
servermod.scm at [644eb3c1e4]

File servermod.scm artifact cad826e462 part of check-in 644eb3c1e4

;; Copyright 2006-2017, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.

(declare (unit servermod))

(declare (uses commonmod))
(declare (uses configfmod))
(declare (uses mtmod))
(declare (uses debugprint))
(declare (uses mtargs))

(module servermod

(import scheme
(use (srfi 18) extras s11n)
(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69 hostinfo md5 message-digest)
(use directory-utils posix-extras matchable utils)
(use spiffy uri-common intarweb http-client spiffy-request-vars)

(import ports
	(prefix mtargs args:)

;; (include "common_records.scm")
;; (include "db_records.scm")

(define (server:make-server-url hostport)
  (if (not hostport)
      (conc "http://" (car hostport) ":" (cadr hostport))))

(define  *server-loop-heart-beat* (current-seconds))

;; P K T S   S T U F F 

;; ???

;; P K T S   S T U F F 

;; ???

;; S E R V E R

;; Call this to start the actual server

;; S E R V E R   U T I L I T I E S 

;; Get the transport
(define (server:get-transport)
  (if *transport-type*
      (let ((ttype (string->symbol
		    (or (args:get-arg "-transport")
			(configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "transport")
	(set! *transport-type* ttype)
;; Generate a unique signature for this server
(define (server:mk-signature)
  (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) 
			   (lambda ()
			     (write (list (current-directory)

(define (server:get-client-signature)
  (if *my-client-signature* *my-client-signature*
      (let ((sig (server:mk-signature))) ;; clients re-use the server:mk-signature logic
        (set! *my-client-signature* sig)

(define (server:get-server-id)
  (if *server-id* *server-id*
      (let ((sig (server:mk-signature))) ;; clients re-use the server:mk-signature logic
        (set! *server-id* sig)

;; ;; When using zmq this would send the message back (two step process)
;; ;; with spiffy or rpc this simply returns the return data to be returned
;; ;; 
;; (define (server:reply return-addr query-sig success/fail result)
;;   (debug:print-info 11 *default-log-port* "server:reply return-addr=" return-addr ", result=" result)
;;   ;; (send-message pubsock target send-more: #t)
;;   ;; (send-message pubsock 
;;   (case (server:get-transport)
;;     ((rpc)  (db:obj->string (vector success/fail query-sig result)))
;;     ((http) (db:obj->string (vector success/fail query-sig result)))
;;     ((fs)   result)
;;     (else 
;;      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "unrecognised transport type: " *transport-type*)
;;      result)))

;; Given an area path,  start a server process    ### NOTE ### > file 2>&1 
;; if the target-host is set 
;; try running on that host
;;   incidental: rotate logs in logs/ dir.
(define  (server:run areapath) ;; areapath is *toppath* for a given testsuite area
  (let* ((testsuite   (common:get-testsuite-name))
	 (logfile     (conc areapath "/logs/server.log")) ;; -" curr-pid "-" target-host ".log"))
	 (profile-mode (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "misc" "profilesw")
	 (cmdln (conc (common:get-megatest-exe)
		      " -server - ";; (or target-host "-")
		      (if (equal? (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "daemonize") "yes")
			  " -daemonize "
		      ;; " -log " logfile
		      " -m testsuite:" testsuite
		      " " profile-mode
		      )) ;; (conc " >> " logfile " 2>&1 &")))))
	 (log-rotate  (make-thread common:rotate-logs  "server run, rotate logs thread")) ;; why are we rotating logs here? This is a sensitive location with a lot going on!?
         (load-limit  (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "jobtools" "max-server-start-load" default: 3.0)))
    ;; we want the remote server to start in *toppath* so push there
    (push-directory areapath)
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: Trying to start server (" cmdln ") ...")
    (thread-start! log-rotate)
    ;; host.domain.tld match host?
    ;; (if (and target-host 
    ;; 	     ;; look at target host, is it host.domain.tld or ip address and does it 
    ;; 	     ;; match current ip or hostname
    ;; 	     (not (string-match (conc "("curr-host "|" curr-host"\\..*)") target-host))
    ;; 	     (not (equal? curr-ip target-host)))
    ;; 	(begin
    ;; 	  (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Starting server on " target-host ", logfile is " logfile)
    ;; 	  (setenv "TARGETHOST" target-host)))
    (setenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF" logfile)
    (thread-sleep! (/ (random 3000) 1000)) ;; add a random initial delay. It seems pretty common that many running tests request a server at the same time
    (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "INFO: starting server at " (common:human-time))
    (system (conc "nbfake " cmdln))
    (unsetenv "TARGETHOST_LOGF")
    ;; (if (get-environment-variable "TARGETHOST")(unsetenv "TARGETHOST"))
    (thread-join! log-rotate)

