
tasks.scm at [113e589c88]

File tasks.scm artifact fb78945487 part of check-in 113e589c88

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.

;;  strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S','now','localtime')

(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 dot-locking format)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))

(declare (unit tasks))
(declare (uses dbfile))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses rmt))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses pgdb))

(import dbfile)
;; (import pgdb) ;; pgdb is a module

(include "task_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")

;; Tasks db

;; wait up to aprox n seconds for a journal to go away
(define (tasks:wait-on-journal path n #!key (remove #f)(waiting-msg #f))
  (if (not (string? path))
      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Called tasks:wait-on-journal with path=" path " (not a string)")
      (let ((fullpath (conc path "-journal")))
	   (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
	   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	   (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* " exn=" (condition->list exn))
	   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "tasks:wait-on-journal failed. Continuing on, you can ignore this call-chain")
	   #t) ;; if stuff goes wrong just allow it to move on
	 (let loop ((journal-exists (common:file-exists? fullpath))
		    (count          n)) ;; wait ten times ...
	   (if journal-exists
		 (if (and waiting-msg
			  (eq? (modulo n 30) 0))
		     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* waiting-msg))
		 (if (> count 0)
		       (thread-sleep! 1)
		       (loop (common:file-exists? fullpath)
			     (- count 1)))
		       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: removing the journal file " fullpath ", this is not good. Look for disk full, write access and other issues.")
		       (if remove (system (conc "rm -rf " fullpath)))

(define (tasks:get-task-db-path)
  (let ((dbdir  (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "monitordir")
		    (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "dbdir")
		    (conc (common:get-linktree) "/.db"))))
       (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Couldn't create path to " dbdir ", exn=" exn)
       (exit 1))
     (if (not (directory? dbdir))(create-directory dbdir #t)))

;; If file exists AND
;;    file readable
;;         ==> open it
;; If file exists AND
;;    file NOT readable
;;         ==> open in-mem version
;; If file NOT exists
;;    ==> open in-mem version
(define (tasks:open-db #!key (numretries 4))
  (if *task-db*
       (if (> numretries 0)
	     (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
	     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	     (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* " exn=" (condition->list exn))
	     (thread-sleep! 1)
	     (tasks:open-db numretries (- numretries 1)))
	     (print-call-chain (current-error-port))
	     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	     (debug:print 5 *default-log-port* " exn=" (condition->list exn))))
       (let* ((dbpath        (db:dbfile-path )) ;; (tasks:get-task-db-path))
	      (dbfile       (conc dbpath "/monitor.db"))
	      (avail        (tasks:wait-on-journal dbpath 10)) ;; wait up to about 10 seconds for the journal to go away
	      (exists       (common:file-exists? dbpath))
	      (write-access (file-write-access? dbpath))
	      (mdb          (cond ;; what the hek is *toppath* doing here?
			     ((and (string? *toppath*)(file-write-access? *toppath*))
			      (sqlite3:open-database dbfile))
			     ((file-read-access? dbpath)    (sqlite3:open-database dbfile))
			     (else (sqlite3:open-database ":memory:")))) ;; (never-give-up-open-db dbpath))
	      (handler      (sqlite3:make-busy-timeout 36000)))
	 (if (and exists
		  (not write-access))
	     (set! *db-write-access* write-access)) ;; only unset so other db's also can use this control
	 (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! mdb handler)
	 (db:set-sync mdb) ;; (sqlite3:execute mdb (conc "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;"))
	 ;;  (if (or (and (not exists)
	 ;; 	      (file-write-access? *toppath*))
	 ;; 	 (not (file-read-access? dbpath)))
	 ;;      (begin
	 ;; (sqlite3:execute mdb "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tasks_queue (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
         ;;                        action TEXT DEFAULT '',
         ;;                        owner TEXT,
         ;;                        state TEXT DEFAULT 'new',
         ;;                        target TEXT DEFAULT '',
         ;;                        name TEXT DEFAULT '',
         ;;                        testpatt TEXT DEFAULT '',
         ;;                        keylock TEXT,
         ;;                        params TEXT,
         ;;                        creation_time TIMESTAMP,
         ;;                        execution_time TIMESTAMP);")
	 (sqlite3:execute mdb "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS monitors (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                                pid INTEGER,
                                start_time TIMESTAMP,
                                last_update TIMESTAMP,
                                hostname TEXT,
                                username TEXT,
                               CONSTRAINT monitors_constraint UNIQUE (pid,hostname));")
	 (sqlite3:execute mdb "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS servers (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                                  pid INTEGER,
                                  interface TEXT,
                                  hostname TEXT,
                                  port INTEGER,
                                  pubport INTEGER,
                                  start_time TIMESTAMP,
                                  priority INTEGER,
                                  state TEXT,
                                  mt_version TEXT,
                                  heartbeat TIMESTAMP,
                                  transport TEXT,
                                  run_id INTEGER);")
	 ;;                               CONSTRAINT servers_constraint UNIQUE (pid,hostname,port));")
	 (sqlite3:execute mdb "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clients (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                                  server_id INTEGER,
                                  pid INTEGER,
                                  hostname TEXT,
                                  cmdline TEXT,
                                  login_time TIMESTAMP,
                                  logout_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT -1,
                                CONSTRAINT clients_constraint UNIQUE (pid,hostname));")
	 (set! *task-db* (cons mdb dbpath))

;; Server and client management

;; make-vector-record tasks hostinfo id interface port pubport transport pid hostname
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-id          vec)    (vector-ref  vec 0))
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-interface   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 1))
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-port        vec)    (vector-ref  vec 2))
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-pubport     vec)    (vector-ref  vec 3))
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-transport   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 4))
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-pid         vec)    (vector-ref  vec 5))
(define (tasks:hostinfo-get-hostname    vec)    (vector-ref  vec 6))

(define (tasks:need-server run-id)
  (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "required") "yes"))

;; no elegance here ...
(define (tasks:kill-server hostname pid #!key (kill-switch ""))
  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Attempting to kill server process " pid " on host " hostname)
  (setenv "TARGETHOST" hostname)
  (let* ((logdir (if (directory-exists? "logs")
         (logfile (if logdir (conc "logs/server-"pid"-"hostname".log") #f))
         (gzfile  (if logfile (conc logfile ".gz"))))
    (setenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF" (conc logdir "server-kills.log"))

