Index: TODO
--- TODO
+++ TODO
@@ -16,12 +16,17 @@
# along with Megatest. If not, see .
-. Remove servermod.scm
+Loose ends
+. -list-servers not correct
+. move *remotedat* into bigdata
+. add back server stats on exit (look in rmt:run in rmtmod.scm)
. fill newview matrix with data, filter pipeline gui elements
. improve [script], especially indent handling
Index: apimod.scm
--- apimod.scm
+++ apimod.scm
@@ -39,10 +39,11 @@
+ chicken.pathname
;; (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
@@ -166,15 +167,20 @@
(define (api:run-server-process apath dbname)
- (let* ((cmd (conc "nbfake megatest -server - -area "apath
- " -db "dbname))
- (cleandbname (string-translate dbname "./" "_-"))
- (logd (conc apath "/logs"))
- (logf (conc logd "/server-"(current-seconds)cleandbname".log")))
+ (let* ((cleandbname (pathname-strip-directory dbname)) ;; (string-translate dbname "./" "--"))
+ (logd (conc apath "/logs"))
+ (logf (conc logd "/server-launch-";;(current-process-id)
+ (seconds->year-work-week/day-time-fname (current-seconds))
+ "-"cleandbname".log"))
+ (logf2 (conc logd "/server-"
+ (seconds->year-work-week/day-time-fname (current-seconds))
+ "-"cleandbname"-"))
+ (cmd (conc "nbfake megatest -server - -area "apath
+ " -db "dbname" -autolog "logf2)))
(if (not (directory-exists? logd))
(create-directory logd #t))
(system (conc "NBFAKE_LOG="logf" "cmd))))
;; special function to get server
@@ -203,15 +209,16 @@
((get-keys-write) (db:get-keys dbstruct)) ;; force a dummy "write" query to force server; for debug in -repl
;; ((start-server) (apply server:kind-run params))
((kill-server) (set! *server-run* #f))
- ((get-server) (api:start-server dbstruct params))
+ ((start-server get-server) (api:start-server dbstruct params))
+ ((get-server-info) (apply db:get-server-info dbstruct params))
((register-server) (apply db:register-server dbstruct params) );; dbstruct host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath)
((deregister-server) (apply db:deregister-server dbstruct params) );; dbstruct host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath)
((get-count-servers) (apply db:get-count-servers dbstruct params))
+ ((get-servers-info) (apply db:get-servers-info dbstruct params))
;;((test-set-state-status-by-id) (apply mt:test-set-state-status-by-id dbstruct params))
;;BB - commented out above because it was calling below, eventually, incorrectly (dbstruct passed to mt:test-set-state-status-by-id, which previosly did more, but now only passes thru to db:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items.
@@ -343,10 +350,11 @@
((get-prev-run-ids) (apply db:get-prev-run-ids dbstruct params))
((get-run-ids-matching-target) (apply db:get-run-ids-matching-target dbstruct params))
((get-runs-by-patt) (apply db:get-runs-by-patt dbstruct params))
((get-run-name-from-id) (apply db:get-run-name-from-id dbstruct params))
((get-main-run-stats) (apply db:get-main-run-stats dbstruct params))
+ ((log-to-main) (apply debug:print 0 *default-log-port* params))
((get-var) (apply db:get-var dbstruct params))
((get-run-stats) (apply db:get-run-stats dbstruct params))
((get-run-times) (apply db:get-run-times dbstruct params))
ADDED build-assist/README
Index: build-assist/README
--- /dev/null
+++ build-assist/README
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Here is how I like to install chicken for building Megatest.
+This guide assumes you have the Megatest fossil and are in the build-assist directory and
+that you have the opensrc fossil with uv synced:
+fossil clone
+fossil clone;cd opensrc;fossil uv sync
+Make a build directory and go to it:
+mkdir build;cd build
+Make a destination directory and set PREFIX
+export PREFIX=/opt/chicken/5.3.0; mkdir -p $PREFIX
+Get chicken:
+Extract, build, and install chicken:
+tar xf chicken-5.3.0.tar.gz; cd chicken-5.3.0; make PLATFORM=linux PREFIX=$PREFIX install; cd ..
+Install all needed eggs.
+for egg in $(cat ../ck5-egg.list);do echo $egg;ck5 chicken-install $egg;done
+Now run the script ../ for remaining instructions
Index: build-assist/ck5
--- build-assist/ck5
+++ build-assist/ck5
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
-export PATH=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/bin:$PATH
-if [[ -z /home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib:/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib64 ]];then
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib:/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+# /opt/chicken/5.3.0
+# WHICHCKVER=5.1.0_WW45
+export PATH="$BASEDIR/bin:$PATH"
+if [[ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]];then
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib:/home/matt/data/buildall/ck5.2/lib64
exec "$@"
Index: build-assist/ck5-eggs.list
--- build-assist/ck5-eggs.list
+++ build-assist/ck5-eggs.list
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
@@ -36,9 +39,10 @@
ADDED build-assist/installing-nng
Index: build-assist/installing-nng
--- /dev/null
+++ build-assist/installing-nng
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+tar xf v1.5.2.tar.gz
+cd nng-1.5.2
+mkdir build
+cd build
+sudo make install
+vi CMakeCache.txt
+Change OFF to ON for shared libraries:
+//Build shared library
+sudo make install
+sudo ldconfig
+chicken-install nng
+git clone
+cd chicken-ngg;chicken-install
Index: build-assist/
--- build-assist/
+++ build-assist/
@@ -4,11 +4,16 @@
echo "Put iup, im and cd .a and .so files in PREFIX/lib"
echo " 1. get opensrc fossil from"
echo " 2. list the unversioned files and export the cd, im and iup lib for your kernel (try uname -a for the kernel number) 4.15 ==> 415_64"
+echo ' for x in $(fossil uv list | grep 415| awk ''{print $6}'');do targ=$(echo $x|cut -d/ -f3); fossil uv export $x $targ; done'
echo " 3. untar iup, im and cp tars into a clean working dir and then copy:"
+echo " find . -name \*.a -print -exec cp {} $PREFIX/lib \;"
+echo " find . -name \*.so -print -exec cp {} $PREFIX/lib \;"
+echo " rsync -av include/ $PREFIX/include/"
+echo " or (depending on versions and what you see in the iup tars - they seem to vary"
echo " cp *.a *.so $PREFIX/lib"
echo " cp include/*.h $PREFIX/include"
echo " 4. run the chicken-install like this:"
echo "If you use a wrapper (e.g. ck5) to create the chicken environment:"
Index: commonmod.scm
--- commonmod.scm
+++ commonmod.scm
@@ -275,16 +275,16 @@
+;; server:get-logs-list
+;; server:get-list
+;; server:get-num-alive
+;; server:get-best
+;; server:get-first-best
+;; server:get-rand-best
@@ -314,10 +314,11 @@
@@ -2825,21 +2826,21 @@
(system (conc "gzip " logfile))
(unset-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST_LOGF")
(unset-environment-variable! "TARGETHOST"))))
-(define (server:get-logs-list area-path)
+#;(define (server:get-logs-list area-path)
(let* (;; (server-logs-cmd (conc "grep -iL exiting " area-path "/logs/server-*-*.log"))
;; (server-logs (string-split (string-chomp (with-input-from-pipe server-logs-cmd read-string))))
(server-logs (glob (conc area-path"/logs/server-*-*.log")))
;; get a list of servers with all relevant data
;; ( mod-time host port start-time pid )
-(define (server:get-list areapath #!key (limit #f))
+#;(define (server:get-list areapath #!key (limit #f))
(let ((fname-rx (regexp "^(|.*/)server-(\\d+)-(\\S+).log$"))
(day-seconds (* 24 60 60)))
;; if the directory exists continue to get the list
;; otherwise attempt to create the logs dir and then
;; continue
@@ -2887,11 +2888,11 @@
(> (length new-res) limit))
new-res ;; (take new-res limit) <= need intelligent sorting before this will work
(loop (string-chomp (car tal)) (cdr tal) new-res)))))))))
-(define (server:get-num-alive srvlst)
+#;(define (server:get-num-alive srvlst)
(let ((num-alive 0))
(lambda (server)
@@ -2914,11 +2915,11 @@
;; mod-time host port start-time pid
;; sort by start-time descending. I.e. get the oldest first. Young servers will thus drop off
;; and servers should stick around for about two hours or so.
-(define (server:get-best srvlst)
+#;(define (server:get-best srvlst)
(let* ((nums (server:get-num-servers))
(now (current-seconds))
(slst (sort
(filter (lambda (rec)
(if (and (list? rec)
@@ -2942,18 +2943,18 @@
(list-ref b 3))))))
(if (> (length slst) nums)
(take slst nums)
-(define (server:get-first-best areapath)
+#;(define (server:get-first-best areapath)
(let ((srvrs (server:get-best (server:get-list areapath))))
(if (and srvrs
(not (null? srvrs)))
(car srvrs)
-(define (server:get-rand-best areapath)
+#;(define (server:get-rand-best areapath)
(let ((srvrs (server:get-best (server:get-list areapath))))
(if (and (list? srvrs)
(not (null? srvrs)))
(let* ((len (length srvrs))
(idx (pseudo-random-integer len)))
@@ -3579,10 +3580,14 @@
(seconds->local-time sec) "ww%V.%u"))
(define (seconds->year-work-week/day sec)
(seconds->local-time sec) "%yww%V.%w"))
+(define (seconds->year-work-week/day-time-fname sec)
+ (time->string
+ (seconds->local-time sec) "%yww%V.%w.%H%M%S"))
(define (seconds->year-work-week/day-time sec)
(seconds->local-time sec) "%Yww%V.%w %H:%M"))
Index: configfmod.scm
--- configfmod.scm
+++ configfmod.scm
@@ -86,10 +86,11 @@
(prefix base64 base64:)
(prefix dbi dbi:)
(prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
(srfi 18)
+ dot-locking
@@ -112,10 +113,15 @@
;; parameters
;; while targets are Megatest specific they are a useful concept
(define mytarget (make-parameter #f))
+;; locking is optional, many environments don't care (e.g. running on one machine)
+;; NOTE: the locker must follow the same syntax as with-dot-lock*
+(define my-with-lock (make-parameter with-dot-lock*))
;; move debug stuff to separate module then put these back where they belong
@@ -1186,34 +1192,36 @@
(define (configf:write-alist cdat fname)
;; (if (not (common:faux-lock fname))
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: NEED LOCKING ADDED HERE " fname)
- (let* ((dat (configf:config->alist cdat))
- (res
- (begin
- (with-output-to-file fname ;; first write out the file
- (lambda ()
- (pp dat)))
- ;; I don't like this. It makes write-alist opaque and complicated. -mrw-
- (if (file-exists? fname) ;; now verify it is readable
- (if (configf:read-alist fname)
- #t ;; data is good.
- (begin
- (handle-exceptions
+ ;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: NEED LOCKING ADDED HERE " fname)
+ ((my-with-lock)
+ fname
+ (lambda ()
+ (let* ((dat (configf:config->alist cdat))
+ (res
+ (begin
+ (with-output-to-file fname ;; first write out the file
+ (lambda ()
+ (pp dat)))
+ ;; I don't like this. It makes write-alist opaque and complicated. -mrw-
+ (if (file-exists? fname) ;; now verify it is readable
+ (if (configf:read-alist fname)
+ #t ;; data is good.
+ (begin
+ (handle-exceptions
- (begin
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "deleting " fname " failed, exn=" exn)
- #f)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: content " dat " for cache " fname " is not readable. Deleting generated file.")
- (delete-file fname))
- #f))
- #f))))
- ;; (common:faux-unlock fname)
- res))
+ (begin
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "deleting " fname " failed, exn=" exn)
+ #f)
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: content " dat " for cache " fname " is not readable. Deleting generated file.")
+ (delete-file fname))
+ #f))
+ #f))))
+ res))))
(define (common:get-fields cfgdat)
(let ((fields (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat "fields" '())))
(map car fields)))
Index: dashboard.scm
--- dashboard.scm
+++ dashboard.scm
@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@
(declare (uses subrunmod))
(declare (uses tree))
(declare (uses vgmod))
(declare (uses testsmod))
(declare (uses tasksmod))
+(declare (uses dbi))
;; needed for configf scripts, scheme etc.
;; (declare (uses apimod.import))
;; (declare (uses debugprint.import))
;; (declare (uses mtargs.import))
@@ -89,10 +90,11 @@
(prefix iup iup:)
(prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
+ (prefix dbi dbi:)
regex regex-case srfi-69
@@ -238,10 +240,11 @@
;;;(if (file-write-access? (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))
;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "Before common:watchdog spawn")
(thread-start! (make-thread common:watchdog "Watchdog thread"))
;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "After common:watchdog spawn")
;; (if (not (args:get-arg "-use-db-cache"))
;; (begin
;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Forcing db-cache mode due to read-only access to megatest.db")
;; (hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-use-db-cache" #t)));;;)
@@ -2842,11 +2845,11 @@
(dashboard:runs-horizontal-slider runs-dat))))
(views-cfgdat (common:load-views-config))
(additional-tabnames '())
;; (data (dboard:tabdat-init (make-d:data)))
(additional-views ;; process views-dat
(let ((tab-num tab-start-num)
(result '()))
@@ -2889,18 +2892,21 @@
;; (make-runs-view commondat runs2-dat 2)
(dashboard:runs-summary commondat onerun-dat tab-num: 2)
(dashboard:run-controls commondat runcontrols-dat tab-num: 3)
(dashboard:run-times commondat runtimes-dat tab-num: 4)
+ (iup:vbox (iup:button "Pushme")) ;; tab 5
;; (set! (iup:callback tabs tabchange-cb:) (lambda (a b c)(print "SWITCHED TO TAB: " a " " b " " c)))
(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE0" "Summary")
(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE1" "Runs")
;; (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE2" "Runs2")
(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE2" "Run Summary")
(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE3" "Run Control")
(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE4" "Run Times")
+ (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE5" "Sys Status")
;; (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE3" "New View")
;; (iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE4" "Run Control")
;; set the tab names for user added tabs
@@ -3664,11 +3670,11 @@
;; The heavy lifting starts here
(define (dashboard-main)
- (let ((mtdb-path (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))) ;;
+ (let ((mtdb-path (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))) ;; not used for now, update for .db area and use for write access detection
#;(if (and (common:file-exists? mtdb-path)
(file-writable? mtdb-path))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-skip-version-check"))
(let* ((commondat (dboard:commondat-make)))
Index: dbi.scm
--- dbi.scm
+++ dbi.scm
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
;; along with Megatest. If not, see .
(declare (unit dbi))
+(declare (uses autoload))
(include "dbi/dbi.scm")
Index: dbmod.scm
--- dbmod.scm
+++ dbmod.scm
@@ -44,15 +44,16 @@
+;; db:get-main-lock
@@ -226,10 +227,11 @@
@@ -511,11 +513,11 @@
;; The lockname is the filename (can have many to one, run-id to fname
;; only use for main.db - need to re-write some of this :(
-(define (db:get-main-lock dbfile)
+#;(define (db:get-main-lock dbfile)
(db:with-lock-db dbfile
(lambda (dbh dbfile)
(db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfile))))
(define (db:with-lock-db dbfile proc)
@@ -524,38 +526,47 @@
;; (sqlite3:finalize! dbh)
;; called before db is open?
-(define (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfname)
+(define (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfname host port)
(lambda ()
(let* ((locker (db:get-locker dbh dbfname)))
(if locker
- #f
- (db:take-lock dbh dbfname))))))
+ locker
+ (db:take-lock dbh dbfname port))))))
;; (exn sqlite3)
(define (db:get-locker dbh dbfname)
- (sqlite3:first-row dbh "SELECT owner_pid,owner_host,event_time FROM locks WHERE lockname=?;" dbfname)
+ (sqlite3:first-row dbh "SELECT owner_pid,owner_host,owner_port,event_time FROM locks WHERE lockname=?;" dbfname)
(exn (sqlite3) #f)))
;; should never fail because it is run in a transaction with a test for the lock
-(define (db:take-lock dbh dbfname)
+(define (db:take-lock dbh dbfname port)
;; (condition-case
;; (begin
- (sqlite3:execute dbh "INSERT INTO locks (lockname,owner_pid,owner_host) VALUES (?,?,?);" dbfname (current-process-id) (get-host-name))
+ (sqlite3:execute dbh "INSERT INTO locks (lockname,owner_pid,owner_host,owner_port) VALUES (?,?,?,?);" dbfname (current-process-id) (get-host-name) port)
;; #t)
;; (exn (sqlite3) #f)))
-(define (db:release-lock dbh dbfname)
+(define (db:steal-lock-db dbh dbfname port)
+ (sqlite3:execute dbh "DELETE FROM locks WHERE lockname=?;" dbfname)
+ (sqlite3:execute dbh "INSERT INTO locks (lockname,owner_pid,owner_host,owner_port) VALUES (?,?,?,?);" dbfname (current-process-id) (get-host-name) port)
+ #t)
+(define (db:release-lock-force dbh dbfname)
(sqlite3:execute dbh "DELETE FROM locks WHERE lockname=?;" dbfname))
+;; release a lock if it matches
+(define (db:release-lock dbh dbfname host port)
+ (sqlite3:execute dbh "DELETE FROM locks WHERE lockname=? AND owner_host=? AND owner_port=?;" dbfname host port))
(define (db:general-sqlite-error-dump exn stmt . params)
@@ -1515,10 +1526,11 @@
(sqlite3:execute db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS locks
lockname TEXT,
owner_pid INTEGER,
owner_host TEXT,
+ owner_port TEXT,
event_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
CONSTRAINT lock_constraint UNIQUE (lockname));")
;; maps to *srvpktspec* from http-transportmod
(sqlite3:execute db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS servers
@@ -5855,11 +5867,12 @@
#f) ;; server already deregistered
(sqlite3:execute db "DELETE FROM servers WHERE apath=? AND dbname=?;" ;; (host,port,servkey,pid,ipaddr,apath,dbname) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"
;; host port servkey pid ipaddr
apath dbname)
- #;(db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname)))))))))
+ #;(db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname)
+ 'done))))))))
(define (db:get-server-info dbstruct apath dbname)
#f #f
@@ -5882,7 +5895,20 @@
(max res count))
"SELECT count(*) FROM servers WHERE apath=?;"
+(define (db:get-servers-info dbstruct apath)
+ (db:with-db
+ dbstruct
+ #f #f
+ (lambda (db)
+ (sqlite3:fold-row
+ (lambda (res . row)
+ (cons row res))
+ '()
+ db
+ "SELECT * FROM servers WHERE apath=?;"
+ apath))))
Index: dcommon.scm
--- dcommon.scm
+++ dcommon.scm
@@ -902,14 +902,14 @@
(servers-matrix (iup:matrix #:expand "YES"
#:numcol 7
#:numcol-visible 7
#:numlin-visible 5
- (colnames (list "Id" "MTver" "Pid" "Host" "Interface:OutPort" "RunTime" "State" "RunId"))
+ (colnames (list "Id" "MTver" "Pid" "Host" "Interface:port" "Runtime" "State" "Db"))
(updater (lambda ()
(if (dashboard:monitor-changed? commondat tabdat)
- (let ((servers (server:get-list *toppath* limit: 10)))
+ (let ((servers (rmt:get-servers-info *toppath*)#;(server:get-list *toppath* limit: 10)))
(iup:attribute-set! servers-matrix "NUMLIN" (length servers))
;; (set! colnum 0)
;; (for-each (lambda (colname)
;; ;; (print "colnum: " colnum " colname: " colname)
;; (iup:attribute-set! servers-matrix (conc "0:" colnum) colname)
@@ -916,28 +916,25 @@
;; (set! colnum (+ 1 colnum)))
;; colnames)
(set! rownum 1)
(lambda (server)
- (set! colnum 0)
- (match-let (((mod-time host port start-time server-id pid)
+ (set! colnum 0) ;; id host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname event_time
+ (match-let (((id host port server-id pid ipaddr apath dbname start-time) ;; (mod-time host port start-time server-id pid)
- (let* ((uptime (- (current-seconds) mod-time))
- (runtime (if start-time
+ (let* ((uptime (- (current-seconds) start-time))
+ #;(runtime (if start-time
(- mod-time start-time)
- (vals (list "-" ;; (vector-ref server 0) ;; Id
+ (vals (list server-id ;; (vector-ref server 0) ;; Id
"-" ;; (vector-ref server 9) ;; MT-Ver
pid ;; (vector-ref server 1) ;; Pid
host ;; (vector-ref server 2) ;; Hostname
(conc host ":" port) ;; (conc (vector-ref server 3) ":" (vector-ref server 4)) ;; IP:Port
- (seconds->hr-min-sec runtime) ;; (- (current-seconds) start-time)) ;; (vector-ref server 6)))
- (cond
- ((< uptime 5) "alive")
- ((< uptime 16) "probably alive");; less than 15 seconds since mod, call it alive (vector-ref server 8) ;; State
- (else "dead"))
- "-" ;; (vector-ref server 12) ;; RunId
+ (seconds->hr-min-sec uptime) ;; Runtime
+ "Running" ;; State - Do some kind of ping here
+ dbname ;; Db
(for-each (lambda (val)
(let* ((row-col (conc rownum ":" colnum))
(curr-val (iup:attribute servers-matrix row-col)))
(if (not (equal? (conc val) curr-val))
Index: debugprint.scm
--- debugprint.scm
+++ debugprint.scm
@@ -8,20 +8,24 @@
(import scheme
+ chicken.process-context.posix
(prefix mtargs args:)
+ system-information
;; debug stuff
(define verbosity (make-parameter '()))
(define *default-log-port* (current-error-port))
+(define debug:print-logger (make-parameter #f)) ;; se to a proc to call on every logging print
(define (debug:setup)
(let ((debugstr (or (args:get-arg "-debug")
(args:get-arg "-debug-noprop")
(get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE"))))
@@ -99,25 +103,35 @@
((and (number? vb)
(list? n))
(member vb n))
(else #f))))
+(define (debug:handle-remote-logging params)
+ (if (debug:print-logger) ;; NOTE: turn params into string to keep things simple for now
+ ((debug:print-logger)(conc "REMOTE ("(get-host-name)", pid="(current-process-id)") "
+ (string-intersperse (map conc params) " ") "; "
+ (string-intersperse (command-line-arguments) " ")))))
(define (debug:print n e . params)
(if (debug:debug-mode n)
(with-output-to-port (or e (current-error-port))
(lambda ()
;; (if *logging*
;; (db:log-event (apply conc params))
(apply print params)
- )))) ;; )
+ (debug:handle-remote-logging params)
+ )))
+ #t ;; only here to make remote stuff happy. It'd be nice to fix that ...
+ )
(define (debug:print-error n e . params)
;; normal print
(if (debug:debug-mode n)
(with-output-to-port (if (port? e) e (current-error-port))
(lambda ()
(apply print "ERROR: " params)
+ (debug:handle-remote-logging (cons "ERROR: " params))
;; pass important messages to stderr
(if (and (eq? n 0)(not (eq? e (current-error-port))))
(with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
(lambda ()
@@ -127,8 +141,16 @@
(define (debug:print-info n e . params)
(if (debug:debug-mode n)
(with-output-to-port (if (port? e) e (current-error-port))
(lambda ()
(apply print "INFO: (" n ") " params) ;; res)
+ (debug:handle-remote-logging (cons "INFO: " params))
+(define (debug:print-warn n e . params)
+ (if (debug:debug-mode n)
+ (with-output-to-port (if (port? e) e (current-error-port))
+ (lambda ()
+ (apply print "WARN: (" n ") " params) ;; res)
+ (debug:handle-remote-logging (cons "WARN: " params))
+ ))))
Index: megatest.scm
--- megatest.scm
+++ megatest.scm
@@ -437,10 +437,11 @@
- to automatically figure out hostname
-adjutant C,M : start the server/adjutant with allocated cores C and Mem M (Gig),
use 0,0 to auto use full machine
-transport http|rpc : use http or rpc for transport (default is http)
-log logfile : send stdout and stderr to logfile
+ -autolog logfilebase : appends pid and host to logfilebase for logfile
-list-servers : list the servers
-kill-servers : kill all servers
-repl : start a repl (useful for extending megatest)
-load file.scm : load and run file.scm
-mark-incompletes : find and mark incomplete tests
@@ -630,10 +631,11 @@
+ "-autolog"
"-recover-test" ;; run-id,test-id - used internally to recover a test stuck in RUNNING state
@@ -784,20 +786,24 @@
;; this segment will run launch:setup only if -log is not set. This is fairly safe as servers are not
;; manually started and thus should never be started in a non-megatest area. Thus no need to handle situation
;; where (launch:setup) returns #f?
- (if (or (args:get-arg "-log")#;(args:get-arg "-server")) ;; redirect the log always when a server
+ (if (or (args:get-arg "-log") ;;(args:get-arg "-server") ;; redirect the log always when a server
+ (args:get-arg "-autolog"))
(print "ERROR: Failed to switch to log output. " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn)
- (let* ((tl (or (args:get-arg "-log")(launch:setup))) ;; run launch:setup if -server, ensure we do NOT run launch:setup if -log specified
- (logf (or (args:get-arg "-log") ;; use -log unless we are a server, then craft a logfile name
- (conc tl "/logs/server-" (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) ".log")))
- (oup (open-logfile logf)))
+ (let* ((tl (or (args:get-arg "-log")
+ (args:get-arg "-autolog") ;; autolog provides the basename .../logs/something- for the logfile
+ (launch:setup))) ;; run launch:setup if -server, ensure we do NOT run launch:setup if -log specified
+ (logf (or (args:get-arg "-log") ;; use -log unless we are a server, then craft a logfile name
+ (conc tl (current-process-id)"-"(get-host-name)".log")
+ (conc tl "/logs/server-" (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) ".log")))
+ (oup (open-logfile logf)))
(if (not (args:get-arg "-log"))
(hash-table-set! args:arg-hash "-log" logf)) ;; fake out future queries of -log
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending log output to " logf)
(set! *default-log-port* oup))))
@@ -1135,38 +1141,40 @@
(if (or (args:get-arg "-list-servers")
(args:get-arg "-kill-servers"))
(let ((tl (launch:setup)))
(if tl ;; all roads from here exit
- (let* ((servers (server:get-list *toppath*))
+ (let* ((servers (rmt:get-servers-info *toppath*))
(fmtstr "~8a~22a~20a~20a~8a\n"))
- (format #t fmtstr "pid" "Interface:port" "age (hms)" "Last mod" "State")
- (format #t fmtstr "===" "==============" "=========" "========" "=====")
+ ;; host TEXT,
+ ;; port INTEGER,
+ ;; servkey TEXT,
+ ;; pid TEXT,
+ ;; ipaddr TEXT,
+ ;; apath TEXT,
+ ;; dbname TEXT,
+ ;; event_time
+ (format #t fmtstr "pid" "Interface:port" "State" "dbname" "apath")
+ (format #t fmtstr "===" "==============" "=====" "======" "=====")
(for-each ;; ( mod-time host port start-time pid )
(lambda (server)
- (let* ((mtm (any->number (car server)))
- (mod (if mtm (- (current-seconds) mtm) "unk"))
- (age (- (current-seconds)(or (any->number (list-ref server 3)) (current-seconds))))
- (url (conc (cadr server) ":" (caddr server)))
- (pid (list-ref server 4))
- (alv (if (number? mod)(< mod 10) #f)))
- (format #t
- fmtstr
- pid
- url
- (seconds->hr-min-sec age)
- (seconds->hr-min-sec mod)
- (if alv "alive" "dead"))
- (if (and alv
- (args:get-arg "-kill-servers"))
+ (match-let
+ (((id host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname event_time) server))
+ (format #t
+ fmtstr
+ pid
+ (conc host":"port)
+ (if (server-ready? host port servkey) "Running" "Dead")
+ dbname ;; (seconds->hr-min-sec mod)
+ apath
+ )
+ (if (args:get-arg "-kill-servers")
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to kill server with pid " pid " !!needs completion!!")
#;(server:kill server)))))
- (sort servers (lambda (a b)
- (let ((ma (or (any->number (car a)) 9e9))
- (mb (or (any->number (car b)) 9e9)))
- (> ma mb)))))
+ servers)
;; (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Done with listservers")
(set! *didsomething* #t)
;; must do, would have to add checks to many/all calls below
Index: rmtmod.scm
--- rmtmod.scm
+++ rmtmod.scm
@@ -133,26 +133,26 @@
(define (servdat->url sdat)
(conc (servdat-host sdat)":"(servdat-port sdat)))
;; generate entries for ~/.megatestrc with the following
;; grep define ../rmt.scm | grep rmt: |perl -pi -e 's/\(define\s+\((\S+)\W.*$/\1/'|sort -u
-(defstruct rmt:remote
- (conns (make-hash-table)) ;; apath/dbname => rmt:conn
+(defstruct remotedat
+ (conns (make-hash-table)) ;; apath/dbname => conndat
-(defstruct rmt:conn
+(defstruct conndat
(apath #f)
(dbname #f)
(fullname #f)
(hostport #f)
(ipaddr #f)
(port #f)
+ (socket #f)
(srvpkt #f)
(srvkey #f)
(lastmsg 0)
(expires 0)
(inport #f)
@@ -169,16 +169,16 @@
;; S U P P O R T F U N C T I O N S
;; replaces *runremote*
-(define *rmt:remote* (make-rmt:remote))
+(define *remotedat* (make-remotedat))
;; ->
-(define (rmt:conn->uri conn entrypoint)
- (conc "http://"(rmt:conn-ipaddr conn)":"(rmt:conn-port conn)"/"entrypoint))
+(define (conndat->uri conn entrypoint)
+ (conc "http://"(conndat-ipaddr conn)":"(conndat-port conn)"/"entrypoint))
;; set up the api proc, seems like there should be a better place for this?
(define api-proc (make-parameter conc))
(api-proc api:process-request)
@@ -187,15 +187,15 @@
;; else setup a connection
;; if that fails, return '(#f "some reason") ;; NB// convert to raising an exception
-(define (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname)
- (let* ((fullname (db:dbname->path apath dbname)) ;; we'll switch to full name later
- (conn (hash-table-ref/default (rmt:remote-conns remote) dbname #f)))
+(define (rmt:get-conn remdat apath dbname)
+ (let* ((fullname (db:dbname->path apath dbname))
+ (conn (hash-table-ref/default (remotedat-conns remdat) fullname #f)))
(if (and conn
- (< (current-seconds) (rmt:conn-expires conn)))
+ (< (current-seconds) (conndat-expires conn)))
(define (rmt:find-main-server apath dbname)
(let* ((pktsdir (get-pkts-dir apath))
@@ -202,69 +202,105 @@
(all-srvpkts (get-all-server-pkts pktsdir *srvpktspec*))
;; (dbpath (conc apath "/" dbname))
(viable-srvs (get-viable-servers all-srvpkts dbname)))
(get-the-server apath viable-srvs)))
-;; looks for a connection to main
+(define *connstart-mutex* (make-mutex))
+(define *last-main-start* 0)
+;; looks for a connection to main, returns if have and not exired
+;; creates new otherwise
;; connections for other servers happens by requesting from main
;; TODO: This is unnecessarily re-creating the record in the hash table
-(define (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath)
- (let* ((dbname (db:run-id->dbname #f))
- (the-srv (rmt:find-main-server apath dbname))
- (start-main-srv (lambda ()
- ;; srv not ready, delay a little and try again
- (api:run-server-process apath dbname)
- (thread-sleep! 4)
- (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; TODO: Add limit to number of tries
- )))
- (if the-srv ;; yes, we have a server, now try connecting to it
- (let* ((srv-addr (server-address the-srv))
- (ipaddr (alist-ref 'ipaddr the-srv))
- (port (alist-ref 'port the-srv))
- (srvkey (alist-ref 'servkey the-srv))
- (fullpath (db:dbname->path apath dbname))
- (srvready (server-ready? ipaddr port srvkey)))
- (if srvready
- (begin
- (hash-table-set! (rmt:remote-conns remote)
- dbname ;; fullpath ;; yes, I'd prefer it to be fullpath - FIXME later
- (make-rmt:conn
- apath: apath
- dbname: dbname
- fullname: fullpath
- hostport: srv-addr
- ipaddr: ipaddr
- port: port
- srvpkt: the-srv
- srvkey: srvkey ;; generated by rmt:get-signature on the server side
- lastmsg: (current-seconds)
- expires: (+ (current-seconds) 60) ;; this needs to be gathered during the ping
- ))
- #t)
- (start-main-srv)))
- (start-main-srv))))
-;; NB// remote is a rmt:remote struct
+(define (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath)
+ (let* ((fullpath (db:dbname->path apath "/.db/main.db"))
+ (conns (remotedat-conns remdat))
+ (conn (hash-table-ref/default conns fullpath #f))) ;; TODO - create call for this
+ (cond
+ ((and conn ;; conn is NOT a socket, just saying ...
+ (< (current-seconds) (conndat-expires conn)))
+ #t) ;; we are current and good to go - we'll deal elsewhere with a server that was killed or died
+ ((and conn
+ (>= (current-seconds)(conndat-expires conn)))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "connection to "fullpath" server expired. Reconnecting.")
+ (if (conndat-socket conn)
+ (nng-close! (conndat-socket conn)))
+ (hash-table-set! conns fullpath #f) ;; clean up
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath))
+ (else
+ ;; Below we will find or create and connect to main
+ (let* ((dbname (db:run-id->dbname #f))
+ (the-srv (rmt:find-main-server apath dbname))
+ (start-main-srv (lambda () ;; call IF there is no the-srv found
+ (mutex-lock! *connstart-mutex*)
+ (if (> (- (current-seconds) *last-main-start*) 5) ;; at least four seconds since last attempt to start main server
+ (begin
+ (api:run-server-process apath dbname)
+ (set! *last-main-start* (current-seconds))
+ (thread-sleep! 1)))
+ (mutex-unlock! *connstart-mutex*)
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath) ;; TODO: Add limit to number of tries
+ )))
+ (if (not the-srv) ;; have server, try connecting to it
+ (start-main-srv)
+ (let* ((srv-addr (server-address the-srv)) ;; need serv
+ (ipaddr (alist-ref 'ipaddr the-srv))
+ (port (alist-ref 'port the-srv))
+ (srvkey (alist-ref 'servkey the-srv))
+ (fullpath (db:dbname->path apath dbname))
+ (new-the-srv (make-conndat
+ apath: apath
+ dbname: dbname
+ fullname: fullpath
+ hostport: srv-addr
+ socket: (open-nn-connection srv-addr)
+ ipaddr: ipaddr
+ port: port
+ srvpkt: the-srv
+ srvkey: srvkey ;; generated by rmt:get-signature on the server side
+ lastmsg: (current-seconds)
+ expires: (+ (current-seconds) 60) ;; this needs to be gathered during the ping
+ )))
+ (hash-table-set! conns fullpath new-the-srv)))
+ #t)))))
+;; NB// remdat is a remotedat struct
-(define (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath dbname #!key (num-tries 5))
- (let* ((mdbname (db:run-id->dbname #f))
- (mconn (rmt:get-conn remote apath mdbname)))
+(define (rmt:general-open-connection remdat apath dbname #!key (num-tries 5))
+ (assert (not (equal? dbname ".db/main.db")) "ERROR: general-open-connection should never be called with main as the db")
+ (let* ((mdbname (db:run-id->dbname #f))
+ (fullname (db:dbname->path apath dbname))
+ (conns (remotedat-conns remdat))
+ (mconn (rmt:get-conn remdat apath mdbname)))
+ (if (and mconn
+ (not (debug:print-logger)))
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Turning on logging to main, look in logs dir for main log.")
+ (debug:print-logger rmt:log-to-main)))
((or (not mconn) ;; no channel open to main?
- (< (rmt:conn-expires mconn)(+ (current-seconds) 2))) ;; restablish connection if less than 2 seconds on the lease
- (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath)
- (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath mdbname))
- ((not (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname)) ;; no channel open to dbname?
