D 2011-03-31T18:50:23.219 L chicken-iup P bdc7d4207cc4f9c80a29b22b159ac07c6447180a U matt W 2133 Integration of [http://call-cc.org|chicken scheme], [http://www.chust.org/fossils/iup|iup] and [http://www.chust.org/fossils/canvas-draw|canvas draw] into an easy to use windows installer. WARNING this software is not well tested yet. Licenses for the individual packages can be found in the source or at the home sites for the code. NEWS: New release 03/25/2011. Details below. Installation: # Install Mingw [www.mingw.org] to the default location C:\MinGW # Run the chicken-iup installer. Ensure the destination path is C:\chicken (it defaults to C:\chicken\chicken-iup for reasons unknown) You can download the latest chicken-iup installer for Windows [http://www.kiatoa.com/cgi-bin/chicken-iup/raw/setup-chicken-iup.exe?name=9ce8cbca22f76080349a30a48c722b2b3fe20210|old version here] or the [http://www.kiatoa.com/cgi-bin/chicken-iup/artifact?name=71513f93f066a6bad1d919cf91b90d4203608f75|new version here] To see a window with some widgets run chicken-iup and type in: (load "../examples/sample.scm") This chicken-iup site is using [http://www.fossil-scm.org|Fossil Source Code Management Software]. To download older versions of the installer or explore the files log in as anonymous and browse "Files" or "Branches". Some eggs included: apropos, trace, regex, regex-literals, regex-case, big-chicken, pdf, format, sql-de-lite, coops, test, slime, sqlite3, iup, canvas-draw Sources used in putting together the integrated chicken-iup package include: * [http://call-cc.org|chicken scheme] (version 4.6.5) * [http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup|Iup Gui] (iup 3.4, im 3.6.3, cd 5.4.1, note: using the Win32_dllw4 zip files) * [http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/cd|Canvas Draw] (cd 5.4.1) * [http://www.chust.org/fossils/iup|The iup egg] (now from eggs page directly) * [http://www.chust.org/fossils/canvas-draw|The canvas-draw egg] (now from eggs page directly) * [http://www.haible.de/bruno/packages-ffcall-README.html|ffcall] (nb// get from cvs) Installation [notes] Additional documentation [docs] [Matt] Welland Put this together. Z de8352753e38b50442f81797f5b62075