    (system (conc "nbfake kill "kill-switch" "pid))

    (when logfile
      (thread-sleep! 0.5)
      (if (common:file-exists? gzfile) (delete-file gzfile))
      (system (conc "gzip " logfile))
      (unsetenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF")
      (unsetenv "TARGETHOST"))))
;; M O N I T O R S

(define (tasks:remove-monitor-record mdb)
  (sqlite3:execute mdb "DELETE FROM monitors WHERE pid=? AND hostname=?;"

(define (tasks:get-monitors mdb)
  (let ((res '()))
     (lambda (a . rem)
       (set! res (cons (apply vector a rem) res)))
     "SELECT id,pid,strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M',datetime(start_time,'unixepoch'),'localtime'),strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',datetime(last_update,'unixepoch'),'localtime'),hostname,username FROM monitors ORDER BY last_update ASC;")
    (reverse res)

(define (tasks:monitors->text-table monitors)
  (let ((fmtstr "~4a~8a~20a~20a~10a~10a"))
    (conc (format #f fmtstr "id" "pid" "start time" "last update" "hostname" "user") "\n"
	   (map (lambda (monitor)
		  (format #f fmtstr
			  (tasks:monitor-get-id          monitor)
			  (tasks:monitor-get-pid         monitor)
			  (tasks:monitor-get-start_time  monitor)
			  (tasks:monitor-get-last_update monitor)
			  (tasks:monitor-get-hostname    monitor)
			  (tasks:monitor-get-username    monitor)))
;; update the last_update field with the current time and
;; if any monitors appear dead, remove them
(define (tasks:monitors-update mdb)
  (sqlite3:execute mdb "UPDATE monitors SET last_update=strftime('%s','now') WHERE pid=? AND hostname=?;"
  (let ((deadlist '()))
     (lambda (id pid host last-update delta)
       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Going to delete stale record for monitor with pid " pid " on host " host " last updated " delta " seconds ago")
       (set! deadlist (cons id deadlist)))
     "SELECT id,pid,hostname,last_update,strftime('%s','now')-last_update AS delta FROM monitors WHERE delta > 700;")
    (sqlite3:execute mdb (conc "DELETE FROM monitors WHERE id IN ('" (string-intersperse (map conc deadlist) "','") "');")))
(define (tasks:register-monitor db port)
  (let* ((pid (current-process-id))
	 (hostname (get-host-name))
	 (userinfo (user-information (current-user-id)))
	 (username (car userinfo)))
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Register monitor, pid: " pid ", hostname: " hostname ", port: " port ", username: " username)
    (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO monitors (pid,start_time,last_update,hostname,username) VALUES (?,strftime('%s','now'),strftime('%s','now'),?,?);"
		     pid hostname username)))

(define (tasks:get-num-alive-monitors mdb)
  (let ((res 0))
     (lambda (count)
       (set! res count))
     "SELECT count(id) FROM monitors WHERE last_update < (strftime('%s','now') - 300) AND username=?;"
     (car (user-information (current-user-id))))

#;(define (tasks:start-monitor db mdb)
  (if (> (tasks:get-num-alive-monitors mdb) 2) ;; have two running, no need for more
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Not starting monitor, already have more than two running")
      (let* ((megatestdb     (conc *toppath* "/megatest.db"))
	     (monitordbf     (conc (db:dbfile-path #f) "/monitor.db"))
	     (last-db-update 0)) ;; (file-modification-time megatestdb)))
	(task:register-monitor mdb)
	(let loop ((count      0)
		   (next-touch 0)) ;; next-touch is the time where we need to update last_update
	  ;; if the db has been modified we'd best look at the task queue
	  (let ((modtime (file-modification-time megatestdbpath )))
	    (if (> modtime last-db-update)
		(tasks:process-queue db)) ;; BROKEN. mdb last-db-update megatestdb next-touch))
	    ;; WARNING: Possible race conditon here!!
	    ;; should this update be immediately after the task-get-action call above?
	    (if (> (current-seconds) next-touch)
		  (tasks:monitors-update mdb)
		  (loop (+ count 1)(+ (current-seconds) 240)))
		(loop (+ count 1) next-touch)))))))
;; T A S K S   Q U E U E
;;   NOTE:: These operate on task_queue which is in main.db

;; NOTE: It might be good to add one more layer of checking to ensure
;;       that no task gets run in parallel.

;; action TEXT DEFAULT '',
;; owner TEXT,
;; state TEXT DEFAULT 'new',
;; target TEXT DEFAULT '',
;; name TEXT DEFAULT '',
;; testpatt TEXT DEFAULT '',
;; keylock TEXT,
;; params TEXT,
;; creation_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
;; execution_time TIMESTAMP);

;; register a task
(define (tasks:add dbstruct action owner target runname testpatt params)
   dbstruct #f #t
   (lambda (dbdat db)
     (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO tasks_queue (action,owner,state,target,name,testpatt,params,creation_time,execution_time)
                             VALUES (?,?,'new',?,?,?,?,strftime('%s','now'),0);" 
		      (if params params "")))))

(define (keys:key-vals-hash->target keys key-params)
  (let ((tmp (hash-table-ref/default key-params (vector-ref (car keys) 0) "")))
    (if (> (length keys) 1)
	(for-each (lambda (key)
		    (set! tmp (conc tmp "/" (hash-table-ref/default key-params (vector-ref key 0) ""))))
		  (cdr keys)))
;; for use from the gui, not ported
;; (define (tasks:add-from-params mdb action keys key-params var-params)
;;   (let ((target    (keys:key-vals-hash->target keys key-params))
;; 	(owner     (car (user-information (current-user-id))))
;; 	(runname   (hash-table-ref/default var-params "runname" #f))
;; 	(testpatts (hash-table-ref/default var-params "testpatts" "%"))
;; 	(params    (hash-table-ref/default var-params "params"    "")))
;;     (tasks:add mdb action owner target runname testpatts params)))

