
Artifact [beb35b097a]

Artifact beb35b097af129f6123ad2ec655ea4b9349c4caf:

# To get emacs font highlighing in the various megatest configs do this:
# Install emacs-goodies-el:
#    sudo apt install emacs-goodies-el
# Add to your ~/.emacs file:
#    (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("config\\'" . conf-space-mode))

# example of a cron entry to run sync using db spec pgdb, with pgdb setting in file local.config
all:scheduled:sync     cron=  0/5 * * * *;dbdest=pgdb;appendconf=/mfs/matt/.sysmaint/local.config

# tip will be replaced with hashkey?
# file:   files changes since last run trigger new run
# script: script is called with unix seconds as last parameter (other parameters are preserved)
# contour:sensetype:action params            data
quick:file:run             run-name=auto;glob=/home/matt/data/megatest/*.scm

# script returns change-time (unix epoch), new-target-name, run-name
# quick:script:run           checkfossil = v1.63;\
#                            checkfossil = trunk

# fossil based trigger
quick:fossil:run ;\

# field          allowed values
# -----          --------------
# minute         0-59
# hour           0-23
# day of month   1-31
# month          1-12 (or names, future development)
# day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or, future development, use names)

# actions:
#  run     - run a testsuite
#  clean   - clear out runs
#  archive - archive runs

# quick:scheduled:run     cron=47  * * * * ;run-name=auto
# quick:scheduled:archive cron=15 20 * * * ;run-name=%;target=%/%/%

# [%]
# # every friday at midnight clean "all" tests over 7d
# all:scheduled:clean     cron=  0  0 0 0 5;run-name=%;age=7d   

# [v1.63/tip/dev]
# # file:   files changes since last run trigger new run
# # script: script is called with unix seconds as last parameter (other parameters are preserved)
# #
# # contour:sensetype:action params            data
# quick:file:run             run-name=auto;glob=*.scm
# quick:file:clean           run-name=auto;
# quick:script:run           run-name=auto; v1.63
# # field          allowed values
# # -----          --------------
# # minute         0-59
# # hour           0-23
# # day of month   1-31
# # month          1-12 (or names, future development)
# # day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or, future development, use names)
# # actions:
# #  run     - run a testsuite
# #  clean   - clear out runs
# #  archive - archive runs
# quick:scheduled:run     cron=47  * * * * ;run-name=auto
# quick:scheduled:archive cron=15 20 * * * ;run-name=% ; 
# [%/%/%]
# # every friday at midnight clean "all" tests over 7d
# all:scheduled:clean     cron=  0  0 0 0 5;run-name=%;age=7d   