ADDED attic/widgets.scm
Index: attic/widgets.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ attic/widgets.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
+;; This file is part of Megatest.
+;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Megatest. If not, see .
+(require-library srfi-4 iup)
+(import srfi-4 iup
+ ;; iup-pplot
+ iup-glcanvas) ;; iup-web
+(define (popup dlg . args)
+ (apply show dlg #:modal? 'yes args)
+ (destroy! dlg))
+(define (properties ih)
+ (popup (element-properties-dialog ih))
+ 'default)
+(define dlg
+ (dialog
+ (vbox
+ (hbox ; headline
+ (fill)
+ (frame (label " Inspect control and dialog classes "
+ fontsize: 15))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Dialogs" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (dialog (vbox)))))
+ (button "color-dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (color-dialog))))
+ (button "file-dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (file-dialog))))
+ (button "font-dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (font-dialog))))
+ (button "message-dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (message-dialog))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (hbox
+ (button "layout-dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (layout-dialog))))
+ (button "element-properties-dialog"
+ action: (lambda (self)
+ (properties
+ (element-properties-dialog (create 'user)))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Composition widgets" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "fill"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (fill))))
+ (button "hbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (hbox))))
+ (button "vbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (vbox))))
+ (button "zbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (zbox))))
+ (button "radio"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (radio (vbox)))))
+ (button "normalizer"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (normalizer))))
+ (button "cbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (cbox))))
+ (button "sbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (sbox (vbox)))))
+ (button "split"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (split (vbox) (vbox)))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Standard widgets" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "button"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (button))))
+ (button "canvas"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (canvas))))
+ (button "frame"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (frame))))
+ (button "label"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (label))))
+ (button "listbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (listbox))))
+ (button "progress-bar"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (progress-bar))))
+ (button "spin"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (spin))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (hbox
+ (button "tabs"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (tabs))))
+ (button "textbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (textbox))))
+ (button "toggle"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (toggle))))
+ (button "treebox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (treebox))))
+ (button "valuator"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (valuator ""))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Additional widgets" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "cells"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (cells))))
+ (button "color-bar"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (color-bar))))
+ (button "color-browser"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (color-browser))))
+ (button "dial"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (dial ""))))
+ (button "matrix"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (matrix))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (hbox
+ #;(button "pplot"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (pplot))))
+ (button "glcanvas"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (glcanvas))))
+ ;; (button "web-browser"
+ ;; action: (lambda (self) (properties (web-browser))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Menu widgets" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "menu"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (menu))))
+ (button "menu-item"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (menu-item))))
+ (button "menu-separator"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (menu-separator))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Images" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "image/palette"
+ action: (lambda (self)
+ (properties
+ (image/palette 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
+ (button "image/rgb"
+ action: (lambda (self)
+ (properties
+ (image/rgb 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
+ (button "image/rgba"
+ action: (lambda (self)
+ (properties
+ (image/rgba 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
+ (button "image/file"
+ action: (lambda (self)
+ (properties
+ ;; same attributes as image/palette
+ (image/palette 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
+ ;; needs a file in current directory
+ ;(image/file "chicken.ico")))) ; ok
+ ;(image/file "chicken.png")))) ; doesn't work
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (label "")
+ (label "Other widgets" fontsize: 12)
+ (hbox
+ (button "clipboard"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (clipboard))))
+ (button "timer"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (timer))))
+ (button "spinbox"
+ action: (lambda (self) (properties (spinbox (vbox)))))
+ (fill)
+ margin: '0x0)
+ (fill)
+ (button "E&xit"
+ expand: 'horizontal
+ action: (lambda (self) 'close))
+ )
+ margin: '15x15
+ title: "Iup inspector"))
+(show dlg)
+(exit 0)
ADDED call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables-core.scm
Index: call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables-core.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables-core.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(define (call-with-environment-variables variables thunk)
+ @("Sets up environment variable via dynamic-wind which are taken down after thunk."
+ (variables "An alist of the form {{'((\"var\" . \"value\") ...)}}")
+ (thunk "The thunk to execute with a modified environment"))
+ (let ((pre-existing-variables
+ (map (lambda (var-value)
+ (let ((var (car var-value)))
+ (cons var (get-environment-variable var))))
+ variables)))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (void))
+ (lambda ()
+ (use posix)
+ (for-each (lambda (var-value)
+ (setenv (car var-value) (cdr var-value)))
+ variables)
+ (thunk))
+ (lambda ()
+ (for-each (lambda (var-value)
+ (let ((var (car var-value))
+ (value (cdr var-value)))
+ (if value
+ (setenv var value)
+ (unsetenv var))))
+ pre-existing-variables)))))
ADDED call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.meta
Index: call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.meta
--- /dev/null
+++ call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+((synopsis "Set up and take down environment vars")
+ (author "Peter Danenberg")
+ (email "")
+ (user "klutometis")
+ (repo "")
+ (category os)
+ (license "BSD")
+ (depends (hahn "0.9.3")
+ setup-helper)
+ (test-depends test)
+ (foreign-depends))
ADDED call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.release-info
Index: call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.release-info
--- /dev/null
+++ call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.release-info
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(repo git "git://{egg-name}.git")
+(uri targz "{egg-name}/tarball/{egg-release}")
+(release "0.1")
+(release "0.1.1")
+(release "0.1.2")
+(release "0.1.3")
+(release "0.1.4")
+(release "0.1.5")
+(release "0.1.6")
+(release "0.1.7")
ADDED call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.scm
Index: call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ call-with-environment-variables
+ (call-with-environment-variables)
+ (import scheme chicken)
+ (include "call-with-environment-variables-core.scm"))
ADDED call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.setup
Index: call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.setup
--- /dev/null
+++ call-with-environment-variables/call-with-environment-variables.setup
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+(use hahn setup-helper-mod)
+(verify-extension-name "call-with-environment-variables")
+ 'call-with-environment-variables
+ (extension-version "0.1.6")
+ compile-options: '(-X hahn))
+(run-hahn -o call-with-environment-variables-core.scm)
ADDED call-with-environment-variables/
Index: call-with-environment-variables/
--- /dev/null
+++ call-with-environment-variables/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+== call-with-environment-variables
+Set up and take down environment vars
+=== {{call-with-environment-variables}}
+(call-with-environment-variables variables thunk) → unspecified
+Sets up environment variable via dynamic-wind which are taken down after thunk.
+; {{variables}} : An alist of the form {{'(("var" . "value") ...)}}
+; {{thunk}} : The thunk to execute with a modified environment
+(define (call-with-environment-variables variables thunk)
+ (let ((pre-existing-variables
+ (map (lambda (var-value)
+ (let ((var (car var-value)))
+ (cons var (get-environment-variable var))))
+ variables)))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (void))
+ (lambda ()
+ (use posix)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (var-value) (setenv (car var-value) (cdr var-value)))
+ variables)
+ (thunk))
+ (lambda ()
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (var-value)
+ (let ((var (car var-value)) (value (cdr var-value)))
+ (if value (setenv var value) (unsetenv var))))
+ pre-existing-variables)))))
+=== About this egg
+==== Author
+[[/users/klutometis|Peter Danenberg]]
+==== Repository
+==== License
+==== Dependencies
+* [[(hahn 0.9.3)]]
+* [[setup-helper]]
+==== Versions
+; [[|0.1]] : Initial release
+; [[|0.1.1]] : Add the actual code.
+; [[|0.1.2]] : Fix versions.
+; [[|0.1.3]] : Update docs.
+; [[|0.1.4]] : With a note about cock-utils
+; [[|0.1.5]] : Docs
+; [[|0.1.6]] : Use hahn.