;; return one task from those who are 'new' OR 'waiting' AND more than 10sec old
(define (tasks:snag-a-task dbstruct)
  (let ((res    #f)
	(keytxt (conc (current-process-id) "-" (get-host-name) "-" (car (user-information (current-user-id))))))
     dbstruct #f #t
     (lambda (dat db)
       ;; first randomly set a new to pid-hostname-hostname
	"UPDATE tasks_queue SET keylock=? WHERE id IN
           (SELECT id FROM tasks_queue 
              WHERE state='new' OR 
                    (state='waiting' AND (strftime('%s','now')-execution_time) > 10) OR
              ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1);" keytxt)

	(lambda (id . rem)
	  (set! res (apply vector id rem)))
	"SELECT id,action,owner,state,target,name,test,item,params,creation_time,execution_time FROM tasks_queue WHERE keylock=? ORDER BY execution_time ASC LIMIT 1;" keytxt)
       (if res ;; yep, have work to be done
	     (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tasks_queue SET state='inprogress',execution_time=strftime('%s','now') WHERE id=?;"
			      (tasks:task-get-id res))

(define (tasks:reset-stuck-tasks dbstruct)
  (let ((res '()))
     dbstruct #f #t
     (lambda (dat db)
	(lambda (id delta)
	  (set! res (cons id res)))
	"SELECT id,strftime('%s','now')-execution_time AS delta FROM tasks_queue WHERE state='inprogress' AND delta>700 ORDER BY delta DESC LIMIT 2;")
	(conc "UPDATE tasks_queue SET state='reset' WHERE id IN ('" (string-intersperse (map conc res) "','") "');")

;; return all tasks in the tasks_queue table
(define (tasks:get-tasks dbstruct types states)
  (let ((res '()))
     dbstruct #f #f
     (lambda (dbdat db)
	(lambda (id . rem)
	  (set! res (cons (apply vector id rem) res)))
	(conc "SELECT id,action,owner,state,target,name,test,item,params,creation_time,execution_time 
                  FROM tasks_queue "
	      ;; WHERE  
	      ;;   state IN " statesstr " AND 
	      ;;   action IN " actionsstr 
	      " ORDER BY creation_time DESC;"))

(define (tasks:get-last dbstruct target runname)
  (let ((res #f))
     dbstruct #f #f
     (lambda (dbdat db)
	(lambda (id . rem)
	  (set! res (apply vector id rem)))
	(conc "SELECT id,action,owner,state,target,name,testpatt,keylock,params,creation_time,execution_time 
                  FROM tasks_queue 
	        target = ? AND name =?
	       ORDER BY creation_time DESC LIMIT 1;")
	target runname)

;; remove tasks given by a string of numbers comma separated
(define (tasks:remove-queue-entries dbstruct task-ids)
   dbstruct #f #t
   (lambda (dbdat db)
     (sqlite3:execute db (conc "DELETE FROM tasks_queue WHERE id IN (" task-ids ");")))))

;; (define (tasks:process-queue dbstruct)
;;   (let* ((task   (tasks:snag-a-task dbstruct))
;; 	 (action (if task (tasks:task-get-action task) #f)))
;;     (if action (print "tasks:process-queue task: " task))
;;     (if action
;; 	(case (string->symbol action)
;; 	  ((run)       (tasks:start-run     dbstruct task))
;; 	  ((remove)    (tasks:remove-runs   dbstruct task))
;; 	  ((lock)      (tasks:lock-runs     dbstruct task))
;; 	  ;; ((monitor)   (tasks:start-monitor db task))
;; 	  #;((rollup)    (tasks:rollup-runs   dbstruct task))
;; 	  ((updatemeta)(tasks:update-meta   dbstruct task))
;; 	  #;((kill)      (tasks:kill-monitors dbstruct task))))))

(define (tasks:tasks->text tasks)
  (let ((fmtstr "~10a~10a~10a~12a~20a~12a~12a~10a"))
    (conc (format #f fmtstr "id" "action" "owner" "state" "target" "runname" "testpatts" "params") "\n"
	   (map (lambda (task)
		  (format #f fmtstr
			  (tasks:task-get-id     task)
			  (tasks:task-get-action task)
			  (tasks:task-get-owner  task)
			  (tasks:task-get-state  task)
			  (tasks:task-get-target task)
			  (tasks:task-get-name   task)
			  (tasks:task-get-testpatt task)
			  ;; (tasks:task-get-item   task)
			  (tasks:task-get-params task)))
		tasks) "\n"))))
(define (tasks:set-state dbstruct task-id state)
   dbstruct #f #t
   (lambda (dbdat db)
     (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tasks_queue SET state=? WHERE id=?;" 

;; Access using task key (stored in params; (hash-table->alist flags) hostname pid

(define (tasks:param-key->id dbstruct task-params)
   dbstruct #f #f
   (lambda (dbdat db)
      (sqlite3:first-result db "SELECT id FROM tasks_queue WHERE params LIKE ?;"

(define (tasks:set-state-given-param-key dbstruct param-key new-state)
   dbstruct #f #t
   (lambda (dbdat db)
     (sqlite3:execute db "UPDATE tasks_queue SET state=? WHERE params LIKE ?;" new-state param-key))))

(define (tasks:get-records-given-param-key dbstruct param-key state-patt action-patt test-patt)
   dbstruct #f #f
   (lambda (dbdat db)
      (sqlite3:first-row db "SELECT id,action,owner,state,target,name,testpatt,keylock,params WHERE
                               params LIKE ? AND state LIKE ? AND action LIKE ? AND testpatt LIKE ?;"
			 param-key state-patt action-patt test-patt)))))

(define (tasks:find-task-queue-records dbstruct target run-name test-patt state-patt action-patt)
   #f #f
   (lambda (dbdat db)
     (let ((res '()))
	(lambda (a . b)
	  (set! res (cons (cons a b) res)))
	db "SELECT id,action,owner,state,target,name,testpatt,keylock,params FROM tasks_queue 
              target = ? AND name = ? AND state LIKE ? AND action LIKE ? AND testpatt LIKE ?;"
	target run-name state-patt action-patt test-patt)