(define (server:logf-get-start-info logf)
  (let ((server-rx    (regexp "^SERVER STARTED: (\\S+):(\\d+) AT ([\\d\\.]+) server-id: (\\S+) pid: (\\d+)")) ;; SERVER STARTED: host:port AT timesecs server id
        (dbprep-rx    (regexp "^SERVER: dbprep"))
        (dbprep-found 0)
	(bad-dat      (list #f #f #f #f #f)))
       ;; WARNING: this is potentially dangerous to blanket ignore the errors
       (if (file-exists? logf)
	   (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "Unable to get server info from "logf", exn=" exn))
       bad-dat) ;; no idea what went wrong, call it a bad server
       (lambda ()
	 (let loop ((inl  (read-line))
		    (lnum 0))
	   (if (not (eof-object? inl))
	       (let ((mlst (string-match server-rx inl))
		     (dbprep (string-match dbprep-rx inl)))
		 (if dbprep (set! dbprep-found 1))
		 (if (not mlst)
		     (if (< lnum 500) ;; give up if more than 500 lines of server log read
			 (loop (read-line)(+ lnum 1))
                           (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Unable to get server info from first 500 lines of " logf )
		     (match mlst
			    ((_ host port start server-id pid)
			     (list host
				   (string->number port)
				   (string->number start)
				   (string->number pid)))
			     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: did not recognise SERVER line info "mlst)
		 (if dbprep-found
		       (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "Server is in dbprep at " (common:human-time))
		       (thread-sleep! 0.5)) ;; was 25 sec but that blocked things from starting?
		     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Unable to get server info from " logf " at " (seconds->time-string (current-seconds))))

(define (server:record->id servr)
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "Unable to get server id from " servr ", exn=" exn)     
  (match-let (((host port start-time server-id pid)
    (if server-id

(define (server:record->url servr)
     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*  "Unable to get server url from " servr ", exn=" exn)     
  (match-let (((host port start-time server-id pid)
    (if (and host port)
	(conc host ":" port)

;; oldest server alive determines host then choose random of youngest
;; five servers on that host
(define (server:get-servers-info areapath)
  ;; (assert *toppath* "FATAL: server:get-servers-info called before *toppath* has been set.")
  (let* ((servinfodir (server:get-servinfo-dir areapath))) ;; (conc *toppath*"/.servinfo")))
    (if (not (file-exists? servinfodir))
	(create-directory servinfodir))
    (let* ((allfiles    (glob (conc servinfodir"/*")))
	   (res         (make-hash-table)))
       (lambda (f)
	 (let* ((hostport  (pathname-strip-directory f))
		(serverdat (server:logf-get-start-info f)))
	   (match serverdat
	     ((host port start server-id pid)
	      (if (and host port start server-id pid)
		  (hash-table-set! res hostport serverdat)
		  (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "bad server info for "f": "serverdat)))
	      (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "bad server info for "f": "serverdat)))))

