Comment: | Switched to hash tables instead of alists for mappers. Added example for corporate work week with incrementing last letter. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | v1.64 |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA1: |
6718647e1f8225e3d9c424fee68221d5 |
User & Date: | matt on 2017-03-21 00:25:05 |
Other Links: | branch diff | manifest | tags |
| ||
00:26 | Uncommented some examples from megatest.config that were commented out during debug check-in: 3abe7045e8 user: matt tags: v1.64 | |
00:25 | Switched to hash tables instead of alists for mappers. Added example for corporate work week with incrementing last letter. check-in: 6718647e1f user: matt tags: v1.64 | |
| ||
22:48 | Added sexpr output for list runs. Added example of runname to .mtutil.scm check-in: 6fde6a49d7 user: matt tags: v1.64 | |
Modified .mtutil.scm from [b7f06c67b4] to [e3cd2ca48d].
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | (string->number (alist-ref "event_time" item equal?)))) dat))) (sorted (sort name-time (lambda (a b)(> (cdr a)(cdr b))))) (last-name (if (null? sorted) #f (caar sorted)))) last-name)))) | | | > | | > > | | | > | | | | | | > > > | > | > > > | 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | (string->number (alist-ref "event_time" item equal?)))) dat))) (sorted (sort name-time (lambda (a b)(> (cdr a)(cdr b))))) (last-name (if (null? sorted) #f (caar sorted)))) last-name)))) ;; example of how to set up and write target mappers ;; (hash-table-set! *target-mappers* 'prefix-contour (lambda (target run-name area area-path reason contour mode-patt) (conc contour "/" target))) (hash-table-set! *target-mappers* 'prefix-area-contour (lambda (target run-name area area-path reason contour mode-patt) (conc area "/" contour "/" target))) (hash-table-set! *runname-mappers* 'corporate-ww (lambda (target run-name area area-path reason contour mode-patt) (let* ((last-name (get-last-runname area-path target)) (last-letter (if (string? last-name) (let ((len (string-length last-name))) (substring last-name (- len 1) len)) "a")) (next-letter (list->string (list (integer->char (+ (char->integer (string-ref last-letter 0)) 1)))))) ;; surely there is an easier way? ;; (print "last-name: " last-name " last-letter: " last-letter " next-letter: " next-letter) (conc (seconds->wwdate (current-seconds)) next-letter)))) (print "Got here!") |
Modified megatest.config from [1f188e0dbd] to [303e213485].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | [setup] pktsdirs /tmp/pkts /some/other/source [areas] # path-to-area map-target-script(future, optional) fullrun path=tests/fullrun # targtrans is name of scheme proc stored in .mtutil.scm, which lives in PWD where mtutil is run | | > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | [setup] pktsdirs /tmp/pkts /some/other/source [areas] # path-to-area map-target-script(future, optional) fullrun path=tests/fullrun # targtrans is name of scheme proc stored in .mtutil.scm, which lives in PWD where mtutil is run ext-tests path=ext-tests; targtrans=prefix-contour; [contours] # mode-patt/tag-expr quick selector=QUICKPATT/quick full areas=fullrun,ext-tests; selector=MAXPATT/all all areas=fullrun,ext-tests snazy areas=%; selector=QUICKPATT/ |
Modified mtut.scm from [7cf8bec557] to [19b97964aa].