;; kill any runner processes (i.e. processes handling -runtests) that match target/runname
;; do a remote call to get the task queue info but do the killing as self here.
(define (tasks:kill-runner target run-name testpatt)
  (let ((records    (rmt:tasks-find-task-queue-records target run-name testpatt "running" "run-tests"))
	(hostpid-rx (regexp "\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\d+)$"))) ;; host pid is at end of param string
    (if (null? records)
	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "No run launching processes found for " target " / " run-name " with testpatt " (or testpatt "* no testpatt specified! *"))
	(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Found " (length records) " run(s) to kill."))
     (lambda (record)
       (let* ((param-key (list-ref record 8))
	      (match-dat (string-search hostpid-rx param-key)))
	 (if match-dat
	     (let ((hostname  (cadr match-dat))
		   (pid       (string->number (caddr match-dat))))
	       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Sending SIGINT to process " pid " on host " hostname)
	       (if (equal? (get-host-name) hostname)
		   (if (process:alive? pid)
			    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Kill of process " pid " on host " hostname " failed.")
			    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
			  (process-signal pid signal/int)
			  (thread-sleep! 5)
			  (if (process:alive? pid)
			      (process-signal pid signal/kill)))))
		   ;;  (call-with-environment-variables
		   (let ((old-targethost (getenv "TARGETHOST")))
		     (setenv "TARGETHOST" hostname)
		     (setenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF" "server-kills.log")
		     (system (conc "nbfake kill " pid))
		     (if old-targethost (setenv "TARGETHOST" old-targethost))
		     (unsetenv "TARGETHOST")
		     (unsetenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF"))))
	     (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "no record or improper record for " target "/" run-name " in tasks_queue in main.db"))))

;; (define (tasks:start-run dbstruct mdb task)
;;   (let ((flags (make-hash-table)))
;;     (hash-table-set! flags "-rerun" "NOT_STARTED")
;;     (if (not (string=? (tasks:task-get-params task) ""))
;; 	(hash-table-set! flags "-setvars" (tasks:task-get-params task)))
;;     (print "Starting run " task)
;;     ;; sillyness, just call the damn routine with the task vector and be done with it. FIXME SOMEDAY
;;     (runs:run-tests db
;; 		    (tasks:task-get-target task)
;; 		    (tasks:task-get-name   task)
;; 		    (tasks:task-get-test   task)
;; 		    (tasks:task-get-item   task)
;; 		    (tasks:task-get-owner  task)
;; 		    flags)
;;     (tasks:set-state mdb (tasks:task-get-id task) "waiting")))
;; (define (tasks:rollup-runs db mdb task)
;;   (let* ((flags (make-hash-table)) 
;; 	 (keys  (db:get-keys db))
;; 	 (keyvals (keys:target-keyval keys (tasks:task-get-target task))))
;;     ;; (hash-table-set! flags "-rerun" "NOT_STARTED")
;;     (print "Starting rollup " task)
;;     ;; sillyness, just call the damn routine with the task vector and be done with it. FIXME SOMEDAY
;;     (runs:rollup-run db
;; 		     keys 
;; 		     keyvals
;; 		     (tasks:task-get-name  task)
;; 		     (tasks:task-get-owner  task))
;;     (tasks:set-state mdb (tasks:task-get-id task) "waiting")))

;;  S Y N C   T O   P O S T G R E S Q L

;; In the spirit of "dump your junk in the tasks module" I'll put the
;; sync to postgres here for now.

;; attempt to automatically set up an area. call only if get area by path
;; returns naught of interest
(define (tasks:set-area dbh configdat #!key (toppath #f)) ;; could I safely put *toppath* in for the default for toppath? when would it be evaluated?
  (let loop ((area-name (or (configf:lookup configdat "setup" "area-name")
	     (modifier  'none))
    (let ((success (handle-exceptions
			 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: cannot create area entry, " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
			 #f) ;; FIXME: I don't care for now but I should look at *why* there was an exception
		     (pgdb:add-area dbh area-name (or toppath *toppath*)))))
      (or success
	  (case modifier
	    ((none)(loop (conc (current-user-name) "_" area-name) 'user))
	    ((user)(loop (conc (substring (common:get-area-path-signature) 0 4)
			       area-name) 'areasig))
	    (else #f)))))) ;; give up

(define (task:print-runtime run-times saperator)
    (lambda (run-time-info)
     (let* ((run-name  (vector-ref run-time-info 0))
            (run-time  (vector-ref run-time-info 1))
            (target  (vector-ref run-time-info 2)))
        (print target saperator run-name saperator run-time )))

(define (task:print-runtime-as-json run-times)
 (let loop ((run-time-info (car run-times))
            (rema (cdr run-times)) 
            (str ""))
     (let* ((run-name  (vector-ref run-time-info 0))
            (run-time  (vector-ref run-time-info 1))
            (target  (vector-ref run-time-info 2)))
        ;(print (not (equal? str "")))
        (if (not (equal? str "")) 
            (set! str (conc str ",")))
        (if (null? rema)
		(print "[" str "{target:" target ",run-name:" run-name ", run-time:" run-time "}]")
            (loop (car rema) (cdr rema) (conc str "{target:" target ", run-name:" run-name ", run-time:" run-time "}"))))))

(define (task:get-run-times)
   (let* ( 
           (run-patt (if (args:get-arg "-run-patt")
                        (args:get-arg "-run-patt")
           (target-patt (if (args:get-arg "-target-patt")
                        (args:get-arg "-target-patt")
           (run-times  (rmt:get-run-times  run-patt target-patt )))
   (if (eq? (length run-times) 0)
       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Data not found!!")
   (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json")
       (task:print-runtime-as-json run-times)
         (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "csv")
	     (task:print-runtime run-times ",")
	     (task:print-runtime run-times "  ")))))

(define (task:print-testtime test-times saperator)
    (lambda (test-time-info)
     (let* ((test-name  (vector-ref test-time-info 0))
            (test-time  (vector-ref test-time-info 2))
            (test-item  (if (eq? (string-length (vector-ref test-time-info 1)) 0)
				(vector-ref test-time-info 1))))
        (print  test-name saperator test-item saperator test-time )))

(define (task:print-testtime-as-json test-times)
 (let loop ((test-time-info (car test-times))
            (rema (cdr test-times)) 
            (str ""))
     (let* ((test-name  (vector-ref test-time-info 0))
            (test-time  (vector-ref test-time-info 2))
            (item  (vector-ref test-time-info 1)))
        ;(print (not (equal? str "")))
        (if (not (equal? str "")) 
            (set! str (conc str ",")))
        (if (null? rema)
		(print "[" str "{test-name:" test-name ", item-path:" item ", test-time:" test-time "}]")
            (loop (car rema) (cdr rema) (conc str "{test-name:" test-name ", item-path:" item ", test-time:" test-time "}"))))))

