Artifact d13232bf26063e527c835cb2afba11633be0df8d:
- File
- 2017-06-30 09:37:00 — part of check-in [22e44afa46] on branch v1.64-external-sync — Run sync-to-megatest.db instead of in process sync when sync time exceeds 300 ms. (user: mrwellan, size: 95404) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
- 2017-07-05 12:33:48 — part of check-in [1907a04c96] on branch v1.64 — merged v1.64-external-sync to address syncing problems on high server load (user: bjbarcla, size: 95404) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]