- (let* ((res (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath mdbname 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname))))
+ (< (conndat-expires mconn)(+ (current-seconds) 2))) ;; restablish connection if less than 2 seconds on the lease
+ (if mconn ;; previously opened - clean up NB// consolidate this with the similar code in open main above
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Clearing out connection to main that has expired.")
+ (nng-close! (conndat-socket mconn))
+ (hash-table-set! conns fullname #f)))
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath)
+ (rmt:general-open-connection remdat apath mdbname))
+ ((not (rmt:get-conn remdat apath dbname)) ;; no channel open to dbname?
+ (let* ((res (rmt:send-receive-real remdat apath mdbname 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname))))
(case res
(if (> num-tries 0)
(thread-sleep! 2)
- (rmt:general-open-connection remote apath dbname num-tries: (- num-tries 1)))
+ (rmt:general-open-connection remdat apath dbname num-tries: (- num-tries 1)))
(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Failed to start servers needed or open channel to "apath", "dbname)
(exit 1))))
(if (list? res) ;; server has been registered and the info was returned. pass it on.
@@ -275,16 +311,17 @@
;; ".db/1.db")
((host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname)
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "got "res)
- (hash-table-set! (rmt:remote-conns remote)
- dbname
- (make-rmt:conn
+ (hash-table-set! conns
+ fullname
+ (make-conndat
apath: apath
dbname: dbname
hostport: (conc host":"port)
+ socket: (open-nn-connection (conc host":"port))
ipaddr: ipaddr
port: port
srvkey: servkey
lastmsg: (current-seconds)
expires: (+ (current-seconds) 60))))
@@ -291,72 +328,78 @@
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "return data from starting server did not match host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbname " res)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Unexpected result: " res)
- res))))))
- )))
+ res)))))))
+ #t))
-(define *localmode* #t)
+;; (define *localmode* #t)
+(define *localmode* #f)
(define *dbstruct* (make-dbr:dbstruct))
;; Defaults to current area
(define (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f))
- (if (not *rmt:remote*)(set! *rmt:remote* (make-rmt:remote)))
+ ;; (if (not *remotedat*)(set! *remotedat* (make-remotedat)))
(let* ((apath *toppath*)
- (conns *rmt:remote*)
+ (remdat *remotedat*)
+ (conns (remotedat-conns remdat)) ;; just checking that remdat is a remotedat
(dbname (db:run-id->dbname rid)))
(if *localmode*
(let* ((dbdat (dbr:dbstruct-get-dbdat *dbstruct* dbname))
(indat `((cmd . ,cmd)(params . ,params))))
(api:process-request *dbstruct* indat)
;; (api:process-request dbdat indat)
- (rmt:general-open-connection conns apath dbname)
- (rmt:send-receive-real conns apath dbname cmd params)))))
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath)
+ (if rid (rmt:general-open-connection remdat apath dbname))
+ (rmt:send-receive-real remdat apath dbname cmd params)))))
#;(define (rmt:send-receive-setup conn)
- (if (not (rmt:conn-inport conn))
- (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect (rmt:conn-ipaddr conn)
- (rmt:conn-port conn))))
- (rmt:conn-inport-set! conn i)
- (rmt:conn-outport-set! conn o))))
+ (if (not (conndat-inport conn))
+ (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect (conndat-ipaddr conn)
+ (conndat-port conn))))
+ (conndat-inport-set! conn i)
+ (conndat-outport-set! conn o))))
;; db is at apath/.db/dbname, rid is an intermediary solution and will be removed
;; sometime in the future
-(define (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath dbname cmd params)
- (let* ((conn (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname)))
+(define (rmt:send-receive-real remdat apath dbname cmd params)
+ (let* ((conn (rmt:get-conn remdat apath dbname)))
(assert conn "FATAL: rmt:send-receive-real called without the needed channels opened")
- (let* ((key #f)
- (host (rmt:conn-ipaddr conn))
- (port (rmt:conn-port conn))
+ (assert (conndat-socket conn) "FATAL: rmt:send-receive-real called without the channel socket opened.")
+ (let* ((soc (conndat-socket conn))
+ (key #f)
+ (host (conndat-ipaddr conn))
+ (port (conndat-port conn))
(payload `((cmd . ,cmd)
- (key . ,(rmt:conn-srvkey conn))
+ (key . ,(conndat-srvkey conn))
(params . ,params)))
- (res (open-send-receive-nn (conc host":"port)
- (sexpr->string payload))))
- (string->sexpr res))))
+ (res (send-receive-nn soc ;; (open-send-receive-nn (conc host":"port)
+ (sexpr->string payload))))
+ (if (member res '("#")) ;; TODO - fix this in string->sexpr
+ #f
+ (string->sexpr res)))))
;; db is at apath/.db/dbname, rid is an intermediary solution and will be removed
;; sometime in the future.
;; Purpose - call the main.db server and request a server be started
;; for the given area path and dbname
-;; (define (rmt:send-receive-server-start remote apath dbname)
-;; (let* ((conn (rmt:get-conn remote apath dbname)))
+;; (define (rmt:send-receive-server-start remdat apath dbname)
+;; (let* ((conn (rmt:get-conn remdat apath dbname)))
;; (assert conn "FATAL: Unable to connect to db "apath"/"dbname)
;; #;(let* ((res (with-input-from-request
-;; (rmt:conn->uri conn "api")
+;; (conndat->uri conn "api")
;; `((params . (,apath ,dbname)))
;; read-string)))
;; (string->sexpr res))))
(define (rmt:print-db-stats)
@@ -406,14 +449,17 @@
;; S E R V E R
(define (rmt:kill-server run-id)
- (rmt:send-receive 'kill-server run-id (list run-id)))
+ (rmt:send-receive 'kill-server #f (list run-id)))
(define (rmt:start-server run-id)
- (rmt:send-receive 'start-server 0 (list run-id)))
+ (rmt:send-receive 'start-server #f (list run-id)))
+(define (rmt:get-server-info apath dbname)
+ (rmt:send-receive 'get-server-info #f (list apath dbname)))
;; M I S C
@@ -764,10 +810,13 @@
) ;; )
(define (rmt:get-main-run-stats run-id)
(rmt:send-receive 'get-main-run-stats #f (list run-id)))
+(define (rmt:log-to-main . params)
+ (rmt:send-receive 'log-to-main #f params))
(define (rmt:get-var run-id varname)
(rmt:send-receive 'get-var run-id (list run-id varname)))
(define (rmt:del-var run-id varname)
(rmt:send-receive 'del-var run-id (list run-id varname)))
@@ -1471,54 +1520,56 @@
(define (common:api-changed?)
(not (equal? (substring (->string megatest-version) 0 4)
(substring (conc (common:get-last-run-version)) 0 4))))
-(define (rmt:server-shutdown)
+;; host and port are used to ensure we are remove proper records
+(define (rmt:server-shutdown host port)
(let ((dbfile (servdat-dbfile *server-info*)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "dbfile is "dbfile)
(if dbfile
(let* ((am-server (args:get-arg "-server"))
(dbfile (args:get-arg "-db"))
(apath *toppath*)
- (dbdat (db:get-dbdat *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile))
- (db (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat))
- (inmem (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat))
- )
- ;; do a final sync here
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Doing final sync for "apath" "dbfile" at "(current-seconds))
- (db:sync-inmem->disk *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile force-sync: #t)
- ;; let's finalize here
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Finalizing db and inmem")
- (sqlite3:finalize! db)
- (sqlite3:finalize! inmem)
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Finalizing db and inmem complete")
- (if am-server
+ (remdat *remotedat*)) ;; foundation for future fix
+ (if *dbstruct-db*
+ (let* ((dbdat (db:get-dbdat *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile))
+ (db (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat))
+ (inmem (dbr:dbdat-db dbdat))
+ )
+ ;; do a final sync here
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Doing final sync for "apath" "dbfile" at "(current-seconds))
+ (db:sync-inmem->disk *dbstruct-db* apath dbfile force-sync: #t)
+ ;; let's finalize here
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Finalizing db and inmem")
+ (if (sqlite3:database? db)
+ (sqlite3:finalize! db)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "in rmt:server-shutdown, db is not a database, not finalizing..."))
+ (if (sqlite3:database? inmem)
+ (sqlite3:finalize! inmem)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "in rmt:server-shutdown, inmem is not a database, not finalizing..."))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Finalizing db and inmem complete"))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Db was never opened, no cleanup to do."))
+ (if (not am-server)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "I am not a server, should NOT get here!")
(if (string-match ".*/main.db$" dbfile)
(let ((pkt-file (conc (get-pkts-dir *toppath*)
"/" (servdat-uuid *server-info*)
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "removing pkt "pkt-file)
(delete-file* pkt-file)
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Releasing lock for "dbfile)
- (db:with-lock-db (servdat-dbfile *server-info*)
- (lambda (dbh dbfile)
- (db:release-lock dbh dbfile))))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Releasing lock (if any) for "dbfile ", host "host", port "port)
+ (db:with-lock-db
+ (servdat-dbfile *server-info*)
+ (lambda (dbh dbfile)
+ (db:release-lock dbh dbfile host port)))) ;; I'm not the server - should not have a lock to remove
(let* ((sdat *server-info*) ;; we have a run-id server
(host (servdat-host sdat))
(port (servdat-port sdat))
- (uuid (servdat-uuid sdat)))
- (if (not (string-match ".db/main.db" (args:get-arg "-db")))
- (let* ((res (rmt:deregister-server *rmt:remote* ;; TODO/BUG: why is this requiring *rmt:remote*?
- *toppath*
- (servdat-host *server-info*) ;; iface
- (servdat-port *server-info*)
- (servdat-uuid *server-info*)
- (current-process-id)
- )))
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "deregistered-server, res="res)))
+ (uuid (servdat-uuid sdat))
+ (res (rmt:deregister-server remdat *toppath* host port uuid dbfile)))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "deregistered-server, res="res)
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "deregistering server "host":"port" with uuid "uuid)
(define (std-exit-procedure)
@@ -1537,11 +1588,12 @@
(let* ((start-time (current-seconds)))
(if (and *server-info*
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Unclean server exit, calling server-shtudown")
- (rmt:server-shutdown)))
+ (rmt:server-shutdown (servdat-host *server-info*)
+ (servdat-port *server-info*))))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Shutdown activities completed in "(- (current-seconds) start-time)" seconds"))
;; (if *dbstruct-db* (db:close-all *dbstruct-db*)) ;; one second allocated
#;(if (bdat-task-db *bdat*) ;; TODO: Check that this is correct for task db
(let ((db (cdr (bdat-task-db *bdat*))))
(if (sqlite3:database? db)
@@ -1581,12 +1633,17 @@
;; called in megatest.scm, host-port is string hostname:port
;; NOTE: This is NOT called directly from clients as not all transports support a client running
;; in the same process as the server.
-(define (server:ping host port server-id #!key (do-exit #f))
- (server-ready? host port server-id))
+;; conn is a conndat record
+(define (server:ping conn #!key (do-exit #f))
+ (let* ((req (conndat-socket conn))
+ (srvkey (conndat-srvkey conn))
+ (msg (sexpr->string '(ping ,srvkey))))
+ (send-receive-nn req msg))) ;; (server-ready? host port server-id))
;; http-transportmod.scm contents moved here
@@ -1600,24 +1657,25 @@
;; ======================================================================
(define (http-get-function fnkey)
(hash-table-ref/default *http-functions* fnkey (lambda () "nothing here yet")))
+;; Main entry point to start a server. was start-server
(define (rmt:run hostn)
;; ;; Configurations for server
;; (tcp-buffer-size 2048)
;; (max-connections 2048)
- (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "Attempting to start the server ...")
+ (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "PID: "(current-process-id)". Attempting to start the server ...")
(let* ((db #f) ;; (open-db)) ;; we don't want the server to be opening and closing the db unnecesarily
(hostname (get-host-name))
(ipaddrstr (let ((ipstr (if (string=? "-" hostn)
;; (string-intersperse (map number->string (u8vector->list (hostname->ip hostname))) ".")
(server:get-best-guess-address hostname)
(if ipstr ipstr hostn))) ;; hostname)))
(port (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port))
- (link-tree-path (common:get-linktree))
+ ;; (link-tree-path (common:get-linktree))
;; (tmp-area (common:get-db-tmp-area))
#;(start-file (conc tmp-area "/.server-start")))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "portlogger recommended port: " port)
(if *server-info*
@@ -1638,13 +1696,16 @@
(set! *db-last-access* (current-seconds))
(nng-send rep resdat)
(loop (nng-recv rep)))))))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "After server, should never see this")
;; server exit stuff here
- (let* ((portnum (servdat-port *server-info*)))
+ (let* ((portnum (servdat-port *server-info*))
+ (host (servdat-host *server-info*)))
(portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port portnum "released")
- (rmt:server-shutdown)
+ (if (not (equal? (get-host-name) host))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server shutdown called for host "host", but we are on "(get-host-name))
+ (rmt:server-shutdown host portnum))
;; (bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t) ;; tell on-exit to be fast as we've already cleaned up
(portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port port "released") ;; done in rmt:run
;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Max cached queries was " *max-cache-size*)
;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Number of cached writes " *number-of-writes*)
;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Average cached write time "
@@ -1676,82 +1737,70 @@
(set! *server-info* (make-servdat host: ipaddrstr port: portnum)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "rmt:try-start-server time="
(seconds->time-string (current-seconds))
" ipaddrsstr=" ipaddrstr
" portnum=" portnum)
- (if (is-port-in-use portnum)
- (begin
- (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed portnum)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port")
- ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1)
- (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr
- (portlogger:open-run-close
- portlogger:find-port)))
- (begin
- (if (not *server-info*)
- (set! *server-info* (make-servdat
- host: ipaddrstr
- port: portnum)))
- (servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'starting)
- (servdat-port-set! *server-info* portnum)
- (if (not (servdat-rep *server-info*))
- (let ((rep (make-rep-socket)))
- (servdat-rep-set! *server-info* rep)
- (socket-set! rep 'nng/recvtimeo 2000)))
- (let* ((rep (servdat-rep *server-info*)))
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying to start server on " ipaddrstr ":" portnum)
- (handle-exceptions
- exn
- (begin
- (print-error-message exn)
- (if (< portnum 64000)
- (begin
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: attempt to start server failed. Trying again ...")
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
- (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "exn=" (condition->list exn))
- (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed portnum)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port")
- ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1)
- (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr
- (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port)))
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: Tried and tried but could not start the server, stopping at port "portnum))))
- (nng-listen rep (conc "tcp://*:" portnum))
- rep)))))
+ (assert (servdat? *server-info*) "FATAL: Must always have *server-info* properly set up by here.")
+ (servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'starting)
+ (servdat-port-set! *server-info* portnum)
+ (if (not (servdat-rep *server-info*))
+ (let ((rep (make-rep-socket)))
+ (servdat-rep-set! *server-info* rep)
+ (socket-set! rep 'nng/recvtimeo 2000)))
+ (let* ((rep (servdat-rep *server-info*)))
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying to start server on " ipaddrstr ":" portnum)
+ (handle-exceptions
+ exn
+ (begin
+ (print-error-message exn)
+ (if (< portnum 64000)
+ (begin
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: attempt to start server failed. Trying again ...")
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
+ (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* "exn=" (condition->list exn))
+ (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-failed portnum)
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to start on portnum: " portnum ", trying next port")
+ ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1)
+ (rmt:try-start-server ipaddrstr
+ (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:find-port)))
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: Tried and tried but could not start the server, stopping at port "portnum))))
+ (nng-listen rep (conc "tcp://*:" portnum))
+ rep)))
;; S E R V E R U T I L I T I E S
;; C L I E N T S
-(define (http-transport:get-time-to-cleanup)
+(define (rmt:get-time-to-cleanup)
(let ((res #f))
(mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
(set! res (> (current-seconds) *http-connections-next-cleanup*))
(mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*)
-(define (http-transport:inc-requests-count)
+(define (rmt:inc-requests-count)
(mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
(set! *http-requests-in-progress* (+ 1 *http-requests-in-progress*))
;; Use this opportunity to slow things down iff there are too many requests in flight
(if (> *http-requests-in-progress* 5)
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Whoa there buddy, ease up...")
(thread-sleep! 1)))
(mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))
-(define (http-transport:dec-requests-count proc)
+(define (rmt:dec-requests-count proc)
(mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
(set! *http-requests-in-progress* (- *http-requests-in-progress* 1))
(mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))
-(define (http-transport:dec-requests-count-and-close-all-connections)
+(define (rmt:dec-requests-count-and-close-all-connections)
(set! *http-requests-in-progress* (- *http-requests-in-progress* 1))
(let loop ((etime (+ (current-seconds) 5))) ;; give up in five seconds
(if (> *http-requests-in-progress* 0)
(if (> etime (current-seconds))
@@ -1761,68 +1810,37 @@
"requests still in progress after 5 seconds of waiting. I'm going to pass on cleaning up http connections"))
(set! *http-connections-next-cleanup* (+ (current-seconds) 10))
(mutex-unlock! *http-mutex*))
-(define (http-transport:inc-requests-and-prep-to-close-all-connections)
+(define (rmt:inc-requests-and-prep-to-close-all-connections)
(mutex-lock! *http-mutex*)
(set! *http-requests-in-progress* (+ 1 *http-requests-in-progress*)))
-;; careful closing of connections stored in *runremote*
-(define (http-transport:close-connections #!key (area-dat #f))
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "http-transport:close-connections doesn't do anything now!"))
-;; (let* ((runremote (or area-dat *runremote*))
-;; (server-dat (if runremote
-;; (remote-conndat runremote)
-;; #f))) ;; (hash-table-ref/default *runremote* run-id #f)))
-;; (if (vector? server-dat)
-;; (let ((api-dat (http-transport:server-dat-get-api-uri server-dat)))
-;; (handle-exceptions
-;; exn
-;; (begin
-;; (print-call-chain *default-log-port*)
-;; (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* " closing connection failed with error: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn) ", exn=" exn))
-;; (close-connection! api-dat)
-;; ;;(close-idle-connections!)
-;; #t))
-;; #f)))
-;; initialize servdat for client side, setup needed parameters
-;; pass in #f as sdat-in to create sdat
-#;(define (servdat-init sdat-in iface port uuid)
- (let* ((sdat (or sdat-in (make-servdat))))
- (assert #f "This is a bad idea.")
- (if uuid (servdat-uuid-set! sdat uuid))
- (servdat-host-set! sdat iface)
- (servdat-port-set! sdat port)
- (servdat-api-url-set! sdat (conc "http://" iface ":" port "/api"))
- (servdat-api-uri-set! sdat (uri-reference (servdat-api-url sdat)))
- (servdat-api-req-set! sdat (make-request method: 'POST
- uri: (servdat-api-uri sdat)))
- ;; set up the http-client parameters
- (max-retry-attempts 1)
- ;; consider all requests indempotent
- (retry-request? (lambda (request)
- #f))
- (determine-proxy (constantly #f))
- sdat))
;; only use for main.db - need to re-write some of this :(
-(define (get-lock-db sdat dbfile)
- (let* ((dbh (db:open-run-db dbfile db:initialize-db))
- (res (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfile)))
+(define (get-lock-db sdat dbfile host port)
+ (assert host "FATAL: get-lock-db called with host not set.")
+ (assert port "FATAL: get-lock-db called with port not set.")
+ (let* ((dbh (db:open-run-db dbfile db:initialize-db)) ;; open-run-db creates a standard db with schema used by all situations
+ (res (db:get-iam-server-lock dbh dbfile host port)))
+ ;; res => list then already locked, check server is responsive
+ ;; => #t then sucessfully got the lock
+ ;; => #f reserved for future use as to indicate something went wrong
+ (match res
+ ((owner_pid owner_host owner_port event_time)
+ (if (server-ready? owner_host owner_port "abc")
+ #f ;; locked by someone else
+ (begin ;; locked by someone dead and gone
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: stale lock - have to steal it. This may fail.")
+ (db:steal-lock-db dbh dbfile port))))
+ (#t #t) ;; placeholder so that we don't touch res if it is #t
+ (else (set! res #f)))
(sqlite3:finalize! dbh)
(define (register-server pkts-dir pkt-spec host port servkey ipaddr dbpath)
@@ -1867,47 +1885,18 @@
(define (server-address srv-pkt)
(conc (alist-ref 'host srv-pkt) ":"
(alist-ref 'port srv-pkt)))
(define (server-ready? host port key) ;; server-address is host:port
-;; (let-values (((i o)(handle-exceptions
-;; exn
-;; (values #f #f)
-;; (tcp-connect host port))))
-;; (if (and i o)
(let* ((data (sexpr->string `((cmd . ping)
(key . ,key)
(params . ()))))
(res (open-send-receive-nn (conc host ":" port) data)))
- (string->sexpr res)))
-;; (let ((res (with-input-from-port i
-;; read)))
-;; (close-output-port o)
-;; (close-input-port i)
-;; res))
-;; (if (string? res)
-;; (string->sexpr res)
-;; res)))
-;; (begin ;; connection failed
-;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server at "host":"port" is not responding.")
-;; #f))))
-;; (define (loop-test host port data) ;; server-address is host:port
-;; ;; ping the server and ask it
-;; ;; if it ready
-;; ;; (let* ((sdat (servdat-init #f host port #f)))
-;; ;; (http-transport:send-receive sdat "abc" 'ping '())))
-;; (let* ((payload (sexpr->string data))
-;; (res (with-input-from-request
-;; (conc "http://"host":"port"/loop-test")
-;; `((data . ,payload))
-;; read-string)))
-;; (string->sexpr res))
-;; #f
-;; )
+ (if res
+ (string->sexpr res)
+ res)))
; from the pkts return servers associated with dbpath
;; NOTE: Only one can be alive - have to check on each
;; in the list of pkts returned
(define (get-viable-servers serv-pkts dbpath)
@@ -1918,10 +1907,26 @@
(let* ((spkt (car tail)))
(loop (cdr tail)
(if (equal? dbpath (alist-ref 'dbpath spkt))
(cons spkt res)
+(define (remove-pkts-if-not-alive serv-pkts)
+ (filter (lambda (pkt)
+ (let* ((host (alist-ref 'host pkt))
+ (port (alist-ref 'port pkt))
+ (key (alist-ref 'servkey pkt))
+ (pktz (alist-ref 'Z pkt))
+ (res (server-ready? host port key)))
+ (if res
+ res
+ (let* ((pktsdir (get-pkts-dir *toppath*))
+ (pktpath (conc pktsdir"/"pktz".pkt")))
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: pkt with no server "pktpath)
+ (delete-file* pktpath)
+ #f))))
+ serv-pkts))
;; from viable servers get one that is alive and ready
(define (get-the-server apath serv-pkts)
(let loop ((tail serv-pkts))
@@ -1971,11 +1976,11 @@
;; if .db/main.db check the pkts
-(define (http-transport:wait-for-server pkts-dir db-file server-key)
+(define (rmt:wait-for-server pkts-dir db-file server-key)
(let* ((sdat *server-info*))
(let loop ((start-time (current-seconds))
(changed #t)
(last-sdat "not this"))
(begin ;; let ((sdat #f))
@@ -2005,32 +2010,39 @@
(servdat-host sdat) db-file))
;; (set! *my-signature* (servdat-uuid sdat)) ;; replace with Z, no, stick with proper key
;; now read pkts and see if we are a contender
(let* ((all-pkts (get-all-server-pkts pkts-dir *srvpktspec*))
(viables (get-viable-servers all-pkts db-file))
- (best-srv (get-best-candidate viables db-file))
- (best-srv-key (if best-srv (alist-ref 'servkey best-srv) #f)))
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "best-srv-key: "best-srv-key", server-key: "server-key)
+ (alive (remove-pkts-if-not-alive viables))
+ (best-srv (get-best-candidate alive db-file))
+ (best-srv-key (if best-srv (alist-ref 'servkey best-srv) #f))
+ (i-am-srv (equal? best-srv-key server-key))
+ (delete-pkt (lambda ()
+ (let* ((pktfile (conc (get-pkts-dir *toppath*)
+ "/" (servdat-uuid *server-info*)
+ ".pkt")))
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to remove bogus pkt file "pktfile)
+ (delete-file* pktfile))))) ;; remove immediately instead of waiting for on-exit
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "best-srv-key: "best-srv-key", server-key: "server-key", i-am-srv: "i-am-srv)
;; am I the best-srv, compare server-keys to know
- (if (equal? best-srv-key server-key)
- (if (get-lock-db sdat db-file) ;; (db:get-iam-server-lock *dbstruct-db* *toppath* run-id)
+ (if i-am-srv
+ (if (get-lock-db sdat db-file (servdat-host sdat)(servdat-port sdat)) ;; (db:get-iam-server-lock *dbstruct-db* *toppath* run-id)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "I'm the server!")
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "I'm the server!")
(servdat-dbfile-set! sdat db-file)
(servdat-status-set! sdat 'db-locked))
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "I'm not the server, exiting.")
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "I'm not the server, exiting.")
(bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t)
+ (delete-pkt)
(thread-sleep! 0.2)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*
"Keys do not match "best-srv-key", "server-key", exiting.")
(bdat-time-to-exit-set! *bdat* #t)
- (delete-file* (conc (get-pkts-dir *toppath*)
- "/" (servdat-uuid *server-info*)
- ".pkt")) ;; remove immediately instead of waiting for on-exit
+ (delete-pkt)
(thread-sleep! 0.2)
(begin ;; sdat not yet contains server info
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Still waiting, last-sdat=" last-sdat)
@@ -2041,42 +2053,47 @@
(loop start-time
(equal? sdat last-sdat)
-(define (rmt:register-server remote apath iface port server-key dbname)
- (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db
- (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath
+(define (rmt:register-server remdat apath iface port server-key dbname)
+ (remotedat-conns remdat) ;; just checking types
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db
+ (rmt:send-receive-real remdat apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath
(db:run-id->dbname #f)
'register-server `(,iface
-(define (rmt:get-count-servers remote apath)
- (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db
- (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath
+(define (rmt:get-count-servers remdat apath)
+ (remotedat-conns remdat) ;; just checking types
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db
+ (rmt:send-receive-real remdat apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath
(db:run-id->dbname #f)
- 'get-count-servers `(,apath
- )))
+ 'get-count-servers `(,apath)))
+(define (rmt:get-servers-info apath)
+ (rmt:send-receive 'get-servers-info #f `(,apath)))
-(define (rmt:deregister-server remote apath iface port server-key dbname)
- (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db
- (rmt:send-receive-real remote apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath
+(define (rmt:deregister-server remdat apath iface port server-key dbname)
+ (remotedat-conns remdat) ;; just checking types
+ (rmt:open-main-connection remdat apath) ;; we need a channel to main.db
+ (rmt:send-receive-real remdat apath ;; params: host port servkey pid ipaddr dbpath
(db:run-id->dbname #f)
'deregister-server `(,iface
-(define (http-transport:wait-for-stable-interface #!optional (num-tries-allowed 100))
+(define (rmt:wait-for-stable-interface #!optional (num-tries-allowed 100))
;; wait until *server-info* stops changing
(let* ((stime (current-seconds)))
(let loop ((last-host #f)
(last-port #f)
(tries 0))
@@ -2083,17 +2100,17 @@
(let* ((curr-host (and *server-info* (servdat-host *server-info*)))
(curr-port (and *server-info* (servdat-port *server-info*))))
;; first we verify port and interface, update *server-info* in need be.
((> tries num-tries-allowed)
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "http-transport:keep-running, giving up after trying for several minutes.")
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "rmt:keep-running, giving up after trying for several minutes.")
(exit 1))
((not *server-info*)
(thread-sleep! 0.25)
(loop curr-host curr-port (+ tries 1)))
((or (not last-host)(not last-port))
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "http-transport:keep-running, still no interface, tries="tries)
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "rmt:keep-running, still no interface, tries="tries)
(thread-sleep! 0.25)
(loop curr-host curr-port (+ tries 1)))
((or (not (equal? last-host curr-host))
(not (equal? last-port curr-port)))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: interface changed, refreshing iface and port info")
@@ -2111,36 +2128,46 @@
" AT " (current-seconds) " server signature: " *my-signature*
" with "(servdat-trynum *server-info*)" port changes")
(flush-output *default-log-port*)
-;; run http-transport:keep-running in a parallel thread to monitor that the db is being
+;; run rmt:keep-running in a parallel thread to monitor that the db is being
;; used and to shutdown after sometime if it is not.
(define (rmt:keep-running dbname)
;; if none running or if > 20 seconds since
;; server last used then start shutdown
;; This thread waits for the server to come alive
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting the sync-back, keep alive thread in server")
- (let* ((server-start-time (current-seconds))
+ (let* ((remdat *remotedat*)
+ (server-start-time (current-seconds))
(pkts-dir (get-pkts-dir))
(server-key (rmt:get-signature)) ;; This servers key
(is-main (equal? (args:get-arg "-db") ".db/main.db"))
(last-access 0)
- (server-timeout (server:expiration-timeout)))
+ (server-timeout (server:expiration-timeout))
+ (shutdown-server-sequence (lambda (host port)
+ (set! *unclean-shutdown* #f)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting to shutdown the server. pid="(current-process-id))
+ (rmt:server-shutdown host port)
+ (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port port "released")
+ (exit)))
+ (timed-out? (lambda ()
+ (<= (+ last-access server-timeout)
+ (current-seconds)))))
+ (servdat-dbfile-set! *server-info* (args:get-arg "-db"))
;; main and run db servers have both got wait logic (could/should merge it)
(if is-main
- (http-transport:wait-for-server pkts-dir dbname server-key)
- (http-transport:wait-for-stable-interface))
+ (rmt:wait-for-server pkts-dir dbname server-key)
+ (rmt:wait-for-stable-interface))
;; this is our forever loop
(let* ((iface (servdat-host *server-info*))
(port (servdat-port *server-info*)))
(let loop ((count 0)
(bad-sync-count 0)
(start-time (current-milliseconds)))
(if (and (not is-main)
(common:low-noise-print 60 "servdat-status"))
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "servdat-status is " (servdat-status *server-info*)))
;; set up the database handle
@@ -2150,18 +2177,28 @@
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "SERVER: dbprep")
(db:setup dbname) ;; sets *dbstruct-db* as side effect
(servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'db-opened)
;; IFF I'm not main, call into main and register self
(if (not is-main)
- (let ((res (rmt:register-server *rmt:remote*
+ (let ((res (rmt:register-server remdat
*toppath* iface port
server-key dbname)))
(if res ;; we are the server
(servdat-status-set! *server-info* 'have-interface-and-db)
- (begin
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "We are not the server for "dbname", exiting.")
- (exit)))))
+ ;; now check that the db locker is alive, clear it out if not
+ (let* ((serv-info (rmt:get-server-info *toppath* dbname)))
+ (match serv-info
+ ((host port servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath)
+ (if (not (server-ready? host port servkey))
+ (begin
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server registered but not alive. Removing and trying again.")
+ (rmt:deregister-server remdat apath host port servkey dbpath) ;; servkey pid ipaddr apath dbpath)
+ (loop (+ count 1) bad-sync-count start-time))))
+ (else
+ (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "We are not the server for "dbname", exiting. Server info is: "serv-info)
+ (exit)))))))
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port*
"SERVER: running, db "dbname" opened, megatest version: "
;; start the watchdog
@@ -2203,26 +2240,28 @@
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Server stats:")
(let* ((hrs-since-start (/ (- (current-seconds) server-start-time) 3600)))
+ ((not *server-run*)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "*server-run* set to #f. Shutting down.")
+ (shutdown-server-sequence (get-host-name) port))
+ ((timed-out?)
+ (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
+ (shutdown-server-sequence (get-host-name) port))
((and *server-run*
- (> (+ last-access server-timeout)
- (current-seconds))
- (if is-main
- (> (rmt:get-count-servers *rmt:remote* *toppath*) 1)
- #t))
+ (or (not (timed-out?))
+ (if is-main ;; do not exit if there are other servers (keep main open until all others gone)
+ (> (rmt:get-count-servers remdat *toppath*) 1)
+ #f)))
(if (common:low-noise-print 120 "server continuing")
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server continuing, seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access)))
(loop 0 bad-sync-count (current-milliseconds)))
(set! *unclean-shutdown* #f)
(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Server timed out. seconds since last db access: " (- (current-seconds) last-access))
- (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting to shutdown the server. pid="(current-process-id))
- (rmt:server-shutdown)
- (portlogger:open-run-close portlogger:set-port port "released")
- (exit)
+ (shutdown-server-sequence (get-host-name) port)
#;(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Sending 'quit to server, received: "
(open-send-receive-nn (conc iface":"port) ;; do this here and not in server-shutdown
(sexpr->string 'quit)))
@@ -2292,78 +2331,85 @@
;;start a server, returns the connection
(define (start-nn-server portnum )
(let ((rep (make-rep-socket))) ;; (nn-socket 'rep)))
(socket-set! rep 'nng/recvtimeo 2000)
- (handle-exceptions
+ (handle-exceptions ;; why have exception handler here?