 (define (task:get-test-times)
   (let* ((runname (if (args:get-arg "-runname")
                        (args:get-arg "-runname")
           (target (if (args:get-arg "-target")
                        (args:get-arg "-target")
           (test-times  (rmt:get-test-times  runname target )))
   (if (not runname)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Error: Missing argument -runname")
    (if (string-contains runname "%")
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Error: Invalid runname, '%' not allowed  (" runname ") ")
    (if (not target)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Error: Missing argument -target")
     (if  (string-contains target "%")
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Error: Invalid target, '%' not allowed  (" target ") ")
   (if (eq? (length test-times) 0)
       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Data not found!!")
   (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "json")
       (task:print-testtime-as-json test-times)
         (if (equal? (args:get-arg "-dumpmode") "csv")
	     (task:print-testtime test-times ",")
	     (task:print-testtime test-times "  ")))))

;; gets mtpg-run-id and syncs the record if different
;; This function takes  parameters including a database handle (dbh), cached information (cached-info), a run ID (run-id), area information (area-info), and the smallest last update time (smallest-last-update-time).

;; The function first tries to retrieve information about the given run ID from the cached information. If it is already cached, the function returns the cached information. 
;; Otherwise, the function retrieves information about the run from the megatest database using various functions such as "rmt:get-run-info" and "db:get-value-by-header".

;; The function then uses this retrieved information to create a new run in the pgdb database, or update an existing one, using functions such as "pgdb:get-ttype", "pgdb:get-run-id", and "pgdb:insert-run". 
;; It also sets various fields such as "state", "status", "owner", and "event_time".

;; The smallest-last-update-time variable is a single item hash table that is used to keep track of the smallest (earliest) "last_update" time among all the runs that are processed by calls to this function.

;; The "last_update" time is obtained from the megatest database for each run that needs to be processed. Then, if the "last_update" time for a particular run is greater (later) than the "last_update" time of the
;; corresponding run in the PostgreSQL database, the "last_update" time of that run is stored in the "smallest-last-update-time" hash table.

;; This is done to ensure that only the runs that have been updated since the last time the synchronization was performed are updated in the PostgreSQL database. This is because updating all the runs, even those 
;; that have not been modified since the last synchronization, can be a time-consuming process.

;; At the end of the function, if a new run is successfully inserted into the PostgreSQL database, the "last_update" time of that run is compared with the current value of "smallest-time" in the "smallest-last-update-time" 
;; hash table. If the "last_update" time is smaller than the current value of "smallest-time" or if "smallest-time" does not exist, "last_update" time is stored as the new "smallest-time". This ensures that the smallest 
;; "last_update" time among all the runs processed by the function is always stored in the "smallest-last-update-time" hash table.

;; The smallest-last-update-time hash is referenced in calling functions and is used in the call to "pgdb:write-sync-time dbh area-info smallest-time" in tasks:sync-to-postgres.

;; If a new entry was successfully created or updated, the function returns the ID of the new entry. If there was an error, the function returns false.

(define (tasks:run-id->mtpg-run-id dbh cached-info run-id area-info smallest-last-update-time)
  (let* ((runs-ht (hash-table-ref cached-info 'runs))
	 (runinf  (hash-table-ref/default runs-ht run-id #f))
         (area-id (vector-ref area-info 0)))
       (if runinf
	 runinf ;; already cached
	 (let* ((run-dat    (rmt:get-run-info run-id))               ;; NOTE: get-run-info returns a vector < row header >
	       (run-name   (rmt:get-run-name-from-id run-id))
	       (row        (db:get-rows run-dat))                   ;; yes, this returns a single row
	       (header     (db:get-header run-dat))
	       (state      (db:get-value-by-header row header "state"))
	       (status     (db:get-value-by-header row header "status"))
	       (owner      (db:get-value-by-header row header "owner"))
	       (event-time (db:get-value-by-header row header "event_time"))
	       (comment    (db:get-value-by-header row header "comment"))
	       (fail-count (db:get-value-by-header row header "fail_count"))
	       (pass-count (db:get-value-by-header row header "pass_count"))
               (db-contour (db:get-value-by-header row header "contour"))
	       (contour    (if (args:get-arg "-prepend-contour") 
                                 (if (and db-contour (not (equal? db-contour ""))  (string? db-contour )) 
                                            (debug:print-info 10 *default-log-port*  "db-contour" db-contour) 
					    (args:get-arg "-contour"))))
               (run-tag (if (args:get-arg "-run-tag")
                            (args:get-arg "-run-tag")
               (last-update (db:get-value-by-header row header "last_update"))
	       (keytarg    (if (or (args:get-arg "-prepend-contour") (args:get-arg "-prefix-target"))
	       			(conc "MT_CONTOUR/MT_AREA/" (string-intersperse (rmt:get-keys) "/")) (string-intersperse (rmt:get-keys) "/"))) ;; e.g. version/iteration/platform
               (base-target      (rmt:get-target run-id))
	       (target     (if (or (args:get-arg "-prepend-contour") (args:get-arg "-prefix-target")) 
	       			(conc (or (args:get-arg "-prefix-target") (conc contour "/" (common:get-area-name) "/")) base-target) base-target))                 ;; e.g. v1.63/a3e1/ubuntu
	       (spec-id    (pgdb:get-ttype dbh keytarg))
	       (publish-time (if (args:get-arg "-cp-eventtime-to-publishtime")
	       (new-run-id (if (and run-name base-target) (pgdb:get-run-id dbh spec-id target run-name area-id) #f)))
             (if new-run-id
	         (begin ;; let ((run-record (pgdb:get-run-info dbh new-run-id))
		   (hash-table-set! runs-ht run-id new-run-id)
	           ;; ensure key fields are up to date
                   ;; if last_update == pgdb_last_update do not update smallest-last-update-time  
                   (let* ((pgdb-last-update (pgdb:get-run-last-update dbh new-run-id))
                     (smallest-time (hash-table-ref/default smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" #f)))
                     (if (and  (> last-update pgdb-last-update) (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time)))
                       (hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update))
		   (pgdb:refresh-run-info dbh new-run-id state status owner event-time comment fail-count pass-count area-id last-update publish-time)
                   (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "Working on run-id " run-id " pgdb-id "  new-run-id )
                   (if (not (equal? run-tag ""))
                     (task:add-run-tag dbh new-run-id run-tag)
              ;; if no pgdb run id was found
	      (if (or (not state) (equal? state "deleted"))
                  (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  "Warning: Run with id " run-id " was created after previous sync and deleted before the sync") #f)
                   (if (handle-exceptions
		      (begin (print-call-chain)
                        (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))     
                      (pgdb:insert-run dbh spec-id target run-name state status owner event-time comment fail-count pass-count  area-id last-update publish-time)
		      (let* ((smallest-time (hash-table-ref/default smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" #f)))
                        (if (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time))
        		  (hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update)
                        ;; call this function recursively to get the pgdb run id
                        ;; TODO: Why not just call pgdb:get-run-id here to get the id?
                        (tasks:run-id->mtpg-run-id dbh cached-info run-id area-info smallest-last-update-time)

