Changes In Branch sles12-hacks Excluding Merge-Ins
This is equivalent to a diff from 22faaf8368 to d277c93758
| ||
14:21 | Initial branch of tquery based on 1.65 Leaf check-in: 9fa63b1a02 user: jmoon18 tags: tquery-1.65 | |
11:49 | fixed ezsteps rerun state API drift errors, weird new issue -- probably masked by issues just fixed -- <unknown>: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server check-in: a4dbbfa5fd user: bjbarcla tags: v1.65 | |
| ||
16:35 | Updates to allow building a sles12 version with no readline and postgres Leaf check-in: d277c93758 user: jmoon18 tags: sles12-hacks | |
| ||
22:52 | Merged in recent changes from v1.65 check-in: 3a5aa6edcb user: matt tags: v2.01-try-1 | |
22:34 | Fix for -rerun-clean not honoring -testpatt check-in: 22faaf8368 user: matt tags: v1.65 | |
17:10 | Added code for tquery and tquerylisten for VERY basic ability to get loads check-in: 2b11d3acea user: jmoon18 tags: v1.65 | |
Modified Makefile from [213d4594be] to [519b669d5e].
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 | altdb.scm : echo ";; optional alternate db setup" > altdb.scm echo "(define *available-db* (make-hash-table))" >> altdb.scm if csi -ne '(use mysql-client)';then \ echo "(use mysql-client)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'mysql #t)" >> altdb.scm; \ fi | | | | | 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 | altdb.scm : echo ";; optional alternate db setup" > altdb.scm echo "(define *available-db* (make-hash-table))" >> altdb.scm if csi -ne '(use mysql-client)';then \ echo "(use mysql-client)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'mysql #t)" >> altdb.scm; \ fi # if csi -ne '(use postgresql)';then \ # echo "(use postgresql)(hash-table-set! *available-db* 'postgresql #t)" >> altdb.scm;\ # fi portlogger-example : portlogger-example.scm api.o archive.o client.o common.o configf.o dashboard-tests.o dashboard-context-menu.o db.o dcommon.o ezsteps.o filedb.o genexample.o gutils.o http-transport.o items.o keys.o launch.o lock-queue.o margs.o megatest-version.o mt.o ods.o portlogger.o process.o rmt.o rpc-transport.o runconfig.o runs.o sdb.o server.o synchash.o tasks.o tdb.o tests.o tree.o csc $(CSCOPTS) portlogger-example.scm api.o archive.o client.o common.o configf.o dashboard-tests.o dashboard-context-menu.o db.o dcommon.o ezsteps.o filedb.o genexample.o gutils.o http-transport.o items.o keys.o launch.o lock-queue.o margs.o megatest-version.o mt.o ods.o portlogger.o process.o rmt.o rpc-transport.o runconfig.o runs.o sdb.o server.o synchash.o tasks.o tdb.o tests.o tree.o # create a pdf dot graphviz diagram from notations in rmt.scm rmt.pdf : rmt.scm grep ';;DOT' rmt.scm | sed -e 's/.*;;DOT //' >;dot -Tpdf -o rmt.pdf |
Modified megatest.scm from [cecad5eaf2] to [1f72ca3636].
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | ;; (include "common.scm") ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") ;; fake out readline usage of toplevel-command (define (toplevel-command . a) #f) (use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 (prefix base64 base64:) | | | 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | ;; (include "common.scm") ;; (include "megatest-version.scm") ;; fake out readline usage of toplevel-command (define (toplevel-command . a) #f) (use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:) srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 (prefix base64 base64:) apropos json http-client directory-utils typed-records http-client srfi-18 extras format) ;; Added for csv stuff - will be removed ;; (use sparse-vectors) (require-library mutils) |
2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 | (repl)) (else (begin (set! *db* dbstruct) (import extras) ;; might not be needed ;; (import csi) | | | 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 | (repl)) (else (begin (set! *db* dbstruct) (import extras) ;; might not be needed ;; (import csi) ;;(import readline) (import apropos) ;; (import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)) ;; doesn't work ... (if *use-new-readline* (begin (install-history-file (get-environment-variable "HOME") ".megatest_history") ;; [homedir] [filename] [nlines]) (current-input-port (make-readline-port "megatest> "))) |