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | (declare (uses configf)) ;; (declare (uses rmt)) (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") (require-library stml) | | | | 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | (declare (uses configf)) ;; (declare (uses rmt)) (include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm") (require-library stml) (define *target-mappers* (make-hash-table)) ;; '()) (define *runname-mappers* (make-hash-table)) ;; '()) (let ((debugcontrolf (conc (get-environment-variable "HOME") "/.mtutilrc"))) (if (file-exists? debugcontrolf) (load debugcontrolf))) ;; this needs some thought regarding security implications. ;; |
440 441 442 443 444 445 446 | ;; make a run request pkt from basic data, this seriously needs to be refactored ;; i. Take the code that builds the info to submit to create-run-pkt and have it ;; generate the pkt keys directly. ;; ii. Pass the pkt keys and values to this proc and go from there. ;; iii. Maybe have an abstraction alist with meaningful names for the pkt keys ;; ;; Override the run start time record with sched. Usually #f is fine. | | | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 | ;; make a run request pkt from basic data, this seriously needs to be refactored ;; i. Take the code that builds the info to submit to create-run-pkt and have it ;; generate the pkt keys directly. ;; ii. Pass the pkt keys and values to this proc and go from there. ;; iii. Maybe have an abstraction alist with meaningful names for the pkt keys ;; ;; Override the run start time record with sched. Usually #f is fine. ;; (define (create-run-pkt mtconf action area runkey runname mode-patt tag-expr pktsdir reason contour sched dbdest append-conf runtrans) (let* ((good-val (lambda (inval)(and inval (string? inval)(not (string-null? inval))))) (area-dat (val->alist (or (configf:lookup mtconf "areas" area) ""))) (area-path (alist-ref 'path area-dat)) (area-xlatr (alist-ref 'targtrans area-dat)) (new-runname (let* ((callname (if (string? runtrans)(string->symbol runtrans) #f)) (mapper (if callname (hash-table-ref/default *runname-mappers* callname #f) #f))) (print "callname=" callname " runtrans=" runtrans) (if (and callname (not (equal? callname "auto")) (not mapper)) (print "Failed to find runname mapper " callname " for area " area)) (if mapper (handle-exceptions exn (begin (print "FAILED TO RUN RUNNAME MAPPER " callname " FOR AREA " area) (print " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) runname) (mapper target runname area area-path reason contour mode-patt)) runname))) (new-target (if area-xlatr (let ((xlatr-key (string->symbol area-xlatr))) (if (hash-table-exists? *target-mappers* xlatr-key) (begin (print "Using target mapper: " area-xlatr) (handle-exceptions exn (begin (print "FAILED TO RUN TARGET MAPPER FOR " area ", called " area-xlatr) (print " function is: " (hash-table-ref/default *target-mappers* xlatr-key #f ) ) (print " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn)) runkey) ((hash-table-ref *target-mappers* xlatr-key) runkey new-runname area area-path reason contour mode-patt))) (begin (print "ERROR: Failed to find named target translator " xlatr-key ", using original target.") runkey))) runkey))) ;; some hacks to remove switches not needed in certain cases (case (string->symbol (or action "run")) ((sync) (set! new-target #f) (set! runame #f))) (print "area-path: " area-path " area-xlatr: " area-xlatr " orig-target: " runkey " new-target: " new-target) (let-values (((uuid pkt) (command-line->pkt (if action action "run") (append `(("-start-dir" . ,area-path) ("-msg" . ,reason) ("-contour" . ,contour)) (if (good-val new-runname) `(("-run-name" . ,new-runname)) '()) (if (good-val new-target) `(("-target" . ,new-target)) '()) (if (good-val mode-patt) `(("-mode-patt" . ,mode-patt)) '()) (if (good-val tag-expr) `(("-tag-expr" . ,tag-expr)) '()) (if (good-val dbdest) `(("-sync-to" . ,dbdest)) '()) (if (good-val append-conf) `(("-append-config" . ,append-conf)) '()) (if (not (or mode-patt tag-expr)) `(("-testpatt" . "%")) '()) ) sched))) (with-output-to-file |