+==== Colophon
+Documented by [[/egg/hahn|hahn]].
ADDED csv-xml/csv-out.impl
Index: csv-xml/csv-out.impl
--- /dev/null
+++ csv-xml/csv-out.impl
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+;;;; cvs-out.impl -*- Hen -*-
+;;;; Kon Lovett, Jun '17
+;;;; *** included source file ***
+;;- missing explicit types for exports; too much '*' type
+(define-constant CRLF-STR "\r\n")
+(define-constant LF-STR "\n")
+(define-constant CR-STR "\r") ;old MacOS
+(define *system-newline*
+ (cond-expand
+ (windows
+ (unix
+ LF-STR )
+ (else
+ LF-STR ) ) )
+(define-constant +newline-char-default+ #t) ;#t - | #\n | ...
+(define-constant +separator-char-default+ #\,)
+(define-constant +quote-char-default+ #\") ;#f | #\" | ...
+(define-constant +comment-char-default+ #\#) ;#f | #\# | ...
+(define-constant +quote-doubling-escapes?-default+ #t)
+(define-constant +quote-controls?-default+ #t)
+(define-constant +always-quote?-default+ #t)
+(define-constant +sxml-top-symbol+ '|*TOP*|)
+(define-constant +sxml-row-element-default+ 'row)
+(define-constant +sxml-col-elements-limit-default+ 32) ; arbitrary (see
+;very loose : newline-char | separator-char | quote-char
+;see "csv-xml.scm"
+(define csv-writer-spec? alist?)
+(define-check+error-type csv-writer-spec)
+(define csv-writer? procedure?)
+(define-check+error-type csv-writer)
+(define *default-writer-spec* (writer-spec-with-defaults '()))
+(define (list->csv ls #!optional (writer-or-out (current-output-port)))
+ (let (
+ (writer
+ (cond
+ ((csv-writer? writer-or-out)
+ writer-or-out )
+ ((output-port? writer-or-out)
+ (make-csv-line-writer 'list->csv writer-or-out *default-writer-spec*) )
+ (else
+ (error 'list->csv "invalid csv-writer or output-port" writer-or-out) ) ) ) )
+ (for-each writer ls) ) )
+(define (list->sxml ls
+ #!optional
+ (row-element (sxml-row-element-default))
+ (column-elements (sxml-col-elements-default))
+ (writer-spec *default-writer-spec*))
+ (append!
+ `(,(sxml-top-symbol))
+ (map (cut list->sxml-element <> row-element column-elements writer-spec) ls)) )
+(define (writer-spec
+ #!key
+ (newline-char +newline-char-default+)
+ (separator-char +separator-char-default+)
+ (quote-char +quote-char-default+)
+ (comment-char +comment-char-default+)
+ (quote-doubling-escapes? +quote-doubling-escapes?-default+)
+ (quote-controls? +quote-controls?-default+)
+ (always-quote? +always-quote?-default+))
+ ;FIXME checking the input types
+ `((newline-char . ,newline-char)
+ (separator-char . ,separator-char)
+ (quote-char . ,quote-char)
+ (comment-char . ,comment-char)
+ (quote-doubling-escapes? . ,quote-doubling-escapes?)
+ (quote-controls? . ,quote-controls?)
+ (always-quote? . ,always-quote?)) )
+(define (make-csv-writer out-or-str #!optional (writer-spec '()))
+ (let ((make-spec-csv-writer (make-csv-writer-maker writer-spec)))
+ (make-spec-csv-writer out-or-str) ) )
+(define (make-csv-writer-maker #!optional (writer-spec '()))
+ (let ((writer-spec
+ (writer-spec-with-defaults
+ (check-csv-writer-spec 'make-csv-writer-maker writer-spec)) ) )
+ (lambda (out-or-str)
+ (let (
+ (out
+ (cond
+ ((string? out-or-str)
+ (open-output-file out-or-str) )
+ ((output-port? out-or-str)
+ out-or-str )
+ (else
+ (error
+ 'csv-writer-maker
+ "invalid output-port or string" out-or-str) ) ) ) )
+ (make-csv-line-writer 'csv-writer-maker out writer-spec) ) ) ) )
+(define (make-csv-line-writer loc out writer-spec)
+ (let (
+ (writer-spec
+ (check-csv-writer-spec loc writer-spec) )
+ (newline-obj
+ (select-newline-object loc (alist-ref 'newline-char writer-spec eq?)) )
+ (separator-char
+ (alist-ref 'separator-char writer-spec eq?) )
+ (quote-char
+ (alist-ref 'quote-char writer-spec eq?) )
+ (comment-char
+ (alist-ref 'comment-char writer-spec eq?) )
+ (quote-doubling-escapes?
+ (alist-ref 'quote-doubling-escapes? writer-spec eq?) )
+ (quote-controls?
+ (alist-ref 'quote-controls? writer-spec eq?) )
+ (always-quote?
+ (alist-ref 'always-quote? writer-spec eq?) ) )
+ ;
+ (let* (
+ (quote-char-str (unicode-char->string quote-char) )
+ (quote-char-str-2 (string-append quote-char-str quote-char-str)) )
+ ;
+ (define (csv-line-object->string obj)
+ ;
+ (define (quote-doubling? str)
+ (and quote-doubling-escapes? (string-index str quote-char)) )
+ ;
+ (define (quoting? str)
+ (or
+ always-quote?
+ (quote-doubling? str)
+ (and separator-char (string-index str separator-char))
+ (and quote-controls? (string-index str char-set:iso-control))) )
+ ;
+ (type-case obj
+ ((char)
+ (csv-line-object->string (unicode-char->string obj)) )
+ ((symbol)
+ (csv-line-object->string (symbol->string obj)) )
+ ((string)
+ (if (and quote-char (quoting? obj))
+ (let (
+ (str
+ (if (quote-doubling? obj)
+ (string-translate* obj `((,quote-char-str . ,quote-char-str-2)))
+ obj ) ) )
+ ;
+ (conc quote-char str quote-char) )
+ obj ) )
+ (number
+ (csv-line-object->string (number->string obj)) )
+ (else
+ (csv-line-object->string (->string obj)) ) ) )
+ ;
+ (lambda (obj)
+ (let (
+ ;build row to output as a string with a line-ending sequence
+ (lin
+ ;comment desired?
+ (if (list? obj)
+ ;row data
+ (let ((qstrs (map csv-line-object->string (check-list loc obj))))
+ (apply
+ conc
+ (append!
+ (intersperse qstrs separator-char)
+ `(,newline-obj))) )
+ ;are we supposed to do comments?
+ (if comment-char
+ (conc comment-char obj newline-obj)
+ obj
+ #;
+ (begin
+ (warning loc "comments not active" obj writer-spec)
+ "" ) ) ) ) )
+ ;
+ (display lin out) ) ) ) ) )
+(define (select-newline-object loc spec)
+ (case spec
+ ((cr)
+ #\return )
+ ((lf)
+ #\newline )
+ ((crlf)
+ (else
+ *system-newline* ) ) )
+(define (writer-spec-with-defaults writer-spec)
+ `((newline-char . ,(alist-ref 'newline-char writer-spec eq? +newline-char-default+))
+ (separator-char . ,(alist-ref 'separator-char writer-spec eq? +separator-char-default+))
+ (quote-char . ,(alist-ref 'quote-char writer-spec eq? +quote-char-default+))
+ (comment-char . ,(alist-ref 'comment-char writer-spec eq? +comment-char-default+))
+ (quote-doubling-escapes? . ,(alist-ref 'quote-doubling-escapes? writer-spec eq? +quote-doubling-escapes?-default+))
+ (quote-controls? . ,(alist-ref 'quote-controls? writer-spec eq? +quote-controls?-default+))
+ (always-quote? . ,(alist-ref 'always-quote? writer-spec eq? +always-quote?-default+))) )
+(define (list->sxml-element ls row-element col-elements writer-spec)
+ (if (list? ls)
+ ;row data
+ `(,row-element ,@(map list col-elements (map ->string ls)))
+ ;are we supposed to do comments?
