D 2014-09-26T11:51:45.977 L Megatest P a158f40e1fc152723e08b1888c19ff36d2378b51 U matt W 827 Training materials: [./doc/tip/docs/megatest-training.odp|training presentation (odp)] or [./doc/tip/docs/megatest-training.pdf|pdf] Old documentation: [./doc/tip/docs/html/megatest.html|html version here] or [./doc/tip/docs/megatest.pdf|pdf version here]. New user manual is being worked on. [./doc/tip/docs/manual/megatest_manual.html|new manual (in progress)] Megatest gives you a lot of the power of a tool like Make but it is far more flexible and far easier to use. Oh, and it has a gui that can efficiently manage thousands of runs off thousands of tests. | [Plans] | | [Contributors] | | [Notes] |