;; check the .servinfo directory, are there other servers running on this
;; or another host?
;; returns #t => ok to start another server
;;         #f => not ok to start another server
;; (define (server:minimal-check areapath)
;;   (server:clean-up-old areapath)
;;   (let* ((srvdir      (server:get-servinfo-dir areapath)) ;; (conc areapath"/.servinfo"))
;; 	 (servrs      (glob (conc srvdir"/*")))
;; 	 (thishostip  (server:get-best-guess-address (get-host-name)))
;; 	 (thisservrs  (glob (conc srvdir"/"thishostip":*")))
;; 	 (homehostinf (server:choose-server areapath 'homehost))
;; 	 (havehome    (car homehostinf))
;; 	 (wearehome   (cdr homehostinf)))
;;     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* thishostip", have homehost: "havehome", we are homehost: "wearehome
;; 		      ", numservers: "(length thisservrs))
;;     (cond
;;      ((not havehome) #t) ;; no homehost yet, go for it
;;      ((and havehome wearehome (< (length thisservrs) 20)) #t) ;; we are home and less than 20 servers, ok to start another
;;      ((and havehome (not wearehome)) #f)     ;; we are not the home host
;;      ((and havehome wearehome (>= (length thisservrs) 20)) #f) ;; have enough running
;;      (else
;;       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: Unrecognised scenario, servrs="servrs", thishostip="thishostip", thisservrs="thisservrs)
;;       #t))))

(define server-last-start 0)

;; oldest server alive determines host then choose random of youngest
;; five servers on that host
;; mode:
;;   best - get best server (random of newest five)
;;   home - get home host based on oldest server
;;   info - print info
;; (define (server:choose-server areapath #!optional (mode 'best))
;;   ;; age is current-starttime
;;   ;; find oldest alive
;;   ;;   1. sort by age ascending and ping until good
;;   ;; find alive rand from youngest
;;   ;;   1. sort by age descending
;;   ;;   2. take five
;;   ;;   3. check alive, discard if not and repeat
;;   ;; first we clean up old server files
;;   (assert (eq? (rmt:transport-mode) 'http) "FATAL: server:run called with rmt:transport-mode="(rmt:transport-mode))
;;   (server:clean-up-old areapath)
;;   (let* ((since-last (- (current-seconds) server-last-start))
;;         (server-start-delay 10))     
;;     (if ( < (- (current-seconds) server-last-start) 10 )
;;       (begin
;;         (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "server:choose-server: seconds since last server start: " (- (current-seconds) server-last-start))
;;         (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "server:choose-server: last server start less than " server-start-delay " seconds ago. Sleeping " server-start-delay " seconds")
;;         (thread-sleep! server-start-delay)
;;       )
;;       (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "server:choose-server: seconds since last server start: " (- (current-seconds) server-last-start))
;;     )
;;   )
;;   (let* ((serversdat  (server:get-servers-info areapath))
;; 	 (servkeys    (hash-table-keys serversdat))
;; 	 (by-time-asc (if (not (null? servkeys)) ;; NOTE: Oldest is last
;; 			  (sort servkeys ;; list of "host:port"
;; 				(lambda (a b)
;; 				  (>= (list-ref (hash-table-ref serversdat a) 2)
;; 				      (list-ref (hash-table-ref serversdat b) 2))))
;; 			  '())))
;;     (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "server:choose-server: serversdat: " serversdat)
;;     (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* "server:choose-server: servkeys: " servkeys)
;;     (if (not (null? by-time-asc))
;; 	(let* ((oldest     (last by-time-asc))
;; 	       (oldest-dat (hash-table-ref serversdat oldest))
;; 	       (host       (list-ref oldest-dat 0))
;; 	       (all-valid  (filter (lambda (x)
;; 				     (equal? host (list-ref (hash-table-ref serversdat x) 0)))
;; 				   by-time-asc))
;; 	       (best-ten  (lambda ()
;; 			     (if (> (length all-valid) 11)
;; 				 (take (drop-right all-valid 1) 10) ;; remove the oldest from consideration so it can age out
;; 				 (if (> (length all-valid) 8)
;; 				     (drop-right all-valid 1)
;; 				     all-valid))))
;; 	       (names->dats (lambda (names)
;; 			      (map (lambda (x)
;; 				     (hash-table-ref serversdat x))
;; 				   names)))
;; 	       (am-home?    (lambda ()
;; 			      (let* ((currhost (get-host-name))
;; 				     (bestadrs (server:get-best-guess-address currhost)))
;; 				(or (equal? host currhost)
;; 				    (equal? host bestadrs))))))
;; 	  (case mode
;; 	    ((info)
;; 	     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "oldest: "oldest-dat", selected host: "host", all-valid: "all-valid)
;; 	     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "youngest: "(hash-table-ref serversdat (car all-valid))))
;; 	    ((home)     host)
;; 	    ((homehost) (cons host (am-home?))) ;; shut up old code
;; 	    ((home?)    (am-home?))
;; 	    ((best-ten)(names->dats (best-ten)))
;; 	    ((all-valid)(names->dats all-valid))
;; 	    ((best)     (let* ((best-ten (best-ten))
;; 			       (len       (length best-ten)))
;; 			  (hash-table-ref serversdat (list-ref best-ten (random len)))))
;; 	    ((count)(length all-valid))
;; 	    (else
;; 	     (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "ERROR: invalid command "mode)
;; 	     #f)))
;; 	(begin
;; 	  (server:run areapath)
;;           (set! server-last-start (current-seconds))
;; 	  ;; (thread-sleep! 3)
;; 	  (case mode
;; 	    ((homehost) (cons #f #f))
;; 	    (else	#f))))))