+ (if (alist-ref 'comment-char writer-spec eq?)
+ `(*COMMENT* ,(->string ls))
+ ls ) ) )
+(define (make-sxml-col-symbol n)
+ (string->symbol (string-append "col-" (number->string n))) )
+(define +sxml-col-elements-default+
+ (map make-sxml-col-symbol (sxml-col-iota)) )
+(define (sxml-top-symbol)
+ +sxml-top-symbol+ )
+(define (sxml-row-element-default)
+ +sxml-row-element-default+ )
+(define (sxml-col-elements-default)
+ +sxml-col-elements-default+ )
+(define (sxml-col-iota)
+ (iota +sxml-col-elements-limit-default+) )
+(define (sxml-col-iota)
+ (do ((i 0 add1)
+ (ls '() (cons (make-sxml-col-symbol i) ls)) )
+ ((= i +sxml-col-elements-limit-default+) ls) ) )
ADDED csv-xml/csv-xml.meta
Index: csv-xml/csv-xml.meta
--- /dev/null
+++ csv-xml/csv-xml.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+;;;; csv-xml.meta -*- Hen -*-
+((egg "csv-xml.egg")
+ (date "2011-07-02")
+ (category parsing)
+ (author "Neil van Dyke")
+ (license "LGPL 3")
+ (doc-from-wiki)
+ (synopsis "Parsing comma-separated values")
+ (depends
+ (setup-helper "1.5.2")
+ (check-errors "2.0.2")
+ (moremacros "1.4.2")
+ (string-utils "1.5.5"))
+ (test-depends testeez test)
+ (files
+ "csv-xml.meta" "csv-xml.setup"
+ "csv-xml.scm" "csv-out.impl" ""
+ "test/run.scm" "test/") )
ADDED csv-xml/csv-xml.scm
Index: csv-xml/csv-xml.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ csv-xml/csv-xml.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+;;;; csv-xml.scm -*- Hen -*-
+;;;; Kon Lovett, Jun '17
+;;;; Kon Lovett, ??? '??
+(module csv-xml
+ ;
+ reader-spec
+ ;
+ make-csv-reader
+ make-csv-reader-maker
+ ;
+ csv->list
+ csv->sxml
+ csv-for-each
+ csv-map
+ ;
+ csv-reader? check-csv-reader error-csv-reader
+ csv-reader-spec? check-csv-reader-spec error-csv-reader-spec
+ ;
+ writer-spec
+ ;
+ make-csv-writer-maker
+ make-csv-writer
+ ;
+ list->csv
+ #;list->sxml
+ ;
+ csv-writer? check-csv-writer error-csv-writer
+ csv-writer-spec? check-csv-writer-spec error-csv-writer-spec)
+(import scheme)
+#;(import (except chicken provide))
+(import chicken)
+;Need to process `#lang' as well. So just "commented out" the "offending"
+;sections in the source.
+#;(define-syntax provide (syntax-rules () ((_ ?x0 ...) (begin))))
+(define null '())
+(include "")
+(import (only data-structures conc intersperse ->string alist-ref string-translate*))
+(require-library data-structures)
+#;(import (only list-utils alist?))
+(import (only (srfi 1) every iota append! map))
+(require-library (srfi 1))
+(import (only (srfi 13) string-index))
+(require-library (srfi 13))
+(import (only (srfi 14) char-set:iso-control))
+(require-library (srfi 14))
+(import (only type-checks define-check+error-type check-string check-list))
+(require-library type-checks)
+(import (only unicode-utils unicode-char->string))
+(require-library unicode-utils)
+(require-extension moremacros)
+;(from list-utils egg)
+(define (alist? obj)
+ (if (pair? obj)
+ (every pair? obj)
+ (null? obj) ) )
+;very loose ...
+(define csv-reader-spec? alist?)
+(define-check+error-type csv-reader-spec)
+(define csv-reader? procedure?)
+(define-check+error-type csv-reader)
+(define (reader-spec
+ #!key
+ (newline-type 'lax)
+ (separator-chars '(#\,))
+ (quote-char #\")
+ (quote-doubling-escapes? #t)
+ (comment-chars '())
+ (whitespace-chars '(#\space))
+ (strip-leading-whitespace? #f)
+ (strip-trailing-whitespace? #f)
+ (newlines-in-quotes? #t))
+ `((newline-type . ,newline-type)
+ (separator-chars . ,separator-chars)
+ (quote-char . ,quote-char)
+ (quote-doubling-escapes? . ,quote-doubling-escapes?)
+ (comment-chars . ,comment-chars)
+ (whitespace-chars . ,whitespace-chars)
+ (strip-leading-whitespace? . ,strip-leading-whitespace?)
+ (strip-trailing-whitespace? . ,strip-trailing-whitespace?)
+ (newlines-in-quotes? . ,newlines-in-quotes?)) )
+(include "csv-out.impl")
+) ;csv-xml
ADDED csv-xml/csv-xml.setup
Index: csv-xml/csv-xml.setup
--- /dev/null
+++ csv-xml/csv-xml.setup
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+;;;; csv-xml.setup -*- Hen -*-
+(use setup-helper-mod)
+(verify-extension-name "csv-xml")
+(setup-shared+static-extension-module (extension-name) (extension-version "0.12.1")
+ #:types? #t
+ #:inline? #t
+ #:compile-options '(
+ -optimize-level 3 -debug-level 2
+ -no-procedure-checks-for-toplevel-bindings -no-procedure-checks-for-usual-bindings))
ADDED csv-xml/
Index: csv-xml/
--- /dev/null
+++ csv-xml/
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+;;; @Package csv
+;;; @Subtitle Comma-Separated Value (CSV) Utilities in Scheme
+;;; @HomePage
+;;; @Author Neil Van Dyke
+;;; @Version 0.10
+;;; @Date 2010-04-13
+;;; @PLaneT neil/csv:1:6
+;; $Id:,v 1.199 2010/04/13 17:56:20 neilpair Exp $
+;;; @legal
+;;; Copyright @copyright{} 2004--2009 Neil Van Dyke. This program is Free
+;;; Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
+;;; GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+;;; Foundation; either version 3 of the License (LGPL 3), or (at your option)
+;;; any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+;;; useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See
+;;; @indicateurl{} for details. For other licenses
+;;; and consulting, please contact the author.
+;;; @end legal
+;#lang scheme/base
+;;; @section Introduction
+;;; The @b{csv} Scheme library provides utilities for reading various kinds of
+;;; what are commonly known as ``comma-separated value'' (CSV) files. Since
+;;; there is no standard CSV format, this library permits CSV readers to be
+;;; constructed from a specification of the peculiarities of a given variant.
+;;; A default reader handles the majority of formats.
+;;; One of the main uses of this library is to import data from old crusty
+;;; legacy applications into Scheme for data conversion and other processing.
+;;; To that end, this library includes various conveniences for iterating over
+;;; parsed CSV rows, and for converting CSV input to the
+;;; @uref{, SXML 3.0} Scheme XML
+;;; format.
+;;; This library requires R5RS, SRFI-6, SRFI-23, and an @code{integer->char}
+;;; procedure that accepts ASCII values.
