
megatest.config at [a9aad76712]

File tests/fullrun/megatest.config artifact e5113ba78d part of check-in a9aad76712

sysname TEXT
fsname TEXT
datapath TEXT

# refareas can be searched to find previous runs
# the path points to where megatest.db exists
area1 /tmp/oldarea/megatest

[include ./configs/mt_include_1.config]

pre-command  xterm -geometry 180x20 -e "
post-command |& tee results.log ;echo Press any key to continue;bash -c 'read -n 1 -s'" &
testsort -event_time

home #{shell readlink -f $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}
parent #{shell readlink -f $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/..}

1 #{get misc parent}/simplerun/tests


# turn off faststart, put monitor.db in MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/db
# and set the dbdir to /var/tmp/$USER/mt_db to enable keeping
# the raw db in /var/tmp/$USER
faststart  no
monitordir #{getenv MT_RUN_AREA_HOME}/db
dbdir      /var/tmp/#{getenv USER}/mt_db

# Set launchwait to no to use the more agressive code that does not wait for the launch to complete before proceeding
# this may save a few milliseconds on launching tests
# launchwait no
waivercommentpatt ^WW\d+ [a-z].*
incomplete-timeout 1

# wait for runs to completely complete. yes, anything else is no
run-wait yes

# If set to "default" the old code is used. Otherwise defaults to 200 or uses
# numeric value given.
runqueue 20

# Default runtimelim 1d 1h 1m 10s
runtimelim 20m

# Deadtime - when to consider tests dead (i.e. haven't heard from them in too long)
# Number in seconds, set to 20 seconds here to trigger a little trouble. Default is
# 1800
deadtime 600

# It is possible (but not recommended) to override the rsync command used
# to populate the test directories. For test development the following 
# example can be useful
testcopycmd cp --remove-destination -rsv TEST_SRC_PATH/. TEST_TARG_PATH/. >> TEST_TARG_PATH/mt_launch.log 2>> TEST_TARG_PATH/mt_launch.log

# or for hard links

# testcopycmd cp --remove-destination -rlv TEST_SRC_PATH/. TEST_TARG_PATH/.

# FULL or 2, NORMAL or 1, OFF or 0
synchronous 0
# Throttle roughly scales the db access milliseconds to seconds delay
throttle 0.2
# Max retries allows megatest to re-check that a tests status has changed
# as tests can have transient FAIL status occasionally
maxretries 20

# Setup continued.

# override the logview command
logviewer (%MTCMD%) 2> /dev/null > /dev/null

# override the html viewer launch command
# htmlviewercmd firefox -new-window 
htmlviewercmd arora

# -runtests automatically deletes the records for tests with the listed states on starting up a run allowing them to re-run
#     (nb// this is in addition to NOT_STARTED which is automatically re-run)
allow-auto-rerun INCOMPLETE ZERO_ITEMS

state start end 0 1 - 2
status pass fail n/a 0 1 running - 2

# These are set before all tests, override them 
# in the testconfig [pre-launch-env-overrides] section

# This variable is honored by the loadrunner script. The value is in percent

# MT_XTERM_CMD overrides the terminal command
# MT_XTERM_CMD xterm -bg lightgreen -fg black

SPECIAL_ENV_VARS overide them here - should be seen at launch and in the runs
TESTVAR [system readlink -f .]
DEADVAR [system ls]
WACKYVAR  #{system ls > /dev/null}
WACKYVAR2 #{get validvalues state}
WACKYVAR3 #{getenv USER}
WACKYVAR4 #{scheme (+ 5 6 7)}
WACKYVAR5 #{getenv sysname}/#{getenv fsname}/#{getenv datapath}
WACKYVAR6 #{scheme (args:get-arg "-target")}
# The empty var should have a definition with null string

WRAPPEDVAR This var should have the work blah thrice: \
blah \

MYRUNNAME1 /this/is/#{getenv MT_RUNNAME}/my/runname
MYRUNNAME2 /this/is/[system echo $MT_RUNNAME]/my/runname

# XTERM   [system xterm]
# RUNDEAD [system exit 56]


# Use http instead of direct filesystem access
transport http
# transport fs
# transport nmsg

synchronous 0

# If the server can't be started on this port it will try the next port until
# it succeeds
port 9080

# This server will keep running this number of hours after last access. 
# Three minutes is 0.05 hours
# timeout 0.025
timeout 0.061

# faststart; unless no, start server but proceed with writes until server started
faststart yes

# Start server when average query takes longer than this
# server-query-threshold 55500
server-query-threshold 100
timeout 0.01

# daemonize yes
# hostname #{scheme (get-host-name)}

## disks are:
## name host:/path/to/area
## -or-
## name /path/to/area
disk0 /foobarbazz
disk1 not-a-disk

[include ./configs/mt_include_2.config]

[include #{getenv USER}_testing.config]


# NOTE: job groups will falsely count the toplevel test as a job. If possible add N
#       to your jobgroups where N is the number of parallel runs you are likely to see
sqlite3 6
blockz  10
#       to your jobgroups where N is the number of parallel runs you are likely to see

# Machine flavors
#   These specify lists of hosts or scripts to use or call for various
#   flavors of task.


plain hosts: xena, phoebe
strong command: NBFAKE_HOST=zeus nbfake
arm hosts: cubian


# use machines of these flavor
useflavors plain
targsize 2G

# minimum space required on an archive disk before allowing archiving to start (MB)
minspace 10


# Archives will be organised under these paths like this:
#  <testsuite>/<creationdate>
# Within the archive the data is structured like this:
#  <target>/<runname>/<test>/
disk0 /tmp/#{getenv USER}/adisk1

# Uncomment these to emulate a job queue with a long time (look in bin/sleeprunner for the time)
launcher #{scheme (case (string->symbol (conc (getenv "datapath"))) \
                      ((none) "nbfake") \
                      ((openlava) "bsub") \
                      (else "sleeprunner"))}

# launcher bsub -q priority -o $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR/openlava.log 

[configf:settings trim-trailing-spaces yes]

# VAL1 has trailing spaces
VAL1 Foo    
VAL2 ==>#{get test VAL1}Bar<== no spaces between Foo and Bar to pass