
installall.logpro at [06b8e0ec89]

File utils/installall.logpro artifact 8a1c71a14c part of check-in 06b8e0ec89

;; (c) 2006,2007,2008,2009 Matthew Welland
;;   License GPL.

;; first ensure your run at least started

(trigger "Body"     #/^.*$/) ;; anything starts the body
;; (trigger "EndBody"  #/This had better never match/)
(section "Body"     "Body" "EndBody")

(trigger "Chicken Build Start" #/^chicken-/)
(trigger "Chicken Build End"   #/^make.*Leaving directory.*chicken-4.6.5/)
(section "Chicken build Start" "Chicken build End" "Chicken Build")

(trigger "Eggs Start" #/alias.*http:..chicken/)
(trigger "Eggs End"   #/Install sqlite3/)
(section "Eggs" "Eggs Start" "Eggs End")

(for-each (lambda (egg)
	    (expect:required in "Eggs" > 0 (conc "Require install of " egg) (regexp (conc "installing " egg))))
	  '(readline apropos base64 regex-literals format regex-case test coops trace))

(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore HAVE_STRERROR" #/define HAVE_STRERROR/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore references to check-errors"  #/check-errors/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore references to type-errors"   #/type-errors/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore references to srfi-4-errors" #/srfi-4-errors/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore redefinition of imported value bindings" #/Warning: redefinition of imported value binding/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  = 1  "Ignore CD native window driver warning" #/Warning: CD native window driver not found, some bindings cannot be compiled/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore (setup-error-handling)" #/\(setup-error-handling\)/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore install-other-files error" #/make.*install-other-files.*Error.*ignored/)
(expect:ignore   in "Body"  < 99 "Ignore scheme files with error in name" #/error[a-z\.A-Z0-9\-]*\.(scm|so)/)

(expect:error    in "Body"  = 0 "WARNING" #/warning/i)
(expect:error    in "Body"  = 0 "ERROR"  (list #/ERROR/ #/error/i)) ;; but disallow any other errors