax #f) (text-ymax #f)) (if draw (let ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv)) (prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv))) (if fill-color (begin (canvas-foreground-set! cnv fill-color) (canvas-box! cnv llx ulx lly uly))) ;; docs are all over the place on this one.;; w h) (if line-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color) (if fill-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color))) (canvas-rectangle! cnv llx ulx lly uly) (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color) (if text (let* ((prev-font (canvas-font cnv)) (font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font))))) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font)) (canvas-text! cnv (+ 2 llx)(+ 2 lly) text) (if (eq? draw 'get-extents) (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (set! text-xmax xmax)(set! text-ymax ymax))) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv prev-font)))))) ;; (print "text-xmax: " text-xmax " text-ymax: " text-ymax) (if (vg:obj-extents obj) (vg:obj-extents obj) (if (not text) pts ;; no text (if (and text-xmax text-ymax) ;; have text (let ((xt (list llx lly (max ulx (+ llx text-xmax)) (max uly (+ lly text-ymax))))) (vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt) xt) (if cnv (if (eq? draw 'get-extents) (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (let ((xt (list llx lly (max ulx (+ llx xmax)) (max uly (+ lly ymax))))) (vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt) xt)) pts) pts)))))) ;; return extents ;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing ;; scale and offset ;; (define (vg:draw-line drawing obj #!key (draw #t)) (let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing)) (pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj))) ;; (fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj)) (line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj)) (text (vg:obj-text obj)) (font (vg:obj-font obj)) (llx (car pts)) (lly (cadr pts)) (ulx (caddr pts)) (uly (cadddr pts)) (w (- ulx llx)) (h (- uly lly)) (text-xmax #f) (text-ymax #f)) (if draw (let ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv)) (prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv))) ;; (if fill-color ;; (begin ;; (canvas-foreground-set! cnv fill-color) ;; (canvas-box! cnv llx ulx lly uly))) ;; docs are all over the place on this one.;; w h) (if line-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color)) ;; (if fill-color ;; (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color))) (canvas-line! cnv llx lly ulx uly) (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color) (if text (let* ((prev-font (canvas-font cnv)) (font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font))))) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font)) (canvas-text! cnv (+ 2 llx)(+ 2 lly) text) (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (set! text-xmax xmax)(set! text-ymax ymax)) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv prev-font)))))) ;; (print "text-xmax: " text-xmax " text-ymax: " text-ymax) (if (vg:obj-extents obj) (vg:obj-extents obj) (if (not text) pts (if (and text-xmax text-ymax) (let ((xt (list llx lly (max ulx (+ llx text-xmax)) (max uly (+ lly text-ymax))))) (vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt) xt) (if cnv (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (let ((xt (list llx lly (max ulx (+ llx xmax)) (max uly (+ lly ymax))))) (vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt) xt)) pts)))))) ;; return extents ;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing ;; scale and offset ;; (define (vg:draw-xaxis drawing obj #!key (draw #t)) (let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing)) (pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj))) ;; (fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj)) (line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj)) (text (vg:obj-text obj)) (font (vg:obj-font obj)) (llx (car pts)) (lly (cadr pts)) (ulx (caddr pts)) (uly (cadddr pts)) (w (- ulx llx)) (h (- uly lly)) (text-xmax #f) (text-ymax #f)) (if draw (let ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv)) (prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv))) ;; (if fill-color ;; (begin ;; (canvas-foreground-set! cnv fill-color) ;; (canvas-box! cnv llx ulx lly uly))) ;; docs are all over the place on this one.;; w h) (if line-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color) #;(if fill-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color))) (canvas-line! cnv llx ulx lly uly) (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color) (if text (let* ((prev-font (canvas-font cnv)) (font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font))))) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font)) (canvas-text! cnv (+ 2 llx)(+ 2 lly) text) (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (set! text-xmax xmax)(set! text-ymax ymax)) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv prev-font)))))) ;; (print "text-xmax: " text-xmax " text-ymax: " text-ymax) (if (vg:obj-extents obj) (vg:obj-extents obj) (if (not text) pts (if (and text-xmax text-ymax) (let ((xt (list llx lly (max ulx (+ llx text-xmax)) (max uly (+ lly text-ymax))))) (vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt) xt) (if cnv (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (let ((xt (list llx lly (max ulx (+ llx xmax)) (max uly (+ lly ymax))))) (vg:obj-extents-set! obj xt) xt)) pts)))))) ;; return extents ;; given a rect obj draw it on the canvas applying first the drawing ;; scale and offset ;; (define (vg:draw-text drawing obj #!key (draw #t)) (let* ((cnv (vg:drawing-cnv drawing)) (pts (vg:drawing-apply-scale drawing (vg:obj-pts obj))) (text (vg:obj-text obj)) (font (vg:obj-font obj)) (fill-color (vg:obj-fill-color obj)) (line-color (vg:obj-line-color obj)) (llx (car pts)) (lly (cadr pts))) (if draw (let* ((prev-background-color (canvas-background cnv)) (prev-foreground-color (canvas-foreground cnv)) (prev-font (canvas-font cnv)) (font-changed (and font (not (equal? font prev-font))))) (if line-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv line-color) (if fill-color (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color))) (if font-changed (canvas-font-set! cnv font)) (canvas-text! cnv llx lly text) ;; NOTE: we do not set the font back!! (canvas-foreground-set! cnv prev-foreground-color))) (if cnv (if (eq? draw 'get-extents) (let-values (((xmax ymax)(canvas-text-size cnv text))) (append pts (list (+ llx xmax)(+ lly ymax)))) ;; will be wrong if text is rotated? (append pts pts)) (append pts pts)))) (define (vg:draw-inst drawing inst #!key (draw-mode #t)(prev-extents '())) (let* ((libname (vg:inst-libname inst)) (compname (vg:inst-compname inst)) (comp (vg:get-component drawing libname compname)) (objs (vg:comp-objs comp))) ;; (print "comp: " comp) (if (null? objs) prev-extents (let loop ((obj (car objs)) (tal (cdr objs)) (res prev-extents)) (let* ((obj-xfrmd (vg:map-obj drawing inst obj)) (newres (cons (vg:draw-obj drawing obj-xfrmd draw: draw-mode) res))) (if (null? tal) newres (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres))))))) (define (vg:draw drawing draw-mode . instnames) (let* ((insts (vg:drawing-insts drawing)) (all-inst-names (hash-table-keys insts)) (master-list (if (null? instnames) all-inst-names instnames))) (if (null? master-list) '() (let loop ((instname (car master-list)) (tal (cdr master-list)) (res '())) (let* ((inst (hash-table-ref/default insts instname #f)) (newres (if inst (vg:draw-inst drawing inst draw-mode: draw-mode prev-extents: res) res))) (if (null? tal) newres (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres))))))) |
Added build-assist/ck5 version [a0370c68ea].
> > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | #!/bin/bash export PATH=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/bin:$PATH if [[ -z /home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib:/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib64 ]];then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib:/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib:/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib64 fi export CHICKEN_DOC_PAGER=cat exec "$@" |
Added build-assist/ck5-eggs.list version [4ccb4f5090].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | address-info ansi-escape-sequences apropos base64 crypt csv-abnf directory-utils filepath fmt format http-client itemsmod json linenoise md5 message-digest nanomsg postgresql queues regex regex-case rfc3339 s11n sha1 simple-exceptions slice sparse-vectors spiffy spiffy-directory-listing spiffy-request-vars sql-de-lite sqlite3 sql-null srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-19 sxml-modifications sxml-serializer sxml-transforms system-information test typed-records uri-common z3 |
Added build-assist/debian-packages-needed version [c1a441be4e].
> > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 | build-essential libnanomsg-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 |
Added build-assist/ version [a1231c7291].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | if [[ -z $PREFIX ]];then echo "PREFIX required" exit fi echo "Put iup, im and cd .a and .so files in PREFIX/lib" echo " 1. get opensrc fossil from" echo " 2. list the unversioned files and export the cd, im and iup lib for your kernel (try uname -a for the kernel number) 4.15 ==> 415_64" echo " 3. untar iup, im and cp tars into a clean working dir and then copy:" echo " cp *.a *.so $PREFIX/lib" echo " cp include/*.h $PREFIX/include" echo " 4. run the chicken-install like this:" echo "If you use a wrapper (e.g. ck5) to create the chicken environment:" echo "CSC_OPTIONS=\"-I$PREFIX/include -I$PREFIX/include/im -I$PREFIX/include/cd -I$PREFIX/include/iup -L$PREFIX/lib -C -std=gnu99\" ck5 chicken-install iup -feature disable-iup-matrixex" echo "else:" echo "CSC_OPTIONS=\"-I$PREFIX/include -I$PREFIX/include/im -I$PREFIX/include/cd -I$PREFIX/include/iup -L$PREFIX/lib -C -std=gnu99\" chicken-install iup" echo "Then repeat for canvas-draw" # (export PREFIX=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2;CSC_OPTIONS="-I/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/include -I/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/include/im -I/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/include/cd -I/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/include/iup -L/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib -C -std=gnu99" ck5 chicken-install iup -feature disable-iup-matrixex) |
Added build-assist/other-stuff version [e66fa17472].
> > | 1 2 | cd megatest/dbi;chicken-install |
Deleted common.scm version [4b8aa57ac0].
| < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < |
Modified common_records.scm from [9505f2c8b8] to [604a3f05dd].
︙ | ︙ | |||
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== ;; (use trace) | | | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== ;; (use trace) ;; (include "altdb.scm") ;; Some of these routines use: ;; ;; ;; ;; Syntax for defining macros in a simple style similar to function definiton, ;; when there is a single pattern for the argument list and there are no keywords. |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified commonmod.scm from [f4c84442dd] to [f0766e728c].
︙ | ︙ | |||
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses hostinfo)) (declare (uses keysmod)) ;; odd but it works? | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 | (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses hostinfo)) (declare (uses keysmod)) ;; odd but it works? ;; (declare (uses itemsmod)) (module commonmod ( make-db:test db:test-get-id db:test-get-run_id db:test-get-testname db:test-get-state db:test-get-status db:test-get-event_time db:test-get-host db:test-get-cpuload db:test-get-diskfree db:test-get-uname db:test-get-rundir db:test-get-item-path db:test-get-run_duration db:test-get-final_logf db:test-get-comment db:test-get-process_id db:test-get-archived db:test-get-last_update db:test-get-fullname db:test-make-full-name db:test-get-first_err db:test-get-first_warn db:test-set-cpuload! db:test-set-diskfree! db:test-set-testname! db:test-set-state! db:test-set-status! db:test-set-run_duration! db:test-set-final_logf! db:test-get-is-toplevel make-db:mintest db:mintest-get-id db:mintest-get-run_id db:mintest-get-testname db:mintest-get-state db:mintest-get-status db:mintest-get-event_time db:mintest-get-item_path make-db:testmeta db:testmeta-get-id db:testmeta-get-testname db:testmeta-get-author db:testmeta-get-owner db:testmeta-get-description db:testmeta-get-reviewed db:testmeta-get-iterated db:testmeta-get-avg_runtime db:testmeta-get-avg_disk db:testmeta-get-tags db:testmeta-set-id! db:testmeta-set-testname! db:testmeta-set-author! db:testmeta-set-owner! db:testmeta-set-description! db:testmeta-set-reviewed! db:testmeta-set-iterated! db:testmeta-set-avg_runtime! db:testmeta-set-avg_disk! make-db:test-data db:test-data-get-id db:test-data-get-test_id db:test-data-get-category db:test-data-get-variable db:test-data-get-value db:test-data-get-expected db:test-data-get-tol db:test-data-get-units db:test-data-get-comment db:test-data-get-status db:test-data-get-type db:test-data-get-last_update db:test-data-set-id! db:test-data-set-test_id! db:test-data-set-category! db:test-data-set-variable! db:test-data-set-value! db:test-data-set-expected! db:test-data-set-tol! db:test-data-set-units! db:test-data-set-comment! db:test-data-set-status! db:test-data-set-type! make-db:step tdb:step-get-id tdb:step-get-test_id tdb:step-get-stepname tdb:step-get-state tdb:step-get-status tdb:step-get-event_time tdb:step-get-logfile tdb:step-get-comment tdb:step-get-last_update tdb:step-set-id! tdb:step-set-test_id! tdb:step-set-stepname! tdb:step-set-state! tdb:step-set-status! tdb:step-set-event_time! tdb:step-set-logfile! tdb:step-set-comment! make-db:steps-table tdb:steps-table-get-stepname tdb:steps-table-get-start tdb:steps-table-get-end tdb:steps-table-get-status tdb:steps-table-get-runtime tdb:steps-table-get-log-file tdb:step-stable-set-stepname! tdb:step-stable-set-start! tdb:step-stable-set-end! tdb:step-stable-set-status! tdb:step-stable-set-runtime! make-cdb:packet cdb:packet-get-client-sig cdb:packet-get-qtype cdb:packet-get-immediate cdb:packet-get-query-sig cdb:packet-get-params cdb:packet-get-qtime cdb:packet-set-client-sig! cdb:packet-set-qtype! cdb:packet-set-immediate! cdb:packet-set-query-sig! cdb:packet-set-params! cdb:packet-set-qtime! runs:runrec-make-record runs:runrec-get-target runs:runrec-get-runname runs:runrec-testpatt runs:runrec-keys runs:runrec-keyvals runs:runrec-environment runs:runrec-mconfig runs:runrec-runconfig runs:runrec-serverdat runs:runrec-transport runs:runrec-db runs:runrec-top-path runs:runrec-run_id test:get-id test:get-run_id test:get-test-name test:get-state test:get-status test:get-item-path test:test-get-fullname make-and-init-bigdata call-with-environment-variables common:simple-file-lock common:simple-file-lock-and-wait common:simple-file-release-lock common:fail-safe get-file-descriptor-count common:get-this-exe-fullpath common:get-sync-lock-filepath common:find-local-megatest common:logpro-exit-code->status-sym common:worse-status-sym common:steps-can-proceed-given-status-sym status-sym->string common:logpro-exit-code->test-status common:clear-caches common:get-full-version common:version-signature common:snapshot-file common:rotate-logs make-sparse-array sparse-array? sparse-array-ref sparse-array-set! common:db-block-further-queries common:db-access-allowed? common:to-alist common:alist-ref/default common:low-noise-print common:get-megatest-exe common:read-encoded-string common:special-sort get-with-default assoc/default common:get-area-name common:get-toppath common:get-db-tmp-area common:get-signature common:get-area-path-signature common:calc-area-key common:get-area-key common:human-time std-signal-handler special-signal-handler any->number any->number-if-possible patt-list-match common:get-disks common:which common:get-install-area common:get-create-writeable-dir common:get-youngest common:bash-glob common:list-or-null common:get-runconfig-targets common:args-get-state common:args-get-status common:args-get-testpatt common:false-on-exception common:file-exists? common:directory-exists? common:directory-writable? common:get-linktree common:args-get-runname common:args-get-target common:get-full-test-name common:use-cache? common:force-server? common:list-is-sublist common:max common:min-max common:sum common:list->htree common:htree->html common:htree->atree common:sparse-list-generate-index common:lazy-convert common:val->alist common:lazy-modification-time common:lazy-sqlite-db-modification-time common:get-intercept common:get-delay common:print-delay-table get-cpu-load common:get-cached-info common:write-cached-info common:raw-get-remote-host-load common:get-cpu-load common:get-normalized-cpu-load common:get-normalized-cpu-load-raw common:unix-ping launch:is-test-alive common:get-num-cpus common:wait-for-normalized-load common:wait-for-cpuload tasks:kill-server server:get-logs-list server:get-list server:get-num-alive server:get-best server:get-first-best server:get-rand-best server:record->id server:get-num-servers server:logf-get-start-info get-uname realpath common:real-path common:get-disk-space-used get-df get-free-inodes get-unix-df get-unix-inodes common:check-space-in-dir common:check-db-dir-space common:check-db-dir-and-exit-if-insufficient common:get-disk-with-most-free-space common:spec-string->list-of-specs common:file-find-rule common:dir-clean-up bb-check-path save-environment-as-files common:get-param-mapping alist->env-vars get-the-original-environment common:with-orig-env common:without-vars common:run-a-command common:hms-string->seconds seconds->hr-min-sec seconds->time-string seconds->work-week/day-time seconds->work-week/day seconds->year-work-week/day seconds->year-work-week/day-time seconds->year-week/day-time seconds->quarter common:date-time->seconds common:find-start-mark-and-mark-delta common:expand-cron-slash common:cron-expand common:cron-event common:extended-cron common:name->iup-color common:iup-color->rgb-hex common:in-running-test? common:get-color-from-status common:load-views-config hh:make-hh hh:get hh:set! common:get-pkts-dirs common:save-pkt common:minimal-save-pkt common:get-pkt-alists common:get-pkt-times common:send-thunk-to-background-thread common:join-backgrounded-threads dtests:get-pre-command dtests:get-post-command db:patt->like tests:cache-regexp tests:glob-like-match tests:match tests:match->sqlqry tests:get-itemmaps tests:lookup-itemmap tests:get-tests-search-path server:get-best-guess-address tests:readlines server:expiration-timeout runs:get-mt-env-alist keys:make-key/field-string sexpr->string string->sexpr *bdat* *user-hash-data* *db-keys* *pkts-info* *configinfo* *runconfigdat* *configdat* *configstatus* *toppath* *already-seen-runconfig-info* *test-meta-updated* *globalexitstatus* *passnum* *common:denoise* *time-zero* *default-area-tag* *dbstruct-db* *db-stats* *db-stats-mutex* *db-last-access* *db-write-access* *db-last-sync* *db-sync-in-progress* *db-multi-sync-mutex* *task-db* *db-access-allowed* *db-access-mutex* *db-transaction-mutex* *db-cache-path* *db-with-db-mutex* *db-api-call-time* *no-sync-db* *my-signature* *transport-type* *logged-in-clients* *server-info* *server-run* *run-id* *server-kind-run* *home-host* *heartbeat-mutex* *api-process-request-count* *max-api-process-requests* *server-overloaded* *writes-total-delay* *unclean-shutdown* *rmt-mutex* *keys* *keyvals* *toptest-paths* *test-paths* *test-ids* *test-info* *run-info-cache* *launch-setup-mutex* *homehost-mutex* *triggers-mutex* *numcpus-cache* *host-loads* *env-vars-by-run-id* *testconfigs* *runconfigs* *pre-reqs-met-cache* *verbosity-cache* *fdb* *last-launch* *common:std-states* *common:dont-roll-up-states* *common:std-statuses* *common:ended-states* *common:badly-ended-states* *common:well-ended-states* *common:running-states* *common:cant-run-states* *common:not-started-ok-statuses* *verbosity* *logging* *common:thread-punchlist* *last-num-running-tests* *seen-cant-run-tests* *runs:denoise* *max-tries-hash* *send-receive-mutex* *db:process-queue-mutex* *http-functions* *http-mutex* *http-requests-in-progress* *http-connections-next-cleanup* *number-of-writes* *number-non-write-queries* *global-db-store* *common:logpro-exit-code->status-sym-alist* *glob-like-match-cache* ;; bad name - clean this up keys:config-get-fields sdb:qry ;; record accessors and settors bdat-home bdat-user bdat-watchdog bdat-time-to-exit bdat-task-db bdat-target bdat-this-exe-fullpath bdat-this-exe-dir bdat-this-exe-name bdat-orig-env bdat-runs-data bdat-task-db-set! bdat-time-to-exit-set! bdat-watchdog-set! bdat-task-db-set! bdat-target-set! make-launch:einf launch:einf-pid launch:einf-exit-status launch:einf-exit-code launch:einf-rollup-status launch:einf-pid-set! launch:einf-exit-status-set! launch:einf-exit-code-set! launch:einf-rollup-status-set! make-host host-reachable host-last-update host-last-used host-last-cpuload host-reachable-set! host-last-update-set! host-last-used-set! host-last-cpuload-set! runs:gendat-inc-results runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update runs:gendat-inc-results-fmt runs:gendat-run-info runs:gendat-runname runs:gendat-target runs:gendat-inc-results-set! runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update-set! runs:gendat-inc-results-fmt-set! runs:gendat-run-info-set! runs:gendat-runname-set! runs:gendat-target-set! megatest-fossil-hash ) (import scheme chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.time chicken.file.posix |
︙ | ︙ | |||
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 | debugprint stml2 pkts processmod (prefix mtargs args:) configfmod keysmod | | > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 | debugprint stml2 pkts processmod (prefix mtargs args:) configfmod keysmod ;; itemsmod hostinfo ) ;;====================================================================== ;; CONTENTS ;; ;; config file utils ;; misc conversion, data manipulation functions ;; testsuite and area utilites ;; ;;====================================================================== (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") ;;====================================================================== ;; Make available the old db_records.scm stuff ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;;====================================================================== ;; dbstruct ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; -path-|-megatest.db ;; |-db-|-main.db ;; |-monitor.db ;; |-sdb.db ;; |-fdb.db ;; |-1.db ;; |-<N>.db ;; ;; ;; Accessors for a dbstruct ;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) ;; ( db path ) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-strdb vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) ;; ( db path ) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-path vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-local vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) ;; ( db path ) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inmem vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) ;; ( db #f ) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-mtime vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rtime vec) (vector-ref vec 7)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-stime vec) (vector-ref vec 8)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inuse vec) (vector-ref vec 9)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-refdb vec) (vector-ref vec 10)) ;; ( db path ) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs vec) (vector-ref vec 11)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-olddb vec) (vector-ref vec 12)) ;; ( db path ) ;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main-path vec) (vector-ref vec 13)) ;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-path vec) (vector-ref vec 14)) ;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-run-id vec) (vector-ref vec 13)) ;; ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-strdb-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-path-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-local-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inmem-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-mtime-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rtime-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-stime-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-inuse-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 9 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-refdb-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 10 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 11 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-olddb-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 12 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-main-path-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val)) ;; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-rundb-path-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 14 val)) ;; ; (define-inline (dbr:dbstruct-run-id-set! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val)) ;; constructor for dbstruct ;; ;; (define (make-dbr:dbstruct #!key (path #f)(local #f)) ;; (let ((v (make-vector 15 #f))) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-path-set! v path) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-local-set! v local) ;; (dbr:dbstruct-locdbs-set! v (make-hash-table)) ;; v)) (define (make-db:test)(make-vector 20)) (define (db:test-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (db:test-get-run_id vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (db:test-get-testname vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (db:test-get-state vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (db:test-get-status vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (db:test-get-event_time vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (db:test-get-host vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) (define (db:test-get-cpuload vec) (vector-ref vec 7)) (define (db:test-get-diskfree vec) (vector-ref vec 8)) (define (db:test-get-uname vec) (vector-ref vec 9)) ;; (define (db:test-get-rundir vec) (sdb:qry 'getstr (vector-ref vec 10))) (define (db:test-get-rundir vec) (vector-ref vec 10)) (define (db:test-get-item-path vec) (vector-ref vec 11)) (define (db:test-get-run_duration vec) (vector-ref vec 12)) (define (db:test-get-final_logf vec) (vector-ref vec 13)) (define (db:test-get-comment vec) (vector-ref vec 14)) (define (db:test-get-process_id vec) (vector-ref vec 16)) (define (db:test-get-archived vec) (vector-ref vec 17)) (define (db:test-get-last_update vec) (vector-ref vec 18)) ;; (define (db:test-get-pass_count vec) (vector-ref vec 15)) ;; (define (db:test-get-fail_count vec) (vector-ref vec 16)) (define (db:test-get-fullname vec) (conc (db:test-get-testname vec) "/" (db:test-get-item-path vec))) ;; replace runs:make-full-test-name with this routine (define (db:test-make-full-name testname itempath) (if (equal? itempath "") testname (conc testname "/" itempath))) (define (db:test-get-first_err vec) (conc #;printable (vector-ref vec 15))) (define (db:test-get-first_warn vec) (conc #;printable (vector-ref vec 16))) ;; RADT => reference 16 is repeated (define (db:test-set-cpuload! vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val)) (define (db:test-set-diskfree! vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val)) (define (db:test-set-testname! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define (db:test-set-state! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define (db:test-set-status! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) (define (db:test-set-run_duration! vec val)(vector-set! vec 12 val)) (define (db:test-set-final_logf! vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val)) ;; Test record utility functions ;; Is a test a toplevel? ;; (define (db:test-get-is-toplevel vec) (and (equal? (db:test-get-item-path vec) "") ;; test is not an item (equal? (db:test-get-uname vec) "n/a"))) ;; test has never been run ;; make-vector-record "" db mintest id run_id testname state status event_time item_path ;; RADT => purpose of mintest?? ;; (define (make-db:mintest)(make-vector 7)) (define (db:mintest-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (db:mintest-get-run_id vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (db:mintest-get-testname vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (db:mintest-get-state vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (db:mintest-get-status vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (db:mintest-get-event_time vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (db:mintest-get-item_path vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) ;; make-vector-record db testmeta id testname author owner description reviewed iterated avg_runtime avg_disk (define (make-db:testmeta)(make-vector 10 "")) (define (db:testmeta-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (db:testmeta-get-testname vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (db:testmeta-get-author vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (db:testmeta-get-owner vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (db:testmeta-get-description vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (db:testmeta-get-reviewed vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (db:testmeta-get-iterated vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) (define (db:testmeta-get-avg_runtime vec) (vector-ref vec 7)) (define (db:testmeta-get-avg_disk vec) (vector-ref vec 8)) (define (db:testmeta-get-tags vec) (vector-ref vec 9)) (define (db:testmeta-set-id! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-testname! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-author! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-owner! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-description! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-reviewed! vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-iterated! vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-avg_runtime! vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val)) (define (db:testmeta-set-avg_disk! vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val)) ;;====================================================================== ;; S I M P L E R U N ;;====================================================================== ;; (defstruct id "runname" "state" "status" "owner" "event_time" ;;====================================================================== ;; T E S T D A T A ;;====================================================================== (define (make-db:test-data)(make-vector 10)) (define (db:test-data-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (db:test-data-get-test_id vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (db:test-data-get-category vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (db:test-data-get-variable vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (db:test-data-get-value vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (db:test-data-get-expected vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (db:test-data-get-tol vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) (define (db:test-data-get-units vec) (vector-ref vec 7)) (define (db:test-data-get-comment vec) (vector-ref vec 8)) (define (db:test-data-get-status vec) (vector-ref vec 9)) (define (db:test-data-get-type vec) (vector-ref vec 10)) (define (db:test-data-get-last_update vec) (vector-ref vec 11)) (define (db:test-data-set-id! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-test_id! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-category! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-variable! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-value! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-expected! vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-tol! vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-units! vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-comment! vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-status! vec val)(vector-set! vec 9 val)) (define (db:test-data-set-type! vec val)(vector-set! vec 10 val)) ;;====================================================================== ;; S T E P S ;;====================================================================== ;; Run steps ;; make-vector-record "Run steps" db step id test_id stepname step_complete step_pass event_time (define (make-db:step)(make-vector 9)) (define (tdb:step-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (tdb:step-get-test_id vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (tdb:step-get-stepname vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (tdb:step-get-state vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (tdb:step-get-status vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (tdb:step-get-event_time vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (tdb:step-get-logfile vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) (define (tdb:step-get-comment vec) (vector-ref vec 7)) (define (tdb:step-get-last_update vec) (vector-ref vec 8)) (define (tdb:step-set-id! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-test_id! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-stepname! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-state! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-status! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-event_time! vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-logfile! vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val)) (define (tdb:step-set-comment! vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val)) ;; The steps table (define (make-db:steps-table)(make-vector 5)) (define (tdb:steps-table-get-stepname vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (tdb:steps-table-get-start vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (tdb:steps-table-get-end vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (tdb:steps-table-get-status vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (tdb:steps-table-get-runtime vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (tdb:steps-table-get-log-file vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (tdb:step-stable-set-stepname! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) (define (tdb:step-stable-set-start! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) (define (tdb:step-stable-set-end! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define (tdb:step-stable-set-status! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define (tdb:step-stable-set-runtime! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) ;; The data structure for handing off requests via wire (define (make-cdb:packet)(make-vector 6)) (define (cdb:packet-get-client-sig vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (cdb:packet-get-qtype vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (cdb:packet-get-immediate vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (cdb:packet-get-query-sig vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (cdb:packet-get-params vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (cdb:packet-get-qtime vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (cdb:packet-set-client-sig! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) (define (cdb:packet-set-qtype! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) (define (cdb:packet-set-immediate! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define (cdb:packet-set-query-sig! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define (cdb:packet-set-params! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) (define (cdb:packet-set-qtime! vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val)) ;;====================================================================== ;; end of old db_records.scm ;; ;;====================================================================== ;; old run_records stuff ;; (define (runs:runrec-make-record) (make-vector 13)) (define (runs:runrec-get-target vec)(vector-ref vec 0)) ;; a/b/c (define (runs:runrec-get-runname vec)(vector-ref vec 1)) ;; string (define (runs:runrec-testpatt vec)(vector-ref vec 2)) ;; a,b/c,d% (define (runs:runrec-keys vec)(vector-ref vec 3)) ;; (key1 key2 ...) (define (runs:runrec-keyvals vec)(vector-ref vec 4)) ;; ((key1 val1)(key2 val2) ...) (define (runs:runrec-environment vec)(vector-ref vec 5)) ;; environment, alist key val (define (runs:runrec-mconfig vec)(vector-ref vec 6)) ;; megatest.config (define (runs:runrec-runconfig vec)(vector-ref vec 7)) ;; runconfigs.config (define (runs:runrec-serverdat vec)(vector-ref vec 8)) ;; (host port) (define (runs:runrec-transport vec)(vector-ref vec 9)) ;; 'http (define (runs:runrec-db vec)(vector-ref vec 10)) ;; <sqlite3db> (if 'fs) (define (runs:runrec-top-path vec)(vector-ref vec 11)) ;; *toppath* (define (runs:runrec-run_id vec)(vector-ref vec 12)) ;; run-id (define (test:get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (test:get-run_id vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (test:get-test-name vec)(vector-ref vec 2)) (define (test:get-state vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (test:get-status vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (test:get-item-path vec)(vector-ref vec 5)) (define (test:test-get-fullname test) (conc (db:test-get-testname test) (if (equal? (db:test-get-item-path test) "") "" (conc "(" (db:test-get-item-path test) ")")))) ;;====================================================================== ;; end of run_records ;; ;; these come from processmod ;; ;; (define setenv set-environment-variable!) ;; (define unsetenv unset-environment-variable!) ;; (define getenv get-environment-variable) ;; move all the miscellanea into this struct ;; (defstruct runs:gendat inc-results inc-results-last-update inc-results-fmt run-info runname target) (define *bdat* #f) ;; the one and only (someday) global? (defstruct bdat (home (get-environment-variable "HOME")) (user (get-environment-variable "USER")) (watchdog #f) (time-to-exit #f) (task-db #f) (target #f) (this-exe-fullpath #f) (this-exe-dir #f) (this-exe-name #f) |
