(use posix)
(use regex)
(use directory-utils)
(use srfi-18 srfi-69 nanomsg)
(define (client-send-receive soc msg)
(nn-send soc msg)
(nn-recv soc))
;;do as calling user
(define (do-as-calling-user proc)
(let ((eid (current-effective-user-id))
(cid (current-user-id)))
(if (not (eq? eid cid)) ;; running suid
(set! (current-effective-user-id) cid))
(if (not (eq? eid cid))
(set! (current-effective-user-id) eid))))
;; use mutex to not open/close files at same time
(define (checksum mtx file)
(mutex-lock! mtx)
(let-values (((inp oup pid)
(process "shasum" (list file))))
(mutex-unlock! mtx)
(let ((result (read-line inp)))
;; now flush out remaining output
(let loop ((inl (read-line inp)))
(if (eof-object? inl)
(if (string? result)
(mutex-lock! mtx)
(close-input-port inp)
(close-output-port oup)
(mutex-unlock! mtx)
(car (string-split result)))
(loop (read-line inp)))))))
(define *max-running* 40)
(define (gather-dir-info path)
(let ((mtx1 (make-mutex))
(threads (make-hash-table))
(last-num 0)
(req (nn-socket 'req)))
(print "starting client with pid " (current-process-id))
(nn-connect req
;; "ipc:///tmp/test-ipc")
;; test: #t
action: (lambda (p res)
(let ((info (cond
((not (file-read-access? p)) '(cant-read))
((directory? p) '(dir))
((symbolic-link? p) (list 'symlink (read-symbolic-link p)))
(else '(data)))))
(if (eq? (car info) 'data)
(let loop ((start-time (current-seconds)))
(mutex-lock! mtx1)
(let* ((num-threads (hash-table-size threads))
(ok-to-run (> *max-running* num-threads)))
;; (if (> (abs (- num-threads last-num)) 2)
;; (begin
;; ;; (print "num-threads:" num-threads)
;; (set! last-num num-threads)))
(mutex-unlock! mtx1)
(if ok-to-run
(let ((run-time-start (current-seconds)))
;; (print "num threads: " num-threads)
(let ((th1 (make-thread
(lambda ()
(let ((cksum (checksum mtx1 p))
(run-time (- (current-seconds) run-time-start)))
(mutex-lock! mtx1)
(client-send-receive req (conc p " " cksum))
(mutex-unlock! mtx1))
(let loop2 ()
(mutex-lock! mtx1)
(let ((registered (hash-table-exists? threads p)))
(if registered
;; (print "deleting thread reference for " p)
(hash-table-delete! threads p))) ;; delete myself
(mutex-unlock! mtx1)
(if (not registered)
(thread-sleep! 0.5)
(thread-start! th1)
;; (thread-sleep! 0.05) ;; give things a little time to get going
;; (thread-join! th1) ;;
(mutex-lock! mtx1)
(hash-table-set! threads p th1)
(mutex-unlock! mtx1)
)) ;; thread is launched
(let ((run-time (- (current-seconds) start-time))) ;; couldn't launch yet
((< run-time 5)) ;; blast on through
((< run-time 30)(thread-sleep! 0.1))
((< run-time 60)(thread-sleep! 2))
((< run-time 120)(thread-sleep! 3))
(else (thread-sleep! 3)))
(loop start-time)))))))))
(map thread-join! (hash-table-values threads))
(client-send-receive req "quit")
(nn-close req)
;; recieve and store the file data, note: this is effectively a *server*, not a client.
(define (compare-directories path1 path2)
(let ((last-print (current-seconds))
(p1dat (make-hash-table))
(p2dat (make-hash-table))
(numdone 0) ;; increment when recieved a quit. exit when > 2
(rep (nn-socket 'rep)))
(nn-bind rep
;; "ipc:///tmp/test-ipc")
;; start clients
(thread-sleep! 0.1)
(system (conc "./remotediff-nmsg " path1 " &"))
(system (conc "./remotediff-nmsg " path2 " &"))
(let loop ((msg-in (nn-recv rep)))
(if (equal? msg-in "quit")
(set! numdone (+ numdone 1)))
(if (and (not (equal? msg-in "quit"))
(< numdone 2))
(let* ((parts (string-split msg-in))
(filen (car parts))
(finfo (cadr parts))
(isp1 (substring-index path1 filen 0)) ;; is this a path1?
(isp2 (substring-index path2 filen 0))) ;; is this a path2?
(if isp1
(if (hash-table-exists? p2dat
(hash-table-set! p1dat filen finfo)
(hash-table-set! p2dat filen finfo))
;; (print "parts: " parts)
(nn-send rep "done")
(if (> last-print 15)
(set! last-print (current-seconds))
(print "Processed " num-files-1 ", " num-files-2)))
(loop (nn-recv rep)))))
(print "p1: " (hash-table-size p1dat) " p2: " (hash-table-size p2dat))
(list p1dat p2dat)))
(if (< (length (argv)) 2)
(print "Usage: remotediff-nmsg file1 file2")
(if (eq? (length (argv)) 2) ;; given a single path
(gather-dir-info (cadr (argv)))
(compare-directories (cadr (argv))(caddr (argv))))
(print "Done")