
mtcommon.scm at [eb1aa9c123]

File src/mtcommon.scm artifact 218dc9b1ef part of check-in eb1aa9c123

;; Copyright 2006-2016, Matthew Welland.
;; This file is part of Megatest.
;;     Megatest is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;     (at your option) any later version.
;;     Megatest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;     GNU General Public License for more details.
;;     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;     along with Megatest.  If not, see <>.

;; NOTE: This is the db module, long term it will replace db.scm.
;; WARN: This module conflicts with db.scm as it uses sql-de-lite

(declare (unit mtcommon))

(module mtcommon

(import scheme chicken data-structures extras posix ports)
(use (prefix sql-de-lite sql:) posix typed-records format srfi-1 srfi-69)

(defstruct ctrldat
  (port      (current-error-port))
  (verbosity 1)
  (vcache    (make-hash-table))
  (logging   #f) ;; keep the flag and the db handle separate to enable overriding
  (logdb     #f) ;; might need to make this a stack of handles for threaded access
  (toppath   #f) ;; 

(define *log* (make-ctrldat))

;; this was cached based on results from profiling but it turned out the profiling
;; somehow went wrong - perhaps too many processes writing to it. Leaving the caching
;; in for now but can probably take it out later.
(define (calc-verbosity vstr args)
  (or (hash-table-ref/default (ctrldat-vcache *log*) vstr #f)
      (let ((res (cond
                  ((number? vstr) vstr)
                  ((not (string?  vstr))   1)
                  ;; ((string-match  "^\\s*$" vstr) 1)
                  (vstr           (let ((debugvals  (filter number? (map string->number (string-split vstr ",")))))
                                     ((> (length debugvals) 1) debugvals)
                                     ((> (length debugvals) 0)(car debugvals))
                                     (else 1))))
                  ((hash-table-exists? args "-v")   2)
                  ((hash-table-exists? args "-q")    0)
                  (else                   1))))
        (hash-table-set! (ctrldat-vcache *log*) vstr res)

;; check verbosity, #t is ok
(define (check-verbosity verbosity vstr)
  (if (not (or (number? verbosity)
	       (list?   verbosity)))
	(print "ERROR: Invalid debug value \"" vstr "\"")

(define (debug-mode n)
  (let* ((verbosity (ctrldat-verbosity *log*)))
     ((and (number? verbosity)   ;; number number
           (number? n))
      (<= n verbosity))
     ((and (list? verbosity)     ;; list   number
           (number? n))
      (member n verbosity))
     ((and (list? verbosity)     ;; list   list
           (list? n))
      (not (null? (lset-intersection! eq? verbosity n))))
     ((and (number? verbosity)
           (list? n))
      (member verbosity n)))))

(define (debug-setup args)
  (let* ((debugstr  (or (hash-table-ref/default args "-debug" #f)
                        (get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE")))
         (verbosity (calc-verbosity debugstr args)))
    ;; if we were handed a bad verbosity rule then we will override it with 1 and continue
    (if (not (check-verbosity verbosity debugstr))
        (set! verbosity 1))
    (ctrldat-verbosity-set! *log* verbosity)
    (if (or (hash-table-exists? args "-debug")
	    (not (get-environment-variable "MT_DEBUG_MODE")))
	(setenv "MT_DEBUG_MODE" (if (list? verbosity)
				    (string-intersperse (map conc verbosity) ",")
				    (conc verbosity))))))
(define (debug-print n e . params)
  (if (debug-mode n)
      (with-output-to-port (or e (current-error-port))
	(lambda ()
	  (if (ctrldat-logging *log*)
	      (log-event (apply conc params))
	      (apply print params)

