
dashboard-context-menu.scm at [bcc63efb47]

File dashboard-context-menu.scm artifact 8f34d70b32 part of check-in bcc63efb47

;; Copyright 2006-2012, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.


;; implementation of context menu that pops up on
;; right click on test cell in Runs & Runs Summary Tabs

(declare (unit dashboard-context-menu))
(declare (uses common))
(declare (uses commonmod))
(declare (uses db))
(declare (uses gutils))
(declare (uses rmt))
(declare (uses rmtmod))
(declare (uses ezsteps))
;; (declare (uses sdb))
;; (declare (uses filedb))
(declare (uses subrun))

(use format fmt)
(require-library iup)
(import (prefix iup iup:))

(use canvas-draw)

(use srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69)
(use (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))

(include "common_records.scm")
(include "db_records.scm")
(include "run_records.scm")

(import commonmod

(define (dboard:launch-testpanel run-id test-id)
  (let* ((dboardexe (common:find-local-megatest "dashboard"))
         (cmd (conc dboardexe
                    " -test " run-id "," test-id
                    " &")))
    (system cmd)))

(define (dashboard:run-menu-items  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)
    (conc "Rerun " testpatt)
    (lambda (obj)
      ;; (print  " run-id: " run-id " test-id: " test-id " target: " target " runname: " runname " test-name: " test-name " testpatt: " testpatt "item-path : " item-path)
       (conc "megatest -run -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " testpatt
             " -preclean -clean-cache")
    "Rerun Complete Run"
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -run -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt % "
             " -preclean -clean-cache"))))
    "Clean Complete Run"
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt % "))))
    "Kill Complete Run"
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -set-state-status KILLREQ,n/a -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt % "
    "Delete Run Data"
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt % "
             "  -keep-records"))))))

(define (dashboard:test-menu-items  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)
    (conc "Rerun " item-test-path)
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -run -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " item-test-path
             " -preclean -clean-cache"))))
    (conc "Kill " item-test-path)
    (lambda (obj)
      ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "KILLREQ" #f #f)
       (conc "megatest -set-state-status KILLREQ,n/a -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " item-test-path 
    (conc "Delete data : " item-test-path)
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " item-test-path 
             " -keep-records"))))
    (conc "Clean "item-test-path)
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " item-test-path))))
    "Start xterm"
    (lambda (obj)
      (dcommon:examine-xterm run-id test-id)))
   ;;(let* ((cmd (conc (car (argv)) " -xterm " run-id "," test-id "&")))
   ;; (system cmd))))
    "Edit testconfig"
    (lambda (obj)
      (let* ((all-tests (tests:get-all))
             (editor-rx (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "editor-regex") 
             (editor (or (configf:lookup *configdat* "setup" "editor")
                         (get-environment-variable "VISUAL")
                         (get-environment-variable "EDITOR") "vi"))
             (tconfig (conc (hash-table-ref all-tests test-name) "/testconfig"))
             (cmd (conc (if (string-search editor-rx editor)
                            (conc "xterm -e " editor)
                        " " tconfig " &")))
        (system cmd))))))

(define (dashboard:step-logs-menu-item  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)
  (let* ((steps (tests:get-compressed-steps run-id test-id))   ;; #<stepname start end status Duration Logfile Comment id>
         (rundir (db:test-get-rundir test-info)))
     "Step logs"
     (apply iup:menu
            (map (lambda (step)
                   (let ((stepname (vector-ref step 0))
                         (logfile  (vector-ref step 5))
                         (status   (vector-ref step 3)))
                      (conc stepname "/" (if (string=? logfile "") "no log!" logfile) " (" status ")")
                      #:action (lambda (obj)
                                 (let ((fullfile (conc rundir "/" logfile)))
                                   (if (common:file-exists? fullfile)
                                       (dcommon:run-html-viewer fullfile)
                                       (message-window (conc "file " fullfile " not found"))))))))

(define (dashboard:toplevel-menu-items  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)

    "Test Control Panel"
    (lambda (obj)
      (dboard:launch-testpanel run-id test-id)))
   (dashboard:step-logs-menu-item  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)