(define (server:get-servinfo-dir areapath)
  (let* ((spath (conc areapath"/.servinfo")))
    (if (not (file-exists? spath))
	(create-directory spath #t))

(define (server:clean-up-old areapath)
  ;; any server file that has not been touched in ten minutes is effectively dead
  (let* ((sfiles (glob (conc (server:get-servinfo-dir areapath)"/*"))))
     (lambda (sfile)
       (let* ((modtime (handle-exceptions
			   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to get modification file for "sfile)
			 (file-modification-time sfile))))
	 (if (and (number? modtime)
		  (> (- (current-seconds) modtime)
	       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: found old server info file "sfile", removing it.")
		 (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: failed to delete old server info file "sfile)
		 (delete-file sfile))))))

;; timeout is hms string: 1h 5m 3s, default is 1 minute
;; This is currently broken. Just use the number of hours with no unit.
;; Default is 600 seconds.
(define (server:expiration-timeout)
  (let* ((tmo (configf:lookup *configdat* "server" "timeout")))
    (if (string? tmo)
	(let* ((num (string->number tmo)))
	  (if num
	      (* 3600 num)
	      (common:hms-string->seconds tmo)))
	600 ;; this is the default

(define (server:get-best-guess-address hostname)
  (let ((res #f))
     (lambda (adr)
       (if (not (eq? (u8vector-ref adr 0) 127))
	   (set! res adr)))
     ;; NOTE: This can fail when there is no mention of the host in /etc/hosts. FIXME
     (vector->list (hostinfo-addresses (hostname->hostinfo hostname))))
     (map number->string
	   (if res res (hostname->ip hostname)))) ".")))

;; moving this here as it needs access to db and cannot be in common.

(define (server:get-bruteforce-syncer dbstruct #!key (fork-to-background #f) (persist-until-sync #f))
  (debug:print "WARNING: bruteforce-syncer is called but has been disabled!")
  (lambda ()
    (debug:print "WARNING: bruteforce-syncer is called but has been disabled!")))

