
configfmod.scm at [17e7810cad]

File configfmod.scm artifact 6693a9270b part of check-in 17e7810cad

;; Copyright 2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


(declare (unit configfmod))
(declare (uses mtargs))
(declare (uses debugprint))
(declare (uses keysmod))

(module configfmod
(import scheme

	(prefix mtargs args:)

	(prefix base64 base64:)
	(prefix dbi dbi:)
	(prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:)
	(srfi 18)

(define *configdat*    #f) 

(define getenv get-environment-variable)
(define setenv set-environment-variable!)
(define unsetenv unset-environment-variable!)

;; move debug stuff to separate module then put these back where they belong
;; lookup routines - replicated from configf

(define (configf:lookup cfgdat section var)
  (if (hash-table? cfgdat)
      (let ((sectdat (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '())))
	(if (null? sectdat)
	    (let ((match (assoc var sectdat)))
	      (if match ;; (and match (list? match)(> (length match) 1))
		  (cadr match)

(define (configf:assoc-safe-add alist key val #!key (metadata #f))
  (let ((newalist (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? key (car x)))) alist)))
    (append newalist (list (if metadata
			       (list key val metadata)
			       (list key val))))))

(define (configf:section-var-set! cfgdat section-name var value #!key (metadata #f))
  (hash-table-set! cfgdat section-name
		    (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section-name '())
		    var value metadata: metadata)))

;; use to have definitive setting:
;;  [foo]
;;  var yes
;;  (configf:var-is? cfgdat "foo" "var" "yes") => #t
(define (configf:var-is? cfgdat section var expected-val)
  (equal? (configf:lookup cfgdat section var) expected-val))

;; redefines
(define config-lookup configf:lookup)
;; (define configf:read-file read-config)

;; safely look up a value that is expected to be a number, return
;; a default (#f unless provided)
(define (configf:lookup-number cfdat section varname #!key (default #f))
  (let* ((val (configf:lookup cfdat section varname))
         (res (if val
                  (string->number (string-substitute "\\s+" "" val #t))
     (res  res)
     (val  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: no number found for [" section "], " varname ", got: " val))
     (else default))))

(define (configf:section-vars cfgdat section)
  (let ((sectdat (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '())))
    (if (null? sectdat)
	(map car sectdat))))

(define (configf:get-section cfgdat section)
  (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '()))

(define (configf:set-section-var cfgdat section var val)
  (let ((sectdat (configf:get-section cfgdat section)))
    (hash-table-set! cfgdat section
                     (configf:assoc-safe-add sectdat var val))))

;;======================================================================the end

;; return list (path fullpath configname)
(define (find-config configname #!key (toppath #f))
  (if toppath
      (let ((cfname (conc toppath "/" configname)))
	(if (file-exists? cfname)
	    (list toppath cfname configname)
	    (list #f      #f     #f)))
      (let* ((cwd (string-split (current-directory) "/")))
	(let loop ((dir cwd))
	  (let* ((path     (conc "/" (string-intersperse dir "/")))
		 (fullpath (conc path "/" configname)))
	    (if (file-exists? fullpath)
		(list path fullpath configname)
		(let ((remcwd (take dir (- (length dir) 1))))
		  (if (null? remcwd)
		      (list #f #f #f) ;;  #f #f) 
		  (loop remcwd)))))))))

(define (configf:eval-string-in-environment str)
  ;; (if (or (string-null? str)
  ;;	  (equal? "!" (substring str 0 1))) ;; null string or starts with ! are preserved but NOT set in the environment
	 (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "problem evaluating \"" str "\" in the shell environment, exn=" exn)
       (let ((cmdres (process:cmd-run->list (conc "echo " str))))
	 (if (null? cmdres) ""
	     (caar cmdres))))) ;; )

;; Make the regexp's needed globally available

(define configf:include-rx (regexp "^\\[include\\s+(.*)\\]\\s*$"))
(define configf:script-rx  (regexp "^\\[scriptinc\\s+(\\S+)([^\\]]*)\\]\\s*$")) ;; include output from a script
(define configf:section-rx (regexp "^\\[(.*)\\]\\s*$"))
(define configf:blank-l-rx (regexp "^\\s*$"))
(define configf:key-sys-pr (regexp "^(\\S+)\\s+\\[system\\s+(\\S+.*)\\]\\s*$"))
(define configf:key-val-pr (regexp "^(\\S+)(\\s+(.*)|())$"))
(define configf:key-no-val (regexp "^(\\S+)(\\s*)$"))
(define configf:comment-rx (regexp "^\\s*#.*"))
(define configf:cont-ln-rx (regexp "^(\\s+)(\\S+.*)$"))
(define configf:settings   (regexp "^\\[configf:settings\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)]\\s*$"))

;; read a line and process any #{ ... } constructs

(define configf:var-expand-regex (regexp "^(.*)#\\{(scheme|system|shell|getenv|get|runconfigs-get|rget|scm|sh|rp|gv|g|mtrah)\\s+([^\\}\\{]*)\\}(.*)"))