(define (task:add-run-tag dbh run-id tag) 
  (let* ((tag-info (pgdb:get-tag-info-by-name dbh tag)))
   (if (not tag-info)
     (if (handle-exceptions
               (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))     
	   (pgdb:insert-tag  dbh   tag))
                       (set! tag-info (pgdb:get-tag-info-by-name dbh tag))
     ;;add to area_tags
               (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))     
           (if (not (pgdb:is-run-taged-with-a-tag dbh (vector-ref tag-info 0)  run-id))  
	   (pgdb:insert-run-tag  dbh   (vector-ref tag-info 0)  run-id)))))

(define (tasks:sync-test-steps dbh cached-info test-step-ids smallest-last-update-time)
 ; (print "Sync Steps " test-step-ids )
  (let ((test-ht (hash-table-ref cached-info 'tests))
        (step-ht (hash-table-ref cached-info 'steps))
        (run-id-in #f)
     (lambda (test-step-id)
        (set! run-id-in (cdr test-step-id))
        (set! test-step-id (car test-step-id))

        (let* ((test-step-info  (rmt:get-steps-info-by-id run-id-in test-step-id))
               (step-id (tdb:step-get-id test-step-info))
               (test-id  (tdb:step-get-test_id    test-step-info))   
	       (stepname (tdb:step-get-stepname  test-step-info))
	       (state (tdb:step-get-state test-step-info))	
	       (status (tdb:step-get-status test-step-info))	
	       (event_time (tdb:step-get-event_time  test-step-info))	
	       (comment  (tdb:step-get-comment test-step-info))	
	       (logfile (tdb:step-get-logfile test-step-info))	
         (last-update (tdb:step-get-last_update test-step-info))
	       (pgdb-test-id  (hash-table-ref/default test-ht test-id #f))
				 (smallest-time (hash-table-ref/default smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" #f))
         (pgdb-step-id (if pgdb-test-id 
                         (pgdb:get-test-step-id dbh pgdb-test-id stepname state)
    (if step-id
        (if pgdb-test-id
                (if  pgdb-step-id
                    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*  "Updating existing test-step with test-id: " test-id " and step-id " step-id " pgdb test id: " pgdb-test-id " pgdb step id " pgdb-step-id )
										(let* ((pgdb-last-update (pgdb:get-test-step-last-update dbh pgdb-step-id)))
         (if (and  (> last-update pgdb-last-update) (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time)))
        (hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update))) 
                    (pgdb:update-test-step dbh pgdb-step-id pgdb-test-id stepname state status event_time comment logfile last-update))
 		      (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*  "Inserting test-step with test-id: " test-id " and step-id " step-id  " pgdb test id: " pgdb-test-id)
                     (if (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time))
        				      (hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update))
                      (pgdb:insert-test-step dbh pgdb-test-id stepname state status event_time comment logfile last-update )
                      (set! pgdb-step-id  (pgdb:get-test-step-id dbh pgdb-test-id stepname state))))
                (hash-table-set! step-ht step-id pgdb-step-id ))
           (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  "Error: Test not cashed")))
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  "Error: Could not get test step info for step id " test-step-id ))))	;; this is a wierd senario need to debug      	

(define (tasks:sync-test-gen-data dbh cached-info test-data-ids smallest-last-update-time)
  (let ((test-ht (hash-table-ref cached-info 'tests))
        (data-ht (hash-table-ref cached-info 'data))
        (run-id-in #f)
     (lambda (test-data-id)
        (set! run-id-in (cdr test-data-id))
        (set! test-data-id (car test-data-id))
        (let* ((test-data-info  (rmt:get-data-info-by-id run-id-in test-data-id))
               (data-id (db:test-data-get-id  test-data-info))
               (test-id  (db:test-data-get-test_id   test-data-info))   
	       (category  (db:test-data-get-category  test-data-info))
	       (variable  (db:test-data-get-variable test-data-info))	
	       (value (db:test-data-get-value  test-data-info))	
               (expected (db:test-data-get-expected  test-data-info))
               (tol (db:test-data-get-tol  test-data-info))
               (units (db:test-data-get-units  test-data-info))     
	       (comment  (db:test-data-get-comment test-data-info))	
               (status (db:test-data-get-status test-data-info))	
	       (type (db:test-data-get-type test-data-info))
				 (last-update (db:test-data-get-last_update test-data-info))
				 (smallest-time (hash-table-ref/default smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" #f))
	       (pgdb-test-id  (hash-table-ref/default test-ht test-id #f))
               (pgdb-data-id (if pgdb-test-id 
                                 (pgdb:get-test-data-id dbh pgdb-test-id category variable)
    (if data-id
        (if pgdb-test-id
                (if  pgdb-data-id
                    (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*  "Updating existing test-data with test-id: " test-id " and  data-id " data-id " pgdb test id: " pgdb-test-id " pgdb data id " pgdb-data-id)
                    (let* ((pgdb-last-update (pgdb:get-test-data-last-update dbh pgdb-data-id)))
         (if (and  (>  last-update pgdb-last-update) (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time)))
        (hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update))) 
                    (pgdb:update-test-data dbh pgdb-data-id pgdb-test-id  category variable value expected tol units comment status type last-update))
 		      (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*  "Inserting test-data with test-id: " test-id " and data-id " data-id " pgdb test id: " pgdb-test-id)
                       (if (handle-exceptions
		      (begin (print-call-chain)
                              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))     
                    (pgdb:insert-test-data dbh pgdb-test-id category variable value expected tol units comment status type last-update))
		       ;(tasks:run-id->mtpg-run-id dbh cached-info run-id area-info)
                      ;(pgdb:insert-test-data dbh pgdb-test-id category variable value expected tol units comment status type )
											(if (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time))
        								(hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update))
                      (set! pgdb-data-id  (pgdb:get-test-data-id dbh pgdb-test-id  category variable)))
                (hash-table-set! data-ht data-id pgdb-data-id ))
                 (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  "Error: Test not in pgdb"))))

