# test2 from the tests/Makefile
tname rollup
# Set things up
clean $MTRUNNER $MTTESTDIR/fullrun $MTPATH megatest -remove-runs -testpatt % -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname #{get var tname}%
runfirst $MTRUNNER $MTTESTDIR/fullrun $MTPATH megatest -run -testpatt runfirst/% -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname #{get var tname} -preclean
firstres $MTRUNNER $MTTESTDIR/fullrun $MTPATH megatest -list-runs #{get var tname} -target ubuntu/nfs/none
# Set one test item to INCOMPLETE
setstate $MTRUNNER $MTTESTDIR/fullrun $MTPATH megatest -set-state-status INCOMPLETE,FAIL :state COMPLETED :status PASS -testpatt runfirst/b/2 -target ubuntu/nfs/none -runname #{get var tname}
# Rerun a different test item
rerun $MTRUNNER $MTTESTDIR/fullrun $MTPATH megatest -run -testpatt runfirst/sprint -reqtarg ubuntu/nfs/none -runname #{get var tname} -preclean -rerun PASS
results $MTRUNNER $MTTESTDIR/fullrun $MTPATH megatest -list-runs #{get var tname} -target ubuntu/nfs/none
# waiton #{getenv ALL_TOPLEVEL_TESTS}
# This is a "toplevel" test, it does not require waitons to be non-FAIL to run
# mode toplevel
# test2 : fullprep