
NOTES at [609ed2d8d2]

File NOTES artifact 9253fc77da part of check-in 609ed2d8d2

1. All run control access to db is direct.
2. All test machines must have megatest available
3. Tests may or may not have file system access to the originating
   run area. rsync is used to pull the test area to the home host
   if and only if the originating area can not be seen via file 
   system. NO LONGER TRUE. Rsync is used but file system must be visible.
4. All db access is done via the home host. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.

fdktestqa on Apr 29, 2013: 1812 tests

INFO: (0) Max cached queries was    10
INFO: (0) Number of cached writes   41335
INFO: (0) Average cached write time 206.081553163179 ms
INFO: (0) Number non-cached queries 74289
INFO: (0) Average non-cached time   1055.09826488444 ms
INFO: (0) Server shutdown complete. Exiting

Start: 0 at Sun Apr 28 22:18:25 MST 2013
Max:  52 at Sun Apr 28 23:06:59 MST 2013
End:   6 at Sun Apr 28 23:47:51 MST 2013