      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  "Error: Could not get test data info for data id " test-data-id ))))	;; this is a wierd senario need to debug      	

;; This function synchronizes test data between the megatest db and the pgdb. It takes several parameters, including a pgdb database handle (dbh), 
;; a hash table of cached information (cached-info), a list of test IDs (test-ids), and other data related to the specific area being synced (area-info and smallest-last-update-time).

;; The function first retrieves the cached test hash table (test-ht) from cached-info and sets the run-id-in variable to false. It then iterates over each test ID in test-ids using 
;; a for-each loop. Within the loop, it sets run-id-in to the second element of the test ID pair (which is assumed to be a cons cell), and sets test-id to the first element of the pair.

;; The function then uses rmt:get-test-info-by-id  to retrieve information about the test specified by run-id-in and test-id. It extracts various properties from this 
;; information, such as the run-id, test-name, item-path, state, status, host, and so on.

;; If item-path is null or empty, the function prints a message to the log. Otherwise, it checks if pgdb-run-id is truthy, meaning that a corresponding test record was found in the 
;; remote database. If pgdb-test-id is also truthy, it means that the test record exists in the remote database and needs to be updated. If pgdb-test-id is falsey, it means that the 
;; test record needs to be inserted into the remote database.

;; If the last-update timestamp of the local test record is greater than the last-update timestamp of the remote test record, the function updates the remote test record with the new 
;; data. If the last-update timestamp is less than or equal to the smallest-time value in smallest-last-update-time, the function updates the smallest-time value to the new last-update 
;; timestamp. If the remote test record does not exist, the function inserts a new test record into the remote database.

;; After each test ID is processed, the function updates the test-ht hash table with the corresponding pgdb-test-id.

(define (tasks:sync-tests-data dbh cached-info test-ids area-info smallest-last-update-time)
  (let ((test-ht (hash-table-ref cached-info 'tests))
        (run-id-in #f))
     (lambda (test-id)
        (set! run-id-in  (cdr test-id))
        (set! test-id (car test-id))

        (debug:print 0 *default-log-port*  "test-id: " test-id " run-id: " run-id-in) 
       (let* ((test-info    (rmt:get-test-info-by-id run-id-in test-id))
	      (run-id       (db:test-get-run_id    test-info)) ;; look these up in db_records.scm
	      (test-id      (db:test-get-id        test-info))
	      (test-name    (db:test-get-testname  test-info))
	      (item-path    (db:test-get-item-path test-info))
	      (state        (db:test-get-state     test-info))
	      (status       (db:test-get-status    test-info))
	      (host         (db:test-get-host      test-info))
        (pid          (db:test-get-process_id test-info)) 
	      (cpuload      (db:test-get-cpuload   test-info))
	      (diskfree     (db:test-get-diskfree  test-info))
	      (uname        (db:test-get-uname     test-info))
	      (run-dir      (db:test-get-rundir    test-info))
	      (log-file     (db:test-get-final_logf test-info))
	      (run-duration (db:test-get-run_duration test-info))
	      (comment      (db:test-get-comment   test-info))
	      (event-time   (db:test-get-event_time test-info))
	      (archived     (db:test-get-archived  test-info))
        (last-update  (db:test-get-last_update  test-info))
	      (pgdb-run-id  (tasks:run-id->mtpg-run-id dbh cached-info run-id area-info smallest-last-update-time))
        (smallest-time (hash-table-ref/default smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" #f))       
	      (pgdb-test-id (if pgdb-run-id 
                                  ;(print pgdb-run-id)    
                                 (pgdb:get-test-id dbh pgdb-run-id test-name item-path))
	 ;; "id"           "run_id"        "testname"  "state"      "status"      "event_time"
	 ;; "host"         "cpuload"       "diskfree"  "uname"      "rundir"      "item_path"
	 ;; "run_duration" "final_logf"    "comment"   "shortdir"   "attemptnum"  "archived"
         (if (or (not item-path) (string-null? item-path))
             (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Working on Run id : " run-id " and test name : " test-name)) 
         (if pgdb-run-id
	     (if pgdb-test-id ;; have a record
	       (begin ;; let ((key-name (conc run-id "/" test-name "/" item-path)))
	         (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*  "Updating existing test with run-id: " run-id " and test-id: " test-id " pgdb run id: " pgdb-run-id "  pgdb-test-id "  pgdb-test-id)
                 (let* ((pgdb-last-update (pgdb:get-test-last-update dbh pgdb-test-id)))
                   (if (and  (>  last-update pgdb-last-update) (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time))) ;;if last-update is same as pgdb-last-update then it is safe to assume the records are identical and we can use a larger last update time.
                     (hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update)
	         (pgdb:update-test dbh pgdb-test-id pgdb-run-id test-name item-path state status host cpuload diskfree uname run-dir log-file run-duration comment event-time archived last-update pid)
                 (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*  "Inserting test with run-id: " run-id " and test-id: " test-id  " pgdb run id: " pgdb-run-id)
                 (pgdb:insert-test dbh pgdb-run-id test-name item-path state status host cpuload diskfree uname run-dir log-file run-duration comment event-time archived last-update pid)
                 (if (or (not smallest-time) (< last-update smallest-time))
        				(hash-table-set! smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" last-update)
                 (set! pgdb-test-id (pgdb:get-test-id dbh pgdb-run-id test-name item-path))
            (hash-table-set! test-ht test-id pgdb-test-id))
            (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  "WARNING: Skipping run with run-id:" run-id ". This run was created after previous sync and removed before this sync.")