(defstruct remote

  ;; transport to be used
  ;; http              - use http-transport
  ;; http-read-cached  - use http-transport for writes but in-mem cached for reads
  (rmode            'http)
  (hh-dat            (let ((res (or ;; (server:choose-server *toppath* 'homehost)
				    (cons #f #f))))
		       (assert (pair? res)(conc "FATAL: hh-dat should be a pair, got "res))
  (server-url        #f) ;; (server:check-if-running *toppath*) #f))
  (server-id         #f)
  (server-info       #f) ;; (if *toppath* (server:check-if-running *toppath*) #f))
  (last-server-check 0)  ;; last time we checked to see if the server was alive
  (connect-time      (current-seconds)) ;; when we first connected
  (last-access       (current-seconds)) ;; last time we talked to server
  ;; (conndat           #f) ;; iface port api-uri api-url api-req seconds server-id
  (server-timeout    (server:expiration-timeout))
  (force-server      #f)
  (ro-mode           #f)  
  (ro-mode-checked   #f) ;; flag that indicates we have checked for ro-mode

  ;; conndat stuff
  (iface             #f) ;; TODO: Consolidate this data with server-url and server-info above
  (port              #f)
  (api-url           #f)
  (api-uri           #f)
  (api-req           #f))

;; Rotate logs, logic: 
;;                 if > 500k and older than 1 week:
;;                     remove previous compressed log and compress this log
;; WARNING: This proc operates assuming that it is in the directory above the
;;          logs directory you wish to log-rotate.
(define (common:rotate-logs)
  (let* ((all-files (make-hash-table))
	 (stats     (make-hash-table))
	 (inc-stat  (lambda (key)
		      (hash-table-set! stats key (+ (hash-table-ref/default stats key 0) 1))))
	(max-allowed (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "max-logfiles") "600")))) ;; name -> age
    (if (not (directory-exists? "logs"))(create-directory "logs"))
     (lambda (file rem)
	  (debug:print-info 2 *default-log-port* "unable to rotate log " file ", probably handled by another process, this is safe to ignore. exn=" exn)
	  (debug:print 2 *default-log-port* " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	  ;; (print-call-chain (current-error-port)) ;; 
	(let* ((fullname  (conc "logs/" file))
	       (mod-time  (file-modification-time fullname))
	       (file-age  (- (current-seconds) mod-time))
	       (file-old  (> file-age (* 48 60 60)))
	       (file-big  (> (file-size fullname) 200000)))
	  (hash-table-set! all-files file mod-time)
	  (if (or (and (string-match "^.*.log" file)
		  (and (string-match "^server-.*.log" file)
	      (let ((gzfile (conc fullname ".gz")))
		(if (common:file-exists? gzfile)
		      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "removing " gzfile)
		      (delete-file* gzfile)
		      (hash-table-delete!  all-files gzfile) ;; needed?
		(debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "compressing " file)
		(system (conc "gzip " fullname))
		(inc-stat "gzipped")
		(hash-table-set! all-files (conc file ".gz") file-age)  ;; add the .gz file and remove the base file
		(hash-table-delete! all-files file)
	      (if (and (> file-age (* (string->number (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "log-expire-days") "30")) 24 3600))
		       (file-exists? fullname)) ;; just in case it was gzipped - will get it next time
		   (if (directory? fullname)
			 (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* fullname " in logs directory is a directory! Cannot rotate it, it is best to not put subdirectories in the logs dir.")
			 (inc-stat "directories"))
			 (delete-file* fullname)
			 (inc-stat "deleted")))
		   (hash-table-delete! all-files file)))))))
     (lambda (category)
       (let ((quant (hash-table-ref/default stats category 0)))
	 (if (> quant 0)
	     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* category " log files: " quant))))
     `("deleted" "gzipped" "directories"))
    (let ((num-logs (hash-table-size all-files)))
      (if (> num-logs max-allowed) ;; because NFS => don't let number of logs exceed 300
	  (let ((files (take (sort (hash-table-keys all-files)
				   (lambda (a b)
				     (< (hash-table-ref all-files a)(hash-table-ref all-files b))))
			     (- num-logs max-allowed))))
	     (lambda (file)
	       (let* ((fullname (conc "logs/" file)))
		 (if (directory? fullname)
		     (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* fullname " in logs directory is a directory! Cannot rotate it, it is best to not put subdirectories in the logs dir.")
		      (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "failed to remove " fullname ", exn=" exn)
		      (delete-file* fullname)))))
	    (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Deleted " (length files) " files from logs, keeping " max-allowed " files."))))))