(let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
(print "ERROR: Failed to start server \"" emsg "\"")
(exit 1))
(nng-dial #;nn-bind rep (conc "tcp://*:" portnum)))
-;; open connection to server, send message, close connection
-(define (open-send-close-nn host-port msg #!key (timeout 3) ) ;; default timeout is 3 seconds
- (let ((req (make-req-socket 'req))
- (uri (conc "tcp://" host-port))
- (res #f)
- ;; (contacts (alist-ref 'contact attrib))
- ;; (mode (alist-ref 'mode attrib))
- )
+(define (open-nn-connection host-port)
+ (let ((req (make-req-socket))
+ (uri (conc "tcp://" host-port)))
+ (nng-dial req uri)
(socket-set! req 'nng/recvtimeo 2000)
- (handle-exceptions
- exn
- (let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
- ;; Send notification
- (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to connect / send to " uri " message was \"" emsg "\"" )
- #f)
- (nng-dial req uri)
- ;; (print "Connected to the server " )
- (nng-send req msg)
- ;; (print "Request Sent")
- (let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
- (let ((resp (nng-recv req)))
- (nng-close! req)
- (set! res (if (equal? resp "ok")
- #t
- #f))))
- "recv thread"))
- (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
- (thread-sleep! timeout)
- (thread-terminate! th1))
- "timer thread")))
- (thread-start! th1)
- (thread-start! th2)
- (thread-join! th1)
- res))))
+ req))
+(define (send-receive-nn req msg)
+ (nng-send req msg)
+ (nng-recv req))
+(define (close-nn-connection req)
+ (nng-close! req))
+;; ;; open connection to server, send message, close connection
+;; ;;
+;; (define (open-send-close-nn host-port msg #!key (timeout 3) ) ;; default timeout is 3 seconds
+;; (let ((req (make-req-socket 'req))
+;; (uri (conc "tcp://" host-port))
+;; (res #f)
+;; ;; (contacts (alist-ref 'contact attrib))
+;; ;; (mode (alist-ref 'mode attrib))
+;; )
+;; (socket-set! req 'nng/recvtimeo 2000)
+;; (handle-exceptions
+;; exn
+;; (let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
+;; ;; Send notification
+;; (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to connect / send to " uri " message was \"" emsg "\"" )
+;; #f)
+;; (nng-dial req uri)
+;; ;; (print "Connected to the server " )
+;; (nng-send req msg)
+;; ;; (print "Request Sent")
+;; (let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
+;; (let ((resp (nng-recv req)))
+;; (nng-close! req)
+;; (set! res (if (equal? resp "ok")
+;; #t
+;; #f))))
+;; "recv thread"))
+;; (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
+;; (thread-sleep! timeout)
+;; (thread-terminate! th1))
+;; "timer thread")))
+;; (thread-start! th1)
+;; (thread-start! th2)
+;; (thread-join! th1)
+;; res))))
(define (open-send-receive-nn host-port msg #!key (timeout 3) ) ;; default timeout is 3 seconds
(let ((req (make-req-socket))
(uri (conc "tcp://" host-port))
- (res #f)
- ;; (contacts (alist-ref 'contact attrib))
- ;; (mode (alist-ref 'mode attrib))
- )
+ (res #f))
(let ((emsg ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)))
;; Send notification
(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: Failed to connect / send to " uri " message was \"" emsg "\", exn=" exn)
(nng-dial req uri)
- ;; (print "Connected to the server " )
(nng-send req msg)
- ;; (print "Request Sent")
- ;; receive code here
- ;;(print (nn-recv req))
(let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
(let ((resp (nng-recv req)))
(nng-close! req)
- (print resp)
+ ;; (print resp)
(set! res resp)))
"recv thread"))
(th2 (make-thread (lambda ()
(thread-sleep! timeout)
(thread-terminate! th1))
@@ -2457,17 +2503,17 @@
;; '(/ "loop-test"))
;; (send-response body: (alist-ref 'data ($))
;; headers: '((content-type text/plain))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ ""))
-;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'http-transport:main-page))))
+;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'rmt:main-page))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ "json_api"))
-;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'http-transport:main-page))))
+;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'rmt:main-page))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ "runs"))
-;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'http-transport:main-page))))
+;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'rmt:main-page))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ any))
;; (send-response body: "hey there!\n"
;; headers: '((content-type text/plain))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
@@ -2474,16 +2520,16 @@
;; '(/ "hey"))
;; (send-response body: "hey there!\n"
;; headers: '((content-type text/plain))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ "jquery3.1.0.js"))
-;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'http-transport:show-jquery))
+;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'rmt:show-jquery))
;; headers: '((content-type application/javascript))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ "test_log"))
-;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'http-transport:html-test-log) $)
+;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'rmt:html-test-log) $)
;; headers: '((content-type text/HTML))))
;; ((equal? (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))
;; '(/ "dashboard"))
-;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'http-transport:html-dboard) $)
+;; (send-response body: ((http-get-function 'rmt:html-dboard) $)
;; headers: '((content-type text/HTML))))
;; (else (continue))))))))
Index: stml2.scm
--- stml2.scm
+++ stml2.scm
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
(declare (unit stml2))
(declare (uses cookie))
+(declare (uses dbi))
+(declare (uses autoload))
(include "stml2/stml2.scm")
Index: stml2/formdat.scm
--- stml2/formdat.scm
+++ stml2/formdat.scm
@@ -10,12 +10,11 @@
;; (declare (unit formdat))
(module formdat
-(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports )
-(use html-filter)
+(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports html-filter)
-(use regex)
-(require-extension srfi-69)
+(import regex)
+(import srfi-69)
Index: stml2/html-filter.scm
--- stml2/html-filter.scm
+++ stml2/html-filter.scm
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
(module html-filter
(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports )
-(use misc-stml)
+(import misc-stml)
-(require-extension regex)
+(import regex)
Index: stml2/misc-stml.scm
--- stml2/misc-stml.scm
+++ stml2/misc-stml.scm
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
(module misc-stml
(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports posix)
-(use regex (prefix dbi dbi:))
-(use (prefix crypt c:))
-(use (prefix dbi dbi:))
+(import regex (prefix dbi dbi:))
+(import (prefix crypt c:))
Index: stml2/rollup-pages.scm
--- stml2/rollup-pages.scm
+++ stml2/rollup-pages.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(use regex posix srfi-69 srfi-1)
+(import regex posix srfi-69 srfi-1)
(define extract-rx (regexp "pages\\/(.*)_(view|ctrl).scm"))
(define (print-page-wrapper lookup page)
(print "(define (pages:" page " session db shared)")
Index: stml2/session.scm
--- stml2/session.scm
+++ stml2/session.scm
@@ -11,10 +11,9 @@
(module session
(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports posix files srfi-1)
-(use (prefix dbi dbi:) srfi-69)
-(require-extension regex)
-(use cookie stmlcommon) ;; (declare (uses cookie))
+(import (prefix dbi dbi:) srfi-69 regex)
+(import cookie stmlcommon) ;; (declare (uses cookie))
Index: stml2/setup.scm
--- stml2/setup.scm
+++ stml2/setup.scm
@@ -9,13 +9,12 @@
(module setup
(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports posix)
-(uses session misc-stml)
+(import session misc-stml)
;; (declare (unit setup))se
;; (declare (uses session))
-(require-extension srfi-69)
-(require-extension regex)
+(import srfi-69 regex)
Index: stml2/spiffyserver.scm
--- stml2/spiffyserver.scm
+++ stml2/spiffyserver.scm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
;; This doesn't work yet
-(use spiffy cgi-handler)
+(import spiffy cgi-handler)
(spiffy-debug-mode #t)
`(("drcdb" . ,(cgi-handler* "/path/to/drcdb"))))
Index: stml2/sqlite3.scm
--- stml2/sqlite3.scm
+++ stml2/sqlite3.scm
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
;; I used this to get a simple interactive sqlite editor on the nokia n800
;; since I couldn't get sqlite3 to install (for reasons I can't remember).
-(use sqlite3)
+(import sqlite3)
(define args (argv))
(define num-args (length args))
(define dbname #f)
Index: stml2/stmlcommon.scm
--- stml2/stmlcommon.scm
+++ stml2/stmlcommon.scm
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
(module stmlcommon
(import chicken scheme data-structures extras srfi-13 ports posix)
-(use (prefix dbi dbi:) regex (prefix crypt c:) srfi-69)
+(import (prefix dbi dbi:) regex (prefix crypt c:) srfi-69)
Index: stml2/stmlrun.scm
--- stml2/stmlrun.scm
+++ stml2/stmlrun.scm
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
;; (require-extension syntax-case)
;; (declare (run-time-macros))
;; (include "stmlcommon.scm")
-(require-library stml)
+(import stml)
(stml:main #f)
Index: stml2/test.scm
--- stml2/test.scm
+++ stml2/test.scm
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-(use test md5)
+(import test md5)
-(require-extension sqlite3)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))
(require-library dbi)
;; (declare (uses stml))
Index: tests/Makefile
--- tests/Makefile
+++ tests/Makefile
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@
TARGET = "ubuntu/nfs/none"
all : build unit test4
# test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 test8 test9
-unit : basicserver.log server.log
+unit : basicserver.log server.log all-rmt.log
# all-rmt.log all-api.log
# runs.log misc.log tests.log
# inter dependencies on the unit tests, I wish these could be "suggestions"
-all-rmt.log : all-api.log
+# all-rmt.log : all-api.log
rel :
cd release;dashboard -rows 25 &
## basicserver.log : unittests/basicserver.scm
ADDED tests/simplerun/Makefile
Index: tests/simplerun/Makefile
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/simplerun/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+cleanup :
+ killall mtest -v -9;rm -rf .meta .db
Index: tests/simplerun/megatest.config
--- tests/simplerun/megatest.config
+++ tests/simplerun/megatest.config
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
state start end completed
# Job tools are more advanced ways to control how your jobs are launched
useshell yes
-launcher nbfind
+launcher nbfake
# You can override environment variables for all your tests here
EXAMPLE_VAR example value
ADDED tests/simplerun/stress-test.scm
Index: tests/simplerun/stress-test.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ tests/simplerun/stress-test.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+;; S E R V E R
+;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
+;; This file is part of Megatest.
+;; Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with Megatest. If not, see .
+;; Run like this:
+;; (cd ..;make && make install) && ./ server 1;(cd simplerun;megatest -stop-server 0)
+(import big-chicken
+ chicken.random
+ test
+ srfi-18
+ rmtmod
+ trace
+ apimod
+ dbmod
+ launchmod
+ commonmod
+ )
+(trace-call-sites #t)
+ ;; db:get-dbdat
+ ;; rmt:find-main-server
+ ;; rmt:send-receive-real
+ ;; rmt:send-receive
+ ;; sexpr->string
+ ;; server-ready?
+ ;; rmt:register-server
+ ;; rmt:deregister-server
+ ;; rmt:open-main-connection
+ ;; rmt:general-open-connection
+ ;; rmt:get-conn
+ ;; common:watchdog
+ ;; rmt:find-main-server
+ ;; get-all-server-pkts
+ ;; get-viable-servers
+ ;; get-best-candidate
+ ;; api:run-server-process
+ ;; api:process-request
+ ;; rmt:run
+ ;; rmt:try-start-server
+ )
+(define *db* (db:setup ".db/main.db"))
+;; these let me cut and paste from source easily
+(define apath *toppath*)
+(define run-id (pseudo-random-integer 10))
+(define dbname (conc ".db/"run-id".db"))
+(define remote *remotedat*)
+(define keyvals '(("SYSTEM" "a")("RELEASE" "b")))
+(test #f #t (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath))
+(test #f #t (conndat? (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
+(test #f #t (conndat? (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
+(test #f dbname (list-ref (rmt:send-receive-real *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db" 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname))
+ 6))
+(thread-sleep! 2)
+(test #f #t (rmt:general-open-connection *remotedat* *toppath* dbname))
+(let loop ((end-time (+ (current-seconds) 600)))
+ (test #f #t (list? (rmt:get-servers-info *toppath*)))
+ (test #f '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") (rmt:get-keys))
+ (test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)))
+ ;; (print "Got here.")
+ (test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run 1 (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)))
+ (test #f 2 (rmt:register-run keyvals "run2" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f))
+ ;; (test #f 2 (rmt:deregister-server *remotedat* *toppath* iface port server-key dbname
+ (test #f #t (number? (rmt:get-count-servers *remotedat* *toppath*)))
+ (test #f "run2" (rmt:get-run-name-from-id 2))
+ (test #f #f (rmt:send-receive 'get-test-info-by-id 2 '(2 1)))
+ (test #f #t (rmt:general-call 'update-cpuload-diskfree 2 1.5 1e6 1))
+ (if (< (current-seconds) end-time)(loop end-time)))
Index: tests/tests.scm
--- tests/tests.scm
+++ tests/tests.scm
@@ -15,11 +15,18 @@
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with Megatest. If not, see .
;; strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')
-(import srfi-18 test)
+(import srfi-18
+ test
+ chicken.string
+ chicken.process-context
+ chicken.file
+ chicken.pretty-print
+ commonmod
+ )
(define test-work-dir (current-directory))
;; given list of lists
;; ( ( msg expected param1 param2 ...)
Index: tests/unittests/all-rmt.scm
--- tests/unittests/all-rmt.scm
+++ tests/unittests/all-rmt.scm
@@ -29,74 +29,76 @@
;; NTN - no test needed
;; DEP - function is deprecated, no point in testing
;; NED - function nested under others, no test needed.
;; DEF - deferred
-(print "start dir: " (current-directory))
-(define toppath (current-directory))
-(test #f #f (server:check-if-running toppath)) ;; these are used by server:start-and-wait
-(test #f #t (list? (server:get-list toppath)))
-(test #f '() (server:get-best '()))
-(test #f #t (common:simple-file-lock-and-wait "test.lock" expire-time: 15))
-(test #f "test.lock" (common:simple-file-release-lock "test.lock"))
-(test #f #t (server:get-best-guess-address (get-host-name)))
-(test #f #t (string? (common:get-homehost)))
-;; clean out any old running servers
-(let ((servers (server:get-list toppath)))
- (print "Known servers: " servers)
- (if (not (null? servers))
- (begin
- (for-each
- (lambda (server)
- (let ((pid (list-ref server 4)))
- (thread-start!
- (make-thread
- (lambda ()
- (print "Attempting to kill server: " server)
- (print "Attempting to kill pid " pid)
- (system (conc "kill " pid))
- (thread-sleep! 2)
- (system (conc "kill -9 " pid)))
- (conc pid)))))
- servers)
- (thread-sleep! 2))))
-;; let's start up a server the mechanical way
-(system "nbfake megatest -server -")
-(thread-sleep! 2)
-;; (test #f #t (string? (server:start-and-wait *toppath*)))
-(test "setup for run" #t (begin (launch:setup)
- (string? (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))))
-(test #f #t (client:setup-http toppath))
-(test #f #t (vector? (client:setup toppath)))
-(test #f #t (vector? (rmt:get-connection-info toppath))) ;; TODO: push areapath down.
-(test #f #t (string? (server:check-if-running ".")))
-;; DEF (test #f #f (rmt:send-receive-no-auto-client-setup *runremote* 'get-keys #f '()))
-;; DEF (rmt:kill-server run-id)
-;; DEF (rmt:start-server run-id)
-(test #f '(#t "successful login")(rmt:login #f))
-;; DEF (rmt:login-no-auto-client-setup connection-info)
-(test #f #t (pair? (rmt:get-latest-host-load (get-host-name))))
-;; get-latest-host-load does a lookup in the db, it won't return a useful value unless
-;; a test ran recently on host
-(test-batch rmt:get-latest-host-load
- "rmt:get-latest-host-load"
- (list (list "localhost" #t (get-host-name))
- (list "not-a-host" #t "not-a-host" ))
- post-proc: pair?)
-(test #f #t (list? (rmt:get-changed-record-ids 0)))
-(test #f #f (begin (runs:update-all-test_meta #f) #f))
-(test #f '("test1" "test2")(sort (alist-ref "tagtwo" (rmt:get-tests-tags) equal?) string<=))
+(import big-chicken rmtmod apimod runsmod)
+(print "start dir: " (current-directory))
+(define toppath (current-directory))
+;; (test #f #f (server:check-if-running toppath)) ;; these are used by server:start-and-wait
+;; (test #f #t (list? (server:get-list toppath)))
+;; (test #f '() (server:get-best '()))
+;; (test #f #t (common:simple-file-lock-and-wait "test.lock" expire-time: 15))
+;; (test #f "test.lock" (common:simple-file-release-lock "test.lock"))
+;; (test #f #t (server:get-best-guess-address (get-host-name)))
+;; (test #f #t (string? (common:get-homehost)))
+;; ;; clean out any old running servers
+;; ;;
+;; (let ((servers (server:get-list toppath)))
+;; (print "Known servers: " servers)
+;; (if (not (null? servers))
+;; (begin
+;; (for-each
+;; (lambda (server)
+;; (let ((pid (list-ref server 4)))
+;; (thread-start!
+;; (make-thread
+;; (lambda ()
+;; (print "Attempting to kill server: " server)
+;; (print "Attempting to kill pid " pid)
+;; (system (conc "kill " pid))
+;; (thread-sleep! 2)
+;; (system (conc "kill -9 " pid)))
+;; (conc pid)))))
+;; servers)
+;; (thread-sleep! 2))))
+;; ;; let's start up a server the mechanical way
+;; (system "nbfake megatest -server -")
+;; (thread-sleep! 2)
+;; ;; (test #f #t (string? (server:start-and-wait *toppath*)))
+;; (test "setup for run" #t (begin (launch:setup)
+;; (string? (getenv "MT_RUN_AREA_HOME"))))
+;; (test #f #t (client:setup-http toppath))
+;; (test #f #t (vector? (client:setup toppath)))
+;; (test #f #t (vector? (rmt:get-connection-info toppath))) ;; TODO: push areapath down.
+;; (test #f #t (string? (server:check-if-running ".")))
+;; ;; DEF (test #f #f (rmt:send-receive-no-auto-client-setup *runremote* 'get-keys #f '()))
+;; ;; DEF (rmt:kill-server run-id)
+;; ;; DEF (rmt:start-server run-id)
+;; (test #f '(#t "successful login")(rmt:login #f))
+;; ;; DEF (rmt:login-no-auto-client-setup connection-info)
+;; (test #f #t (pair? (rmt:get-latest-host-load (get-host-name))))
+;; ;; get-latest-host-load does a lookup in the db, it won't return a useful value unless
+;; ;; a test ran recently on host
+;; (test-batch rmt:get-latest-host-load
+;; "rmt:get-latest-host-load"
+;; (list (list "localhost" #t (get-host-name))
+;; (list "not-a-host" #t "not-a-host" ))
+;; post-proc: pair?)
+;; (test #f #t (list? (rmt:get-changed-record-ids 0)))
+(test #f #f (begin (runs:update-all-test_meta #f) #f))
+(test #f '("test1" "test2")(sort (alist-ref "tagtwo" (rmt:get-tests-tags) equal?) string<=?))
(test #f '() (rmt:get-key-val-pairs 0))
(test #f '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") (rmt:get-keys))
(test #f '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") (rmt:get-keys-write)) ;; dummy query to force server start
(test #f '() (rmt:get-key-vals 1))
(test #f (vector '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") '()) (rmt:get-targets))
@@ -131,11 +133,11 @@
(test #f #f (begin (rmt:set-state-status-and-roll-up-items 1 "foo" "" "COMPLETED" "FAIL" "Just yet another message") #f))
(test #f #t (rmt:top-test-set-per-pf-counts 1 "foo"))
(test #f '() (rmt:get-raw-run-stats 1))
(test #f #t (vector? (rmt:get-run-info 1)))
(test #f 0 (rmt:get-num-runs "%"))
-(define keypatts '(("SYSTEM" "ubuntu")("RELEASE" "v1.234")) )
+(define keypatts '(("SYSTEM" "ubuntu")("RELEASE" "v1.234")))
(test #f 1 (rmt:register-run '(("SYSTEM" "ubuntu")("RELEASE" "v1.234")) "bar" "NEW" "JUSTFINE" "bobafett" "quick"))
(test #f "bar" (rmt:get-run-name-from-id 1))
(test #f #t (begin (rmt:delete-run 2) #t)) ;; delete a non-existant run
(test #f #t (begin (rmt:update-run-stats 1 '()) #t))
(test #f #t (begin (rmt:delete-old-deleted-test-records) #t))
@@ -166,50 +168,51 @@
(test #f '(("Totals" "UNKNOWN" 1) ("bar" "UNKNOWN" 1)) (begin (rmt:get-run-stats)))
(test #f #t (begin (rmt:set-run-state-status 1 "COMPLETE" "PASS") #t))
(test #f '"COMPLETE" (rmt:get-run-state 1))
(test #f '"PASS" (rmt:get-run-status 1))
-(test #f #t (begin (rmt:set-var "foo" "bar")#t))
-(test #f "bar" (rmt:get-var "foo"))
+(test #f #t (begin (rmt:set-var 1 "foo" "bar")#t))
+(test #f "bar" (rmt:get-var 1 "foo"))
(test #f #t (begin (rmt:print-db-stats) #t))
-(test #f #t (begin (rmt:del-var "foo") #t))
-(test #f #f (rmt:get-var "foo"))
+(test #f #t (begin (rmt:del-var 1 "foo") #t))
+(test #f #f (rmt:get-var 1 "foo"))
(test #f (vector #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f) (rmt:get-data-info-by-id 1))
(test #f '() (rmt:get-key-vals 1))
(test #f "ubuntu/v1.234" (rmt:get-target 1))
(print (rmt:get-run-info 1))
(test #f '((runs) (tests) (test_steps) (test_data)) (rmt:get-run-record-ids "ubuntu/v1.234" 1 '("fail_count") "bar"))
-;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete run-id ovr-deadtime)
-;; (rmt:get-main-run-stats run-id)
-;; (rmt:get-var varname)
-;; (rmt:set-var varname value)
-;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete-all-runs #!key (ovr-deadtime #f))
-;; (rmt:get-previous-test-run-record run-id test-name item-path)
-;; (rmt:get-run-stats)
-;; (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile)
-;; (rmt:get-steps-for-test run-id test-id)
-;; (rmt:read-test-data run-id test-id categorypatt #!key (work-area #f))
-;; (rmt:testmeta-add-record testname)
-;; (rmt:testmeta-get-record testname)
-;; (rmt:testmeta-update-field test-name fld val)
-;; (rmt:test-data-rollup run-id test-id status)
-;; (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id csvdata)
-;; (rmt:tasks-find-task-queue-records target run-name test-patt state-patt action-patt)
-;; (rmt:tasks-add action owner target runname testpatt params)
-;; (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key param-key new-state)
-;; (rmt:tasks-get-last target runname)
-;; (rmt:archive-get-allocations testname itempath dneeded)
-;; (rmt:archive-register-block-name bdisk-id archive-path)
-;; (rmt:archive-allocate-testsuite/area-to-block block-id testsuite-name areakey)
-;; (rmt:archive-register-disk bdisk-name bdisk-path df)
-;; (rmt:test-set-archive-block-id run-id test-id archive-block-id)
-;; (rmt:test-get-archive-block-info archive-block-id)
-;; NED (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd run-id params #!key (remretries 5))
-;; NED (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected
-;; DEF (test #f #f (rmt:print-db-stats))
-;; DEF (rmt:get-max-query-average run-id)
-;; NED (rmt:general-call stmtname run-id . params)
-;; DEP (rmt:sdb-qry qry val run-id)
-;; DEF (rmt:runtests user run-id testpatt params)
-;; DEP (rmt:open-test-db-by-test-id run-id test-id #!key (work-area #f))
-;; DEP (rmt:synchash-get run-id proc synckey keynum params)
-;; DEP (test #f #f (rmt:update-pass-fail-counts 1 "foo"))
+;; ;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete run-id ovr-deadtime)
+;; ;; (rmt:get-main-run-stats run-id)
+;; ;; (rmt:get-var varname)
+;; ;; (rmt:set-var varname value)
+;; ;; (rmt:find-and-mark-incomplete-all-runs #!key (ovr-deadtime #f))
+;; ;; (rmt:get-previous-test-run-record run-id test-name item-path)
+;; ;; (rmt:get-run-stats)
+;; ;; (rmt:teststep-set-status! run-id test-id teststep-name state-in status-in comment logfile)
+;; ;; (rmt:get-steps-for-test run-id test-id)
+;; ;; (rmt:read-test-data run-id test-id categorypatt #!key (work-area #f))
+;; ;; (rmt:testmeta-add-record testname)
+;; ;; (rmt:testmeta-get-record testname)
+;; ;; (rmt:testmeta-update-field test-name fld val)
+;; ;; (rmt:test-data-rollup run-id test-id status)
+;; ;; (rmt:csv->test-data run-id test-id csvdata)
+;; ;; (rmt:tasks-find-task-queue-records target run-name test-patt state-patt action-patt)
+;; ;; (rmt:tasks-add action owner target runname testpatt params)
+;; ;; (rmt:tasks-set-state-given-param-key param-key new-state)
+;; ;; (rmt:tasks-get-last target runname)
+;; ;; (rmt:archive-get-allocations testname itempath dneeded)
+;; ;; (rmt:archive-register-block-name bdisk-id archive-path)
+;; ;; (rmt:archive-allocate-testsuite/area-to-block block-id testsuite-name areakey)
+;; ;; (rmt:archive-register-disk bdisk-name bdisk-path df)
+;; ;; (rmt:test-set-archive-block-id run-id test-id archive-block-id)
+;; ;; (rmt:test-get-archive-block-info archive-block-id)
+;; ;; NED (rmt:open-qry-close-locally cmd run-id params #!key (remretries 5))
+;; ;; NED (rmt:send-receive cmd rid params #!key (attemptnum 1)(area-dat #f)) ;; start attemptnum at 1 so the modulo below works as expected
+;; ;; DEF (test #f #f (rmt:print-db-stats))
+;; ;; DEF (rmt:get-max-query-average run-id)
+;; ;; NED (rmt:general-call stmtname run-id . params)
+;; ;; DEP (rmt:sdb-qry qry val run-id)
+;; ;; DEF (rmt:runtests user run-id testpatt params)
+;; ;; DEP (rmt:open-test-db-by-test-id run-id test-id #!key (work-area #f))
+;; ;; DEP (rmt:synchash-get run-id proc synckey keynum params)
+;; ;; DEP (test #f #f (rmt:update-pass-fail-counts 1 "foo"))
Index: tests/unittests/basicserver.scm
--- tests/unittests/basicserver.scm
+++ tests/unittests/basicserver.scm
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
;; Run like this:
;; ./ server 1;(cd simplerun;megatest -stop-server 0)
(import rmtmod trace http-client apimod dbmod
- launchmod)
+ launchmod srfi-69)
(trace-call-sites #t)
;; db:get-dbdat
;; rmt:find-main-server
@@ -45,20 +45,20 @@
;; api:run-server-process
;; rmt:run
;; rmt:try-start-server
-(test #f #t (rmt:remote? (let ((r (make-rmt:remote)))
- (set! *rmt:remote* r)
- r)))
-(test #f #f (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db"))
+(test #f #t (remotedat? (let ((r (make-remotedat)))
+ (set! *remotedat* r)
+ r)))
+(test #f #f (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db"))
(test #f #f (rmt:find-main-server *toppath* ".db/main.db"))
-(test #f #t (rmt:open-main-connection *rmt:remote* *toppath*))
-(pp (hash-table->alist (rmt:remote-conns *rmt:remote*)))
-(test #f #t (rmt:conn? (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
+(test #f #t (rmt:open-main-connection *remotedat* *toppath*))
+(pp (hash-table->alist (remotedat-conns *remotedat*)))
+(test #f #t (conndat? (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
-(define *main* (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db"))
+(define *main* (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db"))
;; (for-each (lambda (tdat)
;; (test #f tdat (loop-test (rmt:conn-ipaddr *main*)
;; (rmt:conn-port *main*) tdat)))
;; (list 'a
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
(define *db* (db:setup ".db/main.db"))
;; these let me cut and paste from source easily
(define apath *toppath*)
(define dbname ".db/2.db")
-(define remote *rmt:remote*)
+(define remote *remotedat*)
(define keyvals '(("SYSTEM" "a")("RELEASE" "b")))
(test #f '() (string->sexpr "()"))
(test #f 'server-started (api:execute-requests *db* 'get-server (list *toppath* ".db/2.db")))
(set! *dbstruct-db* #f)
Index: tests/unittests/server.scm
--- tests/unittests/server.scm
+++ tests/unittests/server.scm
@@ -20,19 +20,20 @@
;; Run like this:
;; (cd ..;make && make install) && ./ server 1;(cd simplerun;megatest -stop-server 0)
-(import rmtmod trace http-client apimod dbmod
+(import big-chicken rmtmod trace http-client apimod dbmod
(trace-call-sites #t)
;; db:get-dbdat
;; rmt:find-main-server
-;; rmt:send-receive-real
-;; rmt:send-receive
+ ;; rmt:send-receive-real
+ ;; rmt:send-receive
;; sexpr->string
;; server-ready?
;; rmt:register-server
;; rmt:deregister-server
;; rmt:open-main-connection
@@ -52,31 +53,38 @@
(define *db* (db:setup ".db/main.db"))
;; these let me cut and paste from source easily
(define apath *toppath*)
(define dbname ".db/2.db")
-(define remote *rmt:remote*)
+(define remote *remotedat*)
(define keyvals '(("SYSTEM" "a")("RELEASE" "b")))
(test #f #t (rmt:open-main-connection remote apath))
-(test #f #t (rmt:conn? (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
-(test #f #t (rmt:conn? (rmt:get-conn *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
-(test #f 'server-started (rmt:send-receive-real *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/main.db" 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname)))
+(test #f #t (conndat? (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
+(test #f #t (conndat? (rmt:get-conn *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db")))
+(test #f ".db/2.db" (list-ref (rmt:send-receive-real *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/main.db" 'get-server `(,apath ,dbname))
+ 6))
(thread-sleep! 2)
-(test #f #t (list? (rmt:general-open-connection *rmt:remote* *toppath* ".db/2.db")))
-(test #f '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") (rmt:get-keys))
-(test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)))
-(print "Got here.")
-(test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run 1 (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)))
-(test #f 2 (rmt:register-run keyvals "run2" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f))
-;; (test #f 2 (rmt:deregister-server *rmt:remote* *toppath* iface port server-key dbname
-(test #f 2 (rmt:get-count-servers *rmt:remote* *toppath*))
-(test #f "run2" (rmt:get-run-name-from-id 2))
-;; (exit)
+(test #f #t (rmt:general-open-connection *remotedat* *toppath* ".db/2.db"))
+;; (let loop ((end-time (+ (current-seconds) 61)))
+ (test #f #t (list? (rmt:get-servers-info *toppath*)))
+ (test #f '("SYSTEM" "RELEASE") (rmt:get-keys))
+ (test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run #f (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)))
+ ;; (print "Got here.")
+ (test #f 1 (rmt:send-receive 'register-run 1 (list keyvals "run1" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f)))
+ (test #f 2 (rmt:register-run keyvals "run2" "new" "n/a" "justme" #f))
+ ;; (test #f 2 (rmt:deregister-server *remotedat* *toppath* iface port server-key dbname
+ (test #f 2 (rmt:get-count-servers *remotedat* *toppath*))
+ (test #f "run2" (rmt:get-run-name-from-id 2))
+ (test #f #f (rmt:send-receive 'get-test-info-by-id 2 '(2 1)))
+ (test #f #t (rmt:general-call 'update-cpuload-diskfree 2 1.5 1e6 1))
+;; (if (< (current-seconds) end-time)(loop end-time)))
Index: testsmod.scm
--- testsmod.scm
+++ testsmod.scm
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
(declare (uses itemsmod))
(declare (uses rmtmod))
(declare (uses stml2))
(declare (uses dbmod))
(declare (uses tasksmod))
+(declare (uses dbi))
(module testsmod
(import scheme
ADDED ulex/ulex-prev-orig.scm
Index: ulex/ulex-prev-orig.scm
--- /dev/null
+++ ulex/ulex-prev-orig.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,2252 @@
+;; ulex: Distributed sqlite3 db
+;; Copyright (C) 2018 Matt Welland
+;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+;; modification, is permitted.
+;; ABOUT:
+;; See README in the distribution at
+;; NOTES:
+;; Why sql-de-lite and not say, dbi? - performance mostly, then simplicity.
+(use mailbox)
+(module ulex
+ *
+(import scheme posix chicken data-structures ports extras files mailbox)
+(import srfi-18 pkts matchable regex
+ typed-records srfi-69 srfi-1
+ srfi-4 regex-case
+ (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
+ foreign
+ tcp6
+ ;; ulex-netutil
+ hostinfo
+ )
+;; make it a global? Well, it is local to area module
+(define *captain-pktspec*
+ `((captain (host . h)
+ (port . p)
+ (pid . i)
+ (ipaddr . a)
+ )
+ #;(data (hostname . h) ;; sender hostname
+ (port . p) ;; sender port
+ (ipaddr . a) ;; sender ip
+ (hostkey . k) ;; sending host key - store info at server under this key
+ (servkey . s) ;; server key - this needs to match at server end or reject the msg
+ (format . f) ;; sb=serialized-base64, t=text, sx=sexpr, j=json
+ (data . d) ;; base64 encoded slln data
+ )))
+;; struct for keeping track of our world
+(defstruct udat
+ ;; captain info
+ (captain-address #f)
+ (captain-host #f)
+ (captain-port #f)
+ (captain-pid #f)
+ (captain-lease 0) ;; time (unix epoc) seconds when the lease is up
+ (ulex-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.ulex"))
+ (cpkts-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.ulex/pkts"))
+ (cpkt-spec *captain-pktspec*)
+ ;; this processes info
+ (my-cpkt-key #f) ;; put Z card here when I create a pkt for myself as captain
+ (my-address #f)
+ (my-hostname #f)
+ (my-port #f)
+ (my-pid (current-process-id))
+ (my-dbs '())
+ ;; server and handler thread
+ (serv-listener #f) ;; this processes server info
+ (handler-thread #f)
+ (mboxes (make-hash-table)) ;; key => mbox
+ ;; other servers
+ (peers (make-hash-table)) ;; host-port => peer record
+ (dbowners (make-hash-table)) ;; dbfile => host-port
+ (handlers (make-hash-table)) ;; dbfile => proc
+ ;; (outgoing-conns (make-hash-table)) ;; host:port -> conn
+ (work-queue (make-queue)) ;; most stuff goes here
+ ;; (fast-queue (make-queue)) ;; super quick stuff goes here (e.g. ping)
+ (busy #f) ;; is either of the queues busy, use to switch between queuing tasks or doing immediately
+ ;; app info
+ (appname #f)
+ (dbtypes (make-hash-table)) ;; this should be an alist but hash is easier. dbtype => [ initproc syncproc ]
+ ;; cookies
+ (cnum 0) ;; cookie num
+ )
+;; start-server-find-port ;; gotta have a server port ready from the very begining
+;; udata - all the connection info, captain, server, ulex db etc. MUST BE PASSED IN
+;; dbpath - full path and filename of the db to talk to or a symbol naming the db?
+;; callname - the remote call to execute
+;; params - parameters to pass to the remote call
+(define (remote-call udata dbpath dbtype callname . params)
+ (start-server-find-port udata) ;; ensure we have a local server
+ (find-or-setup-captain udata)
+ ;; look at connect, process-request, send, send-receive
+ (let-values (((cookie-key host-port)(get-db-owner udata dbpath dbtype)))
+ (send-receive udata host-port callname cookie-key params)))
+;; connection setup and management functions
+;; This is the basic setup command. Must always be
+;; called before connecting to a db using connect.