(define (configf:system ht cmd)
  (system cmd)

;; Run a shell command and return the output as a string
(define (shell cmd)
  (let* ((output (process:cmd-run->list cmd))
	 (res    (car output))
	 (status (cadr output)))
    (if (equal? status 0)
	(let ((outres (string-intersperse 
	  (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "shell result:\n" outres)
	  (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
	    (lambda ()
	      (print "ERROR: " cmd " returned bad exit code " status)))

;; this was inline but I'm pretty sure that is a hold over from when it was *very* simple ...
(define (configf:read-line p ht allow-processing settings env-to-use)
  (let loop ((inl (read-line p)))
    (let ((cont-line (and (string? inl)
			  (not (string-null? inl))
			  (equal? "\\" (string-take-right inl 1)))))
      (if cont-line ;; last character is \ 
	  (let ((nextl (read-line p)))
	    (if (not (eof-object? nextl))
		(loop (string-append (if cont-line 
					 (string-take inl (- (string-length inl) 1))
	  (let ((res (case allow-processing ;; if (and allow-processing 
		       ;;	   (not (eq? allow-processing 'return-string)))
		       ((#t #f)
			(configf:process-line inl ht allow-processing env-to-use))
			(configf:process-line inl ht allow-processing env-to-use)))))
	    (if (and (string? res)  ;; must set to "no" to force NOT trimming trailing spaces
		     (not (equal? (hash-table-ref/default settings "trim-trailing-spaces" "yes") "no")))
		(string-substitute "\\s+$" "" res)

(define (configf:cfgdat->env-alist section cfgdat-ht allow-system)
   (lambda (pair)
     (let* ((var (car pair))
            (val (cdr pair)))
       (cons var
              ((and allow-system (procedure? val)) ;; if we decided to use something other than #t or #f for allow-system ('return-procs or 'return-string) , this may become problematic
              ((procedure? val) #f)
              ((string? val) val)
              (else "#f")))))
    (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat-ht "default" '())
    (if (equal? section "default") '() (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat-ht section '())))))

(define (calc-allow-system allow-system section sections)
  (if sections
      (and (or (equal? "default" section)
	       (member section sections))
	   allow-system) ;; account for sections and return allow-system as it might be a symbol such as return-strings
;; given a config hash and a section name, apply that section to all matching sections (using wildcard % or regex if /..../)
;; remove the section when done so that there is no downstream clobbering
(define (configf:apply-wildcards ht section-name)
  (if (hash-table-exists? ht section-name)
      (let* ((vars  (hash-table-ref ht section-name))
	     (rxstr (if (string-contains section-name "%")
			(string-substitute (regexp "%") ".*" section-name)
			(string-substitute (regexp "^/(.*)/$") "\\1" section-name)))
	     (rx    (regexp rxstr)))
	;; (print "\nsection-name: " section-name " rxstr: " rxstr)
         (lambda (section)
	   (if section
	       (let ((same-section (string=? section-name section))
		     (rx-match     (string-match rx section)))
		 ;; (print "section: " section " vars: " vars " same-section: " same-section " rx-match: " rx-match)
		 (if (and (not same-section) rx-match)
		      (lambda (bundle)
			;; (print "bundle: " bundle)
			(let ((key  (car bundle))
			      (val  (cadr bundle))
			      (meta (if (> (length bundle) 2)(caddr bundle) #f)))
			  (hash-table-set! ht section (configf:assoc-safe-add (hash-table-ref ht section) key val metadata: meta))))
         (hash-table-keys ht))))