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151 152 153 154 155 156 157 | ;; set up signal handlers (set-signal-handler! signal/int std-signal-handler) ;; ^C (set-signal-handler! signal/term std-signal-handler) ;; (set-signal-handler! signal/stop std-signal-handler) ;; ^Z NO, do NOT handle ^Z! bdat)) | | | | | 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 | ;; set up signal handlers (set-signal-handler! signal/int std-signal-handler) ;; ^C (set-signal-handler! signal/term std-signal-handler) ;; (set-signal-handler! signal/stop std-signal-handler) ;; ^Z NO, do NOT handle ^Z! bdat)) ;; (define home (get-environment-variable "HOME")) ;; (define user (get-environment-variable "USER")) (define keys:config-get-fields common:get-fields) ;; Globals ;; ;;(define *server-loop-heart-beat* (current-seconds)) ;; (define *watchdog* #f) ;; A hash table that can be accessed by #{scheme ...} calls in ;; config files. Allows communicating between confgs ;; (define *user-hash-data* (make-hash-table)) (define *db-keys* #f) (define *pkts-info* (make-hash-table)) ;; store stuff like the last parent here (define *configinfo* #f) ;; raw results from setup, includes toppath and table from megatest.config (define *runconfigdat* #f) ;; run configs data (define *configdat* #f) ;; megatest.config data ==> moved to configfmod (define *configstatus* #f) ;; status of data; 'fulldata : all processing done, #f : no data yet, 'partialdata : partial read done (define *toppath* #f) (define *already-seen-runconfig-info* #f) (define *test-meta-updated* (make-hash-table)) (define *globalexitstatus* 0) ;; attempt to work around possible thread issues (define *passnum* 0) ;; when running track calls to run-tests or similar |
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226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 | (define *home-host* #f) ;; (define *total-non-write-delay* 0) (define *heartbeat-mutex* (make-mutex)) (define *api-process-request-count* 0) (define *max-api-process-requests* 0) (define *server-overloaded* #f) (define *writes-total-delay* 0) ;; client (define *rmt-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; remote access calls mutex | > < < < | 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 | (define *home-host* #f) ;; (define *total-non-write-delay* 0) (define *heartbeat-mutex* (make-mutex)) (define *api-process-request-count* 0) (define *max-api-process-requests* 0) (define *server-overloaded* #f) (define *writes-total-delay* 0) (define *unclean-shutdown* #t) ;; flag to clear on clean shutdown ;; client (define *rmt-mutex* (make-mutex)) ;; remote access calls mutex ;; KEY info ;; (define *target* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the target here; target is keyval1/keyval2/.../keyvalN (define *keys* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache the keys here (define *keyvals* (make-hash-table)) (define *toptest-paths* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache toptest path settings here (define *test-paths* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache test-id to test run paths here (define *test-ids* (make-hash-table)) ;; cache run-id, testname, and item-path => test-id |
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406 407 408 409 410 411 412 | (cons var (get-environment-variable var)))) variables))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (void)) (lambda () ;; (use posix) (for-each (lambda (var-value) | | | | | 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 | (cons var (get-environment-variable var)))) variables))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (void)) (lambda () ;; (use posix) (for-each (lambda (var-value) (set-environment-variable! (car var-value) (cdr var-value))) variables) (thunk)) (lambda () (for-each (lambda (var-value) (let ((var (car var-value)) (value (cdr var-value))) (if value (set-environment-variable! var value) (unset-environment-variable! var)))) pre-existing-variables))))) ;; dot-locking egg seems not to work, using this for now ;; if lock is older than expire-time then remove it and try again ;; to get the lock ;; (define (common:simple-file-lock fname #!key (expire-time 300)) |
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900 901 902 903 904 905 906 | (if (> (- currtime lasttime) waitval) (begin (hash-table-set! *common:denoise* key currtime) #t) #f))) (define (common:get-megatest-exe) | | | 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 | (if (> (- currtime lasttime) waitval) (begin (hash-table-set! *common:denoise* key currtime) #t) #f))) (define (common:get-megatest-exe) (or (get-environment-variable "MT_MEGATEST") "megatest")) (define (common:read-encoded-string instr) (handle-exceptions exn (handle-exceptions exn (begin |
︙ | ︙ | |||
989 990 991 992 993 994 995 | (define (assoc/default key lst . default) (let ((res (assoc key lst))) (if res (cadr res)(if (null? default) #f (car default))))) (define (common:get-area-name) (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "area-name") ;; megatest is a flexible tool, testsuite is too limiting a description. (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "testsuite" ) | | | | | | 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 | (define (assoc/default key lst . default) (let ((res (assoc key lst))) (if res (cadr res)(if (null? default) #f (car default))))) (define (common:get-area-name) (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "area-name") ;; megatest is a flexible tool, testsuite is too limiting a description. (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "testsuite" ) (get-environment-variable "MT_TESTSUITE_NAME") (pathname-file (or (if (string? *toppath* ) (pathname-file *toppath*) #f) (common:get-toppath #f))) "please-set-setup-area-name")) ;; (pathname-file (current-directory))))) ;;====================================================================== ;; safe getting of toppath (define (common:get-toppath areapath) (or *toppath* (if areapath (begin (set! *toppath* areapath) (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" areapath) areapath) #f) (if (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME") (begin (set! *toppath* (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")) *toppath*) #f) ;; last resort, look for megatest.config (let loop ((thepath (realpath "."))) (if (file-exists? (conc thepath "/megatest.config")) thepath (if (equal? thepath "/") |
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1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 | (target-patt (args:get-arg "-target"))) (if target-patt (filter (lambda (x) (patt-list-match x target-patt)) targs) targs))) | < < < < < < < < < < > | | | | 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 | (target-patt (args:get-arg "-target"))) (if target-patt (filter (lambda (x) (patt-list-match x target-patt)) targs) targs))) (define (common:args-get-state) (or (args:get-arg "-state")(args:get-arg ":state"))) (define (common:args-get-status) (or (args:get-arg "-status")(args:get-arg ":status"))) (define (common:args-get-testpatt rconf) (let* ((target (common:args-get-target)) ;; (tagexpr (args:get-arg "-tagexpr")) ;; (tags-testpatt (if tagexpr (string-join (runs:get-tests-matching-tags tagexpr) ",") #f)) (testpatt-key (or (args:get-arg "-modepatt") (args:get-arg "--modepatt") "TESTPATT")) (args-testpatt (or (args:get-arg "-testpatt") (args:get-arg "-runtests") "%")) (rtestpatt (if rconf (runconfigs-get rconf target testpatt-key) #f))) (cond ((or (args:get-arg "--modepatt") (args:get-arg "-modepatt")) ;; modepatt is a forced setting, when set it MUST refer to an existing PATT in the runconfig (if rconf (let* ((patts-from-mode-patt (runconfigs-get rconf target testpatt-key))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "modepatt defined is: "testpatt-key" runconfigs values for " testpatt-key " " patts-from-mode-patt) patts-from-mode-patt) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* " modepatt defined is: "testpatt-key" runconfigs values for " testpatt-key) ;; " " patts-from-mode-patt) #f))) ;; We do NOT fall back to "%" ;; (tags-testpatt ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "-tagexpr "tagexpr" selects testpatt "tags-testpatt) |
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1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 | #f) (if (and (directory-exists? path-string) (file-writable? path-string)) path-string #f))) (define (common:get-linktree) | | | | | | | | 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 | #f) (if (and (directory-exists? path-string) (file-writable? path-string)) path-string #f))) (define (common:get-linktree) (or (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") (if *configdat* (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") #f) (if (or *toppath* (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")) (conc (or *toppath* (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")) "/lt") #f) (let* ((tp (common:get-toppath #f)) (lt (conc tp "/lt"))) (if (not tp)(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: cannot calculate best path for linktree, using " lt)) lt))) (define (common:args-get-runname) (let ((res (or (args:get-arg "-runname") (args:get-arg ":runname") (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME")))) ;; (if res (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUNNAME" res)) ;; not sure if this is a good idea. side effect and all ... res)) (define (common:args-get-target #!key (split #f)(exit-if-bad #f)) (let* ((keys (if (hash-table? *configdat*) (common:get-fields *configdat*) '())) (numkeys (length keys)) (target (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg") (args:get-arg "-target") (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET"))) (tlist (if target (string-split target "/" #t) '())) (valid (if target (or (null? keys) ;; probably don't know our keys yet (and (not (null? tlist)) (eq? numkeys (length tlist)) (null? (filter string-null? tlist)))) #f))) |
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1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 | #f) #f)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; looking only (at least for now) at the MT_ variables craft the full testname ;; (define (common:get-full-test-name) | | | | | | | | | | 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 | #f) #f)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; looking only (at least for now) at the MT_ variables craft the full testname ;; (define (common:get-full-test-name) (if (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_NAME") (if (and (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH") (not (equal? (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH") ""))) (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_NAME") (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_NAME") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH"))) #f)) ;;====================================================================== ;; do we honor the caches of the config files? ;; (define (common:use-cache?) (let ((res #t)) ;; priority by order of evaluation (if *configdat* ;; sillyness here. can't use setup/use-cache to know if we can use the cached files! (if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "no") (set! res #f) (if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "use-cache") "yes") (set! res #t)))) (if (args:get-arg "-no-cache")(set! res #f)) ;; overrides setting in "setup" (if (get-environment-variable "MT_USE_CACHE") (if (equal? (get-environment-variable "MT_USE_CACHE") "yes") (set! res #t) (if (equal? (get-environment-variable "MT_USE_CACHE") "no") (set! res #f)))) ;; overrides -no-cache switch res)) ;;====================================================================== ;; force use of server? ;; (define (common:force-server?) |
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2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 | ;; server process management ;;====================================================================== ;; no elegance here ... ;; (define (tasks:kill-server hostname pid #!key (kill-switch "")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to kill server process " pid " on host " hostname) | | | | | | 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 | ;; server process management ;;====================================================================== ;; no elegance here ... ;; (define (tasks:kill-server hostname pid #!key (kill-switch "")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to kill server process " pid " on host " hostname) (set-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST" hostname) (let* ((logdir (if (directory-exists? "logs") "logs/" "")) (logfile (if logdir (conc "logs/server-"pid"-"hostname".log") #f)) (gzfile (if logfile (conc logfile ".gz")))) (set-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST_LOGF" (conc logdir "server-kills.log")) (system (conc "nbfake kill "kill-switch" "pid)) (when logfile (thread-sleep! 0.5) (if (file-exists? gzfile) (delete-file gzfile)) (system (conc "gzip " logfile)) (unset-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST_LOGF") (unset-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST")))) (define (server:get-logs-list area-path) (let* (;; (server-logs-cmd (conc "grep -iL exiting " area-path "/logs/server-*-*.log")) ;; (server-logs (string-split (string-chomp (with-input-from-pipe server-logs-cmd read-string)))) (server-logs (glob (conc area-path"/logs/server-*-*.log"))) ) server-logs)) |
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2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 | (for-each (lambda (p) (let* ((var (car p)) (val (cadr p)) (prv (get-environment-variable var))) (set! res (cons (list var prv) res)) (if val (safe-setenv var (->string val)) | | | 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 | (for-each (lambda (p) (let* ((var (car p)) (val (cadr p)) (prv (get-environment-variable var))) (set! res (cons (list var prv) res)) (if val (safe-setenv var (->string val)) (unset-environment-variable! var)))) lst) res) '())) ;;====================================================================== ;; clear vars matching pattern, run proc, set vars back ;; if proc is a string run that string as a command with |
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2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 | (if (string-match "^MT_.*" (car x)) #f x)) envvars)))) (define (common:with-orig-env proc) (let ((current-env (get-environment-variables))) | | | | | | | | 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 | (if (string-match "^MT_.*" (car x)) #f x)) envvars)))) (define (common:with-orig-env proc) (let ((current-env (get-environment-variables))) (for-each (lambda (x) (unset-environment-variable! (car x))) current-env) (for-each (lambda (x) (set-environment-variable! (car x) (cdr x))) (bdat-orig-env *bdat*)) (let ((rv (cond ((string? proc)(system proc)) (proc (proc))))) (for-each (lambda (x) (unset-environment-variable! (car x))) (bdat-orig-env *bdat*)) (for-each (lambda (x) (set-environment-variable! (car x) (cdr x))) current-env) rv))) (define (common:without-vars proc . var-patts) (let ((vars (make-hash-table))) (for-each (lambda (vardat) ;; each env var (for-each (lambda (var-patt) (if (string-match var-patt (car vardat)) (let ((var (car vardat)) (val (cdr vardat))) (hash-table-set! vars var val) (unset-environment-variable! var)))) var-patts)) (get-environment-variables)) (cond ((string? proc)(system proc)) (proc (proc))) (hash-table-for-each vars (lambda (var val) (set-environment-variable! var val))) vars)) (define (common:run-a-command cmd #!key (with-vars #f) (with-orig-env #f)) (let* ((pre-cmd (dtests:get-pre-command)) (post-cmd (dtests:get-post-command)) (fullcmd (if (or pre-cmd post-cmd) (conc pre-cmd cmd post-cmd) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 | (cond ((string? res) res) ;;; FIX THE ROOT CAUSE HERE .... ((null? res) #f) ((string? (cdr res)) (cdr res)) ;; it is a pair ((string? (cadr res))(cadr res)) ;; it is a list (else cadr res)))))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 | (cond ((string? res) res) ;;; FIX THE ROOT CAUSE HERE .... ((null? res) #f) ((string? (cdr res)) (cdr res)) ;; it is a pair ((string? (cadr res))(cadr res)) ;; it is a list (else cadr res)))))) (define (tests:get-tests-search-path cfgdat) (let ((paths (let ((section (if cfgdat (configf:get-section cfgdat "tests-paths") #f))) (if section (map cadr section) '())))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 | ;; timeout is hms string: 1h 5m 3s, default is 10 minutes ;; (define (server:expiration-timeout) (let ((tmo (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "timeout"))) (if (and (string? tmo) (common:hms-string->seconds tmo)) ;; BUG: hms-string->seconds is broken, if given "10" returns 0. Also, it doesn't belong in this logic unless the string->number is changed below (* 3600 (string->number tmo)) | | | 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 | ;; timeout is hms string: 1h 5m 3s, default is 10 minutes ;; (define (server:expiration-timeout) (let ((tmo (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "timeout"))) (if (and (string? tmo) (common:hms-string->seconds tmo)) ;; BUG: hms-string->seconds is broken, if given "10" returns 0. Also, it doesn't belong in this logic unless the string->number is changed below (* 3600 (string->number tmo)) 60))) ;; default is one minute (define (runs:get-mt-env-alist run-id runname target testname itempath) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars entry") `(("MT_TEST_NAME" . ,testname) ("MT_ITEMPATH" . ,itempath) |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified configfmod.scm from [6693a9270b] to [be968f04c6].
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | (declare (unit configfmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses keysmod)) (module configfmod | < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | (declare (unit configfmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses keysmod)) (module configfmod ( common:get-fields common:nice-path common:read-link-f common:with-env-vars configf:config->ini configf:alist->config configf:assoc-safe-add configf:config->alist configf:find-and-read-config configf:get-section configf:lookup configf:lookup-number configf:map-all-hier-alist configf:read-alist configf:read-config configf:read-refdb configf:section-var-set! configf:section-vars configf:set-section-var configf:var-is? configf:write-alist configf:write-config find-config nice-path process:cmd-run->list runconfig:read runconfigs-get safe-setenv setenv configf:eval-string-in-environment ) (import scheme chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.pathname chicken.port chicken.pretty-print chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.process-context.posix chicken.sort chicken.string chicken.time chicken.eval debugprint (prefix mtargs args:) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 | srfi-69 stack typed-records z3 ) | < < | 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 | srfi-69 stack typed-records z3 ) (define getenv get-environment-variable) (define setenv set-environment-variable!) (define unsetenv unset-environment-variable!) ;;====================================================================== ;; move debug stuff to separate module then put these back where they belong ;;====================================================================== |
︙ | ︙ | |||
951 952 953 954 955 956 957 | (configf:read-config fname ht #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: (if target (list "default" target) #f)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; Config file handling ;;====================================================================== ;; convert to param? | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > | 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 | (configf:read-config fname ht #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: (if target (list "default" target) #f)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; Config file handling ;;====================================================================== ;; convert to param? (define configf:std-imports "(import configfmod commonmod)") (define (configf:process-one matchdat l ht allow-system env-to-use linenum) (let* ((prestr (list-ref matchdat 1)) (cmdtype (list-ref matchdat 2)) ;; eval, system, shell, getenv (cmd (list-ref matchdat 3)) (quotedcmd (conc "\""cmd"\"")) (poststr (list-ref matchdat 4)) (result #f) (start-time (current-seconds)) (cmdsym (string->symbol cmdtype)) (fullcmd (if (member cmdsym '(scheme scm)) `(eval-needed ,(conc configf:std-imports "(import chicken.process-context.posix chicken.process-context)" "(define setenv set-environment-variable)" (conc "(lambda (ht)" cmd ")"))) (case cmdsym ((system) `(noeval-needed ,(conc (configf:system ht quotedcmd)))) ((shell sh) `(noeval-needed ,(conc (string-translate (shell quotedcmd) "\n" " ")))) ((realpath rp)`(noeval-needed ,(conc (common:nice-path quotedcmd)))) ((getenv gv) `(noeval-needed ,(conc (get-environment-variable cmd)))) ;; ((mtrah) (conc (or *toppath* (get-environment-variable \"MT_RUN_AREA_HOME\")))) ((get g) (match (string-split cmd) ((sect var)(configf:lookup ht sect var)) (else (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "#{get ...} used with only one parameter, \"" cmd "\", two needed.") '(bad-param ,(conc "#{get ...} used with only one parameter, \"" cmd "\", two needed."))))) ((runconfigs-get rget) `(noeval-needed ,(runconfigs-get ht quotedcmd))) ;; (conc "(lambda (ht)(runconfigs-get ht \"" cmd "\"))")) (else `(#f ,(conc "cmd: " cmd " not recognised"))))))) (match fullcmd (('eval-needed newres) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to process config input \"" l "\", fullcmd="fullcmd", exn=" exn) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) ;; (print "exn=" (condition->list exn)) (set! result (conc "#{( " cmdtype ") " cmd "}, full expansion: " fullcmd))) (if (or allow-system (not (member cmdtype '("system" "shell" "sh")))) (with-input-from-string newres (lambda () (set! result (if env-to-use ((eval (read) env-to-use) ht) ((eval (read)) ht) )))) (set! result (conc "#{(" cmdtype ") " cmd "}"))))) (('noeval-needed newres)(set! result newres)) ((#f errres) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to process config input \"" l "\"."))) ;; we process as a result (let ((delta (- (current-seconds) start-time))) (debug:print-info (if (> delta 2) 0 9) *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n " result)) (conc prestr result poststr))) (define (configf:process-line l ht allow-system env-to-use #!key (linenum #f)) (let loop ((res l)) (if (string? res) (let ((matchdat (string-search configf:var-expand-regex res))) (if matchdat (let ((result (configf:process-one matchdat l ht allow-system env-to-use linenum))) (loop result)) res)) res))) (define (configf:process-line-old l ht allow-system env-to-use #!key (linenum #f)) (let loop ((res l)) (if (string? res) (let ((matchdat (string-search configf:var-expand-regex res))) (if matchdat (let* ((prestr (list-ref matchdat 1)) (cmdtype (list-ref matchdat 2)) ;; eval, system, shell, getenv (cmd (list-ref matchdat 3)) (poststr (list-ref matchdat 4)) (result #f) (start-time (current-seconds)) (cmdsym (string->symbol cmdtype)) (fullcmd (conc configf:std-imports "(import chicken.process-context.posix)" "(define setenv set-environment-variable)" (case cmdsym ((scheme scm) (conc "(lambda (ht)" cmd ")")) ((system) (conc "(lambda (ht)(configf:system ht \"" cmd "\"))")) ((shell sh) (conc "(lambda (ht)(string-translate (shell \"" cmd "\") \"\n\" \" \"))")) ((realpath rp)(conc "(lambda (ht)(common:nice-path \"" cmd "\"))")) ((getenv gv) (conc "(lambda (ht)(get-environment-variable \"" cmd "\"))")) ((mtrah) (conc "(lambda (ht)" |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 | (if (> delta 2) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n " result) (debug:print-info 9 *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n " result))))) (loop (conc prestr result poststr))) res)) res))) | > > > > > > > > > | > | 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 | (if (> delta 2) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n " result) (debug:print-info 9 *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n " result))))) (loop (conc prestr result poststr))) res)) res))) ;;====================================================================== ;; Lookup a value in runconfigs based on -reqtarg or -target ;; (define (runconfigs-get config target var) (let ((targ target #;(common:args-get-target))) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")(args:get-arg "-target")(getenv "MT_TARGET")))) (if targ (or (configf:lookup config targ var) (configf:lookup config "default" var)) (configf:lookup config "default" var)))) ;; pathenvvar will set the named var to the path of the config (define (configf:find-and-read-config fname #!key (environ-patt #f)(given-toppath #f)(pathenvvar #f)(env-to-use #f)) (let* ((curr-dir (current-directory)) (configinfo (find-config fname toppath: given-toppath)) (toppath (car configinfo)) (configfile (cadr configinfo)) (set-fields (lambda (curr-section next-section ht path) |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified dashboard-context-menu.scm from [48947370a7] to [e7ae282691].
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19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; implementation of context menu that pops up on ;; right click on test cell in Runs & Runs Summary Tabs ;;====================================================================== | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | < | > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | < | | < | | > > > | > | > | | | | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 | ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; implementation of context menu that pops up on ;; right click on test cell in Runs & Runs Summary Tabs ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit dashboard-context-menu)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses dbmod)) ;; (declare (uses gutils)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses ezstepsmod)) ;; (declare (uses sdb)) ;; (declare (uses filedb)) (declare (uses subrunmod)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses testsmod)) (declare (uses dcommon)) (module dashboard-context-menu ( dboard:launch-testpanel dashboard:run-menu-items dashboard:test-menu-items dashboard:step-logs-menu-item dashboard:toplevel-menu-items dashboard:custom-menu-items dashboard:context-menu ) (import format fmt) (import (prefix iup iup:)) (import canvas-draw) (import scheme srfi-1 chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.port chicken.file.posix chicken.pathname chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.string chicken.time srfi-1 regex regex-case srfi-69 (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (import commonmod dbmod rmtmod ezstepsmod subrunmod debugprint configfmod testsmod dcommon ;; gutils ) ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "run_records.scm") (define (dboard:launch-testpanel run-id test-id) (let* ((dboardexe (common:find-local-megatest "dashboard")) (cmd (conc dboardexe " -test " run-id "," test-id " &"))) (system cmd))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
257 258 259 260 261 262 263 | ;; item5 custom show test-patt (%test-patt%):echo "%test-patt%" ;; item6 custom show test-run-dir (%test-run-dir%):echo "%test-run-dir%" ;; item7 custom show run-area-home (%run-area-home%):echo "%run-area-home%" ;; item8 custom show megatest root (%mt-root%):echo "%mt-root%" ;; item9 custom ls : ls -lrt ;; item10 custom see $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME (not yet implemented) : echo $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME | | > | | 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 | ;; item5 custom show test-patt (%test-patt%):echo "%test-patt%" ;; item6 custom show test-run-dir (%test-run-dir%):echo "%test-run-dir%" ;; item7 custom show run-area-home (%run-area-home%):echo "%run-area-home%" ;; item8 custom show megatest root (%mt-root%):echo "%mt-root%" ;; item9 custom ls : ls -lrt ;; item10 custom see $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME (not yet implemented) : echo $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME (define (dashboard:custom-menu-items bdat run-id test-id target run-name test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info) (let* ((vars (configf:section-vars *configdat* "custom-context-menu-items")) (item-path (db:test-get-item-path test-info)) ;; (bdat-this-exe-dir-set! bdat (pathname-directory fullp)) (mt-root (pathname-directory (pathname-directory (bdat-this-exe-dir bdat))))) (filter-map (lambda (var) (let* ((val (configf:lookup *configdat* "custom-context-menu-items" var)) (m (string-match "^\\s*([^:]+?)\\s*:\\s*(.*?)\\s*$" val))) (if m (let* ((menu-item-text-raw (list-ref m 1)) (command-line-raw (list-ref m 2)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
325 326 327 328 329 330 331 | (begin ;;(BB> "gonna eval it!") (eval (with-input-from-string (cadr scheme-match) read))))) (common:run-a-command command-line with-vars: #t)))))))) #f))) vars))) | | | > > | 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 | (begin ;;(BB> "gonna eval it!") (eval (with-input-from-string (cadr scheme-match) read))))) (common:run-a-command command-line with-vars: #t)))))))) #f))) vars))) (define (dashboard:context-menu bdat run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info) (let* ((run-menu-items (dashboard:run-menu-items run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)) (test-menu-items (dashboard:test-menu-items run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)) (custom-menu-items (dashboard:custom-menu-items bdat run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)) (toplevel-menu-items (dashboard:toplevel-menu-items run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)) ) (apply iup:menu `(,@toplevel-menu-items ,(iup:menu-item "Run" (apply iup:menu run-menu-items)) ,(iup:menu-item "Test" (apply iup:menu test-menu-items)) ,@custom-menu-items)))) ) |
Modified dashboard-guimonitor.scm from [9920d4908c] to [e2aa5f076a].
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18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ;; ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Test info panel ;;====================================================================== | | < < | > > | | | | > | | | | | | > > > > > > > > | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | ;; ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Test info panel ;;====================================================================== (import format) (import (prefix iup iup:)) (import canvas-draw) (import srfi-1 chicken.file.posix regex regex-case srfi-69 (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (unit dashboard-guimonitor)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses keysmod)) (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses tasksmod)) (declare (uses debugprint)) ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "run_records.scm") ;; (include "task_records.scm") (import commonmod keysmod dbmod tasksmod debugprint ) (define (control-panel db tdb keys) (let* ((var-params (make-hash-table)) ;; register all the widgets here for querying on run, rollup, remove? (key-params (make-hash-table)) (monitordat '()) ;; list of monitor records (keyentries (iup:frame #:title "Keys" |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified dashboard-tests.scm from [4ccafc8c2c] to [06afe8bec3].
︙ | ︙ | |||
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Test info panel ;;====================================================================== | < < < < < < < < < | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | > > | > > > > > > > > | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 | ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Test info panel ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit dashboard-tests)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses dbmod)) ;; (declare (uses gutils)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses ezstepsmod)) ;; (declare (uses sdb)) ;; (declare (uses filedb)) (declare (uses subrunmod)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses testsmod)) (declare (uses mtmod)) (declare (uses dcommon)) (declare (uses launchmod)) (module dashboard-tests ( message-window test-info-panel test-meta-panel-get-description test-meta-panel run-info-panel host-info-panel submegatest-panel update-state-status-buttons set-fields-panel dashboard-tests:run-a-step dashboard-tests:waiver dashboard-tests:examine-test colors-similar? dashboard:draw-tests dboard:tabdat-test-patts-use dashboard:update-run-command iuplistbox-fill-list *tim* *dashboard-comment-share-slot* *state-status* *dashboard-test-db* *dashboard-comment-share-slot* ) (import scheme chicken.file.posix chicken.base chicken.string chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.process-context chicken.time format fmt (prefix iup iup:) canvas-draw srfi-1 srfi-18 regex regex-case srfi-69 (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "run_records.scm") (import commonmod dcommon dbmod rmtmod ezstepsmod subrunmod debugprint ;; gutils configfmod testsmod mtmod launchmod ) ;;====================================================================== ;; C O M M O N ;;====================================================================== (define *tim* (iup:timer)) (define *dashboard-comment-share-slot* #f) (define (message-window msg) (iup:show (iup:dialog (iup:vbox |
︙ | ︙ | |||
456 457 458 459 460 461 462 | dlog)) ;;====================================================================== ;; ;;====================================================================== (define (dashboard-tests:examine-test run-id test-id) ;; run-id run-key origtest) | | | | 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 | dlog)) ;;====================================================================== ;; ;;====================================================================== (define (dashboard-tests:examine-test run-id test-id) ;; run-id run-key origtest) (let* ((db-path (common:get-db-tmp-area)) ;; (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/db/" run-id ".db")) (dbstruct #f) ;; NOT ACTUALLY USED (db:setup)) ;; (make-dbr:dbstruct path: (common:get-db-tmp-area #f) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") ;; local: #t)) (testdat (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id)) ;; (db:get-test-info-by-id dbstruct run-id test-id)) (db-mod-time 0) ;; (file-modification-time db-path)) (last-update 0) ;; (current-seconds)) (request-update #t)) (if (not testdat) (begin |
︙ | ︙ | |||
864 865 866 867 868 869 870 | (dcommon:initial-draw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)) (dcommon:redraw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)) )) (define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-use vec) (let ((val (dboard:tabdat-test-patts vec)))(if val val ""))) ;;RADT => What is the if for? | | | | | 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 | (dcommon:initial-draw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)) (dcommon:redraw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)) )) (define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-use vec) (let ((val (dboard:tabdat-test-patts vec)))(if val val ""))) ;;RADT => What is the if for? ;; ;; additional setters for dboard:data ;; (define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-set!-use vec val) ;; (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-set! vec (if (equal? val "") #f val))) ;; Extract the various bits of data from tabdat and create the command line equivalent that will be displayed ;; (define (dashboard:update-run-command tabdat) (let* ((cmd-tb (dboard:tabdat-command-tb tabdat)) (cmd (dboard:tabdat-command tabdat)) (test-patt (let ((tp (dboard:tabdat-test-patts tabdat))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
930 931 932 933 934 935 936 | (if (equal? selected-item item) (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" i))) ;; (number->string i)))) (set! i (+ i 1))) items) ;; (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" (if selected-item selected-item "")) i)) | < < < < < < < < < < | | 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 | (if (equal? selected-item item) (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" i))) ;; (number->string i)))) (set! i (+ i 1))) items) ;; (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" (if selected-item selected-item "")) i)) ) |
Modified dashboard.scm from [d956995e92] to [5354c7dd14].