+;; find or become the captain
+;; setup and return a ulex object
+(define (find-or-setup-captain udata)
+ ;; see if we already have a captain and if the lease is ok
+ (if (and (udat-captain-address udata)
+ (udat-captain-port udata)
+ (< (current-seconds) (udat-captain-lease udata)))
+ udata
+ (let* ((cpkts (get-all-captain-pkts udata)) ;; read captain pkts
+ (captn (get-winning-pkt cpkts)))
+ (if captn
+ (let* ((port (alist-ref 'port captn))
+ (host (alist-ref 'host captn))
+ (ipaddr (alist-ref 'ipaddr captn))
+ (pid (alist-ref 'pid captn))
+ (Z (alist-ref 'Z captn)))
+ (udat-captain-address-set! udata ipaddr)
+ (udat-captain-host-set! udata host)
+ (udat-captain-port-set! udata port)
+ (udat-captain-pid-set! udata pid)
+ (udat-captain-lease-set! udata (+ (current-seconds) 10))
+ (let-values (((success pingtime)(ping udata (conc ipaddr ":" port))))
+ (if success
+ udata
+ (begin
+ (print "Found unreachable captain at " ipaddr ":" port ", removing pkt")
+ (remove-captain-pkt udata captn)
+ (find-or-setup-captain udata))))
+ (begin
+ (setup-as-captain udata) ;; this saves the thread to captain-thread and starts the thread
+ (find-or-setup-captain udata)))))))
+;; connect to a specific dbfile
+;; - if already connected - return the dbowner host-port
+;; - ask the captain who to talk to for this db
+;; - put the entry in the dbowners hash as dbfile => host-port
+(define (connect udata dbfname dbtype)
+ (or (hash-table-ref/default (udat-dbowners udata) dbfname #f)
+ (let-values (((success dbowner-host-port)(get-db-owner udata dbfname dbtype)))
+ (if success
+ (begin
+ ;; just clobber the record, this is the new data no matter what
+ (hash-table-set! (udat-dbowners udata) dbfname dbowner-host-port)
+ dbowner-host-port)
+ #f))))
+;; returns: success pingtime
+;; NOTE: causes the callee to store the info on this host along with the dbs this host currently owns
+(define (ping udata host-port)
+ (let* ((start (current-milliseconds))
+ (cookie (make-cookie udata))
+ (dbs (udat-my-dbs udata))
+ (msg (string-intersperse dbs " "))
+ (res (send udata host-port 'ping cookie msg retval: #t))
+ (delta (- (current-milliseconds) start)))
+ (values (equal? res cookie) delta)))
+;; returns: success pingtime
+;; NOTE: causes all references to this worker to be wiped out in the
+;; callee (ususally the captain)
+(define (goodbye-ping udata host-port)
+ (let* ((start (current-milliseconds))
+ (cookie (make-cookie udata))
+ (dbs (udat-my-dbs udata))
+ (res (send udata host-port 'goodbye cookie "nomsg" retval: #t))
+ (delta (- (current-milliseconds) start)))
+ (values (equal? res cookie) delta)))
+(define (goodbye-captain udata)
+ (let* ((host-port (udat-captain-host-port udata)))
+ (if host-port
+ (goodbye-ping udata host-port)
+ (values #f -1))))
+(define (get-db-owner udata dbname dbtype)
+ (let* ((host-port (udat-captain-host-port udata)))
+ (if host-port
+ (let* ((cookie (make-cookie udata))
+ (msg #f) ;; (conc dbname " " dbtype))
+ (params `(,dbname ,dbtype))
+ (res (send udata host-port 'db-owner cookie msg
+ params: params retval: #t)))
+ (match (string-split res)
+ ((retcookie owner-host-port)
+ (values (equal? retcookie cookie) owner-host-port))))
+ (values #f -1))))
+;; called in ulex-handler to dispatch work, called on the workers side
+;; calls (proc params data)
+;; returns result with cookie
+;; pdat is the info of the caller, used to send the result data
+;; prockey is key into udat-handlers hash dereferencing a proc
+;; procparam is a first param handed to proc - often to do further derefrencing
+;; NOTE: params is intended to be a list of strings, encoding on data
+;; is up to the user but data must be a single line
+(define (process-request udata pdat dbname cookie prockey procparam data)
+ (let* ((dbrec (ulex-open-db udata dbname)) ;; this will be a dbconn record, looks for in udata first
+ (proc (hash-table-ref udata prockey)))
+ (let* ((result (proc dbrec procparam data)))
+ result)))
+;; remote-request - send to remote to process in process-request
+;; uconn comes from a call to connect and can be used instead of calling connect again
+;; uconn is the host-port to call
+;; we send dbname to the worker so they know which file to open
+;; data must be a string with no newlines, it will be handed to the proc
+;; at the remote site unchanged. It is up to the user to encode/decode it's contents
+;; rtype: immediate, read-only, normal, low-priority
+(define (remote-request udata uconn rtype dbname prockey procparam data)
+ (let* ((cookie (make-cookie udata)))
+ (send-receive udata uconn rtype cookie data `(,prockey procparam))))
+(define (ulex-open-db udata dbname)
+ #f)
+;; Ulex db
+;; - track who is captain, lease expire time
+;; - track who owns what db, lease
+(define (ulex-dbfname)
+ (let ((dbdir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.ulex")))
+ (if (not (file-exists? dbdir))
+ (create-directory dbdir #t))
+ (conc dbdir "/network.db")))
+;; always goes in ~/.ulex/network.db
+;; role is captain, adjutant, node
+(define (ulexdb-setup)
+ (let* ((dbfname (ulex-dbfname))
+ (have-db (file-exists? dbfname))
+ (db (sqlite3:open-database dbfname)))
+ (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 136000))
+ (sqlite3:execute db "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;")
+ (if (not have-db)
+ (sqlite3:with-transaction
+ db
+ (lambda ()
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (stmt)
+ (if stmt (sqlite3:execute db stmt)))
+ ipadr TEXT NOT NULL,
+ zcard TEXT NOT NULL,
+ regtime INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
+ lease_thru INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
+ last_update INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')));"
+ "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_nodes_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON nodes
+ UPDATE nodes SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
+ END;"
+ dbname TEXT NOT NULL,
+ dbfile TEXT NOT NULL,
+ dbtype TEXT NOT NULL,
+ host_port TEXT NOT NULL,
+ regtime INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
+ lease_thru INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
+ last_update INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')));"
+ UPDATE dbs SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
+ END;")))))
+ db))
+(define (get-host-port-lease db dbfname)
+ (sqlite3:fold-row
+ (lambda (rem host-port lease-thru)
+ (list host-port lease-thru))
+ #f db "SELECT host_port,lease_thru FROM dbs WHERE dbfile = ?" dbfname))
+(define (register-captain db host ipadr port pid zcard #!key (lease 20))
+ (let* ((dbfname (ulex-dbfname))
+ (host-port (conc host ":" port)))
+ (sqlite3:with-transaction
+ db
+ (lambda ()
+ (match (get-host-port-lease db dbfname)
+ ((host-port lease-thru)
+ (if (> (current-seconds) lease-thru)
+ (begin
+ (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE dbs SET host_port=?,lease_thru=? WHERE dbname=?"
+ (conc host ":" port)
+ (+ (current-seconds) lease)
+ dbfname)
+ #t)
+ #f))
+ (#f (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO dbs (dbname,dbfile,dbtype,host_port,lease_thru) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"
+ "captain" dbfname "captain" host-port (+ (current-seconds) lease)))
+ (else (print "ERROR: Unrecognised result from fold-row")
+ (exit 1)))))))
+;; network utilities
+(define (rate-ip ipaddr)
+ (regex-case ipaddr
+ ( "^127\\..*" _ 0 )
+ ( "^(10\\.0|192\\.168)\\..*" _ 1 )
+ ( else 2 ) ))
+;; Change this to bias for addresses with a reasonable broadcast value?
+(define (ip-pref-less? a b)
+ (> (rate-ip a) (rate-ip b)))
+(define (get-my-best-address)
+ (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips))
+ ;;(all-my-addresses-old (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo (get-host-name)))))
+ )
+ (cond
+ ((null? all-my-addresses)
+ (get-host-name)) ;; no interfaces?
+ ((eq? (length all-my-addresses) 1)
+ (car all-my-addresses)) ;; only one to choose from, just go with it
+ (else
+ (car (sort all-my-addresses ip-pref-less?)))
+ ;; (else
+ ;; (ip->string (car (filter (lambda (x) ;; take any but 127.
+ ;; (not (eq? (u8vector-ref x 0) 127)))
+ ;; all-my-addresses))))
+ )))
+(define (get-all-ips-sorted)
+ (sort (get-all-ips) ip-pref-less?))
+(define (get-all-ips)
+ (map ip->string (vector->list
+ (hostinfo-addresses
+ (host-information (current-hostname))))))
+(define (udat-my-host-port udata)
+ (if (and (udat-my-address udata)(udat-my-port udata))
+ (conc (udat-my-address udata) ":" (udat-my-port udata))
+ #f))
+(define (udat-captain-host-port udata)
+ (if (and (udat-captain-address udata)(udat-captain-port udata))
+ (conc (udat-captain-address udata) ":" (udat-captain-port udata))
+ #f))
+(define (udat-get-peer udata host-port)
+ (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers udata) host-port #f))
+;; struct for keeping track of others we are talking to
+(defstruct peer
+ (addr-port #f)
+ (hostname #f)
+ (pid #f)
+ ;; (inp #f)
+ ;; (oup #f)
+ (dbs '()) ;; list of databases this peer is currently handling
+ )
+(defstruct work
+ (peer-dat #f)
+ (handlerkey #f)
+ (qrykey #f)
+ (data #f)
+ (start (current-milliseconds)))
+#;(defstruct dbowner
+ (pdat #f)
+ (last-update (current-seconds)))
+;; Captain functions
+;; NB// This needs to be started in a thread
+;; setup to be a captain
+;; - local server MUST be started already
+;; - create pkt
+;; - start server port handler
+(define (setup-as-captain udata)
+ (if (create-captain-pkt udata)
+ (let* ((my-addr (udat-my-address udata))
+ (my-port (udat-my-port udata))
+ (th (make-thread (lambda ()
+ (ulex-handler-loop udata)) "Captain handler")))
+ (udat-handler-thread-set! udata th)
+ (udat-captain-address-set! udata my-addr)
+ (udat-captain-port-set! udata my-port)
+ (thread-start! th))
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: failed to create captain pkt")
+ #f)))
+;; given a pkts dir read
+(define (get-all-captain-pkts udata)
+ (let* ((pktsdir (let ((d (udat-cpkts-dir udata)))
+ (if (file-exists? d)
+ d
+ (begin
+ (create-directory d #t)
+ d))))
+ (all-pkt-files (glob (conc pktsdir "/*.pkt")))
+ (pkt-spec (udat-cpkt-spec udata)))
+ (map (lambda (pkt-file)
+ (read-pkt->alist pkt-file pktspec: pkt-spec))
+ all-pkt-files)))
+;; sort by D then Z, return one, choose the oldest then
+;; differentiate if needed using the Z key
+(define (get-winning-pkt pkts)
+ (if (null? pkts)
+ #f
+ (car (sort pkts (lambda (a b)
+ (let ((ad (string->number (alist-ref 'D a)))
+ (bd (string->number (alist-ref 'D b))))
+ (if (eq? a b)
+ (let ((az (alist-ref 'Z a))
+ (bz (alist-ref 'Z b)))
+ (string>=? az bz))
+ (> ad bd))))))))
+;; put the host, ip, port and pid into a pkt in
+;; the captain pkts dir
+;; - assumes user has already fired up a server
+;; which will be in the udata struct
+(define (create-captain-pkt udata)
+ (if (not (udat-serv-listener udata))
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: create-captain-pkt called with out a listener")
+ #f)
+ (let* ((pktdat `((port . ,(udat-my-port udata))
+ (host . ,(udat-my-hostname udata))
+ (ipaddr . ,(udat-my-address udata))
+ (pid . ,(udat-my-pid udata))))
+ (pktdir (udat-cpkts-dir udata))
+ (pktspec (udat-cpkt-spec udata))
+ )
+ (udat-my-cpkt-key-set!
+ udata
+ (write-alist->pkt
+ pktdir
+ pktdat
+ pktspec: pktspec
+ ptype: 'captain))
+ (udat-my-cpkt-key udata))))
+;; remove pkt associated with captn (the Z key .pkt)
+(define (remove-captain-pkt udata captn)
+ (let ((Z (alist-ref 'Z captn))
+ (cpktdir (udat-cpkts-dir udata)))
+ (delete-file* (conc cpktdir "/" Z ".pkt"))))
+;; call all known peers and tell them to delete their info on the captain
+;; thus forcing them to re-read pkts and connect to a new captain
+;; call this when the captain needs to exit and if an older captain is
+;; detected. Due to delays in sending file meta data in NFS multiple
+;; captains can be initiated in a "Storm of Captains", book soon to be
+;; on Amazon
+(define (drop-captain udata)
+ (let* ((peers (hash-table-keys (udat-peers udata)))
+ (cookie (make-cookie udata)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (host-port)
+ (send udata host-port 'dropcaptain cookie "nomsg" retval: #t))
+ peers)))
+;; server primitives
+(define (make-cookie udata)
+ (let ((newcnum (+ (udat-cnum udata) 1)))
+ (udat-cnum-set! udata newcnum)
+ (conc (udat-my-address udata) ":"
+ (udat-my-port udata) "-"
+ (udat-my-pid udata) "-"
+ newcnum)))
+;; create a tcp listener and return a populated udat struct with
+;; my port, address, hostname, pid etc.
+;; return #f if fail to find a port to allocate.
+;; if udata-in is #f create the record
+;; if there is already a serv-listener return the udata
+(define (start-server-find-port udata-in #!optional (port 4242))
+ (let ((udata (or udata-in (make-udat))))
+ (if (udat-serv-listener udata) ;; TODO - add check that the listener is alive and ready?
+ udata
+ (handle-exceptions
+ exn
+ (if (< port 65535)
+ (start-server-find-port udata (+ port 1))
+ #f)
+ (connect-server udata port)))))
+(define (connect-server udata port)
+ ;; (tcp-listener-socket LISTENER)(socket-name so)
+ ;; sockaddr-address, sockaddr-port, sockaddr->string
+ (let* ((tlsn (tcp-listen port 1000 #f)) ;; (tcp-listen TCPPORT [BACKLOG [HOST]])
+ (addr (get-my-best-address))) ;; (hostinfo-addresses (host-information (current-hostname)))
+ (udat-my-address-set! udata addr)
+ (udat-my-port-set! udata port)
+ (udat-my-hostname-set! udata (get-host-name))
+ (udat-serv-listener-set! udata tlsn)
+ udata))
+(define (get-peer-dat udata host-port #!optional (hostname #f)(pid #f))
+ (let* ((pdat (or (udat-get-peer udata host-port)
+ exn
+ #f
+ (let ((npdat (make-peer addr-port: host-port)))
+ (if hostname (peer-hostname-set! npdat hostname))
+ (if pid (peer-pid-set! npdat pid))
+ npdat)))))
+ pdat))
+;; send structured data to recipient
+;; NOTE: qrykey is what was called the "cookie" previously
+;; retval tells send to expect and wait for return data (one line) and return it or time out
+;; this is for ping where we don't want to necessarily have set up our own server yet.
+(define (send udata host-port handler qrykey data
+ #!key (hostname #f)(pid #f)(params '())(retval #f))
+ (let* ((my-host-port (udat-my-host-port udata))
+ (isme (equal? host-port my-host-port)) ;; am I calling
+ ;; myself?
+ (dat (list
+ handler ;; " "
+ my-host-port ;; " "
+ (udat-my-pid udata) ;; " "
+ qrykey
+ params ;;(if (null? params) "" (conc " "
+ ;;(string-intersperse params " ")))
+ )))
+ ;; (print "send isme is " (if isme "true!" "false!") ",
+ ;; my-host-port: " my-host-port ", host-port: " host-port)
+ (if isme
+ (ulex-handler udata dat data)
+ exn
+ #f
+ (let-values (((inp oup)(tcp-connect host-port)))
+ ;;
+ ;; handlerkey host:port pid qrykey params ...
+ ;;
+ (let ((res
+ (if (and inp oup)
+ (let* ()
+ (if my-host-port
+ (begin
+ (write dat oup)
+ (write data oup) ;; send as sexpr
+ ;; (print "Sent dat: " dat " data: " data)
+ (if retval
+ (read inp)
+ #t))
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: send called but no receiver has been setup. Please call setup first!")
+ #f))
+ ;; (there is a listener for handling that)
+ )
+ #f))) ;; #f means failed to connect and send
+ (close-input-port inp)
+ (close-output-port oup)
+ res))))))
+;; send a request to the given host-port and register a mailbox in udata
+;; wait for the mailbox data and return it
+(define (send-receive udata host-port handler qrykey data #!key (hostname #f)(pid #f)(params '())(timeout 20))
+ (let ((mbox (make-mailbox))
+ (mbox-time (current-milliseconds))
+ (mboxes (udat-mboxes udata)))
+ (hash-table-set! mboxes qrykey mbox)
+ (if (send udata host-port handler qrykey data hostname: hostname pid: pid params: params)
+ (let* ((mbox-timeout-secs timeout)
+ (mbox-timeout-result 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
+ (res (mailbox-receive! mbox mbox-timeout-secs mbox-timeout-result))
+ (mbox-receive-time (current-milliseconds)))
+ (hash-table-delete! mboxes qrykey)
+ (if (eq? res 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
+ #f
+ res))
+ #f))) ;; #f means failed to communicate
+(define (ulex-handler udata controldat data)
+ (print "controldat: " controldat " data: " data)
+ (match controldat ;; (string-split controldat)
+ ((handlerkey host-port pid qrykey params ...)
+ ;; (print "handlerkey: " handlerkey " host-port: " host-port " pid: " pid " qrykey: " qrykey " params: " params)
+ (case handlerkey ;; (string->symbol handlerkey)
+ ((ack)(print "Got ack!"))
+ ((ping) ;; special case - return result immediately on the same connection
+ (let* ((proc (hash-table-ref/default (udat-handlers udata) 'ping #f))
+ (val (if proc (proc) "gotping"))
+ (peer (make-peer addr-port: host-port pid: pid))
+ (dbshash (udat-dbowners udata)))
+ (peer-dbs-set! peer params) ;; params for ping is list of dbs owned by pinger
+ (for-each (lambda (dbfile)
+ (hash-table-set! dbshash dbfile host-port)) ;; WRONG?
+ params) ;; register each db in the dbshash
+ (if (not (hash-table-exists? (udat-peers udata) host-port))
+ (hash-table-set! (udat-peers udata) host-port peer)) ;; save the details of this caller in peers
+ qrykey)) ;; End of ping
+ ((goodbye)
+ ;; remove all traces of the caller in db ownership etc.
+ (let* ((peer (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers udata) host-port #f))
+ (dbs (if peer (peer-dbs peer) '()))
+ (dbshash (udat-dbowners udata)))
+ (for-each (lambda (dbfile)(hash-table-delete! dbshash dbfile)) dbs)
+ (hash-table-delete! (udat-peers udata) host-port)
+ qrykey))
+ ((dropcaptain)
+ ;; remove all traces of the captain
+ (udat-captain-address-set! udata #f)
+ (udat-captain-host-set! udata #f)
+ (udat-captain-port-set! udata #f)
+ (udat-captain-pid-set! udata #f)
+ qrykey)
+ ((rucaptain) ;; remote is asking if I'm the captain
+ (if (udat-my-cpkt-key udata) "yes" "no"))
+ ((db-owner) ;; given a db name who do I send my queries to
+ ;; look up the file in handlers, if have an entry ping them to be sure
+ ;; they are still alive and then return that host:port.
+ ;; if no handler found or if the ping fails pick from peers the oldest that
+ ;; is managing the fewest dbs
+ (match params
+ ((dbfile dbtype)
+ (let* ((owner-host-port (hash-table-ref/default (udat-dbowners udata) dbfile #f)))
+ (if owner-host-port
+ (conc qrykey " " owner-host-port)
+ (let* ((pdat (or (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers udata) host-port #f) ;; no owner - caller gets to own it!
+ (make-peer addr-port: host-port pid: pid dbs: `(,dbfile)))))
+ (hash-table-set! (udat-peers udata) host-port pdat)
+ (hash-table-set! (udat-dbowners udata) dbfile host-port)
+ (conc qrykey " " host-port)))))
+ (else (conc qrykey " BADDATA"))))
+ ;; for work items:
+ ;; handler is one of; immediate, read-only, read-write, high-priority
+ ((immediate read-only normal low-priority) ;; do this work immediately
+ ;; host-port (caller), pid (caller), qrykey (cookie), params <= all from first line
+ ;; data => a single line encoded however you want, or should I build json into it?
+ (print "handlerkey=" handlerkey)
+ (let* ((pdat (get-peer-dat udata host-port)))
+ (match params ;; dbfile prockey procparam
+ ((dbfile prockey procparam)
+ (case handlerkey
+ ((immediate read-only)
+ (process-request udata pdat dbfile qrykey prockey procparam data))
+ ((normal low-priority) ;; split off later and add logic to support low priority
+ (add-to-work-queue udata pdat dbfile qrykey prockey procparam data))
+ (else
+ #f)))
+ (else
+ (print "INFO: params=" params " handlerkey=" handlerkey " controldat=" controldat)
+ #f))))
+ (else
+ ;; (add-to-work-queue udata (get-peer-dat udata host-port) handlerkey qrykey data)
+ #f)))
+ (else
+ (print "BAD DATA? controldat=" controldat " data=" data)
+ #f)));; handles the incoming messages and dispatches to queues
+(define (ulex-handler-loop udata)
+ (let* ((serv-listener (udat-serv-listener udata)))
+ ;; data comes as two lines
+ ;; handlerkey resp-addr:resp-port hostname pid qrykey [dbpath/dbfile.db]
+ ;; data
+ (let loop ((state 'start))
+ (let-values (((inp oup)(tcp-accept serv-listener)))
+ (let* ((controldat (read inp))
+ (data (read inp))
+ (resp (ulex-handler udata controldat data)))
+ (if resp (write resp oup))
+ (close-input-port inp)
+ (close-output-port oup))
+ (loop state)))))
+;; add a proc to the handler list, these are done symetrically (i.e. in all instances)
+;; so that the proc can be dereferenced remotely
+(define (register-handler udata key proc)
+ (hash-table-set! (udat-handlers udata) key proc))
+;; work queues
+(define (add-to-work-queue udata peer-dat handlerkey qrykey data)
+ (let ((wdat (make-work peer-dat: peer-dat handlerkey: handlerkey qrykey: qrykey data: data)))
+ (if (udat-busy udata)
+ (queue-add! (udat-work-queue udata) wdat)
+ (process-work udata wdat)) ;; passing in wdat tells process-work to first process the passed in wdat
+ ))
+(define (do-work udata wdat)
+ #f)
+(define (process-work udata #!optional wdat)
+ (if wdat (do-work udata wdat)) ;; process wdat
+ (let ((wqueue (udat-work-queue udata)))
+ (if (not (queue-empty? wqueue))
+ (let loop ((wd (queue-remove! wqueue)))
+ (do-work udata wd)
+ (if (not (queue-empty? wqueue))
+ (loop (queue-remove! wqueue)))))))
+;; Generic db handling
+;; setup a inmem db instance
+;; open connection to on-disk db
+;; sync on-disk db to inmem
+;; get lock in on-disk db for dbowner of this db
+;; put sync-proc, init-proc, on-disk handle, inmem handle in dbconn stuct
+;; return the stuct
+(defstruct dbconn
+ (fname #f)
+ (inmem #f)
+ (conn #f)
+ (sync #f) ;; sync proc
+ (init #f) ;; init proc
+ (lastsync (current-seconds))
+ )
+(defstruct dbinfo
+ (initproc #f)
+ (syncproc #f))
+;; open inmem and disk database
+;; init with initproc
+;; return db struct
+;; appname; megatest, ulex or something else.
+(define (setup-db-connection udata fname-in appname dbtype)
+ (let* ((is-ulex (eq? appname 'ulex))
+ (dbinf (if is-ulex ;; ulex is a built-in special case
+ (make-dbinfo initproc: ulexdb-init syncproc: ulexdb-sync)
+ (hash-table-ref/default (udat-dbtypes udata) dbtype #f)))
+ (initproc (dbinfo-initproc dbinf))
+ (syncproc (dbinfo-syncproc dbinf))
+ (fname (if is-ulex
+ (conc (udat-ulex-dir udata) "/ulex.db")
+ fname-in))
+ (inmem-db (open-and-initdb udata #f 'inmem (dbinfo-initproc dbinf)))
+ (disk-db (open-and-initdb udata fname 'disk (dbinfo-initproc dbinf))))
+ (make-dbconn inmem: inmem-db conn: disk-db sync: syncproc init: initproc)))
+;; dest='inmem or 'disk
+(define (open-and-initdb udata filename dest init-proc)
+ (let* ((inmem (eq? dest 'inmem))
+ (dbfile (if inmem
+ ":INMEM:"
+ filename))
+ (dbexists (if inmem #t (file-exists? dbfile)))
+ (db (sqlite3:open-database dbfile)))
+ (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 136000))
+ (if (not dbexists)
+ (init-proc db))
+ db))
+;; Previous Ulex db stuff
+(define (ulexdb-init db inmem)
+ (sqlite3:with-transaction
+ db
+ (lambda ()
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (stmt)
+ (if stmt (sqlite3:execute db stmt)))
+ ipadr TEXT NOT NULL,
+ regtime INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
+ last_update INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')));"
+ (if inmem
+ "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_proces_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON processes
+ UPDATE processes SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
+ END;"
+ #f))))))
+;; open databases, do initial sync
+(define (ulexdb-sync dbconndat udata)
+ #f)
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; D E B U G H E L P E R S
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; (define (dbg> . args)
+;;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (apply print "dbg> " args))))
+;;; (define (debug-pp . args)
+;;; (if (get-environment-variable "ULEX_DEBUG")
+;;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (apply pp args)))))
+;;; (define *default-debug-port* (current-error-port))
+;;; (define (sdbg> fn stage-name stage-start stage-end start-time . message)
+;;; (if (get-environment-variable "ULEX_DEBUG")
+;;; (with-output-to-port *default-debug-port*
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (apply print "ulex:" fn " " stage-name " took " (- (if stage-end stage-end (current-milliseconds)) stage-start) " ms. "
+;;; (if start-time
+;;; (conc "total time " (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)
+;;; " ms.")
+;;; "")
+;;; message
+;;; )))))
+;; M A C R O S
+;; iup callbacks are not dumping the stack, this is a work-around
+;; Some of these routines use:
+;; Syntax for defining macros in a simple style similar to function definiton,
+;; when there is a single pattern for the argument list and there are no keywords.
+;; (define-simple-syntax (name arg ...) body ...)
+;; (define-syntax define-simple-syntax
+;; (syntax-rules ()
+;; ((_ (name arg ...) body ...)
+;; (define-syntax name (syntax-rules () ((name arg ...) (begin body ...)))))))
+;; (define-simple-syntax (catch-and-dump proc procname)
+;; (handle-exceptions
+;; exn
+;; (begin
+;; (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
+;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+;; (lambda ()
+;; (print ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
+;; (print "Callback error in " procname)
+;; (print "Full condition info:\n" (condition->list exn)))))
+;; (proc)))
+;; R E C O R D S
+;;; ;; information about me as a server
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defstruct area
+;;; ;; about this area
+;;; (useportlogger #f)
+;;; (lowport 32768)
+;;; (server-type 'auto) ;; auto=create up to five servers/pkts, main=create pkts, passive=no pkt (unless there are no pkts at all)
+;;; (conn #f)
+;;; (port #f)
+;;; (myaddr (get-my-best-address))
+;;; pktid ;; get pkt from hosts table if needed
+;;; pktfile
+;;; pktsdir
+;;; dbdir
+;;; (dbhandles (make-hash-table)) ;; fname => list-of-dbh, NOTE: Should really never need more than one?
+;;; (mutex (make-mutex))
+;;; (rtable (make-hash-table)) ;; registration table of available actions
+;;; (dbs (make-hash-table)) ;; filename => random number, used for choosing what dbs I serve
+;;; ;; about other servers
+;;; (hosts (make-hash-table)) ;; key => hostdat
+;;; (hoststats (make-hash-table)) ;; key => alist of fname => ( qcount . qtime )
+;;; (reqs (make-hash-table)) ;; uri => queue
+;;; ;; work queues
+;;; (wqueues (make-hash-table)) ;; fname => qdat
+;;; (stats (make-hash-table)) ;; fname => totalqueries
+;;; (last-srvup (current-seconds)) ;; last time we updated the known servers
+;;; (cookie2mbox (make-hash-table)) ;; map cookie for outstanding request to mailbox of awaiting call
+;;; (ready #f)
+;;; (health (make-hash-table)) ;; ipaddr:port => num failed pings since last good ping
+;;; )
+;;; ;; host stats
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defstruct hostdat
+;;; (pkt #f)
+;;; (dbload (make-hash-table)) ;; "dbfile.db" => queries/min
+;;; (hostload #f) ;; normalized load ( 5min load / numcpus )
+;;; )
+;;; ;; dbdat
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defstruct dbdat
+;;; (dbh #f)
+;;; (fname #f)
+;;; (write-access #f)
+;;; (sths (make-hash-table)) ;; hash mapping query strings to handles
+;;; )
+;;; ;; qdat
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defstruct qdat
+;;; (writeq (make-queue))
+;;; (readq (make-queue))
+;;; (rwq (make-queue))
+;;; (logq (make-queue)) ;; do we need a queue for logging? yes, if we use sqlite3 db for logging
+;;; (osshort (make-queue))
+;;; (oslong (make-queue))
+;;; (misc (make-queue)) ;; used for things like ping-full
+;;; )
+;;; ;; calldat
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defstruct calldat
+;;; (ctype 'dbwrite)
+;;; (obj #f) ;; this would normally be an SQL statement e.g. SELECT, INSERT etc.
+;;; (rtime (current-milliseconds)))
+;;; ;; make it a global? Well, it is local to area module
+;;; (define *pktspec*
+;;; `((server (hostname . h)
+;;; (port . p)
+;;; (pid . i)
+;;; (ipaddr . a)
+;;; )
+;;; (data (hostname . h) ;; sender hostname
+;;; (port . p) ;; sender port
+;;; (ipaddr . a) ;; sender ip
+;;; (hostkey . k) ;; sending host key - store info at server under this key
+;;; (servkey . s) ;; server key - this needs to match at server end or reject the msg
+;;; (format . f) ;; sb=serialized-base64, t=text, sx=sexpr, j=json
+;;; (data . d) ;; base64 encoded slln data
+;;; )))
+;;; ;; work item
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defstruct witem
+;;; (rhost #f) ;; return host
+;;; (ripaddr #f) ;; return ipaddr
+;;; (rport #f) ;; return port
+;;; (servkey #f) ;; the packet representing the client of this workitem, used by final send-message
+;;; (rdat #f) ;; the request - usually an sql query, type is rdat
+;;; (action #f) ;; the action: immediate, dbwrite, dbread,oslong, osshort
+;;; (cookie #f) ;; cookie id for response
+;;; (data #f) ;; the data payload, i.e. parameters
+;;; (result #f) ;; the result from processing the data
+;;; (caller #f)) ;; the calling peer according to rpc itself
+;;; (define (trim-pktid pktid)
+;;; (if (string? pktid)
+;;; (substring pktid 0 4)
+;;; "nopkt"))
+;;; (define (any->number num)
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((number? num) num)
+;;; ((string? num) (string->number num))
+;;; (else num)))
+;;; (use trace)
+;;; (trace-call-sites #t)
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; D A T A B A S E H A N D L I N G
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; look in dbhandles for a db, return it, else return #f
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-dbh acfg fname)
+;;; (let ((dbh-lst (hash-table-ref/default (area-dbhandles acfg) fname '())))
+;;; (if (null? dbh-lst)
+;;; (begin
+;;; ;; (print "opening db for " fname)
+;;; (open-db acfg fname)) ;; Note that the handles get put back in the queue in the save-dbh calls
+;;; (let ((rem-lst (cdr dbh-lst)))
+;;; ;; (print "re-using saved connection for " fname)
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-dbhandles acfg) fname rem-lst)
+;;; (car dbh-lst)))))
+;;; (define (save-dbh acfg fname dbdat)
+;;; ;; (print "saving dbh for " fname)
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-dbhandles acfg) fname (cons dbdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-dbhandles acfg) fname '()))))
+;;; ;; open the database, if never before opened init it. put the handle in the
+;;; ;; open db's hash table
+;;; ;; returns: the dbdat
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (open-db acfg fname)
+;;; (let* ((fullname (conc (area-dbdir acfg) "/" fname))
+;;; (exists (file-exists? fullname))
+;;; (write-access (if exists
+;;; (file-write-access? fullname)
+;;; (file-write-access? (area-dbdir acfg))))
+;;; (db (sqlite3:open-database fullname))
+;;; (handler (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 136000))
+;;; )
+;;; (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db handler)
+;;; (sqlite3:execute db "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;")
+;;; (if (not exists) ;; need to init the db
+;;; (if write-access
+;;; (let ((isql (get-rsql acfg 'dbinitsql))) ;; get the init sql statements
+;;; ;; (sqlite3:with-transaction
+;;; ;; db
+;;; ;; (lambda ()
+;;; (if isql
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (sql)
+;;; (sqlite3:execute db sql))
+;;; isql)))
+;;; (print "ERROR: no write access to " (area-dbdir acfg))))
+;;; (make-dbdat dbh: db fname: fname write-access: write-access)))
+;;; ;; This is a low-level command to retrieve or to prepare, save and return a prepared statment
+;;; ;; you must extract the db handle
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-sth db cache stmt)
+;;; (if (hash-table-exists? cache stmt)
+;;; (begin
+;;; ;; (print "Reusing cached stmt for " stmt)
+;;; (hash-table-ref/default cache stmt #f))
+;;; (let ((sth (sqlite3:prepare db stmt)))
+;;; (hash-table-set! cache stmt sth)
+;;; ;; (print "prepared stmt for " stmt)
+;;; sth)))
+;;; ;; a little more expensive but does all the tedious deferencing - only use if you don't already
+;;; ;; have dbdat and db sitting around
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (full-get-sth acfg fname stmt)
+;;; (let* ((dbdat (get-dbh acfg fname))
+;;; (db (dbdat-dbh dbdat))
+;;; (sths (dbdat-sths dbdat)))
+;;; (get-sth db sths stmt)))
+;;; ;; write to a db
+;;; ;; acfg: area data
+;;; ;; rdat: request data
+;;; ;; hdat: (host . port)
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; (define (dbwrite acfg rdat hdat data-in)
+;;; ;; (let* ((dbname (car data-in))
+;;; ;; (dbdat (get-dbh acfg dbname))
+;;; ;; (db (dbdat-dbh dbdat))
+;;; ;; (sths (dbdat-sths dbdat))
+;;; ;; (stmt (calldat-obj rdat))
+;;; ;; (sth (get-sth db sths stmt))
+;;; ;; (data (cdr data-in)))
+;;; ;; (print "dbname: " dbname " acfg: " acfg " rdat: " (calldat->alist rdat) " hdat: " hdat " data: " data)
+;;; ;; (print "dbdat: " (dbdat->alist dbdat))
+;;; ;; (apply sqlite3:execute sth data)
+;;; ;; (save-dbh acfg dbname dbdat)
+;;; ;; #t
+;;; ;; ))
+;;; (define (finalize-all-db-handles acfg)
+;;; (let* ((dbhandles (area-dbhandles acfg)) ;; dbhandles is hash of fname ==> dbdat
+;;; (num 0))
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (area-name)
+;;; (print "Closing handles for " area-name)
+;;; (let ((dbdats (hash-table-ref/default dbhandles area-name '())))
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (dbdat)
+;;; ;; first close all statement handles
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (sth)
+;;; (sqlite3:finalize! sth)
+;;; (set! num (+ num 1)))
+;;; (hash-table-values (dbdat-sths dbdat)))
+;;; ;; now close the dbh
+;;; (set! num (+ num 1))
+;;; (sqlite3:finalize! (dbdat-dbh dbdat)))
+;;; dbdats)))
+;;; (hash-table-keys dbhandles))
+;;; (print "FINALIZED " num " dbhandles")))
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; W O R K Q U E U E H A N D L I N G
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; (define (register-db-as-mine acfg dbname)
+;;; (let ((ht (area-dbs acfg)))
+;;; (if (not (hash-table-ref/default ht dbname #f))
+;;; (hash-table-set! ht dbname (random 10000)))))
+;;; (define (work-queue-add acfg fname witem)
+;;; (let* ((work-queue-start (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (action (witem-action witem)) ;; NB the action is the index into the rdat actions
+;;; (qdat (or (hash-table-ref/default (area-wqueues acfg) fname #f)
+;;; (let ((newqdat (make-qdat)))
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-wqueues acfg) fname newqdat)
+;;; newqdat)))
+;;; (rdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-rtable acfg) action #f)))
+;;; (if rdat
+;;; (queue-add!
+;;; (case (calldat-ctype rdat)
+;;; ((dbwrite) (register-db-as-mine acfg fname)(qdat-writeq qdat))
+;;; ((dbread) (register-db-as-mine acfg fname)(qdat-readq qdat))
+;;; ((dbrw) (register-db-as-mine acfg fname)(qdat-rwq qdat))
+;;; ((oslong) (qdat-oslong qdat))
+;;; ((osshort) (qdat-osshort qdat))
+;;; ((full-ping) (qdat-misc qdat))
+;;; (else
+;;; (print "ERROR: no queue for " action ". Adding to dbwrite queue.")
+;;; (qdat-writeq qdat)))
+;;; witem)
+;;; (case action
+;;; ((full-ping)(qdat-misc qdat))
+;;; (else
+;;; (print "ERROR: No action " action " was registered"))))
+;;; (sdbg> "work-queue-add" "queue-add" work-queue-start #f #f)
+;;; #t)) ;; for now, simply return #t to indicate request got to the queue
+;;; (define (doqueue acfg q fname dbdat dbh)
+;;; ;; (print "doqueue: " fname)
+;;; (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (qlen (queue-length q)))
+;;; (if (> qlen 1)
+;;; (print "Processing queue of length " qlen))
+;;; (let loop ((count 0)
+;;; (responses '()))
+;;; (let ((delta (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)))
+;;; (if (or (queue-empty? q)
+;;; (> delta 400)) ;; stop working on this queue after 400ms have passed
+;;; (list count delta responses) ;; return count, delta and responses list
+;;; (let* ((witem (queue-remove! q))
+;;; (action (witem-action witem))
+;;; (rdat (witem-rdat witem))
+;;; (stmt (calldat-obj rdat))
+;;; (sth (full-get-sth acfg fname stmt))
+;;; (ctype (calldat-ctype rdat))
+;;; (data (witem-data witem))
+;;; (cookie (witem-cookie witem)))
+;;; ;; do the processing and save the result in witem-result
+;;; (witem-result-set!
