
Artifact [06fb91324d]

Artifact 06fb91324d738672cec501d372abdc7783f73372:

Wiki page [using trace with the megatest executable] by jmoon18 on 2020-04-15 11:18:56.
D 2020-04-15T17:18:56.160
L using\strace\swith\sthe\smegatest\sexecutable
P dbcca1e5a6c9128fe9ceb580be1ef38cde4bb299
U jmoon18
W 1040
<h3>Using trace to debug Megatest issues</h3>

NOTE: I have found this method to be very efficient for debugging in general and use it with Megatest and in most of my programs. 

  #  Create ~/.megatestrc
<verbatim>(use trace)
(import trace)
;; list the functions you think might illuminate the problem here
  #  Patch trace to emit a little info on where the function was called
chicken-install -r trace
cd trace
patch -p0 <<EOF
*** trace.scm 2014-11-26 09:29:50.000000000 -0700
--- ../../trace/trace.scm 2014-11-25 21:12:41.000000000 -0700
*** 61,66 ****
--- 61,68 ----
      (set! *trace-indent-level* (fx+ 1 *trace-indent-level*))
      (write (cons name args) port)
+     (write ", Called from: " port)
+     (write (conc (car (reverse (get-call-chain)))))
      (write-char #\newline port)
      (flush-output port) ) )
  #  Run your megatest runs and dig through the various logs :)
Z 5bbc99463d1a3f799b6e372efcf6ae44