;; read a config file, returns hash table of alists

;; read a config file, returns hash table of alists
;; adds to ht if given (must be #f otherwise)
;; allow-system:
;;    #f - do not evaluate [system
;;    #t - immediately evaluate [system and store result as string
;;    'return-procs -- return a proc taking ht as an argument that may be evaulated at some future time
;;    'return-string -- return a string representing a proc taking ht as an argument that may be evaulated at some future time
;; envion-patt is a regex spec that identifies sections that will be eval'd
;; in the environment on the fly
;; sections: #f => get all, else list of sections to gather
;; post-section-procs alist of section-pattern => proc, where: (proc section-name next-section-name ht curr-path)
;; apply-wildcards: #t/#f - apply vars from targets with % wildcards to all matching sections
(define (configf:read-config path ht allow-system #!key (environ-patt #f)            (curr-section #f)   
		     (sections #f)              (settings (make-hash-table)) (keep-filenames #f)
		     (post-section-procs '())   (apply-wildcards #t) (env-to-use #f))
  (debug:print 9 *default-log-port* "START: " path)
;; (if *configdat*
;;     (common:save-pkt `((action . read-config)
;;       		 (f      . ,(cond ((string? path) path)
;;       				  ((port?   path) "port")
;;       				  (else (conc path))))
;;                        (T      . configf))
;;       	       *configdat* #t add-only: #t))
  (if (and (not (port? path))
	   (not (file-exists? path))) ;; for case where we are handed a port
	(debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "configf:read-config - file not found " path " current path: " (current-directory))
	;; WARNING: This is a risky change but really, we should not return an empty hash table if no file read?
	#f) ;; (if (not ht)(make-hash-table) ht))
      (let (;; (env-to-use (if env-to-use env-to-use (module-environment 'configfmod)))
	    (inp        (if (string? path)
			    (open-input-file path)
			      path)) ;; we can be handed a port
	    (res        (if (not ht)(make-hash-table) ht))
	    (metapath   (if (or (debug:debug-mode 9)
			    path #f))
            (process-wildcards  (lambda (res curr-section-name)
                                  (if (and apply-wildcards
                                           (or (string-contains curr-section-name "%")   ;; wildcard
                                               (string-match "/.*/" curr-section-name))) ;; regex
                                        (configf:apply-wildcards res curr-section-name)
                                        (hash-table-delete! res curr-section-name))))))  ;; NOTE: if the section is a wild card it will be REMOVED from res 
	(let loop ((inl               (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section sections) settings env-to-use)) ;; (read-line inp))
		   (curr-section-name (if curr-section curr-section "default"))
		   (var-flag #f);; turn on for key-var-pr and cont-ln-rx, turn off elsewhere
		   (lead     #f))
	  (debug:print-info 8 *default-log-port* "curr-section-name: " curr-section-name " var-flag: " var-flag "\n   inl: \"" inl "\"")
	  (if (eof-object? inl) 
                ;; process last section for wildcards
                (process-wildcards res curr-section-name)
		(if (string? path) ;; we received a path, not a port, thus we are responsible for closing it.
		    (close-input-port inp))
		(if (list? sections) ;; delete all sections except given when sections is provided
		     (lambda (section)
		       (if (not (member section sections))
			   (hash-table-delete! res section))) ;; we are using "" as a dumping ground and must remove it before returning the ht
		     (hash-table-keys res)))
		(debug:print 9 *default-log-port* "END: " path)
                ) ;; retval
	       (configf:comment-rx _                  (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use)
                                                            curr-section-name #f #f))
	       (configf:blank-l-rx _                  (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use)
                                                            curr-section-name #f #f))
	       (configf:settings   ( x setting val  )
                                     (hash-table-set! settings setting val)
                                     (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use)
                                           curr-section-name #f #f)))
	       (configf:include-rx ( x include-file )
                                   (let* ((curr-conf-dir (pathname-directory path))
                                          (full-conf     (if (and (absolute-pathname? include-file) (file-exists? include-file))
                                                              (conc (if curr-conf-dir
                                                                    "/" include-file)))))
				     (let ((all-matches (sort (handle-exceptions exn
								 (debug:print '(2 9) *default-log-port* "glob of " full-conf " gave no match. , exn=" exn)
								(glob full-conf)) string<=?)))
				       (if (null? all-matches)
					     (debug:print '(2 9) #f "INFO: include file(s) matching " include-file " not found (called from " path ")")
					     (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "        " full-conf))
					    (lambda (fpath)
					      ;; (push-directory conf-dir)
					      (debug:print 9 *default-log-port* "Including: " full-conf)
					      (configf:read-config fpath res allow-system environ-patt: environ-patt
							   curr-section: curr-section-name sections: sections settings: settings
							   keep-filenames: keep-filenames env-to-use: env-to-use))
				       (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use)
					     curr-section-name #f #f))))
	       (configf:script-rx ( x include-script params);; handle-exceptions
                                  ;;    exn
                                  ;;    (begin
                                  ;;      (debug:print '(0 2 9) #f "INFO: include from script " include-script " failed.")
                                  ;;      (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings) curr-section-name #f #f))
                                  (if (and (file-exists? include-script)(file-executable? include-script))
                                      (let* ((local-allow-system  (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections))
                                             (env-delta  (configf:cfgdat->env-alist curr-section-name res local-allow-system))
                                               (lambda ()
                                                 (open-input-pipe (conc include-script " " params))))))
                                        (debug:print '(2 9) *default-log-port* "Including from script output: " include-script)
                                        ;;  (print "We got here, calling configf:read-config next. Port is: " new-inp-port)
                                        (configf:read-config new-inp-port res allow-system environ-patt: environ-patt curr-section: curr-section-name sections: sections settings: settings keep-filenames: keep-filenames env-to-use: env-to-use)
                                        (close-input-port new-inp-port)
                                        (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use) curr-section-name #f #f))
                                        (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Script not found or not exectutable: " include-script)
                                        (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use) curr-section-name #f #f)))
                                  ) ;; )
	       (configf:section-rx ( x section-name )
                                     ;; call post-section-procs
                                      (lambda (dat)
                                        (let ((patt (car dat))
                                              (proc (cdr dat)))
                                          (if (string-match patt curr-section-name)
                                              (proc curr-section-name section-name res path))))
                                     ;; after gathering the vars for a section and if apply-wildcards is true and if there is a wildcard in the section name process wildcards
                                     ;; NOTE: we are processing the curr-section-name, NOT section-name.
                                     (process-wildcards res curr-section-name)
                                     (if (not (hash-table-ref/default res section-name #f))(hash-table-set! res section-name '())) ;; ensure that mere mention of a section is not lost
                                     (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use)
                                           ;; if we have the sections list then force all settings into "" and delete it later?
                                           ;; (if (or (not sections) 
                                           ;;	      (member section-name sections))
                                           ;;	  section-name "") ;; stick everything into "". NOPE: We need new strategy. Put stuff in correct sections and then delete all sections later.
                                           #f #f)))
	       (configf:key-sys-pr ( x key cmd      )
                                   (if (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections)
                                       (let ((alist    (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '()))
                                             (val-proc (lambda ()
                                                         (let* ((start-time (current-seconds))
                                                                (local-allow-system  (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections))
                                                                (env-delta  (configf:cfgdat->env-alist curr-section-name res local-allow-system))
                                                                (cmdres     (process:cmd-run->list cmd delta-env-alist-or-hash-table: env-delta)) ;; BB: here is where [system is exec'd.  needs to have env from other vars!
                                                                (delta      (- (current-seconds) start-time))
                                                                (status     (cadr cmdres))
                                                                (res        (car  cmdres)))
                                                           (debug:print-info 4 *default-log-port* "" inl "\n => " (string-intersperse res "\n"))
                                                           (if (not (eq? status 0))
                                                                 (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "problem with " inl ", return code " status
                                                                                    " output: " cmdres)))
                                                           (if (> delta 2)
                                                               (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "for line \"" inl "\"\n  command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n   " res)
                                                               (debug:print-info 9 *default-log-port* "for line \"" inl "\"\n  command: " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n   " res))
                                                           (if (null? res)
                                                               (string-intersperse res " "))))))
                                         (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
                                                          (configf:assoc-safe-add alist
                                                                                 (case (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections)
                                                                                   ((return-procs) val-proc)
                                                                                   ((return-string) cmd)
                                                                                   (else (val-proc)))
                                                                                 metadata: metapath))
                                         (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use) curr-section-name #f #f))
                                       (loop (configf:read-line inp res
                                                                (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections)
                                                                settings env-to-use)
                                             curr-section-name #f #f)))
	       (configf:key-no-val ( x key val)
                                   (let* ((alist   (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '()))
                                          (fval    (or (if (string? val) val #f) ""))) ;; fval should be either "" or " " (one or more spaces)
                                     (debug:print 10 *default-log-port* "   setting: [" curr-section-name "] " key " = #t")
                                     (safe-setenv key fval)
                                     (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
                                                      (configf:assoc-safe-add alist key fval metadata: metapath))
                                     (loop (configf:read-line inp res
                                                              (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections)
                                                              settings env-to-use)
                                           curr-section-name key #f)))
	       (configf:key-val-pr ( x key unk1 val unk2 )
                                   (let* ((alist   (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '()))
                                          (envar   (and environ-patt
							(string-search (regexp environ-patt) curr-section-name) ;; does the section match the envionpatt?
							(and (not (string-null? key))
							     (not (equal? "!" (substring key 0 1)))) ;; ! as leading character is a signature to NOT export to the environment
							;; (string-match "^.*:.*:.*$" key) ;; ;; something:something:something reserved for triggers in runconfigs
                                          (realval (if envar
                                                       (configf:eval-string-in-environment val)
                                     (debug:print-info 6 *default-log-port* "configf:read-config env setting, envar: " envar " realval: " realval " val: " val " key: " key " curr-section-name: " curr-section-name)
                                     (if envar (safe-setenv key realval))
                                     (debug:print 10 *default-log-port* "   setting: [" curr-section-name "] " key " = " val)
                                     (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
                                                      (configf:assoc-safe-add alist key realval metadata: metapath))
                                     (loop (configf:read-line inp res
                                                              (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use)
                                           curr-section-name key #f)))
	       ;; if a continued line
	       (configf:cont-ln-rx ( x whsp val     )
                                   (let ((alist (hash-table-ref/default res curr-section-name '())))
                                     (if var-flag             ;; if set to a string then we have a continued var
                                         (let ((newval (conc 
                                                        (configf:lookup res curr-section-name var-flag) "\n"
                                                        ;; trim lead from the incoming whsp to support some indenting.
                                                        (if lead
                                                            (string-substitute (regexp lead) "" whsp)
                                           ;; (print "val: " val "\nnewval: \"" newval "\"\nvarflag: " var-flag)
                                           (hash-table-set! res curr-section-name 
                                                            (configf:assoc-safe-add alist var-flag newval metadata: metapath))
                                           (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use) curr-section-name var-flag (if lead lead whsp)))
                                         (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use) curr-section-name #f #f))))
	       (else (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "problem parsing " path ",\n   \"" inl "\"")
		     (set! var-flag #f)
		     (loop (configf:read-line inp res (calc-allow-system allow-system curr-section-name sections) settings env-to-use) curr-section-name #f #f))))
          ) ;; end loop
;; lookup and manipulation routines