+;;; witem
+;;; (case ctype ;; action
+;;; ((noblockwrite) ;; blind write, no ack of success returned
+;;; (apply sqlite3:execute sth data)
+;;; (sqlite3:last-insert-rowid dbh))
+;;; ((dbwrite) ;; blocking write
+;;; (apply sqlite3:execute sth data)
+;;; #t)
+;;; ((dbread) ;; TODO: consider breaking this up and shipping in pieces for large query
+;;; (apply sqlite3:map-row (lambda x x) sth data))
+;;; ((full-ping) 'full-ping)
+;;; (else (print "Not ready for action " action) #f)))
+;;; (loop (add1 count)
+;;; (if cookie
+;;; (cons witem responses)
+;;; responses))))))))
+;;; ;; do up to 400ms of processing on each queue
+;;; ;; - the work-queue-processor will allow the max 1200ms of work to complete but it will flag as overloaded
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (process-db-queries acfg fname)
+;;; (if (hash-table-exists? (area-wqueues acfg) fname)
+;;; (let* ((process-db-queries-start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (qdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-wqueues acfg) fname #f))
+;;; (queue-sym->queue (lambda (queue-sym)
+;;; (case queue-sym ;; lookup the queue from qdat given a name (symbol)
+;;; ((wqueue) (qdat-writeq qdat))
+;;; ((rqueue) (qdat-readq qdat))
+;;; ((rwqueue) (qdat-rwq qdat))
+;;; ((misc) (qdat-misc qdat))
+;;; (else #f))))
+;;; (dbdat (get-dbh acfg fname))
+;;; (dbh (if (dbdat? dbdat)(dbdat-dbh dbdat) #f))
+;;; (nowtime (current-seconds)))
+;;; ;; handle the queues that require a transaction
+;;; ;;
+;;; (map ;;
+;;; (lambda (queue-sym)
+;;; ;; (print "processing queue " queue-sym)
+;;; (let* ((queue (queue-sym->queue queue-sym)))
+;;; (if (not (queue-empty? queue))
+;;; (let ((responses
+;;; (sqlite3:with-transaction ;; todo - catch exceptions...
+;;; dbh
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (let* ((res (doqueue acfg queue fname dbdat dbh))) ;; this does the work!
+;;; ;; (print "res=" res)
+;;; (match res
+;;; ((count delta responses)
+;;; (update-stats acfg fname queue-sym delta count)
+;;; (sdbg> "process-db-queries" "sqlite3-transaction" process-db-queries-start-time #f #f)
+;;; responses) ;; return responses
+;;; (else
+;;; (print "ERROR: bad return data from doqueue " res)))
+;;; )))))
+;;; ;; having completed the transaction, send the responses.
+;;; ;; (print "INFO: sending " (length responses) " responses.")
+;;; (let loop ((responses-left responses))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((null? responses-left) #t)
+;;; (else
+;;; (let* ((witem (car responses-left))
+;;; (response (cdr responses-left)))
+;;; (call-deliver-response acfg (witem-ripaddr witem)(witem-rport witem)
+;;; (witem-cookie witem)(witem-result witem)))
+;;; (loop (cdr responses-left))))))
+;;; )))
+;;; '(wqueue rwqueue rqueue))
+;;; ;; handle misc queue
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; (print "processing misc queue")
+;;; (let ((queue (queue-sym->queue 'misc)))
+;;; (doqueue acfg queue fname dbdat dbh))
+;;; ;; ....
+;;; (save-dbh acfg fname dbdat)
+;;; #t ;; just to let the tests know we got here
+;;; )
+;;; #f ;; nothing processed
+;;; ))
+;;; ;; run all queues in parallel per db but sequentially per queue for that db.
+;;; ;; - process the queues every 500 or so ms
+;;; ;; - allow for long running queries to continue but all other activities for that
+;;; ;; db will be blocked.
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (work-queue-processor acfg)
+;;; (let* ((threads (make-hash-table))) ;; fname => thread
+;;; (let loop ((fnames (hash-table-keys (area-wqueues acfg)))
+;;; (target-time (+ (current-milliseconds) 50)))
+;;; ;;(if (not (null? fnames))(print "Processing for these databases: " fnames))
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (fname)
+;;; ;; (print "processing for " fname)
+;;; ;;(process-db-queries acfg fname))
+;;; (let ((th (hash-table-ref/default threads fname #f)))
+;;; (if (and th (not (member (thread-state th) '(dead terminated))))
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "WARNING: worker thread for " fname " is taking a long time.")
+;;; (print "Thread is in state " (thread-state th)))
+;;; (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
+;;; ;; (catch-and-dump
+;;; ;; (lambda ()
+;;; ;; (print "Process queries for " fname)
+;;; (let ((start-time (current-milliseconds)))
+;;; (process-db-queries acfg fname)
+;;; ;; (thread-sleep! 0.01) ;; need the thread to take at least some time
+;;; (hash-table-delete! threads fname)) ;; no mutexes?
+;;; fname)
+;;; "th1"))) ;; ))
+;;; (hash-table-set! threads fname th1)
+;;; (thread-start! th1)))))
+;;; fnames)
+;;; ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; give the threads some time to process requests
+;;; ;; burn time until 400ms is up
+;;; (let ((now-time (current-milliseconds)))
+;;; (if (< now-time target-time)
+;;; (let ((delta (- target-time now-time)))
+;;; (thread-sleep! (/ delta 1000)))))
+;;; (loop (hash-table-keys (area-wqueues acfg))
+;;; (+ (current-milliseconds) 50)))))
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; S T A T S G A T H E R I N G
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; (defstruct stat
+;;; (qcount-avg 0) ;; coarse running average
+;;; (qtime-avg 0) ;; coarse running average
+;;; (qcount 0) ;; total
+;;; (qtime 0) ;; total
+;;; (last-qcount 0) ;; last
+;;; (last-qtime 0) ;; last
+;;; (dbs '()) ;; list of db files handled by this node
+;;; (when 0)) ;; when the last query happened - seconds
+;;; (define (update-stats acfg fname bucket duration numqueries)
+;;; (let* ((key fname) ;; for now do not use bucket. Was: (conc fname "-" bucket)) ;; lazy but good enough
+;;; (stats (or (hash-table-ref/default (area-stats acfg) key #f)
+;;; (let ((newstats (make-stat)))
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-stats acfg) key newstats)
+;;; newstats))))
+;;; ;; when the last query happended (used to remove the fname from the active list)
+;;; (stat-when-set! stats (current-seconds))
+;;; ;; last values
+;;; (stat-last-qcount-set! stats numqueries)
+;;; (stat-last-qtime-set! stats duration)
+;;; ;; total over process lifetime
+;;; (stat-qcount-set! stats (+ (stat-qcount stats) numqueries))
+;;; (stat-qtime-set! stats (+ (stat-qtime stats) duration))
+;;; ;; coarse average
+;;; (stat-qcount-avg-set! stats (/ (+ (stat-qcount-avg stats) numqueries) 2))
+;;; (stat-qtime-avg-set! stats (/ (+ (stat-qtime-avg stats) duration) 2))
+;;; ;; here is where we add the stats for a given dbfile
+;;; (if (not (member fname (stat-dbs stats)))
+;;; (stat-dbs-set! stats (cons fname (stat-dbs stats))))
+;;; ))
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; S E R V E R S T U F F
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; this does NOT return!
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (find-free-port-and-open acfg)
+;;; (let ((port (or (area-port acfg) 3200)))
+;;; (handle-exceptions
+;;; exn
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "INFO: cannot bind to port " (rpc:default-server-port) ", trying next port")
+;;; (area-port-set! acfg (+ port 1))
+;;; (find-free-port-and-open acfg))
+;;; (rpc:default-server-port port)
+;;; (area-port-set! acfg port)
+;;; (tcp-read-timeout 120000)
+;;; ;; ((rpc:make-server (tcp-listen port)) #t)
+;;; (tcp-listen (rpc:default-server-port)
+;;; ))))
+;;; ;; register this node by putting a packet into the pkts dir.
+;;; ;; look for other servers
+;;; ;; contact other servers and compile list of servers
+;;; ;; there are two types of server
+;;; ;; main servers - dashboards, runners and dedicated servers - need pkt
+;;; ;; passive servers - test executers, step calls, list-runs - no pkt
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (register-node acfg hostip port-num)
+;;; ;;(mutex-lock! (area-mutex acfg))
+;;; (let* ((server-type (area-server-type acfg)) ;; auto, main, passive (no pkt created)
+;;; (best-ip (or hostip (get-my-best-address)))
+;;; (mtdir (area-dbdir acfg))
+;;; (pktdir (area-pktsdir acfg))) ;; conc mtdir "/.server-pkts")))
+;;; (print "Registering node " best-ip ":" port-num)
+;;; (if (not mtdir) ;; require a home for this node to put or find databases
+;;; #f
+;;; (begin
+;;; (if (not (directory? pktdir))(create-directory pktdir))
+;;; ;; server is started, now create pkt if needed
+;;; (print "Starting server in " server-type " mode with port " port-num)
+;;; (if (member server-type '(auto main)) ;; TODO: if auto, count number of servers registers, if > 3 then don't put out a pkt
+;;; (begin
+;;; (area-pktid-set! acfg
+;;; (write-alist->pkt
+;;; pktdir
+;;; `((hostname . ,(get-host-name))
+;;; (ipaddr . ,best-ip)
+;;; (port . ,port-num)
+;;; (pid . ,(current-process-id)))
+;;; pktspec: *pktspec*
+;;; ptype: 'server))
+;;; (area-pktfile-set! acfg (conc pktdir "/" (area-pktid acfg) ".pkt"))))
+;;; (area-port-set! acfg port-num)
+;;; #;(mutex-unlock! (area-mutex acfg))))))
+;;; (define *cookie-seqnum* 0)
+;;; (define (make-cookie key)
+;;; (set! *cookie-seqnum* (add1 *cookie-seqnum*))
+;;; ;;(print "MAKE COOKIE CALLED -- on "servkey"-"*cookie-seqnum*)
+;;; (conc key "-" *cookie-seqnum*)
+;;; )
+;;; ;; dispatch locally if possible
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (call-deliver-response acfg ipaddr port cookie data)
+;;; (if (and (equal? (area-myaddr acfg) ipaddr)
+;;; (equal? (area-port acfg) port))
+;;; (deliver-response acfg cookie data)
+;;; ((rpc:procedure 'response ipaddr port) cookie data)))
+;;; (define (deliver-response acfg cookie data)
+;;; (let ((deliver-response-start (current-milliseconds)))
+;;; (thread-start! (make-thread
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (let loop ((tries-left 5))
+;;; ;;(print "TOP OF DELIVER_RESPONSE LOOP; triesleft="tries-left)
+;;; ;;(pp (hash-table->alist (area-cookie2mbox acfg)))
+;;; (let* ((mbox (hash-table-ref/default (area-cookie2mbox acfg) cookie #f)))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((eq? 0 tries-left)
+;;; (print "ulex:deliver-response: I give up. Mailbox never appeared. cookie="cookie)
+;;; )
+;;; (mbox
+;;; ;;(print "got mbox="mbox" got data="data" send.")
+;;; (mailbox-send! mbox data))
+;;; (else
+;;; ;;(print "no mbox yet. look for "cookie)
+;;; (thread-sleep! (/ (- 6 tries-left) 10))
+;;; (loop (sub1 tries-left))))))
+;;; ;; (debug-pp (list (conc "ulex:deliver-response took " (- (current-milliseconds) deliver-response-start) " ms, cookie=" cookie " data=") data))
+;;; (sdbg> "deliver-response" "mailbox-send" deliver-response-start #f #f cookie)
+;;; )
+;;; (conc "deliver-response thread for cookie="cookie))))
+;;; #t)
+;;; ;; action:
+;;; ;; immediate - quick actions, no need to put in queues
+;;; ;; dbwrite - put in dbwrite queue
+;;; ;; dbread - put in dbread queue
+;;; ;; oslong - os actions, e.g. du, that could take a long time
+;;; ;; osshort - os actions that should be quick, e.g. df
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (request acfg from-ipaddr from-port servkey action cookie fname params) ;; std-peer-handler
+;;; ;; NOTE: Use rpc:current-peer for getting return address
+;;; (let* ((std-peer-handler-start (current-milliseconds))
+;;; ;; (raw-data (alist-ref 'data dat))
+;;; (rdat (hash-table-ref/default
+;;; (area-rtable acfg) action #f)) ;; this looks up the sql query or other details indexed by the action
+;;; (witem (make-witem ripaddr: from-ipaddr ;; rhost: from-host
+;;; rport: from-port action: action
+;;; rdat: rdat cookie: cookie
+;;; servkey: servkey data: params ;; TODO - rename data to params
+;;; caller: (rpc:current-peer))))
+;;; (if (not (equal? servkey (area-pktid acfg)))
+;;; `(#f . ,(conc "I don't know you servkey=" servkey ", pktid=" (area-pktid acfg))) ;; immediately return this
+;;; (let* ((ctype (if rdat
+;;; (calldat-ctype rdat) ;; is this necessary? these should be identical
+;;; action)))
+;;; (sdbg> "std-peer-handler" "immediate" std-peer-handler-start #f #f)
+;;; (case ctype
+;;; ;; (dbwrite acfg rdat (cons from-ipaddr from-port) data)))
+;;; ((full-ping) `(#t "ack to full ping" ,(work-queue-add acfg fname witem) ,cookie))
+;;; ((response) `(#t "ack from requestor" ,(deliver-response acfg fname params)))
+;;; ((dbwrite) `(#t "db write submitted" ,(work-queue-add acfg fname witem) ,cookie))
+;;; ((dbread) `(#t "db read submitted" ,(work-queue-add acfg fname witem) ,cookie ))
+;;; ((dbrw) `(#t "db read/write submitted" ,cookie))
+;;; ((osshort) `(#t "os short submitted" ,cookie))
+;;; ((oslong) `(#t "os long submitted" ,cookie))
+;;; (else `(#f "unrecognised action" ,ctype)))))))
+;;; ;; Call this to start the actual server
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; start_server
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; mode: '
+;;; ;; handler: proc which takes pktrecieved as argument
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (start-server acfg)
+;;; (let* ((conn (find-free-port-and-open acfg))
+;;; (port (area-port acfg)))
+;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
+;;; 'delist-db
+;;; (lambda (fname)
+;;; (hash-table-delete! (area-dbs acfg) fname)))
+;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
+;;; 'calling-addr
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (rpc:current-peer)))
+;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
+;;; 'ping
+;;; (lambda ()(real-ping acfg)))
+;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
+;;; 'request
+;;; (lambda (from-addr from-port servkey action cookie dbname params)
+;;; (request acfg from-addr from-port servkey action cookie dbname params)))
+;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
+;;; 'response
+;;; (lambda (cookie res-dat)
+;;; (deliver-response acfg cookie res-dat)))
+;;; (area-ready-set! acfg #t)
+;;; (area-conn-set! acfg conn)
+;;; ((rpc:make-server conn) #f)));; ((tcp-listen (rpc:default-server-port)) #t)
+;;; (define (launch acfg) ;; #!optional (proc std-peer-handler))
+;;; (print "starting launch")
+;;; (update-known-servers acfg) ;; gotta do this on every start (thus why limit number of publicised servers)
+;;; #;(let ((original-handler (current-exception-handler))) ;; is th
+;;; (lambda (exception)
+;;; (server-exit-procedure)
+;;; (original-handler exception)))
+;;; (on-exit (lambda ()
+;;; (shutdown acfg))) ;; (finalize-all-db-handles acfg)))
+;;; ;; set up the rpc handler
+;;; (let* ((th1 (make-thread
+;;; (lambda ()(start-server acfg))
+;;; "server thread"))
+;;; (th2 (make-thread
+;;; (lambda ()
+;;; (print "th2 starting")
+;;; (let loop ()
+;;; (work-queue-processor acfg)
+;;; (print "work-queue-processor crashed!")
+;;; (loop)))
+;;; "work queue thread")))
+;;; (thread-start! th1)
+;;; (thread-start! th2)
+;;; (let loop ()
+;;; (thread-sleep! 0.025)
+;;; (if (area-ready acfg)
+;;; #t
+;;; (loop)))
+;;; ;; attempt to fix my address
+;;; (let* ((all-addr (get-all-ips-sorted))) ;; could use (tcp-addresses conn)?
+;;; (let loop ((rem-addrs all-addr))
+;;; (if (null? rem-addrs)
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "ERROR: Failed to figure out the ip address of myself as a server. Giving up.")
+;;; (exit 1)) ;; BUG Changeme to raising an exception
+;;; (let* ((addr (car rem-addrs))
+;;; (good-addr (handle-exceptions
+;;; exn
+;;; #f
+;;; ((rpc:procedure 'calling-addr addr (area-port acfg))))))
+;;; (if good-addr
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "Got good-addr of " good-addr)
+;;; (area-myaddr-set! acfg good-addr))
+;;; (loop (cdr rem-addrs)))))))
+;;; (register-node acfg (area-myaddr acfg)(area-port acfg))
+;;; (print "INFO: Server started on " (area-myaddr acfg) ":" (area-port acfg))
+;;; ;; (update-known-servers acfg) ;; gotta do this on every start (thus why limit number of publicised servers)
+;;; ))
+;;; (define (clear-server-pkt acfg)
+;;; (let ((pktf (area-pktfile acfg)))
+;;; (if pktf (delete-file* pktf))))
+;;; (define (shutdown acfg)
+;;; (let (;;(conn (area-conn acfg))
+;;; (pktf (area-pktfile acfg))
+;;; (port (area-port acfg)))
+;;; (if pktf (delete-file* pktf))
+;;; (send-all "imshuttingdown")
+;;; ;; (rpc:close-all-connections!) ;; don't know if this is actually needed
+;;; (finalize-all-db-handles acfg)))
+;;; (define (send-all msg)
+;;; #f)
+;;; ;; given a area record look up all the packets
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-all-server-pkts acfg)
+;;; (let ((all-pkt-files (glob (conc (area-pktsdir acfg) "/*.pkt"))))
+;;; (map (lambda (pkt-file)
+;;; (read-pkt->alist pkt-file pktspec: *pktspec*))
+;;; all-pkt-files)))
+;;; #;((Z . "9a0212302295a19610d5796fce0370fa130758e9")
+;;; (port . "34827")
+;;; (pid . "28748")
+;;; (hostname . "zeus")
+;;; (T . "server")
+;;; (D . "1549427032.0"))
+;;; #;(define (get-my-best-address)
+;;; (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips))) ;; (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo (get-host-name))))))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((null? all-my-addresses)
+;;; (get-host-name)) ;; no interfaces?
+;;; ((eq? (length all-my-addresses) 1)
+;;; (ip->string (car all-my-addresses))) ;; only one to choose from, just go with it
+;;; (else
+;;; (ip->string (car (filter (lambda (x) ;; take any but 127.
+;;; (not (eq? (u8vector-ref x 0) 127)))
+;;; all-my-addresses)))))))
+;;; ;; whoami? I am my pkt
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (whoami? acfg)
+;;; (hash-table-ref/default (area-hosts acfg)(area-pktid acfg) #f))
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; "Client side" operations
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; (define (safe-call call-key host port . params)
+;;; (handle-exceptions
+;;; exn
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "Call " call-key " to " host ":" port " failed")
+;;; #f)
+;;; (apply (rpc:procedure call-key host port) params)))
+;;; ;; ;; convert to/from string / sexpr
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; (define (string->sexpr str)
+;;; ;; (if (string? str)
+;;; ;; (with-input-from-string str read)
+;;; ;; str))
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; (define (sexpr->string s)
+;;; ;; (with-output-to-string (lambda ()(write s))))
+;;; ;; is the server alive?
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (ping acfg host port)
+;;; (let* ((myaddr (area-myaddr acfg))
+;;; (myport (area-port acfg))
+;;; (start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (res (if (and (equal? myaddr host)
+;;; (equal? myport port))
+;;; (real-ping acfg)
+;;; ((rpc:procedure 'ping host port)))))
+;;; (cons (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)
+;;; res)))
+;;; ;; returns ( ipaddr port alist-fname=>randnum )
+;;; (define (real-ping acfg)
+;;; `(,(area-myaddr acfg) ,(area-port acfg) ,(get-host-stats acfg)))
+;;; ;; is the server alive AND the queues processing?
+;;; ;;
+;;; #;(define (full-ping acfg servpkt)
+;;; (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (res (send-message acfg servpkt '(full-ping) 'full-ping)))
+;;; (cons (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)
+;;; res))) ;; (equal? res "got ping"))))
+;;; ;; look up all pkts and get the server id (the hash), port, host/ip
+;;; ;; store this info in acfg
+;;; ;; return the number of responsive servers found
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; DO NOT VERIFY THAT THE SERVER IS ALIVE HERE. This is called at times where the current server is not yet alive and cannot ping itself
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (update-known-servers acfg)
+;;; ;; readll all pkts
+;;; ;; foreach pkt; if it isn't me ping the server; if alive, add to hosts hash, else rm the pkt
+;;; (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (all-pkts (delete-duplicates
+;;; (append (get-all-server-pkts acfg)
+;;; (hash-table-values (area-hosts acfg)))))
+;;; (hostshash (area-hosts acfg))
+;;; (my-id (area-pktid acfg))
+;;; (pktsdir (area-pktsdir acfg)) ;; needed to remove pkts from non-responsive servers
+;;; (numsrvs 0)
+;;; (delpkt (lambda (pktsdir sid)
+;;; (print "clearing out server " sid)
+;;; (delete-file* (conc pktsdir "/" sid ".pkt"))
+;;; (hash-table-delete! hostshash sid))))
+;;; (area-last-srvup-set! acfg (current-seconds))
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (servpkt)
+;;; (if (list? servpkt)
+;;; ;; (pp servpkt)
+;;; (let* ((shost (alist-ref 'ipaddr servpkt))
+;;; (sport (any->number (alist-ref 'port servpkt)))
+;;; (res (handle-exceptions
+;;; exn
+;;; (begin
+;;; ;; (print "INFO: bad server on " shost ":" sport)
+;;; #f)
+;;; (ping acfg shost sport)))
+;;; (sid (alist-ref 'Z servpkt)) ;; Z code is our name for the server
+;;; (url (conc shost ":" sport))
+;;; )
+;;; #;(if (or (not res)
+;;; (null? res))
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "STRANGE: ping of " url " gave " res)))
+;;; ;; (print "Got " res " from " shost ":" sport)
+;;; (match res
+;;; ((qduration . payload)
+;;; ;; (print "Server pkt:" (alist-ref 'ipaddr servpkt) ":" (alist-ref 'port servpkt)
+;;; ;; (if payload
+;;; ;; "Success" "Fail"))
+;;; (match payload
+;;; ((host port stats)
+;;; ;; (print "From " host ":" port " got stats: " stats)
+;;; (if (and host port stats)
+;;; (let ((url (conc host ":" port)))
+;;; (hash-table-set! hostshash sid servpkt)
+;;; ;; store based on host:port
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-hoststats acfg) sid stats))
+;;; (print "missing data from the server, not sure what that means!"))
+;;; (set! numsrvs (+ numsrvs 1)))
+;;; (#f
+;;; (print "Removing pkt " sid " due to #f from server or failed ping")
+;;; (delpkt pktsdir sid))
+;;; (else
+;;; (print "Got ")(pp res)(print " from server ")(pp servpkt) " but response did not match (#f/#t . msg)")))
+;;; (else
+;;; ;; here we delete the pkt - can't reach the server, remove it
+;;; ;; however this logic is inadequate. we should mark the server as checked
+;;; ;; and not good, if it happens a second time - then remove the pkt
+;;; ;; or something similar. I.e. don't be too quick to assume the server is wedged or dead
+;;; ;; could be it is simply too busy to reply
+;;; (let ((bad-pings (hash-table-ref/default (area-health acfg) url 0)))
+;;; (if (> bad-pings 1) ;; two bad pings - remove pkt
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "INFO: " bad-pings " bad responses from " url ", deleting pkt " sid)
+;;; (delpkt pktsdir sid))
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "INFO: " bad-pings " bad responses from " shost ":" sport " not deleting pkt yet")
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-health acfg)
+;;; url
+;;; (+ (hash-table-ref/default (area-health acfg) url 0) 1))
+;;; ))
+;;; ))))
+;;; ;; servpkt is not actually a pkt?
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "Bad pkt " servpkt))))
+;;; all-pkts)
+;;; (sdbg> "update-known-servers" "end" start-time #f #f " found " numsrvs
+;;; " servers, pkts: " (map (lambda (p)
+;;; (alist-ref 'Z p))
+;;; all-pkts))
+;;; numsrvs))
+;;; (defstruct srvstat
+;;; (numfiles 0) ;; number of db files handled by this server - subtract 1 for the db being currently looked at
+;;; (randnum #f) ;; tie breaker number assigned to by the server itself - applies only to the db under consideration
+;;; (pkt #f)) ;; the server pkt
+;;; ;;(define (srv->srvstat srvpkt)
+;;; ;; Get the server best for given dbname and key
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; NOTE: key is not currently used. The key points to the kind of query, this may be useful for directing read-only queries.
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-best-server acfg dbname key)
+;;; (let* (;; (servers (hash-table-values (area-hosts acfg)))
+;;; (servers (area-hosts acfg))
+;;; (skeys (sort (hash-table-keys servers) string>=?)) ;; a stable listing
+;;; (start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (srvstats (make-hash-table)) ;; srvid => srvstat
+;;; (url (conc (area-myaddr acfg) ":" (area-port acfg))))
+;;; ;; (print "scores for " dbname ": " (map (lambda (k)(cons k (calc-server-score acfg dbname k))) skeys))
+;;; (if (null? skeys)
+;;; (if (> (update-known-servers acfg) 0)
+;;; (get-best-server acfg dbname key) ;; some risk of infinite loop here, TODO add try counter
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "ERROR: no server found!") ;; since this process is also a server this should never happen
+;;; #f))
+;;; (begin
+;;; ;; (print "in get-best-server with skeys=" skeys)
+;;; (if (> (- (current-seconds) (area-last-srvup acfg)) 10)
+;;; (begin
+;;; (update-known-servers acfg)
+;;; (sdbg> "get-best-server" "update-known-servers" start-time #f #f)))
+;;; ;; for each server look at the list of dbfiles, total number of dbs being handled
+;;; ;; and the rand number, save the best host
+;;; ;; also do a delist-db for each server dbfile not used
+;;; (let* ((best-server #f)
+;;; (servers-to-delist (make-hash-table)))
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (srvid)
+;;; (let* ((server (hash-table-ref/default servers srvid #f))
+;;; (stats (hash-table-ref/default (area-hoststats acfg) srvid '(()))))
+;;; ;; (print "stats: " stats)
+;;; (if server
+;;; (let* ((dbweights (car stats))
+;;; (srvload (length (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? dbname (car x)))) dbweights)))
+;;; (dbrec (alist-ref dbname dbweights equal?)) ;; get the pair with fname . randscore
+;;; (randnum (if dbrec
+;;; dbrec ;; (cdr dbrec)
+;;; 0)))
+;;; (hash-table-set! srvstats srvid (make-srvstat numfiles: srvload randnum: randnum pkt: server))))))
+;;; skeys)
+;;; (let* ((sorted (sort (hash-table-values srvstats)
+;;; (lambda (a b)
+;;; (let ((numfiles-a (srvstat-numfiles a))
+;;; (numfiles-b (srvstat-numfiles b))
+;;; (randnum-a (srvstat-randnum a))
+;;; (randnum-b (srvstat-randnum b)))
+;;; (if (< numfiles-a numfiles-b) ;; Note, I don't think adding an offset works here. Goal was only move file handling to a different server if it has 2 less
+;;; #t
+;;; (if (and (equal? numfiles-a numfiles-b)
+;;; (< randnum-a randnum-b))
+;;; #t
+;;; #f))))))
+;;; (best (if (null? sorted)
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "ERROR: should never be null due to self as server.")
+;;; #f)
+;;; (srvstat-pkt (car sorted)))))
+;;; #;(print "SERVER(" url "): " dbname ": " (map (lambda (srv)
+;;; (let ((p (srvstat-pkt srv)))
+;;; (conc (alist-ref 'ipaddr p) ":" (alist-ref 'port p)
+;;; "(" (srvstat-numfiles srv)","(srvstat-randnum srv)")")))
+;;; sorted))
+;;; best))))))
+;;; ;; send out an "I'm about to exit notice to all known servers"
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (death-imminent acfg)
+;;; '())
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; U L E X - T H E I N T E R E S T I N G S T U F F ! !
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; register a handler
+;;; ;; NOTES:
+;;; ;; dbinitsql is reserved for a list of sql statements for initializing the db
+;;; ;; dbinitfn is reserved for a db init function, if exists called after dbinitsql
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (register acfg key obj #!optional (ctype 'dbwrite))
+;;; (let ((ht (area-rtable acfg)))
+;;; (if (hash-table-exists? ht key)
+;;; (print "WARNING: redefinition of entry " key))
+;;; (hash-table-set! ht key (make-calldat obj: obj ctype: ctype))))
+;;; ;; usage: register-batch acfg '((key1 . sql1) (key2 . sql2) ... )
+;;; ;; NB// obj is often an sql query
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (register-batch acfg ctype data)
+;;; (let ((ht (area-rtable acfg)))
+;;; (map (lambda (dat)
+;;; (hash-table-set! ht (car dat)(make-calldat obj: (cdr dat) ctype: ctype)))
+;;; data)))
+;;; (define (initialize-area-calls-from-specfile area specfile)
+;;; (let* ((callspec (with-input-from-file specfile read )))
+;;; (for-each (lambda (group)
+;;; (register-batch
+;;; area
+;;; (car group)
+;;; (cdr group)))
+;;; callspec)))
+;;; ;; get-rentry
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-rentry acfg key)
+;;; (hash-table-ref/default (area-rtable acfg) key #f))
+;;; (define (get-rsql acfg key)
+;;; (let ((cdat (get-rentry acfg key)))
+;;; (if cdat
+;;; (calldat-obj cdat)
+;;; #f)))
+;;; ;; blocking call:
+;;; ;; client server
+;;; ;; ------ ------
+;;; ;; call()
+;;; ;; send-message()
+;;; ;; nmsg-send()
+;;; ;; nmsg-receive()
+;;; ;; nmsg-respond(ack,cookie)
+;;; ;; ack, cookie
+;;; ;; mbox-thread-wait(cookie)
+;;; ;; nmsg-send(client,cookie,result)
+;;; ;; nmsg-respond(ack)
+;;; ;; return result
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; reserved action:
+;;; ;; 'immediate
+;;; ;; 'dbinitsql
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (call acfg dbname action params #!optional (count 0))
+;;; (let* ((call-start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (srv (get-best-server acfg dbname action))
+;;; (post-get-start-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; (rdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-rtable acfg) action #f))
+;;; (myid (trim-pktid (area-pktid acfg)))
+;;; (srvid (trim-pktid (alist-ref 'Z srv)))
+;;; (cookie (make-cookie myid)))
+;;; (sdbg> "call" "get-best-server" call-start-time #f call-start-time " from: " myid " to server: " srvid " for " dbname " action: " action " params: " params " rdat: " rdat)
+;;; (print "INFO: call to " (alist-ref 'ipaddr srv) ":" (alist-ref 'port srv) " from " (area-myaddr acfg) ":" (area-port acfg) " for " dbname)
+;;; (if (and srv rdat) ;; need both to dispatch a request
+;;; (let* ((ripaddr (alist-ref 'ipaddr srv))
+;;; (rsrvid (alist-ref 'Z srv))
+;;; (rport (any->number (alist-ref 'port srv)))
+;;; (res-full (if (and (equal? ripaddr (area-myaddr acfg))
+;;; (equal? rport (area-port acfg)))
+;;; (request acfg ripaddr rport (area-pktid acfg) action cookie dbname params)
+;;; (safe-call 'request ripaddr rport
+;;; (area-myaddr acfg)
+;;; (area-port acfg)
+;;; #;(area-pktid acfg)
+;;; rsrvid
+;;; action cookie dbname params))))
+;;; ;; (print "res-full: " res-full)
+;;; (match res-full
+;;; ((response-ok response-msg rem ...)
+;;; (let* ((send-message-time (current-milliseconds))
+;;; ;; (match res-full
+;;; ;; ((response-ok response-msg)
+;;; ;; (response-ok (car res-full))
+;;; ;; (response-msg (cadr res-full)
+;;; )
+;;; ;; (res (take res-full 3))) ;; ctype == action, TODO: converge on one term <<=== what was this? BUG
+;;; ;; (print "ulex:call: send-message took " (- send-message-time post-get-start-time) " ms params=" params)
+;;; (sdbg> "call" "send-message" post-get-start-time #f call-start-time)
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((not response-ok) #f)
+;;; ((member response-msg '("db read submitted" "db write submitted"))
+;;; (let* ((cookie-id (cadddr res-full))
+;;; (mbox (make-mailbox))
+;;; (mbox-time (current-milliseconds)))
+;;; (hash-table-set! (area-cookie2mbox acfg) cookie-id mbox)
+;;; (let* ((mbox-timeout-secs 20)
+;;; (mbox-timeout-result 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
+;;; (res (mailbox-receive! mbox mbox-timeout-secs mbox-timeout-result))
+;;; (mbox-receive-time (current-milliseconds)))
+;;; (hash-table-delete! (area-cookie2mbox acfg) cookie-id)
+;;; (sdbg> "call" "mailbox-receive" mbox-time #f call-start-time " from: " myid " to server: " srvid " for " dbname)
+;;; ;; (print "ulex:call mailbox-receive took " (- mbox-receive-time mbox-time) "ms params=" params)
+;;; res)))
+;;; (else
+;;; (print "Unhandled response \""response-msg"\"")
+;;; #f))
+;;; ;; depending on what action (i.e. ctype) is we will block here waiting for
+;;; ;; all the data (mechanism to be determined)
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; if res is a "working on it" then wait
+;;; ;; wait for result
+;;; ;; mailbox thread wait on
+;;; ;; if res is a "can't help you" then try a different server
+;;; ;; if res is a "ack" (e.g. for one-shot requests) then return res
+;;; ))
+;;; (else
+;;; (if (< count 10)
+;;; (let* ((url (conc (alist-ref 'ipaddr srv) ":" (alist-ref 'port srv))))
+;;; (thread-sleep! 1)
+;;; (print "ERROR: Bad result from " url ", dbname: " dbname ", action: " action ", params: " params ". Trying again in 1 second.")
+;;; (call acfg dbname action params (+ count 1)))
+;;; (begin
+;;; (error (conc "ERROR: " count " tries, still have improper response res-full=" res-full)))))))
+;;; (begin
+;;; (if (not rdat)
+;;; (print "ERROR: action " action " not registered.")
+;;; (if (< count 10)
+;;; (begin
+;;; (thread-sleep! 1)
+;;; (area-hosts-set! acfg (make-hash-table)) ;; clear out all known hosts
+;;; (print "ERROR: no server found, srv=" srv ", trying again in 1 seconds")
+;;; (call acfg dbname action params (+ count 1)))
+;;; (begin
+;;; (error (conc "ERROR: no server found after 10 tries, srv=" srv ", giving up."))
