Index: api.scm
--- api.scm
+++ api.scm
@@ -157,10 +157,15 @@
(params (vector-ref dat 1))
(start-t (current-milliseconds))
(readonly-mode (dbr:dbstruct-read-only dbstruct))
(readonly-command (member cmd api:read-only-queries))
(writecmd-in-readonly-mode (and readonly-mode (not readonly-command)))
+ (foo (begin
+ (common:telemetry-log (conc "api-in:"(->string cmd))
+ payload: `((params . ,params)))
+ #t))
(if writecmd-in-readonly-mode
(conc "attempt to run write command "cmd" on a read-only database")
(case cmd
@@ -327,19 +332,28 @@
((find-task-queue-records) (apply tasks:find-task-queue-records dbstruct params))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: bad api call " cmd)
(conc "ERROR: BAD api call " cmd))))))
;; save all stats
(let ((delta-t (- (current-milliseconds)
(hash-table-set! *db-api-call-time* cmd
(cons delta-t (hash-table-ref/default *db-api-call-time* cmd '()))))
(if writecmd-in-readonly-mode
- (vector #f res)
- (vector #t res)))))))
+ (begin
+ (common:telemetry-log (conc "api-out:"(->string cmd))
+ payload: `((params . ,params)
+ (ok-res . #t)))
+ (vector #f res))
+ (begin
+ (common:telemetry-log (conc "api-out:"(->string cmd))
+ payload: `((params . ,params)
+ (ok-res . #f)))
+ (vector #t res))))))))
;; http-server send-response
;; api:process-request
;; db:*
Index: common.scm
--- common.scm
+++ common.scm
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
;; along with Megatest. If not, see .
(use srfi-1 data-structures posix regex-case (prefix base64 base64:)
- format dot-locking csv-xml z3 ;; sql-de-lite
+ format dot-locking csv-xml z3 udp ;; sql-de-lite
hostinfo md5 message-digest typed-records directory-utils stack
matchable regex posix (srfi 18) extras ;; tcp
(prefix nanomsg nmsg:)
(prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
pkts (prefix dbi dbi:)
@@ -81,10 +81,11 @@
(length (glob (conc "/proc/" pid "/fd/*")))
(length (filter identity (map socket? (glob (conc "/proc/" pid "/fd/*")))))
(defstruct cxt
@@ -887,10 +888,11 @@
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "watchdog done."))
(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "no need for watchdog on non-homehost"))))
(define (std-exit-procedure)
+ ;;(common:telemetry-log-close)
(on-exit (lambda () 0))
;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "std-exit-procedure called; *time-to-exit*="*time-to-exit*)
(let ((no-hurry (if *time-to-exit* ;; hurry up
@@ -3049,5 +3051,69 @@
#t ;; just ignore it, it might have died in the meantime so joining it will throw an exception
(thread-join! thread))
(hash-table-keys *common:thread-punchlist*)))
+(define *common:telemetry-log-state* 'startup)
+(define *common:telemetry-log-socket* #f)
+(define (common:telemetry-log-open)
+ (if (eq? *common:telemetry-log-state* 'startup)
+ (let* ((serverhost (configf:lookup *configdat* "telemetry" "host"))
+ (serverport (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "telemetry" "port"))
+ (user (or (get-environment-variable "USER") "unknown"))
+ (host (or (get-environment-variable "HOST") "unknown")))
+ (set! *common:telemetry-log-state*
+ (handle-exceptions
+ exn
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "common-telemetry-log open udp port failure")
+ 'broken)
+ (if (and serverhost serverport user host)
+ (let* ((s (udp-open-socket)))
+ ;;(udp-bind! s #f 0)
+ (udp-connect! s serverhost serverport)
+ (set! *common:telemetry-log-socket* s)
+ 'open)
+ 'not-needed))))))
+(define (common:telemetry-log event #!key (payload '()))
+ (if (eq? *common:telemetry-log-state* 'startup)
+ (common:telemetry-log-open))
+ (if (eq? 'open *common:telemetry-log-state*)
+ (handle-exceptions
+ exn
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "common-telemetry-log comms failure ; disabled (no server?)")