;; (define (configf:assoc-safe-add alist key val #!key (metadata #f))
;;   (let ((newalist (filter (lambda (x)(not (equal? key (car x)))) alist)))
;;     (append newalist (list (if metadata
;; 			       (list key val metadata)
;; 			       (list key val))))))
;; (define (configf:section-var-set! cfgdat section-name var value #!key (metadata #f))
;;   (hash-table-set! cfgdat section-name
;; 		   (configf:assoc-safe-add
;; 		    (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section-name '())
;; 		    var value metadata: metadata)))
;; (define (configf:lookup cfgdat section var)
;;   (if (hash-table? cfgdat)
;;       (let ((sectdat (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '())))
;; 	(if (null? sectdat)
;; 	    #f
;; 	    (let ((match (assoc var sectdat)))
;; 	      (if match ;; (and match (list? match)(> (length match) 1))
;; 		  (cadr match)
;; 		  #f))
;; 	    ))
;;       #f))
;; ;; use to have definitive setting:
;; ;;  [foo]
;; ;;  var yes
;; ;;
;; ;;  (configf:var-is? cfgdat "foo" "var" "yes") => #t
;; ;;
;; (define (configf:var-is? cfgdat section var expected-val)
;;   (equal? (configf:lookup cfgdat section var) expected-val))