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14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== | | | < | | | | < < | > | | | > | | | | | | | | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== (declare (uses ducttape-lib)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses bigmod)) ;; (declare (uses gutils)) ;; (declare (uses bigmod.import)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses dashboard-context-menu)) (declare (uses dashboard-tests)) (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses dcommon)) ;; (declare (uses debugprint.import)) (declare (uses itemsmod)) (declare (uses launchmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses mtmod)) (declare (uses mtver)) (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses runsmod)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses subrunmod)) (declare (uses tree)) (declare (uses vgmod)) (declare (uses testsmod)) (declare (uses tasksmod)) ;; needed for configf scripts, scheme etc. ;; (declare (uses apimod.import)) ;; (declare (uses debugprint.import)) ;; (declare (uses mtargs.import)) ;; (declare (uses commonmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses configfmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses bigmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses dbmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses rmtmod.import)) ;; ;; (declare (uses servermod.import)) ;; (declare (uses launchmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses dashboard-guimonitor)) ;; (declare (uses dashboard-main)) (module dashboard * (import scheme chicken.base chicken.bitwise chicken.condition chicken.eval chicken.file chicken.file.posix chicken.format chicken.irregex chicken.pathname chicken.port chicken.pretty-print chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.process-context.posix chicken.process.signal chicken.random chicken.repl chicken.sort chicken.string chicken.tcp chicken.time chicken.time.posix (prefix iup iup:) canvas-draw canvas-draw-iup (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) srfi-1 regex regex-case srfi-69 typed-records sparse-vectors format srfi-4 srfi-14 ) ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "run_records.scm") ;; (include "task_records.scm") ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") ;; (include "vg_records.scm") (import (prefix mtargs args:) ;; gutils bigmod commonmod configfmod dashboard-context-menu dashboard-tests dbmod dcommon debugprint itemsmod launchmod mtmod mtver processmod rmtmod runsmod subrunmod tasksmod testsmod tree vgmod ducttape-lib ) (define help (conc "Megatest Dashboard, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright (C) Matt Welland 2012-2017 Usage: dashboard [options] |
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 | "-repl" "-rh5.11" ;; fix to allow running on rh5.11 "-:p" ;; ignore the built in chicken profiling switch ) args:arg-hash 0)) ;; check for MT_* environment variables and exit if found (if (not (args:get-arg "-test")) (begin (display "Checking for MT_ vars: ") (for-each (lambda (var) (display " ")(display var) (if (get-environment-variable var) | > | 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 | "-repl" "-rh5.11" ;; fix to allow running on rh5.11 "-:p" ;; ignore the built in chicken profiling switch ) args:arg-hash 0)) (make-and-init-bigdata) ;; check for MT_* environment variables and exit if found (if (not (args:get-arg "-test")) (begin (display "Checking for MT_ vars: ") (for-each (lambda (var) (display " ")(display var) (if (get-environment-variable var) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 | ;; first check for the switch ;; (if (or (args:get-arg "-rh5.11") (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "no-detachbox") (not (file-exists? "/etc/os-release"))) (set! iup:detachbox iup:vbox)) | | | 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 | ;; first check for the switch ;; (if (or (args:get-arg "-rh5.11") (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "no-detachbox") (not (file-exists? "/etc/os-release"))) (set! iup:detachbox iup:vbox)) #;(if (not (common:on-homehost?)) (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Current policy requires running dashboard on homehost: " (common:get-homehost)))) ;; RA => Might require revert for filters ;; create a watch dog to move changes from lt/.db/*.db to megatest.db ;; ;;;(if (file-write-access? (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db")) |
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270 271 272 273 274 275 276 | (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Found these updaters: " updaters " for tab-num: " tnum) (for-each ;; perform the function calls for the complete updaters list (lambda (updater) ;; (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "Running " updater) (updater)) updaters)))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | < < < < < < < | | | | 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 | (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Found these updaters: " updaters " for tab-num: " tnum) (for-each ;; perform the function calls for the complete updaters list (lambda (updater) ;; (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "Running " updater) (updater)) updaters)))) ;; register tabdat with BBpp ;; this is used by BBpp (Brandon's pretty printer) to convert dboard:tabdat into a composition of lists that pp will handle #;(hash-table-set! *BBpp_custom_expanders_list* TABDAT: (cons dboard:tabdat? (lambda (tabdat-item) (filter (lambda (alist-entry) (member (car alist-entry) '(allruns-by-id allruns))) ;; FIELDS OF INTEREST (dboard:tabdat->alist tabdat-item))))) (define (dboard:tabdat-target-string vec) (let ((targ (dboard:tabdat-target vec))) (if (list? targ)(string-intersperse targ "/") "no-target-specified"))) (define (dboard:tabdat-make-data) (let ((dat (make-dboard:tabdat))) (dboard:setup-tabdat dat) (dboard:setup-num-rows dat) dat)) (define (dboard:setup-tabdat tabdat) (dboard:tabdat-dbdir-set! tabdat (common:get-db-tmp-area)) ;; (conc (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") "/.db")) (dboard:tabdat-dbfpath-set! tabdat (common:get-db-tmp-area)) (dboard:tabdat-monitor-db-path-set! tabdat (conc (dboard:tabdat-dbdir tabdat) "/monitor.db")) ;; HACK ALERT: this is a hack, please fix. (dboard:tabdat-ro-set! tabdat (not (file-readable? (dboard:tabdat-dbfpath tabdat)))) (dboard:tabdat-keys-set! tabdat (rmt:get-keys)) (dboard:tabdat-dbkeys-set! tabdat (append (dboard:tabdat-keys tabdat) (list "runname"))) (dboard:tabdat-tot-runs-set! tabdat (rmt:get-num-runs "%")) ) ;; RADT => Matrix defstruct addition |
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495 496 497 498 499 500 501 | ;; data from sql db (keys (rmt:get-keys)) ;; to be removed when targets handling is refactored (runs (make-sparse-vector)) ;; id => runrec (runsbynum (make-vector 100 #f)) ;; vector num => runrec (targ-runid (make-hash-table)) ;; area/target/runname => run-id ;; not sure this will be needed (tests (make-hash-table)) ;; test[/itempath] => list of test rec | > | | 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 | ;; data from sql db (keys (rmt:get-keys)) ;; to be removed when targets handling is refactored (runs (make-sparse-vector)) ;; id => runrec (runsbynum (make-vector 100 #f)) ;; vector num => runrec (targ-runid (make-hash-table)) ;; area/target/runname => run-id ;; not sure this will be needed (tests (make-hash-table)) ;; test[/itempath] => list of test rec (path-run-ids (make-hash-table)) ;; path => run-id (this is a guess based on code reference) ;; run sql filters (targ-sql-filt "%") (runname-sql-filt "%") (run-state-sql-filt "%") (run-status-sql-filt "%") ;; test sql filter |
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544 545 546 547 548 549 550 | status start-time duration ) ;; register dboard:rundat with BBpp ;; this is used by BBpp (Brandon's pretty printer) to convert dboard:rundat into a composition of lists that pp will handle | | | 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 | status start-time duration ) ;; register dboard:rundat with BBpp ;; this is used by BBpp (Brandon's pretty printer) to convert dboard:rundat into a composition of lists that pp will handle #;(hash-table-set! *BBpp_custom_expanders_list* RUNDAT: (cons dboard:rundat? (lambda (tabdat-item) (filter (lambda (alist-entry) (member (car alist-entry) '(run run-data-offset ))) ;; FIELDS OF INTEREST (dboard:rundat->alist tabdat-item))))) |
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571 572 573 574 575 576 577 | id ;; testid state ;; test state status ;; test status ) ;; default is to NOT set the cell if the column and row names are not pre-existing ;; | | < < | 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 | id ;; testid state ;; test state status ;; test status ) ;; default is to NOT set the cell if the column and row names are not pre-existing ;; #;(define (dboard:runsdat-set-test-cell dat target runname testname itempath test-id state status #!key (force-set #f)) (let* ((col-num (dcommon:runsdat-get-col-num dat target runname force-set)) (row-num (dcommon:runsdat-get-row-num dat testname itempath force-set))) (if (and row-num col-num) (let ((tdat (dboard:testdat id: test-id state: state status: status))) (sparse-array-set! (dboard:runsdat-matrix-dat dat) col-num row-num tdat) tdat) #f))) (define *dashboard-mode* (string->symbol (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "mode") "dashboard"))) ;; sorting global data (would apply to many testsuites so leave it global for now) ;; (define *tests-sort-options* (vector (vector "Sort +a" 'testname "ASC") (vector "Sort -a" 'testname "DESC") (vector "Sort +t" 'event_time "ASC") (vector "Sort -t" 'event_time "DESC") (vector "Sort +s" 'statestatus "ASC") |
︙ | ︙ | |||
634 635 636 637 638 639 640 | (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-keycol vec)(vector-ref vec 0)) (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-lftcol vec)(vector-ref vec 1)) (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-header vec)(vector-ref vec 2)) (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-runsvec vec)(vector-ref vec 3)) (if (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")(change-directory (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 | (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-keycol vec)(vector-ref vec 0)) (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-lftcol vec)(vector-ref vec 1)) (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-header vec)(vector-ref vec 2)) (define-inline (dboard:uidat-get-runsvec vec)(vector-ref vec 3)) (if (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME")(change-directory (get-environment-variable "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))) (define (pad-list l n)(append l (make-list (- n (length l))))) (define (dboard:compare-tests test1 test2) (let* ((test-name1 (db:test-get-testname test1)) (item-path1 (db:test-get-item-path test1)) (eventtime1 (db:test-get-event_time test1)) (test-name2 (db:test-get-testname test2)) (item-path2 (db:test-get-item-path test2)) (eventtime2 (db:test-get-event_time test2)) |
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1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 | val (if (not (null? values)) (let ((newval (car values))) (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" newval) newval)))))) (define (dashboard:update-target-selector tabdat #!key (action-proc #f)) | | | 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 | val (if (not (null? values)) (let ((newval (car values))) (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" newval) newval)))))) (define (dashboard:update-target-selector tabdat #!key (action-proc #f)) (let* ((runconf-targs (common:get-runconfig-targets *configdat*)) (key-lbs (dboard:tabdat-key-listboxes tabdat)) (db-target-dat (rmt:get-targets)) (header (vector-ref db-target-dat 0)) (db-targets (vector-ref db-target-dat 1)) (munge-target (lambda (x) ;; create a target vector from a string. Pad with na if needed. (list->vector (take (append (string-split x "/") |
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1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 | (hash-table-delete! alltgls item) (hash-table-set! alltgls item #t)) (let ((all (hash-table-keys alltgls))) (proc all))) "text-list-toggle-box")))) items)))) | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 | (hash-table-delete! alltgls item) (hash-table-set! alltgls item #t)) (let ((all (hash-table-keys alltgls))) (proc all))) "text-list-toggle-box")))) items)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; R U N C O N T R O L S ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; A gui for launching tests ;; |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 | (dboard:tabdat-run-name-set! tabdat curr-runname)) (dashboard:update-run-command tabdat))) ;; used by run-controls ;; (define (dashboard:update-tree-selector tabdat #!key (action-proc #f)) (let* ((tb (dboard:tabdat-runs-tree tabdat)) | | | 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 | (dboard:tabdat-run-name-set! tabdat curr-runname)) (dashboard:update-run-command tabdat))) ;; used by run-controls ;; (define (dashboard:update-tree-selector tabdat #!key (action-proc #f)) (let* ((tb (dboard:tabdat-runs-tree tabdat)) (runconf-targs (common:get-runconfig-targets *configdat*)) (db-target-dat (rmt:get-targets)) (runs-tree-ht (dboard:tabdat-runs-tree-ht tabdat)) (header (vector-ref db-target-dat 0)) (db-targets (vector-ref db-target-dat 1)) (munge-target (lambda (x) ;; create a target vector from a string. Pad with na if needed. (take (append (string-split x "/") (make-list (length header) "na")) |
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1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 | (define (tree-path->run-id tabdat path) (if (not (null? path)) (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-path-run-ids tabdat) path #f) #f)) (define (new-tree-path->run-id rdat path) (if (not (null? path)) | | | 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 | (define (tree-path->run-id tabdat path) (if (not (null? path)) (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-path-run-ids tabdat) path #f) #f)) (define (new-tree-path->run-id rdat path) (if (not (null? path)) (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:rdat-path-run-ids rdat) path #f) #f)) ;; (define (dboard:get-tests-dat tabdat run-id last-update) ;; (let* ((access-mode (dboard:tabdat-access-mode tabdat)) ;; (tdat (if run-id (db:dispatch-query access-mode rmt:get-tests-for-run db:get-tests-for-run ;; run-id ;; (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:tabdat-searchpatts tabdat) "test-name" "%/%") |
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2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 | ;;====================================================================== ;; S U M M A R Y ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; General info about the run(s) and megatest area (define (dashboard:summary commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f)) | | | 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 | ;;====================================================================== ;; S U M M A R Y ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; General info about the run(s) and megatest area (define (dashboard:summary commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f)) (let* ((rawconfig (configf:read-config (conc *toppath* "/megatest.config") #f #f)) ;; changed to #f since I want #{} to be expanded by [system ...] to NOT be expanded. WAS: 'return-string))) (changed #f)) (iup:vbox (iup:split #:value 300 (iup:frame #:title "General Info" (iup:vbox |
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2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 | (define (dboard:add-external-tab commondat view-name views-cfgdat tabs tab-num) (let* ((success #t) ;; at any stage of the process set this flag to #f to skip downstream steps. Intention here is to recover gracefully if user provided tabs fail to load. (source (configf:lookup views-cfgdat view-name "source")) (viewgen (configf:lookup views-cfgdat view-name "viewgen")) (updater (configf:lookup views-cfgdat view-name "updater")) (result-child #f)) (if (and (common:file-exists? source) | | | 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 | (define (dboard:add-external-tab commondat view-name views-cfgdat tabs tab-num) (let* ((success #t) ;; at any stage of the process set this flag to #f to skip downstream steps. Intention here is to recover gracefully if user provided tabs fail to load. (source (configf:lookup views-cfgdat view-name "source")) (viewgen (configf:lookup views-cfgdat view-name "viewgen")) (updater (configf:lookup views-cfgdat view-name "updater")) (result-child #f)) (if (and (common:file-exists? source) (file-readable? source)) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (print-call-chain) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: failed to load " source ", try loading in the repl: megatest -repl") (set! success #f)) |
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2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 | (cond ((member #\1 status-chars) ;; 1 is left mouse button (dboard:launch-testpanel run-id test-id)) ((member #\2 status-chars) ;; 2 is middle mouse button (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "mmb- test-name="test-name" testpatt="testpatt) | | | | 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 | (cond ((member #\1 status-chars) ;; 1 is left mouse button (dboard:launch-testpanel run-id test-id)) ((member #\2 status-chars) ;; 2 is middle mouse button (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "mmb- test-name="test-name" testpatt="testpatt) (iup:show (dashboard:context-menu *bdat* run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info) ;; popup-menu #:x 'mouse #:y 'mouse #:modal? "NO") ) (else (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "unhandled status in run-summary-click-cb. Doing right click action. (status is corrupted on Brandon's ubuntu host - bad/buggy iup install??" ) (iup:show (dashboard:context-menu *bdat* run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info) ;; popup-menu #:x 'mouse #:y 'mouse #:modal? "NO") ) ) )) "runs-summary-click-callback")))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 | "%" tpatt)) "%"))) (item-path (db:test-get-item-path (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id))) (item-test-path (conc test-name "/" (if (equal? item-path "") "%" item-path)))) | | | 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 | "%" tpatt)) "%"))) (item-path (db:test-get-item-path (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id test-id))) (item-test-path (conc test-name "/" (if (equal? item-path "") "%" item-path)))) (iup:show (dashboard:context-menu *bdat* run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info) ;; popup-menu #:x 'mouse #:y 'mouse #:modal? "NO") ;; (print "got here") )) (if (eq? pressed 0) (let* ((toolpath (car (argv))) |
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3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 | (define (dboard:setup-num-rows tabdat) (dboard:tabdat-num-tests-set! tabdat (string->number (or (args:get-arg "-rows") (get-environment-variable "DASHBOARDROWS") "15")))) | < < < < | 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 | (define (dboard:setup-num-rows tabdat) (dboard:tabdat-num-tests-set! tabdat (string->number (or (args:get-arg "-rows") (get-environment-variable "DASHBOARDROWS") "15")))) (define *ord* #f) (iup:attribute-set! *tim* "TIME" (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "poll-interval") "1000")) (iup:attribute-set! *tim* "RUN" "YES") (define *last-recalc-ended-time* 0) (define (dashboard:recalc modtime please-update-buttons last-db-update-time) (or please-update-buttons (and ;; (> (current-milliseconds)(+ *last-recalc-ended-time* 150)) ;; can't use this - it needs to be tab specific (> modtime (- last-db-update-time 3)) ;; add three seconds of margin (> (current-seconds)(+ last-db-update-time 1))))) ;; Force creation of the db in case it isn't already there. ;; (tasks:open-db) (define (dashboard:get-youngest-run-db-mod-time dbdir) (handle-exceptions exn (begin |
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3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 | (dbpth (if (< (length parts) 2) ;; assume then a filename was provided dbstr (if (equal? (car parts) "sqlite3") (cadr parts) (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: I only know sqlite3 databases for now: " dbstr) #f))))) | | | | 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 | (dbpth (if (< (length parts) 2) ;; assume then a filename was provided dbstr (if (equal? (car parts) "sqlite3") (cadr parts) (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: I only know sqlite3 databases for now: " dbstr) #f))))) (if (and dbpth (file-readable? dbpth)) (let ((db (sqlite3:open-database dbpth))) ;; (open-database dbpth))) (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 10000)) db) #f))) ;; sqlite3:path tablename timefieldname varfieldname field1 field2 ... ;; (define (dboard:graph-read-data cmdstring tstart tend) (let* ((parts (string-split cmdstring))) ;; spaces not allowed |
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3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 | )) "dashboard:runs-tab-updater")) ;;====================================================================== ;; The heavy lifting starts here ;;====================================================================== | | | | | 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 | )) "dashboard:runs-tab-updater")) ;;====================================================================== ;; The heavy lifting starts here ;;====================================================================== (define (dashboard-main) (let ((mtdb-path (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))) ;; #;(if (and (common:file-exists? mtdb-path) (file-writable? mtdb-path)) (if (not (args:get-arg "-skip-version-check")) (common:exit-on-version-changed))) (let* ((commondat (dboard:commondat-make))) ;; Move this stuff to db.scm? I'm not sure that is the right thing to do... (cond ((args:get-arg "-test") ;; run-id,test-id (let* ((dat (let ((d (map string->number (string-split (args:get-arg "-test") ",")))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 | (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () (thread-sleep! 1) (dboard:common-run-curr-updaters commondat 0) ;; force update of summary tab ) "update buttons once")) (th2 (make-thread iup:main-loop "Main loop"))) (thread-start! th2) (thread-join! th2))))) | | | | | > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > | | 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 | (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () (thread-sleep! 1) (dboard:common-run-curr-updaters commondat 0) ;; force update of summary tab ) "update buttons once")) (th2 (make-thread iup:main-loop "Main loop"))) (thread-start! th2) (thread-join! th2))))) (define (get-debugcontrolf) (let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.dashboardrc"))) (if (common:file-exists? debugcontrolf) debugcontrolf #f))) (define (main) (if (args:get-arg "-repl") (repl) (dashboard-main))) ) (import dashboard) ;; ease debugging by loading ~/.dashboardrc (let ((debugcontrolf (get-debugcontrolf))) (if debugcontrolf (load debugcontrolf))) (main) |
Modified db_records.scm from [fefce42cd2] to [1501321c72].
︙ | ︙ | |||
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. |
Modified dbmod.scm from [4c56626e6f] to [7009181adc].
︙ | ︙ | |||
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | (declare (uses csv-xml)) (declare (uses keysmod)) (declare (uses mtmod)) (declare (uses pkts)) (declare (uses dbi)) (module dbmod | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 | (declare (uses csv-xml)) (declare (uses keysmod)) (declare (uses mtmod)) (declare (uses pkts)) (declare (uses dbi)) (module dbmod ( dbr:dbstruct-get-dbdat dbr:dbstruct-dbdat-put! db:run-id->first-num db:run-id->path db:dbname->path db:run-id->dbname db:get-dbdat db:get-inmem db:get-ddb db:open-dbdat db:open-run-db db:open-inmem-db db:setup db:get-main-lock db:with-lock-db db:get-iam-server-lock db:get-locker db:take-lock db:release-lock db:general-sqlite-error-dump db:first-result-default db:generic-error-printout db:with-db db:set-sync db:get-last-update-time db:sync-inmem->disk db:sync-main-list db:sync-all-tables-list db:move-and-recreate-db db:repair-db db:sync-one-table db:sync-tables db:patch-schema-rundb db:patch-schema-maindb db:adj-target db:get-access-mode db:dispatch-query db:create-all-triggers db:create-triggers db:drop-all-triggers db:is-trigger-dropped db:drop-triggers db:initialize-db db:archive-get-allocations db:archive-register-disk db:archive-register-block-name db:test-set-archive-block-id db:test-get-archive-block-info open-logging-db db:log-local-event db:log-event db:have-incompletes? db:get-status-from-final-status-file db:find-and-mark-incomplete db:top-test-set-per-pf-counts db:clean-up db:clean-up-rundb db:get-var db:inc-var db:dec-var db:set-var db:add-var db:del-var db:open-no-sync-db db:no-sync-db db:no-sync-set db:no-sync-del! db:no-sync-get/default db:no-sync-get-lock db:get-keys db:get-index-by-header db:get-value-by-header db:get-header db:get-rows db:get-run-times db:get-run-name-from-id db:get-run-key-val runs:get-std-run-fields db:register-run db:insert-run db:get-runs db:simple-get-runs db:get-changed-run-ids db:get-targets db:get-num-runs db:get-runs-cnt-by-patt db:get-raw-run-stats db:update-run-stats db:get-main-run-stats db:print-current-query-stats db:get-all-run-ids db:get-run-stats db:get-runs-by-patt db:get-run-info db:set-comment-for-run db:delete-run db:update-run-event_time db:lock/unlock-run db:set-run-status db:set-run-state-status db:get-run-status db:get-run-state db:get-key-val-pairs db:get-key-vals db:get-target db:get-prev-run-ids db:get-tests-for-run db:test-short-record->norm db:get-tests-for-run-state-status db:get-testinfo-state-status db:get-tests-for-run-mindata db:get-tests-for-runs db:delete-test-records db:delete-old-deleted-test-records db:set-tests-state-status db:test-set-state-status db:get-count-tests-running db:get-count-tests-actually-running db:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id db:get-count-tests-running-for-testname db:get-not-completed-cnt db:get-count-tests-running-in-jobgroup db:estimated-tests-remaining db:get-test-id db:test-set-top-process-pid db:test-get-top-process-pid db:field->number db:update-tesdata-on-repilcate-db db:get-all-tests-info-by-run-id db:replace-test-records db:get-test-info-by-id db:get-test-info-by-ids db:get-test-info db:test-get-rundir-from-test-id db:get-test-times db:teststep-set-status! db:delete-steps-for-test! db:get-steps-for-test db:get-steps-data db:get-data-info-by-id db:test-data-rollup db:logpro-dat->csv db:csv->test-data db:read-test-data db:read-test-data-varpatt db:get-run-ids-matching-target db:test-get-paths-matching-keynames-target-new db:test-toplevel-num-items db:obj->string db:string->obj db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items db:roll-up-rules db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-run db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-run db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-test db:test-get-logfile-info db:lookup-query db:login db:general-call db:get-state-status-summary db:get-latest-host-load db:set-top-level-from-items db:get-matching-previous-test-run-records db:test-get-records-for-index-file db:get-tests-tags db:testmeta-get-record db:testmeta-add-record db:testmeta-update-field db:testmeta-get-all db:compare-itempaths db:convert-test-itempath db:multi-pattern-apply db:get-prereqs-not-met db:get-run-record-ids db:get-changed-record-ids tdb:read-test-data tdb:get-prev-tol-for-test tdb:step-get-time-as-string tdb:get-steps-table tdb:get-steps-table-list tdb:get-compressed-steps mt:run-trigger mt:process-triggers mt:lazy-read-test-config mt:get-run-stats server:reply common:with-queue-db common:load-pkts-to-db db:hoh-set! db:hoh-get db:get-cache-stmth db:register-server db:deregister-server db:get-server-info db:get-count-servers db:get-steps-info-by-id make-dbr:dbdat dbr:dbdat-db dbr:dbdat-inmem dbr:dbdat-last-sync dbr:dbdat-last-write dbr:dbdat-run-id dbr:dbdat-fname dbr:dbdat-db-set! dbr:dbdat-inmem-set! dbr:dbdat-last-sync-set! dbr:dbdat-last-write-set! dbr:dbdat-run-id-set! dbr:dbdat-fname-set! make-dbr:dbstruct dbr:dbstruct-mtdb dbr:dbstruct-dbdats dbr:dbstruct-read-only dbr:dbstruct-stmt-cache dbr:dbstruct-mtdb-set! dbr:dbstruct-dbdats-set! dbr:dbstruct-read-only-set! dbr:dbstruct-stmt-cache-set! make-simple-run simple-run-target simple-run-id simple-run-runname simple-run-state simple-run-status simple-run-owner simple-run-event_time simple-run-target-set! simple-run-id-set! simple-run-runname-set! simple-run-state-set! simple-run-status-set! simple-run-owner-set! simple-run-event_time-set! ;; fix naming on these ones db:test-record-fields db:test-record-qry-selector ) (import scheme (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.eval chicken.file chicken.file.posix |
︙ | ︙ | |||
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 | chicken.time chicken.time.posix system-information (prefix base64 base64:) csv-xml directory-utils matchable regex s11n srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 | > | 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 | chicken.time chicken.time.posix system-information (prefix base64 base64:) csv-xml directory-utils format matchable regex s11n srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 |
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106 | (db #f) ;; should rename this to oddb for on disk db (inmem #f) (last-sync 0) (last-write (current-seconds)) (run-id #f) (fname #f)) | | | | | | | 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 | (db #f) ;; should rename this to oddb for on disk db (inmem #f) (last-sync 0) (last-write (current-seconds)) (run-id #f) (fname #f)) ;; Returns the dbdat for a particular dbfile inside the area ;; (define (dbr:dbstruct-get-dbdat dbstruct dbfile) (hash-table-ref/default (dbr:dbstruct-dbdats dbstruct) dbfile #f)) (define (dbr:dbstruct-dbdat-put! dbstruct dbfile db) (hash-table-set! (dbr:dbstruct-dbdats dbstruct) dbfile db)) (define (db:run-id->first-num run-id) (let* ((s (number->string run-id)) (l (string-length s))) (substring s (- l 1) l))) ;; 1234 => 4/1234.db |
︙ | ︙ | |||
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 | ;; if run-id => get run specific db ;; if #f => get main.db ;; if db already open - return inmem ;; if db not open, open inmem, rundb and sync then return inmem ;; inuse gets set automatically for rundb's ;; (define (db:get-dbdat dbstruct apath dbfile) | | < | < | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | < | 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 | ;; if run-id => get run specific db ;; if #f => get main.db ;; if db already open - return inmem ;; if db not open, open inmem, rundb and sync then return inmem ;; inuse gets set automatically for rundb's ;; (define (db:get-dbdat dbstruct apath dbfile) (let ((dbdat (dbr:dbstruct-get-dbdat dbstruct dbfile))) (if dbdat dbdat (let* ((newdbdat (db:open-dbdat apath dbfile db:initialize-db))) (dbr:dbstruct-dbdat-put! dbstruct dbfile newdbdat) newdbdat)))) ;; get the inmem db for actual db operations ;; (define (db:get-inmem dbstruct apath dbfile) (dbr:dbdat-inmem (db:get-dbdat dbstruct apath dbfile))) ;; get the handle for the on-disk db ;; (define (db:get-ddb dbstruct apath dbfile) (dbr:dbdat-db (db:get-dbdat dbstruct apath dbfile))) ;; open or create the disk db file ;; create and fill the inmemory db ;; assemble into dbr:dbdat struct and return ;; (define (db:open-dbdat apath dbfile dbinit-proc) (let* ((db (db:open-run-db dbfile dbinit-proc)) ;; (inmem (db:open-inmem-db dbinit-proc)) (dbdat (make-dbr:dbdat db: #f ;; db inmem: db ;; inmem ;; run-id: run-id ;; no can do, there are many run-id values that point to single db fname: dbfile))) ;; now sync the disk file data into the inmemory db ;; (db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list) '("last_update" . 0) db inmem) ;; (sqlite3:finalize! db) ;; open and close every sync dbdat)) ;; (define (db:open-dbdat apath dbfile dbinit-proc) ;; (let* ((db (db:open-run-db dbfile dbinit-proc)) ;; (inmem (db:open-inmem-db dbinit-proc)) ;; (dbdat (make-dbr:dbdat ;; db: #f ;; db ;; inmem: inmem ;; ;; run-id: run-id ;; no can do, there are many run-id values that point to single db ;; fname: dbfile))) ;; ;; now sync the disk file data into the inmemory db ;; (db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list) '("last_update" . 0) db inmem) ;; (sqlite3:finalize! db) ;; open and close every sync ;; dbdat)) ;; open the disk database file ;; NOTE: May need to add locking to file create process here ;; returns an sqlite3 database handle ;; (define (db:open-run-db dbfile dbinit-proc) (let* ((parent-dir (pathname-directory dbfile))) (if (not (directory-exists? parent-dir)) (create-directory parent-dir #t)) (let* ((exists (file-exists? dbfile)) (db (sqlite3:open-database dbfile)) (handler (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 3600))) (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db handler) ;; (db:set-sync db) ;; we don't mind that this is slow? (if (not exists) (dbinit-proc db)) db))) ;; open and initialize the inmem db ;; NOTE: Does NOT sync in the data from the disk db ;; (define (db:open-inmem-db dbinit-proc) (let* ((db (sqlite3:open-database ":memory:")) (handler (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 3600))) (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db handler) (dbinit-proc db) ;; NOTE: inmem must always be initialized (db:initialize-db db) db)) ;; ;; for debugging we have a local mode. these routines support that mode ;; (define *dbcache* (make-hash-table)) ;; ;; (define (db:cache-get-dbstruct rid apath) ;; (let* ((dbname (db:run-id->dbname rid)) ;; (dbfile (db:dbname->path apath dbname))) ;; (or (hash-table-ref/default *dbcache* dbfile #f) ;; (let* ((dbstruct (db:setup dbfile))) ;; (db:open-dbdat apath dbfile db:initialize-db))) ;; (hash-table-set! *dbcache* dbfile dbstruct) ;; dbstruct)))) ;; ;; (define (db:finalize-all-cache-dbstruct) ;; #f) ;; ;; get and initalize dbstruct for a given run-id ;; ;; - uses db:initialize-db to create the schema ;; ;; Make the dbstruct, call for main db at least once ;; sync disk db to inmem ;; ;; called in http-transport and replicated in rmt.scm for *local* access. ;; (define (db:setup db-file) ;; run-id) (assert *toppath* "FATAL: db:setup called before toppath is available.") (let* ((dbstruct (or *dbstruct-db* (make-dbr:dbstruct)))) (db:get-dbdat dbstruct *toppath* db-file) (if (not *dbstruct-db*)(set! *dbstruct-db* dbstruct)) dbstruct)) ;;====================================================================== ;; setting/getting a lock on the db for only one server per db ;; |
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250 251 252 253 254 255 256 | (db:with-lock-db dbfile (lambda (dbh dbfile) (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfile)))) (define (db:with-lock-db dbfile proc) (let* ((dbh (db:open-run-db dbfile db:initialize-db)) (res (proc dbh dbfile))) | | | 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 | (db:with-lock-db dbfile (lambda (dbh dbfile) (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfile)))) (define (db:with-lock-db dbfile proc) (let* ((dbh (db:open-run-db dbfile db:initialize-db)) (res (proc dbh dbfile))) ;; (sqlite3:finalize! dbh) res)) ;; called before db is open? ;; (define (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfname) (sqlite3:with-transaction dbh |
︙ | ︙ | |||