+;;; #;(error "No server available"))))))))
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; U T I L I T I E S
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; get a signature for identifing this process
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-process-signature)
+;;; (cons (get-host-name)(current-process-id)))
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; S Y S T E M S T U F F
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; get normalized cpu load by reading from /proc/loadavg and
+;;; ;; /proc/cpuinfo return all three values and the number of real cpus
+;;; ;; and the number of threads returns alist '((adj-cpu-load
+;;; ;; . normalized-proc-load) ... etc. keys: adj-proc-load,
+;;; ;; adj-core-load, 1m-load, 5m-load, 15m-load
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (get-normalized-cpu-load)
+;;; (let ((res (get-normalized-cpu-load-raw))
+;;; (default `((adj-proc-load . 2) ;; there is no right answer
+;;; (adj-core-load . 2)
+;;; (1m-load . 2)
+;;; (5m-load . 0) ;; causes a large delta - thus causing default of throttling if stuff goes wrong
+;;; (15m-load . 0)
+;;; (proc . 1)
+;;; (core . 1)
+;;; (phys . 1)
+;;; (error . #t))))
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((and (list? res)
+;;; (> (length res) 2))
+;;; res)
+;;; ((eq? res #f) default) ;; add messages?
+;;; ((eq? res #f) default) ;; this would be the #eof
+;;; (else default))))
+;;; (define (get-normalized-cpu-load-raw)
+;;; (let* ((actual-host (get-host-name))) ;; #f is localhost
+;;; (let ((data (append
+;;; (with-input-from-file "/proc/loadavg" read-lines)
+;;; (with-input-from-file "/proc/cpuinfo" read-lines)
+;;; (list "end")))
+;;; (load-rx (regexp "^([\\d\\.]+)\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\s+.*$"))
+;;; (proc-rx (regexp "^processor\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
+;;; (core-rx (regexp "^core id\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
+;;; (phys-rx (regexp "^physical id\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
+;;; (max-num (lambda (p n)(max (string->number p) n))))
+;;; ;; (print "data=" data)
+;;; (if (null? data) ;; something went wrong
+;;; #f
+;;; (let loop ((hed (car data))
+;;; (tal (cdr data))
+;;; (loads #f)
+;;; (proc-num 0) ;; processor includes threads
+;;; (phys-num 0) ;; physical chip on motherboard
+;;; (core-num 0)) ;; core
+;;; ;; (print hed ", " loads ", " proc-num ", " phys-num ", " core-num)
+;;; (if (null? tal) ;; have all our data, calculate normalized load and return result
+;;; (let* ((act-proc (+ proc-num 1))
+;;; (act-phys (+ phys-num 1))
+;;; (act-core (+ core-num 1))
+;;; (adj-proc-load (/ (car loads) act-proc))
+;;; (adj-core-load (/ (car loads) act-core))
+;;; (result
+;;; (append (list (cons 'adj-proc-load adj-proc-load)
+;;; (cons 'adj-core-load adj-core-load))
+;;; (list (cons '1m-load (car loads))
+;;; (cons '5m-load (cadr loads))
+;;; (cons '15m-load (caddr loads)))
+;;; (list (cons 'proc act-proc)
+;;; (cons 'core act-core)
+;;; (cons 'phys act-phys)))))
+;;; result)
+;;; (regex-case
+;;; hed
+;;; (load-rx ( x l1 l5 l15 ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(map string->number (list l1 l5 l15)) proc-num phys-num core-num))
+;;; (proc-rx ( x p ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads (max-num p proc-num) phys-num core-num))
+;;; (phys-rx ( x p ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num (max-num p phys-num) core-num))
+;;; (core-rx ( x c ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num phys-num (max-num c core-num)))
+;;; (else
+;;; (begin
+;;; ;; (print "NO MATCH: " hed)
+;;; (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num phys-num core-num))))))))))
+;;; (define (get-host-stats acfg)
+;;; (let ((stats-hash (area-stats acfg)))
+;;; ;; use this opportunity to remove references to dbfiles which have not been accessed in a while
+;;; (for-each
+;;; (lambda (dbname)
+;;; (let* ((stats (hash-table-ref stats-hash dbname))
+;;; (last-access (stat-when stats)))
+;;; (if (and (> last-access 0) ;; if zero then there has been no access
+;;; (> (- (current-seconds) last-access) 10)) ;; not used in ten seconds
+;;; (begin
+;;; (print "Removing " dbname " from stats list")
+;;; (hash-table-delete! stats-hash dbname) ;; remove from stats hash
+;;; (stat-dbs-set! stats (hash-table-keys stats))))))
+;;; (hash-table-keys stats-hash))
+;;; `(,(hash-table->alist (area-dbs acfg)) ;; dbname => randnum
+;;; ,(map (lambda (dbname) ;; dbname is the db name
+;;; (cons dbname (stat-when (hash-table-ref stats-hash dbname))))
+;;; (hash-table-keys stats-hash))
+;;; (cpuload . ,(get-normalized-cpu-load)))))
+;;; #;(stats . ,(map (lambda (k) ;; create an alist from the stats data
+;;; (cons k (stat->alist (hash-table-ref (area-stats acfg) k))))
+;;; (hash-table-keys (area-stats acfg))))
+;;; #;(trace
+;;; ;; assv
+;;; ;; cdr
+;;; ;; caar
+;;; ;; ;; cdr
+;;; ;; call
+;;; ;; finalize-all-db-handles
+;;; ;; get-all-server-pkts
+;;; ;; get-normalized-cpu-load
+;;; ;; get-normalized-cpu-load-raw
+;;; ;; launch
+;;; ;; nmsg-send
+;;; ;; process-db-queries
+;;; ;; receive-message
+;;; ;; std-peer-handler
+;;; ;; update-known-servers
+;;; ;; work-queue-processor
+;;; )
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; netutil
+;;; ;; move this back to ulex-netutil.scm someday?
+;;; ;;======================================================================
+;;; ;; #include
+;;; ;; #include
+;;; ;; #include
+;;; ;; #include
+;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"sys/types.h\"")
+;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"sys/socket.h\"")
+;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"ifaddrs.h\"")
+;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"arpa/inet.h\"")
+;;; ;; get IP addresses from ALL interfaces
+;;; (define get-all-ips
+;;; (foreign-safe-lambda* scheme-object ()
+;;; "
+;;; // from :
+;;; C_word lst = C_SCHEME_END_OF_LIST, len, str, *a;
+;;; // struct ifaddrs *ifa, *i;
+;;; // struct sockaddr *sa;
+;;; struct ifaddrs * ifAddrStruct = NULL;
+;;; struct ifaddrs * ifa = NULL;
+;;; void * tmpAddrPtr = NULL;
+;;; if ( getifaddrs(&ifAddrStruct) != 0)
+;;; C_return(C_SCHEME_FALSE);
+;;; // for (i = ifa; i != NULL; i = i->ifa_next) {
+;;; for (ifa = ifAddrStruct; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
+;;; if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET) { // Check it is
+;;; // a valid IPv4 address
+;;; tmpAddrPtr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr;
+;;; char addressBuffer[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
+;;; inet_ntop(AF_INET, tmpAddrPtr, addressBuffer, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
+;;; // printf(\"%s IP Address %s\\n\", ifa->ifa_name, addressBuffer);
+;;; len = strlen(addressBuffer);
+;;; a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(len));
+;;; str = C_string(&a, len, addressBuffer);
+;;; lst = C_a_pair(&a, str, lst);
+;;; }
+;;; // else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6) { // Check it is
+;;; // // a valid IPv6 address
+;;; // tmpAddrPtr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr;
+;;; // char addressBuffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+;;; // inet_ntop(AF_INET6, tmpAddrPtr, addressBuffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
+;;; //// printf(\"%s IP Address %s\\n\", ifa->ifa_name, addressBuffer);
+;;; // len = strlen(addressBuffer);
+;;; // a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(len));
+;;; // str = C_string(&a, len, addressBuffer);
+;;; // lst = C_a_pair(&a, str, lst);
+;;; // }
+;;; // else {
+;;; // printf(\" not an IPv4 address\\n\");
+;;; // }
+;;; }
+;;; freeifaddrs(ifa);
+;;; C_return(lst);
+;;; "))
+;;; ;; Change this to bias for addresses with a reasonable broadcast value?
+;;; ;;
+;;; (define (ip-pref-less? a b)
+;;; (let* ((rate (lambda (ipstr)
+;;; (regex-case ipstr
+;;; ( "^127\\." _ 0 )
+;;; ( "^(10\\.0|192\\.168\\.)\\..*" _ 1 )
+;;; ( else 2 ) ))))
+;;; (< (rate a) (rate b))))
+;;; (define (get-my-best-address)
+;;; (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips))
+;;; ;;(all-my-addresses-old (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo (get-host-name)))))
+;;; )
+;;; (cond
+;;; ((null? all-my-addresses)
+;;; (get-host-name)) ;; no interfaces?
+;;; ((eq? (length all-my-addresses) 1)
+;;; (car all-my-addresses)) ;; only one to choose from, just go with it
+;;; (else
+;;; (car (sort all-my-addresses ip-pref-less?)))
+;;; ;; (else
+;;; ;; (ip->string (car (filter (lambda (x) ;; take any but 127.
+;;; ;; (not (eq? (u8vector-ref x 0) 127)))
+;;; ;; all-my-addresses))))
+;;; )))
+;;; (define (get-all-ips-sorted)
+;;; (sort (get-all-ips) ip-pref-less?))
Index: ulex/ulex.scm
--- ulex/ulex.scm
+++ ulex/ulex.scm
@@ -23,330 +23,330 @@
;; Why sql-de-lite and not say, dbi? - performance mostly, then simplicity.
-(use mailbox)
-(module ulex
- *
-(import scheme posix chicken data-structures ports extras files mailbox)
-(import srfi-18 pkts matchable regex
- typed-records srfi-69 srfi-1
- srfi-4 regex-case
- (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
- foreign
- tcp6
- ;; ulex-netutil
- hostinfo
- )
-;; make it a global? Well, it is local to area module
-(define *captain-pktspec*
- `((captain (host . h)
- (port . p)
- (pid . i)
- (ipaddr . a)
- )
- #;(data (hostname . h) ;; sender hostname
- (port . p) ;; sender port
- (ipaddr . a) ;; sender ip
- (hostkey . k) ;; sending host key - store info at server under this key
- (servkey . s) ;; server key - this needs to match at server end or reject the msg
- (format . f) ;; sb=serialized-base64, t=text, sx=sexpr, j=json
- (data . d) ;; base64 encoded slln data
- )))
-;; struct for keeping track of our world
-(defstruct udat
- ;; captain info
- (captain-address #f)
- (captain-host #f)
- (captain-port #f)
- (captain-pid #f)
- (captain-lease 0) ;; time (unix epoc) seconds when the lease is up
- (ulex-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.ulex"))
- (cpkts-dir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.ulex/pkts"))
- (cpkt-spec *captain-pktspec*)
- ;; this processes info
- (my-cpkt-key #f) ;; put Z card here when I create a pkt for myself as captain
- (my-address #f)
- (my-hostname #f)
- (my-port #f)
- (my-pid (current-process-id))
- (my-dbs '())
- ;; server and handler thread
- (serv-listener #f) ;; this processes server info
- (handler-thread #f)
- (mboxes (make-hash-table)) ;; key => mbox
- ;; other servers
- (peers (make-hash-table)) ;; host-port => peer record
- (dbowners (make-hash-table)) ;; dbfile => host-port
- (handlers (make-hash-table)) ;; dbfile => proc
- ;; (outgoing-conns (make-hash-table)) ;; host:port -> conn
- (work-queue (make-queue)) ;; most stuff goes here
- ;; (fast-queue (make-queue)) ;; super quick stuff goes here (e.g. ping)
- (busy #f) ;; is either of the queues busy, use to switch between queuing tasks or doing immediately
- ;; app info
- (appname #f)
- (dbtypes (make-hash-table)) ;; this should be an alist but hash is easier. dbtype => [ initproc syncproc ]
- ;; cookies
- (cnum 0) ;; cookie num
- )
-;; start-server-find-port ;; gotta have a server port ready from the very begining
-;; udata - all the connection info, captain, server, ulex db etc. MUST BE PASSED IN
-;; dbpath - full path and filename of the db to talk to or a symbol naming the db?
-;; callname - the remote call to execute
-;; params - parameters to pass to the remote call
-(define (remote-call udata dbpath dbtype callname . params)
- (start-server-find-port udata) ;; ensure we have a local server
- (find-or-setup-captain udata)
- ;; look at connect, process-request, send, send-receive
- (let-values (((cookie-key host-port)(get-db-owner udata dbpath dbtype)))
- (send-receive udata host-port callname cookie-key params)))
-;; connection setup and management functions
-;; This is the basic setup command. Must always be
-;; called before connecting to a db using connect.
-;; find or become the captain
-;; setup and return a ulex object
-(define (find-or-setup-captain udata)
- ;; see if we already have a captain and if the lease is ok
- (if (and (udat-captain-address udata)
- (udat-captain-port udata)
- (< (current-seconds) (udat-captain-lease udata)))
- udata
- (let* ((cpkts (get-all-captain-pkts udata)) ;; read captain pkts
- (captn (get-winning-pkt cpkts)))
- (if captn
- (let* ((port (alist-ref 'port captn))
- (host (alist-ref 'host captn))
- (ipaddr (alist-ref 'ipaddr captn))
- (pid (alist-ref 'pid captn))
- (Z (alist-ref 'Z captn)))
- (udat-captain-address-set! udata ipaddr)
- (udat-captain-host-set! udata host)
- (udat-captain-port-set! udata port)
- (udat-captain-pid-set! udata pid)
- (udat-captain-lease-set! udata (+ (current-seconds) 10))
- (let-values (((success pingtime)(ping udata (conc ipaddr ":" port))))
- (if success
- udata
- (begin
- (print "Found unreachable captain at " ipaddr ":" port ", removing pkt")
- (remove-captain-pkt udata captn)
- (find-or-setup-captain udata))))
- (begin
- (setup-as-captain udata) ;; this saves the thread to captain-thread and starts the thread
- (find-or-setup-captain udata)))))))
-;; connect to a specific dbfile
-;; - if already connected - return the dbowner host-port
-;; - ask the captain who to talk to for this db
-;; - put the entry in the dbowners hash as dbfile => host-port
-(define (connect udata dbfname dbtype)
- (or (hash-table-ref/default (udat-dbowners udata) dbfname #f)
- (let-values (((success dbowner-host-port)(get-db-owner udata dbfname dbtype)))
- (if success
- (begin
- ;; just clobber the record, this is the new data no matter what
- (hash-table-set! (udat-dbowners udata) dbfname dbowner-host-port)
- dbowner-host-port)
- #f))))
-;; returns: success pingtime
-;; NOTE: causes the callee to store the info on this host along with the dbs this host currently owns
-(define (ping udata host-port)
- (let* ((start (current-milliseconds))
- (cookie (make-cookie udata))
- (dbs (udat-my-dbs udata))
- (msg (string-intersperse dbs " "))
- (res (send udata host-port 'ping cookie msg retval: #t))
- (delta (- (current-milliseconds) start)))
- (values (equal? res cookie) delta)))
-;; returns: success pingtime
-;; NOTE: causes all references to this worker to be wiped out in the
-;; callee (ususally the captain)
-(define (goodbye-ping udata host-port)
- (let* ((start (current-milliseconds))
- (cookie (make-cookie udata))
- (dbs (udat-my-dbs udata))
- (res (send udata host-port 'goodbye cookie "nomsg" retval: #t))
- (delta (- (current-milliseconds) start)))
- (values (equal? res cookie) delta)))
-(define (goodbye-captain udata)
- (let* ((host-port (udat-captain-host-port udata)))
- (if host-port
- (goodbye-ping udata host-port)
- (values #f -1))))
-(define (get-db-owner udata dbname dbtype)
- (let* ((host-port (udat-captain-host-port udata)))
- (if host-port
- (let* ((cookie (make-cookie udata))
- (msg #f) ;; (conc dbname " " dbtype))
- (params `(,dbname ,dbtype))
- (res (send udata host-port 'db-owner cookie msg
- params: params retval: #t)))
- (match (string-split res)
- ((retcookie owner-host-port)
- (values (equal? retcookie cookie) owner-host-port))))
- (values #f -1))))
-;; called in ulex-handler to dispatch work, called on the workers side
-;; calls (proc params data)
-;; returns result with cookie
-;; pdat is the info of the caller, used to send the result data
-;; prockey is key into udat-handlers hash dereferencing a proc
-;; procparam is a first param handed to proc - often to do further derefrencing
-;; NOTE: params is intended to be a list of strings, encoding on data
-;; is up to the user but data must be a single line
-(define (process-request udata pdat dbname cookie prockey procparam data)
- (let* ((dbrec (ulex-open-db udata dbname)) ;; this will be a dbconn record, looks for in udata first
- (proc (hash-table-ref udata prockey)))
- (let* ((result (proc dbrec procparam data)))
- result)))
-;; remote-request - send to remote to process in process-request
-;; uconn comes from a call to connect and can be used instead of calling connect again
-;; uconn is the host-port to call
-;; we send dbname to the worker so they know which file to open
-;; data must be a string with no newlines, it will be handed to the proc
-;; at the remote site unchanged. It is up to the user to encode/decode it's contents
-;; rtype: immediate, read-only, normal, low-priority
-(define (remote-request udata uconn rtype dbname prockey procparam data)
- (let* ((cookie (make-cookie udata)))
- (send-receive udata uconn rtype cookie data `(,prockey procparam))))
-(define (ulex-open-db udata dbname)
- #f)
-;; Ulex db
-;; - track who is captain, lease expire time
-;; - track who owns what db, lease
-(define (ulex-dbfname)
- (let ((dbdir (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.ulex")))
- (if (not (file-exists? dbdir))
- (create-directory dbdir #t))
- (conc dbdir "/network.db")))
-;; always goes in ~/.ulex/network.db
-;; role is captain, adjutant, node
-(define (ulexdb-setup)
- (let* ((dbfname (ulex-dbfname))
- (have-db (file-exists? dbfname))
- (db (sqlite3:open-database dbfname)))
- (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 136000))
- (sqlite3:execute db "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;")
- (if (not have-db)
- (sqlite3:with-transaction
- db
- (lambda ()
- (for-each
- (lambda (stmt)
- (if stmt (sqlite3:execute db stmt)))
- ipadr TEXT NOT NULL,
- zcard TEXT NOT NULL,
- regtime INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
- lease_thru INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
- last_update INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')));"
- "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_nodes_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON nodes
- UPDATE nodes SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
- END;"
- dbname TEXT NOT NULL,
- dbfile TEXT NOT NULL,
- dbtype TEXT NOT NULL,
- host_port TEXT NOT NULL,
- regtime INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
- lease_thru INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
- last_update INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')));"
- UPDATE dbs SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
- END;")))))
- db))
-(define (get-host-port-lease db dbfname)
- (sqlite3:fold-row
- (lambda (rem host-port lease-thru)
- (list host-port lease-thru))
- #f db "SELECT host_port,lease_thru FROM dbs WHERE dbfile = ?" dbfname))
-(define (register-captain db host ipadr port pid zcard #!key (lease 20))
- (let* ((dbfname (ulex-dbfname))
- (host-port (conc host ":" port)))
- (sqlite3:with-transaction
- db
- (lambda ()
- (match (get-host-port-lease db dbfname)
- ((host-port lease-thru)
- (if (> (current-seconds) lease-thru)
- (begin
- (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE dbs SET host_port=?,lease_thru=? WHERE dbname=?"
- (conc host ":" port)
- (+ (current-seconds) lease)
- dbfname)
- #t)
- #f))
- (#f (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO dbs (dbname,dbfile,dbtype,host_port,lease_thru) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"
- "captain" dbfname "captain" host-port (+ (current-seconds) lease)))
- (else (print "ERROR: Unrecognised result from fold-row")
- (exit 1)))))))
-;; network utilities
+(module ulex
+ *
+(import scheme
+ chicken.base
+ chicken.file
+ chicken.time
+ chicken.condition
+ chicken.string
+ chicken.sort
+ chicken.pretty-print
+ address-info
+ mailbox
+ matchable
+ queues
+ regex
+ regex-case
+ srfi-1
+ srfi-18
+ srfi-4
+ srfi-69
+ system-information
+ tcp6
+ typed-records
+ )
+;; udat struct, used by both caller and callee
+;; instantiated as uconn by convention
+(defstruct udat
+ ;; the listener side
+ (port #f)
+ (host-port #f)
+ (socket #f)
+ ;; the peers
+ (peers (make-hash-table)) ;; host:port->peer
+ ;; work handling
+ (work-queue (make-queue))
+ (work-proc #f) ;; set by user
+ (cnum 0) ;; cookie number
+ (mboxes (make-hash-table))
+ (avail-cmboxes '()) ;; list of ( . ) for re-use
+ )
+;; struct for keeping track of others we are talking to
+(defstruct pdat
+ (host-port #f)
+ (conns '()) ;; list of pcon structs, pop one off when calling the peer
+ )
+;; struct for peer connections, keep track of expiration etc.
+(defstruct pcon
+ (inp #f)
+ (oup #f)
+ (exp (+ (current-seconds) 59)) ;; expires at this time, set to (+ (current-seconds) 59)
+ (lifetime (+ (current-seconds) 600)) ;; throw away and create new after five minutes
+ )
+;; listener
+;; create a tcp listener and return a populated udat struct with
+;; my port, address, hostname, pid etc.
+;; return #f if fail to find a port to allocate.
+;; if udata-in is #f create the record
+;; if there is already a serv-listener return the udata
+(define (setup-listener uconn #!optional (port 4242))
+ (handle-exceptions
+ exn
+ (if (< port 65535)
+ (setup-listener uconn (+ port 1))
+ #f)
+ (connect-listener uconn port)))
+(define (connect-listener uconn port)
+ ;; (tcp-listener-socket LISTENER)(socket-name so)
+ ;; sockaddr-address, sockaddr-port, sockaddr->string
+ (let* ((tlsn (tcp-listen port 1000 #f)) ;; (tcp-listen TCPPORT [BACKLOG [HOST]])
+ (addr (get-my-best-address))) ;; (hostinfo-addresses (host-information (current-hostname)))
+ (udat-port-set! uconn port)
+ (udat-host-port-set! uconn (conc addr":"port))
+ (udat-socket-set! uconn tlsn)
+ uconn))
+;; peers and connections
+;; send structured data to recipient
+;; NOTE: qrykey is what was called the "cookie" previously
+;; retval tells send to expect and wait for return data (one line) and return it or time out
+;; this is for ping where we don't want to necessarily have set up our own server yet.
+;; NOTE: see below for beginnings of code to allow re-use of tcp connections
+;; - I believe (without substantial evidence) that re-using connections will
+;; be beneficial ...
+(define (send udata host-port qrykey cmd params)
+ (let* ((my-host-port (udat-host-port udata)) ;; remote will return to this
+ (isme #f #;(equal? host-port my-host-port)) ;; calling myself?
+ ;; dat is a self-contained work block that can be sent or handled locally
+ (dat (list my-host-port qrykey cmd params))
+ )
+ (if isme
+ (ulex-handler udata dat) ;; no transmission needed
+ (handle-exceptions ;; TODO - MAKE THIS EXCEPTION CMD SPECIFIC?
+ exn
+ #f
+ (let-values (((inp oup)(tcp-connect host-port)))
+ (let ((res (if (and inp oup)
+ (begin
+ (write dat oup)
+ (read inp)) ;; yes, we always want an ack
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: send called but no receiver has been setup. Please call setup first!")
+ #f))))
+ (close-input-port inp)
+ (close-output-port oup)
+ res)))))) ;; res will always be 'ack
+;; send a request to the given host-port and register a mailbox in udata
+;; wait for the mailbox data and return it
+(define (send-receive uconn host-port cmd data)
+ (let* ((cmbox (get-cmbox uconn)) ;; would it be better to keep a stack of mboxes to reuse?
+ (qrykey (car cmbox))
+ (mbox (cdr cmbox))
+ (mbox-time (current-milliseconds)))
+ (if (eq? (send uconn host-port qrykey cmd data) 'ack)
+ (let* ((mbox-timeout-secs 120) ;; timeout)
+ (mbox-timeout-result 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
+ (res (mailbox-receive! mbox mbox-timeout-secs mbox-timeout-result))
+ (mbox-receive-time (current-milliseconds)))
+ (if (eq? res 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
+ #f ;; convert to raising exception?
+ res))
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: Communication failed?")
+ #f)))) ;; #f means failed to communicate
+;; responder side
+;; take a request, rdata, and if not immediate put it in the work queue
+;; Reserved cmds; ack ping goodbye response
+(define (ulex-handler uconn rdata)
+ (match rdata ;; (string-split controldat)
+ ((rem-host-port qrykey cmd params)
+ ;; (print "ulex-handler got: "rem-host-port" qrykey: "qrykey" cmd: "cmd" params: "params)
+ (let ((mbox (hash-table-ref/default (udat-mboxes uconn) qrykey #f)))
+ (case cmd
+ ;; ((ack )(print "Got ack! But why? Should NOT get here.") 'ack)
+ ((ping)
+ ;; (print "Got Ping!")
+ (add-to-work-queue uconn rdata)
+ 'ack)
+ ((goodbye)
+ ;; just clear out references to the caller
+ (add-to-work-queue uconn rdata)
+ 'ack)
+ ((response) ;; this is a result from remote processing, send it as mail ...
+ (if mbox
+ (begin
+ (mailbox-send! mbox params) ;; params here is our result
+ 'ack)
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: received result but no associated mbox for cookie "qrykey)
+ #f)))
+ (else
+ ;; (print "Got generic request: "cmd)
+ (add-to-work-queue uconn rdata)
+ 'ack))))
+ (else
+ (print "BAD DATA? controldat=" rdata)
+ 'ack) ;; send ack anyway?
+ ))
+;; given an already set up uconn start the cmd-loop
+(define (ulex-cmd-loop uconn)
+ (let* ((serv-listener (udat-socket uconn)))
+ (let loop ((state 'start))
+ (let-values (((inp oup)(tcp-accept serv-listener)))
+ (let* ((rdat (read inp))
+ (resp (ulex-handler uconn rdat)))
+ (if resp (write resp oup))
+ (close-input-port inp)
+ (close-output-port oup))
+ (loop state)))))
+;; add a proc to the cmd list, these are done symetrically (i.e. in all instances)
+;; so that the proc can be dereferenced remotely
+(define (set-work-handler uconn proc)
+ (udat-work-proc-set! uconn proc))
+;; run-listener does all the work of starting a listener in a thread
+;; it then returns control
+(define (run-listener handler-proc)
+ (let* ((uconn (make-udat)))
+ (udat-work-proc-set! uconn handler-proc)
+ (if (setup-listener uconn)
+ (let* ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()(ulex-cmd-loop uconn)) "Ulex command loop"))
+ (th2 (make-thread (lambda ()(process-work-queue uconn)) "Ulex work queue processor")))
+ (thread-start! th1)
+ (thread-start! th2)
+ (print "cmd loop and process workers started")
+ uconn)
+ (begin
+ (print "ERROR: run-listener called without proper setup.")
+ (exit)))))
+;; work queues - this is all happening on the listener side
+;; rdata is (rem-host-port qrykey cmd params)
+(define (add-to-work-queue uconn rdata)
+ (queue-add! (udat-work-queue uconn) rdata))
+(define (do-work uconn rdata)
+ (let* ((proc (udat-work-proc uconn))) ;; get it each time - conceivebly it could change
+ ;; put this following into a do-work procedure
+ (match rdata
+ ((rem-host-port qrykey cmd params)
+ (let* ((result (proc rem-host-port qrykey cmd params)))
+ ;; send 'response as cmd and result as params
+ (send uconn rem-host-port qrykey 'response result))) ;; could check for ack
+ (else
+ (print "ERROR: rdata "rdata", did not match rem-host-port qrykey cmd params")))))
+(define (process-work-queue uconn)
+ (let ((wqueue (udat-work-queue uconn))
+ (proc (udat-work-proc uconn)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (if (queue-empty? wqueue)
+ (thread-sleep! 0.1)
+ (let ((rdata (queue-remove! wqueue)))
+ (do-work uconn rdata)))
+ (loop))))
+;; below was to enable re-use of connections. This seems non-trivial so for
+;; now lets open on each call
+;; ;; given host-port get or create peer struct
+;; ;;
+;; (define (udat-get-peer uconn host-port)
+;; (or (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers uconn) host-port #f)
+;; ;; no peer, so create pdat and init it
+;; ;; NEED stack of connections, pop and use; inp, oup,
+;; ;; creation_time (remove and create new if over 24hrs old
+;; ;;
+;; (let ((pdat (make-pdat host-port: host-port)))
+;; (hash-table-set! (udat-peers uconn) host-port pdat)
+;; pdat)))
+;; ;; is pcon alive
+;; ;; given host-port and pdat get a pcon
+;; ;;
+;; (define (pdat-get-pcon pdat host-port)
+;; (let loop ((conns (pdat-conns pdat)))
+;; (if (null? conns) ;; none? make and return - do NOT add - it will be pushed back on list later
+;; (init-pcon (make-pcon))
+;; (let* ((conn (pop conns)))
+;; ;; given host-port get a pcon struct
+;; ;;
+;; (define (udat-get-pcon
+;; misc utils
+(define (make-cookie uconn)
+ (let ((newcnum (+ (udat-cnum uconn) 1)))
+ (udat-cnum-set! uconn newcnum)
+ (conc (udat-host-port uconn) ":"
+ newcnum)))
+;; cookie/mboxes
+;; we store each mbox with a cookie ( . )
+(define (get-cmbox uconn)
+ (if (null? (udat-avail-cmboxes uconn))
+ (let ((cookie (make-cookie uconn))
+ (mbox (make-mailbox)))
+ (hash-table-set! (udat-mboxes uconn) cookie mbox)
+ `(,cookie . ,mbox))
+ (let ((cmbox (car (udat-avail-cmboxes uconn))))
+ (udat-avail-cmboxes-set! uconn (cdr (udat-avail-cmboxes uconn)))
+ cmbox)))
+(define (put-cmbox uconn cmbox)
+ (udat-avail-cmboxes-set! uconn (cons cmbox (udat-avail-cmboxes uconn))))
+(define (pp-uconn uconn)
+ (pp (udat->alist uconn)))
+;; network utilities
+;; NOTE: Look at address-info egg as alternative to some of this
(define (rate-ip ipaddr)
(regex-case ipaddr
( "^127\\..*" _ 0 )
( "^(10\\.0|192\\.168)\\..*" _ 1 )
@@ -354,1899 +354,69 @@
;; Change this to bias for addresses with a reasonable broadcast value?
(define (ip-pref-less? a b)
(> (rate-ip a) (rate-ip b)))
(define (get-my-best-address)
- (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips))
- ;;(all-my-addresses-old (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo (get-host-name)))))
- )
+ (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips)))
((null? all-my-addresses)
(get-host-name)) ;; no interfaces?
((eq? (length all-my-addresses) 1)
(car all-my-addresses)) ;; only one to choose from, just go with it
- (car (sort all-my-addresses ip-pref-less?)))
- ;; (else
- ;; (ip->string (car (filter (lambda (x) ;; take any but 127.
- ;; (not (eq? (u8vector-ref x 0) 127)))
- ;; all-my-addresses))))
- )))
+ (car (sort all-my-addresses ip-pref-less?))))))
(define (get-all-ips-sorted)
(sort (get-all-ips) ip-pref-less?))
(define (get-all-ips)
- (map ip->string (vector->list
- (hostinfo-addresses
- (host-information (current-hostname))))))
-(define (udat-my-host-port udata)
- (if (and (udat-my-address udata)(udat-my-port udata))
- (conc (udat-my-address udata) ":" (udat-my-port udata))
- #f))
-(define (udat-captain-host-port udata)
- (if (and (udat-captain-address udata)(udat-captain-port udata))
- (conc (udat-captain-address udata) ":" (udat-captain-port udata))
- #f))
-(define (udat-get-peer udata host-port)
- (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers udata) host-port #f))
-;; struct for keeping track of others we are talking to
-(defstruct peer
- (addr-port #f)
- (hostname #f)
- (pid #f)
- ;; (inp #f)
- ;; (oup #f)
- (dbs '()) ;; list of databases this peer is currently handling
- )
-(defstruct work
- (peer-dat #f)
- (handlerkey #f)
- (qrykey #f)
- (data #f)
- (start (current-milliseconds)))
-#;(defstruct dbowner
- (pdat #f)
- (last-update (current-seconds)))
-;; Captain functions
-;; NB// This needs to be started in a thread
-;; setup to be a captain
-;; - local server MUST be started already
-;; - create pkt
-;; - start server port handler
-(define (setup-as-captain udata)
- (if (create-captain-pkt udata)
- (let* ((my-addr (udat-my-address udata))
- (my-port (udat-my-port udata))
- (th (make-thread (lambda ()
- (ulex-handler-loop udata)) "Captain handler")))
- (udat-handler-thread-set! udata th)
- (udat-captain-address-set! udata my-addr)
- (udat-captain-port-set! udata my-port)
- (thread-start! th))
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: failed to create captain pkt")
- #f)))
-;; given a pkts dir read
-(define (get-all-captain-pkts udata)
- (let* ((pktsdir (let ((d (udat-cpkts-dir udata)))
- (if (file-exists? d)
- d
- (begin
- (create-directory d #t)
- d))))
- (all-pkt-files (glob (conc pktsdir "/*.pkt")))
- (pkt-spec (udat-cpkt-spec udata)))
- (map (lambda (pkt-file)
- (read-pkt->alist pkt-file pktspec: pkt-spec))
- all-pkt-files)))
-;; sort by D then Z, return one, choose the oldest then
-;; differentiate if needed using the Z key
-(define (get-winning-pkt pkts)
- (if (null? pkts)
- #f
- (car (sort pkts (lambda (a b)
- (let ((ad (string->number (alist-ref 'D a)))
- (bd (string->number (alist-ref 'D b))))
- (if (eq? a b)
- (let ((az (alist-ref 'Z a))
- (bz (alist-ref 'Z b)))
- (string>=? az bz))
- (> ad bd))))))))
-;; put the host, ip, port and pid into a pkt in
-;; the captain pkts dir
-;; - assumes user has already fired up a server
-;; which will be in the udata struct
-(define (create-captain-pkt udata)
- (if (not (udat-serv-listener udata))
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: create-captain-pkt called with out a listener")
- #f)
- (let* ((pktdat `((port . ,(udat-my-port udata))
- (host . ,(udat-my-hostname udata))
- (ipaddr . ,(udat-my-address udata))
- (pid . ,(udat-my-pid udata))))
- (pktdir (udat-cpkts-dir udata))
- (pktspec (udat-cpkt-spec udata))
- )
- (udat-my-cpkt-key-set!
- udata
- (write-alist->pkt
- pktdir
- pktdat
- pktspec: pktspec
- ptype: 'captain))
- (udat-my-cpkt-key udata))))
-;; remove pkt associated with captn (the Z key .pkt)
-(define (remove-captain-pkt udata captn)
- (let ((Z (alist-ref 'Z captn))
- (cpktdir (udat-cpkts-dir udata)))
- (delete-file* (conc cpktdir "/" Z ".pkt"))))
-;; call all known peers and tell them to delete their info on the captain
-;; thus forcing them to re-read pkts and connect to a new captain
-;; call this when the captain needs to exit and if an older captain is
-;; detected. Due to delays in sending file meta data in NFS multiple
-;; captains can be initiated in a "Storm of Captains", book soon to be
-;; on Amazon
-(define (drop-captain udata)
- (let* ((peers (hash-table-keys (udat-peers udata)))
- (cookie (make-cookie udata)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (host-port)
- (send udata host-port 'dropcaptain cookie "nomsg" retval: #t))
- peers)))
-;; server primitives
-(define (make-cookie udata)
- (let ((newcnum (+ (udat-cnum udata) 1)))
- (udat-cnum-set! udata newcnum)
- (conc (udat-my-address udata) ":"
- (udat-my-port udata) "-"
- (udat-my-pid udata) "-"
- newcnum)))
-;; create a tcp listener and return a populated udat struct with
-;; my port, address, hostname, pid etc.