526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 | (contour (car keyparts)) (len-key (length keyparts)) (ruletype (if (> len-key 1)(cadr keyparts) #f)) (action (if (> len-key 2)(caddr keyparts) #f)) ;; (val-list (string-split-fields ";\\s*" val #:infix)) ;; (string-split val)) ;; runname-rule params (val-alist (val->alist val)) (runname (make-runname "" "")) (runstarts (find-pkts pdb '(runstart) `((o . ,contour) (t . ,runkey)))) (rspkts (get-pkt-alists runstarts)) ;; starttimes is for run start times and is used to know when the last run was launched (starttimes (get-pkt-times rspkts)) ;; sort by age (youngest first) and delete duplicates by target (last-run (if (null? starttimes) ;; if '() then it has never been run, else get the max 0 | > > | 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 | (contour (car keyparts)) (len-key (length keyparts)) (ruletype (if (> len-key 1)(cadr keyparts) #f)) (action (if (> len-key 2)(caddr keyparts) #f)) ;; (val-list (string-split-fields ";\\s*" val #:infix)) ;; (string-split val)) ;; runname-rule params (val-alist (val->alist val)) (runname (make-runname "" "")) (runtrans (alist-ref 'runtrans val-alist)) (runstarts (find-pkts pdb '(runstart) `((o . ,contour) (t . ,runkey)))) (rspkts (get-pkt-alists runstarts)) ;; starttimes is for run start times and is used to know when the last run was launched (starttimes (get-pkt-times rspkts)) ;; sort by age (youngest first) and delete duplicates by target (last-run (if (null? starttimes) ;; if '() then it has never been run, else get the max 0 |
547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 | (apply max (map cdr synctimes)))) ) (let ((delta (lambda (x) (round (/ (- (current-seconds) x) 60))))) (print "runkey: " runkey ", ruletype: " ruletype ", action: " action ", last-run: " last-run " time since; last-run: " (delta last-run) ", last-sync: " (delta last-sync))) ;; look in runstarts for matching runs by target and contour ;; get the timestamp for when that run started and pass it ;; to the rule logic here where "ruletype" will be applied ;; if it comes back "changed" then proceed to register the runs (case (string->symbol (or ruletype "no-such-rule")) | > > | 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 | (apply max (map cdr synctimes)))) ) (let ((delta (lambda (x) (round (/ (- (current-seconds) x) 60))))) (print "runkey: " runkey ", ruletype: " ruletype ", action: " action ", last-run: " last-run " time since; last-run: " (delta last-run) ", last-sync: " (delta last-sync))) (print "val-alist=" val-alist " runtrans=" runtrans) ;; look in runstarts for matching runs by target and contour ;; get the timestamp for when that run started and pass it ;; to the rule logic here where "ruletype" will be applied ;; if it comes back "changed" then proceed to register the runs (case (string->symbol (or ruletype "no-such-rule")) |
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 | (dbdest . ,(alist-ref 'dbdest val-alist)) (append . ,(alist-ref 'appendconf val-alist)))))) ((run) (if (common:extended-cron crontab #f last-run) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" cron-safe-string)) (runname . ,runname) (action . ,action) (target . ,target))))) (else (print "ERROR: action \"" action "\" has no scheduled handler") ))))) ((script) | > | 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 | (dbdest . ,(alist-ref 'dbdest val-alist)) (append . ,(alist-ref 'appendconf val-alist)))))) ((run) (if (common:extended-cron crontab #f last-run) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" cron-safe-string)) (runname . ,runname) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (action . ,action) (target . ,target))))) (else (print "ERROR: action \"" action "\" has no scheduled handler") ))))) ((script) |
620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 | cmd (string-intersperse rem-lines "-"))) (need-run (> last-change last-run))) (print "last-run: " last-run " need-run: " need-run) (if need-run (let* ((key-msg `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" message)) (runname . ,runname) (action . ,action) (target . ,new-target)))) (print "key-msg: " key-msg) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey key-msg))))))) val-alist)) ;; iterate over the param split by ;\s* ((fossil) | > | 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 | cmd (string-intersperse rem-lines "-"))) (need-run (> last-change last-run))) (print "last-run: " last-run " need-run: " need-run) (if need-run (let* ((key-msg `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" message)) (runname . ,runname) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (action . ,action) (target . ,new-target)))) (print "key-msg: " key-msg) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey key-msg))))))) val-alist)) ;; iterate over the param split by ;\s* ((fossil) |