    (conc "Rerun " item-test-path)
    (lambda (obj)
       (conc "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -run -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " item-test-path
             " -preclean -clean-cache"))))
    "Start xterm"
    (lambda (obj)
      (dcommon:examine-xterm run-id test-id)))
    (conc "Kill " item-test-path)
    (lambda (obj)
      ;; (rmt:test-set-state-status-by-id run-id test-id "KILLREQ" #f #f)
       (conc "megatest -set-state-status KILLREQ,n/a -target " target
             " -runname " runname
             " -testpatt " item-test-path 
   (let* ((rundir    (db:test-get-rundir      test-info))
          (has-subrun (subrun:subrun-test-initialized? rundir)))
     (if has-subrun
          "Launch subrun dashboard"
          (lambda (obj)
            (subrun:launch-dashboard rundir)))
     (conc "View Log " item-test-path)
     (lambda (obj)
       (let* ((rundir    (db:test-get-rundir      test-info))
              (logf      (db:test-get-final_logf  test-info))
              (fullfile  (conc rundir "/" logf)))
         (if (common:file-exists? fullfile)
             (dcommon:run-html-viewer fullfile)
             (message-window (conc "file " fullfile " not found.")))))
;; example section for megatest.config:
;; [custom-context-menu-items]
;; #<unique var> <menu item text, can have template variables> : <command line with template %variable%s>
;; item1  custom show run-id (%run-id%):echo "%run-id%"
;; item2  custom show test-id (%test-id%):echo "%test-id%"
;; item3  custom show target (%target%):echo "%target%"
;; item4  custom show test-name (%test-name%):echo "%test-name%"
;; item5  custom show test-patt (%test-patt%):echo "%test-patt%"
;; item6  custom show test-run-dir (%test-run-dir%):echo "%test-run-dir%"
;; item7  custom show run-area-home (%run-area-home%):echo "%run-area-home%"
;; item8  custom show megatest root (%mt-root%):echo "%mt-root%"
;; item9  custom ls :  ls -lrt
;; item10 custom see $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME (not yet implemented) :  echo $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME

(define (dashboard:custom-menu-items  run-id test-id target run-name test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)
  (let* ((vars (configf:section-vars *configdat* "custom-context-menu-items"))
         (item-path (db:test-get-item-path test-info))
         (mt-root (pathname-directory  (pathname-directory *common:this-exe-dir* ))))
     (lambda (var)
       (let* ((val (configf:lookup *configdat* "custom-context-menu-items" var))
              (m   (string-match "^\\s*([^:]+?)\\s*:\\s*(.*?)\\s*$" val)))
         (if m
             (let* ((menu-item-text-raw (list-ref m 1))
                    (command-line-raw   (list-ref m 2))
                    (subst-alist ;; template vars
                          `(( "%run-id%"    . ,run-id   )
                            ( "%test-id%"   . ,test-id  )
                            ( "%target%"    . ,target   )
                            ( "%test-name%" . ,test-name)
                            ( "%test-patt%" . ,testpatt)
                            ( "%test-run-dir%" . ,(db:test-get-rundir test-info))
                            ( "%mt-root%" . ,mt-root)
                            ( "%run-name%" . ,run-name)
                            ( "%run-area-home%" . ,*toppath*)
                            ( "%item-path%" . ,item-path)
                            ( "%item-test-patt%" . ,item-test-path )))
                    (command-line ;; replace template vars
                           (lambda (x i)
                              (car x)
                              (->string (cdr x))
                    (menu-item-text ;; replace template vars
                           (lambda (x i)
                              (car x)
                              (->string (cdr x))
                (conc "*"menu-item-text)
                (lambda (obj)

                  (let* ((scheme-match (string-match "^#(\\(.*)" command-line)))
                    ;;(BB> "cmdline is >"command-line"<")
                     ;; TODO: with-env-vars <runconfig target vars, env-override vars from mtest>
                     ;; TODO: with-env-vars MT_*
                     (runs:get-mt-env-alist run-id run-name target test-name item-path)
                     (lambda ()
                       (if scheme-match
                              (debug:print 0 *default-log-port* "error with custom menu scheme, exn=" exn)
                                ;;(BB> "gonna eval it!")
                                (eval (with-input-from-string (cadr scheme-match) read)))))
                           (common:run-a-command command-line with-vars: #t))))))))

(define (dashboard:context-menu  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info)
  (let* ((run-menu-items
          (dashboard:run-menu-items  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info))
          (dashboard:test-menu-items  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info))
          (dashboard:custom-menu-items run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info))
          (dashboard:toplevel-menu-items  run-id test-id target runname test-name testpatt item-test-path test-info))
    (apply iup:menu
              (apply iup:menu run-menu-items))
              (apply iup:menu test-menu-items))