Megatest Web App

  1. See runs

  2. Manage jobs

  3. Debug

Example Abstract

The Megatest Web App aims to make as much of the power of the dashboard available to the web based user.

1. Common

This is an example endpoint. You will need to use your own cgi server to serve out your megatest runs.

1.1. Error format response

All API errors are returned in the following format:

{ "error" : "Error message" }

1.2. Get List of Runs

URL: <base>/get_runs

Method: GET

Params: target, testpatt, offset, limit


{ "us" : "United States of America" }

Another example ….

{ "places": [ [ "place_name", "place_description ], … ], "friends": [ [ "short_name", "username", "location", uid, frequency ], … ], "iousum": [ [ "nick:location", est_iou ], …] }

2. Notes

Misc …

  1. blah

  2. baz