+ ;;(define *common:telemetry-log-state* 'broken-or-no-server-preclose)
+ ;;(common:telemetry-log-close)
+ (define *common:telemetry-log-state* 'broken-or-no-server)
+ (set! *common:telemetry-log-socket* #f)
+ )
+ (if (and *common:telemetry-log-socket* event) ;; TODO - filter on event against telemetry.want-events
+ (let* ((user (or (get-environment-variable "USER") "unknown"))
+ (host (or (get-environment-variable "HOST") "unknown"))
+ (start (conc "[megatest "event"]"))
+ (toppath (or *toppath* "/dev/null"))
+ (payload-serialized
+ (base64:base64-encode
+ (z3:encode-buffer
+ (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pp payload))))))
+ (msg (conc user":"host":"start":"(current-process-id)":"(car (argv))":"
+ toppath":"payload-serialized)))
+ (udp-send *common:telemetry-log-socket* msg))))))
+(define (common:telemetry-log-close)
+ (when (or (member *common:telemetry-log-state* '(broken-or-no-server-preclose open)) *common:telemetry-log-socket*)
+ (handle-exceptions
+ exn
+ (begin
+ (define *common:telemetry-log-state* 'closed-fail)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "common-telemetry-log closure failure")
+ )
+ (begin
+ (define *common:telemetry-log-state* 'closed)
+ (udp-close-socket *common:telemetry-log-socket*)
+ (set! *common:telemetry-log-socket* #f)))))
Index: configf.scm
--- configf.scm
+++ configf.scm
@@ -774,14 +774,14 @@
;; if
(define (configf:read-alist fname)
- exn
- #f
- (configf:alist->config
- (with-input-from-file fname read))))
+ exn
+ #f
+ (configf:alist->config
+ (with-input-from-file fname read))))
(define (configf:write-alist cdat fname)
(if (not (common:faux-lock fname))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Could not get lock on " fname))
(let* ((dat (configf:config->alist cdat))
Index: db.scm
--- db.scm
+++ db.scm
@@ -406,10 +406,13 @@
;; Open the classic megatest.db file (defaults to open in toppath)
;; NOTE: returns a dbdat not a dbstruct!
+;;(define (db:reopen-megatest-db
(define (db:open-megatest-db #!key (path #f)(name #f))
(let* ((dbdir (or path *toppath*))
(dbpath (conc dbdir "/" (or name "megatest.db")))
(dbexists (common:file-exists? dbpath))
(db (db:lock-create-open dbpath
@@ -1642,39 +1645,61 @@
(define (db:find-and-mark-incomplete dbstruct run-id ovr-deadtime)
(let* ((incompleted '())
(oldlaunched '())
(toplevels '())
- (deadtime-str (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "deadtime")) ;; FIXME suspect test run time & deadtime are not well matched; resulting in COMPLETED/DEAD status of an a-ok running test
- (deadtime (if (and deadtime-str
- (string->number deadtime-str))
- (string->number deadtime-str)
- 7200))) ;; two hours
+ (deadtime-trim (or ovr-deadtime (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "deadtime")))
+ (server-start-allowance 200)
+ (server-overloaded-budget 200)
+ (launch-monitor-off-time (or (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "test-stats-update-period") 30))
+ (launch-monitor-on-time-budget 30)
+ (launch-monitor-period (+ launch-monitor-off-time launch-monitor-on-time-budget server-overloaded-budget))
+ (remotehoststart-deadtime-default (+ server-start-allowance server-overloaded-budget 30))
+ (remotehoststart-deadtime (or deadtime-trim remotehoststart-deadtime-default))
+ (running-deadtime-default (+ server-start-allowance (* 2 launch-monitor-period)))
+ (running-deadtime (or deadtime-trim running-deadtime-default)) ;; two minutes (30 seconds between updates, this leaves 3x grace period)
+ )
dbstruct #f #f
(lambda (db)
- (if (number? ovr-deadtime)(set! deadtime ovr-deadtime))
;; in RUNNING or REMOTEHOSTSTART for more than 10 minutes
;; HOWEVER: this code in run:test seems to work fine
;; (> (- (current-seconds)(+ (db:test-get-event_time testdat)
;; (db:test-get-run_duration testdat)))
;; 600)
;; (db:delay-if-busy dbdat)
- (lambda (test-id run-dir uname testname item-path)
+ (lambda (test-id run-dir uname testname item-path event-time run-duration)
+ (if (and (equal? uname "n/a")
+ (equal? item-path "")) ;; this is a toplevel test
+ ;; what to do with toplevel? call rollup?