;; E X I T   H A N D L I N G

(define (std-signal-handler signum)
  ;; (signal-mask! signum)
  (set! *time-to-exit* #t) 
  ;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "got signal "signum)
  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Received signal " signum " aaa exiting promptly")
  ;; (std-exit-procedure) ;; shouldn't need this since we are exiting and it will be called anyway

(define (special-signal-handler signum)
  ;; (signal-mask! signum)
  (set! *time-to-exit* #t)
  ;;(debug:print-info 13 *default-log-port* "got signal "signum)
  (debug:print-error 0 *default-log-port* "Received signal " signum " sending email befor exiting!!")
  ;;TODO send email to notify admin contact listed in the config that the lisner got killed
  ;; (std-exit-procedure) ;; shouldn't need this since we are exiting and it will be called anyway

(set-signal-handler! signal/int  std-signal-handler)  ;; ^C
(set-signal-handler! signal/term std-signal-handler)
;; calculate a delay number based on a droop curve
;;    inputs are:
;;      - load-in, load as from uptime, NOT normalized
;;      - numcpus, number of cpus, ideally use the real cpus, not threads
(define (common:get-delay load-in numcpus)
  (let* ((ratio (/ load-in numcpus))
         (new-option (configf:lookup *configdat* "load" "new-load-method"))
	 (paramstr   (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "load" "exp-params")
			 "15 12 1281453987.9543 0.75")) ;; 5 4 10 1"))
	 (paramlst   (map string->number (string-split paramstr))))
    (if new-option
          (cond ((and (>= ratio 0) (< ratio .5))
		((and (>= ratio 0.5) (<= ratio .9))
		 (* ratio (/ 5 .9)))
		((and (> ratio .9) (<= ratio 1.1))
		 (+ 5 (* (- ratio .9) (/ 55 .2)))) 
		((> ratio 1.1)
	(match paramlst
	  ((r1 r2 s1 s2)
	   (debug:print 3 *default-log-port* "Using params r1=" r1 " r2=" r2 " s1=" s1 " s2=" s2)
	   (min (max (/ (expt r1 (* r2 s2 ratio)) s1) 0) 30))
	   (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "BAD exp-params, should be \"r1 r2 s1 s2\" but got " paramstr)

;; DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. It is called from common:wait-for-normalized-load
;;   count     - count down to zero, at some point we'd give up if the load never drops
;;   num-tries - count down to zero number tries to get numcpus
(define (common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload numcpus-in
				 #!key (count 1000)
				 (msg #f)(remote-host #f)(num-tries 5))
  (let* ((loadavg     (common:get-cpu-load remote-host))
    ;; not possible to have zero.  If we get 1, it's possible that we got the previous default, and we should check again
    (numcpus     (if (<= 1 numcpus-in)
    (common:get-num-cpus remote-host) numcpus-in))
    (first       (car loadavg))
    (next        (cadr loadavg))
    (adjmaxload  (* maxnormload (max 1 numcpus))) ;; possible bug where numcpus (or could be maxload) is zero, crude
						  ;; fallback is to at least use 1
    ;; effective load accounts for load jumps, this should elminate all the first-next-avg, adjwait, load-jump-limit
    ;; etc.
    (effective-load    (common:get-intercept first next))
    (recommended-delay (common:get-delay effective-load numcpus))
    (effective-host    (or remote-host "localhost"))
    (normalized-effective-load (/ effective-load numcpus))
    (will-wait                 (> normalized-effective-load maxnormload)))
    (if (and will-wait (> recommended-delay 1)) 
      (let* ((actual-delay (min recommended-delay 30)))
        (if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc (round actual-delay) "-safe-load"))
          (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "Load control, delaying "
				actual-delay " seconds to maintain safe load. current normalized effective load is "
				normalized-effective-load". maxnormload = " maxnormload " numcpus = " numcpus " loadavg = " loadavg " effective-load = " effective-load))
	(thread-sleep! actual-delay)))
     ;; bad data, try again to get the data
     ((not will-wait)
      (if (common:low-noise-print 3600 (conc (round normalized-effective-load) "-load-acceptable-" effective-host))
      	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Effective load on " effective-host " is acceptable at " effective-load " continuing.")))