413 414 415 416 417 418 419 | ;; ;; (mutex-unlock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*) ;; ;; (stack-push! (dbr:dbstruct-dbstack dbstruct) tmpdb))) ;; NOTE: touched logic is disabled/not done ;; sync run to disk if touched ;; (define (db:sync-inmem->disk dbstruct apath dbfile #!key (force-sync #f)) | > | > | | | | | | | | | | > | > | | | | | | 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 | ;; ;; (mutex-unlock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*) ;; ;; (stack-push! (dbr:dbstruct-dbstack dbstruct) tmpdb))) ;; NOTE: touched logic is disabled/not done ;; sync run to disk if touched ;; (define (db:sync-inmem->disk dbstruct apath dbfile #!key (force-sync #f)) #f) ;; disabled ;; (let* ((dbdat (db:get-dbdat dbstruct apath dbfile)) ;; (dbfullname (conc apath "/" dbfile)) ;; (db (db:open-run-db dbfullname db:initialize-db)) ;; (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat)) ;; (inmem (dbr:dbdat-inmem dbdat)) ;; (start-t (current-seconds)) ;; (last-update (dbr:dbdat-last-write dbdat)) ;; (last-sync (dbr:dbdat-last-sync dbdat))) ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Syncing for dbfile: "dbfile", last-update: "last-update", last-sync: "last-sync) ;; (mutex-lock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*) ;; (let* ((update_info (cons "last_update" (if force-sync 0 last-update))) ;; "last_update")) ;; (need-sync (or force-sync (>= last-update last-sync)))) ;; (if need-sync ;; (begin ;; (db:sync-tables (db:sync-all-tables-list) update_info inmem db) ;; (dbr:dbdat-last-sync-set! dbdat start-t)) ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping sync as nothing touched."))) ;; (sqlite3:finalize! db) ;; (mutex-unlock! *db-multi-sync-mutex*))) ;; TODO: Add final sync to this ;; #;(define (db:safely-close-sqlite3-db db stmt-cache #!key (try-num 3)) (if (<= try-num 0) #f (handle-exceptions exn (begin (print "Attempt to safely close sqlite3 db failed. Trying again. exn=" exn) (thread-sleep! 3) (sqlite3:interrupt! db) (db:safely-close-sqlite3-db db stmt-cache try-num: (- try-num 1))) (if (sqlite3:database? db) (let* ((stmts (and stmt-cache (hash-table-ref/default stmt-cache db #f)))) (if stmts (map sqlite3:finalize! (hash-table-values stmts))) (sqlite3:finalize! db) #t) #f)))) ;; close all opened run-id dbs #;(define (db:close-all dbstruct) (assert (dbr:dbstruct? dbstruct) "FATAL: db:close-all called with dbstruct not set up.") (handle-exceptions exn (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Finalizing failed, " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", note - exn=" exn) (print-call-chain *default-log-port*)) ;; (db:sync-touched dbstruct 0 force-sync: #t) ;; NO. Do not do this here. Instead we rely on a server to be started when there are writes, even if the server itself is not going to be used as a server. |
︙ | ︙ | |||
641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 | (sqlite3:execute "DELETE FROM servers WHERE state LIKE 'defunct%';")) (else (sqlite3:execute db "vacuum;"))) (sqlite3:finalize! db) #t)))))) (define (db:sync-one-table fromdb todb tabledat last-update numrecs) (let* ((tablename (car tabledat)) (fields (cdr tabledat)) (has-last-update (member "last_update" fields)) | > > | | | < < < < < < < < < < | < < | | < | < < < < | 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 | (sqlite3:execute "DELETE FROM servers WHERE state LIKE 'defunct%';")) (else (sqlite3:execute db "vacuum;"))) (sqlite3:finalize! db) #t)))))) ;; last-update is *always* a pair ( fieldname|#f . last-update-seconds|#f) (define (db:sync-one-table fromdb todb tabledat last-update numrecs) (assert (pair? last-update) "FATAL: last-update must always be a pair.") (let* ((tablename (car tabledat)) (fields (cdr tabledat)) (has-last-update (member "last_update" fields)) (last-update-field (or (car last-update) (if has-last-update "last_update" #f))) (has-field (member last-update-field fields)) (last-update-value (cdr last-update)) (use-last-update (and has-field last-update-field last-update-value)) (num-fields (length fields)) (field->num (make-hash-table)) (num->field (apply vector (map car fields))) ;; BBHERE (full-sel (conc "SELECT " (string-intersperse (map car fields) ",") " FROM " tablename (if use-last-update ;; apply last-update criteria (conc " WHERE " last-update-field " >= " last-update-value) "") |
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755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 | (not (equal? (vector-ref fromrow i)(vector-ref curr i)))) (set! same #f)) (if (and same (< i (- num-fields 1))) (loop (+ i 1)))) (if (not same) (begin (apply sqlite3:execute stmth (vector->list fromrow)) (hash-table-set! numrecs tablename (+ 1 (hash-table-ref/default numrecs tablename 0))))))) fromdat-lst)))) fromdats) (sqlite3:finalize! stmth) (if (member "last_update" field-names) (db:create-trigger db tablename))))) ;; tbls is ( ("tablename" ( "field1" [#f|proc1] ) ( "field2" [#f|proc2] ) .... ) ) ;; db's are sqlite3 handles ;; ;; if last-update specified ("field-name" . time-in-seconds) ;; then sync only records where field-name >= time-in-seconds ;; IFF field-name exists ;; (define (db:sync-tables tbls last-update fromdb todb) | > | | 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 | (not (equal? (vector-ref fromrow i)(vector-ref curr i)))) (set! same #f)) (if (and same (< i (- num-fields 1))) (loop (+ i 1)))) (if (not same) (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "applying data "fromrow"to table "tablename", numrecs="numrecs) (apply sqlite3:execute stmth (vector->list fromrow)) (hash-table-set! numrecs tablename (+ 1 (hash-table-ref/default numrecs tablename 0))))))) fromdat-lst)))) fromdats) (sqlite3:finalize! stmth) (if (member "last_update" field-names) (db:create-trigger db tablename))))) ;; tbls is ( ("tablename" ( "field1" [#f|proc1] ) ( "field2" [#f|proc2] ) .... ) ) ;; db's are sqlite3 handles ;; ;; if last-update specified ("field-name" . time-in-seconds) ;; then sync only records where field-name >= time-in-seconds ;; IFF field-name exists ;; (define (db:sync-tables tbls last-update fromdb todb) (assert (pair? last-update) "FATAL: last-update must always be a pair") ;; NOTE: I'm moving all the checking OUT of this routine. Check for read/write access, existance, etc ;; BEFORE calling this sync (let ((stmts (make-hash-table)) ;; table-field => stmt (all-stmts '()) ;; ( ( stmt1 value1 ) ( stml2 value2 )) (numrecs (make-hash-table)) (start-time (current-milliseconds)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 | (list "update_test_data_trigger" "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_test_data_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON test_data FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE test_data SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now')) WHERE; END;" ))) | | | | | | 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 | (list "update_test_data_trigger" "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_test_data_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON test_data FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE test_data SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now')) WHERE; END;" ))) (define (db:create-all-triggers dbstruct run-id) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (db:create-triggers db)))) (define (db:create-triggers db) (for-each (lambda (key) (sqlite3:execute db (cadr key))) db:trigger-list)) (define (db:drop-all-triggers dbstruct run-id) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (db:drop-triggers db)))) (define (db:is-trigger-dropped db tbl-name) (let* ((trigger-name (if (equal? tbl-name "test_steps") "update_teststeps_trigger" (conc "update_" tbl-name "_trigger"))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 | (toplevels '()) (deadtime-str (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "deadtime")) (deadtime (if (and deadtime-str (string->number deadtime-str)) (string->number deadtime-str) 72000))) ;; twenty hours (db:with-db | | | 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 | (toplevels '()) (deadtime-str (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "deadtime")) (deadtime (if (and deadtime-str (string->number deadtime-str)) (string->number deadtime-str) 72000))) ;; twenty hours (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (if (number? ovr-deadtime)(set! deadtime ovr-deadtime)) ;; in RUNNING or REMOTEHOSTSTART for more than 10 minutes ;; ;; HOWEVER: this code in run:test seems to work fine ;; (> (- (current-seconds)(+ (db:test-get-event_time testdat) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 | (running-deadtime-default (+ server-start-allowance (* 2 launch-monitor-period))) (running-deadtime (or deadtime-trim running-deadtime-default)) ;; two minutes (30 seconds between updates, this leaves 3x grace period) ) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "running-deadtime = " running-deadtime) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "deadtime-trim = " deadtime-trim) (db:with-db | | | 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 | (running-deadtime-default (+ server-start-allowance (* 2 launch-monitor-period))) (running-deadtime (or deadtime-trim running-deadtime-default)) ;; two minutes (30 seconds between updates, this leaves 3x grace period) ) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "running-deadtime = " running-deadtime) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "deadtime-trim = " deadtime-trim) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (let* ((stmth1 (db:get-cache-stmth dbstruct db "SELECT id,rundir,uname,testname,item_path,event_time,run_duration FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND (strftime('%s','now') - event_time) > (run_duration + ?) AND state IN ('RUNNING');")) (stmth2 (db:get-cache-stmth |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 | ;; MATT: Moving this to rmt.scm - call right after calling find-and-mark-complete ;; (launch:end-of-run-check run-id) ))))))) ;; BUG: Probably broken - does not explicitly use run-id in the query ;; (define (db:top-test-set-per-pf-counts dbstruct run-id test-name) | | | 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 | ;; MATT: Moving this to rmt.scm - call right after calling find-and-mark-complete ;; (launch:end-of-run-check run-id) ))))))) ;; BUG: Probably broken - does not explicitly use run-id in the query ;; (define (db:top-test-set-per-pf-counts dbstruct run-id test-name) (db:general-call dbstruct 'top-test-set-per-pf-counts run-id (list test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name test-name))) ;; Clean out old junk and vacuum the database ;; ;; Ultimately do something like this: ;; ;; 1. Look at test records either deleted or part of deleted run: ;; a. If test dir exists, set the the test to state='UNKNOWN', Set the run to 'unknown' |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 | ;; ;; (db:delay-if-busy dbdat) ;; (sqlite3:execute db "VACUUM;") ;; dead-runs)) ;;====================================================================== ;; M E T A G E T A N D S E T V A R S ;;====================================================================== | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 | ;; ;; (db:delay-if-busy dbdat) ;; (sqlite3:execute db "VACUUM;") ;; dead-runs)) ;;====================================================================== ;; M E T A G E T A N D S E T V A R S ;;====================================================================== ;; returns number if string->number is successful, string otherwise ;; also updates *global-delta* ;; (define (db:get-var dbstruct run-id var) (let* ((res #f)) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (val) (set! res val)) db "SELECT val FROM metadat WHERE var=?;" var) ;; convert to number if can (if (string? res) (let ((valnum (string->number res))) (if valnum (set! res valnum)))) res)))) (define (db:inc-var dbstruct run-id var) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #t (lambda (db) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE metadat SET val=val+1 WHERE var=?;" var)))) (define (db:dec-var dbstruct run-id var) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #t (lambda (db) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE metadat SET val=val-1 WHERE var=?;" var)))) ;; This was part of db:get-var. It was used to estimate the load on ;; the database files. ;; ;; scale by 10, average with current value. ;; (set! *global-delta* (/ (+ *global-delta* (* (- (current-milliseconds) start-ms) ;; (if throttle throttle 0.01))) ;; 2)) ;; (if (> (abs (- *last-global-delta-printed* *global-delta*)) 0.08) ;; don't print all the time, only if it changes a bit ;; (begin ;; (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "launch throttle factor=" *global-delta*) ;; (set! *last-global-delta-printed* *global-delta*))) (define (db:set-var dbstruct run-id var val) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #t (lambda (db) (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadat (var,val) VALUES (?,?);" var val)))) (define (db:add-var dbstruct run-id var val) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #t (lambda (db) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE metadat SET val=val+? WHERE var=?;" val var)))) (define (db:del-var dbstruct run-id var) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #t (lambda (db) (sqlite3:execute db "DELETE FROM metadat WHERE var=?;" var)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; no-sync.db - small bits of data to be shared between servers ;;====================================================================== |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 | (string->number res) #f))) (if newres newres res)) res))) | | | 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 | (string->number res) #f))) (if newres newres res)) res))) #;(define (db:no-sync-close-db db stmt-cache) (db:safely-close-sqlite3-db db stmt-cache)) ;; transaction protected lock aquisition ;; either: ;; fails returns (#f . lock-creation-time) ;; succeeds (returns (#t . lock-creation-time) ;; use (db:no-sync-del! db keyname) to release the lock |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 | (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "NOTE: using target " (string-intersperse (map cadr keyvals) "/") " for this run") (if (and runname (null? (filter (lambda (x)(not x)) keyvals))) ;; there must be a better way to "apply and" (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (let ((res #f)) (apply sqlite3:execute db (conc "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO runs (runname,state,status,owner,event_time,contour" comma keystr ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,strftime('%s','now'),?" comma valslots ");") allvals) (apply sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id) (set! res id)) db (let ((qry (conc "SELECT id FROM runs WHERE (runname=? " andstr key=?str ");"))) qry) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 | (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "NOTE: using target " (string-intersperse (map cadr keyvals) "/") " for this run") (if (and runname (null? (filter (lambda (x)(not x)) keyvals))) ;; there must be a better way to "apply and" (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (let ((res #f)) (apply sqlite3:execute db (conc "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO runs (runname,state,status,owner,event_time,contour" comma keystr ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,strftime('%s','now'),?" comma valslots ");") allvals) (apply sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id) (set! res id)) db (let ((qry (conc "SELECT id FROM runs WHERE (runname=? " andstr key=?str ");"))) qry) qryvals) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE runs SET state=?,status=?,event_time=strftime('%s','now') WHERE id=? AND state='deleted';" state status res) res))) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Called without all necessary keys") #f)))) ;; register a run with the db ;; (define (db:insert-run dbstruct run-id keyvals runname state status user contour-in) (let* ((keys (map car keyvals)) (keystr (keys->keystr keys)) (contour (or contour-in "")) ;; empty string to force no hierarcy and be backwards compatible. (comma (if (> (length keys) 0) "," "")) (andstr (if (> (length keys) 0) " AND " "")) (valslots (keys->valslots keys)) ;; ?,?,? ... (allvals (append (list runname state status user contour) (map cadr keyvals))) (qryvals (append (list runname) (map cadr keyvals))) (key=?str (string-intersperse (map (lambda (k)(conc k "=?")) keys) " AND "))) (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "keys: " keys " allvals: " allvals " keyvals: " keyvals " key=?str is " key=?str) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "NOTE: using target " (string-intersperse (map cadr keyvals) "/") " for this run") (if (and runname (null? (filter (lambda (x)(not x)) keyvals))) ;; there must be a better way to "apply and" (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (let ((res #f)) (apply sqlite3:execute db (conc "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO runs (id,runname,state,status,owner,event_time,contour" comma keystr ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,strftime('%s','now'),?" comma valslots ");") run-id allvals) (apply sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id) (set! res id)) db (let ((qry (conc "SELECT id FROM runs WHERE (runname=? " andstr key=?str ");"))) qry) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 | ;; Update run_stats for given run_id ;; input data is a list (state status count) ;; (define (db:update-run-stats dbstruct run-id stats) ;; (mutex-lock! *db-transaction-mutex*) (db:with-db dbstruct | < > | 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 | ;; Update run_stats for given run_id ;; input data is a list (state status count) ;; (define (db:update-run-stats dbstruct run-id stats) ;; (mutex-lock! *db-transaction-mutex*) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) ;; remove previous data (let* ((stmt1 (sqlite3:prepare db "DELETE FROM run_stats WHERE run_id=? AND state=? AND status=?;")) (stmt2 (sqlite3:prepare db "INSERT INTO run_stats (run_id,state,status,count) VALUES (?,?,?,?);")) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 | (db:get-all-run-ids dbstruct))) res)) ;; Convert calling routines to get list of run-ids and loop, do not use the get-tests-for-runs ;; (define (db:delete-test-records dbstruct run-id test-id) | | | | | 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 | (db:get-all-run-ids dbstruct))) res)) ;; Convert calling routines to get list of run-ids and loop, do not use the get-tests-for-runs ;; (define (db:delete-test-records dbstruct run-id test-id) (db:general-call dbstruct 'delete-test-step-records run-id (list test-id)) (db:general-call dbstruct 'delete-test-data-records run-id (list test-id)) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET state='DELETED',status='n/a',comment='' WHERE id=?;" test-id)))) ;; (define (db:delete-old-deleted-test-records dbstruct) (let ((targtime (- (current-seconds) (or (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "keep-deleted-records") |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 | (mt:process-triggers dbstruct run-id test-id newstate newstatus))))) testnames) test-ids)) ;; ;; speed up for common cases with a little logic ;; ;; NB// Ultimately this will be deprecated in deference to mt:test-set-state-status-by-id ;; ;; NOTE: run-id is not used ;; ;; (define (db:test-set-state-status dbstruct run-id test-id newstate newstatus newcomment) (db:with-db dbstruct | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | < < | < < < < < < < < < < | 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 | (mt:process-triggers dbstruct run-id test-id newstate newstatus))))) testnames) test-ids)) ;; ;; speed up for common cases with a little logic ;; ;; NB// Ultimately this will be deprecated in deference to mt:test-set-state-status-by-id ;; ;; NOTE: processing triggers was called here - moved upstream ;; ;; NOTE: run-id is not used ;; ;; (define (db:db-test-set-state-status db run-id test-id newstate newstatus newcomment) (cond ((and newstate newstatus newcomment) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET state=?,status=?,comment=? WHERE id=?;" newstate newstatus newcomment ;; (sdb:qry 'getid newcomment) test-id)) ((and newstate newstatus) (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET state=?,status=? WHERE id=?;" newstate newstatus test-id)) (else (if newstate (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET state=? WHERE id=?;" newstate test-id)) (if newstatus (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET status=? WHERE id=?;" newstatus test-id)) (if newcomment (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tests SET comment=? WHERE id=?;" newcomment test-id))))) (define (db:test-set-state-status dbstruct run-id test-id newstate newstatus newcomment) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #t (lambda (db) (db:db-test-set-state-status db run-id test-id newstate newstatus newcomment)))) ;; NEW BEHAVIOR: Count tests running in all runs! ;; (define (db:get-count-tests-running dbstruct run-id) ;; fastmode) (let* ((qry ;; (if fastmode ;; "SELECT count(id) FROM tests WHERE state in ('RUNNING','LAUNCHED','REMOTEHOSTSTART') AND NOT (uname = 'n/a' AND item_path = '') LIMIT 1;" "SELECT count(id) FROM tests WHERE state in ('RUNNING','LAUNCHED','REMOTEHOSTSTART') AND NOT (uname = 'n/a' AND item_path = '');")) ;; ) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 | (lambda (id test-id stepname state status event-time logfile comment) (set! res (cons (vector id test-id stepname state status event-time (if (string? logfile) logfile "") comment) res))) db "SELECT id,test_id,stepname,state,status,event_time,logfile,comment FROM test_steps WHERE status != 'DELETED' AND test_id=? ORDER BY id ASC;" ;; event_time DESC,id ASC; test-id) (reverse res))))) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 | (lambda (id test-id stepname state status event-time logfile comment) (set! res (cons (vector id test-id stepname state status event-time (if (string? logfile) logfile "") comment) res))) db "SELECT id,test_id,stepname,state,status,event_time,logfile,comment FROM test_steps WHERE status != 'DELETED' AND test_id=? ORDER BY id ASC;" ;; event_time DESC,id ASC; test-id) (reverse res))))) (define (db:get-steps-info-by-id dbstruct test-step-id) (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (let* ((res (vector #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f))) (sqlite3:for-each-row (lambda (id test-id stepname state status event-time logfile comment last-update) (set! res (vector id test-id stepname state status event-time (if (string? logfile) logfile "") comment last-update))) db "SELECT id,test_id,stepname,state,status,event_time,logfile,comment,last_update FROM test_steps WHERE id=? ORDER BY id ASC;" ;; event_time DESC,id ASC; test-step-id) res)))) (define (db:get-steps-data dbstruct run-id test-id) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 | (set! fail-count fcount) (set! pass-count pcount)) db "SELECT (SELECT count(id) FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND status like 'fail') AS fail_count, (SELECT count(id) FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND status like 'pass') AS pass_count;" test-id test-id) ;; Now rollup the counts to the central megatest.db | | | | 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 | (set! fail-count fcount) (set! pass-count pcount)) db "SELECT (SELECT count(id) FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND status like 'fail') AS fail_count, (SELECT count(id) FROM test_data WHERE test_id=? AND status like 'pass') AS pass_count;" test-id test-id) ;; Now rollup the counts to the central megatest.db (db:general-call dbstruct 'pass-fail-counts run-id (list pass-count fail-count test-id)) ;; if the test is not FAIL then set status based on the fail and pass counts. (db:general-call dbstruct 'test_data-pf-rollup run-id (list test-id test-id test-id test-id)))))) ;; each section is a rule except "final" which is the final result ;; ;; [rule-5] ;; operator in ;; section LogFileBody ;; desc Output voltage |
︙ | ︙ | |||
3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 | test-name)) (item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat)) (tl-testdat (db:get-test-info dbstruct run-id test-name "")) (tl-test-id (if tl-testdat (db:test-get-id tl-testdat) #f))) (if (member state '("LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART")) | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | > > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 | test-name)) (item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat)) (tl-testdat (db:get-test-info dbstruct run-id test-name "")) (tl-test-id (if tl-testdat (db:test-get-id tl-testdat) #f))) (if (member state '("LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART")) (db:general-call dbstruct 'set-test-start-time run-id (list test-id))) ;; (mutex-lock! *db-transaction-mutex*) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (let ((tr-res (sqlite3:with-transaction db (lambda () ;; NB// Pass the db so it is part fo the transaction ;; this call sets the item state/status (db:db-test-set-state-status db run-id test-id state status comment) (if (not (equal? item-path "")) ;; only roll up IF incoming test is an item (let* ((state-status-counts (db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-test dbstruct run-id test-name item-path state status)) ;; item-path is used to exclude current state/status of THIS test (state-statuses (db:roll-up-rules state-status-counts state status)) (newstate (car state-statuses)) (newstatus (cadr state-statuses))) (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "BB> tl-test-id="tl-test-id" ; "test-name":"item-path" newstate="newstate" newstatus="newstatus" len(sscs)="(length state-status-counts) " state-status-counts: " (apply conc (map (lambda (x) (conc (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pp (dbr:counts->alist x)))) " | ")) state-status-counts))); end debug:print (if tl-test-id (db:db-test-set-state-status db run-id tl-test-id newstate newstatus #f)) ;; we are still in the transaction - must access the db and not the dbstruct )))))) ;; (mutex-unlock! *db-transaction-mutex*) (if (and test-id state status (equal? status "AUTO")) (db:test-data-rollup dbstruct run-id test-id status)) tr-res))) ;; this was moved out of test-set-state-status (mt:process-triggers dbstruct run-id test-id state status))) (define (db:roll-up-rules state-status-counts state status) (if (null? state-status-counts) '(#f #f) (let* ((running (length (filter (lambda (x) (member (dbr:counts-state x) *common:running-states*)) state-status-counts))) (bad-not-started (length (filter (lambda (x) (and (equal? (dbr:counts-state x) "NOT_STARTED") (not (member (dbr:counts-status x) *common:not-started-ok-statuses*)))) state-status-counts))) (all-curr-states (common:special-sort ;; worst -> best (sort of) (delete-duplicates (if (and state (not (member state *common:dont-roll-up-states*))) (cons state (map dbr:counts-state state-status-counts)) (map dbr:counts-state state-status-counts))) *common:std-states* >)) (all-curr-statuses (common:special-sort ;; worst -> best (delete-duplicates (if (and state status (not (member state *common:dont-roll-up-states*))) (cons status (map dbr:counts-status state-status-counts)) (map dbr:counts-status state-status-counts))) *common:std-statuses* >)) (non-completes (filter (lambda (x) (not (member x (cons "COMPLETED" *common:dont-roll-up-states*)))) all-curr-states)) (preq-fails (filter (lambda (x) (equal? x "PREQ_FAIL")) all-curr-statuses)) (num-non-completes (length non-completes)) (newstate (cond ((> running 0) "RUNNING") ;; anything running, call the situation running ((> (length preq-fails) 0) "NOT_STARTED") ((> bad-not-started 0) "COMPLETED") ;; we have an ugly situation, it is completed in the sense we cannot do more. ((> num-non-completes 0) (car non-completes)) ;; (remove (lambda (x)(equal? "COMPLETED" x)) all-curr-states))) ;; only rollup DELETED if all DELETED (else (car all-curr-states)))) (newstatus (cond ((> (length preq-fails) 0) "PREQ_FAIL") ((or (> bad-not-started 0) (and (equal? newstate "NOT_STARTED") (> num-non-completes 0))) "STARTED") (else (car all-curr-statuses))))) (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "\n--> probe db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items: " "\n--> state-status-counts: "(map dbr:counts->alist state-status-counts) "\n--> running: "running "\n--> bad-not-started: "bad-not-started "\n--> non-non-completes: "num-non-completes "\n--> non-completes: "non-completes "\n--> all-curr-states: "all-curr-states "\n--> all-curr-statuses: "all-curr-statuses "\n--> newstate "newstate "\n--> newstatus "newstatus "\n\n") ;; NB// Pass the db so it is part of the transaction (list newstate newstatus)))) (define (db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-run dbstruct run-id curr-state curr-status) ;; (mutex-lock! *db-transaction-mutex*) (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (let ((tr-res (sqlite3:with-transaction db (lambda () (let* ((state-status-counts (db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-run dbstruct run-id)) (state-statuses (db:roll-up-rules state-status-counts #f #f )) (newstate (car state-statuses)) (newstatus (cadr state-statuses))) (if (or (not (eq? newstate curr-state)) (not (eq? newstatus curr-status))) (db:set-run-state-status dbstruct run-id newstate newstatus ))))))) ;; (mutex-unlock! *db-transaction-mutex*) tr-res)))) (define (db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-run dbstruct run-id) (let* ((test-count-recs (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:map-row (lambda (state status count) (make-dbr:counts state: state status: status count: count)) db "SELECT state,status,count(id) FROM tests WHERE run_id=? GROUP BY state,status;" run-id ))))) test-count-recs)) ;; BBnote: db:get-all-state-status-counts-for-test returns dbr:counts object aggregating state and status of items of a given test, *not including rollup state/status* ;; ;; NOTE: This is called within a transaction ;; |
︙ | ︙ | |||
4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 | ((not (equal? megatest-version calling-version)) (list #t (conc "Login warning due to mismatch megatest version: " calling-version ", " megatest-version))) (else (hash-table-set! *logged-in-clients* client-signature (current-seconds)) '(#t "successful login")))) | | | | 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 | ((not (equal? megatest-version calling-version)) (list #t (conc "Login warning due to mismatch megatest version: " calling-version ", " megatest-version))) (else (hash-table-set! *logged-in-clients* client-signature (current-seconds)) '(#t "successful login")))) (define (db:general-call dbstruct stmtname run-id params) (let ((query (let ((q (alist-ref (if (string? stmtname) (string->symbol stmtname) stmtname) db:queries))) (if q (car q) #f)))) (db:with-db dbstruct run-id #f (lambda (db) (apply sqlite3:execute db query params) #t)))) ;; get a summary of state and status counts to calculate a rollup ;; (define (db:get-state-status-summary dbstruct run-id testname) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 | test-name " " item-path " " ;; has / prepended to deal with toplevel tests actual-state " " actual-status " " event-time )) (prev-nbfake-log (get-environment-variable "NBFAKE_LOG"))) | | | | | 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 | test-name " " item-path " " ;; has / prepended to deal with toplevel tests actual-state " " actual-status " " event-time )) (prev-nbfake-log (get-environment-variable "NBFAKE_LOG"))) (set-environment-variable! "NBFAKE_LOG" (conc (cond ((and (directory-exists? test-rundir) (file-writable? test-rundir)) test-rundir) ((and (directory-exists? *toppath*) (file-writable? *toppath*)) *toppath*) (else (conc "/tmp/" (current-user-name)))) "/" logname)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "TRIGGERED on " trigger ", running command " fullcmd " output at " (get-environment-variable "NBFAKE_LOG")) ;; (call-with-environment-variables ;; `(("NBFAKE_LOG" . ,(conc test-rundir "/" logname))) ;; (lambda () (process-run fullcmd) (if prev-nbfake-log (set-environment-variable! "NBFAKE_LOG" prev-nbfake-log) (unset-environment-variable! "NBFAKE_LOG")) )) ;; )) (define (mt:process-triggers dbstruct run-id test-id newstate newstatus) (if test-id (let* ((test-dat (db:get-test-info-by-id dbstruct run-id test-id))) (if test-dat (let* ((test-rundir (db:test-get-rundir test-dat)) ;; ) ;; ) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 | ;; Setting MT_LINKTREE here is almost certainly unnecessary. (let ((tconfig-file (conc hed "/" test-name "/testconfig"))) (if (and (common:file-exists? tconfig-file) (file-readable? tconfig-file)) (let ((link-tree-path (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree")) (old-link-tree (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")) (bigmodenv (module-environment 'bigmod))) | | | | | 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 | ;; Setting MT_LINKTREE here is almost certainly unnecessary. (let ((tconfig-file (conc hed "/" test-name "/testconfig"))) (if (and (common:file-exists? tconfig-file) (file-readable? tconfig-file)) (let ((link-tree-path (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree")) (old-link-tree (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")) (bigmodenv (module-environment 'bigmod))) (if link-tree-path (set-environment-variable! "MT_LINKTREE" link-tree-path)) (let ((newtcfg (configf:read-config tconfig-file #f #f env-to-use: bigmodenv))) ;; NOTE: Does NOT run [system ...] (hash-table-set! *testconfigs* test-name newtcfg) (if old-link-tree (set-environment-variable! "MT_LINKTREE" old-link-tree) (unset-environment-variable! "MT_LINKTREE")) newtcfg)) (if (null? tal) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "No readable testconfig found for " test-name) #f) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)))))))))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 | (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server already running at "sinfo ", while trying to register server " host":"port) #f) ;; server already registered (begin (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO servers (host,port,servkey,pid,ipaddr,apath,dbname) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname) (db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname))))))))) (define (db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname) (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:fold-row (lambda (res host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath) (list host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath)) #f db "SELECT host,port,servkey,pid,ipaddr,apath,dbname FROM servers WHERE apath=? AND dbname=?;" apath dbname)))) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > | 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 | (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server already running at "sinfo ", while trying to register server " host":"port) #f) ;; server already registered (begin (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO servers (host,port,servkey,pid,ipaddr,apath,dbname) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname) (db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname))))))))) ;; run this one in a transaction where first check if host:port is taken (define (db:deregister-server dbstruct host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname) (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:with-transaction db (lambda () (let* ((sinfo (db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname))) (if (not sinfo) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server already removed for "apath", "dbname) ;; at "sinfo ", while trying to register server " host":"port) #f) ;; server already deregistered (begin (sqlite3:execute db "DELETE FROM servers WHERE apath=? AND dbname=?;" ;; (host,port,servkey,pid,ipaddr,apath,dbname) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" ;; host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname) #;(db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname))))))))) (define (db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname) (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:fold-row (lambda (res host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath) (list host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath)) #f db "SELECT host,port,servkey,pid,ipaddr,apath,dbname FROM servers WHERE apath=? AND dbname=?;" apath dbname)))) (define (db:get-count-servers dbstruct apath) (db:with-db dbstruct #f #f (lambda (db) (sqlite3:fold-row (lambda (res count) (max res count)) 0 db "SELECT count(*) FROM servers WHERE apath=?;" apath)))) ) |
Modified dcommon.scm from [dbcf309f44] to [dedc418b9b].