-;; return #f if fail to find a port to allocate.
-;; if udata-in is #f create the record
-;; if there is already a serv-listener return the udata
-(define (start-server-find-port udata-in #!optional (port 4242))
- (let ((udata (or udata-in (make-udat))))
- (if (udat-serv-listener udata) ;; TODO - add check that the listener is alive and ready?
- udata
- (handle-exceptions
- exn
- (if (< port 65535)
- (start-server-find-port udata (+ port 1))
- #f)
- (connect-server udata port)))))
-(define (connect-server udata port)
- ;; (tcp-listener-socket LISTENER)(socket-name so)
- ;; sockaddr-address, sockaddr-port, sockaddr->string
- (let* ((tlsn (tcp-listen port 1000 #f)) ;; (tcp-listen TCPPORT [BACKLOG [HOST]])
- (addr (get-my-best-address))) ;; (hostinfo-addresses (host-information (current-hostname)))
- (udat-my-address-set! udata addr)
- (udat-my-port-set! udata port)
- (udat-my-hostname-set! udata (get-host-name))
- (udat-serv-listener-set! udata tlsn)
- udata))
-(define (get-peer-dat udata host-port #!optional (hostname #f)(pid #f))
- (let* ((pdat (or (udat-get-peer udata host-port)
- exn
- #f
- (let ((npdat (make-peer addr-port: host-port)))
- (if hostname (peer-hostname-set! npdat hostname))
- (if pid (peer-pid-set! npdat pid))
- npdat)))))
- pdat))
-;; send structured data to recipient
-;; NOTE: qrykey is what was called the "cookie" previously
-;; retval tells send to expect and wait for return data (one line) and return it or time out
-;; this is for ping where we don't want to necessarily have set up our own server yet.
-(define (send udata host-port handler qrykey data
- #!key (hostname #f)(pid #f)(params '())(retval #f))
- (let* ((my-host-port (udat-my-host-port udata))
- (isme (equal? host-port my-host-port)) ;; am I calling
- ;; myself?
- (dat (list
- handler ;; " "
- my-host-port ;; " "
- (udat-my-pid udata) ;; " "
- qrykey
- params ;;(if (null? params) "" (conc " "
- ;;(string-intersperse params " ")))
- )))
- ;; (print "send isme is " (if isme "true!" "false!") ",
- ;; my-host-port: " my-host-port ", host-port: " host-port)
- (if isme
- (ulex-handler udata dat data)
- exn
- #f
- (let-values (((inp oup)(tcp-connect host-port)))
- ;;
- ;; handlerkey host:port pid qrykey params ...
- ;;
- (let ((res
- (if (and inp oup)
- (let* ()
- (if my-host-port
- (begin
- (write dat oup)
- (write data oup) ;; send as sexpr
- ;; (print "Sent dat: " dat " data: " data)
- (if retval
- (read inp)
- #t))
- (begin
- (print "ERROR: send called but no receiver has been setup. Please call setup first!")
- #f))
- ;; (there is a listener for handling that)
- )
- #f))) ;; #f means failed to connect and send
- (close-input-port inp)
- (close-output-port oup)
- res))))))
-;; send a request to the given host-port and register a mailbox in udata
-;; wait for the mailbox data and return it
-(define (send-receive udata host-port handler qrykey data #!key (hostname #f)(pid #f)(params '())(timeout 20))
- (let ((mbox (make-mailbox))
- (mbox-time (current-milliseconds))
- (mboxes (udat-mboxes udata)))
- (hash-table-set! mboxes qrykey mbox)
- (if (send udata host-port handler qrykey data hostname: hostname pid: pid params: params)
- (let* ((mbox-timeout-secs timeout)
- (mbox-timeout-result 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
- (res (mailbox-receive! mbox mbox-timeout-secs mbox-timeout-result))
- (mbox-receive-time (current-milliseconds)))
- (hash-table-delete! mboxes qrykey)
- (if (eq? res 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
- #f
- res))
- #f))) ;; #f means failed to communicate
-(define (ulex-handler udata controldat data)
- (print "controldat: " controldat " data: " data)
- (match controldat ;; (string-split controldat)
- ((handlerkey host-port pid qrykey params ...)
- ;; (print "handlerkey: " handlerkey " host-port: " host-port " pid: " pid " qrykey: " qrykey " params: " params)
- (case handlerkey ;; (string->symbol handlerkey)
- ((ack)(print "Got ack!"))
- ((ping) ;; special case - return result immediately on the same connection
- (let* ((proc (hash-table-ref/default (udat-handlers udata) 'ping #f))
- (val (if proc (proc) "gotping"))
- (peer (make-peer addr-port: host-port pid: pid))
- (dbshash (udat-dbowners udata)))
- (peer-dbs-set! peer params) ;; params for ping is list of dbs owned by pinger
- (for-each (lambda (dbfile)
- (hash-table-set! dbshash dbfile host-port)) ;; WRONG?
- params) ;; register each db in the dbshash
- (if (not (hash-table-exists? (udat-peers udata) host-port))
- (hash-table-set! (udat-peers udata) host-port peer)) ;; save the details of this caller in peers
- qrykey)) ;; End of ping
- ((goodbye)
- ;; remove all traces of the caller in db ownership etc.
- (let* ((peer (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers udata) host-port #f))
- (dbs (if peer (peer-dbs peer) '()))
- (dbshash (udat-dbowners udata)))
- (for-each (lambda (dbfile)(hash-table-delete! dbshash dbfile)) dbs)
- (hash-table-delete! (udat-peers udata) host-port)
- qrykey))
- ((dropcaptain)
- ;; remove all traces of the captain
- (udat-captain-address-set! udata #f)
- (udat-captain-host-set! udata #f)
- (udat-captain-port-set! udata #f)
- (udat-captain-pid-set! udata #f)
- qrykey)
- ((rucaptain) ;; remote is asking if I'm the captain
- (if (udat-my-cpkt-key udata) "yes" "no"))
- ((db-owner) ;; given a db name who do I send my queries to
- ;; look up the file in handlers, if have an entry ping them to be sure
- ;; they are still alive and then return that host:port.
- ;; if no handler found or if the ping fails pick from peers the oldest that
- ;; is managing the fewest dbs
- (match params
- ((dbfile dbtype)
- (let* ((owner-host-port (hash-table-ref/default (udat-dbowners udata) dbfile #f)))
- (if owner-host-port
- (conc qrykey " " owner-host-port)
- (let* ((pdat (or (hash-table-ref/default (udat-peers udata) host-port #f) ;; no owner - caller gets to own it!
- (make-peer addr-port: host-port pid: pid dbs: `(,dbfile)))))
- (hash-table-set! (udat-peers udata) host-port pdat)
- (hash-table-set! (udat-dbowners udata) dbfile host-port)
- (conc qrykey " " host-port)))))
- (else (conc qrykey " BADDATA"))))
- ;; for work items:
- ;; handler is one of; immediate, read-only, read-write, high-priority
- ((immediate read-only normal low-priority) ;; do this work immediately
- ;; host-port (caller), pid (caller), qrykey (cookie), params <= all from first line
- ;; data => a single line encoded however you want, or should I build json into it?
- (print "handlerkey=" handlerkey)
- (let* ((pdat (get-peer-dat udata host-port)))
- (match params ;; dbfile prockey procparam
- ((dbfile prockey procparam)
- (case handlerkey
- ((immediate read-only)
- (process-request udata pdat dbfile qrykey prockey procparam data))
- ((normal low-priority) ;; split off later and add logic to support low priority
- (add-to-work-queue udata pdat dbfile qrykey prockey procparam data))
- (else
- #f)))
- (else
- (print "INFO: params=" params " handlerkey=" handlerkey " controldat=" controldat)
- #f))))
- (else
- ;; (add-to-work-queue udata (get-peer-dat udata host-port) handlerkey qrykey data)
- #f)))
- (else
- (print "BAD DATA? controldat=" controldat " data=" data)
- #f)));; handles the incoming messages and dispatches to queues
-(define (ulex-handler-loop udata)
- (let* ((serv-listener (udat-serv-listener udata)))
- ;; data comes as two lines
- ;; handlerkey resp-addr:resp-port hostname pid qrykey [dbpath/dbfile.db]
- ;; data
- (let loop ((state 'start))
- (let-values (((inp oup)(tcp-accept serv-listener)))
- (let* ((controldat (read inp))
- (data (read inp))
- (resp (ulex-handler udata controldat data)))
- (if resp (write resp oup))
- (close-input-port inp)
- (close-output-port oup))
- (loop state)))))
-;; add a proc to the handler list, these are done symetrically (i.e. in all instances)
-;; so that the proc can be dereferenced remotely
-(define (register-handler udata key proc)
- (hash-table-set! (udat-handlers udata) key proc))
-;; work queues
-(define (add-to-work-queue udata peer-dat handlerkey qrykey data)
- (let ((wdat (make-work peer-dat: peer-dat handlerkey: handlerkey qrykey: qrykey data: data)))
- (if (udat-busy udata)
- (queue-add! (udat-work-queue udata) wdat)
- (process-work udata wdat)) ;; passing in wdat tells process-work to first process the passed in wdat
- ))
-(define (do-work udata wdat)
- #f)
-(define (process-work udata #!optional wdat)
- (if wdat (do-work udata wdat)) ;; process wdat
- (let ((wqueue (udat-work-queue udata)))
- (if (not (queue-empty? wqueue))
- (let loop ((wd (queue-remove! wqueue)))
- (do-work udata wd)
- (if (not (queue-empty? wqueue))
- (loop (queue-remove! wqueue)))))))
-;; Generic db handling
-;; setup a inmem db instance
-;; open connection to on-disk db
-;; sync on-disk db to inmem
-;; get lock in on-disk db for dbowner of this db
-;; put sync-proc, init-proc, on-disk handle, inmem handle in dbconn stuct
-;; return the stuct
-(defstruct dbconn
- (fname #f)
- (inmem #f)
- (conn #f)
- (sync #f) ;; sync proc
- (init #f) ;; init proc
- (lastsync (current-seconds))
- )
-(defstruct dbinfo
- (initproc #f)
- (syncproc #f))
-;; open inmem and disk database
-;; init with initproc
-;; return db struct
-;; appname; megatest, ulex or something else.
-(define (setup-db-connection udata fname-in appname dbtype)
- (let* ((is-ulex (eq? appname 'ulex))
- (dbinf (if is-ulex ;; ulex is a built-in special case
- (make-dbinfo initproc: ulexdb-init syncproc: ulexdb-sync)
- (hash-table-ref/default (udat-dbtypes udata) dbtype #f)))
- (initproc (dbinfo-initproc dbinf))
- (syncproc (dbinfo-syncproc dbinf))
- (fname (if is-ulex
- (conc (udat-ulex-dir udata) "/ulex.db")
- fname-in))
- (inmem-db (open-and-initdb udata #f 'inmem (dbinfo-initproc dbinf)))
- (disk-db (open-and-initdb udata fname 'disk (dbinfo-initproc dbinf))))
- (make-dbconn inmem: inmem-db conn: disk-db sync: syncproc init: initproc)))
-;; dest='inmem or 'disk
-(define (open-and-initdb udata filename dest init-proc)
- (let* ((inmem (eq? dest 'inmem))
- (dbfile (if inmem
- ":INMEM:"
- filename))
- (dbexists (if inmem #t (file-exists? dbfile)))
- (db (sqlite3:open-database dbfile)))
- (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 136000))
- (if (not dbexists)
- (init-proc db))
- db))
-;; Previous Ulex db stuff
-(define (ulexdb-init db inmem)
- (sqlite3:with-transaction
- db
- (lambda ()
- (for-each
- (lambda (stmt)
- (if stmt (sqlite3:execute db stmt)))
- ipadr TEXT NOT NULL,
- regtime INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
- last_update INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')));"
- (if inmem
- "CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_proces_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON processes
- UPDATE processes SET last_update=(strftime('%s','now'))
- END;"
- #f))))))
-;; open databases, do initial sync
-(define (ulexdb-sync dbconndat udata)
- #f)
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; D E B U G H E L P E R S
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; (define (dbg> . args)
-;;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (apply print "dbg> " args))))
-;;; (define (debug-pp . args)
-;;; (if (get-environment-variable "ULEX_DEBUG")
-;;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (apply pp args)))))
-;;; (define *default-debug-port* (current-error-port))
-;;; (define (sdbg> fn stage-name stage-start stage-end start-time . message)
-;;; (if (get-environment-variable "ULEX_DEBUG")
-;;; (with-output-to-port *default-debug-port*
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (apply print "ulex:" fn " " stage-name " took " (- (if stage-end stage-end (current-milliseconds)) stage-start) " ms. "
-;;; (if start-time
-;;; (conc "total time " (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)
-;;; " ms.")
-;;; "")
-;;; message
-;;; )))))
-;; M A C R O S
-;; iup callbacks are not dumping the stack, this is a work-around
-;; Some of these routines use:
-;; Syntax for defining macros in a simple style similar to function definiton,
-;; when there is a single pattern for the argument list and there are no keywords.
-;; (define-simple-syntax (name arg ...) body ...)
-;; (define-syntax define-simple-syntax
-;; (syntax-rules ()
-;; ((_ (name arg ...) body ...)
-;; (define-syntax name (syntax-rules () ((name arg ...) (begin body ...)))))))
-;; (define-simple-syntax (catch-and-dump proc procname)
-;; (handle-exceptions
-;; exn
-;; (begin
-;; (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
-;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
-;; (lambda ()
-;; (print ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
-;; (print "Callback error in " procname)
-;; (print "Full condition info:\n" (condition->list exn)))))
-;; (proc)))
-;; R E C O R D S
-;;; ;; information about me as a server
-;;; ;;
-;;; (defstruct area
-;;; ;; about this area
-;;; (useportlogger #f)
-;;; (lowport 32768)
-;;; (server-type 'auto) ;; auto=create up to five servers/pkts, main=create pkts, passive=no pkt (unless there are no pkts at all)
-;;; (conn #f)
-;;; (port #f)
-;;; (myaddr (get-my-best-address))
-;;; pktid ;; get pkt from hosts table if needed
-;;; pktfile
-;;; pktsdir
-;;; dbdir
-;;; (dbhandles (make-hash-table)) ;; fname => list-of-dbh, NOTE: Should really never need more than one?
-;;; (mutex (make-mutex))
-;;; (rtable (make-hash-table)) ;; registration table of available actions
-;;; (dbs (make-hash-table)) ;; filename => random number, used for choosing what dbs I serve
-;;; ;; about other servers
-;;; (hosts (make-hash-table)) ;; key => hostdat
-;;; (hoststats (make-hash-table)) ;; key => alist of fname => ( qcount . qtime )
-;;; (reqs (make-hash-table)) ;; uri => queue
-;;; ;; work queues
-;;; (wqueues (make-hash-table)) ;; fname => qdat
-;;; (stats (make-hash-table)) ;; fname => totalqueries
-;;; (last-srvup (current-seconds)) ;; last time we updated the known servers
-;;; (cookie2mbox (make-hash-table)) ;; map cookie for outstanding request to mailbox of awaiting call
-;;; (ready #f)
-;;; (health (make-hash-table)) ;; ipaddr:port => num failed pings since last good ping
-;;; )
-;;; ;; host stats
-;;; ;;
-;;; (defstruct hostdat
-;;; (pkt #f)
-;;; (dbload (make-hash-table)) ;; "dbfile.db" => queries/min
-;;; (hostload #f) ;; normalized load ( 5min load / numcpus )
-;;; )
-;;; ;; dbdat
-;;; ;;
-;;; (defstruct dbdat
-;;; (dbh #f)
-;;; (fname #f)
-;;; (write-access #f)
-;;; (sths (make-hash-table)) ;; hash mapping query strings to handles
-;;; )
-;;; ;; qdat
-;;; ;;
-;;; (defstruct qdat
-;;; (writeq (make-queue))
-;;; (readq (make-queue))
-;;; (rwq (make-queue))
-;;; (logq (make-queue)) ;; do we need a queue for logging? yes, if we use sqlite3 db for logging
-;;; (osshort (make-queue))
-;;; (oslong (make-queue))
-;;; (misc (make-queue)) ;; used for things like ping-full
-;;; )
-;;; ;; calldat
-;;; ;;
-;;; (defstruct calldat
-;;; (ctype 'dbwrite)
-;;; (obj #f) ;; this would normally be an SQL statement e.g. SELECT, INSERT etc.
-;;; (rtime (current-milliseconds)))
-;;; ;; make it a global? Well, it is local to area module
-;;; (define *pktspec*
-;;; `((server (hostname . h)
-;;; (port . p)
-;;; (pid . i)
-;;; (ipaddr . a)
-;;; )
-;;; (data (hostname . h) ;; sender hostname
-;;; (port . p) ;; sender port
-;;; (ipaddr . a) ;; sender ip
-;;; (hostkey . k) ;; sending host key - store info at server under this key
-;;; (servkey . s) ;; server key - this needs to match at server end or reject the msg
-;;; (format . f) ;; sb=serialized-base64, t=text, sx=sexpr, j=json
-;;; (data . d) ;; base64 encoded slln data
-;;; )))
-;;; ;; work item
-;;; ;;
-;;; (defstruct witem
-;;; (rhost #f) ;; return host
-;;; (ripaddr #f) ;; return ipaddr
-;;; (rport #f) ;; return port
-;;; (servkey #f) ;; the packet representing the client of this workitem, used by final send-message
-;;; (rdat #f) ;; the request - usually an sql query, type is rdat
-;;; (action #f) ;; the action: immediate, dbwrite, dbread,oslong, osshort
-;;; (cookie #f) ;; cookie id for response
-;;; (data #f) ;; the data payload, i.e. parameters
-;;; (result #f) ;; the result from processing the data
-;;; (caller #f)) ;; the calling peer according to rpc itself
-;;; (define (trim-pktid pktid)
-;;; (if (string? pktid)
-;;; (substring pktid 0 4)
-;;; "nopkt"))
-;;; (define (any->number num)
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((number? num) num)
-;;; ((string? num) (string->number num))
-;;; (else num)))
-;;; (use trace)
-;;; (trace-call-sites #t)
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; D A T A B A S E H A N D L I N G
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; look in dbhandles for a db, return it, else return #f
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-dbh acfg fname)
-;;; (let ((dbh-lst (hash-table-ref/default (area-dbhandles acfg) fname '())))
-;;; (if (null? dbh-lst)
-;;; (begin
-;;; ;; (print "opening db for " fname)
-;;; (open-db acfg fname)) ;; Note that the handles get put back in the queue in the save-dbh calls
-;;; (let ((rem-lst (cdr dbh-lst)))
-;;; ;; (print "re-using saved connection for " fname)
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-dbhandles acfg) fname rem-lst)
-;;; (car dbh-lst)))))
-;;; (define (save-dbh acfg fname dbdat)
-;;; ;; (print "saving dbh for " fname)
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-dbhandles acfg) fname (cons dbdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-dbhandles acfg) fname '()))))
-;;; ;; open the database, if never before opened init it. put the handle in the
-;;; ;; open db's hash table
-;;; ;; returns: the dbdat
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (open-db acfg fname)
-;;; (let* ((fullname (conc (area-dbdir acfg) "/" fname))
-;;; (exists (file-exists? fullname))
-;;; (write-access (if exists
-;;; (file-write-access? fullname)
-;;; (file-write-access? (area-dbdir acfg))))
-;;; (db (sqlite3:open-database fullname))
-;;; (handler (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 136000))
-;;; )
-;;; (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db handler)
-;;; (sqlite3:execute db "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;")
-;;; (if (not exists) ;; need to init the db
-;;; (if write-access
-;;; (let ((isql (get-rsql acfg 'dbinitsql))) ;; get the init sql statements
-;;; ;; (sqlite3:with-transaction
-;;; ;; db
-;;; ;; (lambda ()
-;;; (if isql
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (sql)
-;;; (sqlite3:execute db sql))
-;;; isql)))
-;;; (print "ERROR: no write access to " (area-dbdir acfg))))
-;;; (make-dbdat dbh: db fname: fname write-access: write-access)))
-;;; ;; This is a low-level command to retrieve or to prepare, save and return a prepared statment
-;;; ;; you must extract the db handle
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-sth db cache stmt)
-;;; (if (hash-table-exists? cache stmt)
-;;; (begin
-;;; ;; (print "Reusing cached stmt for " stmt)
-;;; (hash-table-ref/default cache stmt #f))
-;;; (let ((sth (sqlite3:prepare db stmt)))
-;;; (hash-table-set! cache stmt sth)
-;;; ;; (print "prepared stmt for " stmt)
-;;; sth)))
-;;; ;; a little more expensive but does all the tedious deferencing - only use if you don't already
-;;; ;; have dbdat and db sitting around
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (full-get-sth acfg fname stmt)
-;;; (let* ((dbdat (get-dbh acfg fname))
-;;; (db (dbdat-dbh dbdat))
-;;; (sths (dbdat-sths dbdat)))
-;;; (get-sth db sths stmt)))
-;;; ;; write to a db
-;;; ;; acfg: area data
-;;; ;; rdat: request data
-;;; ;; hdat: (host . port)
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; (define (dbwrite acfg rdat hdat data-in)
-;;; ;; (let* ((dbname (car data-in))
-;;; ;; (dbdat (get-dbh acfg dbname))
-;;; ;; (db (dbdat-dbh dbdat))
-;;; ;; (sths (dbdat-sths dbdat))
-;;; ;; (stmt (calldat-obj rdat))
-;;; ;; (sth (get-sth db sths stmt))
-;;; ;; (data (cdr data-in)))
-;;; ;; (print "dbname: " dbname " acfg: " acfg " rdat: " (calldat->alist rdat) " hdat: " hdat " data: " data)
-;;; ;; (print "dbdat: " (dbdat->alist dbdat))
-;;; ;; (apply sqlite3:execute sth data)
-;;; ;; (save-dbh acfg dbname dbdat)
-;;; ;; #t
-;;; ;; ))
-;;; (define (finalize-all-db-handles acfg)
-;;; (let* ((dbhandles (area-dbhandles acfg)) ;; dbhandles is hash of fname ==> dbdat
-;;; (num 0))
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (area-name)
-;;; (print "Closing handles for " area-name)
-;;; (let ((dbdats (hash-table-ref/default dbhandles area-name '())))
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (dbdat)
-;;; ;; first close all statement handles
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (sth)
-;;; (sqlite3:finalize! sth)
-;;; (set! num (+ num 1)))
-;;; (hash-table-values (dbdat-sths dbdat)))
-;;; ;; now close the dbh
-;;; (set! num (+ num 1))
-;;; (sqlite3:finalize! (dbdat-dbh dbdat)))
-;;; dbdats)))
-;;; (hash-table-keys dbhandles))
-;;; (print "FINALIZED " num " dbhandles")))
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; W O R K Q U E U E H A N D L I N G
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; (define (register-db-as-mine acfg dbname)
-;;; (let ((ht (area-dbs acfg)))
-;;; (if (not (hash-table-ref/default ht dbname #f))
-;;; (hash-table-set! ht dbname (random 10000)))))
-;;; (define (work-queue-add acfg fname witem)
-;;; (let* ((work-queue-start (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (action (witem-action witem)) ;; NB the action is the index into the rdat actions
-;;; (qdat (or (hash-table-ref/default (area-wqueues acfg) fname #f)
-;;; (let ((newqdat (make-qdat)))
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-wqueues acfg) fname newqdat)
-;;; newqdat)))
-;;; (rdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-rtable acfg) action #f)))
-;;; (if rdat
-;;; (queue-add!
-;;; (case (calldat-ctype rdat)
-;;; ((dbwrite) (register-db-as-mine acfg fname)(qdat-writeq qdat))
-;;; ((dbread) (register-db-as-mine acfg fname)(qdat-readq qdat))
-;;; ((dbrw) (register-db-as-mine acfg fname)(qdat-rwq qdat))
-;;; ((oslong) (qdat-oslong qdat))
-;;; ((osshort) (qdat-osshort qdat))
-;;; ((full-ping) (qdat-misc qdat))
-;;; (else
-;;; (print "ERROR: no queue for " action ". Adding to dbwrite queue.")
-;;; (qdat-writeq qdat)))
-;;; witem)
-;;; (case action
-;;; ((full-ping)(qdat-misc qdat))
-;;; (else
-;;; (print "ERROR: No action " action " was registered"))))
-;;; (sdbg> "work-queue-add" "queue-add" work-queue-start #f #f)
-;;; #t)) ;; for now, simply return #t to indicate request got to the queue
-;;; (define (doqueue acfg q fname dbdat dbh)
-;;; ;; (print "doqueue: " fname)
-;;; (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (qlen (queue-length q)))
-;;; (if (> qlen 1)
-;;; (print "Processing queue of length " qlen))
-;;; (let loop ((count 0)
-;;; (responses '()))
-;;; (let ((delta (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)))
-;;; (if (or (queue-empty? q)
-;;; (> delta 400)) ;; stop working on this queue after 400ms have passed
-;;; (list count delta responses) ;; return count, delta and responses list
-;;; (let* ((witem (queue-remove! q))
-;;; (action (witem-action witem))
-;;; (rdat (witem-rdat witem))
-;;; (stmt (calldat-obj rdat))
-;;; (sth (full-get-sth acfg fname stmt))
-;;; (ctype (calldat-ctype rdat))
-;;; (data (witem-data witem))
-;;; (cookie (witem-cookie witem)))
-;;; ;; do the processing and save the result in witem-result
-;;; (witem-result-set!
-;;; witem
-;;; (case ctype ;; action
-;;; ((noblockwrite) ;; blind write, no ack of success returned
-;;; (apply sqlite3:execute sth data)
-;;; (sqlite3:last-insert-rowid dbh))
-;;; ((dbwrite) ;; blocking write
-;;; (apply sqlite3:execute sth data)
-;;; #t)
-;;; ((dbread) ;; TODO: consider breaking this up and shipping in pieces for large query
-;;; (apply sqlite3:map-row (lambda x x) sth data))
-;;; ((full-ping) 'full-ping)
-;;; (else (print "Not ready for action " action) #f)))
-;;; (loop (add1 count)
-;;; (if cookie
-;;; (cons witem responses)
-;;; responses))))))))
-;;; ;; do up to 400ms of processing on each queue
-;;; ;; - the work-queue-processor will allow the max 1200ms of work to complete but it will flag as overloaded
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (process-db-queries acfg fname)
-;;; (if (hash-table-exists? (area-wqueues acfg) fname)
-;;; (let* ((process-db-queries-start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (qdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-wqueues acfg) fname #f))
-;;; (queue-sym->queue (lambda (queue-sym)
-;;; (case queue-sym ;; lookup the queue from qdat given a name (symbol)
-;;; ((wqueue) (qdat-writeq qdat))
-;;; ((rqueue) (qdat-readq qdat))
-;;; ((rwqueue) (qdat-rwq qdat))
-;;; ((misc) (qdat-misc qdat))
-;;; (else #f))))
-;;; (dbdat (get-dbh acfg fname))
-;;; (dbh (if (dbdat? dbdat)(dbdat-dbh dbdat) #f))
-;;; (nowtime (current-seconds)))
-;;; ;; handle the queues that require a transaction
-;;; ;;
-;;; (map ;;
-;;; (lambda (queue-sym)
-;;; ;; (print "processing queue " queue-sym)
-;;; (let* ((queue (queue-sym->queue queue-sym)))
-;;; (if (not (queue-empty? queue))
-;;; (let ((responses
-;;; (sqlite3:with-transaction ;; todo - catch exceptions...
-;;; dbh
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (let* ((res (doqueue acfg queue fname dbdat dbh))) ;; this does the work!
-;;; ;; (print "res=" res)
-;;; (match res
-;;; ((count delta responses)
-;;; (update-stats acfg fname queue-sym delta count)
-;;; (sdbg> "process-db-queries" "sqlite3-transaction" process-db-queries-start-time #f #f)
-;;; responses) ;; return responses
-;;; (else
-;;; (print "ERROR: bad return data from doqueue " res)))
-;;; )))))
-;;; ;; having completed the transaction, send the responses.
-;;; ;; (print "INFO: sending " (length responses) " responses.")
-;;; (let loop ((responses-left responses))
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((null? responses-left) #t)
-;;; (else
-;;; (let* ((witem (car responses-left))
-;;; (response (cdr responses-left)))
-;;; (call-deliver-response acfg (witem-ripaddr witem)(witem-rport witem)
-;;; (witem-cookie witem)(witem-result witem)))
-;;; (loop (cdr responses-left))))))
-;;; )))
-;;; '(wqueue rwqueue rqueue))
-;;; ;; handle misc queue
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; (print "processing misc queue")
-;;; (let ((queue (queue-sym->queue 'misc)))
-;;; (doqueue acfg queue fname dbdat dbh))
-;;; ;; ....
-;;; (save-dbh acfg fname dbdat)
-;;; #t ;; just to let the tests know we got here
-;;; )
-;;; #f ;; nothing processed
-;;; ))
-;;; ;; run all queues in parallel per db but sequentially per queue for that db.
-;;; ;; - process the queues every 500 or so ms
-;;; ;; - allow for long running queries to continue but all other activities for that
-;;; ;; db will be blocked.
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (work-queue-processor acfg)
-;;; (let* ((threads (make-hash-table))) ;; fname => thread
-;;; (let loop ((fnames (hash-table-keys (area-wqueues acfg)))
-;;; (target-time (+ (current-milliseconds) 50)))
-;;; ;;(if (not (null? fnames))(print "Processing for these databases: " fnames))
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (fname)
-;;; ;; (print "processing for " fname)
-;;; ;;(process-db-queries acfg fname))
-;;; (let ((th (hash-table-ref/default threads fname #f)))
-;;; (if (and th (not (member (thread-state th) '(dead terminated))))
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "WARNING: worker thread for " fname " is taking a long time.")
-;;; (print "Thread is in state " (thread-state th)))
-;;; (let ((th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
-;;; ;; (catch-and-dump
-;;; ;; (lambda ()
-;;; ;; (print "Process queries for " fname)
-;;; (let ((start-time (current-milliseconds)))
-;;; (process-db-queries acfg fname)
-;;; ;; (thread-sleep! 0.01) ;; need the thread to take at least some time
-;;; (hash-table-delete! threads fname)) ;; no mutexes?
-;;; fname)
-;;; "th1"))) ;; ))
-;;; (hash-table-set! threads fname th1)
-;;; (thread-start! th1)))))
-;;; fnames)
-;;; ;; (thread-sleep! 0.1) ;; give the threads some time to process requests
-;;; ;; burn time until 400ms is up
-;;; (let ((now-time (current-milliseconds)))
-;;; (if (< now-time target-time)
-;;; (let ((delta (- target-time now-time)))
-;;; (thread-sleep! (/ delta 1000)))))
-;;; (loop (hash-table-keys (area-wqueues acfg))
-;;; (+ (current-milliseconds) 50)))))
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; S T A T S G A T H E R I N G
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; (defstruct stat
-;;; (qcount-avg 0) ;; coarse running average
-;;; (qtime-avg 0) ;; coarse running average
-;;; (qcount 0) ;; total
-;;; (qtime 0) ;; total
-;;; (last-qcount 0) ;; last
-;;; (last-qtime 0) ;; last
-;;; (dbs '()) ;; list of db files handled by this node
-;;; (when 0)) ;; when the last query happened - seconds
-;;; (define (update-stats acfg fname bucket duration numqueries)
-;;; (let* ((key fname) ;; for now do not use bucket. Was: (conc fname "-" bucket)) ;; lazy but good enough
-;;; (stats (or (hash-table-ref/default (area-stats acfg) key #f)
-;;; (let ((newstats (make-stat)))
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-stats acfg) key newstats)
-;;; newstats))))
-;;; ;; when the last query happended (used to remove the fname from the active list)
-;;; (stat-when-set! stats (current-seconds))
-;;; ;; last values
-;;; (stat-last-qcount-set! stats numqueries)
-;;; (stat-last-qtime-set! stats duration)
-;;; ;; total over process lifetime
-;;; (stat-qcount-set! stats (+ (stat-qcount stats) numqueries))
-;;; (stat-qtime-set! stats (+ (stat-qtime stats) duration))
-;;; ;; coarse average
-;;; (stat-qcount-avg-set! stats (/ (+ (stat-qcount-avg stats) numqueries) 2))
-;;; (stat-qtime-avg-set! stats (/ (+ (stat-qtime-avg stats) duration) 2))
-;;; ;; here is where we add the stats for a given dbfile
-;;; (if (not (member fname (stat-dbs stats)))
-;;; (stat-dbs-set! stats (cons fname (stat-dbs stats))))
-;;; ))
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; S E R V E R S T U F F
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; this does NOT return!
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (find-free-port-and-open acfg)
-;;; (let ((port (or (area-port acfg) 3200)))
-;;; (handle-exceptions
-;;; exn
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "INFO: cannot bind to port " (rpc:default-server-port) ", trying next port")
-;;; (area-port-set! acfg (+ port 1))
-;;; (find-free-port-and-open acfg))
-;;; (rpc:default-server-port port)
-;;; (area-port-set! acfg port)
-;;; (tcp-read-timeout 120000)
-;;; ;; ((rpc:make-server (tcp-listen port)) #t)
-;;; (tcp-listen (rpc:default-server-port)
-;;; ))))
-;;; ;; register this node by putting a packet into the pkts dir.
-;;; ;; look for other servers
-;;; ;; contact other servers and compile list of servers
-;;; ;; there are two types of server
-;;; ;; main servers - dashboards, runners and dedicated servers - need pkt
-;;; ;; passive servers - test executers, step calls, list-runs - no pkt
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (register-node acfg hostip port-num)
-;;; ;;(mutex-lock! (area-mutex acfg))
-;;; (let* ((server-type (area-server-type acfg)) ;; auto, main, passive (no pkt created)
-;;; (best-ip (or hostip (get-my-best-address)))
-;;; (mtdir (area-dbdir acfg))
-;;; (pktdir (area-pktsdir acfg))) ;; conc mtdir "/.server-pkts")))
-;;; (print "Registering node " best-ip ":" port-num)
-;;; (if (not mtdir) ;; require a home for this node to put or find databases
-;;; #f
-;;; (begin
-;;; (if (not (directory? pktdir))(create-directory pktdir))
-;;; ;; server is started, now create pkt if needed
-;;; (print "Starting server in " server-type " mode with port " port-num)
-;;; (if (member server-type '(auto main)) ;; TODO: if auto, count number of servers registers, if > 3 then don't put out a pkt
-;;; (begin
-;;; (area-pktid-set! acfg
-;;; (write-alist->pkt
-;;; pktdir
-;;; `((hostname . ,(get-host-name))
-;;; (ipaddr . ,best-ip)
-;;; (port . ,port-num)
-;;; (pid . ,(current-process-id)))
-;;; pktspec: *pktspec*
-;;; ptype: 'server))
-;;; (area-pktfile-set! acfg (conc pktdir "/" (area-pktid acfg) ".pkt"))))
-;;; (area-port-set! acfg port-num)
-;;; #;(mutex-unlock! (area-mutex acfg))))))
-;;; (define *cookie-seqnum* 0)
-;;; (define (make-cookie key)
-;;; (set! *cookie-seqnum* (add1 *cookie-seqnum*))
-;;; ;;(print "MAKE COOKIE CALLED -- on "servkey"-"*cookie-seqnum*)
-;;; (conc key "-" *cookie-seqnum*)
-;;; )
-;;; ;; dispatch locally if possible
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (call-deliver-response acfg ipaddr port cookie data)
-;;; (if (and (equal? (area-myaddr acfg) ipaddr)
-;;; (equal? (area-port acfg) port))
-;;; (deliver-response acfg cookie data)
-;;; ((rpc:procedure 'response ipaddr port) cookie data)))
-;;; (define (deliver-response acfg cookie data)
-;;; (let ((deliver-response-start (current-milliseconds)))
-;;; (thread-start! (make-thread
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (let loop ((tries-left 5))
-;;; ;;(print "TOP OF DELIVER_RESPONSE LOOP; triesleft="tries-left)
-;;; ;;(pp (hash-table->alist (area-cookie2mbox acfg)))
-;;; (let* ((mbox (hash-table-ref/default (area-cookie2mbox acfg) cookie #f)))
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((eq? 0 tries-left)
-;;; (print "ulex:deliver-response: I give up. Mailbox never appeared. cookie="cookie)
-;;; )
-;;; (mbox
-;;; ;;(print "got mbox="mbox" got data="data" send.")