(define (task:add-area-tag dbh area-info tag) 
  (let* ((tag-info (pgdb:get-tag-info-by-name dbh tag)))
   (if (not tag-info)
     (if (handle-exceptions
               (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))     
	   (pgdb:insert-tag  dbh   tag))
                       (set! tag-info (pgdb:get-tag-info-by-name dbh tag))
     ;;add to area_tags
               (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))     
           (if (not (pgdb:is-area-taged-with-a-tag dbh (vector-ref tag-info 0)  (vector-ref area-info 0)))  
	   (pgdb:insert-area-tag  dbh   (vector-ref tag-info 0)  (vector-ref area-info 0))))))

(define (tasks:sync-run-data dbh cached-info run-ids area-info smallest-last-update-time) 
     (lambda (run-id)
      (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port*   "Check if run with " run-id " needs to be synced" )
       (tasks:run-id->mtpg-run-id dbh cached-info run-id area-info smallest-last-update-time))

;; This function takes two arguments "configdat" and "dest". The purpose of this function is to synchronize data from a source database to a PostgreSQL database.

;; Here's what this function does:

;; Opens a connection to the PostgreSQL database using the "pgdb:open" function.
;; Retrieves information about the last sync of *toppath*, using pgdb:get-area-by-path, and stores it in the "area-info" vector variable. (id, area_name, area_path, last_sync)
;; Creates a hash table named "cached-info" which will contain a start time, and megatest to pgdb ID mapping tables for runs, targets, tests, steps, and data. The targets table does not seem to be used. (TODO: remove it?)
;; Checks if the user has provided EITHER both the "target" and "run-name" arguments or NEITHER. If not, it prints an error message and exits.
;; Sets the "start" variable to the current time.
;; Creates hash tables for five data types: runs, targets, tests, steps, and data, and enters them in the cached-info table..
;; Sets the "start" time in the "cached-info" hash table.

;; If area-info was found,
;;  Retrieves the last synchronization time from the area-info vector or from the megatest "-since" argument.
;;  Creates the smallest-last-update-time hash table.
;;  Retrieves records that have been changed since the last synchronization time using the "rmt:get-changed-record-ids" or "rmt:get-run-record-ids" function, depending on whether the user has provided the "-target" and "-runname" arguments.
;;  Retrieves the IDs of runs, tests, test steps, test data, and run stats that have been changed.
;;  Retrieves the area tag from the user-provided "-area-tag" or "-area" argument or sets it to the default area tag.
;;  Adds the area tag to the area record in the PostgreSQL database.
;;  synchronizes the runs, tests, test steps, and test data using their respective "tasks:sync-" functions.
;;  Writes the synchronization time to the PostgreSQL database from smallest-last-update-time..
;; If the area info was not found, it sets the area using tasks:set-area.
;;  If the "tasks:set-area" function returns true, the "tasks:sync-to-postgres" function is called again recursively. Otherwise, an error message is printed and the function returns false. 
;;  TODO: just set the area-info when it is not found, instead of doing recursion here.

(define (tasks:sync-to-postgres configdat dest)
  (let* ((dbh         (pgdb:open configdat dbname: dest))
	 (area-info   (pgdb:get-area-by-path dbh *toppath*))
	 (cached-info (make-hash-table))
	 (start       (current-seconds))
         (test-patt   (if (args:get-arg "-testpatt")
		      (args:get-arg "-testpatt")
         (target      (if (args:get-arg "-target")
		      (args:get-arg "-target")
         (run-name   (if (args:get-arg "-runname")
		     (args:get-arg "-runname")
     (if (and target  (not run-name))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Error: Provide runname")
          (exit 1)))
     (if (and (not target)  run-name)
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Error: Provide target")
          (exit 1)))
    (for-each (lambda (dtype)
		(hash-table-set! cached-info dtype (make-hash-table)))
	      '(runs targets tests steps data))
    (hash-table-set! cached-info 'start start) ;; when done we'll set sync times to this
    (if area-info
	(let* ((last-sync-time (if (args:get-arg "-since") (string->number (args:get-arg "-since")) (vector-ref area-info 3)))
	       (smallest-last-update-time  (make-hash-table))
               (changed      (if (and target run-name)
                            (rmt:get-run-record-ids target run-name (rmt:get-keys) test-patt)
                            (rmt:get-changed-record-ids last-sync-time)))
	       (run-ids        (alist-ref 'runs       changed))
	       (test-ids       (alist-ref 'tests      changed))
               (area-tag    (if (args:get-arg "-area-tag") 
                                 (args:get-arg "-area-tag")
                                 (if (args:get-arg "-area") 
                                   (args:get-arg "-area") 

           (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "changed records since "  (time->string (seconds->local-time last-sync-time) "%m/%d %H:%M") ": " changed)

           (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "last sync time: " last-sync-time)
           (if (and (equal? area-tag "") (not (pgdb:is-area-taged dbh (vector-ref area-info 0))))
            (set! area-tag *default-area-tag*)) 
           (if (not (equal? area-tag "")) 
             (task:add-area-tag dbh area-info area-tag)) 
          (if (not (null? run-ids))
               (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "syncing runs: " run-ids)   
	       (tasks:sync-run-data dbh cached-info run-ids area-info smallest-last-update-time) 

          (if (not (null? test-ids))
              (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "syncing tests: " test-ids)
	      (tasks:sync-tests-data dbh cached-info test-ids area-info smallest-last-update-time)
          (let*  ((smallest-time (hash-table-ref/default smallest-last-update-time "smallest-time" (current-seconds))))
             (debug:print-info 0 "smallest-time :" smallest-time  " last-sync-time " last-sync-time)
             (if (not (and target run-name)) 
	       (if (or (and smallest-time (> smallest-time last-sync-time)) (and smallest-time (eq? last-sync-time 0)))
		 (pgdb:write-sync-time dbh area-info smallest-time))
        ) ;;this needs to be changed

        ;; If the area info was not found in the the areas table, set it and repeat tasks:sync-to-postgres.
        ;; TODO: why not just set the area info when it is not found rather than do recursion?
	(if (tasks:set-area dbh configdat)
	    (tasks:sync-to-postgres configdat dest)
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: unable to create an area record")