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14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | > > | > > > > | < > > > > > > | | | | | | | > > > > | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit dcommon)) ;; (declare (uses gutils)) (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses mtver)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses testsmod)) (module dcommon * (import scheme chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.string chicken.pretty-print chicken.sort chicken.time chicken.file chicken.file.posix chicken.port chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.process-context.posix) (import srfi-18 format iup (prefix iup iup:) canvas-draw canvas-draw-iup regex typed-records matchable srfi-69 sparse-vectors srfi-1 ) (import mtver dbmod commonmod debugprint configfmod rmtmod ;; gutils (prefix mtargs args:) testsmod) ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "key_records.scm") ;; (include "run_records.scm") ;; yes, this is non-ideal (define dashboard:update-summary-tab #f) (define dashboard:update-servers-table #f) (define *last-monitor-update-time* 0) (define *exit-started* #f) ;;====================================================================== ;; C O M M O N D A T A S T R U C T U R E ;;====================================================================== ;; ;; data common to all tabs goes here ;; |
︙ | ︙ | |||
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 | key-vals ((last-update 0) : number) ;; last query to db got records from before last-update ((last-db-time 0) : number) ;; last timestamp on megatest.db ((data-changed #f) : boolean) ((run-data-offset 0) : number) ;; get only 100 items per call, set back to zero when received less than 100 items (db-path #f)) ;;====================================================================== ;; D O T F I L E ;;====================================================================== (define (dcommon:write-dotfile fname dat) (with-output-to-file fname | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 | key-vals ((last-update 0) : number) ;; last query to db got records from before last-update ((last-db-time 0) : number) ;; last timestamp on megatest.db ((data-changed #f) : boolean) ((run-data-offset 0) : number) ;; get only 100 items per call, set back to zero when received less than 100 items (db-path #f)) ;; data for each specific tab goes here ;; (defstruct dboard:tabdat ;; runs ((allruns '()) : list) ;; list of dboard:rundat records ((allruns-by-id (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; hash of run-id -> dboard:rundat records ((done-runs '()) : list) ;; list of runs already drawn ((not-done-runs '()) : list) ;; list of runs not yet drawn (header #f) ;; header for decoding the run records (keys #f) ;; keys for this run (i.e. target components) ((numruns (string->number (or (args:get-arg "-cols") (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "cols") "8"))) : number) ;; ((tot-runs 0) : number) ((last-data-update 0) : number) ;; last time the data in allruns was updated ((last-runs-update 0) : number) ;; last time we pulled the runs info to update the tree (runs-mutex (make-mutex)) ;; use to prevent parallel access to draw objects ((run-update-times (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; update times indexed by run-id ((last-test-dat (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; cache last tests dat by run-id ((run-db-paths (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; cache the paths to the run db files ;; Runs view ((buttondat (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; ((item-test-names '()) : list) ;; list of itemized tests ((run-keys (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) (runs-matrix #f) ;; used in newdashboard ((start-run-offset 0) : number) ;; left-right slider value ((start-test-offset 0) : number) ;; up-down slider value ((runs-btn-height (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "btn-height") "x16")) : string) ;; was 12 ((runs-btn-fontsz (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "btn-fontsz") "10")) : string) ;; was 8 ((runs-cell-width (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "dashboard" "cell-width") "50")) : string) ;; was 50 ((all-test-names '()) : list) ;; Canvas and drawing data (cnv #f) (cnv-obj #f) (drawing #f) ((run-start-row 0) : number) ((max-row 0) : number) ((running-layout #f) : boolean) (originx #f) (originy #f) ((layout-update-ok #t) : boolean) ((compact-layout #t) : boolean) ;; Run times layout ;; (graph-button-box #f) ;; RA => Think it is not referenced anywhere (graph-matrix #f) ((graph-matrix-table (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; graph-dats referenced thru graph name info ((graph-cell-table (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; graph-dats referenced thru matrix cell info ((graph-matrix-row 1) : number) ((graph-matrix-col 1) : number) ;; Controls used to launch runs etc. ((command "") : string) ;; for run control this is the command being built up (command-tb #f) ;; widget for the type of command; run, remove-runs etc. (test-patterns-textbox #f) ;; text box widget for editing a list of test patterns (key-listboxes #f) (key-lbs #f) run-name ;; from run name setting widget states ;; states for -state s1,s2 ... statuses ;; statuses for -status s1,s2 ... ;; Selector variables curr-run-id ;; current row to display in Run summary view prev-run-id ;; previous runid selected before current runid was selected (used in xor-two-runs runs summary mode curr-test-ids ;; used only in dcommon:run-update which is used in newdashboard ((filters-changed #t) : boolean) ;; to indicate that the user changed filters for this tab ((last-filter-str "") : string) ;; conc the target runname and testpatt for a signature of changed filters ((hide-empty-runs #f) : boolean) ((hide-not-hide #t) : boolean) ;; toggle for hide/not hide empty runs (hide-not-hide-button #f) ((searchpatts (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; ((state-ignore-hash (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; hash of STATE => #t/#f for display control ((status-ignore-hash (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; hash of STATUS => #t/#f (target #f) (test-patts #f) ;; db info to file the .db files for the area (access-mode (db:get-access-mode)) ;; use cached db or not (dbdir #f) (dbfpath #f) (dbkeys #f) ((last-db-update (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; last db file timestamp (monitor-db-path #f) ;; where to find monitor.db ro ;; is the database read-only? ;; tests data ((num-tests 10) : number) ;; total number of tests to show (used in the old runs display) ;; runs tree ((path-run-ids (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; path (target / runname) => id (runs-tree #f) ((runs-tree-ht (make-hash-table)) : hash-table) ;; track which targets added to tree (merge functionality with path-run-ids?) ;; tab data ((view-changed #t) : boolean) ((xadj 0) : number) ;; x slider number (if using canvas) ((yadj 0) : number) ;; y slider number (if using canvas) ;; runs-summary tab state ((runs-summary-modes '((one-run . "Show One Run") (xor-two-runs . "XOR Two Runs") (xor-two-runs-hide-clean . "XOR; Hide Clean")) ) : list) ((runs-summary-mode-buttons '()) : list) ((runs-summary-mode 'one-run) : symbol) ((runs-summary-mode-change-callbacks '()) : list) (runs-summary-source-runname-label #f) (runs-summary-dest-runname-label #f) ;; runs summary view tests-tree ;; used in newdashboard ) ;; additional setters for dboard:data (define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-set!-use vec val) (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-set! vec (if (equal? val "") #f val))) (define (dboard:tabdat-test-patts-use vec) (let ((val (dboard:tabdat-test-patts vec)))(if val val ""))) ;;RADT => What is the if for? ;;====================================================================== ;; D O T F I L E ;;====================================================================== (define (dcommon:write-dotfile fname dat) (with-output-to-file fname |
︙ | ︙ | |||
148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 | (let ((curr-val (iup:attribute mtrx cell-name))) (if (not (equal? curr-val new-val)) (begin (iup:attribute-set! mtrx cell-name new-val) ;; was col-name #t) ;; need a re-draw prev-changed))) ;; TO-DO ;; 1. Make "data" hash-table hierarchial store of all displayed data ;; 2. Update synchash to understand "get-runs", "get-tests" etc. ;; 3. Add extraction of filters to synchash calls ;; ;; NOTE: Used in newdashboard | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 | (let ((curr-val (iup:attribute mtrx cell-name))) (if (not (equal? curr-val new-val)) (begin (iup:attribute-set! mtrx cell-name new-val) ;; was col-name #t) ;; need a re-draw prev-changed))) ;; Display the tests as rows of boxes on the test/task pane ;; (define (dashboard:draw-tests cnv xadj yadj tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records) (canvas-clear! cnv) (canvas-font-set! cnv "Helvetica, -10") (let-values (((sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm) (canvas-size cnv)) ((originx originy) (canvas-origin cnv))) ;; (print "originx: " originx " originy: " originy) ;; (canvas-origin-set! cnv 0 (- (/ sizey 2))) (if (hash-table-ref/default tests-draw-state 'first-time #t) (begin (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'first-time #f) (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'scalef 1) (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'tests-info (make-hash-table)) (hash-table-set! tests-draw-state 'selected-tests (make-hash-table)) ;; set these (dcommon:initial-draw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)) (dcommon:redraw-tests cnv xadj yadj sizex sizey sizexmm sizeymm originx originy tests-draw-state sorted-testnames test-records)) )) ;; TO-DO ;; 1. Make "data" hash-table hierarchial store of all displayed data ;; 2. Update synchash to understand "get-runs", "get-tests" etc. ;; 3. Add extraction of filters to synchash calls ;; ;; NOTE: Used in newdashboard |
︙ | ︙ | |||
673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 | (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute stats-matrix key) value)) (begin (set! changed #t) (iup:attribute-set! stats-matrix key value))))) run-stats) (if changed (iup:attribute-set! stats-matrix "REDRAW" "ALL"))))) (define (dcommon:run-stats commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f)) (let* ((stats-matrix (iup:matrix expand: "YES")) (stats-updater (lambda () (dcommon:stats-updater commondat tabdat stats-matrix)))) ;; (dboard:commondat-please-update-set! commondat #t) ;; force redraw on first pass ;; (mark-for-update tabdat) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 | (if (not (equal? (iup:attribute stats-matrix key) value)) (begin (set! changed #t) (iup:attribute-set! stats-matrix key value))))) run-stats) (if changed (iup:attribute-set! stats-matrix "REDRAW" "ALL"))))) ;; if tab-num passed in then use it, otherwise look in commondat at curr-tab-num ;; adds the updater passed in the updaters list at that hashkey ;; (define (dboard:commondat-add-updater commondat updater #!key (tab-num #f)) (let* ((tnum (or tab-num (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat))) (curr-updaters (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat) tnum '()))) (hash-table-set! (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat) tnum (cons updater curr-updaters)))) ;; ;; if tab-num passed in then use it, otherwise look in commondat at curr-tab-num ;; ;; adds the updater passed in the updaters list at that hashkey ;; ;; ;; (define (dboard:commondat-add-updater commondat updater #!key (tab-num #f)) ;; (let* ((tnum (or tab-num ;; (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat))) ;; (curr-updaters (hash-table-ref/default (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat) tnum '()))) ;; (hash-table-set! (dboard:commondat-updaters commondat) ;; tnum ;; (cons updater curr-updaters)))) ;; (define (dcommon:run-stats commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f)) (let* ((stats-matrix (iup:matrix expand: "YES")) (stats-updater (lambda () (dcommon:stats-updater commondat tabdat stats-matrix)))) ;; (dboard:commondat-please-update-set! commondat #t) ;; force redraw on first pass ;; (mark-for-update tabdat) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 | tb) (iup:button "Execute" #:size "50x" #:action (lambda (obj) ;; (let ((cmd (conc ;; "xterm -geometry 180x20 -e \"" (common:run-a-command (iup:attribute (dboard:tabdat-command-tb data) "VALUE"))))))) ;; ";echo Press any key to continue;bash -c 'read -n 1 -s'\" &"))) ;; (system cmd))))))) (define (dcommon:command-action-selector commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f)) (iup:frame #:title "Set the action to take" (iup:hbox ;; (iup:label "Command to run" #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "70x" #:alignment "LEFT:ACENTER") (let* ((cmds-list '("run" "remove-runs")) ;; "set-state-status" "lock-runs" "unlock-runs")) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 | tb) (iup:button "Execute" #:size "50x" #:action (lambda (obj) ;; (let ((cmd (conc ;; "xterm -geometry 180x20 -e \"" (common:run-a-command (iup:attribute (dboard:tabdat-command-tb data) "VALUE"))))))) ;; ";echo Press any key to continue;bash -c 'read -n 1 -s'\" &"))) ;; (system cmd))))))) ;; Extract the various bits of data from tabdat and create the command line equivalent that will be displayed ;; (define (dashboard:update-run-command tabdat) (let* ((cmd-tb (dboard:tabdat-command-tb tabdat)) (cmd (dboard:tabdat-command tabdat)) (test-patt (let ((tp (dboard:tabdat-test-patts tabdat))) (if (or (not tp) (equal? tp "")) "%" tp))) (states (dboard:tabdat-states tabdat)) (statuses (dboard:tabdat-statuses tabdat)) (target (let ((targ-list (dboard:tabdat-target tabdat))) (if targ-list (string-intersperse targ-list "/") "no-target-selected"))) (run-name (dboard:tabdat-run-name tabdat)) (states-str (if (or (not states) (null? states)) "" (conc " -state " (string-intersperse states ",")))) (statuses-str (if (or (not statuses) (null? statuses)) "" (conc " -status " (string-intersperse statuses ",")))) (full-cmd "megatest")) (case (string->symbol cmd) ((run) (set! full-cmd (conc full-cmd " -run" " -testpatt " test-patt " -target " target " -runname " run-name " -clean-cache" ))) ((remove-runs) (set! full-cmd (conc full-cmd " -remove-runs -runname " run-name " -target " target " -testpatt " test-patt states-str statuses-str ))) (else (set! full-cmd " no valid command "))) (iup:attribute-set! cmd-tb "VALUE" full-cmd))) (define (dcommon:command-action-selector commondat tabdat #!key (tab-num #f)) (iup:frame #:title "Set the action to take" (iup:hbox ;; (iup:label "Command to run" #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "70x" #:alignment "LEFT:ACENTER") (let* ((cmds-list '("run" "remove-runs")) ;; "set-state-status" "lock-runs" "unlock-runs")) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 | (if htmlviewercmd (system (conc "(" htmlviewercmd " " lfilename " ) &")) (iup:send-url lfilename)))) (define (dashboard:monitor-changed? commondat tabdat) (let* ((run-update-time (current-seconds)) (monitor-db-path (dboard:tabdat-monitor-db-path tabdat)) | | | 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 | (if htmlviewercmd (system (conc "(" htmlviewercmd " " lfilename " ) &")) (iup:send-url lfilename)))) (define (dashboard:monitor-changed? commondat tabdat) (let* ((run-update-time (current-seconds)) (monitor-db-path (dboard:tabdat-monitor-db-path tabdat)) (monitor-modtime (if (and monitor-db-path (file-exists? monitor-db-path)) (file-modification-time monitor-db-path) -1))) (if (and (eq? (dboard:commondat-curr-tab-num commondat) 0) (or (> monitor-modtime *last-monitor-update-time*) (> (- run-update-time *last-monitor-update-time*) 5))) ;; update every 1/2 minute just in case (begin (set! *last-monitor-update-time* run-update-time) ;; monitor-modtime) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 | (define (dashboard:recalc modtime please-update-buttons last-db-update-time) (or please-update-buttons (and ;; (> (current-milliseconds)(+ *last-recalc-ended-time* 150)) ;; can't use this - it needs to be tab specific (> modtime (- last-db-update-time 3)) ;; add three seconds of margin (> (current-seconds)(+ last-db-update-time 1))))) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 | (define (dashboard:recalc modtime please-update-buttons last-db-update-time) (or please-update-buttons (and ;; (> (current-milliseconds)(+ *last-recalc-ended-time* 150)) ;; can't use this - it needs to be tab specific (> modtime (- last-db-update-time 3)) ;; add three seconds of margin (> (current-seconds)(+ last-db-update-time 1))))) ;;====================================================================== ;; stuff from gutils ;; (define (iuplistbox-fill-list lb items #!key (selected-item #f)) (let ((i 1)) (for-each (lambda (item) (iup:attribute-set! lb (number->string i) item) (if selected-item (if (equal? selected-item item) (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" i))) ;; (number->string i)))) (set! i (+ i 1))) items) ;; (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" (if selected-item selected-item "")) i)) (define (message-window msg) (iup:show (iup:dialog (iup:vbox (iup:label msg #:margin "40x40"))))) ;; NOTE: These functions will move to iuputils (define (gutils:colors-similar? color1 color2) (let* ((c1 (map string->number (string-split color1))) (c2 (map string->number (string-split color2))) (delta (map (lambda (a b)(abs (- a b))) c1 c2))) (null? (filter (lambda (x)(> x 3)) delta)))) (define gutils:colors '((PASS . "70 249 73") (FAIL . "253 33 49") (SKIP . "230 230 0"))) (define (gutils:get-color-spec effective-state) (or (alist-ref effective-state gutils:colors) (alist-ref 'FAIL gutils:colors))) ;; BBnote - state status dashboard button color / text defined here (define (gutils:get-color-for-state-status state status);; #!key (get-label #f)) ;; ((if get-label cadr car) (case (string->symbol state) ((COMPLETED) ;; ARCHIVED) (case (string->symbol status) ((PASS) (list "70 249 73" status)) ((PREQ_FAIL PREQ_DISCARDED) (list "255 127 127" status)) ((WARN WAIVED) (list "255 172 13" status)) ((SKIP) (list (gutils:get-color-spec 'SKIP) status)) ((ABORT) (list "198 36 166" status)) (else (list "253 33 49" status)))) ((ARCHIVED) (case (string->symbol status) ((PASS) (list "70 170 73" status)) ((WARN WAIVED) (list "200 130 13" status)) ((SKIP) (list (gutils:get-color-spec 'SKIP) status)) (else (list "180 33 49" status)))) ;; (if (equal? status "PASS") ;; '("70 249 73" "PASS") ;; (if (or (equal? status "WARN") ;; (equal? status "WAIVED")) ;; (list "255 172 13" status) ;; (list "223 33 49" status)))) ;; greenish orangeish redish ((LAUNCHED) (list "101 123 142" state)) ((CHECK) (list "255 100 50" state)) ((REMOTEHOSTSTART) (list "50 130 195" state)) ((RUNNING STARTED) (list "9 131 232" state)) ((KILLREQ) (list "39 82 206" state)) ((KILLED) (list "234 101 17" state)) ((NOT_STARTED) (case (string->symbol status) ((CHECK STARTED)(list (gutils:get-color-spec 'SKIP) state)) (else (list "240 240 240" state)))) ;; for xor mode below ;; ((CLEAN) (case (string->symbol status) ((CLEAN-FAIL CLEAN-CHECK CLEAN-ABORT) (list "200 130 13" status)) ;; orange requested for these (else (list "60 235 63" status)))) ((DIRTY-BETTER) (list "160 255 153" status)) ((DIRTY-WORSE) (list "165 42 42" status)) ((BOTH-BAD) (list "180 33 49" status)) (else (list ;; "192 192 192" "222 222 221" state)))) ;; end of stuff from gutils ) |
Modified debugprint.scm from [fdf96a030a] to [4552843dbc].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | (declare (unit debugprint)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (module debugprint * ;;(import scheme chicken data-structures extras files ports) (import scheme chicken.base chicken.string chicken.port | > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | (declare (unit debugprint)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (module debugprint * ;;(import scheme chicken data-structures extras files ports) (import scheme chicken.base chicken.string chicken.port chicken.process-context (prefix mtargs args:) srfi-1 ) ;;====================================================================== ;; debug stuff ;;====================================================================== (define verbosity (make-parameter '())) (define *default-log-port* (current-error-port)) (define (debug:setup) (let ((debugstr (or (args:get-arg "-debug") (args:get-arg "-debug-noprop") (get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE")))) (verbosity (debug:calc-verbosity debugstr 'q)) (debug:check-verbosity (verbosity) debugstr) ;; if we were handed a bad verbosity rule then we will override it with 1 and continue (if (verbosity)(verbosity 1)) (if (and (not (args:get-arg "-debug-noprop")) (or (args:get-arg "-debug") (not (get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE")))) (set-environment-variable! "MT_DEBUG_MODE" (if (list? (verbosity)) (string-intersperse (map conc (verbosity)) ",") (conc (verbosity))))))) ;; check verbosity, #t is ok (define (debug:check-verbosity verbosity vstr) (if (not (or (number? verbosity) (list? verbosity))) (begin (print "ERROR: Invalid debug value \"" vstr "\"") #f) #t)) ;;====================================================================== ;; (define (debug:print . params) #f) ;; (define (debug:print-info . params) #f) ;; ;; (define (set-functions dbgp dbgpinfo) ;; (set! debug:print dbgp) ;; (set! debug:print-info dbgpinfo)) |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified docs/manual/ from [3e029f5fe5] to [ec783673b9].
︙ | ︙ | |||
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Megatest. If not, see <>. digraph G { subgraph cluster_1 { node [style=filled,shape=box]; | > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < | < < < < < < < < < < < | > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 | // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Megatest. If not, see <>. digraph G { subgraph cluster_1 { node [style=filled,shape=box]; rmt:send-receive -> "init-*remote* if needed" -> rmt:general-open-connection -> rmt:send-receive-real; // check_available_queue -> remove_entries_over_10s_old; // remove_entries_over_10s_old -> set_available [label="num_avail < 3"]; // remove_entries_over_10s_old -> exit [label="num_avail > 2"]; // // set_available -> delay_2s; // delay_2s -> check_place_in_queue; // // check_place_in_queue -> "http:transport-launch" [label="at head"]; // check_place_in_queue -> exit [label="not at head"]; // // "client:login" -> "server:shutdown" [label="login failed"]; // "server:shutdown" -> exit; // // subgraph cluster_2 { // "http:transport-launch" -> "http:transport-run"; // "http:transport-launch" -> "http:transport-keep-running"; // // "http:transport-keep-running" -> "tests running?"; // "tests running?" -> "client:login" [label=yes]; // "tests running?" -> "server:shutdown" [label=no]; // "client:login" -> delay_5s [label="login ok"]; // delay_5s -> "http:transport-keep-running"; // } // // // start_server -> "server_running?"; // // "server_running?" -> set_available [label="no"]; // // "server_running?" -> delay_2s [label="yes"]; // // delay_2s -> "still_running?"; // // "still_running?" -> ping_server [label=yes]; // // "still_running?" -> set_available [label=no]; // // ping_server -> exit [label=alive]; // // ping_server -> remove_server_record [label=dead]; // // remove_server_record -> set_available; // // set_available -> avail_delay [label="delay 3s"]; // // avail_delay -> "first_in_queue?"; // // // // "first_in_queue?" -> set_running [label=yes]; // // set_running -> get_next_port -> handle_requests; // // "first_in_queue?" -> "dead_entry_in_queue?" [label=no]; // // "dead_entry_in_queue?" -> "server_running?" [label=no]; // // "dead_entry_in_queue?" -> "remove_dead_entries" [label=yes]; // // remove_dead_entries -> "server_running?"; // // // // handle_requests -> start_shutdown [label="no traffic\nno running tests"]; // // handle_requests -> shutdown_request; // // start_shutdown -> shutdown_delay; // // shutdown_request -> shutdown_delay; // // shutdown_delay -> exit; // // label = "server:launch"; // color=brown; } // client_start_server -> start_server; // handle_requests -> read_write; // read_write -> handle_requests; } |
Modified env.scm from [dcc9cbb083] to [6763f6f81f].
︙ | ︙ | |||
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 | ;; (print "BEFORE: " (string-intersperse patha-parts "\n ")) ;; (print "AFTER: " (string-intersperse pathb-parts "\n ")) ;; (print "COMMON: " (string-intersperse common-parts "\n ")) (string-intersperse final separator))) (define (env:process-path-envvar varname separator patha pathb) (let ((newpath (env:merge-path-envvar separator patha pathb))) | | | 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 | ;; (print "BEFORE: " (string-intersperse patha-parts "\n ")) ;; (print "AFTER: " (string-intersperse pathb-parts "\n ")) ;; (print "COMMON: " (string-intersperse common-parts "\n ")) (string-intersperse final separator))) (define (env:process-path-envvar varname separator patha pathb) (let ((newpath (env:merge-path-envvar separator patha pathb))) (set-environment-variable! varname newpath))) (define (env:have-context db context) (> (query fetch-value (sql db "SELECT count(id) FROM envvars WHERE context=?") context) 0)) ;; this is so the calling block does not need to import sql-de-lite (define (env:close-database db) |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified ezstepsmod.scm from [857570fa0d] to [0bd970f5f0].
︙ | ︙ | |||
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 | (conc "# error, no command for step "stepname))) (script "") ; "#!/bin/bash\n") ;; yep, we depend on bin/bash FIXME!!!\ (logpro-file (conc stepname ".logpro")) (html-file (conc stepname ".html")) (dat-file (conc stepname ".dat")) (tconfig-logpro (configf:lookup testconfig "logpro" stepname)) (logpro-used (common:file-exists? logpro-file))) | | | 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 | (conc "# error, no command for step "stepname))) (script "") ; "#!/bin/bash\n") ;; yep, we depend on bin/bash FIXME!!!\ (logpro-file (conc stepname ".logpro")) (html-file (conc stepname ".html")) (dat-file (conc stepname ".dat")) (tconfig-logpro (configf:lookup testconfig "logpro" stepname)) (logpro-used (common:file-exists? logpro-file))) (set-environment-variable! "MT_STEP_NAME" stepname) (hash-table-set! all-steps-dat stepname `((params . ,paramparts))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "stepparts: " stepparts ", stepparams: " stepparams ", paramparts: " paramparts ", subrun: " subrun ", stepcmd: " stepcmd) (if (and tconfig-logpro (not logpro-used)) ;; no logpro file found but have a defn in the testconfig (begin |
︙ | ︙ | |||
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 | (begin (thread-sleep! 2) (processloop (+ i 1)))) ))))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "step " stepname " completed with exit code " (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info)) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 2)) ;; now run logpro if needed (if logpro-used | | | 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 | (begin (thread-sleep! 2) (processloop (+ i 1)))) ))))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "step " stepname " completed with exit code " (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info)) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 2)) ;; now run logpro if needed (if logpro-used (let* ((logpro-exe (or (get-environment-variable "LOGPRO_EXE") "logpro")) (pid (process-run (conc "/bin/sh -c '"logpro-exe" "logpro-file " " (conc stepname ".html") " < " stepname ".log > /dev/null'")))) (let processloop ((i 0)) (let-values (((pid-val exit-status exit-code)(process-wait pid #t))) (mutex-lock! m) ;; (make-launch:einf pid: pid exit-status: exit-status exit-code: exit-code) (launch:einf-pid-set! exit-info pid) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 0 pid) (launch:einf-exit-status-set! exit-info exit-status) ;; (vector-set! exit-info 1 exit-status) |
︙ | ︙ |
Deleted filedb.scm version [f18fb77b48].
| < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < |
Modified gutils.scm from [455c3c7ee1] to [5bbbe79f17].
︙ | ︙ | |||
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== | > | > > > > > > > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit gutils)) (module gutils (iuplistbox-fill-list message-window gutils:colors-similar? gutils:colors gutils:get-color-for-state-status ) (import (prefix iup iup:) canvas-draw) (import scheme chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.string chicken.pretty-print chicken.sort chicken.time chicken.file chicken.file.posix chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.process-context.posix) (import srfi-1 regex regex-case srfi-69) (define (iuplistbox-fill-list lb items #!key (selected-item #f)) (let ((i 1)) (for-each (lambda (item) (iup:attribute-set! lb (number->string i) item) (if selected-item (if (equal? selected-item item) (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" i))) ;; (number->string i)))) (set! i (+ i 1))) items) ;; (iup:attribute-set! lb "VALUE" (if selected-item selected-item "")) i)) (define (message-window msg) (iup:show (iup:dialog (iup:vbox (iup:label msg #:margin "40x40"))))) ;; NOTE: These functions will move to iuputils (define (gutils:colors-similar? color1 color2) (let* ((c1 (map string->number (string-split color1))) (c2 (map string->number (string-split color2))) (delta (map (lambda (a b)(abs (- a b))) c1 c2))) (null? (filter (lambda (x)(> x 3)) delta)))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 | ((BOTH-BAD) (list "180 33 49" status)) (else (list ;; "192 192 192" "222 222 221" state)))) | > | 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 | ((BOTH-BAD) (list "180 33 49" status)) (else (list ;; "192 192 192" "222 222 221" state)))) ) |
Modified index-tree.scm from [10c620fbfc] to [d459040d7e].
︙ | ︙ | |||
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ;; ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Tests ;;====================================================================== | > | | | | | | | | | | | | | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | ;; ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; Tests ;;====================================================================== (import srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking tcp directory-utils (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) (declare (unit testsmod)) (declare (uses lock-queue)) (declare (uses dbmod)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (declare (uses itemsmod)) (declare (uses runconfigmod)) ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "key_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "run_records.scm") ;; (include "test_records.scm") ;; Populate the links tree with index.html files ;; ;; - start from most recent tests and work towards oldest -OR- ;; start from deepest hierarchy and work way up ;; - look up tests in megatest.db ;; - cross-reference the tests to stats.db |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified itemsmod.scm from [2c28ce118c] to [6cbd6fd11f].
︙ | ︙ | |||
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit itemsmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (module itemsmod * (import scheme chicken.base | > | 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit itemsmod)) (declare (uses mtargs)) (declare (uses debugprint)) (declare (uses configfmod)) (declare (uses commonmod)) (module itemsmod * (import scheme chicken.base |
︙ | ︙ | |||
162 163 164 165 166 167 168 | (if elflag (begin (set! res (append res (list item))) (loop (+ indx 1) '() #f))) res))) | | | | | | 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 | (if elflag (begin (set! res (append res (list item))) (loop (+ indx 1) '() #f))) res))) ;; Nope, not now, return null as of 6/6/2011 (define (items:check-valid-items valid-values class item) (let ((valid-values (let ((s valid-values)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "validvalues" class))) (if s (string-split s) #f)))) (if valid-values (if (member item valid-values) item #f) item))) ;; '(("k1" "k2" "k3") |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified launchmod.scm from [6c7ea9f92b] to [26d43d79a0].