     ((and (< first 0) ;; this indicates the loadavg data is bad - machine may not be reachable
	   (> num-tries 0))
      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: received bad data from get-cpu-load "
		   first ", we'll sleep 10s and try " num-tries " more times.")
      (thread-sleep! 10)
      (common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload numcpus-in
			       count: count remote-host: remote-host num-tries: (- num-tries 1)))

     ;; need to wait for load to drop
     ((and will-wait ;; (> first adjmaxload)
	   (> count 0))
      (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*
			"Delaying 15" ;; adjwait
			" seconds due to normalized effective load " normalized-effective-load ;; first
			" exceeding max of " adjmaxload
			" on server " (or remote-host (get-host-name))
			" (normalized load-limit: " maxnormload ") " (if msg msg ""))
      (thread-sleep! 15) ;; adjwait)
      (common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload numcpus count: (- count 1) msg: msg remote-host: remote-host)
      ;; put the message here to indicate came out of waiting
      (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*
			"On host: " effective-host
			", effective load: " effective-load
			", numcpus: " numcpus
			", normalized effective load: " normalized-effective-load
     ;; overloaded and count expired (i.e. went to zero)
      (if (> num-tries 0) ;; should be "num-tries-left". 
	  (if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc (round effective-load) "-load-acceptable-" effective-host))
	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Load on " effective-host " is acceptable at effective normalized load of "
			   normalized-effective-load "  continuing."))
	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Load on " effective-host ", "
		       first" could not be retrieved. Giving up and continuing."))))))

;; DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY. It is called from common:wait-for-normalized-load
;; (define (common:wait-for-cpuload maxload-in numcpus-in waitdelay #!key (count 1000) (msg #f)(remote-host #f)(force-maxload #f)(num-tries 5))
;;   (let* ((loadavg (common:get-cpu-load remote-host))
;; 	 (numcpus (if (<= 1 numcpus-in) ;; not possible to have zero.  If we get 1, it's possible that we got the previous default, and we should check again
;; 		      (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)
;; 		      numcpus-in))
;; 	 (maxload (if force-maxload
;; 		      maxload-in
;; 		      (if (number? maxload-in)
;; 			  (max maxload-in 0.5)
;; 			  0.5))) ;; so maxload must be greater than 0.5 for now BUG - FIXME?
;; 	 (first   (car loadavg))
;; 	 (next    (cadr loadavg))
;; 	 (adjmaxload (* maxload (max 1 numcpus))) ;; possible bug where
;; 					       ;; numcpus (or could be
;; 					       ;; maxload) is zero,
;; 					       ;; crude fallback is to
;; 					       ;; at least use 1
;; 	 (loadjmp (- first (if (> next (* numcpus 0.7)) ;; could do something with average of first and next?
;; 			       0
;; 			       next))) ;; we will force a conservative calculation any time next is large.
;; 	 (first-next-avg    (/ (+ first next) 2))
;; 	 ;; add some randomness to the time to break any alignment
;; 	 ;; where netbatch dumps many jobs to machines simultaneously
;;          (adjwait           (min (+ 300 (random 10)) (abs (* (+ (random 10)
;; 								(/ (- 1000 count) 10)
;; 								waitdelay)
;; 							     (- first adjmaxload) ))))
;; 	 (load-jump-limit   (configf:lookup-number *configdat* "setup" "load-jump-limit"))
;; 	 ;; effective load accounts for load jumps, this should elminate all the first-next-avg, adjwait, load-jump-limit
;; 	 ;; etc.
;; 	 (effective-load    (common:get-intercept first next))
;; 	 (effective-host    (or remote-host "localhost"))
;; 	 (normalized-effective-load (/ effective-load numcpus))
;; 	 (will-wait                 (> normalized-effective-load maxload)))
;;     ;; let's let the user know once in a long while that load checking
;;     ;; is happening but not constantly report it
;;     #;(if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc "cpuload" (or remote-host "localhost"))) ;; (> (random 100) 75) ;; about 25% of the time
;; 	(debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port* "Checking cpuload on " (or remote-host "localhost") ", maxload: " maxload
;;     ", load: " first ", adjmaxload: " adjmaxload ", loadjmp: " loadjmp))
;;     (debug:print-info 1 *default-log-port*
;; 		      "On host: " effective-host
;; 		      ", effective load: " effective-load
;; 		      ", numcpus: " numcpus
;; 		      ", normalized effective load: " normalized-effective-load
;; 		      )
;;     (cond
;;      ;; bad data, try again to get the data
;;      ((and (< first 0) ;; this indicates the loadavg data is bad - machine may not be reachable
;; 	   (> num-tries 0))
;;       (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "WARNING: received bad data from get-cpu-load " first ", we'll sleep 10s and try " num-tries " more times.")
;;       (thread-sleep! 10)
;;       (common:wait-for-cpuload maxload-in numcpus-in waitdelay
;; 			       count: count remote-host: remote-host force-maxload: force-maxload num-tries: (- num-tries 1)))
;;      ;; need to wait for load to drop
;;      ((and will-wait ;; (> first adjmaxload)
;; 	   (> count 0))
;;       (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port*
;; 			"Delaying " 15 ;; adjwait
;; 			" seconds due to normalized effective load " normalized-effective-load ;; first
;; 			" exceeding max of " adjmaxload
;; 			" on server " (or remote-host (get-host-name))
;; 			" (normalized load-limit: " maxload ") " (if msg msg ""))
;;       (thread-sleep! 15) ;; adjwait)
;;       (common:wait-for-cpuload maxload numcpus waitdelay count: (- count 1) msg: msg remote-host: remote-host))
;;      ((and (> loadjmp (cond
;; 		       (load-jump-limit load-jump-limit)
;; 		       ((> numcpus 8)(/ numcpus 2))
;; 		       ((> numcpus 4)(/ numcpus 1.2))
;; 		       (else 0.5)))
;; 	   (> count 0))
;;       (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "waiting " adjwait " seconds due to possible load jump " loadjmp ". "
;; 			(if msg msg ""))
;;       (thread-sleep! adjwait)
;;       (common:wait-for-cpuload maxload numcpus waitdelay count: (- count 1) msg: msg remote-host: remote-host))
;;      (else
;;       (if (> num-tries 0)
;; 	  (if (common:low-noise-print 30 (conc (round first) "-load-acceptable-" (or remote-host "localhost")))
;; 	      (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Load on " (or remote-host "localhost") " is acceptable at " first " continuing."))
;; 	  (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "Load on " (or remote-host "localhost") ", "first" could not be retrieved. Giving up and continuing."))))))

;; wait for normalized cpu load to drop below maxload
(define (common:wait-for-normalized-load maxnormload msg remote-host #!optional (rem-tries 5))
  (let ((num-cpus (common:get-num-cpus remote-host)))
    (if num-cpus
	(common:wait-for-cpuload maxnormload num-cpus 15 msg: msg remote-host: remote-host)
	  (thread-sleep! (random 60)) ;; we failed to get num cpus. wait a bit and try again
	  (if (> rem-tries 0)
	      (common:wait-for-normalized-load maxnormload msg remote-host (- rem-tries 1))