+;;; Other implementations of some kind of CSV reading for Scheme include
+;;; Gauche's @code{text.csv} module, and Scsh's @code{record-reader} and
+;;; related procedures. This library intends to be portable and more
+;;; comprehensive.
+;; TODO: Briefly introduce terms "row", "column", and "field".
+(define-syntax %csv:error
+ (syntax-rules () ((_ p m o)
+ (error (string-append p " : " m) o)
+ ;; Bigloo: (error p m o)
+ )))
+(define-syntax %csv:type-error
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ proc-str expected-str got-value)
+ (%csv:error proc-str
+ (string-append "expected " expected-str ", received:")
+ got-value))))
+(define %csv:a2c integer->char)
+(define %csv:cr (%csv:a2c 13))
+(define %csv:lf (%csv:a2c 10))
+(define-syntax %csv:gosc
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ os-stx)
+ (let* ((os os-stx)
+ (str (get-output-string os)))
+ (close-output-port os)
+ str))))
+(define (%csv:in-arg proc-name in)
+ (cond ((input-port? in) in)
+ ((string? in) (open-input-string in))
+ (else (%csv:type-error proc-name "input port or string" in))))
+(define (%csv:reader-or-in-arg proc-name reader-or-in)
+ (cond ((procedure? reader-or-in) reader-or-in)
+ ((input-port? reader-or-in) (make-csv-reader reader-or-in))
+ ((string? reader-or-in) (make-csv-reader (open-input-string
+ reader-or-in)))
+ (else (%csv:type-error proc-name
+ "csv reader or input port or string"
+ reader-or-in))))
+;;; @section Reader Specs
+;;; CSV readers are constructed using @dfn{reader specs}, which are sets of
+;;; attribute-value pairs, represented in Scheme as association lists keyed on
+;;; symbols. Each attribute has a default value if not specified otherwise.
+;;; The attributes are:
+;;; @table @code
+;;; @item newline-type
+;;; Symbol representing the newline, or record-terminator, convention. The
+;;; convention can be a fixed character sequence (@code{lf}, @code{crlf}, or
+;;; @code{cr}, corresponding to combinations of line-feed and carriage-return),
+;;; any string of one or more line-feed and carriage-return characters
+;;; (@code{lax}), or adaptive (@code{adapt}). @code{adapt} attempts to detect
+;;; the newline convention at the start of the input and assume that convention
+;;; for the remainder of the input. Default: @code{lax}
+;;; @item separator-chars
+;;; Non-null list of characters that serve as field separators. Normally, this
+;;; will be a list of one character. Default: @code{(#\,)} (list of the comma
+;;; character)
+;;; @item quote-char
+;;; Character that should be treated as the quoted field delimiter character,
+;;; or @code{#f} if fields cannot be quoted. Note that there can be only one
+;;; quote character. Default: @code{#\"} (double-quote)
+;;; @item quote-doubling-escapes?
+;;; Boolean for whether or not a sequence of two @code{quote-char} quote
+;;; characters within a quoted field constitute an escape sequence for
+;;; including a single @code{quote-char} within the string. Default: @code{#t}
+;;; @item comment-chars
+;;; List of characters, possibly null, which comment out the entire line of
+;;; input when they appear as the first character in a line. Default:
+;;; @code{()} (null list)
+;;; @item whitespace-chars
+;;; List of characters, possibly null, that are considered @dfn{whitespace}
+;;; constituents for purposes of the @code{strip-leading-whitespace?} and
+;;; @code{strip-trailing-whitespace?} attributes described below.
+;;; Default: @code{(#\space)} (list of the space character)
+;;; @item strip-leading-whitespace?
+;;; Boolean for whether or not leading whitespace in fields should be
+;;; stripped. Note that whitespace within a quoted field is never stripped.
+;;; Default: @code{#f}
+;;; @item strip-trailing-whitespace?
+;;; Boolean for whether or not trailing whitespace in fields should be
+;;; stripped. Note that whitespace within a quoted field is never stripped.
+;;; Default: @code{#f}
+;;; @item newlines-in-quotes?
+;;; Boolean for whether or not newline sequences are permitted within quoted
+;;; fields. If true, then the newline characters are included as part of the
+;;; field value; if false, then the newline sequence is treated as a premature
+;;; record termination. Default: @code{#t}
+;;; @end table
+;; TODO: Do not expose this procedure for now. We expect it to go away and be
+;; replaced with two other procedures.
+;; @defproc %csv:csv-spec-derive orig-spec changes
+;; Yields a new CSV spec that is derived from @var{orig-spec} by applying spec
+;; @var{changes} as attribute substitions and additions to the original. For
+;; example, given an original CSV reader spec:
+;; @lisp
+;; (define my-first-csv-spec
+;; '((newline-type . lax)
+;; (separator-chars . (#\,))
+;; (quote-char . #\")
+;; (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t)
+;; (whitespace-chars . (#\space))))
+;; @end lisp
+;; a derived spec with a different @code{separator-chars} attribute and an
+;; added @code{comment-chars} attribute can be created like:
+;; @lisp
+;; (%csv:csv-spec-derive my-first-csv-spec
+;; '((separator-chars . (#\%))
+;; (comment-chars . (#\#))))
+;; @result{}
+;; ((separator-chars . (#\%))
+;; (comment-chars . (#\#))
+;; (newline-type . lax)
+;; (quote-char . #\")
+;; (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t)
+;; (whitespace-chars . (#\space)))
+;; @end lisp
+;; In that the yielded spec might share some structure with @var{orig-spec}
+;; and/or @var{changes}. Most applications will not use this procedure
+;; directly.
+(define (%csv:csv-spec-derive orig-spec changes)
+ ;; TODO: Make this not share structure. Error-check and normalize at the
+ ;; same time we clone.
+ (let ((new-spec '()))
+ (let ((add-to-new-spec
+ (lambda (alist)
+ (for-each (lambda (cell)
+ (or (assq (car cell) new-spec)
+ (set! new-spec (cons cell new-spec))))
+ alist))))
+ (add-to-new-spec changes)
+ (add-to-new-spec orig-spec)
+ (reverse new-spec))))
+;;; @section Making Reader Makers
+;;; CSV readers are procedures that are constructed dynamically to close over a
+;;; particular CSV input and yield a parsed row value each time the procedure
+;;; is applied. For efficiency reasons, the reader procedures are themselves
+;;; constructed by another procedure, @code{make-csv-reader-maker}, for
+;;; particular CSV reader specs.
+(define (%csv:csv-error code extra)
+ ;; TODO: Maybe make the CSV error handler user-specifiable, or allow user to
+ ;; specify some errors that should be disregarded.
+ ;;
+ ;; TODO: Add position information. Keep track of character position while
+ ;; reading.
+ (%csv:error
+ "[csv-reader]"
+ (string-append "Erroneous CSV format: "
+ (case code
+ ((junk-after-quote-close)
+ "Junk after close of quoted field:")
+ (else (string-append "INTERNAL ERROR: Unknown code: "
+ (symbol->string code)))))
+ extra))
+(define (%csv:newline-check-step0 newline-type c port)
+ ;; (display "*DEBUG* (equal? newline-type 'lax) = ")
+ ;; (write (equal? newline-type 'lax))
+ ;; (newline)
+ ;; (display "*DEBUG* (eqv? newline-type 'lax) = ")
+ ;; (write (eqv? newline-type 'lax))
+ ;; (newline)
+ (case newline-type
+ ((cr) (eqv? c %csv:cr))
+ ((lf) (eqv? c %csv:lf))
+ ((crlf) (if (eqv? c %csv:cr)
+ (let ((c2 (peek-char port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? c2)
+ ;; Note: This is a CR-EOF in an input that uses CR-LF
+ ;; for terminating records. We are discarding the CR,
+ ;; so it will not be added to the field string. We
+ ;; might want to signal an error.