;; ;; Brandon's debug printer shortcut (indulge me :)
;; (define *BB-process-starttime* (current-milliseconds))
;; (define (BB> . in-args)
;;   (let* ((stack (get-call-chain))
;;          (location "??"))
;;     (for-each
;;      (lambda (frame)
;;        (let* ((this-loc (vector-ref frame 0))
;;               (temp     (string-split (->string this-loc) " "))
;;               (this-func (if (and (list? temp) (> (length temp) 1)) (cadr temp) "???")))
;;          (if (equal? this-func "BB>")
;;              (set! location this-loc))))
;;      stack)
;;     (let* ((color-on "\x1b[1m")
;;            (color-off "\x1b[0m")
;;            (dp-args
;;             (append
;;              (list 0 *default-log-port*
;;                    (conc color-on location "@"(/ (- (current-milliseconds) *BB-process-starttime*) 1000) color-off "   ")  )
;;              in-args)))
;;       (apply debug:print dp-args))))
;; (define *BBpp_custom_expanders_list* (make-hash-table))
;; ;; register hash tables with BBpp.
;; (hash-table-set! *BBpp_custom_expanders_list* HASH_TABLE:
;;                  (cons hash-table? hash-table->alist))
;; ;; test name converter
;; (define (BBpp_custom_converter arg)
;;   (let ((res #f))
;;     (for-each
;;      (lambda (custom-type-name)
;;        (let* ((custom-type-info      (hash-table-ref *BBpp_custom_expanders_list* custom-type-name))
;;               (custom-type-test      (car custom-type-info))
;;               (custom-type-converter (cdr custom-type-info)))
;;          (when (and (not res) (custom-type-test arg))
;;            (set! res (custom-type-converter arg)))))
;;      (hash-table-keys *BBpp_custom_expanders_list*))
;;     (if res (BBpp_ res) arg)))
;; (define (BBpp_ arg)
;;   (cond
;;    ;;((SOMESTRUCT? arg) (cons SOMESTRUCT: (SOMESTRUCT->alist arg)))
;;    ;;((dboard:tabdat? arg) (cons dboard:tabdat: (dboard:tabdat->alist arg)))
;;    ((hash-table? arg)
;;     (let ((al (hash-table->alist arg)))
;;       (BBpp_ (cons HASH_TABLE: al))))
;;    ((null? arg) '())
;;    ;;((list? arg) (cons (BBpp_ (car arg)) (BBpp_ (cdr arg))))
;;    ((pair? arg) (cons (BBpp_ (car arg)) (BBpp_ (cdr arg))))
;;    (else (BBpp_custom_converter arg))))
;; ;; Brandon's pretty printer.  It expands hashes and custom types in addition to regular pp
;; (define (BBpp arg)
;;   (pp (BBpp_ arg)))
;; ;(use define-macro)
;; (define-syntax inspect
;;   (syntax-rules ()
;;     [(_ x)
;;     ;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
;;        (printf "~a is: ~a\n" 'x (with-output-to-string (lambda () (BBpp x))))
;;      ;;  )
;;      ]
;;     [(_ x y ...) (begin (inspect x) (inspect y ...))]))

(define (print-error n e . params)
  ;; normal print
  (if (debug-mode n)
      (with-output-to-port (if (port? e) e (current-error-port))
	(lambda ()
	  (if (ctrldat-logging *log*)
	      (log-event (apply conc params))
	      ;; (apply print "pid:" (current-process-id) " " params)
	      (apply print "ERROR: " params)
  ;; pass important messages to stderr
  (if (and (eq? n 0)(not (eq? e (current-error-port)))) 
      (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
	(lambda ()
	  (apply print "ERROR: " params)

(define (print-info n e . params)
  (if (debug-mode n)
      (with-output-to-port (if (port? e) e (current-error-port))
	(lambda ()
	  (if (ctrldat-logging *log*)
	      (let ((res (format#format #f "INFO: (~a) ~a" n (apply conc params))))
		(log-event res))
	      (apply print "INFO: (" n ") " params) ;; res)

;; if a value is printable (i.e. string or number) return the value
;; else return an empty string
(define-inline (printable val)
  (if (or (number? val)(string? val)) val ""))

;; L O G G I N G    D B 

(define (open-logging-db toppath)
  (let* ((dbpath    (conc (if toppath (conc toppath "/") "") "logging.db")) ;; fname)
	 (dbexists  (file-exists? dbpath))
	 (db        (sql:open-database dbpath))
	 (handler   (sql:busy-timeout 136000))) ;; remove argument to override
    (sql:set-busy-handler! db handler)
    (if (not dbexists)
        (sql:exec (sql:sql db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,event_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),logline TEXT,pwd TEXT,cmdline TEXT,pid INTEGER);")))
    (sql:exec (sql:sql db "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;"))

(define (log-local-event toppath . loglst)
  (let ((logline (apply conc loglst)))
    (log-event logline)))

(define (log-event toppath logline)
  (let ((db (open-logging-db toppath)))
     (sql:sql db "INSERT INTO log (logline,pwd,cmdline,pid) VALUES (?,?,?,?);")
     (string-intersperse (argv) " ")

;; paths and directories

;; return first path that can be created or already exists and is writable
(define (get-create-writeable-dir dirs)
  (if (null? dirs)
      (let loop ((hed (car dirs))
		 (tal (cdr dirs)))
	(let ((res (or (and (directory? hed)
			    (file-write-access? hed)
			     ;; (debug:print-info 0 *default-log-port* "could not create " hed ", this might cause problems down the road.")
                             (print "INFO: could not create " hed ", this might cause problems down the road.")
			(create-directory hed #t)))))
	  (if (and (string? res)
		   (directory? res))
	      (if (null? tal)
		  (loop (car tal)(cdr tal))))))))

(define old-file-exists? file-exists?)

(define (file-exists? path-string)
  ;; this avoids stack dumps. NOTE: The issues that triggered this approach might have been fixed TODO: test and remove if possible
  ;;;; TODO: catch permission denied exceptions and emit appropriate warnings, eg:  system error while trying to access file: "/nfs/pdx/disks/icf_env_disk001/bjbarcla/gwa/issues/mtdev/randy-slow/reproduce/q...
   (old-file-exists? path-string)))