;; ;; safely look up a value that is expected to be a number, return
;; ;; a default (#f unless provided)
;; ;;
;; (define (configf:lookup-number cfdat section varname #!key (default #f))
;;   (let* ((val (configf:lookup *configdat* section varname))
;;          (res (if val
;;                   (string->number (string-substitute "\\s+" "" val #t))
;;                   #f)))
;;     (cond
;;      (res  res)
;;      (val  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: no number found for [" section "], " varname ", got: " val))
;;      (else default))))
;; (define (configf:section-vars cfgdat section)
;;   (let ((sectdat (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '())))
;;     (if (null? sectdat)
;; 	'()
;; 	(map car sectdat))))
;; (define (configf:get-section cfgdat section)
;;   (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat section '()))
;; (define (configf:set-section-var cfgdat section var val)
;;   (let ((sectdat (configf:get-section cfgdat section)))
;;     (hash-table-set! cfgdat section
;;                      (configf:assoc-safe-add sectdat var val))))
;;     ;;(append (filter (lambda (x)(not (assoc var sectdat))) sectdat)
;;     ;;	    (list var val))))
;; setup

;; This should not be here.
#;(define (setup)
  (let* ((configf (find-config "megatest.config"))
	 (config  (if configf (configf:read-config configf #f #t) #f)))
    (if config
	(setenv "RUN_AREA_HOME" (pathname-directory configf)))

(define (safe-setenv key val)
  (if (or (substring-index "!" key)
	  (substring-index ":" key)  ;; variables containing : are for internal use and cannot be environment variables.
	  (substring-index "." key)) ;; periods are not allowed in environment variables
      (debug:print-error 4 *default-log-port* "skip setting internal use only variables containing \":\" or starting with \"!\"")
      (if (and (string? val)
	       (string? key))
	      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "bad value for setenv, key=" key ", value=" val ", exn=" exn)
	    (setenv key val))
	  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "bad value for setenv, key=" key ", value=" val))))

;; accept an alist or hash table containing envvar/env value pairs (value of #f causes unset) 
;;   execute thunk in context of environment modified as per this list
;;   restore env to prior state then return value of eval'd thunk.
;;   ** this is not thread safe **
(define (common:with-env-vars delta-env-alist-or-hash-table thunk)
  (let* ((delta-env-alist (if (hash-table? delta-env-alist-or-hash-table)
                              (hash-table->alist delta-env-alist-or-hash-table)
           (map (lambda (env-pair)
                  (let* ((env-var     (car env-pair))
                         (new-val     (let ((tmp (cdr env-pair)))
                                        (if (list? tmp) (car tmp) tmp)))
                         (current-val (get-environment-variable env-var))
                           ((not current-val) (lambda () (unsetenv env-var)))
                           ((not (string? new-val)) #f)
                           ((eq? current-val new-val) #f)
                            (lambda () (setenv env-var current-val))))))
                    ;;(when (not (string? new-val))
                    ;;    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " PROBLEM: not a string: "new-val"\n from env-alist:\n"delta-env-alist)
                    ;;    (pp delta-env-alist)
                    ;;    (exit 1))
                     ((not new-val)  ;; modify env here
                      (unsetenv env-var))
                     ((string? new-val)
                      (setenv env-var new-val)))
    (let ((rv (thunk)))
      (for-each (lambda (x) (x)) restore-thunks) ;; restore env to original state