+ #t)
+ ((eqv? c2 %csv:lf)
+ (read-char port)
+ #t)
+ (else #f)))
+ #f))
+ ((lax detect) (cond ((eqv? c %csv:cr)
+ (let ((c2 (peek-char port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? c2) #t)
+ ((eqv? c2 %csv:lf)
+ (read-char port)
+ 'crlf)
+ (else 'cr))))
+ ((eqv? c %csv:lf) 'lf)
+ (else #f)))
+ (else (%csv:error
+ "%csv:make-portreader/positional"
+ "unrecognized newline-type"
+ newline-type))))
+(define %csv:make-portreader/positional
+ (letrec-syntax
+ ((newline-check
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ newline-type c port detected-newline-type)
+ ;; Note: "port" and "detected-newline-type" must be identifiers.
+ ;; "newline-type" and "c" must be identifiers or self-evals.
+ (if (eqv? newline-type 'detect)
+ (begin (set! detected-newline-type
+ (%csv:newline-check-step0 newline-type c port))
+ detected-newline-type)
+ (%csv:newline-check-step0 newline-type c port)))))
+ (gosc-cons
+ ;; Note: This is to ensure the output string is gotten and closed
+ ;; before consing it with the result of a recursive call.
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((_ os b) (let ((s (%csv:gosc os))) (cons s b))))))
+ (lambda (newline-type
+ separator-chars
+ quote-char
+ quote-doubling-escapes?
+ comment-chars
+ whitespace-chars
+ strip-leading-whitespace?
+ strip-trailing-whitespace?
+ newlines-in-quotes?)
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((dnlt #f)
+ (escape-char #\\))
+ (let read-fields-or-eof ((c (read-char port)))
+ (cond
+ ((eof-object? c) '())
+ ((and strip-leading-whitespace? (memv c whitespace-chars))
+ ;; It's leading whitespace char when we're ignoring leading
+ ;; whitespace in fields, and there might just be whitespace and
+ ;; then an EOF, which should probably be considered just an EOF
+ ;; rather than a row with one empty field, so just skip this
+ ;; whitespace char.
+ (read-fields-or-eof (read-char port)))
+ ((and (not (null? comment-chars)) (memv c comment-chars))
+ ;; It's a comment char in the first column (or in the first
+ ;; non-whitespace column, if "strip-leading-whitespace?" is
+ ;; true), so skip to end of line.
+ (let ((fake-dnlt #f))
+ (let loop ((c (read-char port)))
+ (cond ((eof-object? c) '())
+ ((newline-check newline-type c port fake-dnlt)
+ (read-fields-or-eof (read-char port)))
+ (else (loop (read-char port)))))))
+ (else
+ ;; It's not going to be just an EOF, so try to read a row.
+ (let ((row
+ (let read-fields ((c c))
+ (cond
+ ;; If an EOF or newline in an unquoted field, consider
+ ;; the field and row finished. (We don't consider EOF
+ ;; before newline to be an error, although perhaps that
+ ;; would be a useful check for a freak premature
+ ;; end-of-input when dealing with "well-formed" CSV).
+ ((or (eof-object? c)
+ (newline-check newline-type c port dnlt))
+ (list ""))
+ ;; If a field separator, finish this field and cons
+ ;; with value of recursive call to get the next field.
+ ((memv c separator-chars)
+ (cons "" (read-fields (read-char port))))
+ ;; If we're ignoring leading whitespace, and it's a
+ ;; whitespace-chars character, then recurse to keep
+ ;; finding the field start.
+ ((and strip-leading-whitespace?
+ (memv c whitespace-chars))
+ (read-fields (read-char port)))
+ ;; If a quote, read a quoted field.
+ ((and quote-char (eqv? c quote-char))
+ (let ((os (open-output-string)))
+ (let loop ((c (read-char port)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (eof-object? c)
+ (and (not newlines-in-quotes?)
+ (newline-check newline-type
+ c port dnlt)))
+ (list (%csv:gosc os)))
+ ((and escape-char (eqv? c escape-char))
+ ;FIXME can become unsynchronized
+ (write-char (read-char port) os)
+ (loop (read-char port)))
+ ((and quote-char (eqv? c quote-char))
+ (if quote-doubling-escapes?
+ (let ((c2 (read-char port)))
+ (if (eqv? c2 quote-char)
+ (begin (write-char c2 os)
+ (loop (read-char port)))
+ (gosc-cons
+ os
+ (let skip-after ((c c2))
+ (cond
+ ((or (eof-object? c)
+ (newline-check
+ newline-type c port dnlt))
+ '())
+ ((memv c separator-chars)
+ (read-fields (read-char port)))
+ ((memv c whitespace-chars)
+ ;; Note: We tolerate
+ ;; whitespace after field
+ ;; close quote even if
+ ;; skip-trailing-whitespace?
+ ;; is false.
+ (skip-after (read-char port)))
+ (else (%csv:csv-error
+ 'junk-after-quote-close
+ c)))))))
+ (gosc-cons os
+ (read-fields (read-char port)))))
+ (else (write-char c os)
+ (loop (read-char port)))))))
+ ;; It's the start of an unquoted field.
+ (else
+ (let ((os (open-output-string)))
+ (write-char c os)
+ (let loop ((c (read-char port)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (eof-object? c)
+ (newline-check newline-type c port dnlt))
+ (list (get-output-string os)))
+ ((memv c separator-chars)
+ (gosc-cons os (read-fields (read-char port))))
+ ((and strip-trailing-whitespace?
+ (memv c whitespace-chars))
+ ;; TODO: Maybe optimize to avoid creating a new
+ ;; output string every time we see whitespace.
+ ;; We could use a string collector with unwrite.
+ ;; And/or do lookahead to see whether whitespace
+ ;; is only one character. Do this after we have
+ ;; a better regression test suite.
+ (let ((ws-os (open-output-string)))
+ (write-char c ws-os)
+ (let ws-loop ((c (read-char port)))
+ (cond
+ ((or (eof-object? c)
+ (newline-check
+ newline-type c port dnlt))
+ (close-output-port ws-os)
+ (list (%csv:gosc os)))
+ ((memv c separator-chars)
+ (close-output-port ws-os)
+ (gosc-cons os (read-fields (read-char
+ port))))
+ ((memv c whitespace-chars)
+ (write-char c ws-os)
+ (ws-loop (read-char port)))
+ (else
+ (display (%csv:gosc ws-os) os)
+ (write-char c os)
+ (loop (read-char port)))))))
+ (else (write-char c os)
+ (loop (read-char port)))))))))))
+ (if (null? row)
+ row
+ (if (eq? newline-type 'detect)
+ (cons dnlt row)
+ row)))))))))))
+(define %csv:make-portreader
+ ;; TODO: Make a macro for the three times we list the spec attributes.