643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 | (fossil:clone-or-sync url fname fdir)) (let-values (((datetime node) (fossil:last-change-node-and-time fdir fname branch))) (if (null? starttimes) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc "fossil:" branch "-neverrun")) (runname . ,(conc runname "-" node)) (target . ,runkey))) (if (> datetime last-run) ;; change time is greater than last-run time (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc "fossil:" branch "-" node)) (runname . ,(conc runname "-" node)) (target . ,runkey))))) (print "Got datetime=" datetime " node=" node)))) val-alist)) ((file file-or) ;; one or more files must be newer than the reference (let* ((file-globs (alist-ref 'glob val-alist)) (youngestdat (common:get-youngest (common:bash-glob file-globs))) (youngestmod (car youngestdat))) ;; (print "youngestmod: " youngestmod " starttimes: " starttimes) (if (null? starttimes) ;; this target has never been run (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . "file:neverrun") (action . ,action) (target . ,runkey) (runname . ,runname))) ;; (for-each ;; (lambda (starttime) ;; look at the time the last run was kicked off for this contour ;; (if (> youngestmod (cdr starttime)) ;; (begin ;; (print "starttime younger than youngestmod: " starttime " Youngestmod: " youngestmod) (if (> youngestmod last-run) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" (cadr youngestdat))) (action . ,action) (target . ,runkey) (runname . ,runname) )))))) ;; starttimes)) ((file-and) ;; all files must be newer than the reference (let* ((file-globs (alist-ref 'glob val-alist)) (youngestdat (common:get-youngest file-globs)) (youngestmod (car youngestdat)) (success #t)) ;; any cases of not true, set flag to #f for AND ;; (print "youngestmod: " youngestmod " starttimes: " starttimes) (if (null? starttimes) ;; this target has never been run (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . "file:neverrun") (runname . ,runname) (target . ,runkey) (action . ,action))) ;; NB// I think this is wrong. It should be looking at last-run only. (if (> youngestmod last-run) ;; (for-each ;; (lambda (starttime) ;; look at the time the last run was kicked off for this contour ;; (if (< youngestmod (cdr starttime)) ;; (set! success #f))) ;; starttimes)) ;; (if success ;; (begin ;; (print "starttime younger than youngestmod: " starttime " Youngestmod: " youngestmod) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" (cadr youngestdat))) (runname . ,runname) (target . ,runkey) (action . ,action) )))))) (else (print "ERROR: unrecognised rule \"" ruletype))))) keydats))) ;; sense rules (hash-table-keys rgconf)) | > > > > > > | 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 | (fossil:clone-or-sync url fname fdir)) (let-values (((datetime node) (fossil:last-change-node-and-time fdir fname branch))) (if (null? starttimes) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc "fossil:" branch "-neverrun")) (runname . ,(conc runname "-" node)) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (target . ,runkey))) (if (> datetime last-run) ;; change time is greater than last-run time (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc "fossil:" branch "-" node)) (runname . ,(conc runname "-" node)) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (target . ,runkey))))) (print "Got datetime=" datetime " node=" node)))) val-alist)) ((file file-or) ;; one or more files must be newer than the reference (let* ((file-globs (alist-ref 'glob val-alist)) (youngestdat (common:get-youngest (common:bash-glob file-globs))) (youngestmod (car youngestdat))) ;; (print "youngestmod: " youngestmod " starttimes: " starttimes) (if (null? starttimes) ;; this target has never been run (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . "file:neverrun") (action . ,action) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (target . ,runkey) (runname . ,runname))) ;; (for-each ;; (lambda (starttime) ;; look at the time the last run was kicked off for this contour ;; (if (> youngestmod (cdr starttime)) ;; (begin ;; (print "starttime younger than youngestmod: " starttime " Youngestmod: " youngestmod) (if (> youngestmod last-run) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" (cadr youngestdat))) (action . ,action) (target . ,runkey) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (runname . ,runname) )))))) ;; starttimes)) ((file-and) ;; all files must be newer than the reference (let* ((file-globs (alist-ref 'glob val-alist)) (youngestdat (common:get-youngest file-globs)) (youngestmod (car youngestdat)) (success #t)) ;; any cases of not true, set flag to #f for AND ;; (print "youngestmod: " youngestmod " starttimes: " starttimes) (if (null? starttimes) ;; this target has never been run (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . "file:neverrun") (runname . ,runname) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (target . ,runkey) (action . ,action))) ;; NB// I think this is wrong. It should be looking at last-run only. (if (> youngestmod last-run) ;; (for-each ;; (lambda (starttime) ;; look at the time the last run was kicked off for this contour ;; (if (< youngestmod (cdr starttime)) ;; (set! success #f))) ;; starttimes)) ;; (if success ;; (begin ;; (print "starttime younger than youngestmod: " starttime " Youngestmod: " youngestmod) (push-run-spec torun contour runkey `((message . ,(conc ruletype ":" (cadr youngestdat))) (runname . ,runname) (runtrans . ,runtrans) (target . ,runkey) (action . ,action) )))))) (else (print "ERROR: unrecognised rule \"" ruletype))))) keydats))) ;; sense rules (hash-table-keys rgconf)) |