︙ | ︙ | |||
123 124 125 126 127 128 129 | (alist-ref "keep-going" params equal?) #f))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "keep-going=" keep-going) (and keep-going (equal? (car keep-going) "yes"))))) ;; if handed a string, process it, else look for MT_CMDINFO (define (launch:get-cmdinfo-assoc-list #!key (encoded-cmd #f)) | | | 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 | (alist-ref "keep-going" params equal?) #f))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "keep-going=" keep-going) (and keep-going (equal? (car keep-going) "yes"))))) ;; if handed a string, process it, else look for MT_CMDINFO (define (launch:get-cmdinfo-assoc-list #!key (encoded-cmd #f)) (let ((enccmd (if encoded-cmd encoded-cmd (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO")))) (if enccmd (common:read-encoded-string enccmd) '()))) (define (launch:manage-steps run-id test-id item-path fullrunscript ezsteps subrun test-name tconfigreg exit-info m) ;; (let-values ;; (((pid exit-status exit-code) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
216 217 218 219 220 221 222 | (prevstep #f)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Processing ezstep \"" (string-intersperse ezstep " ") "\"") ;; check exit-info (vector-ref exit-info 1) (if (launch:einf-exit-status exit-info) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 1) (let* ((logpro-used (launch:runstep ezstep run-id test-id exit-info m tal testconfig all-steps-dat)) (stepname (car ezstep)) (stepparms (hash-table-ref all-steps-dat stepname))) | | | 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 | (prevstep #f)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Processing ezstep \"" (string-intersperse ezstep " ") "\"") ;; check exit-info (vector-ref exit-info 1) (if (launch:einf-exit-status exit-info) ;; (vector-ref exit-info 1) (let* ((logpro-used (launch:runstep ezstep run-id test-id exit-info m tal testconfig all-steps-dat)) (stepname (car ezstep)) (stepparms (hash-table-ref all-steps-dat stepname))) (set-environment-variable! "MT_STEP_NAME" stepname) (pp (hash-table->alist all-steps-dat)) ;; if logpro-used read in the stepname.dat file (if (and logpro-used (common:file-exists? (conc stepname ".dat"))) (launch:load-logpro-dat run-id test-id stepname)) (if (steprun-good? logpro-used (launch:einf-exit-code exit-info) stepparms) (if (not (null? tal)) (loop (car tal) (cdr tal) stepname)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
284 285 286 287 288 289 290 | (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-id 'foo "RUNNING" "n/a" "was marked dead; really still running.") ;;(set! kill-reason "KILLING TEST because it was marked as DEAD by launch:handle-zombie-tests (might indicate really overloaded server or else overzealous setup.deadtime)") ;; MARK RUNNING (set! kill-job? #f))) (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "cpu: " new-cpu-load " disk: " new-disk-free " last-sync: " last-sync " do-sync: " do-sync) (launch:handle-zombie-tests run-id) (when do-sync | | | 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 | (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-id 'foo "RUNNING" "n/a" "was marked dead; really still running.") ;;(set! kill-reason "KILLING TEST because it was marked as DEAD by launch:handle-zombie-tests (might indicate really overloaded server or else overzealous setup.deadtime)") ;; MARK RUNNING (set! kill-job? #f))) (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "cpu: " new-cpu-load " disk: " new-disk-free " last-sync: " last-sync " do-sync: " do-sync) (launch:handle-zombie-tests run-id) (when do-sync ;;(with-output-to-file (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_RUN_DIR") "/last-loadinfo.log" #:append) ;; (lambda () (pp (list (current-seconds) new-cpu-load new-disk-free (calc-minutes))))) ;; (common:telemetry-log "zombie" (conc "launch:monitor-job - dosync started at "(current-seconds))) (tests:update-central-meta-info run-id test-id new-cpu-load new-disk-free (calc-minutes) #f #f) ;; (common:telemetry-log "zombie" (conc "launch:monitor-job - dosync finished at "(current-seconds))) ) (if kill-job? |
︙ | ︙ | |||
353 354 355 356 357 358 359 | (if do-sync (current-seconds) last-sync))))))) (tests:update-central-meta-info run-id test-id (get-cpu-load) (get-df (current-directory))(calc-minutes) #f #f))) ;; NOTE: Checking twice for keep-going is intentional (define (launch:execute encoded-cmd) (let* ((cmdinfo (common:read-encoded-string encoded-cmd)) (tconfigreg #f)) | | | 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 | (if do-sync (current-seconds) last-sync))))))) (tests:update-central-meta-info run-id test-id (get-cpu-load) (get-df (current-directory))(calc-minutes) #f #f))) ;; NOTE: Checking twice for keep-going is intentional (define (launch:execute encoded-cmd) (let* ((cmdinfo (common:read-encoded-string encoded-cmd)) (tconfigreg #f)) (set-environment-variable! "MT_CMDINFO" encoded-cmd) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute incoming") (if (list? cmdinfo) ;; ((testpath /tmp/mrwellan/jazzmind/src/example_run/tests/sqlitespeed) ;; (test-name sqlitespeed) (runscript runscript.rb) (db-host localhost) (run-id 1)) (let* ((testpath (assoc/default 'testpath cmdinfo)) ;; testpath is the test spec area (top-path (assoc/default 'toppath cmdinfo)) (work-area (assoc/default 'work-area cmdinfo)) ;; work-area is the test run area (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
432 433 434 435 436 437 438 | (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: test data from " testpath " not copied properly or filesystem problems causing data to not be found. Re-running the copy command.") (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: missing files from " work-area ": " (string-intersperse bad-files ", ")) (launch:test-copy testpath work-area)))) ;; one more time, change to the work-area directory (change-directory work-area))) ) ;; let* | | | | | | | | | | 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 | (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: test data from " testpath " not copied properly or filesystem problems causing data to not be found. Re-running the copy command.") (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: missing files from " work-area ": " (string-intersperse bad-files ", ")) (launch:test-copy testpath work-area)))) ;; one more time, change to the work-area directory (change-directory work-area))) ) ;; let* (if contour (set-environment-variable! "MT_CONTOUR" contour)) ;; immediated set some key variables from CMDINFO data, yes, these will be set again below ... ;; (set-environment-variable! "MT_TESTSUITENAME" areaname) (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" top-path) (set! *toppath* top-path) (change-directory *toppath*) ;; temporarily switch to the run area home (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_RUN_DIR" work-area) (launch:setup) ;; should be properly in the run area home now (if contour (set-environment-variable! "MT_CONTOUR" contour)) ;; immediated set some key variables from CMDINFO data, yes, these will be set again below ... ;; (set-environment-variable! "MT_TESTSUITENAME" areaname) (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" top-path) (set! *toppath* top-path) (change-directory *toppath*) ;; temporarily switch to the run area home (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_RUN_DIR" work-area) (launch:setup) ;; should be properly in the run area home now (set! tconfigreg (tests:get-all)) ;; mapping of testname => test source path (let ((sighand (lambda (signum) ;; (signal-mask! signum) ;; to mask or not? seems to cause issues in exiting (if (eq? signum signal/stop) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
590 591 592 593 594 595 596 | (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "varpairs: " varpairs) (map (lambda (varpair) (let ((varval (string-split varpair "="))) (if (eq? (length varval) 2) (let ((var (car varval)) (val (cadr varval))) (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Adding pre-var/val " var " = " val " to the environment") | | | | | | 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 | (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "varpairs: " varpairs) (map (lambda (varpair) (let ((varval (string-split varpair "="))) (if (eq? (length varval) 2) (let ((var (car varval)) (val (cadr varval))) (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "Adding pre-var/val " var " = " val " to the environment") (set-environment-variable! var val))))) varpairs))) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 2") (for-each (lambda (varval) (let ((var (car varval)) (val (cadr varval))) (if val (set-environment-variable! var val) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "required variable " var " does not have a valid value. Exiting") (exit))))) (list (list "MT_TEST_RUN_DIR" work-area) (list "MT_TEST_NAME" test-name) (list "MT_ITEM_INFO" (conc itemdat)) (list "MT_ITEMPATH" item-path) (list "MT_RUNNAME" runname) (list "MT_MEGATEST" megatest) (list "MT_TARGET" target) (list "MT_LINKTREE" (common:get-linktree)) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree")) (list "MT_TESTSUITENAME" (common:get-area-name)))) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 3") (if mt-bindir-path (set-environment-variable! "PATH" (conc (get-environment-variable "PATH") ":" mt-bindir-path))) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 4") ;; (change-directory top-path) ;; Can setup as client for server mode now ;; (client:setup) ;; environment overrides are done *before* the remaining critical envars. (alist->env-vars env-ovrd) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 41") (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inkeys: keys inkeyvals: keyvals) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 42") (set-item-env-vars itemdat) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 43") (let ((blacklist (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "blacklistvars"))) (if blacklist (let ((vars (string-split blacklist))) (save-environment-as-files "megatest" ignorevars: vars) (for-each (lambda (var) (unset-environment-variable! var)) vars)) (save-environment-as-files "megatest"))) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "launch:execute post block 44") ;; open-run-close not needed for test-set-meta-info ;; (tests:set-full-meta-info #f test-id run-id 0 work-area) ;; (tests:set-full-meta-info test-id run-id 0 work-area) (tests:set-full-meta-info #f test-id run-id 0 work-area 10) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
766 767 768 769 770 771 772 | (or (args:get-arg "-run") (args:get-arg "-runtests") (args:get-arg "-execute"))) (let* ((linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")) (target (common:args-get-target exit-if-bad: #t)) (runname (or (args:get-arg "-runname") (args:get-arg ":runname") | | | 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 | (or (args:get-arg "-run") (args:get-arg "-runtests") (args:get-arg "-execute"))) (let* ((linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")) (target (common:args-get-target exit-if-bad: #t)) (runname (or (args:get-arg "-runname") (args:get-arg ":runname") (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME"))) (fulldir (conc linktree "/" target "/" runname))) (if (and linktree (common:file-exists? linktree)) ;; can't proceed without linktree (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Have -run with target=" target ", runname=" runname ", fulldir=" fulldir ", testpatt=" (or (args:get-arg "-testpatt") "%")) (if (not (common:file-exists? fulldir)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
919 920 921 922 923 924 925 | (set! *configinfo* first-pass) (set! *toppath* (or toppath (cadr first-pass))) ;; use the gathered data unless already have it (set! toppath *toppath*) (if (not *toppath*) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "you are not in a megatest area!") (exit 1))) | | | | | 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 | (set! *configinfo* first-pass) (set! *toppath* (or toppath (cadr first-pass))) ;; use the gathered data unless already have it (set! toppath *toppath*) (if (not *toppath*) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "you are not in a megatest area!") (exit 1))) (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*) ;; the seed read is done, now read runconfigs, cache it then read megatest.config one more time and cache it (let* ((keys (common:list-or-null (rmt:get-keys) message: "Failed to retrieve keys in launch.scm. Please report this to the developers.")) (key-vals (keys:target->keyval keys target)) (linktree (common:get-linktree)) ;; (or (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")(if *configdat* (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") #f))) ; (if *configdat* ; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree") ; (conc *toppath* "/lt")))) (second-pass (configf:find-and-read-config mtconfig environ-patt: "env-override" given-toppath: toppath pathenvvar: "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" env-to-use: (module-environment 'bigmod))) (runconfigdat (begin ;; this read of the runconfigs will see any adjustments made by re-reading megatest.config (for-each (lambda (kt) (set-environment-variable! (car kt) (cadr kt))) key-vals) (configf:read-config (conc toppath "/runconfigs.config") *runconfigdat* #t ;; consider using runconfig:read some day ... sections: sections))) (cachefiles (launch:get-cache-file-paths areapath toppath target mtconfig)) (mtcachef (car cachefiles)) (rccachef (cdr cachefiles))) ;; trap exception due to stale NFS handle -- Error: (open-output-file) cannot open file - Stale NFS file handle: "/p/fdk/gwa/lefkowit/mtTesting/qa/primbeqa/links/p1222/11/PDK_r1.1.1/prim/clean/pcell_testgen/.runconfigs.cfg-1.6427-7d1e789cb3f62f9cde719a4865bb51b3c17ea853" - ticket 220546342 |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 | (create-symbolic-link linktree tlink))))) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "linktree not defined in [setup] section of megatest.config") ))) (if (and *toppath* (directory-exists? *toppath*)) (begin | | | | 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 | (create-symbolic-link linktree tlink))))) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "linktree not defined in [setup] section of megatest.config") ))) (if (and *toppath* (directory-exists? *toppath*)) (begin (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*) (set-environment-variable! "MT_TESTSUITENAME" (common:get-area-name))) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to find the top path to your Megatest area.") (set! *toppath* #f) ;; force it to be false so we return #f #f)) ;; one more attempt to cache the configs for future reading (let* ((cachefiles (launch:get-cache-file-paths areapath toppath target mtconfig)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 | (list #f #f))))) (define (launch:handle-zombie-tests run-id) (let* ((key (conc "zombiescan-runid-"run-id)) (now (current-seconds)) (threshold (- (current-seconds) (* 2 (or (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "deadtime") 120)))) | | | | 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 | (list #f #f))))) (define (launch:handle-zombie-tests run-id) (let* ((key (conc "zombiescan-runid-"run-id)) (now (current-seconds)) (threshold (- (current-seconds) (* 2 (or (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "deadtime") 120)))) (val (rmt:get-var run-id key)) (do-scan? (cond ((not val) #t) ((< val threshold) #t) (else #f)))) (when do-scan? (debug:print 1 *default-log-port* "INFO: search and mark zombie tests") (rmt:set-var run-id key (current-seconds)) (runs:find-and-mark-incomplete-and-check-end-of-run run-id #f)))) ;; 1. look though disks list for disk with most space |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 | ;; > 3 RUNNING with not test_dead do nothing (run should already be RUNNING/ na ;; > 0 RUNNING and test_dead then send KILLREQ ==> COMPLETED ;; 0 RUNNING ==> this is actually the first condition, should not get here (define (runs:end-of-run-check run-id ) (let* ((not-completed-cnt (rmt:get-not-completed-cnt run-id)) (running-cnt (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id)) | | | | | | | | 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 | ;; > 3 RUNNING with not test_dead do nothing (run should already be RUNNING/ na ;; > 0 RUNNING and test_dead then send KILLREQ ==> COMPLETED ;; 0 RUNNING ==> this is actually the first condition, should not get here (define (runs:end-of-run-check run-id ) (let* ((not-completed-cnt (rmt:get-not-completed-cnt run-id)) (running-cnt (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id)) (all-test-launched (rmt:get-var run-id (conc "lunch-complete-" run-id))) (current-state (rmt:get-run-state run-id)) (current-status (rmt:get-run-status run-id))) ;;get-vars run-id to query metadata table to check if all completed. if all-test-launched = yes then only not-completed-cnt = 0 means everyting is completed if no entry found in the table do nothing (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Running test cnt :" running-cnt) (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-run run-id current-state current-status) (runs:update-junit-test-reporter-xml run-id) (cond ((and all-test-launched (eq? not-completed-cnt 0) (equal? all-test-launched "yes" )) (if (and (equal? (rmt:get-var run-id (conc "end-of-run-" run-id)) "no") (common:simple-lock (conc "endOfRun" run-id))) (begin (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "look for post hook. currseconds: " (current-seconds) " EOR " (rmt:get-var run-id (conc "end-of-run-" run-id))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "End of Run Detected.") (rmt:set-var run-id (conc "end-of-run-" run-id) "yes") ;(thread-sleep! 10) (runs:run-post-hook run-id) (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "currseconds: " (current-seconds)" eor: " (rmt:get-var run-id (conc "end-of-run-" run-id))) (common:simple-unlock (conc "endOfRun" run-id))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "End of Run Detected but not running post hook. This should happen when eor is set to yes. This will happen only when 2 tests exit at smae time. eor= " (rmt:get-var run-id (conc "end-of-run-" run-id))))) ((> running-cnt 3) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "There are " running-cnt " tests running." )) ((> running-cnt 0) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "running cnt > 0 but <= 3 kill-running-tests-if-dead" ) (let ((kill-cnt (launch:kill-tests-if-dead run-id))) (if (and all-test-launched (equal? all-test-launched "yes") (eq? kill-cnt running-cnt)) (runs:end-of-run-check run-id)))) ;;todo |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 | #f ;; sort-by #f ;; sort-order #f ;; get full data (not 'shortlist) 0 ;; (runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update *runs:general-data*) ;; last update time 'dashboard) '())) (log-dir (conc *toppath* "/logs")) | | | 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 | #f ;; sort-by #f ;; sort-order #f ;; get full data (not 'shortlist) 0 ;; (runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update *runs:general-data*) ;; last update time 'dashboard) '())) (log-dir (conc *toppath* "/logs")) (log-file (conc "post-hook-" (string-translate (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" "-") "-" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME") ".log")) (full-log-fname (conc log-dir "/" log-file))) (if run-post-hook ;; (if (null? existing-tests) ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Skipping post-hook call \"" run-post-hook "\" as there are existing tests for this run."))))) (let* ((use-log-dir (if (not (directory-exists? log-dir)) (handle-exceptions exn |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 | (system (conc run-post-hook " >> " actual-logf " 2>&1")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "post-hook \"" run-post-hook "\" took " (- (current-seconds) start-time) " seconds to run.")))))) (define (runs:rerun-hook test-id new-test-path testdat rerunlst) (let* ((rerun-hook (configf:lookup *configdat* "runs" "rerun-hook")) (log-dir (conc *toppath* "/reruns/logs")) | | | 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 | (system (conc run-post-hook " >> " actual-logf " 2>&1")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "post-hook \"" run-post-hook "\" took " (- (current-seconds) start-time) " seconds to run.")))))) (define (runs:rerun-hook test-id new-test-path testdat rerunlst) (let* ((rerun-hook (configf:lookup *configdat* "runs" "rerun-hook")) (log-dir (conc *toppath* "/reruns/logs")) (target (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET")) (runname (common:args-get-runname)) (rundir (db:test-get-rundir testdat)) (tarfiledir (conc *toppath* "/reruns")) (status (db:test-get-status testdat)) (comment (conc "\"" (db:test-get-comment testdat) "\"" )) (testname (db:test-get-testname testdat)) (itempath (db:test-get-item-path testdat)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 | (define (runs:update-junit-test-reporter-xml run-id) (let* ((junit-test-reporter (configf:lookup *configdat* "runs" "junit-test-reporter-xml")) (junit-test-report-dir (configf:lookup *configdat* "runs" "junit-test-report-dir")) (xml-dir (if (and junit-test-reporter (equal? junit-test-reporter "yes" )) (if junit-test-report-dir junit-test-report-dir | | | | 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 | (define (runs:update-junit-test-reporter-xml run-id) (let* ((junit-test-reporter (configf:lookup *configdat* "runs" "junit-test-reporter-xml")) (junit-test-report-dir (configf:lookup *configdat* "runs" "junit-test-report-dir")) (xml-dir (if (and junit-test-reporter (equal? junit-test-reporter "yes" )) (if junit-test-report-dir junit-test-report-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME"))) #f)) (xml-ts-name (if xml-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_TESTSUITENAME")"."(string-translate (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" ".") "." (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME")) #f)) (keyname (if xml-ts-name (common:get-signature xml-ts-name) #f)) (xml-path (if xml-dir (conc xml-dir "/" keyname ".xml") #f)) (test-data (if xml-dir |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 | '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (testsuite))) (define (set-item-env-vars itemdat) (for-each (lambda (item) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "setenv " (car item) " " (cadr item)) | | | | | | | 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 | '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (testsuite))) (define (set-item-env-vars itemdat) (for-each (lambda (item) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "setenv " (car item) " " (cadr item)) (set-environment-variable! (car item) (cadr item))) itemdat)) ;; set up needed environment variables given a run-id and optionally a target, itempath etc. ;; (define (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id #!key (inkeys #f)(inrunname #f)(inkeyvals #f)(intarget #f)(testname #f)(itempath #f)) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars entry") (let* ((target (or intarget (common:args-get-target) (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET"))) (keys (if inkeys inkeys (common:get-fields *configdat*) #;(rmt:get-keys))) (keyvals (if inkeyvals inkeyvals (keys:target->keyval keys target))) (vals (hash-table-ref/default *env-vars-by-run-id* run-id #f)) (link-tree (common:get-linktree))) ;; (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "linktree"))) (if testname (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_NAME" testname)) (if itempath (set-environment-variable! "MT_ITEMPATH" itempath)) ;; get the info from the db and put it in the cache (if link-tree (set-environment-variable! "MT_LINKTREE" link-tree) (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "linktree not set, should be set in megatest.config in [setup] section.")) (if (not vals) (let ((ht (make-hash-table))) (hash-table-set! *env-vars-by-run-id* run-id ht) (set! vals ht) (for-each (lambda (key) (hash-table-set! vals (car key) (cadr key))) keyvals))) ;; from the cached data set the vars (hash-table-for-each vals (lambda (key val) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "setenv " key " " val) (safe-setenv key val))) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars block 1") ;;(BB> "*env-vars-by-run-id*/runid("run-id" vals="(hash-table->alist vals)) (if (not (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET"))(set-environment-variable! "MT_TARGET" target)) ;; we had a case where there was an exception generated by the hash-table-ref ;; due to *configdat* being #f Adding a handle and exit (let fatal-loop ((count 0)) (handle-exceptions exn (let ((call-chain (get-call-chain)) (msg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 | (thread-sleep! 2) ;; assuming nfs lag. (launch:setup force-reread: #t)) (alist->env-vars (hash-table-ref/default *configdat* "env-override" '())))) ;;;; environment is tainted HERE in this let block. ;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars block 2") ;; Lets use this as an opportunity to put MT_RUNNAME in the environment (let ((runname (if inrunname inrunname (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id)))) (if runname | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 | (thread-sleep! 2) ;; assuming nfs lag. (launch:setup force-reread: #t)) (alist->env-vars (hash-table-ref/default *configdat* "env-override" '())))) ;;;; environment is tainted HERE in this let block. ;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars block 2") ;; Lets use this as an opportunity to put MT_RUNNAME in the environment (let ((runname (if inrunname inrunname (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id)))) (if runname (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUNNAME" runname) (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "no value for runname for id " run-id))) (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*) ;; if a testname and itempath are available set the remaining appropriate variables (if testname (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_NAME" testname)) (if itempath (set-environment-variable! "MT_ITEMPATH" itempath)) ;;(bb-check-path msg: "runs:set-megatest-env-vars block 3") (if (and testname link-tree) (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_RUN_DIR" (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_NAME") (if (and itempath (not (equal? itempath ""))) (conc "/" itempath) "")))))) ;; cache the runconfigs in $MT_LINKTREE/$MT_TARGET/$MT_RUNNAME/.runconfig ;; (define (full-runconfigs-read) ;; in the envprocessing branch the below code replaces the further below code ;; (if (eq? *configstatus* 'fulldata) ;; *runconfigdat* ;; (begin ;; (launch:setup) ;; *runconfigdat*))) (let* ((rundir (if (and (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE")(get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET")(get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME")) (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME")) #f)) (cfgf (if rundir (conc rundir "/.runconfig." megatest-version "-" megatest-fossil-hash) #f))) (if (and cfgf (file-exists? cfgf) (file-writable? cfgf) (common:use-cache?)) (configf:read-alist cfgf) ;; use the cached file (let* ((keys (common:get-fields *configdat*)) ;; (rmt:get-keys)) (target (common:args-get-target)) (key-vals (if target (keys:target->keyval keys target) #f)) (sections (if target (list "default" target) #f)) (data (begin (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME" *toppath*) (if key-vals (for-each (lambda (kt) (set-environment-variable! (car kt) (cadr kt))) key-vals)) ;; (configf:read-config (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") #f #t sections: sections)))) (runconfig:read (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config") target #f)))) (if (and rundir ;; have all needed variabless (directory-exists? rundir) (file-writable? rundir)) (begin |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 | (let* ((start-time (current-seconds)) (am-server (args:get-arg "-server")) (dbfile (args:get-arg "-db")) (apath *toppath*)) (let loop () (thread-sleep! 5) ;; add control / setting for this (if am-server | | > > | > | 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 | (let* ((start-time (current-seconds)) (am-server (args:get-arg "-server")) (dbfile (args:get-arg "-db")) (apath *toppath*)) (let loop () (thread-sleep! 5) ;; add control / setting for this (if am-server (if (not *dbstruct-db*) ;; skip syncing until db is setup (loop) (begin ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "syncing "apath" "dbfile" at "(current-seconds)) ;; (db:sync-inmem->disk *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile) (loop))))))) ;; ;; (let ((dbstruct ;; (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "after db:setup with dbstruct=" dbstruct) ;; (cond ;; ((dbr:dbstruct-read-only dbstruct) ;; (debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "loading read-only watchdog") |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified megatest.config from [660bed5542] to [24bc61eaa8].
︙ | ︙ | |||
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ## commented out due to a bug in v1.6501 in mtutil | | | | | > > | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ## commented out due to a bug in v1.6501 in mtutil [fields] a text b text c text [default] usercode .mtutil.scm areafilter area-to-run targtrans generic-target-translator runtrans generic-runname-translator [setup] pktsdirs /tmp/mt_pkts /some/other/source |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified megatest.scm from [7284d2baea] to [bf964b0d3e].
︙ | ︙ | |||
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses runsmod)) (declare (uses servermod)) (declare (uses testsmod)) ;; needed for configf scripts, scheme etc. | | | | | | | | | | | | 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 | (declare (uses processmod)) (declare (uses rmtmod)) (declare (uses runsmod)) (declare (uses servermod)) (declare (uses testsmod)) ;; needed for configf scripts, scheme etc. ;; (declare (uses apimod.import)) ;; (declare (uses debugprint.import)) ;; (declare (uses mtargs.import)) ;; (declare (uses commonmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses configfmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses bigmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses dbmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses rmtmod.import)) ;; (declare (uses servermod.import)) ;; (declare (uses launchmod.import)) ;; (include "call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.scm") (module megatest-main * (import scheme |
︙ | ︙ | |||
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 | (prefix base64 base64:) (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) (prefix sxml-modifications sxml-) address-info csv-abnf directory-utils fmt http-client intarweb json linenoise matchable md5 message-digest | > | 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 | (prefix base64 base64:) (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) (prefix sxml-modifications sxml-) address-info csv-abnf directory-utils fmt format http-client intarweb json linenoise matchable md5 message-digest |
︙ | ︙ | |||
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 | srfi-98 srfi-69 ;; local modules autoload adjutant csv-xml | < | 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 | srfi-98 srfi-69 ;; local modules autoload adjutant csv-xml hostinfo mtver mutils cookie csv-xml ducttape-lib (prefix mtargs args:) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
167 168 169 170 171 172 173 | ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "key_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") ;; (include "test_records.scm") | | | | | | | | | | | | 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 | ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "key_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") (include "run_records.scm") ;; (include "test_records.scm") ;; (include "common.scm") (include "db.scm") ;; (include "server.scm") (include "tests.scm") (include "genexample.scm") (include "tdb.scm") (include "env.scm") (include "diff-report.scm") (include "ods.scm") (define *usage-log-file* #f) ;; put path to file for logging usage in this var in the ~/.megatestrc file (define *usage-use-seconds* #t) ;; for Epoc seconds in usage logging change this to #t in ~/.megatestrc file ;;====================================================================== ;; Test commands (i.e. for use inside tests) ;;====================================================================== (define (megatest:step step state status logfile msg) (if (not (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO")) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "MT_CMDINFO env var not set, -step must be called *inside* a megatest invoked environment!") (exit 5)) (let* ((cmdinfo (common:read-encoded-string (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO"))) (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo)) (testpath (assoc/default 'testpath cmdinfo)) (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo)) (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo)) (db-host (assoc/default 'db-host cmdinfo)) (run-id (assoc/default 'run-id cmdinfo)) (test-id (assoc/default 'test-id cmdinfo)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
213 214 215 216 217 218 219 | (let ((comment (launch:load-logpro-dat run-id test-id step))) ;; (rmt:test-set-log! run-id test-id (conc stepname ".html")))) (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id step state status (or comment msg) logfile)) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "You must specify :state and :status with every call to -step") (exit 6)))))) | | | | | | | | | | 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 | (let ((comment (launch:load-logpro-dat run-id test-id step))) ;; (rmt:test-set-log! run-id test-id (conc stepname ".html")))) (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id step state status (or comment msg) logfile)) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "You must specify :state and :status with every call to -step") (exit 6)))))) ;;====================================================================== ;; full run ;;====================================================================== (define (handle-run-requests target runname keys keyvals need-clean) (if (or (args:get-arg "-kill-rerun") (args:get-arg "-rerun-clean")) ;; first set states/statuses correct ;; For rerun-clean do we or do we not support the testpatt? (let ((states (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "validvalues" "cleanrerun-states") "KILLREQ,KILLED,UNKNOWN,INCOMPLETE,STUCK,NOT_STARTED")) (statuses (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "validvalues" "cleanrerun-statuses") "FAIL,INCOMPLETE,ABORT,CHECK,DEAD,PREQ_FAIL,PREQ_DISCARDED"))) (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-preclean" #t) (runs:operate-on 'set-state-status target (common:args-get-runname) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-runname")(args:get-arg ":runname")) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
242 243 244 245 246 247 248 | target (common:args-get-runname) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-runname")(args:get-arg ":runname")) ;; "%" ;; (common:args-get-testpatt #f) ;; (args:get-arg "-testpatt") (common:args-get-testpatt #f) ;; (args:get-arg "-testpatt") ;; state: states status: statuses new-state-status: "NOT_STARTED,n/a"))) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | | 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 | target (common:args-get-runname) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-runname")(args:get-arg ":runname")) ;; "%" ;; (common:args-get-testpatt #f) ;; (args:get-arg "-testpatt") (common:args-get-testpatt #f) ;; (args:get-arg "-testpatt") ;; state: states status: statuses new-state-status: "NOT_STARTED,n/a"))) ;; RERUN ALL (if (args:get-arg "-rerun-all") ;; first set states/statuses correct (let* ((rconfig (full-runconfigs-read))) (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-preclean" #t) (runs:operate-on 'set-state-status target (common:args-get-runname) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-runname")(args:get-arg ":runname")) (common:args-get-testpatt rconfig) ;; (args:get-arg "-testpatt") state: #f ;; status: statuses new-state-status: "NOT_STARTED,n/a") (runs:clean-cache target runname *toppath*) (runs:operate-on 'set-state-status target (common:args-get-runname) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-runname")(args:get-arg ":runname")) (common:args-get-testpatt rconfig) ;; (args:get-arg "-testpatt") ;; state: states status: #f new-state-status: "NOT_STARTED,n/a"))) (let* ((config-reruns (let ((x (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "reruns"))) (if x (string->number x) #f))) (rerun-cnt (if config-reruns config-reruns 1))) (runs:run-tests target runname #f ;; (common:args-get-testpatt #f) ;; (or (args:get-arg "-testpatt") ;; "%") (bdat-user *bdat*) args:arg-hash run-count: rerun-cnt))) ;; csv processing record (define (make-refdb:csv) (vector (make-sparse-array) (make-hash-table) (make-hash-table) 0 0)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-get-svec vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-get-rows vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-get-cols vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-get-maxrow vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-get-maxcol vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-set-svec! vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-set-rows! vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-set-cols! vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-set-maxrow! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) (define-inline (refdb:csv-set-maxcol! vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val)) (define (get-dat results sheetname) (or (hash-table-ref/default results sheetname #f) (let ((tmp-vec (make-refdb:csv))) (hash-table-set! results sheetname tmp-vec) tmp-vec))) ;; bracket open-output-file with code to make leading directory if it does not exist and handle exceptions (define (open-logfile logpath-in) (condition-case (let* ((log-dir (or (pathname-directory logpath-in) ".")) (fname (pathname-strip-directory logpath-in)) (logpath (if (> (string-length fname) 250) (let ((newlogf (conc log-dir "/" (common:get-signature fname) ".log"))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: log file " logpath-in " path too long, converted to " newlogf) newlogf) logpath-in))) (if (not (directory-exists? log-dir)) (system (conc "mkdir -p " log-dir))) (open-output-file logpath)) (exn () (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Could not open log file for write: "logpath-in) (define *didsomething* #t) (exit 1)))) ;; Disabled help items ;; -rollup : (currently disabled) fill run (set by :runname) with latest test(s) ;; from prior runs with same keys ;; -daemonize : fork into background and disconnect from stdin/out (define help (conc " Megatest, documentation at version " megatest-version " license GPL, Copyright Matt Welland 2006-2017 Usage: megatest [options] -h : this help |
︙ | ︙ | |||
771 772 773 774 775 776 777 | (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Unrecognised arguments: " (string-intersperse (if (list? remargs) remargs (argv)) " "))) ;; before doing anything else change to the start-dir if provided ;; (if (args:get-arg "-start-dir") (if (common:file-exists? (args:get-arg "-start-dir")) (let ((fullpath (common:real-path (args:get-arg "-start-dir")))) | | | | | 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 | (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Unrecognised arguments: " (string-intersperse (if (list? remargs) remargs (argv)) " "))) ;; before doing anything else change to the start-dir if provided ;; (if (args:get-arg "-start-dir") (if (common:file-exists? (args:get-arg "-start-dir")) (let ((fullpath (common:real-path (args:get-arg "-start-dir")))) (set-environment-variable! "PWD" fullpath) (change-directory fullpath)) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "non-existant start dir " (args:get-arg "-start-dir") " specified, exiting.") (exit 1)))) ;; immediately set MT_TARGET if -reqtarg or -target are available ;; (let ((targ (or (args:get-arg "-reqtarg")(args:get-arg "-target")))) (if targ (set-environment-variable! "MT_TARGET" targ))) ;; The watchdog is to keep an eye on things like db sync etc. ;; ;; (init-watchdog) ;; (define (debug:debug-mode n) ;; (cond ;; ((and (number? *verbosity*) ;; number number ;; (number? n)) ;; (<= n *verbosity*)) ;; ((and (list? *verbosity*) ;; list number |
︙ | ︙ | |||
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 | (let ((newval (conc (args:get-arg "-testpatt") "/" (args:get-arg "-itempatt")))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: -itempatt has been deprecated, please use -testpatt testpatt/itempatt method, new testpatt is "newval) (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-testpatt" newval) (hash-table-delete! args:arg-hash "-itempatt"))) (if (args:get-arg "-runtests") (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: \"-runtests\" is deprecated. Use \"-run\" with \"-testpatt\" instead")) | | > | | | 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 | (let ((newval (conc (args:get-arg "-testpatt") "/" (args:get-arg "-itempatt")))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: -itempatt has been deprecated, please use -testpatt testpatt/itempatt method, new testpatt is "newval) (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-testpatt" newval) (hash-table-delete! args:arg-hash "-itempatt"))) (if (args:get-arg "-runtests") (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: \"-runtests\" is deprecated. Use \"-run\" with \"-testpatt\" instead")) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "on-exit disabled. Please re-enable") ;; (on-exit std-exit-procedure) ;;====================================================================== ;; Misc general calls ;;====================================================================== ;; TODO: Restore this functionality #; (if (and (args:get-arg "-cache-db") (args:get-arg "-source-db")) (let* ((temp-dir (or (args:get-arg "-target-db") (create-directory (conc "/tmp/" (get-environment-variable "USER") "/" (string-translate (current-directory) "/" "_"))))) (target-db (conc temp-dir "/cached.db")) (source-db (args:get-arg "-source-db"))) (db:cache-for-read-only source-db target-db) (set! *didsomething* #t))) ;; handle a clean-cache request as early as possible ;; |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 | (else (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "-dumpmode of " (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") " not recognised"))) (set! *didsomething* #t) (pop-directory) (bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t))) (if (args:get-arg "-show-cmdinfo") | | | | 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 | (else (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "-dumpmode of " (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") " not recognised"))) (set! *didsomething* #t) (pop-directory) (bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t))) (if (args:get-arg "-show-cmdinfo") (if (or (args:get-arg ":value")(get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO")) (let ((data (common:read-encoded-string (or (args:get-arg ":value")(get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO"))))) (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json") (json-write data) (pp data)) (set! *didsomething* #t)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "environment variable MT_CMDINFO is not set"))) ;;====================================================================== |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 | ;;====================================================================== ;; Get paths to tests ;;====================================================================== ;; Get test paths matching target, runname, and testpatt (if (or (args:get-arg "-test-files")(args:get-arg "-test-paths")) ;; if we are in a test use the MT_CMDINFO data | | | | 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 | ;;====================================================================== ;; Get paths to tests ;;====================================================================== ;; Get test paths matching target, runname, and testpatt (if (or (args:get-arg "-test-files")(args:get-arg "-test-paths")) ;; if we are in a test use the MT_CMDINFO data (if (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO") (let* ((startingdir (current-directory)) (cmdinfo (common:read-encoded-string (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO"))) (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo)) (testpath (assoc/default 'testpath cmdinfo)) (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo)) (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo)) (db-host (assoc/default 'db-host cmdinfo)) (run-id (assoc/default 'run-id cmdinfo)) (itemdat (assoc/default 'itemdat cmdinfo)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 | ;; NEW POLICY - -setlog sets test overall log on every call. (args:get-arg "-set-toplog") (args:get-arg "-test-status") (args:get-arg "-set-values") (args:get-arg "-load-test-data") (args:get-arg "-runstep") (args:get-arg "-summarize-items")) | | | | 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 | ;; NEW POLICY - -setlog sets test overall log on every call. (args:get-arg "-set-toplog") (args:get-arg "-test-status") (args:get-arg "-set-values") (args:get-arg "-load-test-data") (args:get-arg "-runstep") (args:get-arg "-summarize-items")) (if (not (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO")) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "MT_CMDINFO env var not set, commands -test-status, -runstep and -setlog must be called *inside* a megatest environment!") (exit 5)) (let* ((startingdir (current-directory)) (cmdinfo (common:read-encoded-string (get-environment-variable "MT_CMDINFO"))) (transport (assoc/default 'transport cmdinfo)) (testpath (assoc/default 'testpath cmdinfo)) (test-name (assoc/default 'test-name cmdinfo)) (runscript (assoc/default 'runscript cmdinfo)) (db-host (assoc/default 'db-host cmdinfo)) (run-id (assoc/default 'run-id cmdinfo)) (test-id (assoc/default 'test-id cmdinfo)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 | (args:get-arg "-target") (args:get-arg "-runname") (args:get-arg "-diff-html") (args:get-arg "-diff-email")) (set! *didsomething* #t) (exit 0))) | | | | 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 | (args:get-arg "-target") (args:get-arg "-runname") (args:get-arg "-diff-html") (args:get-arg "-diff-email")) (set! *didsomething* #t) (exit 0))) (if (or (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNSCRIPT") (args:get-arg "-repl") (args:get-arg "-load")) (let* ((toppath (launch:setup))) ;; (dbstruct (if (and toppath ;; #;(common:on-homehost?)) ;; (db:setup #f) ;; sets up main.db ;; #f))) ;; make-dbr:dbstruct path: toppath local: (args:get-arg "-local")) #f))) (if *toppath* (cond ((get-environment-variable "MT_RUNSCRIPT") ;; How to run megatest scripts ;; ;; #!/bin/bash ;; ;; export MT_RUNSCRIPT=yes ;; megatest << EOF ;; (print "Hello world") |
︙ | ︙ |
Deleted monitor.scm version [3df55c85ea].
| < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < |
Added nng-trial/Makefile version [c9bb6fcc89].
> > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | nng-test : nng-test.scm csc nng-test.scm test : nng-test ./nng-test do-test clean : rm -f .runners/* NBFAKE* |
Added nng-trial/nng-test.scm version [a81f0cc6e1].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 | (module nng-test * (import scheme (chicken io) (chicken base) (chicken time) (chicken file) (chicken file posix) (chicken string) (chicken process-context) (chicken process-context posix) miscmacros nng srfi-18 srfi-69 test matchable typed-records system-information directory-utils ) (define help "Usage: nng-test COMMAND where COMMAND is one of: do-test : run the basic req/rep test run tcp://host:port : start test server - start several in same dir ") (define address-tcp-1 "tcp://localhost:5555") (define address-tcp-2 "tcp://localhost:6666") (define address-inproc-1 "inproc://local1") (define address-inproc-2 "inproc://local2") ;;; ;;; Req-Rep ;;; (define (make-listening-reply-socket address) (let ((socket (make-rep-socket))) (socket-set! socket 'nng/recvtimeo 2000) (nng-listen socket address) socket)) (define (make-dialed-request-socket address) (let ((socket (make-req-socket))) (socket-set! socket 'nng/recvtimeo 2000) (nng-dial socket address) socket)) (define (req-rep-test address) (let ((rep (make-listening-reply-socket address)) (req (make-dialed-request-socket address))) (nng-send req "message 1") (nng-recv rep) (nng-send rep "message") (begin0 (nng-recv req) (nng-close! rep)))) (define (do-test) (test-group "nng" (test "tcp req-rep" "message" (req-rep-test address-tcp-1)) (test "inproc req-rep" "message" (req-rep-test address-inproc-1))) (test-exit)) ;; this should be run in a thread (define (run-listener-responder socket myaddr) (let loop ((status 'running)) (let* ((msg (nng-recv socket)) (response (process-message msg))) (if (not (eq? response 'done)) (begin (nng-send socket response) (loop status)))))) (define *channels* (make-hash-table)) (define (call channels msg addr) (let* ((csocket (hash-table-ref/default channels addr #f)) (socket (or csocket (make-dialed-request-socket addr)))) (nng-send socket msg) (print "Sent: "msg", received: "(nng-recv socket)) (if (not (hash-table-exists? channels addr)) (hash-table-set! channels addr socket)))) ;; start => hello 0 ;; hello 0 => hello 1 ;; hello 1 => hello 2 ;; ... ;; hello 11 => 'done ;; (define (process-message mesg) (let ((parts (string-split mesg))) (match parts ((msg c) (let ((count (string->number c))) (if (> count 10) 'done (conc msg " " (if count count 0))))) ((msg) (conc msg " 0")) (else "hello 0")))) (define (main) (match (command-line-arguments) (("do-test")(do-test)) ((run myaddr) ;; start listener ;; put myaddr into file by host-pid in .runners ;; for 1 minute ;; get all in .runners ;; call each with a message ;; (let* ((endtimes (+ (current-seconds) 20)) ;; run for 20 seconds (socket (make-listening-reply-socket myaddr)) (rfile (conc ".runners/"(get-host-name)"-"(current-process-id))) (th1 (make-thread (lambda () (run-listener-responder socket myaddr) ) "responder"))) (if (not (and (file-exists? ".runners") (directory? ".runners"))) (create-directory ".runners" #t)) (with-output-to-file rfile (lambda () (print myaddr))) (thread-start! th1) (let loop ((entries '())) (if (> (current-seconds) endtimes) (begin (delete-file* rfile) (sleep 1) (exit)) (if (null? entries) (loop (glob ".runners/*")) (let* ((entry (car entries)) (destaddr (with-input-from-file entry read-line))) (call *channels* (conc "hello-from-"destaddr) destaddr) ;; (thread-sleep! 0.025) (loop (cdr entries)))))))) ((cmd)(print "ERROR: command "cmd", not recognised.\n\n"help)) (else (print help)))) ) ;; end module (import nng-test) (main) |
Modified rmtmod.scm from [cd536fb107] to [70b915874b].
︙ | ︙ | |||
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | (import scheme chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.file.posix | | > > | | 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 | (import scheme chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.file.posix ;; chicken.format chicken.pathname chicken.port chicken.pretty-print chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.process-context.posix chicken.sort chicken.string ;; chicken.tcp chicken.random chicken.time chicken.time.posix (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) directory-utils format ;; http-client ;; intarweb matchable md5 message-digest nng ;; nanomsg (prefix base64 base64:) (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) regex s11n ;; spiffy ;; spiffy-directory-listing ;; spiffy-request-vars srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 stack system-information ;; tcp6 typed-records uri-common z3 apimod commonmod configfmod |
︙ | ︙ | |||
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 | ;; info about me as a server ;; (defstruct servdat (host #f) (port #f) (uuid #f) (dbfile #f) (api-url #f) (api-uri #f) (api-req #f) (status 'starting) (trynum 0) ;; count the number of ports we've tried ) | > | 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 | ;; info about me as a server ;; (defstruct servdat (host #f) (port #f) (uuid #f) (rep #f) (dbfile #f) (api-url #f) (api-uri #f) (api-req #f) (status 'starting) (trynum 0) ;; count the number of ports we've tried ) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
241 242 243 244 245 246 247 | #t) (start-main-srv))) (start-main-srv)))) ;; NB// remote is a rmt:remote struct ;; (define (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath dbname #!key (num-tries 5)) | | > | > < > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > | | | > > > > > | | | < | | < | | | | < < < | < < < < | < < < | | 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 | #t) (start-main-srv))) (start-main-srv)))) ;; NB// remote is a rmt:remote struct ;; (define (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath dbname #!key (num-tries 5)) (let* ((mdbname (db:run-id->dbname #f)) (mconn (rmt:get-conn remote apath mdbname))) (cond ((or (not mconn) ;; no channel open to main? (< (rmt:conn-expires mconn)(+ (current-seconds) 2))) ;; restablish connection if less than 2 seconds on the lease (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath mdbname)) ((not (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname)) ;; no channel open to dbname? (let* ((res (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath mdbname 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname)))) (case res ((server-started) (if (> num-tries 0) (begin (thread-sleep! 2) (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath dbname num-tries: (- num-tries 1))) (begin (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to start servers needed or open channel to "apath", "dbname) (exit 1)))) (else (if (list? res) ;; server has been registered and the info was returned. pass it on. (begin ;; ("" 53817 ;; "5e34239f48e8973b3813221e54701a01" "24310" ;; "" ;; "/home/matt/data/megatest/tests/simplerun" ;; ".db/1.db") (match res ((host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "got "res) (hash-table-set! (rmt:remote-conns remote) dbname (make-rmt:conn apath: apath dbname: dbname hostport: (conc host":"port) ipaddr: ipaddr port: port srvkey: servkey lastmsg: (current-seconds) expires: (+ (current-seconds) 60)))) (else (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "return data from starting server did not match host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname " res))) res) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Unexpected result: " res) res)))))) ))) ;;====================================================================== ;; FOR DEBUGGING SET TO #t (define *localmode* #t) (define *dbstruct* (make-dbr:dbstruct)) ;; Defaults to current area ;; (define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f)) (if (not *rmt:remote*)(set! *rmt:remote* (make-rmt:remote))) (let* ((apath *toppath*) (conns *rmt:remote*) (dbname (db:run-id->dbname rid))) (if *localmode* (let* ((dbdat (dbr:dbstruct-get-dbdat *dbstruct* dbname)) (indat `((cmd . ,cmd)(params . ,params)))) (api:process-request *dbstruct* indat)) (begin (rmt:general-open-connection conns apath dbname) (rmt:send-receive-real conns apath dbname cmd params))))) #;(define (rmt:send-receive-setup conn) (if (not (rmt:conn-inport conn)) (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect (rmt:conn-ipaddr conn) (rmt:conn-port conn)))) (rmt:conn-inport-set! conn i) (rmt:conn-outport-set! conn o)))) ;; db is at apath/.db/dbname, rid is an intermediary solution and will be removed ;; sometime in the future ;; (define (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath dbname cmd params) (let* ((conn (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname))) (assert conn "FATAL: rmt:send-receive-real called without the needed channels opened") (let* ((key #f) (host (rmt:conn-ipaddr conn)) (port (rmt:conn-port conn)) (payload `((cmd . ,cmd) (key . ,(rmt:conn-srvkey conn)) (params . ,params))) (res (open-send-receive-nn (conc host":"port) (sexpr->string payload)))) (string->sexpr res)))) ;; db is at apath/.db/dbname, rid is an intermediary solution and will be removed ;; sometime in the future. ;; ;; Purpose - call the main.db server and request a server be started ;; for the given area path and dbname ;; ;; (define (rmt:send-receive-server-start remote apath dbname) ;; (let* ((conn (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname))) ;; (assert conn "FATAL: Unable to connect to db "apath"/"dbname) ;; #;(let* ((res (with-input-from-request ;; (rmt:conn->uri conn "api") ;; `((params . (,apath ,dbname))) ;; read-string))) ;; (string->sexpr res)))) (define (rmt:print-db-stats) (let ((fmtstr "~40a~7-d~9-d~20,2-f")) ;; "~20,2-f" (debug:print 18 *default-log-port* "DB Stats, "(seconds->year-week/day-time (current-seconds))"\n=====================") (debug:print 18 *default-log-port* (format #f "~40a~8a~10a~10a" "Cmd" "Count" "TotTime" "Avg")) (for-each (lambda (cmd) (let ((cmd-dat (hash-table-ref *db-stats* cmd))) (debug:print 18 *default-log-port* (format #f fmtstr cmd (vector-ref cmd-dat 0) (vector-ref cmd-dat 1) (/ (vector-ref cmd-dat 1)(vector-ref cmd-dat 0)))))) (sort (hash-table-keys *db-stats*) (lambda (a b) (> (vector-ref (hash-table-ref *db-stats* a) 0) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
675 676 677 678 679 680 681 | ;; Use the special run-id == #f scenario here since there is no run yet (define (rmt:register-run keyvals runname state status user contour) ;; first register in main.db (thus the #f) (let* ((run-id (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals runname state status user contour)))) ;; now register in the run db itself ;; NEED A RECORD INSERT INCLUDING SETTING id | | < | 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 | ;; Use the special run-id == #f scenario here since there is no run yet (define (rmt:register-run keyvals runname state status user contour) ;; first register in main.db (thus the #f) (let* ((run-id (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals runname state status user contour)))) ;; now register in the run db itself ;; NEED A RECORD INSERT INCLUDING SETTING id (rmt:send-receive 'insert-run run-id (list run-id keyvals runname state status user contour)) run-id)) (define (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id) (rmt:send-receive 'get-run-name-from-id run-id (list run-id))) (define (rmt:delete-run run-id) (rmt:send-receive 'delete-run run-id (list run-id))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
736 737 738 739 740 741 742 | ;; (if (rmt:send-receive 'have-incompletes? run-id (list run-id ovr-deadtime)) (rmt:send-receive 'mark-incomplete run-id (list run-id ovr-deadtime)) ) ;; ) (define (rmt:get-main-run-stats run-id) (rmt:send-receive 'get-main-run-stats #f (list run-id))) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 | ;; (if (rmt:send-receive 'have-incompletes? run-id (list run-id ovr-deadtime)) (rmt:send-receive 'mark-incomplete run-id (list run-id ovr-deadtime)) ) ;; ) (define (rmt:get-main-run-stats run-id) (rmt:send-receive 'get-main-run-stats #f (list run-id))) (define (rmt:get-var run-id varname) (rmt:send-receive 'get-var run-id (list run-id varname))) (define (rmt:del-var run-id varname) (rmt:send-receive 'del-var run-id (list run-id varname))) (define (rmt:set-var run-id varname value) (rmt:send-receive 'set-var run-id (list run-id varname value))) (define (rmt:inc-var run-id varname) (rmt:send-receive 'inc-var #f (list run-id varname))) (define (rmt:dec-var run-id varname) (rmt:send-receive 'dec-var run-id (list run-id varname))) (define (rmt:add-var run-id varname value) (rmt:send-receive 'add-var run-id (list run-id varname value))) ;;====================================================================== ;; M U L T I R U N Q U E R I E S ;;====================================================================== ;; Need to move this to multi-run section and make associated changes (define (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete-all-runs #!key (ovr-deadtime #f)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
814 815 816 817 818 819 820 | ;; 1. Do a remote call to get the test path ;; 2. Continue as above ;; ;;(define (rmt:get-steps-for-test run-id test-id) ;; (rmt:send-receive 'get-steps-data run-id (list test-id))) (define (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile) | > | | | 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 | ;; 1. Do a remote call to get the test path ;; 2. Continue as above ;; ;;(define (rmt:get-steps-for-test run-id test-id) ;; (rmt:send-receive 'get-steps-data run-id (list test-id))) (define (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile) (let* ((valid-values (configf:lookup *configdat* "validvalues" "state")) (state (items:check-valid-items valid-values "state" state-in)) (status (items:check-valid-items valid-values "status" status-in))) (if (or (not state)(not status)) (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Invalid " (if status "status" "state") " value \"" (if status state-in status-in) "\", update your validvalues section in megatest.config")) (rmt:send-receive 'teststep-set-status! run-id (list run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile)))) (define (rmt:delete-steps-for-test! run-id test-id) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 | (hash-table-set! *pre-reqs-met-cache* key (vector (current-seconds) newres)) newres)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; from metadat lookup MEGATEST_VERSION ;; (define (common:get-last-run-version) ;; RADT => How does this work in send-receive function??; assume it is the value saved in some DB | | | | 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 | (hash-table-set! *pre-reqs-met-cache* key (vector (current-seconds) newres)) newres)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; from metadat lookup MEGATEST_VERSION ;; (define (common:get-last-run-version) ;; RADT => How does this work in send-receive function??; assume it is the value saved in some DB (rmt:get-var #f "MEGATEST_VERSION")) (define (common:get-last-run-version-number) (string->number (substring (common:get-last-run-version) 0 6))) (define (common:set-last-run-version) (rmt:set-var #f "MEGATEST_VERSION" (common:version-signature))) ;;====================================================================== ;; faux-lock is deprecated. Please use simple-lock below ;; (define (common:faux-lock keyname #!key (wait-time 8)(allow-lock-steal #t)) (if (rmt:no-sync-get/default keyname #f) ;; do not be tempted to compare to pid. locking is a one-shot action, if already locked for this pid it doesn't actually count (if (> wait-time 0) |
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1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 | (define (common:version-changed?) (not (equal? (common:get-last-run-version) (common:version-signature)))) (define (common:api-changed?) (not (equal? (substring (->string megatest-version) 0 4) (substring (conc (common:get-last-run-version)) 0 4)))) (define (std-exit-procedure) ;;(common:telemetry-log-close) (on-exit (lambda () 0)) ;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "std-exit-procedure called; *time-to-exit*="*time-to-exit*) (let ((no-hurry (if (bdat-time-to-exit *bdat*) ;; hurry up #f (begin (bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t) #t)))) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "starting exit process, finalizing databases.") (if (and no-hurry (debug:debug-mode 18)) (rmt:print-db-stats)) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > | < < < < < < | < < < | | < > | < < < < < < < < < < < | | | | | > | | | | | | | | > | | 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 | (define (common:version-changed?) (not (equal? (common:get-last-run-version) (common:version-signature)))) (define (common:api-changed?) (not (equal? (substring (->string megatest-version) 0 4) (substring (conc (common:get-last-run-version)) 0 4)))) (define (rmt:server-shutdown) (let ((dbfile (servdat-dbfile *server-info*))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "dbfile is "dbfile) (if dbfile (let* ((am-server (args:get-arg "-server")) (dbfile (args:get-arg "-db")) (apath *toppath*) (dbdat (db:get-dbdat *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile)) (db (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat)) (inmem (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat)) ) ;; do a final sync here (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Doing final sync for "apath" "dbfile" at "(current-seconds)) (db:sync-inmem->disk *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile force-sync: #t) ;; let's finalize here (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Finalizing db and inmem") (sqlite3:finalize! db) (sqlite3:finalize! inmem) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Finalizing db and inmem complete") (if am-server (if (string-match ".*/main.db$" dbfile) (let ((pkt-file (conc (get-pkts-dir *toppath*) "/" (servdat-uuid *server-info*) ".pkt"))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "removing pkt "pkt-file) (delete-file* pkt-file) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Releasing lock for "dbfile) (db:with-lock-db (servdat-dbfile *server-info*) (lambda (dbh dbfile) (db:release-lock dbh dbfile)))) (let* ((sdat *server-info*) ;; we have a run-id server (host (servdat-host sdat)) (port (servdat-port sdat)) (uuid (servdat-uuid sdat))) (if (not (string-match ".db/main.db" (args:get-arg "-db"))) (let* ((res (rmt:deregister-server *rmt:remote* ;; TODO/BUG: why is this requiring *rmt:remote*? *toppath* (servdat-host *server-info*) ;; iface (servdat-port *server-info*) (servdat-uuid *server-info*) (current-process-id) ))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "deregistered-server, res="res))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "deregistering server "host":"port" with uuid "uuid) ))))))) (define (std-exit-procedure) ;;(common:telemetry-log-close) (on-exit (lambda () 0)) ;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "std-exit-procedure called; *time-to-exit*="*time-to-exit*) (let ((no-hurry (if (bdat-time-to-exit *bdat*) ;; hurry up #f (begin (bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t) #t)))) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "starting exit process, finalizing databases.") (if (and no-hurry (debug:debug-mode 18)) (rmt:print-db-stats)) (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () ;; thread for cleaning up, give it five seconds (let* ((start-time (current-seconds))) (if (and *server-info* *unclean-shutdown*) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Unclean server exit, calling server-shtudown") (rmt:server-shutdown))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Shutdown activities completed in "(- (current-seconds) start-time)" seconds")) ;; (if *dbstruct-db* (db:close-all *dbstruct-db*)) ;; one second allocated #;(if (bdat-task-db *bdat*) ;; TODO: Check that this is correct for task db (let ((db (cdr (bdat-task-db *bdat*)))) (if (sqlite3:database? db) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Closing down task db "db) (sqlite3:interrupt! db) (sqlite3:finalize! db #t) (bdat-task-db-set! *bdat* #f))))) #;(http-client#close-idle-connections!) (if (not (eq? *default-log-port* (current-error-port))) (close-output-port *default-log-port*)) (set! *default-log-port* (current-error-port))) "Cleanup db exit thread")) (th2 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* "Attempting clean exit. Mode="(if no-hurry "no-hurry" "normal") " Please be patient and wait a few seconds...") (if no-hurry (begin (thread-sleep! 5)) ;; give the clean up few seconds to do it's stuff (begin (thread-sleep! 2))) (debug:print 4 *default-log-port* " ... done") ) "clean exit"))) (thread-start! th1) (thread-start! th2) (thread-join! th1) ) |
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1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 | #f (conc "http://" (car hostport) ":" (cadr hostport)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; S E R V E R ;; ====================================================================== | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | | | | > | > | | | < < < < | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | < < < < | < | | 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 | #f (conc "http://" (car hostport) ":" (cadr hostport)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; S E R V E R ;; ====================================================================== (define (http-get-function fnkey) (hash-table-ref/default *http-functions* fnkey (lambda () "nothing here yet"))) (define (rmt:run hostn) ;; ;; Configurations for server ;; (tcp-buffer-size 2048) ;; (max-connections 2048) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to start the server ...") (let* ((db #f) ;; (open-db)) ;; we don't want the server to be opening and closing the db unnecesarily (hostname (get-host-name)) (ipaddrstr (let ((ipstr (if (string=? "-" hostn) ;; (string-intersperse (map number->string (u8vector->list (hostname->ip hostname))) ".") (server:get-best-guess-address hostname) #f))) (if ipstr ipstr hostn))) ;; hostname))) (port (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port)) (link-tree-path (common:get-linktree)) ;; (tmp-area (common:get-db-tmp-area)) #;(start-file (conc tmp-area "/.server-start"))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "portlogger recommended port: " port) (if *server-info* (begin (servdat-host-set! *server-info* ipaddrstr) (servdat-port-set! *server-info* port) (servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'trying-port) (servdat-trynum-set! *server-info* (+ (servdat-trynum *server-info*) 1))) (set! *server-info* (make-servdat host: ipaddrstr port: port))) (let* ((rep (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr port))) (let loop ((instr (nng-recv rep))) (let* ((data (string->sexpr instr)) (res (case data ((quit) 'quit) (else (api:process-request *dbstruct-db* data)))) (resdat (sexpr->string res))) (if (not (eq? res 'quit)) (begin (set! *db-last-access* (current-seconds)) (nng-send rep resdat) (loop (nng-recv rep))))))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "After server, should never see this") ;; server exit stuff here (let* ((portnum (servdat-port *server-info*))) (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port portnum "released") (rmt:server-shutdown) ;; (bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t) ;; tell on-exit to be fast as we've already cleaned up (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port port "released") ;; done in rmt:run ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Max cached queries was " *max-cache-size*) ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Number of cached writes " *number-of-writes*) ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Average cached write time " ;; (if (eq? *number-of-writes* 0) ;; "n/a (no writes)" ;; (/ *writes-total-delay* ;; *number-of-writes*)) ;; " ms") ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Number non-cached queries " *number-non-write-queries*) ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Average non-cached time " ;; (if (eq? *number-non-write-queries* 0) ;; "n/a (no queries)" ;; (/ *total-non-write-delay* ;; *number-non-write-queries*)) ;; " ms") (db:print-current-query-stats) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server shutdown complete. Exiting") ))) (define (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr portnum) (if *server-info* ;; update the server info as we might be trying next port (begin (servdat-host-set! *server-info* ipaddrstr) (servdat-port-set! *server-info* portnum) (servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'trying-port) (servdat-trynum-set! *server-info* (+ (servdat-trynum *server-info*) 1))) (set! *server-info* (make-servdat host: ipaddrstr port: portnum))) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "rmt:try-start-server time=" (seconds->time-string (current-seconds)) " ipaddrsstr=" ipaddrstr " portnum=" portnum) (if (is-port-in-use portnum) (begin (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed portnum) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port") ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1) (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port))) (begin (if (not *server-info*) (set! *server-info* (make-servdat host: ipaddrstr port: portnum))) (servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'starting) (servdat-port-set! *server-info* portnum) (if (not (servdat-rep *server-info*)) (let ((rep (make-rep-socket))) (servdat-rep-set! *server-info* rep) (socket-set! rep 'nng/recvtimeo 2000))) (let* ((rep (servdat-rep *server-info*))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying to start server on " ipaddrstr ":" portnum) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (print-error-message exn) (if (< portnum 64000) (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: attempt to start server failed. Trying again ...") (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "exn=" (condition->list exn)) (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed portnum) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port") ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1) (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port))) (begin (print "ERROR: Tried and tried but could not start the server, stopping at port "portnum)))) (nng-listen rep (conc "tcp://*:" portnum)) rep))))) ;;====================================================================== ;; S E R V E R U T I L I T I E S ;;====================================================================== ;;====================================================================== ;; C L I E N T S |
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1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 | all-pkt-files))) (define (server-address srv-pkt) (conc (alist-ref 'host srv-pkt) ":" (alist-ref 'port srv-pkt))) (define (server-ready? host port key) ;; server-address is host:port | | | | | | < | | | > > > | | | | | | | | | | 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 | all-pkt-files))) (define (server-address srv-pkt) (conc (alist-ref 'host srv-pkt) ":" (alist-ref 'port srv-pkt))) (define (server-ready? host port key) ;; server-address is host:port ;; (let-values (((i o)(handle-exceptions ;; exn ;; (values #f #f) ;; (tcp-connect host port)))) ;; (if (and i o) (let* ((data (sexpr->string `((cmd . ping) (key . ,key) (params . ())))) (res (open-send-receive-nn (conc host ":" port) data))) (string->sexpr res))) ;; (let ((res (with-input-from-port i ;; read))) ;; (close-output-port o) ;; (close-input-port i) ;; res)) ;; (if (string? res) ;; (string->sexpr res) ;; res))) ;; (begin ;; connection failed ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server at "host":"port" is not responding.") ;; #f)))) ;; (define (loop-test host port data) ;; server-address is host:port ;; ;; ping the server and ask it ;; ;; if it ready ;; ;; (let* ((sdat (servdat-init #f host port #f))) ;; ;; (http-transport:send-receive sdat "abc" 'ping '()))) ;; (let* ((payload (sexpr->string data)) ;; (res (with-input-from-request |
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1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 | (exit)) (loop start-time (equal? sdat last-sdat) sdat)))))))) (define (rmt:register-server remote apath iface port server-key dbname) (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db | | | > | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 | (exit)) (loop start-time (equal? sdat last-sdat) sdat)))))))) (define (rmt:register-server remote apath iface port server-key dbname) (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath (db:run-id->dbname #f) 'register-server `(,iface ,port ,server-key ,(current-process-id) ,iface ,apath ,dbname))) (define (rmt:get-count-servers remote apath) (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath (db:run-id->dbname #f) 'get-count-servers `(,apath ))) (define (rmt:deregister-server remote apath iface port server-key dbname) (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath (db:run-id->dbname #f) 'deregister-server `(,iface ,port ,server-key ,(current-process-id) ,iface ,apath ,dbname))) (define (http-transport:wait-for-stable-interface #!optional (num-tries-allowed 100)) ;; wait until *server-info* stops changing (let* ((stime (current-seconds))) (let loop ((last-host #f) (last-port #f) (tries 0)) |
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2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 | ;; main and run db servers have both got wait logic (could/should merge it) (if is-main (http-transport:wait-for-server pkts-dir dbname server-key) (http-transport:wait-for-stable-interface)) ;; this is our forever loop (let* ((iface (servdat-host *server-info*)) (port (servdat-port *server-info*))) | | | > | 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 | ;; main and run db servers have both got wait logic (could/should merge it) (if is-main (http-transport:wait-for-server pkts-dir dbname server-key) (http-transport:wait-for-stable-interface)) ;; this is our forever loop (let* ((iface (servdat-host *server-info*)) (port (servdat-port *server-info*))) (let loop ((count 0) (bad-sync-count 0) (start-time (current-milliseconds))) (if (and (not is-main) (common:low-noise-print 60 "servdat-status")) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "servdat-status is " (servdat-status *server-info*))) ;; set up the database handle (mutex-lock! *heartbeat-mutex*) (if (not *dbstruct-db*) ;; no db opened yet, open the db and register with main if appropriate (let ((watchdog (bdat-watchdog *bdat*))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: dbprep") |
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2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 | (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "We are not the server for "dbname", exiting.") (exit))))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: running, db "dbname" opened, megatest version: " (common:get-full-version)) ;; start the watchdog | > > > | | > > > > > | 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 | (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "We are not the server for "dbname", exiting.") (exit))))) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: running, db "dbname" opened, megatest version: " (common:get-full-version)) ;; start the watchdog ;; is this really needed? #;(if watchdog (if (not (member (thread-state watchdog) '(ready running blocked sleeping dead))) (begin (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting watchdog thread (in state "(thread-state watchdog)")") (thread-start! watchdog)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Not starting watchdog thread (in state "(thread-state watchdog)")")) (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: *watchdog* not setup, cannot start it.")) #;(loop (+ count 1) bad-sync-count start-time) )) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "syncing "*toppath*" "dbname" at "(current-seconds)) (db:sync-inmem->disk *dbstruct-db* *toppath* dbname force-sync: #t) (mutex-unlock! *heartbeat-mutex*) ;; when things go wrong we don't want to be doing the various ;; queries too often so we strive to run this stuff only every ;; four seconds or so. (let* ((sync-time (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)) (rem-time (quotient (- 4000 sync-time) 1000))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 | (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Server stats:") (db:print-current-query-stats))) (let* ((hrs-since-start (/ (- (current-seconds) server-start-time) 3600))) (cond ((and *server-run* (> (+ last-access server-timeout) | | > > > > < < < < < | < | < < < < < < | < | < < | < < < < < < < < < < < < | < < | < < < | > > | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 | (begin (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Server stats:") (db:print-current-query-stats))) (let* ((hrs-since-start (/ (- (current-seconds) server-start-time) 3600))) (cond ((and *server-run* (> (+ last-access server-timeout) (current-seconds)) (if is-main (> (rmt:get-count-servers *rmt:remote* *toppath*) 1) #t)) (if (common:low-noise-print 120 "server continuing") (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server continuing, seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))) (loop 0 bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds))) (else (set! *unclean-shutdown* #f) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access)) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting to shutdown the server. pid="(current-process-id)) (rmt:server-shutdown) (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port port "released") (exit) #;(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending 'quit to server, received: " (open-send-receive-nn (conc iface":"port) ;; do this here and not in server-shutdown (sexpr->string 'quit))) ))))))) ;; Call this to start the actual server ;; ;; all routes though here end in exit ... ;; ;; This is the point at which servers are started ;; (define (rmt:server-launch dbname) (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Entered rmt:server-launch") (let* ((th2 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server run thread started") (rmt:run (if (args:get-arg "-server") (args:get-arg "-server") "-") )) "Server run")) (th3 (make-thread (lambda () (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server monitor thread started") (rmt:keep-running dbname) "Keep running")))) (thread-start! th2) (thread-sleep! 0.252) ;; give the server time to settle before starting the keep-running monitor. (thread-start! th3) (set! *didsomething* #t) (thread-join! th2) (thread-join! th3) ;; (exit)) ) #f ) ;; Generate a unique signature for this process, used at both client and ;; server side (define (rmt:mk-signature) (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write (list (current-directory) (current-process-id) (argv))))))) (define (rmt:get-signature) (if *my-signature* *my-signature* (let ((sig (rmt:mk-signature))) (set! *my-signature* sig) *my-signature*))) ;;====================================================================== ;; Nanomsg transport ;;====================================================================== (define (is-port-in-use port-num) (let* ((ret #f)) (let-values (((inp oup pid) (process "netstat" (list "-tulpn" )))) (let loop ((inl (read-line inp))) (if (not (eof-object? inl)) (begin (if (string-search (regexp (conc ":" port-num)) inl) (begin ;(print "Output: " inl) (set! ret #t)) (loop (read-line inp))))))) ret)) ;;start a server, returns the connection ;; (define (start-nn-server portnum ) (let ((rep (make-rep-socket))) ;; (nn-socket 'rep))) (socket-set! rep 'nng/recvtimeo 2000) (handle-exceptions exn (let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))) (print "ERROR: Failed to start server \"" emsg "\"") (exit 1)) (nng-dial #;nn-bind rep (conc "tcp://*:" portnum))) rep)) ;; open connection to server, send message, close connection ;; (define (open-send-close-nn host-port msg #!key (timeout 3) ) ;; default timeout is 3 seconds (let ((req (make-req-socket 'req)) (uri (conc "tcp://" host-port)) (res #f) ;; (contacts (alist-ref 'contact attrib)) ;; (mode (alist-ref 'mode attrib)) ) (socket-set! req 'nng/recvtimeo 2000) (handle-exceptions exn (let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))) ;; Send notification (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to connect / send to " uri " message was \"" emsg "\"" ) #f) (nng-dial req uri) ;; (print "Connected to the server " ) (nng-send req msg) ;; (print "Request Sent") (let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () (let ((resp (nng-recv req))) (nng-close! req) (set! res (if (equal? resp "ok") #t #f)))) "recv thread")) (th2 (make-thread (lambda () (thread-sleep! timeout) (thread-terminate! th1)) "timer thread"))) (thread-start! th1) (thread-start! th2) (thread-join! th1) res)))) (define (open-send-receive-nn host-port msg #!key (timeout 3) ) ;; default timeout is 3 seconds (let ((req (make-req-socket)) (uri (conc "tcp://" host-port)) (res #f) ;; (contacts (alist-ref 'contact attrib)) ;; (mode (alist-ref 'mode attrib)) ) (handle-exceptions exn (let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))) ;; Send notification (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to connect / send to " uri " message was \"" emsg "\", exn=" exn) #f) (nng-dial req uri) ;; (print "Connected to the server " ) (nng-send req msg) ;; (print "Request Sent") ;; receive code here ;;(print (nn-recv req)) (let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda () (let ((resp (nng-recv req))) (nng-close! req) (print resp) (set! res resp))) "recv thread")) (th2 (make-thread (lambda () (thread-sleep! timeout) (thread-terminate! th1)) "timer thread"))) (thread-start! th1) (thread-start! th2) (thread-join! th1) res)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; S E R V E R U T I L I T I E S ;;====================================================================== ;; run ping in separate process, safest way in some cases ;; |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified run_records.scm from [737eaad866] to [c29e6ca202].
︙ | ︙ | |||
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== |
Modified runsmod.scm from [92c90befb4] to [155dc51460].