+ (letrec ((pb (lambda (x) (if x #t #f)))
+ (pc (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((char? x) x)
+ ((string? x) (case (string-length x)
+ ((1) (string-ref x 0))
+ (else (%csv:type-error
+ "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ "character"
+ x))))
+ (else (%csv:type-error "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ "character"
+ x)))))
+ (pc-f (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((not x) x)
+ ((char? x) x)
+ ((string? x) (case (string-length x)
+ ((0) #f)
+ ((1) (string-ref x 0))
+ (else (%csv:type-error
+ "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ "character or #f"
+ x))))
+ (else (%csv:type-error "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ "character or #f"
+ x)))))
+ (pe (lambda (x acceptable)
+ (if (memq x acceptable)
+ x
+ (%csv:type-error
+ "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ (let ((os (open-output-string)))
+ (display "symbol from the set " os)
+ (write acceptable os)
+ (%csv:gosc os))
+ x))))
+ (plc-n (lambda (x)
+ (or (list? x)
+ (%csv:type-error "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ "list of characters"
+ x))
+ (map pc x)))
+ (plc (lambda (x)
+ (let ((result (plc-n x)))
+ (if (null? result)
+ (%csv:type-error "make-csv-reader-maker"
+ "non-null list of characters"
+ x)
+ result)))))
+ (lambda (reader-spec)
+ (let ((newline-type 'lax)
+ (separator-chars '(#\,))
+ (quote-char #\")
+ (quote-doubling-escapes? #t)
+ (comment-chars '())
+ (whitespace-chars '(#\space))
+ (strip-leading-whitespace? #f)
+ (strip-trailing-whitespace? #f)
+ (newlines-in-quotes? #t))
+ ;; TODO: It's erroneous to have two entries for the same attribute in a
+ ;; spec. However, it would be nice if we error-detected duplicate
+ ;; entries, or at least had assq semantics (first, rather than last,
+ ;; wins). Use csv-spec-derive's descendants for that.
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (item)
+ (let ((v (cdr item)))
+ (case (car item)
+ ((newline-type)
+ (set! newline-type (pe v '(cr crlf detect lax lf))))
+ ((separator-chars)
+ (set! separator-chars (plc v)))
+ ((quote-char)
+ (set! quote-char (pc-f v)))
+ ((quote-doubling-escapes?)
+ (set! quote-doubling-escapes? (pb v)))
+ ((comment-chars)
+ (set! comment-chars (plc-n v)))
+ ((whitespace-chars)
+ (set! whitespace-chars (plc-n v)))
+ ((strip-leading-whitespace?)
+ (set! strip-leading-whitespace? (pb v)))
+ ((strip-trailing-whitespace?)
+ (set! strip-trailing-whitespace? (pb v)))
+ ((newlines-in-quotes?)
+ (set! newlines-in-quotes? (pb v))))))
+ reader-spec)
+ (%csv:make-portreader/positional
+ newline-type
+ separator-chars
+ quote-char
+ quote-doubling-escapes?
+ comment-chars
+ whitespace-chars
+ strip-leading-whitespace?
+ strip-trailing-whitespace?
+ newlines-in-quotes?)))))
+;;; @defproc make-csv-reader-maker reader-spec
+;;; Constructs a CSV reader constructor procedure from the @var{reader-spec},
+;;; with unspecified attributes having their default values.
+;;; For example, given the input file @code{fruits.csv} with the content:
+;;; @example
+;;; apples | 2 | 0.42
+;;; bananas | 20 | 13.69
+;;; @end example
+;;; a reader for the file's apparent format can be constructed like:
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (define make-food-csv-reader
+;;; (make-csv-reader-maker
+;;; '((separator-chars . (#\|))
+;;; (strip-leading-whitespace? . #t)
+;;; (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #t))))
+;;; @end lisp
+;;; The resulting @code{make-food-csv-reader} procedure accepts one argument,
+;;; which is either an input port from which to read, or a string from which to
+;;; read. Our example input file then can be be read by opening an input port
+;;; on a file and using our new procedure to construct a reader on it:
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (define next-row
+;;; (make-food-csv-reader (open-input-file "fruits.csv")))
+;;; @end lisp
+;;; This reader, @code{next-row}, can then be called repeatedly to yield a
+;;; parsed representation of each subsequent row. The parsed format is a list
+;;; of strings, one string for each column. The null list is yielded to
+;;; indicate that all rows have already been yielded.
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (next-row) @result{} ("apples" "2" "0.42")
+;;; (next-row) @result{} ("bananas" "20" "13.69")
+;;; (next-row) @result{} ()
+;;; @end lisp
+(define (make-csv-reader-maker reader-spec)
+ (let ((make-portread
+ (if (let ((p (assq 'newline-type reader-spec))) (and p (cdr p)))
+ ;; Newline-adapting portreader-maker.
+ (letrec
+ ((detect-portread
+ (%csv:make-portreader
+ (%csv:csv-spec-derive reader-spec
+ '((newline-type . detect)))))
+ ;; TODO: The set of cr/crlf/lf newline-type portreaders are
+ ;; constructed optimistically right now for two reasons:
+ ;; 1. we don't yet sanitize reader-specs of shared structure
+ ;; that can be mutated behind our backs; 2. eventually, we
+ ;; want to add a "lots-o-shots?" argument that, when true,
+ ;; would do this anyway. Consider.
+ (cr-portread
+ (%csv:make-portreader
+ (%csv:csv-spec-derive reader-spec
+ '((newline-type . cr)))))
+ (crlf-portread
+ (%csv:make-portreader
+ (%csv:csv-spec-derive reader-spec
+ '((newline-type . crlf)))))
+ (lf-portread
+ (%csv:make-portreader
+ (%csv:csv-spec-derive reader-spec
+ '((newline-type . lf))))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((actual-portread #f))
+ (let ((adapt-portread
+ (lambda (port)
+ (let ((dnlt-row (detect-portread port)))
+ (if (null? dnlt-row)
+ dnlt-row
+ (begin (set! actual-portread
+ (case (car dnlt-row)
+ ((cr) cr-portread)
+ ((crlf) crlf-portread)
+ ((lf) lf-portread)
+ (else actual-portread)))
+ (cdr dnlt-row)))))))
+ (set! actual-portread adapt-portread)
+ (lambda (port) (actual-portread port))))))
+ ;; Stateless portreader-maker.
+ (let ((reusable-portread
+ (%csv:make-portreader reader-spec)))
+ (lambda () reusable-portread)))))
+ (lambda (in)
+ (let ((port (%csv:in-arg "[csv-reader]" in))
+ (portread (make-portread)))
+ (lambda () (portread port))))))
+;;; @section Making Readers
+;;; In addition to being constructed from the result of
+;;; @code{make-csv-reader-maker}, CSV readers can also be constructed using
+;;; @code{make-csv-reader}.
+;;; @defproc make-csv-reader in [reader-spec]
+;;; Construct a CSV reader on the input @var{in}, which is an input port or a
+;;; string. If @var{reader-spec} is given, and is not the null list, then a
+;;; ``one-shot'' reader constructor is constructed with that spec and used. If
+;;; @var{reader-spec} is not given, or is the null list, then the default CSV
+;;; reader constructor is used. For example, the reader from the
+;;; @code{make-csv-reader-maker} example could alternatively have been
+;;; constructed like:
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (define next-row
+;;; (make-csv-reader
+;;; (open-input-file "fruits.csv")
+;;; '((separator-chars . (#\|))
+;;; (strip-leading-whitespace? . #t)
+;;; (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #t))))
+;;; @end lisp
+(define make-csv-reader
+ (let ((default-maker (make-csv-reader-maker '())))
+ (lambda (in . rest)
+ (let ((spec (cond ((null? rest) '())
+ ((null? (cdr rest)) (car rest))
+ (else (%csv:error "make-csv-reader"
+ "extraneous arguments"
+ (cdr rest))))))
+ ((if (null? spec)
+ default-maker
+ (make-csv-reader-maker spec))
+ (%csv:in-arg "make-csv-reader" in))))))
+;;; @section High-Level Conveniences
+;;; Several convenience procedures are provided for iterating over the CSV rows
+;;; and for converting the CSV to a list.