731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 | (let ((runkey (car runkeydatset)) (runkeydats (cadr runkeydatset))) (for-each (lambda (runkeydat) (for-each (lambda (area) (let ((runname (alist-ref 'runname runkeydat)) (reason (alist-ref 'message runkeydat)) (sched (alist-ref 'sched runkeydat)) (action (alist-ref 'action runkeydat)) (dbdest (alist-ref 'dbdest runkeydat)) (append (alist-ref 'append runkeydat)) (target (or (alist-ref 'target runkeydat) runkey))) ;; override with target if forced (print "Have: runkey=" runkey " contour=" contour " area=" area " action=" action " tag-expr=" tag-expr " mode-patt=" mode-patt " target=" target) (if (case (or (and action (string->symbol action)) 'noaction) ;; ensure we have the needed data to run this action ((noaction) #f) ((run) (and runname reason)) ((sync) (and reason dbdest)) (else #f)) ;; instead of unwrapping the runkeydat alist, pass it directly to create-run-pkt | > | | 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 | (let ((runkey (car runkeydatset)) (runkeydats (cadr runkeydatset))) (for-each (lambda (runkeydat) (for-each (lambda (area) (let ((runname (alist-ref 'runname runkeydat)) (runtrans (alist-ref 'runtrans runkeydat)) (reason (alist-ref 'message runkeydat)) (sched (alist-ref 'sched runkeydat)) (action (alist-ref 'action runkeydat)) (dbdest (alist-ref 'dbdest runkeydat)) (append (alist-ref 'append runkeydat)) (target (or (alist-ref 'target runkeydat) runkey))) ;; override with target if forced (print "Have: runkey=" runkey " contour=" contour " area=" area " action=" action " tag-expr=" tag-expr " mode-patt=" mode-patt " target=" target) (if (case (or (and action (string->symbol action)) 'noaction) ;; ensure we have the needed data to run this action ((noaction) #f) ((run) (and runname reason)) ((sync) (and reason dbdest)) (else #f)) ;; instead of unwrapping the runkeydat alist, pass it directly to create-run-pkt (create-run-pkt mtconf action area runkey runname mode-patt tag-expr pktsdir reason contour sched dbdest append runtrans) (print "ERROR: Missing info to make a " action " call: runkey=" runkey " contour=" contour " area=" area " tag-expr=" tag-expr " mode-patt=" mode-patt " dbdest=" dbdest) ))) all-areas)) runkeydats))) (let ((res (configf:get-section torun contour))) ;; each contour / target ;; (print "res=" res) res)))) |
Modified runconfigs.config from [c1bc50c43c] to [301c7e3485].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | # To get emacs font highlighing in the various megatest configs do this: # # Install emacs-goodies-el: # sudo apt install emacs-goodies-el # Add to your ~/.emacs file: # (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("config\\'" . conf-space-mode)) # # example of a cron entry to run sync using db spec pgdb, with pgdb setting in file local.config # [a/b/c] | | | | | | | | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | # To get emacs font highlighing in the various megatest configs do this: # # Install emacs-goodies-el: # sudo apt install emacs-goodies-el # Add to your ~/.emacs file: # (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("config\\'" . conf-space-mode)) # # example of a cron entry to run sync using db spec pgdb, with pgdb setting in file local.config # [a/b/c] # all:scheduled:sync cron= 0/5 * * * *;dbdest=pgdb;appendconf=/mfs/matt/.sysmaint/local.config # quick:scheduled:sync cron= 0/5 * * * *;dbdest=pgdb;appendconf=/mfs/matt/.sysmaint/local.config # tip will be replaced with hashkey? [v1.63/tip/dev] # file: files changes since last run trigger new run # script: script is called with unix seconds as last parameter (other parameters are preserved) # # contour:sensetype:action params data quick:file:run runtrans=auto;glob=/home/matt/data/megatest/*.scm snazy:file:run runtrans=corporate-ww;glob=/home/matt/data/megatest/*.scm # script returns change-time (unix epoch), new-target-name, run-name # # quick:script:run checkfossil = v1.63;\ # checkfossil = trunk # fossil based trigger # #quick:fossil:run;\ #;\ # # field allowed values # ----- -------------- # minute 0-59 # hour 0-23 # day of month 1-31 # month 1-12 (or names, future development) |