︙ | ︙ | |||
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 | chicken.time.posix chicken.random chicken.process.signal (prefix base64 base64:) csv-xml directory-utils matchable regex s11n srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 | > | 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 | chicken.time.posix chicken.random chicken.process.signal (prefix base64 base64:) csv-xml directory-utils format matchable regex s11n srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 |
︙ | ︙ | |||
296 297 298 299 300 301 302 | #f ;; sort-by #f ;; sort-order #f ;; get full data (not 'shortlist) 0 ;; (runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update *runs:general-data*) ;; last update time 'dashboard) '())) (log-dir (conc *toppath* "/logs")) | | | 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 | #f ;; sort-by #f ;; sort-order #f ;; get full data (not 'shortlist) 0 ;; (runs:gendat-inc-results-last-update *runs:general-data*) ;; last update time 'dashboard) '())) (log-dir (conc *toppath* "/logs")) (log-file (conc "pre-hook-" (string-translate (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" "-") "-" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME") ".log")) (full-log-fname (conc log-dir "/" log-file))) (if run-pre-hook (if (null? existing-tests) (let* ((use-log-dir (if (not (directory-exists? log-dir)) (handle-exceptions exn (begin |
︙ | ︙ | |||
343 344 345 346 347 348 349 | ;; (define (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user flags #!key (run-count 1)) ;; test-names (let* ((keys (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*)) (keyvals (keys:target->keyval keys target)) (run-id (rmt:register-run keyvals runname "new" "n/a" user (args:get-arg "-contour"))) ;; test-name))) ;; (deferred '()) ;; delay running these since they have a waiton clause (runconfigf (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config")) | | | 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 | ;; (define (runs:run-tests target runname test-patts user flags #!key (run-count 1)) ;; test-names (let* ((keys (keys:config-get-fields *configdat*)) (keyvals (keys:target->keyval keys target)) (run-id (rmt:register-run keyvals runname "new" "n/a" user (args:get-arg "-contour"))) ;; test-name))) ;; (deferred '()) ;; delay running these since they have a waiton clause (runconfigf (conc *toppath* "/runconfigs.config")) (dbfile (conc *toppath* "/.db/main.db")) (readonly-mode (not (file-writable? dbfile))) (test-records (make-hash-table)) ;; need to process runconfigs before generating these lists (all-tests-registry #f) ;; (tests:get-all)) ;; (tests:get-valid-tests (make-hash-table) test-search-path)) ;; all valid tests to check waiton names (all-test-names #f) ;; (hash-table-keys all-tests-registry)) (test-names #f) ;; Generated by a call to (tests:filter-test-names all-test-names test-patts)) (required-tests #f) ;; Put fully qualified test/testpath names in this list to be done |
︙ | ︙ | |||
496 497 498 499 500 501 502 | ;; Ensure all tests are registered in the test_meta table (runs:update-all-test_meta #f) ;; run the run prehook if there are no tests yet run for this run: ;; (runs:run-pre-hook run-id) ;; mark all test launched flag as false in the meta table | | | | | 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 | ;; Ensure all tests are registered in the test_meta table (runs:update-all-test_meta #f) ;; run the run prehook if there are no tests yet run for this run: ;; (runs:run-pre-hook run-id) ;; mark all test launched flag as false in the meta table (rmt:set-var run-id (conc "lunch-complete-" run-id) "no") (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Setting end-of-run to no") (let* ((config-reruns (let ((x (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "reruns"))) (if x (string->number x) #f))) (config-rerun-cnt (if config-reruns config-reruns 1))) (if (eq? config-rerun-cnt run-count) (rmt:set-var run-id (conc "end-of-run-" run-id) "no"))) (rmt:set-run-state-status run-id "new" "n/a") ;; now add non-directly referenced dependencies (i.e. waiton) ;;====================================================================== ;; refactoring this block into tests:get-full-data ;; ;; What happended, this code is now duplicated in tests!? ;; ;;====================================================================== (if (not (null? test-names)) ;; BEGIN test-names loop (let loop ((hed (car test-names)) ;; NOTE: This is the main loop that iterates over the test-names (tal (cdr test-names))) ;; 'return-procs tells the config reader to prep running system but return a proc (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "\n\ntestpatt elaboration loop => hed="hed " tal="tal" test-patts="test-patts" test-names="test-names) (change-directory *toppath*) ;; PLEASE OPTIMIZE ME!!! I think this should be a no-op but there are several places where change-directories could be happening. (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_NAME" hed) ;; (let*-values (((waitons waitors config) (tests:get-waitons hed all-tests-registry)) ;; NOTE: Have the config - can extract [waitons] section ((hed-mode) (let ((m (configf:lookup config "requirements" "mode"))) (if m (map string->symbol (string-split m)) '(normal)))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
811 812 813 814 815 816 817 | ;; - prereqs are completed and passed (we could consider removing "and passed" -- it would change behavior from current) ((or (null? prereqs-not-met) (and (member 'toplevel testmode) (null? non-completed))) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "cond branch - " "ei-2") (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "runs:expand-items: (or (null? prereqs-not-met) (and (member 'toplevel testmode)(null? non-completed)))") (let ((test-name (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record))) | | | | 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 | ;; - prereqs are completed and passed (we could consider removing "and passed" -- it would change behavior from current) ((or (null? prereqs-not-met) (and (member 'toplevel testmode) (null? non-completed))) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "cond branch - " "ei-2") (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "runs:expand-items: (or (null? prereqs-not-met) (and (member 'toplevel testmode)(null? non-completed)))") (let ((test-name (tests:testqueue-get-testname test-record))) (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_NAME" test-name) ;; (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUNNAME" runname) (runs:set-megatest-env-vars run-id inrunname: runname) ;; these may be needed by the launching process (let ((items-list (items:get-items-from-config tconfig))) (if (list? items-list) (begin (if (null? items-list) (let ((test-id (rmt:get-test-id run-id test-name "")) (num-items (rmt:test-toplevel-num-items run-id test-name))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 | (if (and (not (member state '("DELETED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "RUNNING" "LAUNCHED""NOT_STARTED"))) (not (and prevdat (equal? state (db:test-get-state prevdat)) (equal? status (db:test-get-status prevdat))))) (let ((fmt (runs:gendat-inc-results-fmt runs-data)) (dtime (seconds->year-work-week/day-time event-time))) (if (runs:lownoise "inc-print" 600) | > > | | 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 | (if (and (not (member state '("DELETED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART" "RUNNING" "LAUNCHED""NOT_STARTED"))) (not (and prevdat (equal? state (db:test-get-state prevdat)) (equal? status (db:test-get-status prevdat))))) (let ((fmt (runs:gendat-inc-results-fmt runs-data)) (dtime (seconds->year-work-week/day-time event-time))) (if (runs:lownoise "inc-print" 600) (begin (print "fmt=" fmt) (format #t fmt "State" "Status" "Start Time" "Duration" "Test path"))) ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "fmt: " fmt " state: " state " status: " status " test-name: " test-name " item-path: " item-path " dtime: " dtime) ;; (debug:print 0 #f "event-time: " event-time " duration: " duration) (format #t fmt state status dtime (seconds->hr-min-sec duration) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 | (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Have leftovers!") (loop (car reg)(cdr reg) '() reruns)) (else (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "cond branch - " "rtq-9") (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "Exiting loop with...\n hed=" hed "\n tal=" tal "\n reruns=" reruns)) ))) ;; end loop on sorted test names ;; this is the point where everything is launched and now you can mark the run in metadata table as all launched | | | 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 | (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Have leftovers!") (loop (car reg)(cdr reg) '() reruns)) (else (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "cond branch - " "rtq-9") (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "Exiting loop with...\n hed=" hed "\n tal=" tal "\n reruns=" reruns)) ))) ;; end loop on sorted test names ;; this is the point where everything is launched and now you can mark the run in metadata table as all launched (rmt:set-var run-id (conc "lunch-complete-" run-id) "yes") ;; now *if* -run-wait we wait for all tests to be done ;; Now wait for any RUNNING tests to complete (if in run-wait mode) ;; (if (runs:dat-load-mgmt-function runsdat)((runs:dat-load-mgmt-function runsdat))) (thread-sleep! 10) ;; I think there is a race condition here. Let states/statuses settle (let wait-loop ((num-running (rmt:get-count-tests-running-for-run-id run-id)) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 | (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "\nTESTNAME: " full-test-name "\n test-config: " (hash-table->alist test-conf) "\n itemdat: " itemdat ) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to launch test " full-test-name) | | | | | 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 | (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "\nTESTNAME: " full-test-name "\n test-config: " (hash-table->alist test-conf) "\n itemdat: " itemdat ) (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to launch test " full-test-name) ;; (set-environment-variable! "MT_TEST_NAME" test-name) ;; ;; (set-environment-variable! "MT_ITEMPATH" item-path) ;; (set-environment-variable! "MT_RUNNAME" runname) (change-directory *toppath*) ;; Here is where the test_meta table is best updated ;; Yes, another use of a global for caching. Need a better way? ;; ;; There is now a single call to runs:update-all-test_meta and this ;; per-test call is not needed. Given the delicacy of the move to |
︙ | ︙ | |||
2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 | (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) #t) (process-signal pid signal/int) (thread-sleep! 5) (if (process:alive? pid) (process-signal pid signal/kill))))) ;; (call-with-environment-variables | | | | | | | | 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 | (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) #t) (process-signal pid signal/int) (thread-sleep! 5) (if (process:alive? pid) (process-signal pid signal/kill))))) ;; (call-with-environment-variables (let ((old-targethost (get-environment-variable "TARGETHOST"))) (set-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST" hostname) (set-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST_LOGF" "server-kills.log") (system (conc "nbfake kill " pid)) (if old-targethost (set-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST" old-targethost)) (unset-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST") (unset-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST_LOGF")))) (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "no record or improper record for " target "/" run-name " in tasks_queue in main.db")))) records))) (define (task:get-run-times) (let* ( (run-patt (if (args:get-arg "-run-patt") (args:get-arg "-run-patt") |
︙ | ︙ |
Added scripts/ version [4eb90dd26d].
> > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | #!/bin/bash TARGFILE=$1 echo ' (' egrep '^\(define \(' $TARGFILE | tr '()' ' '|awk '{print $2}' egrep '^\(define \*' $TARGFILE | awk '{print $2}' echo ')' |
Deleted server.scm version [7011752052].
| < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < |
Modified task_records.scm from [ff61a823b3] to [6b67eb70ad].
︙ | ︙ | |||
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;;====================================================================== | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;;====================================================================== |
Modified tasksmod.scm from [f35137801c] to [0b1b410563].
︙ | ︙ | |||
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | (import scheme (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.file.posix | | > | 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 | (import scheme (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) chicken.base chicken.condition chicken.file chicken.file.posix ;; chicken.format chicken.pathname chicken.port chicken.pretty-print chicken.process chicken.process-context chicken.process-context.posix chicken.sort chicken.string chicken.time chicken.time.posix (prefix base64 base64:) ;; csv-xml directory-utils format matchable regex s11n srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 |
︙ | ︙ | |||
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 | ;; (declare (uses db)) ;; (declare (uses rmt)) ;; (declare (uses common)) ;; (declare (uses pgdb)) ;; (import pgdb) ;; pgdb is a module | > > > > > > > > > > > > > | > > > > > > > > > > > | 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 | ;; (declare (uses db)) ;; (declare (uses rmt)) ;; (declare (uses common)) ;; (declare (uses pgdb)) ;; (import pgdb) ;; pgdb is a module ;; make-vector-record tasks task id action owner state target name test item params creation_time execution_time (define (make-tasks:task)(make-vector 11)) (define (tasks:task-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (tasks:task-get-action vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (tasks:task-get-owner vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (tasks:task-get-state vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (tasks:task-get-target vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (tasks:task-get-name vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) (define (tasks:task-get-testpatt vec) (vector-ref vec 6)) (define (tasks:task-get-keylock vec) (vector-ref vec 7)) (define (tasks:task-get-params vec) (vector-ref vec 8)) (define (tasks:task-get-creation_time vec) (vector-ref vec 9)) (define (tasks:task-get-execution_time vec) (vector-ref vec 10)) (define (tasks:task-set-state! vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val)) ;; make-vector-record tasks monitor id pid start_time last_update hostname username (define (make-tasks:monitor)(make-vector 5)) (define (tasks:monitor-get-id vec) (vector-ref vec 0)) (define (tasks:monitor-get-pid vec) (vector-ref vec 1)) (define (tasks:monitor-get-start_time vec) (vector-ref vec 2)) (define (tasks:monitor-get-last_update vec) (vector-ref vec 3)) (define (tasks:monitor-get-hostname vec) (vector-ref vec 4)) (define (tasks:monitor-get-username vec) (vector-ref vec 5)) ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;;====================================================================== ;; Tasks db ;;====================================================================== ;; wait up to aprox n seconds for a journal to go away |
︙ | ︙ |
Added testbuild/Makefile version [008880f530].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | CSCOPTS= SRCFILES=m1.scm m2.scm m3.scm %.import.o : %.import.scm csc $(CSCOPTS) -unit $*.import -c $*.import.scm -o $*.import.o %.o %.import.scm : %.scm csc $(CSCOPTS) -J -c $< -o $*.o cl : cl.scm m1.o m2.o m1.import.o csc $(CSCOPTS) m1.o m1.import.o m2.o cl.scm -o cl gui : gui.scm m1.o m2.o m3.o m1.import.o csc $(CSCOPTS) m1.o m2.o m3.o m1.import.o gui.scm -o gui clean : rm -f *.o *.import.scm cl gui |
Added testbuild/README version [4a6c07b153].
> > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 | This is a minimal set of files to illustrate how Megatest is built. NOTE: Missing is an example of how the .import.o files are compiled in to enable code in evals to access the procedures in modules. |
Added testbuild/cl.scm version [c850e4c5f3].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ;; a command line only executable (declare (uses m1)) (declare (uses m2)) (module cl-guts * (import scheme chicken.base m1 m2) (define (main) (a) (b) (print "I'm main from cl.scm") (print "Got "(try-an-eval)" from try an eval")) ) (import cl-guts) (main) |
Added testbuild/gui.scm version [4b166181e3].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | ;; a command line only executable (declare (uses m1)) (declare (uses m2)) (declare (uses m3)) (module gui-guts * (import scheme chicken.base m1 m2 m3 ) (define (main) (a) (c) (print "I'm main from cl.scm, let's start a gui ...") (print "Got "(try-an-eval)" from try an eval")) ) (import gui-guts) (main) |
Added testbuild/m1.scm version [7d00309785].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | ;; a module used by both command line (cl.scm) and gui (gui.scm) (declare (unit m1)) (module m1 * (import scheme chicken.base chicken.port ) (define (a) (print "I'm from module m1")) (define (do-an-eval thestring ht) (with-input-from-string thestring (lambda () ((eval (read)) ht)))) ) |
Added testbuild/m2.scm version [6a790429a2].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | ;; a module used only by the command line executable ;; (declare (unit m2)) (declare (uses m1)) (declare (uses m1.import)) (module m2 * (import scheme chicken.base m1 srfi-69 ) (define (b) (print "I'm from module m2")) (define (try-an-eval) (let* ((ht (make-hash-table))) (do-an-eval "(lambda (ht)(import srfi-69 m1) (a) (hash-table-set! ht \"a\" 123))" ht) (hash-table->alist ht))) ) |
Added testbuild/m3.scm version [8e30a2b72c].
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | ;; a module used only by gui.scm ;; (declare (unit m3)) (module m3 * (import scheme chicken.base iup) (define (c) (print "I'm from module m3") (show (dialog (vbox (label "Hello, I'm a gui") (button "Push me to exit" action: (lambda (obj)(exit))) ))) (main-loop)) ) |
Modified tests/unittests/basicserver.scm from [1303cd104d] to [928bc7546a].
︙ | ︙ | |||
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 | ;; (for-each (lambda (tdat) ;; (test #f tdat (loop-test (rmt:conn-ipaddr *main*) ;; (rmt:conn-port *main*) tdat))) ;; (list 'a ;; '(a "b" 123 1.23 ))) (test #f #t (rmt:send-receive 'ping #f 'hello)) | | | 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 | ;; (for-each (lambda (tdat) ;; (test #f tdat (loop-test (rmt:conn-ipaddr *main*) ;; (rmt:conn-port *main*) tdat))) ;; (list 'a ;; '(a "b" 123 1.23 ))) (test #f #t (rmt:send-receive 'ping #f 'hello)) (define *db* (db:setup ".db/main.db")) ;; these let me cut and paste from source easily (define apath *toppath*) (define dbname ".db/2.db") (define remote *rmt:remote*) (define keyvals '(("SYSTEM" "a")("RELEASE" "b"))) |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified tests/unittests/server.scm from [245ccd4190] to [288618866d].
︙ | ︙ | |||
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | ;; db:get-dbdat ;; rmt:find-main-server ;; rmt:send-receive-real ;; rmt:send-receive ;; sexpr->string ;; server-ready? ;; rmt:register-server ;; rmt:open-main-connection ;; rmt:general-open-connection | > | > | > < < | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 | ;; db:get-dbdat ;; rmt:find-main-server ;; rmt:send-receive-real ;; rmt:send-receive ;; sexpr->string ;; server-ready? ;; rmt:register-server ;; rmt:deregister-server ;; rmt:open-main-connection ;; rmt:general-open-connection ;; rmt:get-conn ;; common:watchdog ;; rmt:find-main-server ;; get-all-server-pkts ;; get-viable-servers ;; get-best-candidate ;; api:run-server-process ;; api:process-request ;; rmt:run ;; rmt:try-start-server ) (define *db* (db:setup ".db/main.db")) ;; these let me cut and paste from source easily (define apath *toppath*) (define dbname ".db/2.db") (define remote *rmt:remote*) (define keyvals '(("SYSTEM" "a")("RELEASE" "b"))) (test #f #t (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath)) (test #f #t (rmt:conn? (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db"))) (test #f #t (rmt:conn? (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db"))) (test #f 'server-started (rmt:send-receive-real *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db" 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname))) (thread-sleep! 2) (test #f #t (list? (rmt:general-open-connection *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/2.db"))) (test #f '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") (rmt:get-keys)) (test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f))) (print "Got here.") (test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run 1 (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f))) (test #f 2 (rmt:register-run keyvals "run2" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)) ;; (test #f 2 (rmt:deregister-server *rmt:remote* *toppath* iface port server-key dbname (test #f 2 (rmt:get-count-servers *rmt:remote* *toppath*)) (test #f "run2" (rmt:get-run-name-from-id 2)) ;; (exit) |
Modified testsmod.scm from [207958894b] to [13d6172d0b].
︙ | ︙ | |||
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 | (include "run_records.scm") (include "test_records.scm") (include "js-path.scm") (define (init-java-script-lib) (set! *java-script-lib* (conc (common:get-install-area) "/share/js/jquery-3.1.0.slim.min.js")) ) ;; Call this one to do all the work and get a standardized list of tests ;; gets paths from configs and finds valid tests ;; returns hash of testname --> fullpath ;; (define (tests:get-all) (let* ((test-search-path (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*))) | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 | (include "run_records.scm") (include "test_records.scm") (include "js-path.scm") (define (init-java-script-lib) (set! *java-script-lib* (conc (common:get-install-area) "/share/js/jquery-3.1.0.slim.min.js")) ) ;; pulled from commonmod ;; ;; return items given config ;; (define (tests:get-items tconfig) (let ((items (hash-table-ref/default tconfig "items" #f)) ;; items 4 (itemstable (hash-table-ref/default tconfig "itemstable" #f))) ;; if either items or items table is a proc return it so test running ;; process can know to call items:get-items-from-config ;; if either is a list and none is a proc go ahead and call get-items ;; otherwise return #f - this is not an iterated test (cond ((procedure? items) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "items is a procedure, will calc later") items) ;; calc later ((procedure? itemstable) (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "itemstable is a procedure, will calc later") itemstable) ;; calc later ((filter (lambda (x) (let ((val (car x))) (if (procedure? val) val #f))) (append (if (list? items) items '()) (if (list? itemstable) itemstable '()))) 'have-procedure) ((or (list? items)(list? itemstable)) ;; calc now (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "items and itemstable are lists, calc now\n" " items: " items " itemstable: " itemstable) (items:get-items-from-config tconfig)) (else #f)))) ;; not iterated ;; Call this one to do all the work and get a standardized list of tests ;; gets paths from configs and finds valid tests ;; returns hash of testname --> fullpath ;; (define (tests:get-all) (let* ((test-search-path (tests:get-tests-search-path *configdat*))) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 | dcomment ",," ;; extra comma for status type ))) ;; This was run remote, don't think that makes sense. Perhaps not, but that is the easiest path for the moment. (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id dat) ;; This was added in check-in a5adfa3f9a. Message was: "...added delay in set-values to allow for delayed write on server start" ;; I'm inserting an arbitrary rmt: call to force/ensure that the server is available to (hopefully) prevent a communication issue. | | | 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 | dcomment ",," ;; extra comma for status type ))) ;; This was run remote, don't think that makes sense. Perhaps not, but that is the easiest path for the moment. (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id dat) ;; This was added in check-in a5adfa3f9a. Message was: "...added delay in set-values to allow for delayed write on server start" ;; I'm inserting an arbitrary rmt: call to force/ensure that the server is available to (hopefully) prevent a communication issue. ;; (rmt:get-var "MEGATEST_VERSION") ;; this does NOTHING but ensure the server is reachable. This is almost certainly NOT needed :) ;; BB - commentiong out arbitrary 10 second wait (thread-sleep! 10) ;; add 10 second delay before quit incase rmt needs time to start a server. ))) ;; need to update the top test record if PASS or FAIL and this is a subtest ;;;;;; (if (not (equal? item-path "")) ;;;;;; (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items run-id test-name item-path state status #f) ;;;;;) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 | ;; (filter (lambda (testname) ;; (tests:match test-patts testname #f)) ;; (map (lambda (testp) ;; (last (string-split testp "/"))) ;; tests))))) (define (tests:get-test-path-from-environment) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 | ;; (filter (lambda (testname) ;; (tests:match test-patts testname #f)) ;; (map (lambda (testp) ;; (last (string-split testp "/"))) ;; tests))))) (define (tests:get-test-path-from-environment) (if (and (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME") (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_NAME") (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH")) (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TEST_NAME") (if (and (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH") (not (string=? "" (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH")))) (conc "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_ITEMPATH")) "")) #f)) ;; if .testconfig exists in test directory read and return it ;; else if have cached copy in *testconfigs* return it IFF there is a section "have fulldata" ;; else read the testconfig file ;; if have path to test directory save the config as .testconfig and return it |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 | (if (and dat ;; have a locally cached version (hash-table-ref/default dat "have fulldata" #f)) ;; marked as good data? dat ;; no cached data available (let* ((treg (or test-registry (tests:get-all))) (test-path (or (hash-table-ref/default treg test-name #f) | | | | | 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 | (if (and dat ;; have a locally cached version (hash-table-ref/default dat "have fulldata" #f)) ;; marked as good data? dat ;; no cached data available (let* ((treg (or test-registry (tests:get-all))) (test-path (or (hash-table-ref/default treg test-name #f) (let* ((local-tcdir (conc (get-environment-variable "MT_LINKTREE") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_TARGET") "/" (get-environment-variable "MT_RUNNAME") "/" test-name "/" item-path)) (local-tcfg (conc local-tcdir "/testconfig"))) (if (common:file-exists? local-tcfg) local-tcdir #f)) (conc *toppath* "/tests/" test-name))) (test-configf (conc test-path "/testconfig")) |
︙ | ︙ | |||
1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 | ;; )) (sort all-tests sort-fn1)))) ;; avoid dealing with deleted tests, look at the hash table (define (tests:easy-dot test-records outtype) (let-values (((fd temp-path) (file-mkstemp (conc "/tmp/" (current-user-name) ".XXXXXX")))) (let ((all-testnames (hash-table-keys test-records)) (temp-port (open-output-file* fd))) | | | | | | | | 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 | ;; )) (sort all-tests sort-fn1)))) ;; avoid dealing with deleted tests, look at the hash table (define (tests:easy-dot test-records outtype) (let-values (((fd temp-path) (file-mkstemp (conc "/tmp/" (current-user-name) ".XXXXXX")))) (let ((all-testnames (hash-table-keys test-records)) (temp-port (open-output-file* fd))) ;; (chicken.format#format temp-port "This file is ~A.~%" temp-path) (chicken.format#format temp-port "digraph tests {\n") (chicken.format#format temp-port " size=4,8\n") ;; (chicken.format#format temp-port " splines=none\n") (for-each (lambda (testname) (let* ((testrec (hash-table-ref test-records testname)) (waitons (or (tests:testqueue-get-waitons testrec) '()))) (for-each (lambda (waiton) (chicken.format#format temp-port (conc " " waiton " -> " testname " [splines=ortho]\n"))) waitons))) all-testnames) (chicken.format#format temp-port "}\n") (close-output-port temp-port) (with-input-from-pipe (conc "env -i PATH=$PATH dot -T" outtype " < " temp-path) (lambda () (let ((res (read-lines))) ;; (delete-file temp-path) res)))))) |
︙ | ︙ |
Modified tree.scm from [5b84d6f782] to [8f57125d73].
︙ | ︙ | |||
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== | < < < < < < < < > | | | | | | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 | ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;;====================================================================== (declare (unit tree)) ;; (declare (uses mtargs)) ;; (declare (uses mtver)) ;; (declare (uses launchmod)) ;; ;; (declare (uses megatest-version)) ;; ;; (declare (uses gutils)) ;; (declare (uses dbmod)) ;; (declare (uses servermod)) ;; ;; (declare (uses synchash)) ;; (declare (uses dcommon)) (module tree * (import scheme chicken.base chicken.string chicken.file.posix ) (import format srfi-13 (prefix iup iup:) canvas-draw sqlite3 srfi-1 regex regex-case srfi-69 (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) ;; (import mtver ;; launchmod ;; dbmod ;; servermod ;; gutils ;; ) ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") ;; (include "common_records.scm") ;; (include "db_records.scm") ;; (include "key_records.scm") ;;====================================================================== ;; T R E E S T U F F ;;====================================================================== ;; path is a list of nodes, each the child of the previous ;; this routine returns the id so another node can be added |
︙ | ︙ | |||
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 | (if run-id (begin (dboard:data-curr-run-id-set! data run-id) (dashboard:update-run-summary-tab))) ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id) )))) |# | > > | 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 | (if run-id (begin (dboard:data-curr-run-id-set! data run-id) (dashboard:update-run-summary-tab))) ;; (print "path: " (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id) )))) |# ) |
Deleted vg.scm version [b7512fe253].
| < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < |
Modified vg_records.scm from [67dafc9ef0] to [d647eab863].
︙ | ︙ | |||
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; | | < < < < | < | < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with Megatest. If not, see <>. ;; ;; (import simple-exceptions) ;; moved to vgmod.scm |
Modified vgmod.scm from [2e376f7175] to [c094a8610c].
︙ | ︙ | |||
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | ;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime') (declare (unit vgmod)) (module vgmod * | | > > > > > > | > | > > > | > > > > | > | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 | ;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime') (declare (unit vgmod)) (module vgmod * (import scheme chicken.base chicken.bitwise chicken.string chicken.random ) (import canvas-draw iup typed-records srfi-1 srfi-69 simple-exceptions) (define vg:lib-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:lib." 'assert)) (define (pmake-vg:lib . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 2)(apply vector 'vg:lib params)))) v)) (define (make-vg:lib #!key (comps #f) ) (vector 'vg:lib comps)) (define (vg:lib-comps vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:lib)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:lib-exn 'vg:lib-comps 'xpr)))) (define (vg:lib-comps-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:lib)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:lib-exn 'comps)))) ;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg comp objs name file (import simple-exceptions) (define vg:comp-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:comp." 'assert)) (define (pmake-vg:comp . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 4)(apply vector 'vg:comp params)))) v)) (define (make-vg:comp #!key (objs #f) (name #f) (file #f) ) (vector 'vg:comp objs name file)) (define (vg:comp-objs vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'vg:comp-objs 'xpr)))) (define (vg:comp-name vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'vg:comp-name 'xpr)))) (define (vg:comp-file vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'vg:comp-file 'xpr)))) (define (vg:comp-objs-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'objs)))) (define (vg:comp-name-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'name)))) (define (vg:comp-file-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:comp)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:comp-exn 'file)))) ;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg obj type pts fill-color text line-color call-back angle font attrib extents proc (import simple-exceptions) (define vg:obj-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:obj." 'assert)) (define (pmake-vg:obj . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 12)(apply vector 'vg:obj params)))) v)) (define (make-vg:obj #!key (type #f) (pts #f) (fill-color #f) (text #f) (line-color #f) (call-back #f) (angle #f) (font #f) (attrib #f) (extents #f) (proc #f) ) (vector 'vg:obj type pts fill-color text line-color call-back angle font attrib extents proc)) (define (vg:obj-type vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-type 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-pts vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-pts 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-fill-color vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-fill-color 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-text vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 4)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-text 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-line-color vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 5)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-line-color 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-call-back vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 6)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-call-back 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-angle vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 7)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-angle 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-font vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 8)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-font 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-attrib vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 9)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-attrib 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-extents vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 10)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-extents 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-proc vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-ref vec 11)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'vg:obj-proc 'xpr)))) (define (vg:obj-type-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'type)))) (define (vg:obj-pts-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'pts)))) (define (vg:obj-fill-color-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'fill-color)))) (define (vg:obj-text-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 4 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'text)))) (define (vg:obj-line-color-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 5 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'line-color)))) (define (vg:obj-call-back-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 6 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'call-back)))) (define (vg:obj-angle-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 7 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'angle)))) (define (vg:obj-font-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 8 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'font)))) (define (vg:obj-attrib-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 9 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'attrib)))) (define (vg:obj-extents-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 10 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'extents)))) (define (vg:obj-proc-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:obj)(vector-set! vec 11 val)(raise (vg:obj-exn 'proc)))) ;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg inst libname compname theta xoff yoff scalex scaley mirrx mirry call-back cache (import simple-exceptions) (define vg:inst-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:inst." 'assert)) (define (pmake-vg:inst . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 12)(apply vector 'vg:inst params)))) v)) (define (make-vg:inst #!key (libname #f) (compname #f) (theta #f) (xoff #f) (yoff #f) (scalex #f) (scaley #f) (mirrx #f) (mirry #f) (call-back #f) (cache #f) ) (vector 'vg:inst libname compname theta xoff yoff scalex scaley mirrx mirry call-back cache)) (define (vg:inst-libname vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-libname 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-compname vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-compname 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-theta vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-theta 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-xoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 4)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-xoff 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-yoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 5)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-yoff 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-scalex vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 6)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-scalex 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-scaley vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 7)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-scaley 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-mirrx vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 8)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-mirrx 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-mirry vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 9)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-mirry 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-call-back vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 10)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-call-back 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-cache vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-ref vec 11)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'vg:inst-cache 'xpr)))) (define (vg:inst-libname-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'libname)))) (define (vg:inst-compname-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'compname)))) (define (vg:inst-theta-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'theta)))) (define (vg:inst-xoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 4 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'xoff)))) (define (vg:inst-yoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 5 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'yoff)))) (define (vg:inst-scalex-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 6 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'scalex)))) (define (vg:inst-scaley-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 7 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'scaley)))) (define (vg:inst-mirrx-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 8 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'mirrx)))) (define (vg:inst-mirry-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 9 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'mirry)))) (define (vg:inst-call-back-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 10 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'call-back)))) (define (vg:inst-cache-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:inst)(vector-set! vec 11 val)(raise (vg:inst-exn 'cache)))) ;; Generated using make-vector-record -safe vg drawing libs insts scalex scaley xoff yoff cnv cache (import simple-exceptions) (define vg:drawing-exn (make-exception "wrong record type, expected vg:drawing." 'assert)) (define (pmake-vg:drawing . params)(let ((v (if (null? params)(make-vector 9)(apply vector 'vg:drawing params)))) v)) (define (make-vg:drawing #!key (libs #f) (insts #f) (scalex #f) (scaley #f) (xoff #f) (yoff #f) (cnv #f) (cache #f) ) (vector 'vg:drawing libs insts scalex scaley xoff yoff cnv cache)) (define (vg:drawing-libs vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 1)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-libs 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-insts vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 2)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-insts 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-scalex vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 3)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-scalex 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-scaley vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 4)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-scaley 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-xoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 5)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-xoff 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-yoff vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 6)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-yoff 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-cnv vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 7)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-cnv 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-cache vec)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-ref vec 8)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'vg:drawing-cache 'xpr)))) (define (vg:drawing-libs-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 1 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'libs)))) (define (vg:drawing-insts-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 2 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'insts)))) (define (vg:drawing-scalex-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 3 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'scalex)))) (define (vg:drawing-scaley-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 4 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'scaley)))) (define (vg:drawing-xoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 5 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'xoff)))) (define (vg:drawing-yoff-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 6 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'yoff)))) (define (vg:drawing-cnv-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 7 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'cnv)))) (define (vg:drawing-cache-set! vec val)(if (eq? (vector-ref vec 0) 'vg:drawing)(vector-set! vec 8 val)(raise (vg:drawing-exn 'cache)))) ;; ;; structs ;; ;; ;; (defstruct vg:lib comps) ;; (defstruct vg:comp objs name file) ;; ;; extents caches extents calculated on draw ;; ;; proc is called on draw and takes the obj itself as a parameter |
︙ | ︙ | |||
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 | (arithmetic-shift r 16) (arithmetic-shift g 8) b)) ;; Obsolete function ;; (define (vg:generate-color) | | | | | | | | | 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 | (arithmetic-shift r 16) (arithmetic-shift g 8) b)) ;; Obsolete function ;; (define (vg:generate-color) (vg:rgb->number (pseudo-random-integer 255) (pseudo-random-integer 255) (pseudo-random-integer 255))) ;; Need to return a string of pseudo-random-integer iup-color for graph ;; (define (vg:generate-color-rgb) (conc (number->string (pseudo-random-integer 255)) " " (number->string (pseudo-random-integer 255)) " " (number->string (pseudo-random-integer 255)))) (define (vg:iup-color->number iup-color) (apply vg:rgb->number (map string->number (string-split iup-color)))) ;;====================================================================== ;; graphing ;;====================================================================== |
︙ | ︙ |