;; return a nice clean pathname made absolute
(define (common:nice-path dir)
  (let ((match (string-match "^(~[^\\/]*)(\\/.*|)$" dir)))
    (if match ;; using ~ for home?
	(common:nice-path (conc (common:read-link-f (cadr match)) "/" (caddr match)))
	(normalize-pathname (if (absolute-pathname? dir)
				(conc (current-directory) "/" dir))))))

;; make "nice-path" available in config files and the repl
(define nice-path common:nice-path)

(define (common:read-link-f path)
	(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "command \"/bin/readlink -f " path "\" failed. exn=" exn)
	path) ;; just give up
	(conc "/bin/readlink -f " path)
      (lambda ()

;; Non destructive writing of config file

(define (configf:compress-multi-lines fdat)
  ;; step 1.5 - compress any continued lines
  (if (null? fdat) fdat
	(let loop ((hed (car fdat))
		   (tal (cdr fdat))
		   (cur "")
		   (led #f)
		   (res '()))
	  ;;  1. remove led whitespace
	  ;;  2. tack on to hed with "\n"
	  (let ((match (string-match configf:cont-ln-rx hed)))
	    (if match ;; blast! have to deal with a multiline
		(let* ((lead (cadr match))
		       (lval (caddr match))
		       (newl (conc cur "\n" lval)))
		  (if (not led)(set! led lead))
		  (if (null? tal) 
		      (set! fdat (append fdat (list newl)))
		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newl led res))) ;; NB// not tacking newl onto res
		(let ((newres (if led 
				  (append res (list cur hed))
				  (append res (list hed)))))
		  ;; prev was a multiline
		  (if (null? tal)
		      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) "" #f newres))))))))

;; note: I'm cheating a little here. I merely replace "\n" with "\n         "
(define (configf:expand-multi-lines fdat)
  ;; step 1.5 - compress any continued lines
  (if (null? fdat) fdat
      (let loop ((hed (car fdat))
		 (tal (cdr fdat))
		 (res '()))
	(let ((newres (append res (list (string-substitute (regexp "\n") "\n         " hed #t)))))
	  (if (null? tal)
	      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal) newres))))))

(define (configf:file->list fname)
  (if (file-exists? fname)
      (let ((inp (open-input-file fname)))
	(let loop ((inl (read-line inp))
		   (res '()))
	  (if (eof-object? inl)
		(close-input-port inp)
		(reverse res))
	      (loop (read-line inp)(cons inl res)))))

;; Write a config
;;   0. Given a refererence data structure "indat"
;;   1. Open the output file and read it into a list
;;   2. Flatten any multiline entries
;;   3. Modify values per contents of "indat" and remove absent values
;;   4. Append new values to the section (immediately after last legit entry)
;;   5. Write out the new list 

(define (configf:write-config indat fname #!key (required-sections '()))
  (let* (;; step 1: Open the output file and read it into a list
	 (fdat       (configf:file->list fname))
	 (refdat  (make-hash-table))
	 (sechash (make-hash-table)) ;; current section hash, init with hash for "default" section
	 (new     #f) ;; put the line to be used in new, if it is to be deleted the set new to #f
	 (secname #f))

    ;; step 2: Flatten multiline entries
    (if (not (null? fdat))(set! fdat (configf:compress-multi-lines fdat)))

    ;; step 3: Modify values per contents of "indat" and remove absent values
    (if (not (null? fdat))
	(let loop ((hed  (car fdat))
		   (tal  (cadr fdat))
		   (res  '())
		   (lnum 0))
	   (configf:comment-rx _                  (set! res (append res (list hed)))) ;; (loop (read-line inp) curr-section-name #f #f))
	   (configf:blank-l-rx _                  (set! res (append res (list hed)))) ;; (loop (read-line inp) curr-section-name #f #f))
	   (configf:section-rx ( x section-name ) (let ((section-hash (hash-table-ref/default refdat section-name #f)))
					    (if (not section-hash)
						(let ((newhash (make-hash-table)))
						  (hash-table-set! refdat section-name newhash) ;; was refhash - not sure that refdat is correct here
						  (set! sechash newhash))
						(set! sechash section-hash))
					    (set! new hed) ;; will append this at the bottom of the loop
					    (set! secname section-name)
	   ;; No need to process key cmd, let it fall though to key val
	   (configf:key-val-pr ( x key val      )
		       (let ((newval (configf:lookup indat secname key))) ;; was sec, bug or correct?
			 ;; can handle newval == #f here => that means key is removed
			  ((equal? newval val)
			   (set! res (append res (list hed))))
			  ((not newval) ;; key has been removed
			   (set! new #f))
			  ((not (equal? newval val))
			     (hash-table-set! sechash key newval)
			     (set! new (conc key " " newval)))
			   (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "problem parsing line number " lnum "\"" hed "\"")))))
	    (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Problem parsing line num " lnum " :\n   " hed )))
	  (if (not (null? tal))
	      (loop (car tal)(cdr tal)(if new (append res (list new)) res)(+ lnum 1)))
	  ;; drop to here when done processing, res contains modified list of lines
	  (set! fdat res)))