+ (begin
+ (set! toplevels (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) toplevels))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Found old toplevel test in RUNNING state, test-id=" test-id))
+ (begin
+ (set! incompleted (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) incompleted))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Found old test in RUNNING state, test-id=" test-id" exceeded running-deadtime "running-deadtime" now="(current-seconds)" event-time="event-time" run-duration="run-duration))))
+ db
+ "SELECT id,rundir,uname,testname,item_path,event_time,run_duration FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND (strftime('%s','now') - event_time) > (run_duration + ?) AND state IN ('RUNNING');"
+ run-id running-deadtime)
+ (sqlite3:for-each-row
+ (lambda (test-id run-dir uname testname item-path event-time run-duration)
(if (and (equal? uname "n/a")
(equal? item-path "")) ;; this is a toplevel test
;; what to do with toplevel? call rollup?
(set! toplevels (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) toplevels))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Found old toplevel test in RUNNING state, test-id=" test-id))
- (set! incompleted (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) incompleted))))
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Found old test in REMOTEHOSTSTART state, test-id=" test-id" exceeded running-deadtime "running-deadtime" now="(current-seconds)" event-time="event-time" run-duration="run-duration)
+ (set! incompleted (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) incompleted)))))
- "SELECT id,rundir,uname,testname,item_path FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND (strftime('%s','now') - event_time) > (run_duration + ?) AND state IN ('RUNNING','REMOTEHOSTSTART');"
- run-id deadtime)
+ "SELECT id,rundir,uname,testname,item_path,event_time,run_duration FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND (strftime('%s','now') - event_time) > (run_duration + ?) AND state IN ('REMOTEHOSTSTART');"
+ run-id remotehoststart-deadtime)
;; in LAUNCHED for more than one day. Could be long due to job queues TODO/BUG: Need override for this in config
;; (db:delay-if-busy dbdat)
@@ -1681,11 +1706,13 @@
(lambda (test-id run-dir uname testname item-path)
(if (and (equal? uname "n/a")
(equal? item-path "")) ;; this is a toplevel test
;; what to do with toplevel? call rollup?
(set! toplevels (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) toplevels))
- (set! oldlaunched (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) oldlaunched))))
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Found old test in LAUNCHED state, test-id=" test-id" 1 day since event_time marked")
+ (set! oldlaunched (cons (list test-id run-dir uname testname item-path run-id) oldlaunched)))))
"SELECT id,rundir,uname,testname,item_path FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND (strftime('%s','now') - event_time) > 86400 AND state IN ('LAUNCHED');"
(debug:print-info 18 *default-log-port* "Found " (length oldlaunched) " old LAUNCHED items, " (length toplevels) " old LAUNCHED toplevel tests and " (length incompleted) " tests marked RUNNING but apparently dead.")