+;;; To the dismay of some Scheme purists, each of these procedures accepts a
+;;; @var{reader-or-in} argument, which can be a CSV reader, an input port, or a
+;;; string. If not a CSV reader, then the default reader constructor is used.
+;;; For example, all three of the following are equivalent:
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (csv->list STRING )
+;;; @equiv{}
+;;; (csv->list (make-csv-reader STRING ))
+;;; @equiv{}
+;;; (csv->list (make-csv-reader (open-input-string STRING )))
+;;; @end lisp
+;;; @defproc csv-for-each proc reader-or-in
+;;; Similar to Scheme's @code{for-each}, applies @var{proc}, a procedure of one
+;;; argument, to each parsed CSV row in series. @var{reader-or-in} is the CSV
+;;; reader, input port, or string. The return value is undefined.
+;; TODO: Doc an example for this.
+(define (csv-for-each proc reader-or-in)
+ (let ((reader (%csv:reader-or-in-arg "csv-for-each" reader-or-in)))
+ (let loop ((row (reader)))
+ (or (null? row)
+ (begin (proc row)
+ (loop (reader)))))))
+;;; @defproc csv-map proc reader-or-in
+;;; Similar to Scheme's @code{map}, applies @var{proc}, a procedure of one
+;;; argument, to each parsed CSV row in series, and yields a list of the values
+;;; of each application of @var{proc}, in order. @var{reader-or-in} is the CSV
+;;; reader, input port, or string.
+;; TODO: Doc an example for this.
+;; (define (csv-map proc reader-or-in)
+;; (let ((reader (%csv:reader-or-in-arg "csv-for-each" reader-or-in)))
+;; (let ((head '()))
+;; (let ((row (reader)))
+;; (if (null? row)
+;; head
+;; (let ((pair (cons (proc row) '())))
+;; (set! head pair)
+;; (let loop ((prior pair))
+;; (let ((row (reader)))
+;; (if (null? row)
+;; head
+;; (let ((pair (cons (proc row) '())))
+;; (set-cdr! prior pair)
+;; (loop pair)))))))))))
+(define (csv-map proc reader-or-in)
+ (let ((reader (%csv:reader-or-in-arg "csv-for-each" reader-or-in)))
+ (let loop ((row (reader)) (ret null))
+ (if (null? row)
+ (reverse ret)
+ (let ((ret (cons (proc row) ret)))
+ (loop (reader) ret))))))
+;;; @defproc csv->list reader-or-in
+;;; Yields a list of CSV row lists from input @var{reader-or-in}, which is a
+;;; CSV reader, input port, or string.
+;; TODO: Doc an example for this.
+;; (define (csv->list reader-or-in)
+;; (let ((reader (%csv:reader-or-in-arg "csv->list" reader-or-in)))
+;; (let ((head '()))
+;; (let ((row (reader)))
+;; (if (null? row)
+;; head
+;; (let ((pair (cons row '())))
+;; (set! head pair)
+;; (let loop ((prior pair))
+;; (let ((row (reader)))
+;; (if (null? row)
+;; head
+;; (let ((pair (cons row '())))
+;; (set-cdr! prior pair)
+;; (loop pair)))))))))))
+(define (csv->list reader-or-in)
+ (csv-map values reader-or-in))
+;;; @section Converting CSV to SXML
+;;; The @code{csv->sxml} procedure can be used to convert CSV to SXML format,
+;;; for processing with various XML tools.
+;;; @defproc csv->sxml reader-or-in [row-element [col-elements]]
+;;; Reads CSV from input @var{reader-or-in} (which is a CSV reader, input port,
+;;; or string), and yields an SXML representation. If given, @var{row-element}
+;;; is a symbol for the XML row element. If @var{row-element} is not given,
+;;; the default is the symbol @code{row}. If given @var{col-elements} is a
+;;; list of symbols for the XML column elements. If not given, or there are
+;;; more columns in a row than given symbols, column element symbols are of the
+;;; format @code{col-@var{n}}, where @var{n} is the column number (the first
+;;; column being number 0, not 1).
+;;; For example, given a CSV-format file @code{friends.csv} that has the
+;;; contents:
+;;; @example
+;;; Binoche,Ste. Brune,33-1-2-3
+;;; Posey,Main St.,555-5309
+;;; Ryder,Cellblock 9,
+;;; @end example
+;;; with elements not given, the result is:
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (csv->sxml (open-input-file "friends.csv"))
+;;; @result{}
+;;; (*TOP*
+;;; (row (col-0 "Binoche") (col-1 "Ste. Brune") (col-2 "33-1-2-3"))
+;;; (row (col-0 "Posey") (col-1 "Main St.") (col-2 "555-5309"))
+;;; (row (col-0 "Ryder") (col-1 "Cellblock 9") (col-2 "")))
+;;; @end lisp
+;;; With elements given, the result is like:
+;;; @lisp
+;;; (csv->sxml (open-input-file "friends.csv")
+;;; 'friend
+;;; '(name address phone))
+;;; @result{}
+;;; (*TOP* (friend (name "Binoche")
+;;; (address "Ste. Brune")
+;;; (phone "33-1-2-3"))
+;;; (friend (name "Posey")
+;;; (address "Main St.")
+;;; (phone "555-5309"))
+;;; (friend (name "Ryder")
+;;; (address "Cellblock 9")
+;;; (phone "")))
+;;; @end lisp
+(define csv->sxml
+ (let* ((top-symbol
+ (string->symbol "*TOP*"))
+ (make-col-symbol
+ (lambda (n)
+ (string->symbol (string-append "col-" (number->string n)))))
+ (default-col-elements
+ (let loop ((i 0))
+ (if (= i 32) ; arbitrary magic number
+ '()
+ (cons (make-col-symbol i) (loop (+ 1 i)))))))
+ ;; TODO: Have option to error when columns count doesn't match provided
+ ;; column name list.
+ (lambda (reader-or-in . rest)
+ (let ((reader (%csv:reader-or-in-arg "csv->sxml"
+ reader-or-in))
+ (row-element 'row)
+ (col-elements #f))
+ ;; TODO: Maybe use case-lambda.
+ (or (null? rest)
+ (begin (set! row-element (car rest))
+ (let ((rest (cdr rest)))
+ (or (null? rest)
+ (begin (set! col-elements (car rest))
+ (let ((rest (cdr rest)))
+ (or (null? rest)
+ (%csv:error
+ "csv->sxml"
+ "extraneous arguments"
+ rest))))))))
+ ;; TODO: We could clone and grow default-col-elements for the duration
+ ;; of this procedure.
+ (cons top-symbol
+ (csv-map (lambda (row)
+ (cons row-element
+ (let loop ((vals row)
+ (i 0)
+ (names (or col-elements
+ default-col-elements)))
+ (if (null? vals)
+ '()
+ (cons (list (if (null? names)
+ (make-col-symbol i)
+ (car names))
+ (car vals))
+ (loop (cdr vals)
+ (+ 1 i)
+ (if (null? names)
+ '()
+ (cdr names))))))))
+ reader))))))
+;; TODO: Make a define-csv-reader/positional, for great constant-folding.
+;; That's part of the reason some things are done the way they are.
+;; TODO: Make a csv-bind, as a newbie convenience for people without advanced
+;; match forms, which looks good in examples. This is better than a
+;; csv-map/bind and a csv-for-each/bind.
+;; (csv-for-each/bind ((column-binding ...) body ...)