    ;; step 4: Append new values to the section
     (lambda (section)
       (let ((sdat   '()) ;; append needed bits here
	     (svars  (configf:section-vars indat section)))
	  (lambda (var)
	    (let ((val (configf:lookup refdat section var)))
	      (if (not val) ;; this one is new
		    (if (null? sdat)(set! sdat (list (conc "[" section "]"))))
		    (set! sdat (append sdat (list (conc var " " val))))))))
	 (set! fdat (append fdat sdat))))
     (delete-duplicates (append required-sections (hash-table-keys indat))))

    ;; step 5: Write out new file
    (with-output-to-file fname 
      (lambda ()
	 (lambda (line)
	   (print line))
	 (configf:expand-multi-lines fdat))))))

(define (process:cmd-run->list cmd #!key (delta-env-alist-or-hash-table '()))
   (lambda ()
     (let* ((fh (open-input-pipe cmd))
            (res (port->list fh))
            (status (close-input-pipe fh)))
       (list res status)))))

(define (port->list fh)
  (if (eof-object? fh) #f
      (let loop ((curr (read-line fh))
                 (result '()))
        (if (not (eof-object? curr))
            (loop (read-line fh)
                  (append result (list curr)))

;; refdb

;; reads a refdb into an assoc array of assoc arrays
;;   returns (list dat msg)
(define (configf:read-refdb refdb-path)
  (let ((sheets-file  (conc refdb-path "/sheet-names.cfg")))
    (if (not (file-exists? sheets-file))
	(list #f (conc "ERROR: no refdb found at " refdb-path))
	(if (not (file-readable? sheets-file))
	    (list #f (conc "ERROR: refdb file not readable at " refdb-path))
	    (let* ((sheets (with-input-from-file sheets-file
			     (lambda ()
			       (let loop ((inl (read-line))
					  (res '()))
				 (if (eof-object? inl)
				     (reverse res)
				     (loop (read-line)(cons inl res)))))))
		   (data   '()))
	       (lambda (sheet-name)
		 (let* ((dat-path  (conc refdb-path "/" sheet-name ".dat"))
			(ref-dat   (configf:read-config dat-path #f #t))
			(ref-assoc (map (lambda (key)
					  (list key (hash-table-ref ref-dat key)))
					(hash-table-keys ref-dat))))
				   ;; (hash-table->alist ref-dat)))
		   ;; (set! data (append data (list (list sheet-name ref-assoc))))))
		   (set! data (cons (list sheet-name ref-assoc) data))))
	      (list data "NO ERRORS"))))))

;; map over all pairs in a three level hierarchial alist and apply a function to the keys/val
(define (configf:map-all-hier-alist data proc #!key (initproc1 #f)(initproc2 #f)(initproc3 #f))
   (lambda (sheetname)
     (let* ((sheettmp  (assoc sheetname data))
	    (sheetdat  (if sheettmp (cadr sheettmp) '())))
       (if initproc1 (initproc1 sheetname))
	(lambda (sectionname)
	  (let* ((sectiontmp  (assoc sectionname sheetdat))
		 (sectiondat  (if sectiontmp (cadr sectiontmp) '())))
	    (if initproc2 (initproc2 sheetname sectionname))
	     (lambda (varname)
	       (let* ((valtmp (assoc varname sectiondat))
		      (val    (if valtmp (cadr valtmp) "")))
		 (proc sheetname sectionname varname val)))
	     (map car sectiondat))))
	(map car sheetdat))))
   (map car data))

;;  C O N F I G   T O / F R O M   A L I S T

(define (configf:config->alist cfgdat)
  (hash-table->alist cfgdat))

(define (configf:alist->config adat)
  (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
     (lambda (section)
       (hash-table-set! ht (car section)(cdr section)))

;; convert hierarchial list to ini format
(define (configf:config->ini data)
   (lambda (section)
     (let ((section-name (car section))
	   (section-dat  (cdr section)))
       (print "\n[" section-name "]")
       (map (lambda (dat-pair)
	      (let* ((var (car dat-pair))
		     (val (cadr dat-pair))
		     (fname (if (> (length dat-pair) 2)(caddr dat-pair) #f)))
		(if fname (print "# " var "=>" fname))
		(print var " " val)))
	    section-dat))) ;;       (print "section-dat: " section-dat))
   (hash-table->alist data)))

(define (runconfig:read fname target environ-patt)
  (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
    (if target (hash-table-set! ht target '()))
    (configf:read-config fname ht #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: (if target (list "default" target) #f))))

;; Config file handling

;; convert to param?
(define configf:std-imports "") ;;(import configfmod commonmod)")

