The Megatest Users Manual ========================= Matt Welland v1.0, April 2012 :doctype: book [dedication] Dedication ========== Dedicated to my wife, Joanna, who has, for many years now, supported all my wacky ideas and nutty projects with only the occasional grumble and roll of the eyes. Thanks ------ To all the great people from the various places I've worked over the years, thank you. I've benefitted from your patience and insight and I hope that some of what I've learned from you has been incorporated into Megatest. Lastly, my thanks to all the wonderful open source creators. These truly free projects, from Linux, xemacs, chicken scheme, and fossil to asciidoc and bash are the philosophical and direct underpinnings of the Megatest project. [preface] Example Preface ================ The optional book preface goes here at section level zero. Preface Sub-section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: Preface and appendix subsections start out of sequence at level 2 (level 1 is skipped). This only applies to multi-part book documents. include::getting_started.txt[] include::writing_tests.txt[] include::reference.txt[] [appendix] Example Appendix ================ One or more optional appendixes go here at section level zero. Appendix Sub-section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: Preface and appendix subsections start out of sequence at level 2 (level 1 is skipped). This only applies to multi-part book documents. [bibliography] Example Bibliography ==================== The bibliography list is a style of AsciiDoc bulleted list. [bibliography] - [[[taoup]]] Eric Steven Raymond. 'The Art of Unix Programming'. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-13-142901-9. - [[[walsh-muellner]]] Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner. 'DocBook - The Definitive Guide'. O'Reilly & Associates. 1999. ISBN 1-56592-580-7. [glossary] Example Glossary ================ Glossaries are optional. Glossaries entries are an example of a style of AsciiDoc labeled lists. [glossary] A glossary term:: The corresponding (indented) definition. A second glossary term:: The corresponding (indented) definition. [colophon] Example Colophon ================ Text at the end of a book describing facts about its production. [index] Example Index ============= //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The index is normally left completely empty, it's contents are generated automatically by the DocBook toolchain. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////