+;; { (else => closure) | (else body ...) | }
+;; input-port
+;; [ csv-reader ])
+;; (csv-for-each/bind
+;; ((lastname firstname email)
+;; ...)
+;; (else => (lambda (row) (error "CSV row didn't match pattern" row)))
+;; my-input-port
+;; my-csv-reader)
+;; TODO: Handle escapes, once we find an actual example or specification of any
+;; flavor of escapes in CSV other than quote-doubling inside a quoted field.
+;; TODO: Add a spec attribute for treating adjacent separators as one, or
+;; skipping empty fields. This would probably only be used in practice for
+;; parsing whitespace-separated input.
+;; TODO: Get access to MS Excel or documentation, and make this correct.
+;; (define msexcel-csv-reader-spec
+;; '((newline-type . crlf)
+;; (separator-chars . (#\,))
+;; (quote-char . #\")
+;; (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t)
+;; (comment-chars . ())
+;; (whitespace-chars . (#\space))
+;; (strip-leading-whitespace? . #f)
+;; (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #f)
+;; (newlines-in-quotes? . #t)))
+;; TODO: Maybe put this back in.
+;; (define default-csv-reader-spec
+;; '((newline-type . lax)
+;; (separator-chars . (#\,))
+;; (quote-char . #\")
+;; (quote-doubling-escapes? . #t)
+;; (comment-chars . ())
+;; (whitespace-chars . (#\space))
+;; (strip-leading-whitespace? . #f)
+;; (strip-trailing-whitespace? . #f)
+;; (newlines-in-quotes? . #t)))
+;; TODO: Implement CSV writing, after CSV reading is field-tested and polished.
+;; TODO: Call "close-input-port" once eof-object is hit, but make sure we still
+;; can return an empty list on subsequent calls to the CSV reader.
+;; TODO: Consider switching back to returning eof-object at the end of input.
+;; We originally changed to returning the null list because we might want to
+;; synthesize the EOF, and there is no R5RS binding for the eof-object.
+;; TODO: [2005-12-09] In one test, Guile has a stack overflow when parsing a
+;; row with 425 columns. Wouldn't hurt to see if we can make things more
+;; tail-recursive.
+;;; @unnumberedsec History
+;;; @table @asis
+;;; @item Version 0.10 -- 2010-04-13 -- PLaneT @code{(1 6)}
+;;; Documentation fix.
+;;; @item Version 0.9 -- 2009-03-14 -- PLaneT @code{(1 5)}
+;;; Documentation fix.
+;;; @item Version 0.8 -- 2009-02-23 -- PLaneT @code{(1 4)}
+;;; Documentation changes.
+;;; @item Version 0.7 -- 2009-02-22 -- PLaneT @code{(1 3)}
+;;; License is now LGPL 3. Moved to author's new Scheme administration system.
+;;; @item Version 0.6 -- 2008-08-12 -- PLaneT @code{(1 2)}
+;;; For PLT 4 compatibility, new versions of @code{csv-map} and
+;;; @code{csv->list} that don't use @code{set-cdr!} (courtesy of Doug
+;;; Orleans). PLT 4 @code{if} compatibility change. Minor documentation fixes.
+;;; @item Version 0.5 --- 2005-12-09
+;;; Changed a non-R5RS use of @code{letrec} to @code{let*}, caught by Guile and
+;;; David Pirotte.
+;;; @item Version 0.4 --- 2005-06-07
+;;; Converted to Testeez. Minor documentation changes.
+;;; @item Version 0.3 --- 2004-07-21
+;;; Minor documentation changes. Test suite now disabled by default.
+;;; @item Version 0.2 --- 2004-06-01
+;;; Work-around for @code{case}-related bug observed in Gauche 0.8 and
+;;; that was tickled by @code{csv-internal:make-portreader/positional}. Thanks
+;;; to Grzegorz Chrupa@l{}a for reporting.
+;;; @item Version 0.1 --- 2004-05-31
+;;; First release, for testing with real-world input.
+;;; @end table
+ csv->list
+ csv->sxml
+ csv-for-each
+ csv-map
+ make-csv-reader
+ make-csv-reader-maker)
DELETED widgets.scm
Index: widgets.scm
--- widgets.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
-;; This file is part of Megatest.
-;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with Megatest. If not, see .
-(require-library srfi-4 iup)
-(import srfi-4 iup
- ;; iup-pplot
- iup-glcanvas) ;; iup-web
-(define (popup dlg . args)
- (apply show dlg #:modal? 'yes args)
- (destroy! dlg))
-(define (properties ih)
- (popup (element-properties-dialog ih))
- 'default)
-(define dlg
- (dialog
- (vbox
- (hbox ; headline
- (fill)
- (frame (label " Inspect control and dialog classes "
- fontsize: 15))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Dialogs" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "dialog"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (dialog (vbox)))))
- (button "color-dialog"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (color-dialog))))
- (button "file-dialog"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (file-dialog))))
- (button "font-dialog"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (font-dialog))))
- (button "message-dialog"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (message-dialog))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (hbox
- (button "layout-dialog"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (layout-dialog))))
- (button "element-properties-dialog"
- action: (lambda (self)
- (properties
- (element-properties-dialog (create 'user)))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Composition widgets" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "fill"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (fill))))
- (button "hbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (hbox))))
- (button "vbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (vbox))))
- (button "zbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (zbox))))
- (button "radio"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (radio (vbox)))))
- (button "normalizer"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (normalizer))))
- (button "cbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (cbox))))
- (button "sbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (sbox (vbox)))))
- (button "split"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (split (vbox) (vbox)))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Standard widgets" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "button"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (button))))
- (button "canvas"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (canvas))))
- (button "frame"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (frame))))
- (button "label"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (label))))
- (button "listbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (listbox))))
- (button "progress-bar"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (progress-bar))))
- (button "spin"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (spin))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (hbox
- (button "tabs"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (tabs))))
- (button "textbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (textbox))))
- (button "toggle"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (toggle))))
- (button "treebox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (treebox))))
- (button "valuator"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (valuator ""))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Additional widgets" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "cells"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (cells))))
- (button "color-bar"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (color-bar))))
- (button "color-browser"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (color-browser))))
- (button "dial"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (dial ""))))
- (button "matrix"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (matrix))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (hbox
- #;(button "pplot"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (pplot))))
- (button "glcanvas"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (glcanvas))))
- ;; (button "web-browser"
- ;; action: (lambda (self) (properties (web-browser))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Menu widgets" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "menu"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (menu))))
- (button "menu-item"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (menu-item))))
- (button "menu-separator"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (menu-separator))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Images" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "image/palette"
- action: (lambda (self)
- (properties
- (image/palette 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
- (button "image/rgb"
- action: (lambda (self)
- (properties
- (image/rgb 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
- (button "image/rgba"
- action: (lambda (self)
- (properties
- (image/rgba 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
- (button "image/file"
- action: (lambda (self)
- (properties
- ;; same attributes as image/palette
- (image/palette 1 1 (u8vector->blob (u8vector 0))))))
- ;; needs a file in current directory
- ;(image/file "chicken.ico")))) ; ok
- ;(image/file "chicken.png")))) ; doesn't work
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (label "")
- (label "Other widgets" fontsize: 12)
- (hbox
- (button "clipboard"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (clipboard))))
- (button "timer"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (timer))))
- (button "spinbox"
- action: (lambda (self) (properties (spinbox (vbox)))))
- (fill)
- margin: '0x0)
- (fill)
- (button "E&xit"
- expand: 'horizontal
- action: (lambda (self) 'close))
- )
- margin: '15x15
- title: "Iup inspector"))
-(show dlg)
-(exit 0)