(define (configf:process-line l ht allow-system env-to-use #!key (linenum #f))
  (let loop ((res l))
    (if (string? res)
	(let ((matchdat (string-search configf:var-expand-regex res)))
	  (if matchdat
	      (let* ((prestr  (list-ref matchdat 1))
		     (cmdtype (list-ref matchdat 2)) ;; eval, system, shell, getenv
		     (cmd     (list-ref matchdat 3))
		     (poststr (list-ref matchdat 4))
		     (result  #f)
		     (start-time (current-seconds))
		     (cmdsym  (string->symbol cmdtype))
		      (conc  configf:std-imports
			     (case cmdsym
			       ((scheme scm) (conc "(lambda (ht)" cmd ")"))
			       ((system)     (conc "(lambda (ht)(configf:system ht \"" cmd "\"))"))
			       ((shell sh)   (conc "(lambda (ht)(string-translate (shell \""  cmd "\") \"\n\" \" \"))"))
			       ((realpath rp)(conc "(lambda (ht)(common:nice-path \"" cmd "\"))"))
			       ((getenv gv)  (conc "(lambda (ht)(get-environment-variable \"" cmd "\"))"))
			       ((mtrah)      (conc "(lambda (ht)"
						   "    (let ((extra \"" cmd "\"))"
						   "       (conc (or *toppath* (get-environment-variable \"MT_RUN_AREA_HOME\"))"
						   "             (if (string-null? extra) \"\" \"/\")"
						   "             extra)))"))
			       ((get g)   
				(match (string-split cmd)
				       ((sect var)(conc "(lambda (ht)(configf:lookup ht \"" sect "\" \"" var "\"))"))
					(debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "#{get ...} used with only one parameter, \"" cmd "\", two needed.")
					"(lambda (ht) #f)")))
			       ((runconfigs-get rget) (conc "(lambda (ht)(runconfigs-get ht \"" cmd "\"))"))
			       ;; ((rget)           (conc "(lambda (ht)(runconfigs-get ht \"" cmd "\"))"))
			       (else "(lambda (ht)(print \"ERROR\") \"ERROR\")")))))
		;; (print "fullcmd=" fullcmd)
		   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to process config input \"" l "\", exn=" exn)
		   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
		   ;; (print "exn=" (condition->list exn))
		   (set! result (conc "#{( " cmdtype ") " cmd "}, full expansion: " fullcmd)))
		 (if (or allow-system
			 (not (member cmdtype '("system" "shell" "sh"))))
		     (with-input-from-string fullcmd
		       (lambda ()
			 (set! result (if env-to-use
					  ((eval (read) env-to-use) ht)
					  ((eval (read)) ht)
		     (set! result (conc "#{(" cmdtype ") "  cmd "}"))))
		(case cmdsym
		  ((system shell scheme)
		   (let ((delta (- (current-seconds) start-time)))
		     (if (> delta 2)
			 (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command:  " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n   " result)
			 (debug:print-info 9 *default-log-port* "for line \"" l "\"\n command:  " cmd " took " delta " seconds to run with output:\n   " result)))))
		(loop (conc prestr result poststr)))

;; pathenvvar will set the named var to the path of the config
(define (configf:find-and-read-config fname #!key (environ-patt #f)(given-toppath #f)(pathenvvar #f)(env-to-use #f))
  (let* ((curr-dir   (current-directory))
         (configinfo (find-config fname toppath: given-toppath))
	 (toppath    (car configinfo))
	 (configfile (cadr configinfo))
	 (set-fields (lambda (curr-section next-section ht path)
		       (let ((field-names (if ht (common:get-fields ht) '()))
			     (target      (or (getenv "MT_TARGET")(args:get-arg "-reqtarg")(args:get-arg "-target"))))
			 (debug:print-info 9 *default-log-port* "set-fields with field-names=" field-names " target=" target " curr-section=" curr-section " next-section=" next-section " path=" path " ht=" ht)
			 (if (not (null? field-names))(keys:target-set-args field-names target #f))))))
    (if toppath (change-directory toppath)) 
    (if (and toppath pathenvvar)(setenv pathenvvar toppath))
    (let ((configdat  (if configfile 
			  (configf:read-config configfile #f #t environ-patt: environ-patt post-section-procs: (list (cons "^fields$" set-fields)) #f env-to-use: env-to-use))))
      (if toppath (change-directory curr-dir))
      (list configdat toppath configfile fname))))

;; Non destructive writing of config file

(define (configf:read-alist fname)
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "read of alist " fname " failed. exn=" exn)
     (with-input-from-file fname read))))

(define (configf:write-alist cdat fname)
  ;; (if (not (common:faux-lock fname))
  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: NEED LOCKING ADDED HERE " fname)
  (let* ((dat  (configf:config->alist cdat))
            (with-output-to-file fname ;; first write out the file
              (lambda ()
                (pp dat)))
            (if (file-exists? fname)   ;; now verify it is readable
                (if (configf:read-alist fname)
                    #t ;; data is good.
			  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "deleting " fname " failed, exn=" exn)
			(debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: content " dat " for cache " fname " is not readable. Deleting generated file.")
			(delete-file fname))
    ;; (common:faux-unlock fname)
(define (common:get-fields cfgdat)
  (let ((fields (hash-table-ref/default cfgdat "fields" '())))
    (map car fields)))
