Artifact 4fa5a854fa9ca81119ea2dbc567fb9ec377961b4:
- File tests/fullrun/tests/blocktestxz/testconfig — part of check-in [cdf61d9fc0] at 2013-07-25 14:33:29 on branch dev — Improved exit handling of state/status for tests. If RUNNING then automatic handling is done. If other than RUNNING, simply preserve the values and roll up if an itemized test. Added to tests to better enforce this behavior. Previous behavior was mostly right but failed in some corner cases. Added database cleanup routine. Properly handle removal of tests and mark tests for a run as deleted if the run is removed (user: mrwellan, size: 464) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]
[setup] runscript [items] THESTATE UNKNOWN INCOMPLETE KILLED KILLREQ STUCK BOZZLEBLONKED STUCK/DEAD THESTATUS PASS FAIL STUCK/DEAD SKIP [test_meta] author matt owner bob description This test will fail causing the dependent test "testxz" to never run. This triggers the code that must determine that a test will never be run and thus remove it from the queue of tests to be run. tags first,single reviewed 1/1/1965