-;;; (mailbox-send! mbox data))
-;;; (else
-;;; ;;(print "no mbox yet. look for "cookie)
-;;; (thread-sleep! (/ (- 6 tries-left) 10))
-;;; (loop (sub1 tries-left))))))
-;;; ;; (debug-pp (list (conc "ulex:deliver-response took " (- (current-milliseconds) deliver-response-start) " ms, cookie=" cookie " data=") data))
-;;; (sdbg> "deliver-response" "mailbox-send" deliver-response-start #f #f cookie)
-;;; )
-;;; (conc "deliver-response thread for cookie="cookie))))
-;;; #t)
-;;; ;; action:
-;;; ;; immediate - quick actions, no need to put in queues
-;;; ;; dbwrite - put in dbwrite queue
-;;; ;; dbread - put in dbread queue
-;;; ;; oslong - os actions, e.g. du, that could take a long time
-;;; ;; osshort - os actions that should be quick, e.g. df
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (request acfg from-ipaddr from-port servkey action cookie fname params) ;; std-peer-handler
-;;; ;; NOTE: Use rpc:current-peer for getting return address
-;;; (let* ((std-peer-handler-start (current-milliseconds))
-;;; ;; (raw-data (alist-ref 'data dat))
-;;; (rdat (hash-table-ref/default
-;;; (area-rtable acfg) action #f)) ;; this looks up the sql query or other details indexed by the action
-;;; (witem (make-witem ripaddr: from-ipaddr ;; rhost: from-host
-;;; rport: from-port action: action
-;;; rdat: rdat cookie: cookie
-;;; servkey: servkey data: params ;; TODO - rename data to params
-;;; caller: (rpc:current-peer))))
-;;; (if (not (equal? servkey (area-pktid acfg)))
-;;; `(#f . ,(conc "I don't know you servkey=" servkey ", pktid=" (area-pktid acfg))) ;; immediately return this
-;;; (let* ((ctype (if rdat
-;;; (calldat-ctype rdat) ;; is this necessary? these should be identical
-;;; action)))
-;;; (sdbg> "std-peer-handler" "immediate" std-peer-handler-start #f #f)
-;;; (case ctype
-;;; ;; (dbwrite acfg rdat (cons from-ipaddr from-port) data)))
-;;; ((full-ping) `(#t "ack to full ping" ,(work-queue-add acfg fname witem) ,cookie))
-;;; ((response) `(#t "ack from requestor" ,(deliver-response acfg fname params)))
-;;; ((dbwrite) `(#t "db write submitted" ,(work-queue-add acfg fname witem) ,cookie))
-;;; ((dbread) `(#t "db read submitted" ,(work-queue-add acfg fname witem) ,cookie ))
-;;; ((dbrw) `(#t "db read/write submitted" ,cookie))
-;;; ((osshort) `(#t "os short submitted" ,cookie))
-;;; ((oslong) `(#t "os long submitted" ,cookie))
-;;; (else `(#f "unrecognised action" ,ctype)))))))
-;;; ;; Call this to start the actual server
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; start_server
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; mode: '
-;;; ;; handler: proc which takes pktrecieved as argument
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (start-server acfg)
-;;; (let* ((conn (find-free-port-and-open acfg))
-;;; (port (area-port acfg)))
-;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
-;;; 'delist-db
-;;; (lambda (fname)
-;;; (hash-table-delete! (area-dbs acfg) fname)))
-;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
-;;; 'calling-addr
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (rpc:current-peer)))
-;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
-;;; 'ping
-;;; (lambda ()(real-ping acfg)))
-;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
-;;; 'request
-;;; (lambda (from-addr from-port servkey action cookie dbname params)
-;;; (request acfg from-addr from-port servkey action cookie dbname params)))
-;;; (rpc:publish-procedure!
-;;; 'response
-;;; (lambda (cookie res-dat)
-;;; (deliver-response acfg cookie res-dat)))
-;;; (area-ready-set! acfg #t)
-;;; (area-conn-set! acfg conn)
-;;; ((rpc:make-server conn) #f)));; ((tcp-listen (rpc:default-server-port)) #t)
-;;; (define (launch acfg) ;; #!optional (proc std-peer-handler))
-;;; (print "starting launch")
-;;; (update-known-servers acfg) ;; gotta do this on every start (thus why limit number of publicised servers)
-;;; #;(let ((original-handler (current-exception-handler))) ;; is th
-;;; (lambda (exception)
-;;; (server-exit-procedure)
-;;; (original-handler exception)))
-;;; (on-exit (lambda ()
-;;; (shutdown acfg))) ;; (finalize-all-db-handles acfg)))
-;;; ;; set up the rpc handler
-;;; (let* ((th1 (make-thread
-;;; (lambda ()(start-server acfg))
-;;; "server thread"))
-;;; (th2 (make-thread
-;;; (lambda ()
-;;; (print "th2 starting")
-;;; (let loop ()
-;;; (work-queue-processor acfg)
-;;; (print "work-queue-processor crashed!")
-;;; (loop)))
-;;; "work queue thread")))
-;;; (thread-start! th1)
-;;; (thread-start! th2)
-;;; (let loop ()
-;;; (thread-sleep! 0.025)
-;;; (if (area-ready acfg)
-;;; #t
-;;; (loop)))
-;;; ;; attempt to fix my address
-;;; (let* ((all-addr (get-all-ips-sorted))) ;; could use (tcp-addresses conn)?
-;;; (let loop ((rem-addrs all-addr))
-;;; (if (null? rem-addrs)
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "ERROR: Failed to figure out the ip address of myself as a server. Giving up.")
-;;; (exit 1)) ;; BUG Changeme to raising an exception
-;;; (let* ((addr (car rem-addrs))
-;;; (good-addr (handle-exceptions
-;;; exn
-;;; #f
-;;; ((rpc:procedure 'calling-addr addr (area-port acfg))))))
-;;; (if good-addr
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "Got good-addr of " good-addr)
-;;; (area-myaddr-set! acfg good-addr))
-;;; (loop (cdr rem-addrs)))))))
-;;; (register-node acfg (area-myaddr acfg)(area-port acfg))
-;;; (print "INFO: Server started on " (area-myaddr acfg) ":" (area-port acfg))
-;;; ;; (update-known-servers acfg) ;; gotta do this on every start (thus why limit number of publicised servers)
-;;; ))
-;;; (define (clear-server-pkt acfg)
-;;; (let ((pktf (area-pktfile acfg)))
-;;; (if pktf (delete-file* pktf))))
-;;; (define (shutdown acfg)
-;;; (let (;;(conn (area-conn acfg))
-;;; (pktf (area-pktfile acfg))
-;;; (port (area-port acfg)))
-;;; (if pktf (delete-file* pktf))
-;;; (send-all "imshuttingdown")
-;;; ;; (rpc:close-all-connections!) ;; don't know if this is actually needed
-;;; (finalize-all-db-handles acfg)))
-;;; (define (send-all msg)
-;;; #f)
-;;; ;; given a area record look up all the packets
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-all-server-pkts acfg)
-;;; (let ((all-pkt-files (glob (conc (area-pktsdir acfg) "/*.pkt"))))
-;;; (map (lambda (pkt-file)
-;;; (read-pkt->alist pkt-file pktspec: *pktspec*))
-;;; all-pkt-files)))
-;;; #;((Z . "9a0212302295a19610d5796fce0370fa130758e9")
-;;; (port . "34827")
-;;; (pid . "28748")
-;;; (hostname . "zeus")
-;;; (T . "server")
-;;; (D . "1549427032.0"))
-;;; #;(define (get-my-best-address)
-;;; (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips))) ;; (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo (get-host-name))))))
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((null? all-my-addresses)
-;;; (get-host-name)) ;; no interfaces?
-;;; ((eq? (length all-my-addresses) 1)
-;;; (ip->string (car all-my-addresses))) ;; only one to choose from, just go with it
-;;; (else
-;;; (ip->string (car (filter (lambda (x) ;; take any but 127.
-;;; (not (eq? (u8vector-ref x 0) 127)))
-;;; all-my-addresses)))))))
-;;; ;; whoami? I am my pkt
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (whoami? acfg)
-;;; (hash-table-ref/default (area-hosts acfg)(area-pktid acfg) #f))
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; "Client side" operations
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; (define (safe-call call-key host port . params)
-;;; (handle-exceptions
-;;; exn
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "Call " call-key " to " host ":" port " failed")
-;;; #f)
-;;; (apply (rpc:procedure call-key host port) params)))
-;;; ;; ;; convert to/from string / sexpr
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; (define (string->sexpr str)
-;;; ;; (if (string? str)
-;;; ;; (with-input-from-string str read)
-;;; ;; str))
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; (define (sexpr->string s)
-;;; ;; (with-output-to-string (lambda ()(write s))))
-;;; ;; is the server alive?
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (ping acfg host port)
-;;; (let* ((myaddr (area-myaddr acfg))
-;;; (myport (area-port acfg))
-;;; (start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (res (if (and (equal? myaddr host)
-;;; (equal? myport port))
-;;; (real-ping acfg)
-;;; ((rpc:procedure 'ping host port)))))
-;;; (cons (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)
-;;; res)))
-;;; ;; returns ( ipaddr port alist-fname=>randnum )
-;;; (define (real-ping acfg)
-;;; `(,(area-myaddr acfg) ,(area-port acfg) ,(get-host-stats acfg)))
-;;; ;; is the server alive AND the queues processing?
-;;; ;;
-;;; #;(define (full-ping acfg servpkt)
-;;; (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (res (send-message acfg servpkt '(full-ping) 'full-ping)))
-;;; (cons (- (current-milliseconds) start-time)
-;;; res))) ;; (equal? res "got ping"))))
-;;; ;; look up all pkts and get the server id (the hash), port, host/ip
-;;; ;; store this info in acfg
-;;; ;; return the number of responsive servers found
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; DO NOT VERIFY THAT THE SERVER IS ALIVE HERE. This is called at times where the current server is not yet alive and cannot ping itself
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (update-known-servers acfg)
-;;; ;; readll all pkts
-;;; ;; foreach pkt; if it isn't me ping the server; if alive, add to hosts hash, else rm the pkt
-;;; (let* ((start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (all-pkts (delete-duplicates
-;;; (append (get-all-server-pkts acfg)
-;;; (hash-table-values (area-hosts acfg)))))
-;;; (hostshash (area-hosts acfg))
-;;; (my-id (area-pktid acfg))
-;;; (pktsdir (area-pktsdir acfg)) ;; needed to remove pkts from non-responsive servers
-;;; (numsrvs 0)
-;;; (delpkt (lambda (pktsdir sid)
-;;; (print "clearing out server " sid)
-;;; (delete-file* (conc pktsdir "/" sid ".pkt"))
-;;; (hash-table-delete! hostshash sid))))
-;;; (area-last-srvup-set! acfg (current-seconds))
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (servpkt)
-;;; (if (list? servpkt)
-;;; ;; (pp servpkt)
-;;; (let* ((shost (alist-ref 'ipaddr servpkt))
-;;; (sport (any->number (alist-ref 'port servpkt)))
-;;; (res (handle-exceptions
-;;; exn
-;;; (begin
-;;; ;; (print "INFO: bad server on " shost ":" sport)
-;;; #f)
-;;; (ping acfg shost sport)))
-;;; (sid (alist-ref 'Z servpkt)) ;; Z code is our name for the server
-;;; (url (conc shost ":" sport))
-;;; )
-;;; #;(if (or (not res)
-;;; (null? res))
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "STRANGE: ping of " url " gave " res)))
-;;; ;; (print "Got " res " from " shost ":" sport)
-;;; (match res
-;;; ((qduration . payload)
-;;; ;; (print "Server pkt:" (alist-ref 'ipaddr servpkt) ":" (alist-ref 'port servpkt)
-;;; ;; (if payload
-;;; ;; "Success" "Fail"))
-;;; (match payload
-;;; ((host port stats)
-;;; ;; (print "From " host ":" port " got stats: " stats)
-;;; (if (and host port stats)
-;;; (let ((url (conc host ":" port)))
-;;; (hash-table-set! hostshash sid servpkt)
-;;; ;; store based on host:port
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-hoststats acfg) sid stats))
-;;; (print "missing data from the server, not sure what that means!"))
-;;; (set! numsrvs (+ numsrvs 1)))
-;;; (#f
-;;; (print "Removing pkt " sid " due to #f from server or failed ping")
-;;; (delpkt pktsdir sid))
-;;; (else
-;;; (print "Got ")(pp res)(print " from server ")(pp servpkt) " but response did not match (#f/#t . msg)")))
-;;; (else
-;;; ;; here we delete the pkt - can't reach the server, remove it
-;;; ;; however this logic is inadequate. we should mark the server as checked
-;;; ;; and not good, if it happens a second time - then remove the pkt
-;;; ;; or something similar. I.e. don't be too quick to assume the server is wedged or dead
-;;; ;; could be it is simply too busy to reply
-;;; (let ((bad-pings (hash-table-ref/default (area-health acfg) url 0)))
-;;; (if (> bad-pings 1) ;; two bad pings - remove pkt
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "INFO: " bad-pings " bad responses from " url ", deleting pkt " sid)
-;;; (delpkt pktsdir sid))
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "INFO: " bad-pings " bad responses from " shost ":" sport " not deleting pkt yet")
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-health acfg)
-;;; url
-;;; (+ (hash-table-ref/default (area-health acfg) url 0) 1))
-;;; ))
-;;; ))))
-;;; ;; servpkt is not actually a pkt?
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "Bad pkt " servpkt))))
-;;; all-pkts)
-;;; (sdbg> "update-known-servers" "end" start-time #f #f " found " numsrvs
-;;; " servers, pkts: " (map (lambda (p)
-;;; (alist-ref 'Z p))
-;;; all-pkts))
-;;; numsrvs))
-;;; (defstruct srvstat
-;;; (numfiles 0) ;; number of db files handled by this server - subtract 1 for the db being currently looked at
-;;; (randnum #f) ;; tie breaker number assigned to by the server itself - applies only to the db under consideration
-;;; (pkt #f)) ;; the server pkt
-;;; ;;(define (srv->srvstat srvpkt)
-;;; ;; Get the server best for given dbname and key
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; NOTE: key is not currently used. The key points to the kind of query, this may be useful for directing read-only queries.
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-best-server acfg dbname key)
-;;; (let* (;; (servers (hash-table-values (area-hosts acfg)))
-;;; (servers (area-hosts acfg))
-;;; (skeys (sort (hash-table-keys servers) string>=?)) ;; a stable listing
-;;; (start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (srvstats (make-hash-table)) ;; srvid => srvstat
-;;; (url (conc (area-myaddr acfg) ":" (area-port acfg))))
-;;; ;; (print "scores for " dbname ": " (map (lambda (k)(cons k (calc-server-score acfg dbname k))) skeys))
-;;; (if (null? skeys)
-;;; (if (> (update-known-servers acfg) 0)
-;;; (get-best-server acfg dbname key) ;; some risk of infinite loop here, TODO add try counter
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "ERROR: no server found!") ;; since this process is also a server this should never happen
-;;; #f))
-;;; (begin
-;;; ;; (print "in get-best-server with skeys=" skeys)
-;;; (if (> (- (current-seconds) (area-last-srvup acfg)) 10)
-;;; (begin
-;;; (update-known-servers acfg)
-;;; (sdbg> "get-best-server" "update-known-servers" start-time #f #f)))
-;;; ;; for each server look at the list of dbfiles, total number of dbs being handled
-;;; ;; and the rand number, save the best host
-;;; ;; also do a delist-db for each server dbfile not used
-;;; (let* ((best-server #f)
-;;; (servers-to-delist (make-hash-table)))
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (srvid)
-;;; (let* ((server (hash-table-ref/default servers srvid #f))
-;;; (stats (hash-table-ref/default (area-hoststats acfg) srvid '(()))))
-;;; ;; (print "stats: " stats)
-;;; (if server
-;;; (let* ((dbweights (car stats))
-;;; (srvload (length (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? dbname (car x)))) dbweights)))
-;;; (dbrec (alist-ref dbname dbweights equal?)) ;; get the pair with fname . randscore
-;;; (randnum (if dbrec
-;;; dbrec ;; (cdr dbrec)
-;;; 0)))
-;;; (hash-table-set! srvstats srvid (make-srvstat numfiles: srvload randnum: randnum pkt: server))))))
-;;; skeys)
-;;; (let* ((sorted (sort (hash-table-values srvstats)
-;;; (lambda (a b)
-;;; (let ((numfiles-a (srvstat-numfiles a))
-;;; (numfiles-b (srvstat-numfiles b))
-;;; (randnum-a (srvstat-randnum a))
-;;; (randnum-b (srvstat-randnum b)))
-;;; (if (< numfiles-a numfiles-b) ;; Note, I don't think adding an offset works here. Goal was only move file handling to a different server if it has 2 less
-;;; #t
-;;; (if (and (equal? numfiles-a numfiles-b)
-;;; (< randnum-a randnum-b))
-;;; #t
-;;; #f))))))
-;;; (best (if (null? sorted)
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "ERROR: should never be null due to self as server.")
-;;; #f)
-;;; (srvstat-pkt (car sorted)))))
-;;; #;(print "SERVER(" url "): " dbname ": " (map (lambda (srv)
-;;; (let ((p (srvstat-pkt srv)))
-;;; (conc (alist-ref 'ipaddr p) ":" (alist-ref 'port p)
-;;; "(" (srvstat-numfiles srv)","(srvstat-randnum srv)")")))
-;;; sorted))
-;;; best))))))
-;;; ;; send out an "I'm about to exit notice to all known servers"
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (death-imminent acfg)
-;;; '())
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; U L E X - T H E I N T E R E S T I N G S T U F F ! !
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; register a handler
-;;; ;; NOTES:
-;;; ;; dbinitsql is reserved for a list of sql statements for initializing the db
-;;; ;; dbinitfn is reserved for a db init function, if exists called after dbinitsql
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (register acfg key obj #!optional (ctype 'dbwrite))
-;;; (let ((ht (area-rtable acfg)))
-;;; (if (hash-table-exists? ht key)
-;;; (print "WARNING: redefinition of entry " key))
-;;; (hash-table-set! ht key (make-calldat obj: obj ctype: ctype))))
-;;; ;; usage: register-batch acfg '((key1 . sql1) (key2 . sql2) ... )
-;;; ;; NB// obj is often an sql query
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (register-batch acfg ctype data)
-;;; (let ((ht (area-rtable acfg)))
-;;; (map (lambda (dat)
-;;; (hash-table-set! ht (car dat)(make-calldat obj: (cdr dat) ctype: ctype)))
-;;; data)))
-;;; (define (initialize-area-calls-from-specfile area specfile)
-;;; (let* ((callspec (with-input-from-file specfile read )))
-;;; (for-each (lambda (group)
-;;; (register-batch
-;;; area
-;;; (car group)
-;;; (cdr group)))
-;;; callspec)))
-;;; ;; get-rentry
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-rentry acfg key)
-;;; (hash-table-ref/default (area-rtable acfg) key #f))
-;;; (define (get-rsql acfg key)
-;;; (let ((cdat (get-rentry acfg key)))
-;;; (if cdat
-;;; (calldat-obj cdat)
-;;; #f)))
-;;; ;; blocking call:
-;;; ;; client server
-;;; ;; ------ ------
-;;; ;; call()
-;;; ;; send-message()
-;;; ;; nmsg-send()
-;;; ;; nmsg-receive()
-;;; ;; nmsg-respond(ack,cookie)
-;;; ;; ack, cookie
-;;; ;; mbox-thread-wait(cookie)
-;;; ;; nmsg-send(client,cookie,result)
-;;; ;; nmsg-respond(ack)
-;;; ;; return result
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; reserved action:
-;;; ;; 'immediate
-;;; ;; 'dbinitsql
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (call acfg dbname action params #!optional (count 0))
-;;; (let* ((call-start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (srv (get-best-server acfg dbname action))
-;;; (post-get-start-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; (rdat (hash-table-ref/default (area-rtable acfg) action #f))
-;;; (myid (trim-pktid (area-pktid acfg)))
-;;; (srvid (trim-pktid (alist-ref 'Z srv)))
-;;; (cookie (make-cookie myid)))
-;;; (sdbg> "call" "get-best-server" call-start-time #f call-start-time " from: " myid " to server: " srvid " for " dbname " action: " action " params: " params " rdat: " rdat)
-;;; (print "INFO: call to " (alist-ref 'ipaddr srv) ":" (alist-ref 'port srv) " from " (area-myaddr acfg) ":" (area-port acfg) " for " dbname)
-;;; (if (and srv rdat) ;; need both to dispatch a request
-;;; (let* ((ripaddr (alist-ref 'ipaddr srv))
-;;; (rsrvid (alist-ref 'Z srv))
-;;; (rport (any->number (alist-ref 'port srv)))
-;;; (res-full (if (and (equal? ripaddr (area-myaddr acfg))
-;;; (equal? rport (area-port acfg)))
-;;; (request acfg ripaddr rport (area-pktid acfg) action cookie dbname params)
-;;; (safe-call 'request ripaddr rport
-;;; (area-myaddr acfg)
-;;; (area-port acfg)
-;;; #;(area-pktid acfg)
-;;; rsrvid
-;;; action cookie dbname params))))
-;;; ;; (print "res-full: " res-full)
-;;; (match res-full
-;;; ((response-ok response-msg rem ...)
-;;; (let* ((send-message-time (current-milliseconds))
-;;; ;; (match res-full
-;;; ;; ((response-ok response-msg)
-;;; ;; (response-ok (car res-full))
-;;; ;; (response-msg (cadr res-full)
-;;; )
-;;; ;; (res (take res-full 3))) ;; ctype == action, TODO: converge on one term <<=== what was this? BUG
-;;; ;; (print "ulex:call: send-message took " (- send-message-time post-get-start-time) " ms params=" params)
-;;; (sdbg> "call" "send-message" post-get-start-time #f call-start-time)
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((not response-ok) #f)
-;;; ((member response-msg '("db read submitted" "db write submitted"))
-;;; (let* ((cookie-id (cadddr res-full))
-;;; (mbox (make-mailbox))
-;;; (mbox-time (current-milliseconds)))
-;;; (hash-table-set! (area-cookie2mbox acfg) cookie-id mbox)
-;;; (let* ((mbox-timeout-secs 20)
-;;; (mbox-timeout-result 'MBOX_TIMEOUT)
-;;; (res (mailbox-receive! mbox mbox-timeout-secs mbox-timeout-result))
-;;; (mbox-receive-time (current-milliseconds)))
-;;; (hash-table-delete! (area-cookie2mbox acfg) cookie-id)
-;;; (sdbg> "call" "mailbox-receive" mbox-time #f call-start-time " from: " myid " to server: " srvid " for " dbname)
-;;; ;; (print "ulex:call mailbox-receive took " (- mbox-receive-time mbox-time) "ms params=" params)
-;;; res)))
-;;; (else
-;;; (print "Unhandled response \""response-msg"\"")
-;;; #f))
-;;; ;; depending on what action (i.e. ctype) is we will block here waiting for
-;;; ;; all the data (mechanism to be determined)
-;;; ;;
-;;; ;; if res is a "working on it" then wait
-;;; ;; wait for result
-;;; ;; mailbox thread wait on
-;;; ;; if res is a "can't help you" then try a different server
-;;; ;; if res is a "ack" (e.g. for one-shot requests) then return res
-;;; ))
-;;; (else
-;;; (if (< count 10)
-;;; (let* ((url (conc (alist-ref 'ipaddr srv) ":" (alist-ref 'port srv))))
-;;; (thread-sleep! 1)
-;;; (print "ERROR: Bad result from " url ", dbname: " dbname ", action: " action ", params: " params ". Trying again in 1 second.")
-;;; (call acfg dbname action params (+ count 1)))
-;;; (begin
-;;; (error (conc "ERROR: " count " tries, still have improper response res-full=" res-full)))))))
-;;; (begin
-;;; (if (not rdat)
-;;; (print "ERROR: action " action " not registered.")
-;;; (if (< count 10)
-;;; (begin
-;;; (thread-sleep! 1)
-;;; (area-hosts-set! acfg (make-hash-table)) ;; clear out all known hosts
-;;; (print "ERROR: no server found, srv=" srv ", trying again in 1 seconds")
-;;; (call acfg dbname action params (+ count 1)))
-;;; (begin
-;;; (error (conc "ERROR: no server found after 10 tries, srv=" srv ", giving up."))
-;;; #;(error "No server available"))))))))
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; U T I L I T I E S
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; get a signature for identifing this process
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-process-signature)
-;;; (cons (get-host-name)(current-process-id)))
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; S Y S T E M S T U F F
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; get normalized cpu load by reading from /proc/loadavg and
-;;; ;; /proc/cpuinfo return all three values and the number of real cpus
-;;; ;; and the number of threads returns alist '((adj-cpu-load
-;;; ;; . normalized-proc-load) ... etc. keys: adj-proc-load,
-;;; ;; adj-core-load, 1m-load, 5m-load, 15m-load
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (get-normalized-cpu-load)
-;;; (let ((res (get-normalized-cpu-load-raw))
-;;; (default `((adj-proc-load . 2) ;; there is no right answer
-;;; (adj-core-load . 2)
-;;; (1m-load . 2)
-;;; (5m-load . 0) ;; causes a large delta - thus causing default of throttling if stuff goes wrong
-;;; (15m-load . 0)
-;;; (proc . 1)
-;;; (core . 1)
-;;; (phys . 1)
-;;; (error . #t))))
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((and (list? res)
-;;; (> (length res) 2))
-;;; res)
-;;; ((eq? res #f) default) ;; add messages?
-;;; ((eq? res #f) default) ;; this would be the #eof
-;;; (else default))))
-;;; (define (get-normalized-cpu-load-raw)
-;;; (let* ((actual-host (get-host-name))) ;; #f is localhost
-;;; (let ((data (append
-;;; (with-input-from-file "/proc/loadavg" read-lines)
-;;; (with-input-from-file "/proc/cpuinfo" read-lines)
-;;; (list "end")))
-;;; (load-rx (regexp "^([\\d\\.]+)\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\s+.*$"))
-;;; (proc-rx (regexp "^processor\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
-;;; (core-rx (regexp "^core id\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
-;;; (phys-rx (regexp "^physical id\\s+:\\s+(\\d+)\\s*$"))
-;;; (max-num (lambda (p n)(max (string->number p) n))))
-;;; ;; (print "data=" data)
-;;; (if (null? data) ;; something went wrong
-;;; #f
-;;; (let loop ((hed (car data))
-;;; (tal (cdr data))
-;;; (loads #f)
-;;; (proc-num 0) ;; processor includes threads
-;;; (phys-num 0) ;; physical chip on motherboard
-;;; (core-num 0)) ;; core
-;;; ;; (print hed ", " loads ", " proc-num ", " phys-num ", " core-num)
-;;; (if (null? tal) ;; have all our data, calculate normalized load and return result
-;;; (let* ((act-proc (+ proc-num 1))
-;;; (act-phys (+ phys-num 1))
-;;; (act-core (+ core-num 1))
-;;; (adj-proc-load (/ (car loads) act-proc))
-;;; (adj-core-load (/ (car loads) act-core))
-;;; (result
-;;; (append (list (cons 'adj-proc-load adj-proc-load)
-;;; (cons 'adj-core-load adj-core-load))
-;;; (list (cons '1m-load (car loads))
-;;; (cons '5m-load (cadr loads))
-;;; (cons '15m-load (caddr loads)))
-;;; (list (cons 'proc act-proc)
-;;; (cons 'core act-core)
-;;; (cons 'phys act-phys)))))
-;;; result)
-;;; (regex-case
-;;; hed
-;;; (load-rx ( x l1 l5 l15 ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(map string->number (list l1 l5 l15)) proc-num phys-num core-num))
-;;; (proc-rx ( x p ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads (max-num p proc-num) phys-num core-num))
-;;; (phys-rx ( x p ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num (max-num p phys-num) core-num))
-;;; (core-rx ( x c ) (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num phys-num (max-num c core-num)))
-;;; (else
-;;; (begin
-;;; ;; (print "NO MATCH: " hed)
-;;; (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) loads proc-num phys-num core-num))))))))))
-;;; (define (get-host-stats acfg)
-;;; (let ((stats-hash (area-stats acfg)))
-;;; ;; use this opportunity to remove references to dbfiles which have not been accessed in a while
-;;; (for-each
-;;; (lambda (dbname)
-;;; (let* ((stats (hash-table-ref stats-hash dbname))
-;;; (last-access (stat-when stats)))
-;;; (if (and (> last-access 0) ;; if zero then there has been no access
-;;; (> (- (current-seconds) last-access) 10)) ;; not used in ten seconds
-;;; (begin
-;;; (print "Removing " dbname " from stats list")
-;;; (hash-table-delete! stats-hash dbname) ;; remove from stats hash
-;;; (stat-dbs-set! stats (hash-table-keys stats))))))
-;;; (hash-table-keys stats-hash))
-;;; `(,(hash-table->alist (area-dbs acfg)) ;; dbname => randnum
-;;; ,(map (lambda (dbname) ;; dbname is the db name
-;;; (cons dbname (stat-when (hash-table-ref stats-hash dbname))))
-;;; (hash-table-keys stats-hash))
-;;; (cpuload . ,(get-normalized-cpu-load)))))
-;;; #;(stats . ,(map (lambda (k) ;; create an alist from the stats data
-;;; (cons k (stat->alist (hash-table-ref (area-stats acfg) k))))
-;;; (hash-table-keys (area-stats acfg))))
-;;; #;(trace
-;;; ;; assv
-;;; ;; cdr
-;;; ;; caar
-;;; ;; ;; cdr
-;;; ;; call
-;;; ;; finalize-all-db-handles
-;;; ;; get-all-server-pkts
-;;; ;; get-normalized-cpu-load
-;;; ;; get-normalized-cpu-load-raw
-;;; ;; launch
-;;; ;; nmsg-send
-;;; ;; process-db-queries
-;;; ;; receive-message
-;;; ;; std-peer-handler
-;;; ;; update-known-servers
-;;; ;; work-queue-processor
-;;; )
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; netutil
-;;; ;; move this back to ulex-netutil.scm someday?
-;;; ;;======================================================================
-;;; ;; #include
-;;; ;; #include
-;;; ;; #include
-;;; ;; #include
-;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"sys/types.h\"")
-;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"sys/socket.h\"")
-;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"ifaddrs.h\"")
-;;; (foreign-declare "#include \"arpa/inet.h\"")
-;;; ;; get IP addresses from ALL interfaces
-;;; (define get-all-ips
-;;; (foreign-safe-lambda* scheme-object ()
-;;; "
-;;; // from :
-;;; C_word lst = C_SCHEME_END_OF_LIST, len, str, *a;
-;;; // struct ifaddrs *ifa, *i;
-;;; // struct sockaddr *sa;
-;;; struct ifaddrs * ifAddrStruct = NULL;
-;;; struct ifaddrs * ifa = NULL;
-;;; void * tmpAddrPtr = NULL;
-;;; if ( getifaddrs(&ifAddrStruct) != 0)
-;;; C_return(C_SCHEME_FALSE);
-;;; // for (i = ifa; i != NULL; i = i->ifa_next) {
-;;; for (ifa = ifAddrStruct; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
-;;; if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET) { // Check it is
-;;; // a valid IPv4 address
-;;; tmpAddrPtr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr;
-;;; char addressBuffer[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
-;;; inet_ntop(AF_INET, tmpAddrPtr, addressBuffer, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
-;;; // printf(\"%s IP Address %s\\n\", ifa->ifa_name, addressBuffer);
-;;; len = strlen(addressBuffer);
-;;; a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(len));
-;;; str = C_string(&a, len, addressBuffer);
-;;; lst = C_a_pair(&a, str, lst);
-;;; }
-;;; // else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6) { // Check it is
-;;; // // a valid IPv6 address
-;;; // tmpAddrPtr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr;
-;;; // char addressBuffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
-;;; // inet_ntop(AF_INET6, tmpAddrPtr, addressBuffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
-;;; //// printf(\"%s IP Address %s\\n\", ifa->ifa_name, addressBuffer);
-;;; // len = strlen(addressBuffer);
-;;; // a = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR + C_SIZEOF_STRING(len));
-;;; // str = C_string(&a, len, addressBuffer);
-;;; // lst = C_a_pair(&a, str, lst);
-;;; // }
-;;; // else {
-;;; // printf(\" not an IPv4 address\\n\");
-;;; // }
-;;; }
-;;; freeifaddrs(ifa);
-;;; C_return(lst);
-;;; "))
-;;; ;; Change this to bias for addresses with a reasonable broadcast value?
-;;; ;;
-;;; (define (ip-pref-less? a b)
-;;; (let* ((rate (lambda (ipstr)
-;;; (regex-case ipstr
-;;; ( "^127\\." _ 0 )
-;;; ( "^(10\\.0|192\\.168\\.)\\..*" _ 1 )
-;;; ( else 2 ) ))))
-;;; (< (rate a) (rate b))))
-;;; (define (get-my-best-address)
-;;; (let ((all-my-addresses (get-all-ips))
-;;; ;;(all-my-addresses-old (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo (get-host-name)))))
-;;; )
-;;; (cond
-;;; ((null? all-my-addresses)
-;;; (get-host-name)) ;; no interfaces?
-;;; ((eq? (length all-my-addresses) 1)
-;;; (car all-my-addresses)) ;; only one to choose from, just go with it
-;;; (else
-;;; (car (sort all-my-addresses ip-pref-less?)))
-;;; ;; (else
-;;; ;; (ip->string (car (filter (lambda (x) ;; take any but 127.
-;;; ;; (not (eq? (u8vector-ref x 0) 127)))
-;;; ;; all-my-addresses))))
-;;; )))
-;;; (define (get-all-ips-sorted)
-;;; (sort (get-all-ips) ip-pref-less?))
+ (map address-info-host
+ (filter (lambda (x)
+ (equal? (address-info-type x) "tcp"))
+ (address-infos (get-host-name)))))
+;; (map ip->string (vector->list
+;; (hostinfo-addresses
+;; (host-information (current-hostname))))))
+(import ulex trace big-chicken srfi-18 test matchable)
+(trace-call-sites #t)
+ ;; ulex-handler
+ ;; send
+ ;; add-to-work-queue
+ )
+(define (handler-proc rem-host-port qrykey cmd params)
+ (print "handler-proc "rem-host-port" "qrykey" "cmd" "params)
+ (case cmd
+ ((ping) 'pong)
+ ((calc) (eval (with-input-from-string params read)))
+ ((print)
+ (print "params="params)
+ params)
+ ((reflect) `(,rem-host-port ,qrykey ,cmd ,params))
+ (else `(data ,data))))
+(define uconn (run-listener handler-proc))
+(pp-uconn uconn)
+;; super basic loop back test
+(define res #f)
+(define th1 (make-thread (lambda ()
+ (test #f 10 (send-receive uconn "zeus:4242" 'calc "(+ 5 5)"))
+ (set! res (send-receive uconn "zeus:4242" 'ping '()))
+ (test #f 'pong (send-receive uconn "zeus:4242" 'ping '()))
+ )))
+(thread-start! th1)
+(thread-join! th1)
+(print "All done")
+(print "Received "res)