
Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 16928cd685315724c0d52125920de3b996a5ee67:

Ticket change [16928cd685] - New ticket [028d5ebf87] INFO: (0) using testpatt % rtestpatt:#f Parallel api request count: 0 max parallel requests: 0 Error: (prepare) database is locked #<sqlite3:database> "PRAGMA synchronous = 0;" Call history: dbfile.scm:1326: dbfile:simple-file-release-lock dbfile.scm:1316: call-with-current-continuation dbfile.scm:1316: with-exception-handler dbfile.scm:1316: ##sys#call-with-values dbfile.scm:1320: delete-file* dbfile.scm:1316: k2092 dbfile.scm:1316: g2096 dbfile.scm:506: k1016 dbfile.scm:506: g1020 dbfile.scm:319: dbfile:inc-db-open dbfile.scm:305: hash-table-ref/default dbfile.scm:308: hash-table-set! dbfile.scm:320: sqlite3#make-busy-timeout dbfile.scm:320: sqlite3#set-busy-handler! dbfile.scm:321: conc dbfile.scm:321: sqlite3#execute <--] dashboard launched window was showing the following #<condition: (exn i/o file)>ERROR: Unknown error with database /tmp/rracadm/megatest_localdb/rrac/.nfs.pdx.disks.icf_dropbox001.rracadm.fossil.rrac/.megatest/main.db message: cannot open file - Too many open files #<condition: (exn i/o file)>ERROR: Unknown error with database /tmp/rracadm/megatest_localdb/rrac/.nfs.pdx.disks.icf_dropbox001.rracadm.fossil.rrac/.megatest/main.db message: cannot open file - Too many open files #<condition: (exn i/o file)>ERROR: Unknown error with database /tmp/rracadm/megatest_localdb/rrac/.nfs.pdx.disks.icf_dropbox001.rracadm.fossil.rrac/.megatest/main.db message: cannot open file - Too many open files #<condition: (exn i/o file)>ERROR: Unknown error with database /tmp/rracadm/megatest_localdb/rrac/.nfs.pdx.disks.icf_dropbox001.rracadm.fossil.rrac/.megatest/main.db message: cannot open file - Too many open files #<condition: (exn i/o file)>ERROR: Unknown error with database /tmp/rracadm/megatest_localdb/rrac/.nfs.pdx.disks.icf_dropbox001.rracadm.fossil.rrac/.megatest/main.db message: cannot open file - Too many open files #<condition: (exn i/o file)>ERROR: Unknown error with database /tmp/rracadm/megatest_localdb/rrac/.nfs.pdx.disks.icf_dropbox001.rracadm.fossil.rrac/.megatest/main.db message: cannot open file - Too many open files. by matt on 2022-07-18 09:43:58.

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