@@ -1702,15 +1729,15 @@
;; incompleted))
(min-incompleted-ids (map car incompleted)) ;; do 'em all
(all-ids (append min-incompleted-ids (map car oldlaunched))))
(if (> (length all-ids) 0)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Marking test(s); " (string-intersperse (map conc all-ids) ", ") " as INCOMPLETE")
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Marking test(s); " (string-intersperse (map conc all-ids) ", ") " as DEAD")
(lambda (test-id)
- (db:test-set-state-status dbstruct run-id test-id "COMPLETED" "DEAD" "Test failed to complete")) ;; fix for one aspect of Randy's ticket 1405717332 ;; TODO - fix problem where test goes to COMPLETED/DEAD while in progress, only later to go to COMPLETED/PASS. ref ticket 220546828
+ (db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items dbstruct run-id test-id 'foo "COMPLETED" "DEAD" "Test stopped responding while in RUNNING or REMOTEHOSTSTART; presumed dead."))
+ ;;(db:test-set-state-status dbstruct run-id test-id "COMPLETED" "DEAD" "Test stopped responding while in RUNNING or REMOTEHOSTSTART; presumed dead.")) ;; fix for one aspect of Randy's ticket 1405717332 ;; TODO - fix problem where test goes to COMPLETED/DEAD while in progress, only later to go to COMPLETED/PASS. ref ticket 220546828
;; (sqlite3:execute
@@ -3680,11 +3707,11 @@
(item-path (db:test-get-item-path testdat))
(tl-testdat (db:get-test-info dbstruct run-id test-name ""))
(tl-test-id (if tl-testdat
(db:test-get-id tl-testdat)
- (if (member state '("LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART"))
+ (if (member state '("LAUNCHED" "REMOTEHOSTSTART"))
(db:general-call dbstruct 'set-test-start-time (list test-id)))
(mutex-lock! *db-transaction-mutex*)
dbstruct #f #f
(lambda (db)
ADDED docs/manual/devnotes.txt
Index: docs/manual/devnotes.txt
--- /dev/null
+++ docs/manual/devnotes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Developer Notes
+Collected here are some topics that may interest the megatest developer.
+A new feature introduced in v1.6525 allows a centralized debug messaging system. Debugging client-server issues
+is greatly aided by a centralized, time coherent log of events across test execution, server, and runner. This
+is provided by the telemetry feature
+source code call example
+ [telemetry]
+ host
+ port
+ want-events
+1. Add telemetry section to megatest.config
+2. Start telemetry daemon telemetry-daemon -a start -l /tmp/my-telemetry.log
+3. Run megatest
+4. examine / parse telemetry log
Index: docs/manual/megatest_manual.html
--- docs/manual/megatest_manual.html
+++ docs/manual/megatest_manual.html
@@ -900,69 +900,10 @@
sqlite3 database. Megatest has been used with the Intel Netbatch and
lsf (also known as openlava) batch systems and it should be
straightforward to use it with other similar systems.
Stand-alone Megatest Area
A single, stand-alone, Megatest based testsuite or "area" is
-sufficient for most validation, automation and build problems.

Megatest is designed as a distributed or decoupled system. This means
-you can run the areas stand-alone with no additional
-infrastructure. I.e. there are no databases, web servers or other
-centralized resources needed. However as your needs grow you can
-integrate multiple areas into a bigger system.
Component Descriptions
-Multi-area dashboard and xterm. A gui (the dashboard) is usually the
- best option for controlling and launching runs but all operations
- can also be done from the commandline. Note: The not yet released
- multi-area dashboard replaces the old dashboard for browsing and
- controlling runs but for managing a single area the old dashboard
- works very well.
-Area/testsuite. This is your testsuite or automation definition and
- consists of the information in megatest.config, runconfigs.config
- and your testconfigs along with any custom scripting that can’t be
- done with the native Megatest features.
-If your testsuite or build automation is too large to run on a
- single instance you can distribute your jobs into a compute server
- pool. The only current requirements are password-less ssh access and
- a network filesystem.
Full System Architecture
